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Dimensions of Desire

By Richard Pickman

Part 10.1

(a/k/a Cap, Slap and Tap that Ass)

SUMMARY: The beginning of a whole new universe of potential superslaves. Isn't it Marvel-ous?

STORY NOTES: The object of Desire in this installment is Steve Rogers/Captain America, as portrayed by Chris Evans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It takes place between Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

If you want to learn generally what happened in the unpublished installments, the journals of the multiply-named acquirer of hunks are available. Major spoiler warnings for most of the series, so please read the stories I've already posted first. The journals are here.

Steve Rogers was ready for a long hot shower.

He had just completed his early morning run, and his sweat-soaked tank top clung to his muscular torso like a second skin. Entering his apartment building, he took the elevator to his floor.

As he got his key out of his pocket, Rogers was hit by a wave of dizziness. Almost as soon as he felt it, though, it was gone. He looked around but did not see anything unusual. "Maybe I�ve been working out too hard."

Entering his apartment, he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Before he reached the faucet, a voice from his bedroom said, "You�re home. I was beginning to wonder if you�d ever get back."

Cautiously, he walked to his bedroom and looked inside. A stranger lay on the bed, his upper body against the headboard and the sheets covering him up to his waist. He was not wearing a shirt, revealing a moderately hairy chest above the stomach. The man was young, tanned, well-built but not overly muscled, with dark wavy hair just above his shoulders.

"You�re looking at me like you haven�t seen a half-naked man in your bed before. But then, you haven�t seen anyone in any stage of nakedness in your bed, which is beyond me. Have you looked at yourself in a mirror? There should be a line from here out the door and down into the street of people who want to sleep with you."

Rogers, concerned but seeing no obvious signs of threat, said, "Who are you? And how did you get in here?"

"Avoiding the issue, fine. Who am I? How about Avery Trammel? That�ll do. Your landlady let me in. I told her I needed to see you. She was quite accommodating."

Rogers could use several words to describe his landlady, but accommodating was not one of them.

"What do you want?"

"Ah, direct and to the point. That�s why you�re Captain America. The muscles, too, obviously. Yes, I do know your secret identity. Though it�s probably one of the worst kept secrets around. As to what I want, it can be summed up in one word. You.

"Generally speaking, I�ve been recruiting people like you, people with special abilities, from various universes. I�m not from this one, by the way. I can see from your expression this is confusing. Let�s just say I�m from a parallel Earth, and been visiting other parallel Earths to meet superheroes. I�ve gotten mostly who I want from one particular subset. Now I�m expanding my horizons. You�re the first from this universal subset I�ve come to, the first I want to join and return to my Earth."

Rogers knew about Asgard from Thor and that there were other dimensions. But other Earths? How was that even possible? In any case, he had a simple answer.

"No thanks. I�d rather stay on this Earth, if it�s all the same to you."

"Suit yourself. I am going to be asking others, but if they give me the brushoff, at least I got Loki's Scepter as a temporary souvenir for this trip."

"Loki�s scepter? No, S.H.I.E.L.D. has it."

"No, S.H.I.E.L.D. had it. Then I got it. Then I got rid of it. Considering what it was going to be used for, you should be thanking me."

"What do you mean, what it was going to be used for?"

"I have this interesting relationship with time. I often know how events will turn out, and can change them if I choose. With what happens to the scepter, for example, I knew a change would do a lot of good.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. did have the scepter, but HYDRA would have gotten their hands on it. They�d use it for various experiments on people. The Avengers would eventually get it back. Then your friend Tony Stark would study it and find there was a kind of intelligence in the shiny part. After what happened in New York, he wanted peace on Earth. Using what he'd learn from the scepter, he'd develop an artificial intelligence he hoped would do that.

"Unfortunately, it'll decide the way to bring peace is to get rid of all the people. No doubt that would work, but it's not exactly the result Tony was looking for. It escapes, so you guys have to fight and destroy it. Which you do, but with even more collateral damage than New York. The Avengers would break up for a while. They'd get back together long enough to not stop half of the life in the universe from being wiped out just like that," Trammel said with a snap of his fingers.

"Instead, I got the scepter before HYDRA did, studied it for a while, and then dropped it into a black hole a few dimensions away. Problem solved."

"You destroyed it?" said Rogers.

"Don�t give me that look. Did you get the part about half of everyone in the universe being wiped out? I stopped that, saved billions, no, trillions from being annihilated. That includes Bucky, by the way, so you�re welcome.

"Wait. What do you mean, Bucky?"

"Bucky Barnes. James Buchanan Barnes, if we�re being formal. Your friend since childhood. Ringing any bells?"

"I know who Bucky is. I remember watching him die seventy years ago."

"Oh, that�s right, you don�t know yet. Sorry, spoilers. What the hell, the cat�s out of the bag. You were going to find out soon anyway. Bucky�s alive."

"That�s not possible," said Rogers. "The fall."

"Yes, he did fall off that train over a cliff for hundreds of feet. If he was an ordinary man, it would have killed him. But thanks to everyone�s favorite Nazi scientist, Arnim Zola, he wasn�t. When he and the Howling Commandos were prisoners in that HYDRA facility the year before, Zola performed some experiments on him. They didn�t have any obvious effects, but they did change him enough to survive the fall. Most of him, anyway.

"This is the not so good part. Russians found him and turned him over to HYDRA. They brainwashed him, did more experiments and turned him into a super assassin codenamed the Winter Solder. He lost his left arm, but they gave him a new cybernetic one. He�s actually as strong as you are. I suppose they�ll retire him one of these days, but considering what good shape he�s in, that�ll probably won�t be a while."

"Even if what you�re saying is true," said Rogers, "he�d be almost one hundred years old. He wouldn�t be much of an assassin now."

"Well, you�re almost a hundred, and look at you. He�s in great shape for similar reasons. You�ve both spent most of the last seventy years in the deep freeze. You were literally on ice up north the whole time. He was put into cryogenic suspension when he wasn�t on an assignment. Since he was only used for very special missions, most of the time he was frozen like you. Ironic, actually."

"Bucky, alive?"

"Yes, Steve, he is. I told you the not so good part. Unfortunately, there�s an even less good part. In 1991, he was assigned to get the Super Soldier Serum that Howard Stark developed. He did, but killed Howard and his wife in the process."

"Oh my god."

"You got that right. Unfortunately, Bucky killed Tony�s parents. When he finds out, and he will eventually, you can imagine what he�ll do."

Rogers could. The death of Tony Stark�s parents was a defining event, sending him on the path that led him to becoming Iron Man. Knowing the identity of the assassin would very likely lead to Tony at least trying to kill him.

"Do you know where Bucky is?"

"Exactly? No. But it wouldn�t be difficult to find out."

"What�s the price for the information?"

"Didn�t I mention I wanted you to join my team in another universe? Yes, I did. That�s the price. I�ll even throw in rescuing him, removing the HYDRA programming, restoring his arm and taking him with us. A bargain, doncha think?"

"No. Mostly because I have no way of knowing if anything you�ve said is true. Don�t move. I�m calling Tony and the police to get to the bottom of this."

"Good luck with that. I�m not going anywhere."

No bars were showing. He was in Washington D.C.; he never had a problem getting a signal in the city. Rogers turned off his phone.

"You�re not going to get a hold of anyone, you know. I didn�t want anyone to interrupt our meeting."

"You�re jamming the signal somehow. I�ll go outside. Don�t try to stop me."

"I wouldn�t advise that. Look out the window."

He noticed the blinds were dark, like it was night outside. Had it gotten so cloudy so fast? Peering through, the view outside shocked him.

They were in space. Only blackness and stars were visible. A glow to the right made him turn and see the Earth. He could just make out the United States.

"We�re in orbit. Like I said, I didn�t want any interruptions."

But how, Rogers thought. There had been no sensation like a rocket taking off. Wait, the dizziness. Could that have been it? Some sort of transport through a wormhole, like the one through which the Chitauri invaded?

In any case, Rogers was unwilling to continue playing the stranger�s game. "This has gone far enough."

"Looks like Mister Rogers is getting tough. THOMAS?"

"Got it boss," said a sourceless voice.

"I, I can�t move."

"Yes, you�re immobilized." Unbeknownst to Rogers, an agent of Trammel�s had gotten nanites into him weeks before. By now they had permeated his system, allowing total control of his body.

Trammel threw off the sheets, revealing he was completely naked. The rest of his body was in shape as well. His cock was sizable, and erect.

Standing by the bed, Trammel said, "I want to see more of you. Tear off the shirt."

Vainly struggling to stop himself, Rogers pulled the tank top apart like tissue paper, letting the shreds fall to the floor.

"Magnificent, truly magnificent. Now face the wall. That is without question America�s ass, although it�ll be mine exclusively very soon. In some universes I�ve been to, you�re known as Captain Small Ass. Some call you the human Dorito. Both are compliments, at least in my mind. Don�t get me wrong, I�m a fan of the big butt. But a smaller firm perky ass like yours I can appreciate too. And the Dorito thing is because your shoulders are so wide compared to your tiny waist that your back has similar dimensions to a Dorito. Face me again."

Trammel smiled. There was fear in Rogers eyes, even though it was hidden well. In all his conquests, he never tired of the moment when the superhero realized the extent of their subjugation.

"You want me? As in, you want me want me?"

"Finally getting through that handsome head of yours. Yes, I want you, in a very sexual way. You�re probably thinking that since I�m only controlling your body, at some point you�ll be able to escape. But you see, my dear Captain, this is only the first part. THOMAS, my handy-dandy supercomputer, will give you a bit of a reorientation. Once that's done, you will love me more than anyone in your life and do anything I ask. I usually engage in quite a bit of mental tormenting before that. The fun I�ve had you wouldn�t believe. But with you, Steve, not as much. I like you because we have so much in common, you and I."

Rogers scowled. "You�re a sick twisted villain and I�m not. Sorry, I don�t see the connection."

"But there is one, in our life experience. Both of us were the kind of people that were ignored at best, made fun of and victimized at worst. Then a quirk of fate changed us into who we are today. You took the Super Soldier Serum which enhanced you physically and you became Captain America. I had an accident which enhanced me mentally to where the greatest genius had a mind like a baby�s by comparison. You used your abilities to save innocents and even the world. I used mine to save my world as well. Admittedly it was through brainwashing everyone so they would do whatever I wanted. But they are all happy. No war, no poverty. Every resource used for the betterment of all. And of course, me.

"Now you�re holding out hope the other Avengers will find and rescue you, but that�s not going to happen. I told you I was smart. We�re not only in space, we�re in another universe as well. I leave nothing to chance. You�ll be seeing some of your compatriots again though. Tony�s brilliance could be very useful. There�s also a certain god of thunder I�ve had my eye on for quite some time.

"But enough of the chit-chat. No more talking from you for the next few minutes. Here�s how things are going to go. When I tell you to go to bed, you�ll lie down on your back in it. THOMAS will do a deep connect with your mind, and you�ll lose consciousness. When you wake up, your whole outlook will be changed and you�ll wonder how you could have ever lived without my benevolent guidance. This is it, Steve. Go to bed."

Robotically, Rogers moved as instructed. He wanted to argue with Trammel, to protest, to yell, but he could not even open his mouth.

"Ok THOMAS, begin."

"By your command, Imperious Leader"

"Going old school, eh? I always liked the original over the �reimagining�."

Every muscle in Rogers� body went rigid, then relaxed and he closed his eyes.

"Contact. Shouldn�t take too long. His body�s super, but his mind, fairly average. I�ll letcha know when he�s done."

"Thanks. I�ll watch TV in the other room. Put on Galactica 1980. I can do with some cheese."


"Ding ding ding!"

Trammel reentered the bedroom, standing against the wall behind the superhero�s head. "Bring him back."

Rogers eyelids fluttered, finally opening completely. He tried to sit up, but discovered he was paralyzed.

"Hello, hello, can I get some help? I can�t move."

"It�s alright, just a safety precaution." A man entered his field of view. Rogers recognized him. It was Avery Trammel.

"I love you." He meant it with all his heart. "Please, will you let me get up?"

"Of course, my darling Steve. THOMAS?"

"Letting him go. Up and at �em."

Rogers bounded out of the bed, pulled Trammel close and kissed him. Kissed like he had never kissed anyone before. He felt as though their very souls were merging into one glorious whole.

After a few minutes, Trammel pulled his head back slightly. "I love you too, Captain. You remember your life before?"

"Every bit. But it seems so pale compared to now. I want us to be together forever."

"Well, I don�t know about that, but we�ll be together as much as my schedule permits. If that�s ok with you. And since I�m now your master and you belong to me, call me sir."

"Whatever you want, sir."

"Now that you're mine, I want to see all of you."

"Right away, sir." Rogers got rid of what he was still wearing.

"Do you sunbathe in the nude?"

"What? Oh, I see what you mean," Rogers said, chuckling. He did a full 360 degree turn. "Another side-effect of the Super Soldier Serum, or maybe the Vita-rays. I have a tan all over that I don't need to do a thing to maintain."

"Lucky, lucky you." Looking down, Trammel said, "How big was your cock, before?"

"Sir, it was four inches."

"And now?"

"Nine, sir."

"So, all your muscles got bigger."

"Yes, sir. Do you like them? They�re all yours, even that one. Especially that one," Rogers said, looking down.

"I�ve heard that you�re a virgin. Is that true?"

"It is, sir. Mostly since I was saving myself for my wedding night."

"I think it�s sweet that you were waiting until you got married to have sex."

"Sir, the thing is, before I became Captain America, no girl would even look at me. Now, I�m afraid if I get really excited when I�m making love, I could lose control and hurt them."

"That�s so considerate. But you must be horny all the time."

"I am, a lot more than I was before I changed, sir. I have to masturbate every day. Sometimes even two or three times."

"You make it sound like such a chore. Oh, and you can stop calling me sir for now. You�ve called me that enough times to make me happy."

"If that�s what you want, of course. It�s not that masturbating so much is a chore. It�s just it wouldn�t look good for Captain America to, you know."

"Walk around with a raging boner?"

"Yeah, that."

"You�ll be happy to know that�s not going to be a problem anymore, with the attitude adjustments you�ve had. But let�s check to make sure. I know you love me, but what do you think of men and women now, sexually?"

"Women don�t do a thing for me. Men, though, I want to sleep with as many as possible. I�m sorry, is that ok?"

"Yes, yes, it�s exactly how I wanted you to turn out. I don�t mind sharing at all. In fact, I know some guys you�ll be able to have sex with where you won�t need to restrain yourself at all. They are going to eat you up. Well, not literally. Well, maybe one part of you. Well, maybe more than one part.

"But I�ll introduce you to them later. For now, it�s just you and me. Why don�t you show me how great this love of yours for me is?"

Laughing, Rogers fell back onto the bed with Trammel in his arms. They rolled back and forth, touch and kissing all over. The superhero�s mouth went lower and lower down Trammel�s body until it reached his raging hardon.

"I�ve never, never done this to anyone, or even have it done to me. Is it ok if I try?"

"More than ok. And I believe you�ll find you�re better at it than you think. Wouldn�t you say that, THOMAS?"

"You got that right. Full on whorish slutty talents and no gag reflex during sex are part of the package deal. Heh heh, heh heh heh, I said package."

"That�s enough out of you, Beavis. There you go, Steve, you can go right ahead and give me head."

Tentatively Rogers lips pressed against the tip, slowly letting more and more in his mouth. He surprised himself when he realized Trammel was partway down his throat and his own nose was pressed against Trammel�s abdomen. Up he went, then down, twisting his head on each stroke, licking and sucking and never letting it go.

"That is amazing. I�ll tell you when to stop. But that ain�t gonna be anytime soon."

Trammel moaned and thrusted, and Rogers� oral ministrations continued unabated. It was at least fifteen minutes before Trammel said, "That�s enough of that. Time to get into that tight little ass of yours."

"How do you want me?"

"That�s a loaded question."

Rogers moved away from Trammel. On his back, he stretched his legs wide and back, putting his hands behind his head. "Will this work?"

After a long pause, Trammel said, "I had no idea you were that limber, especially considering how extraordinarily well-built you are."

"Thanks to the serum, I�m more than just a bunch of big muscles. I�m also more flexible than your average contortionist."

"That fact I am going to file away for future reference. I�d ask THOMAS to remind me, but this visual, I ain�t gonna forget. Are you ready for your first fuck?"

"Ready, willing and able."

Trammel picked up the large tube of lube on the end table by the bed. He applied copious amounts to his own dick and Rogers' ass.

"Relax, baby,I'm going for it. Geronimo."

When Trammel entered him, all he could think was �more�. He wanted more, he needed more. Trammel continued until he was inside the superhero all the way. Rogers had never felt so full, so complete. Even though he knew it couldn�t, he wanted it to never end.

"You ok?"

"I'm, I'm, it's so, I've never."

"At a loss for words? I'll take that as a yes."

Trammel slowly pulled back and pushed in, letting Rogers experience every inch. He leaned down and kissed him, yet never breaking rhythm.

Some time later, Trammel said, "This is great, but now I want you to ride my dick. Face me and sit on it, baby. I want to see your face while I�m fucking you."

"Right away!"

Eagerly Rogers stood on the bed and straddled his master. Squatting down, he felt Trammel�s cock rubbing against his ass. It went in, deeper and deeper, until he was completely impaled by it.

Balanced on his feet, he rose up until only the head was inside him. Down again. Up, Down. How did he ever not need this, he wondered? He was harder than he had ever been. He felt like he was bursting with ecstasy. But some part of him knew there was no release until his master had release or was told he could, whichever was first.

"Oh Captain, my Captain. Because you are my Captain," Trammel said, reaching up to tweak and flick Rogers� nipples. "I own you, soul and amazing body."

"You do, you do! I�m yours, all of me!" the First Avenger shouted as he threw his head back. His eyes saw nothing but an infinity of pleasure as his pecs bounced and ass jiggled from the pounding he was receiving. His calves and thighs burned, but he did not stop. He could not stop. He did not want to stop.

"Ride my dick, my stallion. You�re mine, my superhero stud. I�m going to, I�m, I�m, I�m!"

The warm eruption in Rogers� ass was beyond anything he could have dreamed. Without touching himself, he came as well. Even after his master ceased filling him, Rogers shot again and again and again.

Finally, it was over. Rogers collapsed onto Trammel, their chests smearing the Captain�s cum between them.

"Fucking A. That stands for America and ass. You were out of this world or any other. I mean, I�ve fucked a lot of superheroes, but damn! Dare I say that was an ass- tronomical experience. Was it good for you too?"

"Good? That was, I just, it felt, I don�t have words. I can�t believe I�ve been missing out on that for so long. Can we do it again?"

"Hold on now. I think we may have created a cock monster. There�s a song in there somewhere. Anyway, unlike you, I need a little recovery time." Trammel rolled over until he was on top. "You know, I was going to save this little surprise for later. But considering your current serious medical condition, I don't think I should wait."

"Medical condition? What medical condition?"

"I'm afraid you have an advanced case of hyperlibido. In layman's terms, you're afflicted with excessive horniness."

"I didn't know you were a doctor. What do you prescribe? A repeat injection?"

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to provide the next course of treatment. Fortunately, I have a very able assistant who'll be doing that." Trammell looked up and whispered something.

"Understood, boss."

A hum and high-pitched whine came from the living room. Trammel extricated himself, lying on his back beside Rogers. Moments later, a tall muscular naked man entered the bedroom. His head was down, and his shoulder length brown hair covered his face.

"Let Steve see all of you."

The man slowly looked up. As his hair fell back, Steve was able to make out his face.

"Bucky." It was his old friend, Bucky Barnes.

"All that stuff I said before about him? Already done. Even the arm. Might get the hair cut, but I've always been a fan of the longer look. What do you think?"

"Bucky." Steve's voice was full of ache, surprise and longing. Barnes blurred, which is when Rogers realized he was crying. Wiping the tears away, he smiled. Getting out of bed, he moved to his old friend.

"Steve. I missed you." Barnes was filled with similar emotions to Rogers, crying a little as well.

"I missed you too." Nothing more was said as they kissed. They felt like their souls were merging. Rogers lifted Barnes and slammed him against the wall. He penetrated his friend, trying to get as deep inside him as he could. Both moaned as the pace increased. Harder and faster Rogers fucked Barnes, until they exploded. As much as Rogers had cum earlier, it was like he came twice as much as he had before.

Breathing heavily, Rogers carried Barnes to the other sign of the room. Both fell on the bed, still kissing. When they stopped long enough to talk to each other, Rogers said, "I love you."

"I love you more," said Barnes.

"And I love the both of you," Trammel said. "That, as they say, was entertainment. What a happy reunion. I think I may introduce you to my super-friends sooner than I planned. They can feed, and feed on, the monster. Both monsters. For now, let�s just snuggle." Trammel spooned with Rogers, who remained within Barnes. "We can also talk about the other super-friends. Especially the big blonde one. Tell you what, Steve. When I get him, I�ll let you fuck him first. Because that�s the kind of master I am. What do you think?"

"You�ll let me make love to Thor? How can I thank you?"

"Well, first, since it�s just you and me, you�re allowed to use four-letter words. Go ahead, try it."

"I can, I can, fuck Thor? With my, my cock? I want to so bad. I want to cum inside his mouth, his ass. I didn�t realize how much I needed that."

Barnes chuckled.

"What are you laughing at," asked Rogers.

"You were always so proper. It's just funny hearing you swear like a sailor. I like it."

"Really? Then I'll have to do it more, you gorgeous fucker."

Talking over his shoulder to Trammel, Rogers said, "Thank you so much that you'll let me fuck Thor. Do you need me to help get him, to bring him to you?"

"Appreciate the offer, but got that covered. When it happens, you�ll be there. You on one end, me on the other. For starters. Then who knows? After all, it isn�t every day you get to fuck a god. But once I�m done with him, it�ll be any day I want. Just like you guys."

Some extra gifs of America's Ass

Some 'inspirational' art I found

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Steve Rogers - Chris Evans

Bucky Barnes - Sebastian Stan

Read Part 9 - Supersymmetry
Read Part 10.2 - Your Hair is Beautiful Tonight