Pearl 0/? {Redman} {f-solo Ff MFf, cons}
(c) December 2000
Comments welcomed at

Pearl - The Introduction
by Redman

The first three chapters of the story of "Pearl" are 
my entry into the "Conjugate Naive Nymphet Challenge." 
The purpose of this challenge, if I understand it 
correctly, is to create a believable fourteen-year old 
blonde nymphomaniac and to place in her luscious mouth 
a particularly dreadful piece of dialogue. I'm not 
going to say here what the dialogue is, because 
hopefully when the reader encounters it (in Chapter 3) 
it won't sound so dreadful. The goal is for the 
dialogue to sound natural and to fit the believable 
character. Only the reader (and I suppose whatever 
judges there may be [were there judges??]) can decide 
whether I've succeeded.

For those readers who are reluctant to read 6000 words 
before the juicy parts begin, chapters 1 and 2 deal 
with character development. So far, the story codes 
for chapter 3 are {f-solo Ff MFf, cons}. Eventually 
though, due to the very nature of the situation and 
characters I have developed, there will be a whole 
range of sexual expression in further chapters. These 
chapters, should they ever exist, will more likely be 
added after the first of the year (2001).

Thanks for reading. I love to hear comments about my 
work, good or bad. I can be reached at or alternately at red_redman@my-

Other stories written by me can be found at:
and at 

As always, I encourage only those people who can 
legally and responsibly read stories of an adult, 
erotic nature to read my stories. Minors and people in 
countries where such stories are not permissible by 
law should avoid them.
