Confirming Carter2 Daedalus01



Ten Days Later

Interior-Daedalus Bridge

0920 Hours

“Daedalus to Atlantis, request permission to dock on the East Pier.”

“Negative, Daedalus.” The Ops tech replied. “Move to three diameters out, maintain station keeping, and await further instructions.”

“Please confirm Atlantis.” Caldwell said, a look of irritation on his face. “Three diameters puts us outside the range of our Asgard beams, and we won’t be able to transport personnel.”

“Affirmative. Confirm three diameters, and await instructions.”

“Atlantis shields are up, colonel.” Marks said as he looked over his instruments. “Sir, there are three separate shields in place, and I’m reading multiple ZPM’s around the city. Three in the Central Tower, one each on the outer piers.”

“So she’s expecting a fight, and wants us to know that she’s got power to burn.” Caldwell muttered. “Do it, Marks. Three diameters, and maintain station keeping.”




0930 Hours

“Now what?” Carter asked as she looked around the table. “Do we let him sit and stew, or bring him down and listen to what he has to say?”

She looked at Samuels. “You’re on Andi. What’s he going to do?”

“He won’t engage us. He knows he can’t get at us through the shields, we have him outgunned anyway. But he also knows we won’t fire on him except as a last resort.” Samuels said as she tabbed down through her files. “I need you to give me your impressions of him.” She said, looking back and forth between Carter and Sheppard. “You’ve worked with him, tell me what you think of him. All I have are his files, and mission reports. I need human input before I can give you a read.”

“He’s stiff, strictly by the book running his command.” Sheppard said. “But he’s a good tactician, and knows when to step outside the box to win a fight.”

“Third in his class at the Air Force Academy, so that’s not surprising.” Samuels said, nodding. “He rose quickly through the ranks. A combination of combat duty, good duty assignments, and political skills. There’s not blemish on his record. If there’s a complaint about him, it’s that he’s too perfect. He’s got a godfather somewhere too, but I can’t tell you who it is.”

She turned to Carter. “Sam? You’ve dealt with him as equals. What do you think?”

“He’s an honorable man, and he won’t like this anymore than we do. But I think Landry had a reason for sending Caldwell, instead of Col. Ellis and the Apollo.” She said, looking down the table at Sheppard. He nodded.

“Are you thinking Landry is sending us help?” He asked.

“Yeah. Ellis would have opened with an ultimatum.” She said. She looked at Samuels. “You’ll have to meet the man, Andi. Then tell me what you think.” She turned to Sheppard. “Bring him down, but on an outer pier, away from the city, and walk him in.”



Interior-Daedalus Bridge

0945 Hours

“Atlantis to Daedalus, reduce orbit to maximum beaming range. Transport Daedalus commander, unarmed, to coordinates provided, and resume station keeping at three diameters.”

“Acknowledged Atlantis.” Caldwell said. “Tell her we’re on the way.”

He looked over at two people standing in front of the bridge windows. “Let’s get this over with.” He said as he stood up and headed for the door.



Exterior-Southwest Pier, Outer Marker

0950 Hours

The glare of an Asgard beam flared, then faded, and three people materialized. The marines snapped to, weapons trained on them.

“Stand down.” Sheppard said as he came out of the jumper parked nearby.

Caldwell looked around, noting the two jumpers hovering twenty meters away to either side of them. He ignored the marines.

Sheppard stepped over and held out his hand. “You’re supposed to be unarmed, colonel.”

“It’s not loaded,” Caldwell said as he unholstered his sidearm, and handed it to Sheppard. “I’m going to need it later.”

Sheppard ejected the magazine, and dropped it in his pocket, then worked the slide. He handed it back to Caldwell, and grinned at the people next to him. “Welcome to Atlantis. She’ll be glad to see you.”



Interior-Living Room

0955 Hours

Sheppard parked the jumper just outside the doors of tower fifty-eight and led them inside. Two of the marines followed them into the elevator. They changed elevators on thirty-one, and when the doors opened, one of the marines stayed by the doors, the other followed them into the living room.

“Daniel!” Sam yelled, running over and throwing her arms around him. She looked over his shoulder, then held out her hand. “Vala, it’s nice to see you again!”

She stepped back, and turned to Caldwell, holding out her hand. “Steven, it’s good to see you. How was your trip?” She said with a smile.

Caldwell took her hand, taken aback by her warm greeting. “Uneventful, but crowded.” He said. “I need to...”

“I’m sorry, Steven, but I want to make introductions first, then to speak to Daniel.” She said.

She turned, taking Jackson’s hand in hers, and led him over to the couch. “Daniel, I don’t know if you met Jennifer Keller, Chief Medical Officer, on your last trip. Next to her is Andi Samuels, resident brain mechanic, and ambassador at large, and Teyla Emmagan.”

She let go of his hand and moved over to stand beside Tammy. “Daniel, Vala, This is Tammy Ford. My girlfriend.” She said, turning and smiling warmly at her. “Everyone, this is Daniel Jackson, and Vala Mal Doran. They’re family, so make them feel like it.”

“I’m also her nurse, don’t let her fool you.” Tammy said as she held out her hand. She glanced over at Caldwell, and nodded.

Caldwell nodded back, trying to hide the smirk on his face.

“Would someone get Col. Caldwell something to drink? I need to speak to Daniel.” She said as she walked toward her office, still holding Tammy’s hand.

Daniel followed her, signaling Vala to come along.




1010 Hours

Tammy closed the door behind them as they went into the office, while Sam went behind her desk, picked up a pad and started writing quickly. “We weren’t expecting you,” She said as she looked up and handed the pad to Tammy. “So bear with us for a minute.”

Tammy looked at the pad, then looked over at Jackson.

“What can we expect from Caldwell, and why are you here?” She said in ancient. She smiled, then added, “She also wants you to know that we’ve made some corrections to your translations, and she’ll show them to you later.”

Jackson’s mouth dropped open, and he just stared at her. He looked over at Carter. “How? I mean...”

“We’ll explain everything later, Daniel. I promise. Right now, I just need you to answer the questions.” Carter said, staring at him intently.

“Tell her, Daniel.” Vala said quietly.

“Gen Landry sent me a message through Teal’c. He was on Earth, but returned to Chulak at Landry’s request.” Daniel said. “That was the day you resigned. I think he already suspected that the IOA would try to pull something. Caldwell contacted me five days ago, we were on P43C972, investigating an ancient outpost. Landry’s message said, ‘Daedalus is picking up hitchhikers’. So when Caldwell called, we sent the SG team back through the gate, and went with him.”

“This outpost, was it equipped to use a ZPM? I don’t care if it has one.” Carter asked, making notes on her laptop.

“Yes it is. It has ZPM’s, but they’re depleted.” He said, glancing over at Tammy. She was typing on an ancient terminal as she listened.

“We have our gateway into the Milky Way galaxy. We don’t need Earth now.” Carter said, looking over at Tammy.

“You read, write, and speak ancient? How did you...”

“I learned it about a week ago, she only reads and writes it.” She said, grinning over at Carter.

“Tell me about Caldwell.” Carter said, cutting them off before they could get going. “We’ll tell you about ancient girl later.”

Vala laughed, and Tammy grinned at her.

“Ancient Girl. I like that.” Vala said. “It sounds like one of Mitchell’s comic book heroes.”

“He has orders to demand your surrender, and take you if he can. Or kill you if he can’t.”

There was a silence, then Jackson continued. “He has a hundred and fifty marines and Special Forces onboard, and every hold is packed with weapons and ammunition.”

“Get, don’t.” She stood up and came around the desk. “There’s no point in putting this off. Let’s go talk to Caldwell.”




1025 Hours

It took a few minutes to get everyone situated around the table. Carter was at her usual place at the head of the table, and Caldwell was at the other end, facing her. Everyone else was seated around the sides, Tammy and Andi on either side of Sam.

“What are your intentions, Steven.” Carter asked, getting right to the point.

“My orders first,” He said, taking an envelope from his pocket, and sliding it down the table.

Andi picked it up and opened it, pulled out a single sheet of paper and glanced at it, then sat it on the table in front of Carter.

“Don’t touch it.” She said, glancing at Caldwell.

“It’s not poisoned.” He said, beginning to look irritated.

Carter read the orders quickly, then looked up at him. “Like I said the first time, Steven. What are your intentions?”

Caldwell stood up and walked around the table. Sheppard stood up and drew his sidearm, and the two marines stepped into the room. Caldwell stopped when he was standing next to her, and drew his sidearm, offering it to her butt first.

“I’m surrendering my ship, and offering my services, colonel, in whatever capacity you might see fit.” He said as she stood up and took his weapon, sitting it on the table. “I’d like to ask that any members of my crew that wish to return to Earth, be allowed to.”

“That was about what I was expecting.” Samuels said to no one in particular.

Carter held out her hand, and Caldwell took it. He glanced down when she didn’t release it. “I accept your offer, Steven. And any members of your crew that wish to return to Earth are free to do so. We’ll arrange a time in the next few days.”

She let go of his hand, and sat back down. Caldwell returned to his seat, and Sheppard holstered his Glock, waved the marines out of the room and sat down.

“This whole situation makes me want to vomit, colonel.” Caldwell said. “I don’t condone what you’ve done, but you can at least say you were acting in self defense. Asking me to kill a fellow officer...and a friend, is just too far over the line.”

“That’s how we felt, Steven. We are acting in self defense. I’m glad you understand that.” She smiled as she looked around the table. “But it’s doctor, not colonel.”

“Your highness,” Samuels muttered, getting her a glare from Carter.

“Actually, no colonel.” Caldwell said, leaning back in his chair. “Neither the Pentagon, nor the IOA have officially accepted your resignation yet. I don’t know why the IOA hasn’t, but I can tell you that the Pentagon has orders from the President not to.”

He began to smile as he glanced over at Sheppard. “As soon as Dr. Keller declares you fit for duty, you would still be the legitimate commander of the Atlantis expedition. Col. Sheppard on the other hand, has been charged with mutiny, and I have orders to shoot him on sight.”

“So they want to have their cake and eat it too. Typical.” Samuels said. “The American government will support her if she resumes command?”

“I have no information on that Dr. Samuels. All I know is that Col. Carter is still on active duty. The orders you saw came from the IOA, not the Pentagon.”

“This doesn’t really change anything. We proceed as planned. Andi, I’ll need to speak to you and Daniel privately when we’re done here.” Carter said. She looked down the table at Caldwell. “Have you been in contact with the Apollo, Steven?”

“No, Ellis is running silent, and has not responded to any of my attempts to contact him.” He replied. “I’m pretty sure we can expect him in the next few days.”

Carter nodded. “Jennifer...”

“Already on it. All I have to do is print it out and sign it.” Keller said. “I’ll need two witnesses, preferably someone not charged with a capital crime.” She said, poking Sheppard in the ribs with her elbow.

“Steven, go back to the Daedalus.” Carter told him. “We’ll bring you down on the east pier. Once you’ve landed, beam all cargo and all but essential personnel off the ship, and prepare for inspection. Give us a couple of hours to get ready down here.”

“Yes m...” Caldwell began, but stopped when he saw Carter’s face clouding up.

“Don’t call her maam.” Keller said in a stage whisper. “It makes her feel old.”

“It does not! Well, okay, maybe it does.” Carter grinned. “But someone said I came across as a school marm, and that’s what the word reminds me of. Colonel, doctor, Sam...just not that.”

Caldwell stood up and moved toward the door, and Sheppard followed him. “We’ll be ready for inspection thirty minutes after landing, colonel.” He said.

Carter nodded, and he stepped out the door.

“John.” She said quietly. “Drop him off where you picked him up, and make sure you’re back inside the shield before you call Ops to approve beaming. Take your escort with you. All of them.”

Sheppard nodded, and went out the door after Caldwell. They heard the elevator doors a moment later.

Carter turned back to the group still seated at the table. “Jennifer, get your paperwork together, and bring me anything you need me to sign. We’ll transmit it when we return the Daedalus crew. Daniel, Andi, let’s go into my office.” She looked down the table at Vala as she stood up. “Tammy and Teyla, why don’t you show Vala around, and see if you can find her a nice souvenir?”




1050 Hours

“Tell us about that ancient outpost on P43C972, Daniel.” Carter said as she leaned back in her chair. “Do you know the gate address?”

Jackson nodded, and Carter looked over at Samuels. Andi handed him a pad and a pen, and Jackson jotted down the symbols, and handed them back to her.

“Does it have shields? You might not know, if it doesn’t have power. What kind of buildings does it have, and what kind of personnel are there?”

“It has a Pegasus style gate, the first one I’ve ever seen in the Milky Way galaxy, so it must have been a late addition. It’s fairly large, more than thirty surface buildings, and a substructure underlying the central area, five hundred meters on a side, extending twelve stories down. There’s no one there, Vala and I went in with an SG team. The planet is uninhabited.”

Jackson looked over at her. “You said something about a gateway into the Milky Way galaxy earlier, and that you didn’t need Earth. What did you mean by that?”

“Andi?” Carter said.

“We have access to another Atlantis style city, Dr. Jackson.”


“Thank you, Daniel. I’m Andi.”

She brought up an image on her tablet, and turned it toward him.

“This is Anchorage, on P34J439. The city is being used by a family with the ancient gene. Including their court, and assorted hangers on, there are fewer than a hundred of them, with another hundred constables that they use to keep the locals in line.”

“We’re in the process of establishing relations with the local population, providing them with food, medicines, and tools. This is our second step in winning hearts and minds. The first step has already been taken by Col. Sheppard and his team, when they defended the locals against their oppressors in the central tower, the only part of the city being used.”

She scrolled down through her notes.

“The cities ZPM is depleted, and the family no longer has use of the cities systems, drones, that they were using to control the populace. They are using edged and projectile weapons at the moment. Col. Sheppard also has good relations with the head of the ruling family, we confirmed that when we sent him back last week to inspect the city.”

She brought up another image on the tablet, and handed it to him. “Scroll through those, and tell me what you think.”

She sat back as he flipped through a dozen images

“These are production and manufacturing facilities. These are in that city? You’ve confirmed it?” He asked.

“Those are in Atlantis, but yes, we’ve confirmed that there are similar facilities in Anchorage. The group occupying the tower either had no use for, or forgot about the rest of the city over time. Much of city has been buried for several thousand years, but is in surprisingly good repair. Much better than I could have ever hoped for. I’d say space flight is out of the question, but the star drive works. That’s how the ZPM got depleted.”

“Part of my proposal to the IOA was to establish trade within the Pegasus galaxy, and export Pegasus products to the Milky Way, by way of Earth. That was going to be the main thrust of my operations.” Carter said, leaning forward in her chair. “I gave them a full outline of that part of the plan. Thank god I didn’t tell them anything about the rest of it.”

“And you’re going to negotiate with these people to use the production capacity of the city? How does the Milky Way outpost figure in?” Jackson asked.

“No, I’m going to evict them, and take the city. They’re squatters anyway.” Carter said lightly. “Then we’re going to train the locals to help in repairing the city, then operate the equipment to mass produce ancient, Pegasus, and bootleg Earth products, and market them throughout the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies. We’re going to need your outpost for that.”

“So you’re going to trade one set of masters for another, uprooting these people and putting them to work in your factories...”

“Oh, get off your high horse Daniel! You see how people live in the Milky Way galaxy, and it’s been worse here in Pegasus. Much worse.” Carter said, her face coloring. “Show him the pictures, Andi. I’m talking about moving these people into the city, Daniel. Into crew quarters and apartments near where they’ll be working, feeding them, training them, and trying to improve their quality of life.”

She paused and took a breath. “I want to do something about how these people live, no one else seems to want to. I want to setup pools of doctors, teachers, engineers, people that can go out into both galaxies and help get these societies going, to improve the quality of life for everyone. Don’t you think that they deserve electricity, clean water, access to medicine or a good education?”

There were tears running down her cheeks now.

“If you think that’s so wrong, I’ll call Sheppard and have him take you over and throw your ass through the gate right now, so you can maintain your high moral standards, and never accomplish goddamned thing.”

“Sam.” Andi said.

Andi stood up, opened the door and called out. “Tammy, I need you!”

“No, she’s right.” Jackson said, looking at Carter. “I didn’t understand, because I underestimated you. I’m sorry about that. What do you want me to do?”

“You’re going to need to wait for that answer, Daniel.” She went around the desk and led Sam out from behind it.

Tammy came running through the door, and Andi stepped behind Carter, getting out of her way.

“Sam? Are you okay? Look at me.” Tammy said, holding her arms gently as she examined her quickly.

“Fine...” Carter said softly, burying her head in her shoulder, crying freely now.

Tammy scooped her up, and went out the door. “Andi, take Daniel into the kitchen, Teyla, Jenn and Vala are in there. Explain to Daniel, then come talk to me.” She disappeared around a corner.

“Come on, Daniel. We need to talk.” Andi said, leading him out the door.




1115 Hours

“Jenn, would you get Daniel something to drink?” She said, handing her her tablet. “I have copies of some of Sam’s notes on here in a folder named ‘theplan’. Bring it up and show it to him, I’ll be right back.”

She turned and went down the hall and over to Sam’s bedroom. Tammy and Sam were lying on the bed, and Andi knelt on the end of it, looking at them.

“She’s fine,” Tammy said, stroking Carter’s hair and back gently. “She’s upset that he would think something like that about her. We’ll be out in a few minutes, I just want to let her calm down a little.”

“I...I’m sorry, Andi.” Sam said quietly, turning to look at her. “And thank you.”

“I’ll tell them you’ll be with us in a bit, Sam.” Andi said as she moved toward the door. She stopped and looked back. “You have nothing to be sorry about, Sam. I was proud of you. You did good.”

When she got back to the kitchen, Andi went right to the cabinet and got a glass, filled it with ice, and got two cokes from the fridge before she sat down. She saw that Jackson was scrolling through her tablet on the other side of the table.

“Sam’s fine, and they’ll be with us in a few minutes, Tammy just wants to let her calm down, then check her out.” She said as she looked around the table. “How far have you gotten, Daniel?”

“I’m just skimming, but this is amazing.” He said, looking up at her. “She’s been begging the IOA to do something to improve quality of life since she took over here, and there are notes before that about wanting to setup electrical, sewer and water, and education systems in the Milky Way galaxy. They kept shooting her down, but she just kept coming back at them with new ideas.” He shook his head, took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “And I never even noticed.”

“It’s okay, Daniel.” Vala said lightly, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Samantha knows you’re clueless about anything except your silly old relics.”

Andi and Jennifer burst out laughing, and Teyla smiled broadly.

She turned to Jennifer. “Does that Tammy woman always move that quickly? I think she jumped over the table, but I’m not sure. I heard someone call, and she was gone.”

Jennifer nodded. “It’s not a good idea to get in Tammy’s way if she thinks Sam is in trouble.”

Daniel sat the tablet down and looked at Andi. “Tammy told you to explain. What did she mean?”

“Several things, I’ll start with what just happened. Forgive me, I’ll be going into shrink mode.” She said, reaching out and taking the tablet. She changed screens, tabbed through till she found the notes she was looking for, then looked up at him. “You are part of a very small group of people, along with Teal’c, Mitchell, Vala, and a few others here on Atlantis that she considers friends, and who’s opinions she values. Jack O’Neill used to be in that group, but Sam has emotionally distanced herself from him.”

“That’s understandable.” He nodded.

“When you questioned her motives, implying that she was acting in her own self interest, and that’s what you did, I was there, you tore at the basic foundation of your friendship. She expected you to understand her motives, her desire to do good, since you’re one of her oldest friends. Now she’s forced to examine that relationship, to try to discover if that underlying foundation is still secure.”

“Our friendship is fine, Andi. Quit being so damned analytical.” Carter said as she stepped into the room. She went over to the cabinet and took out two glasses, handing one to Tammy. “Daniel, I’m sorry. I didn’t give you enough information. You...”

“No, Andi is right. I don’t like having my face rubbed in it like that, but I should have asked questions instead of making accusations.”

“I’m going to consider that kissing and making up. Give me that.” Tammy said, taking the glass from Carter’s hand. “Sit down, I’ll get your drink.”

She pushed her toward the chair, then got ice and two cokes, sitting them on the table in front of her. She stood behind Sam’s chair, her hands massaging her shoulders gently.

“Vala and Daniel, are you going to be staying with us, or will you be returning to Earth, or the Milky Way?” She asked.

“I’d like to stay, I like it here.” Vala said. “I’ve missed you Samantha. I’ve never felt that way about anyone before.”

“I was planning on staying.” Daniel said. “I’ve been wanting to explore this place for years, but Jack would never let me. And now there’s two of them.”

Carter reached up and took Tammy’s hand, pulling her around so she could take her seat beside her. She let her get settled, then took her hand again.

“Are you Samantha’s lover?” Vala asked Tammy.

“Vala!” Daniel said, glaring at her.

“Yes, Vala. She is.” Carter smiled at her. She looked over at Tammy and said, “She’s the most important person in the world to me.”

“Good. Because she loves you very much.” Vala said, looking around the kitchen. “I like her. Can we get something to eat? I’m starving.”

“I’ll take care of that.” Andi said as she stood up. She looked over at Teyla. “Teyla, would you help me? I think some Athosian dishes might be just the thing to bring this family together.”

Teyla smiled, standing up and pushing her chair under the table. “I would enjoy cooking with you, Andi. But you must promise to teach me how to make...italian food? I am told it is most delicious.”

“I have leftovers you can try.” She turned and looked at Keller. “Jennifer, call Sheppard and tell him lunch is at thirteen hundred.”

“You can explore all you want Daniel.” Carter told him after Andi and Teyla had left. “But I’m going to need you to take a team to that Milky Way outpost at some point. There’s no hurry, that won’t be for a few months.”

“We won’t be able to get back without a ZPM.” Jackson said.

“You’ll be taking some with you.” She told him, “And bringing the depleted ones back, so I can charge them up.”

“Charge them up? You can do that?” Jackson asked, staring at her. “And while we’re talking about how you can do things.” He said, looking at Tammy. “You never told me how you can speak ancient. Your pronunciation is perfect, like you grew up speaking it.”

She looked at Carter, who grinned and motioned for her to proceed.

“We have a teaching machine, several actually. I used it to learn the ancient language when my ancient gene was activated recently.” She paused, looking down at the table, then back up at him. “I used it again to learn how to use another machine to diagnose Sam, when she had an incident.”

“We don’t need to go into what that was.” Keller said. “But while we’re on the subject, you need to know that Sam is changing. None of the changes have been harmful yet, but the way they occur can be disabling for her, and frightening for the people around her. She also needs periodic stimulation to keep her hormone and endorphin levels in a certain range. If either falls below a threshold, her behavior will change, and she may go into shock. Do you understand so far?”

“Yes.” Vala said, glancing at Carter.

Daniel nodded.

“If she collapses, exhibits unusual behavior, or does anything that causes you concern, The first word out of your mouth, as loud as you can say it, is Tammy, or Tammy, I need you. Then move out of the way so she can get to her.”

“And she’ll jump over the table like she did earlier?” Vala asked. “I want to see her do that again.”

“Daniel, will you trade places with Vala? I like her.” Tammy laughed, reaching around him to take her hand.

“Can we talk about what you’ve been doing here, and what else is going on?” He asked as he stood up and let Vala slide over into his chair. “Did you learn how to charge ZPM’s from an ancient machine too?”

Carter and Tammy looked at each other, and Jennifer said, “I know, write it down.” and started typing out notes on her tablet.

“I figured it out about a month before all this began. You can get details on my condition from Andi and Jennifer.” Carter told him. “I refined, then combined McKay’s Space Time Matter bridge research with everything else I could find, including swapping emails with Jeannie Miller. Who is much smarter, and much easier to get along with than her brother, let me tell you.”

She took a sip of her drink. “I did one live test the day before I resigned, running this building off the bridge for several hours. Then, later in the evening the day I resigned, we charged the first ZPM. We’ve done four more since. So now we have one for each of the outer piers, and three for the Central Tower. We’ll charge up more for Anchorage, and your outpost when we’re ready to bring them online.”

“The IOA doesn’t know what we’ve done yet. I was going to give them fully charged ZPM’s. I just wasn’t going to tell them how I did it.” She shook her head and she smiled at him. “Their own shortsightedness will cost them dearly. I’ll never give them one now.”

“We’ve also put everyone with the ancient gene through the teaching machine, so we have almost seven hundred people that understand ancient in the city.” Tammy said, then leaned over and whispered something to Vala, making her grin.

Sam glared at her, then spoke to Daniel. “We have three hundred people going through the database, translating the manuals on all the machines we plan on using. We haven’t figured out if we can safely use the teaching machine on someone without the gene, and I’m not willing to risk it unless I have too.”

She turned to Keller. “Jenn, would you tell John that lunch is at thirteen hundred, to have Ops extend the platform off the east pier and have Daedalus land there at fourteen hundred, and have all personnel and supplies offloaded by fifteen hundred. We’ll begin inspections at seventeen hundred, I want everything off that platform before we begin.”

She turned back to Daniel. “I’m glad you’re staying. I’ve missed both of you. You’ll be staying here with me. Well, not here, but in this building. We have an open suite on forty two, or if you want separate quarters, we can go down to forty-one.”

“I’d like to stay with you, Daniel.” Vala said. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

“Forty-two it is. I need to set you up with access codes for the elevator and the porter so you can get in and out. I’ll be right back.”

“If she gets on your nerves, Daniel, she can stay with me. I have a spare bedroom.” Tammy said, smiling at Vala.

“Do you have room in your bed?” Vala asked.



Interior-Dr. Jackson’s Suite

1225 Hours

After Carter coded the door for them, they went inside and looked around. Daniel stood at the door, gaping at the opulence of their surroundings, while Vala ran from room to room, with Tammy hot on her heels, laughing and giggling like a pairs of schoolgirls.

“This is a city view. Jennifer’s across the hall, and she wanted the ocean view.” Carter said as she led him across to the windows.”

“Oh my god!” He breathed as he took in the view of the city. He had a clear view of the central section, and part of the north pier.

“I’m sorry, but there’s no balcony. I’ll get someone to take you around in a jumper, or you can just explore from ground level. Do you still have your STID?”

He nodded, still looking out over the city.

“Good. If you get lost, or want to know how to get somewhere, just call the Ops Center, and they’ll direct you. I’ll get you both comms, we’re back on the cities channels, we were using the unused upper bands for a few days. I guess I’ll need to start wearing one again too. It’s been so nice being out of touch though.”

Vala came running up, throwing her arms around Daniel, laying her head against his back. “Come look at our bed, Daniel! It’s huge!”

Daniel blushed, looking at Carter out of the corner of his eye.

“Good for you, Vala.” She said. “I knew it was going to happen eventually, even if he didn’t.”

“Come look.” Vala said, taking his hand and dragging him across the living room.

Tammy came up behind Sam and slipped her arms around her waist, laying her head on her shoulder. “I really like Vala. Is Daniel always such a stick in the mud?

“Yeah, but he’s a really nice guy, smart as hell, and he’s good in a fight now. You should have seen him when we first started.”

“So you telling me all this cuz you want me to date him?” Tammy asked. “He’s really not my type, and I think Vala could probably kick my ass if I tried.”

“I would too, lover.” Vala said from behind her, putting her hands on Tammy’s hips, then sliding them up to cup her tits. “Just like Sam will kick my ass when I make a move on you!”

“Get your hands off her tits, Vala. Or I’ll kick your ass right now!”

“Vala!” Daniel shouted from the bedroom. “You said you wanted to show me the bed! So come show it to me!”

“Ooooohhh, girlfriend! Sounds like he wants a test ride!” Tammy laughed, leaning her head back so she could see Vala.

“Be right back.” Vala said, kissing her on the cheek. “This should only take a couple of minutes.”



Interior-Dr. Samuels Suite

1310 Hours

Sounds of laugher filled Andi’s kitchen as they sat around the table passing plates of food around. Jennifer had made Sheppard shower and change into casual Atlantian clothes, and had thrown his uniform into the cleaner in her suite.

“I passed your instructions on to Caldwell, and he agrees with your timetable.” Sheppard was saying. “I don’t know if he’s mellowing, or if you’re right, and he’s up to something, but he didn’t even bitch when I dropped him off at the end of the pier, backed off, and extended the shield before we let them beam him up.”

“I don’t know the man, but we spent five days with him, and he seemed genuinely angry every time you were mentioned.” Daniel said around a mouthful of food. “Which happened several times a day, until he finally told his staff to just hold everything till the end of the day, and give it to him then.”

“He wasn’t angry at you Samantha.” Vala said. “But what’s being done to you. When he told us that he had been ordered to capture, or kill you, he was almost purple with rage. Part of it was knowing that if they’re willing to do that to you, they’ll be just as willing to do it to him. But I honestly think he likes you, or at least respects you.”

“Excuse me, but this is a meal, not a business meeting.” Andi said as she sat an empty dish on the counter and heaped a large portion of an Athosian offering from another onto her plate. “If you insist on talking business, please take it in the living room.”

“Jennifer was right, Andi. This lasagna is wonderful.” Teyla said, wiping her plate with a piece of bread. “Much better than what they call lasagna in the mess hall. I do not think they are the same thing.” She held out her plate. “May I have some more please?”

“Is John your lover, Jennifer?” Vala asked, looking down the table at her.

“Vala!” Daniel said, rolling his eyes.

Vala turned and looked at him. “Well, she’s been doting on him since they sat down, and I think they’re doing something und...Owwww!” She stopped and looked under the table, then glared at Daniel.

“She says he’s got a big one.” Tammy whispered as she leaned over and speared a meatball from Vala’s plate.

“Really?” She said, looking down the table at Sheppard. She turned and looked at Tammy. “I like medium ones myself. I’m not as sore the next morning.”

Jennifer choked, and Teyla patted her on the back, while Sheppard looked back and forth between the women.

“Daniel is a wonderful lover, he’s so imaginative! And he holds me after. I like that the best.”

“Tammy is the best lover I’ve ever had.” Carter said, looking at her, as she squeezed her hand. “The day I met her was the best day of my life.”

“No it wasn’t.” Tammy said. “It was a terrible day for you. But I know what you mean, and I feel the same way.”

“I don’t think I ever really saw you happy, before today Sam.” Daniel said quietly. “I’m happy for you, because you look so relaxed, comfortable, and just satisfied with life.”

“I am Daniel. I think I’ do they say it? Released my burden?” Carter said. “If not, I’ve at least accepted what’s happening, but in a good way. I’m surrounded by people that I care about, and that care about me. We have a cause worth the effort, and very little standing in our way. Life is good.”

“Well, put a little of that burden back in your pocket. I’m not ready for you to ascend on me yet.” Tammy said quietly.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to wait till you’re ready to come with me.”

She looked at Daniel. “Can we do that? Ascend together?”

“I saw a whole group ascend at the same time.” Sheppard said. “Teyla was there, she saw it too.”

“Yes, a group of almost twenty people ascended all at once.” Teyla said, looking at John, then at Sam. “One of them, a most attractive young woman, wanted John to accompany her, so I think what you ask is possible.”

“I think what’s she’s asking about is after.” Jackson said. “And I don’t know. I didn’t do it on my own either time, and I never really got out from under Oma’s shadow. The rules might be different if you do it on your own, naturally.” He paused. “You’re asking about pairbonding on the next plane of existence. I hope there is. It must be very lonely if there isn’t.”



Exterior-East Pier, Landing Platform

1400 Hours

The shield on the east pier retracted, and a section of the outer dock detached itself, and moved under it’s own power away from the city, trailing thick cables behind it. When it was two miles out, it stopped, and stabilizer bars extended from three sides.

“Permission to dock granted, Daedalus.” The Ops tech said quietly as he worked the controls on his station. “Landing platform is clear, awaiting your arrival.”

“Acknowledge, Atlantis.” Caldwell said. “Take us down, Marks. You think you can land us on that thing?”

“Yes sir. It’s bigger than it looks, it’s three hundred meters on a side.” Marks said as he engaged the engines and started moving them into the atmosphere. “I’ll put us down right in the middle. That will give us room to unload on all sides.”

“Make it so.” Caldwell said, leaning back in his chair.

Shortly after Daedalus had landed, Marks turned to Caldwell. “Colonel, the Ops Center is saying they want us to move to one end of the platform, and beam personnel and stores to opposite corners on the other end. They want at least a hundred and fifty meters between each.”

“I expected that. She doesn’t miss a trick, does she? Move us, Marks.” Caldwell chuckled. “And ask them to advise when they would like us to offload. Pick your corners, and make sure you don’t put anything in the water.”




1440 Hours

Sheppard was seething as he stood at the floor to ceiling windows in the kitchen. Carter had refused to let him pilot a jumper in the offloading operation. She had ordered him to direct operations from the Ops Center, or from a window in her building. He chose her building because he had a clear view of the landing platform.

Daedalus had begun offloading, and materials were beginning to pile up in rows along one edge of the platform. On the same end of the platform, but directly opposite it, personnel were appearing. Two Atlantis jumpers were broadcasting orders by loudspeaker for them to form up by units, and await instructions.

“Ops, this is Sheppard. Ask them how much longer they need.”

“We just did, colonel. They say they’re at 80 percent, and then need ten minutes on stores, three on personnel. We told them to advise as each completes.”

“Copy. As soon as personnel are clear, bring in the jumpers to scan, then offload them. Keep me advised”

“Yes sir.”

“John, Tammy and I are going to go down to thirty-one for a few minutes.” Carter said as she got up from the table. “I’ll have comms, but not be on. Page if you need me. We’ll be back in fifteen.”

“Okay.” he said, not taking his eyes of the platform.



Interior-Floor One Thirty-One

1450 Hours

“It’s a small, dark green pendant, maybe three inches long, and an inch and a half wide.” Maybe a little bigger.” Carter told Tammy. “There’s a design down the center that lights up when it’s powered. Look around, there has to be at least one in all this shit.”

They were dumping boxes onto the floor and skimming through the piles. Tammy opened a small box and looked inside. She pulled out a small object and held it out to Carter.

“Is this it?” She asked, holding it out to her.

“That looks like the pictures I’ve seen. It must not be powered up.” Carter said. “We need to go look at the database, and see what makes this lil sucker tick.”

“I’ve got a box of ‘em. Two, no, three layers of six, so eighteen.” Tammy told her, holding up the box.

“Let’s get upstairs. They’re no use to us like this.”




1505 Hours


Sheppard turned around and saw Carter holding a small object out to him.

He took it, and turned it over in his hand.

“This is one of those personal shields. We haven’t had much luck with these.”

“That’s because no one bothered to read the manual. Tammy and I just did.” Carter said. “We found a box of them. We’re going to issue them to senior staff later.”

“Put it on, under your shirt, it’ll stick to your skin.” She said. “No point in being obvious about it.”

He opened two buttons on his shirt, held the pendant to his chest, then let it go. It started to glow, and stayed in place, so he buttoned his shirt back up.

“Test it, but go easy.” He told her. “If it’s working, you could hurt yourself.”

Carter stepped back, and swung the flat of her hand against his upper arm. A pale green glow formed between her hand and his shirt. She tried poking him in the chest with her fingers with the same effect.

“Come over to the table.” She said. “Put your hand out flat on it.”

She picked up a spoon in her fist, and brought the blunt end down on the back of his hand. She did it several more times, increasing the force with every blow. She grinned up at him.

“So far so good.” She said. “Run your finger over the center, where it’s lit.”

He opened the top button of his shirt, and moved his finger over the light. It went out, and the pendant fell into his hand.

Carter reached up, gripped his ear between her fingers and twisted.


“Okay, we can turn it on and off. And we know they work. I doubt if they’ll stand up to a nuke, but anything less than that, and you should be okay.” She said as she stepped over to the window.

Two jumpers were parked in front of a warehouse, and people were moving out of them, into the building. The jumpers lifted of, and were quickly replace by two more. On the platform, another jumper made a pass over the material stacked on the dock, then hovered, and crews attached cargo nets to hooks on the bottom. It lifted away, and was replaced by another. The platform was cleared in less than half a dozen more passes.

“Go talk to them, John.” She said quietly as she watched. “The officers first, then the enlisted. Tell them what’s happening, show them Landry’s message, and Caldwell orders. Ask them to join us, but tell them we’ll return them to Earth like we have everyone else if they don’t.”

Sheppard nodded, and started for the door.


“Yes.” He said as he stopped in the doorway.

“Don’t forget to turn that thing on.”

He smiled and nodded, and went to increase their forces.



Interior-Warehouse Sixty-Two

1525 Hours

“All officers form up at the far end of the building, on Col. Sheppard.” Lt. Crown shouted, “Step lively, we have alot to get done, and not much time to get it done in!”

People broke away from the crowd milling around in the warehouse and jogged over to where Sheppard was sitting on a table by the open doors on the other end of the warehouse.

Crown turned to face the rest of the group. “Form up by units in columns of four, five meter spread between groups. Medical personnel will be around to check you, and water will be passed out in a few minutes. Stand easy, but stay with your unit.”

“Form up by units.” Sheppard told the approaching officers. He waited till they had all come up, and formed themselves into three groups. “Commanding officers follow me. Lorne.”

He walked out of the warehouse and stood with his back to the door. Maj. Lorne and three officers followed him.

“I’m John Sheppard, commander of the military detachment on Atlantis.” He said as he shook hands with each man. “This is my second in command, Maj. Lorne.” He looked at them for a moment, then said. “What are you doing here?”

One of the marines, a colonel, stepped forward and lifted the back of his shirt up, pulled out a folder wrapped in plastic, and handed it to him.

Sheppard took the folder and flipped through the documents quickly. He handed the folder to Lorne as he spoke.

“Do these orders cover all of you, or do you have separate orders?” He asked the other two. The other marine, a major, nodded.

The special forces officer, another major said, “I have conflicting orders sir. My original orders from the Pentagon are to assist Atlantis personnel in securing the base. My men and I came from Earth, and gated out to be picked up by the Daedalus. I received orders two days ago from the IOA instructing me to remove you, Col. Carter and her senior staff, and return the base to IOA control.”

Sheppard nodded, then stepped away from the group, looking over at Lorne.

“Lorne...shoot me.” He said.

“Sir?” Lorne asked, staring at him.

“It’s okay, Evan. Just do it.”

Lorne nodded, drew his side arm, and fired a round at Sheppard’s chest. A green field grew around Sheppard, then faded as the bullet ricocheted away with the loud whine.

He stepped back over to the group, looking passed them at their junior officers.

“Col. Carter and her staff are all equipped with personal shields like this one. We also outnumber you. Consider you mission for the IOA a failure. You should follow your original orders.”

“That was my plan sir.” The major said, trying not to smile.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to talk to your men, and offer them the choice of joining the Atlantis expedition, or being returned to Earth, at the earliest opportunity. You all have the same option.” He looked at the three men. “You’re all welcome to join us, but no one will be ordered or compelled to stay. We only want people that want to be here.”

“I’m in.” the special forces major said, reaching up and lifting his collar. He slipped a small memory card from a sleeve underneath it, and handed it to Sheppard.

Sheppard shook his head, looking over at Lorne. “Didn’t we search any of these guys?”

“Only for weapons and electronics, sir.” Lorne said with a shrug.

“Okay, get coveralls, slippers and pallets in here. We’ll be bedding them down in here for the night. Show them Landry’s message, make the offer, and move anyone that wants to return to Earth to another building. I’ll be back, I need to update the colonel.”

He looked at the major. “Is this coded or clear?”

“I don’t know sir, I didn’t look.”

Sheppard nodded as he walked across the warehouse toward the jumpers.




1600 Hours

“Landry’s under arrest by order of the IAO, so the Pentagon made it house arrest. There’s a company of SEALS guarding him. It looks more like protective custody to me.” Sheppard said as he read through a file.

He had copied the memory card and mailed the contents to the senior staff. They were all going through it, each of them going through a different section.

“There’s a letter from the President here.” Jennifer said. “File 25394b.”

Everyone found and opened the file. Carter laughed as she read it.

“He’s ordering us to secure the city, proceed with our plan to establish trade in the Pegasus galaxy, and advise when we’re ready to begin trade with the Milky Way, specifically, Earth.” She said as she read though it.

“Are we going to tell them we don’t work for them anymore?” Sheppard asked.

“Yes.” Samuels said. “But we send them a gift first. Do you have an inventory of what was offloaded from Daedalus?”

“Looks like two million rounds of ammunition, shoulder fired missiles, claymores, a couple tons of C4. And a thousand Zatguns. They’re still going through it.”

“They sent us Zats? This is like Christmas.” Carter said. “I’ll send Daniel and Vala over to check them later, just to make sure they haven’t been doctored. If they turn out to be good, I want them distributed to senior staff, your officers and NCOs’. We’ll decide on the rest later.”

She looked over at Samuels. “What kind of gift?”

“Drones. And a ZPM.” Andi said.

“No. No way am I giving them a ZPM, Andi.” Carter said angrily. “Not after they sent people to KILL me! Think of something else.”

“It has to be a ZPM, Sam. Or we won’t get back what I want.” Samuels said calmly.

“And what do they have that’s worth a ZPM? And just say it, don’t make me work for it.”

“More ZPM’s. We tell them we want their depleted ZPM’s, and will trade five for one. We really only want three for one, but we need to give them some wiggle room.”


“I think it’s smart. We build good will, and if they ever figure out that we can charge them, they’ll want to try it. And they can’t if they don’t have any dead ones.” He said. He looked over at Samuels. “Is that what you’re thinking doc?”

Samuels nodded. “Mensa, huh? I’m glad you’re on our side too, John.” She looked over at Sam. “You had thirty, and used five. I need three more, plus the gift. As near as I can tell from the reports I’ve been through, They have at least ten depleted ones, maybe a few more, and two with a partial charge. One at the SCG, and one in Antarctica for the chair weapon.”

“We need to get Daniel and a team into to that outpost. If not today, then tomorrow. That’s going to drain our manpower, because I’m going to want to staff it, and have people start going through it. I want that place locked down before someone at the SGC, or even worse, the IOA, sees a report on it.” She looked between Carter and Sheppard. “I’d say thirty mixed troops and ten techs should do it. We can send less if we can find matching skills among your guys, John.”

“Okay. I still don’t like it, but when you put it that way, I can’t say no.” Carter said. “What if Daniel can’t get back? What do we do then? We’ve stranded those people there.”

“He’ll be able to get back. That outpost is at the edge of the Milky Way, and it’s considerably closer to Atlantis than Earth is. Dialing an eight symbol address won’t be a problem. We’ve already discussed that. He thinks there’s shields too, but if there aren’t, we can fix that.”

“So you’re talking about establishing trade with them now, and not waiting until we’re setup here in Pegasus” Jennifer asked.

“On a very limited basis, at least with Earth.” Samuels said. “The other part of Daniel’s mission will be to reach out to Teal’c.” She grinned at Carter. “Feel like having another old friend over for dinner?”

“I’d love that, but there’s more. Let’s hear it.”

“The Jaffa are the largest, most organized group in the Milky Way. It just makes sense to reach out to them first. Teal’c is known and respected throughout their culture. The Sho’va that freed them from the Goa’uld. With a little help from the Ta’Ree.”

“I know, I was there, remember?” Carter said wryly.

“Ahhhh, a little detail like that isn’t going to escape my notice, I assure you.” Andi grinned. “When he tells them that Samantha Carter of SG-1 needs their help, scouring the galaxy for ZPM’s, and will soon begin trade with them from the Pegasus galaxy, His status may change from living legend, to...I don’t know. What’s better than living legend?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Carter said. She turned and looked at Tammy. “You’ve been quiet so far. What do you think?”

“Andi is making sense, to a point. But if we start trading stuff back and forth, they send to the Alpha site, not here. We don’t need it anymore.” Tammy said. “We found a dozen shield generators in a warehouse over on the north pier, which is why she’s not worried about the outpost having shields. We can put one on the Alpha site gate just as easy.”

“I like that.” Andi said, making a note on her tablet. “I’ll get a team on that. Should take less than forty-eight hours. We don’t have to staff it at first. We can put up a beacon that activates when the gate opens, broadcasting a warning signal back through the event horizon, and notifies us at the same time.”

“I agree that we need to reach out to Teal’c, but I’m not so sure about welcoming the Jaffa into Pegasus with open arms.” Tammy said as she looked around the table. “We’re talking about a warrior culture, bred to fight. The Pegasus galaxy has enough problems without bringing in more. Granted, they won’t be able to bring in ships, not at first. But even a small group of Jaffa is more than anyone, except maybe the Genii or the Wraith can handle.”

“I hadn’t considered that aspect, Tammy. But I think you may be right. Teal’c is well connected throughout the Milky Way, and even the IOA has to listen to him if they want to maintain peaceful relations with the Jaffa. So he can come and go as he pleases to Earth.”

“I’m not using my friend as a messenger boy.” Carter said

“That’s not what I’m suggesting. If he offered his services as an intermediary, to help resolve the difficulties between us and the IOA, I think they’d go for it. He is after all, familiar with all the parties involved, and the Jaffa are friendly with both sides, but neutral. If he happened to share something that someone tells him while he’s there, well, that can’t helped now, can it?”

“The Jaffa aren’t friendly with us, Andi.” Sheppard said, looking up from the file he was reading.

“They will be after Sam asks him if the High Council will make him ambassador to her court,” Samuels said, looking at Carter.

“Change your title to Foreign Minister, intelligence services will fall under your purview. But for now, let’s put the intrigue on the back burner.” Carter said.

“John, tell Ops to have Caldwell offload his crew, and power down the ship. Have a jumper do a scan for life signs and active systems, then have Lorne seal it and post guards till everyone is off the platform, then pull them back. We’ll do inspections tomorrow. If it blows up overnight, it’s no big deal, it’s outside the shield.”

She rubbed her face with her hands, then looked at them again.

“Are you okay?” Andi asked. “You look a little worn.”

“I’m fine, I just feel like I need a shower after this.” Sam grinned, then looked at Sheppard again. “Put the crew up in the Central Tower, something nice. Post guards, and get them fed. We’ll worry about who’s staying or going tomorrow.”

She looked back and forth between Tammy and Andi. “Who’s cooking? I’m going to invite Caldwell over for dinner, and I have a taste for beef. I know that there’s bunch of ribeyes down in the mess hall. I want corn on the cob, loaded baked potatoes, and green beans, with it. And texas toast too. Find something nice for dessert, and send someone over to my old quarters, there’s a case of a nice Merlot in my closet, have them bring it over.”

“I have grills I can put over the burners.” Tammy said. “I can do the steaks and the bread if Andi can do the starches and veggies. Same group that was at lunch, plus one?”

“Yeah, then we can move into the living room and talk business after we eat.” She grinned at Andi.

She looked back at Sheppard. “Bring Caldwell here after you get everyone settled. Get him cleaned up, and would you put him in some decent clothes, please? That jumpsuit he runs around in is ridiculous.” She smiled at him. “And would you mind putting him up for a few days? At least until we decide whether we’re going to bring him in, or keep him at arms length?”

“I can do that.” Sheppard grinned. “He’s not a bad guy, and he’s lightened up alot toward me since that Goa’uld thing.”

“Then we’re done.” She said, standing up and moving toward the door. “I’d like dinner at nineteen hundred. I’m going to go down and spend some time with my guests. I have my comms, and will give it to Daniel, so he can call if we need anything.”



Interior-Dr. Jackson’s Suite

1720 Hours

“Daniel? Vala? Anyone home?” She called.

“Just a minute!” Valla called.

She came out of the bedroom a moment later, wearing a long sleeved black sheath dress that clung to every curve. She posed, smiling broadly.

“What do you think? Isn’t this just divine?” She asked. “I can’t find any shoes that fit though, they’re all too big!”

“No, go get a pair. And you look fantastic in that dress!” Sam said, watching Vala run into the other room.

“Is someone out there?” She heard Daniel say.

“Yes, Samantha is visiting.” Vala said. “Now get dressed, and bring your shoes!”

She came running back a moment later, holding a pair of shiny black flats. She held them out and Sam took them, then waved her toward a chair.

Kneeling in front of Vala, she slipped the shoe onto her foot.

“See? It’s too big!”

“Give it a second. Just watch.”

“Wh...oh my!” Vala said as she watched the shoe begin to shrink around her foot, the sole thickening slightly. She dropped her foot, and slipped the other shoe on, watching gleefully as it molded itself to her foot as well.

“Hi, Sam.” Daniel said as he came out of the bedroom. He was wearing a pair of loose black slacks, and a shiny green shirt. He had a pair of black cloth shoes in his hand. “Vala, I can’t wear these. They’re too big. Where are my other shoes, the ones I wore in today?”

“Yes you can! They shrink to fit, see?” She held out her foot, tipping it back and forth so he could see.

Daniel leaned against the back of the couch and slipped one of the shoes on. His eyes widened as it started contracting around his foot, then he shrugged and pulled the other one on.

“I need to go down to thirty-one.” Sam said. “Would you like to go with me? I can show you some of the other floors too if you want.”

She handed him her comm unit. “I told Tammy I’d give you that. It’s on, so if you need to, you can call for help. I want to get you comms, that’s why I want to go downstairs. But I’d like to show you something else first.”

She led them out to the elevator, and they dropped to the ground floor. Sam led them outside to a small park. The ocean spread out before them as far as the eye could see, and off to one side, they could make out the platform with the Daedalus sitting on it.

“Tammy and I come down here sometimes. At night, the lights from the suites shine on the water. It’s very romantic.” She said, smiling wistfully.

She turned and faced them. “Why did Landry send you? Do you have any messages, or other information?” She walked over to a bench, and Vala came over to sit beside her.

“He didn’t say much, and what he did say was very cryptic.” Daniel told her, shaking his head. “He wanted me out of the Milky Way. I think he was afraid that someone would use me as a wedge against you. Both of us.”

She nodded. “Sheppard got the orders the marines were given, they were sent as reinforcements. The special forces commander gave him a data chip loaded with plans and orders. There’s even a letter from the President. It looks like the Americans are going to support us. Or they believe that I’ll give them the city, or let them use it.”

“What are you going to do?” He asked.

“Speed up some plans, put others on hold, but mostly proceed on the current schedule.” She said, looking up at him. “I need you to take a team to your outpost tomorrow. We’ll send ZPM’s with you. Andi said that you felt you could get back if the station was powered?”

“Yes, dialing Pegasus won’t be a problem.” He answered. “But why so soon?”

“Andi’s afraid that someone with the SGC or the IOA might see a report, and send someone. We want to get that station powered up, check and see if the shields work, and if not, get some installed. On both the station and the gate.”

“We need to lock that station down, and get people working on the systems. We’re talking about a crew of thirty or so, military and technical people. Sorry, but we don’t have an archeologist that I know of, and I need you to come right back. Come to think of it, you really don’t have to go, but there’s something else I need you to do while you’re there.”

“I can learn more here about the ancients than I can there. Just have your people document and photograph everything. What’s this other thing you need me to do?”

“Reach out to Teal’c, and invite him to dinner.”

Daniel grinned. “You know, if you had asked me to guess, that would not have been one of my choices.”

“Andi again, but I would like to see him.” Carter told him. “She wants to have him act as an intermediary between us and the IOA. He’d be safe, he knows both parties, it’s a smart move. She also wants to broach the subject of trade with the Jaffa with him.”

“She’s right, the IOA would never touch him. And the Jaffa are the most organized group in galaxy. I don’t know what they have to trade, but it might be a smart move.”

“She’s looking for a foothold and an ally there. They are the best choice.”

Daniel jumped, then reached in his pocket and pulled out Sam’s comm unit. He held it out to her, but she shook her head. He put it on and said, “Hello?”

“Daniel? Where’s Sam?” Tammy asked. “Is she okay? I haven’t heard from her.”

“She’s fine Tammy. She’s talking to Vala.”

“Where are you? I’m in your suite.”

“We’re at a little park outside. Sam said you like to come here together. She’s right you know, it is very romantic.”

Sam smiled, wrapping her arms around herself, giving him an air hug.

There was a pause. then Tammy said. “Tell her everyone is here, and dinner is going to be a little early. So you need to head upstairs soon.”

“We will, don’t worry. She’s having a good time, but she misses you. She’s coming now, would you like to...”

“No, just come up soon.” She said, and closed the channel.

“She said dinner is going to be early, and we need to head upstairs.” He told Sam.

“That’s fine. I’m sorry all I talked about was business.” She turned to Vala. “I want to spend some time with you Vala. I’ve missed you so much.” She said putting her arm around her and hugging her.

“There will be time, Samantha. You don’t know what a relief it is to be in a clean, civilized place for a change, instead of some decrepit old ruins, no showers, and a slit trench to pee in.”

“I remember.” Sam laughed as she stood up. “And I don’t miss that at all!”



Interior-Living Room

1810 Hours

Jennifer, John, Teyla and Caldwell were standing in the living room talking when Sam walked in with Daniel and Vala. Sam smiled as she walked over.

“Don’t you two look dashing.” She said.

Sheppard and Caldwell were both wearing loose black slacks and black cloth shoes. Sheppard had on a soft gray shirt with full sleeves, while Caldwell’s was white.

“Steven is most handsome this evening.” Teyla said. “This is much more becoming on him than his usual attire.”

Jennifer was in her white wraparound dress again, and Teyla wore an identical one in blue. Both had delicate floral prints.

“Daniel, Vala, come join us, I need to steal John and Steven away from their ladies.”

She took both men by the arm, and led them toward the hall leading to the kitchen.

“Would you gentlemen go take over the grilling duties please? Tammy and I need to dress for dinner, so we’re not outshined by the competition!” she laughed. “Ask her to join me in the bedroom, if you’d be so kind?”

“Of course.” Caldwell said, bowing slightly. Sheppard looked at him, then followed him into the kitchen.

Sam turned and ran lightly toward her bedroom. “Be with you soon.” She called over her shoulder.

Tammy came into the bedroom, and saw her standing in front of the closet beside the bed. She went up and stood beside her as Sam slid clothes back and forth on the rail.

“Help me find something to wear. Everyone else looks so nice.” Sam said as she looked at Tammy. She turned and stepped into her arms, kissing her lightly, then more hungrily.

Tammy responded eagerly and they fell backwards onto the bed. Pawing at each others gowns, they rolled over, deeper into the bed, their hands roaming all over each other as they kissed.

“Oh, excuse me.” Daniel said as he stepped into the room. He backpedaled quickly, then said. “Sheppard asked me to tell you that dinner will be ready in five minutes.”

“Thank you, Daniel.” Tammy laughed, pushing Sam away so she could get off the bed. “We’ll be right out.”

She rolled in the other direction across the bed, then got up and opened the other closet. “I found this the other day, and was going to show it to you, but we got sidetracked.” She held up a short, sleeveless black dress. “I think you’d look fantastic in this.”

“Oh, Tammy.” Sam said as she came around the bed, taking it from her. “That’s beautiful.”

She looked at her. “What are you going to wear?”

Tammy reached into the closet and pulled something down. She held it in front of her as she went into the bathroom. “Get dressed and brush your hair, I’ll be right out.” She said as she closed the door behind her.

Sam pulled her gown over her head and tossed it on the bed. Her sports bra and panties followed. She slid the dress over her head, shaking and shimmying as she pulled it down over her body. She stepped over in front of the mirror on the inside of the closet door and made a few minor adjustments, then picked up a brush and ran it through her hair.

“You look lovely.” She heard Tammy say behind her. She turned around, gasping when she saw her.

Tammy was wearing a pair of pleated black slacks, her upper body bare under a black vest. The vest was unbuttoned halfway and her breasts forced the sides of it apart. She’d slicked her hair back, and had a hint of lipstick on.

“Wow! You look so...butch! I like it!” Sam said, going over and wrapping her arms around her. She leaned back, forcing her hips forward, grinding her crotch against Tammy’s. “You wanna just tell everyone to come back in a couple hours, and we...”

“Huh uh.” Tammy said, leaning forward to kiss her. Sam wrapped her arms around her neck, letting her tongue dart lightly into her mouth. Tammy drew away and smiled at her. “No, I want to go show off my woman. And show these people who wears the pants in this family!”

“Samantha?” Teyla called from the door. “John says you must to come to dinner now.”

“We’re com...we’re on our way Teyla.” Tammy said.




1830 Hours

“!” Jennifer said as they walked into the room

“Wow!” Sheppard and Caldwell said at the same time.

“Excuse me. I’m just going to shoot myself now.” Andi said. “For god’s sake! How am I suppose to compete with that?”

“I don’t know, I think I look better than both of them.” Vala said.

“I do...aarrrghh!” Daniel grunted.

“No, Daniel.” Vala said lightly. “The proper answer is, Oh Vala, you’re the most beautiful woman in the universe!”

“Vala, be nice!” Sam laughed. “Let go of Daniel’s ba...whatever you’re squeezing.”

Tammy came around and held her chair, and Sam slipped into it, smoothing her dress under her.

Caldwell sat a plate of steaks at one end of the table, and took a seat next to Teyla. Sheppard sat another plate at the other end, and took his place next to Jennifer. The seat at the foot of the table was empty.

“I’d like to thank everyone for coming tonight. Andi, Tammy, Steven, John, the food looks delicious. First, let me say that there are no ranks, no titles tonight. We’re on a first name basis please. And in deference to Andi, no business at the dinner table.”

Smiles and laughter greeted her remarks, and Andi beamed as she looked around.

Sam looked around the table. “We’re taking the first steps in what I hope is a productive journey. And pray that we all live up to each others expectations.” She smiled at them happily. “John, Steven, if you’d pour the wine on your sides of the table please? Everyone else, grab a dish and start passing them around!”

Sheppard and Caldwell moved around the table pouring the wine, then left the bottles at the foot on each side. Jennifer and Teyla had been loading their plates while they were up, and when Caldwell sat down, he stared at his plate.

“Good lord!” He said, “There’s more calories on this plate than I eat in a week!”

“A man in a position of authority needs to eat well, Steven.” Teyla said as she scooped a spoonful of green beans onto his plate, then put a much smaller portion on her own, and passed the dish across the table to John.

“And a woman in a position of authority?” He asked.

“Must remain desirable enough to a attract a man in an equal, or greater a position, to secure her own.”

“You have nothing to fear there Teyla.” Caldwell said softly.

“Thank you, Steven.” Teyla said, taking a bite of her steak. Her other hand was out of sight under the table.

Daniel launched into a story about an archeological dig on a remote world, but Vala and Sam kept throwing in comments about no showers, slit trenches, and the lack of toilet paper in SGC ration packs. He gave up, and Vala recounted the story of their first trip to Atlantis, and their encounter with the ascended ancient, Ganos Lal.

That made Teyla remark about Sheppard’s penchant for attracting ascended women, which earned her a look and a kick under the table from Jennifer.

After a while, people began pushing their plates away and sitting back, rubbing their bellies in satisfaction. Sheppard and Caldwell were keeping everyone’s wine glasses full, and a row of empty bottles was growing at the foot of the table.

Sam pushed back from the table and stood up. “Friends, that was a delightful meal. The best I can remember in quite a while.” She said. “Let’s adjourn to the living room where we can stretch out and relax. And if you don’t mind, I’d like to save talk of business till the morning. Why spoil such a wonderful evening.”

“Here, here.” Caldwell said, smiling at Teyla.



Interior-Living Room

1945 Hours

“The report I read said that you’re undergoing physical modifications. Strength, agility, hearing. You have a nose filter in too.” Caldwell said. “How are you holding up? Nothing harmful? You’re not in pain?”

“No, I have to wear ear plugs, and the nose filter sometimes, but nothing too bad.” She said as she walked around and pulled the coffee table out away from him. “Get down on the floor. Which hand do you use?” She asked, kneeling on the other side, propping her elbow on the table, holding her hand up, fingers spread.

Caldwell knelt, putting his arm on the table, and gripping her hand. They worked at their grips for a moment, then she grinned. “Whenever you’re ready.”

He jerked his hand to the side suddenly, and her hand moved an inch toward the table. She looked at him steadily as she recovered, then pressed his arm down in one smooth, easy motion, showing no signs of strain. Caldwell grunted, fighting to keep from being pinned, but in less than thirty seconds, his hand touched the table.

“Not bad.” She said. “You lasted longer than some of John’s marines.” She grinned at him.

“Showoff.” Tammy said as she came out of the kitchen. “Does anyone want more wine? Or maybe something stronger?” She handed Caldwell a bottle of wine. “Pass that around, I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Come up to the gym tomorrow Steven. You can workout and spar with us.” Sam said as she sat on the floor, crossing her legs under her. “After weeks on that ship, it’ll do you good to work up a sweat.”

“I’d like that, Sam.” Caldwell said, patting his stomach. “After that meal, I’m going to need a good workout.”

“Samantha and Tammy are most vigorous when they exercise.” Teyla said, holding out her hand and helping him to his feet. “Perhaps something less strenuous until you work up to their level. I would not advise sparring with them, however.”

“We won’t hurt him, Teyla.” Tammy said as she came back into the room. She had a bottle of tequila in one hand, and a tray of glasses in the other. She sat the tray down and started pouring shots, moving from glass to glass.

She sat the bottle down and picked up two glasses, handing one to Sam. She lifted her glass in salute, and tossed it back. Holding out her hand, she smiled at Sam.

“Dance with me.” She said, helping her up, then leading her out into an open space as their hands came together. She looked at Teyla as she took her in her arms, leading as they began to dance slowly. “Why don’t you show Steven the rest of the house, Teyla? He might enjoy some of the views.”

“I’d like that.” Caldwell said, tossing back a shot. He sat the glass down and picked up two more, offering one to Teyla. She shook her head as she took his arm.

“Thank you, no.” She said. “I have had too much wine as it is. Let me show you the view of the city. It is very beautiful at night.” She led him across the room, and they disappeared through a doorway.



Interior-Living Room

2100 Hours

The lights were dimmed, and a slow jazz tune was playing softly in the background. Sam had her arms draped loosely over Tammy’s shoulders, while Tammy held her hips, guiding her through the steps of a samba. Jennifer and John were dancing in place, her arms around his neck as she kissed him passionately.

“Aren’t you going to dance with Vala, Daniel?” Andi asked.

“I don’t dance.” Vala said. “Can we go home Daniel? I want to do that too. But I want to be lying down so I can be comfortable.”

“Stay, Vala. Please?” Sam said, her forehead resting on Tammy’s. “Tammy is a wonderful dancer. She can teach you if you want. It’s fun.”

She glanced around, then looked back at Vala.

“What happened to Steven? He was here a minute ago.” She said.

“Teyla wanted to show him the view of the city.” Andi said with a smile.

“The only room with a view of the city is th....ohhhhhh.”

“Shut up and kiss me.” Tammy whispered.

“Yes maam.” Sam said, letting her lips brush over hers.




2120 Hours

“Aaaaahhhhh.” Teyla moaned. She raised her head, staring down between her legs. “ one has every done it like this before, Steven! Ohhhhhh! Yesssssss!”

She had her hands on the back of his head as she rocked her hips up his face. Her thick bush scrubbed his face as his tongue lashed out, darting up inside her, then dragging up the length of her fur lined slit. He was making loud slurping noises as he ate her out eagerly.

Her eyes rolled up in her head, and she gasped as her orgasm burst over her. He began licking her even more furiously, his hands sliding under her ass to lift her off the bed, drinking from her drooling pussy like it was a hairy goblet.

Teyla let go of his head, and pawed at his back and shoulders, trying to get him to move up over her.

“Please Steven! I need you in me!” She pleaded.

Caldwell raised up, forcing his pants down over his hips. They dropped down his legs, and down over his knees as he kneewalked forward, positioning himself between her widespread legs. Teyla reached down, wrapping her hand around him, gliding it up and down the length of his shaft. She fit the spongy knob between the lips of her pussy as he got close enough, then groaned and threw her legs around him as he plunged full length into her.

“Yeesssss! Take me, Steven!” She cried out happily, her eyes wide, staring up into his as her heels dug into his asscheeks, urging, then forcing him deeper inside her. She threw her arms around his neck, writhing under him, her hips arching up at his again and again.

“Ohhhh god! Noooooo.” Caldwell grunted as he felt his balls tighten up, and the first hot load surged up the length of his cock.

“Yes, Steven! Yes! Fill me! Ohhhh...Ohhhh...yes!” She moaned as he filled her with his seed.

His hips jerked as her thrust into her frantically, whimpering into her neck. His body spasmed and he stiffened, the full length of his shaft buried inside her.

“So good. Ohhhh, so so good, Steven.” She whispered as she held him tightly again her. She stroked him gently. “Shhhh, rest. That’s right. Let me feel you on me...yes...”

She held him, caressing him and whispering to him until he caught his breath and raised up over her. She took his face in her hands and kissed him, then smiled.

“Roll over, Steven.” She said as she pushed him off to one side.

Caldwell flopped over onto his back, and Teyla followed, stretching out beside him on the bed.

She shrugged her dress off her shoulders, pushing it aside, then laid her head on his chest, turning her face down, kissing his skin gently. Her hand drifted between his legs. She cupped his balls, smiling as she felt them beginning to swell slowly in her hand. She moved her hand up, wrapping her hand around the head of his cock, working it in her fingers, making him grunt and jerk.

Moving slowly down the length of his body, she settled next to his leg, her head resting on his hip. She watched her hand work lazily over the limp snake of his prick, then purred as she felt it start to stiffen again under her fingers.

She slid over his leg, getting between them and stretching out, her face inches from his loins. She inhaled the heady perfume of their union, then lifted his cock, kissing it softly on the tip.

Caldwell moaned as she ran her tongue softly over him, licking up their combined juices.

He raised up on his elbows. “I’ll last longer next time.” He said as he looked down at her.

“Yes, you will.” She said as she took him into her mouth, and began sucking lightly.



Interior-Living Room

2130 Hours

“Did you hear that?” Vala asked, looking around.

“Hear what?” Tammy asked, her hands moving slowly over Sam’s hips as she moved her leg between hers and began rubbing it lightly up and down.

“Mmmmmmmm.” Sam moaned, pressing herself harder against Tammy’s firm thigh.

“No, that wasn’t it, it was louder, and higher pitched.” Vala said. “I think it came from over there.” She pointed at the doorway beside the porter.

“It’s the birds.” Tammy said, her hands moving down to cup the cheeks of Sam’s ass, lifting her higher on her leg. “They fly around the upper floors. That must have been their mating call you heard. Isn’t that right, Andi.”

“Um, yes. that could have been the well filled Athosian warbler. Their mating call can be quite loud. Or so I’ve heard.” Andi said.

“If you say so.” Vala said, sitting back on the couch with Daniel. “But I could have sworn that was Teyla in the bedroom with Col. Caldwell.”



Interior-Living Room

2150 Hours

“Make love to me.” Sam whispered to Tammy as they danced.

They were really just grinding against each other now, as they swayed to the music.

“I am.” Tammy purred, her hands roaming over the firm cheeks of Sam’s ass.

“Take me to bed.” Sam said softly, her fingers playing with the buttons on Tammy’s vest. She slipped the highest button in and out of it’s hole, then left it loose, moving down to the next one.

“I want it as bad as you do.” Tammy said, “But we have guests.”

“They won’t care.”

Andi stood up from the couch. “Thank you for a wonderful evening, Sam. but I think I’m going home. There’s a pipe downstairs with my name on it.” She said. She turned to Vala and Daniel. “I have this nice little Athosian herb called Tuumpor that’s very pleasant. Would you like to try it?”

“Maybe tomorrow?” Vala said as she pulled Daniel to his feet, then pulled him toward the porter. “Goodnight Samantha. We’ll see you tomorrow.” She pushed Jackson into the porter, and was all over him before the doors closed. A moment later, the doors opened, and Vala stepped out and led Daniel down the hall to the elevator.

“Should I?” Andi said, nodding at Sheppard and Keller. “They’ve been at it almost an hour. But then, so have you.” She shook her head and walked toward the elevator.

“We’ll take care of it.” Tammy said as she released Sam, pushing her away gently. “Go get naked.” She said softly as she opened the buttons on her vest.

Sam ran into the bedroom and pulled her dress over her head. She gathered up her clothes from the bed and took them into the bathroom, stuffing them into the cleaner. She ran back into the bedroom, dove onto the bed, grabbed a pillow and hugged it to her. She slid her hand down between her body and the pillow, and started masturbating as she waited for Tammy.

Tammy walked over behind Sheppard, wrapping her arms around his waist, and pressing her breasts into his back.

“Take her home, John. And spend the night making slow, sweet love to her.” She whispered in his ear.

She ran her hand down over the front of his pants, squeezing the thick shaft of his cock. “Mmmmmm, she wasn’t kidding. Sir John’s packing a two handed broadsword.”

Jennifer pulled away, looking at her over his shoulder.


“Just telling him to go give you what you need Jenn, and getting him ready for you.”

She stepped back, putting her hands on his shoulders. She pushed him toward the elevator.

“Go. We’ll see you at breakfast in the morning. But feel free to sleep in.” She told them.

She watched them walk to the elevator, then moved to the doorway next to the porter. She stepped inside and smiled as she saw Teyla straddling Caldwell, riding him slowly.

“We’re going to bed Teyla.” she said, leaning against the wall. “Stay the night. We’ll see you in the morning.”

Caldwell turned and looked at her, his eyes going wide when he saw her standing bare breasted by the door. He smiled, then turned back to Teyla, putting his hands on her hips and starting to stroke harder.

Teyla threw her head back, her hands coming up to cup her breasts, squeezing them against her chest. She started riding him faster, matching his pace. She rolled her head to the side and looked at Tammy.

“Th...thank you Ta...Tammy. Go...good...oh so good!” She moaned, collapsing on Caldwell, writhing wildly on top of him as she started to cum.

Tammy went back into the living room, slipping her vest off and letting it fall to the floor behind her as she stepped into the bedroom. She opened the button on her slacks, and they slipped down onto her hips as she walked. The zipper loosened, and as she approached the bed, they fell around her feet. She stepped out of them and slipped up into the bed, moving on her elbows and knees.

Her hand brushed Sam’s leg, and she pushed it to one side, rolling her over onto her back. Sam pushed the pillow away as she felt Tammy moving between her legs. She reached down, wrapping her fingers in her hair as she pulled her face against her loins.

“Mmmmm, what took you so long?” She purred.






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