Tim, the Teenage MC
By Rass Senip
Chapter XVI:  11th Grade, Summer 1988
Part 1 - Nathan, My Best Amigo
(mc, mf, ff)

Puffy white clouds hang high in the sky casting shadows on the fields of grass 
surrounding a road, a peaceful and quite scene.  A car...  A familiar red car...  
approaches from the distance, then pulls up beside me.  

I'm sitting in my Mustang and finding myself looking Tim in the eyes as Eric 
silently gets out of his car without a word.

I hear a count down, "Three, two, one," and instinctively push on the petal to 
make my car go, but my ears only hear the roar of Tim's engine as we pull out.

I knew I was going to beat him again, even though he kept getting further ahead 
with each shift.   Right on cue, the crossing lights came on as the train blew 
it's horn, and I look over at Tim expecting to see his face whiten with fear.

But his eyes contained a look I had never seen before, fearless and bright, with 
just a touch of insanity to them.  There was no doubt in my mind he wasn't going 
to stop this time, and it was then my car's speed started to decline.  As the 
train's whistle blew its long wails and the crossing light dinged in my ears, I 
struggled in vain to get my car back up to speed.  

I nearly missed seeing his car jerk up slightly from the dip in the road by the 
track as mine slowed to a stop.  My eyes locked on and zoomed in to watch the 
distance between the onrushing train and the side of his car close faster than I 
could even blink.

I was then standing right there by the tracks, witnessing the exact spot where 
the train first touched the side of his car.  Just as the impact crushed the 
passenger side door, I heard Tim exclaim, "Damn it!  You won again!"

The next instant, I was hurled into the air from the explosion of flames and 
noise, my body becoming lighter and less distinct, and then I heard Eric's 
distant anguished cry....


I woke up with a start, my heart pounding as it took me a few moments to take in 
my surroundings and recognize where the hell I was.  Then I sat up slowly and 
threw my feet over the side of my bunk bed, wondering why my back was feeling so 

A voice from the lower bunk said, "You're Joseph?"

I looked between my bare legs and feet to see a Latino guy about my age looking 
up at me before I said, "Yeah."

"My name is Nathan.  Grandfather said you..  require a voice to..."

"Link with, yeah," I said, my heart starting to speed up again.  "I take it 
you're interested?"

"Si, but only if your link can strengthen my voice too."

I jumped down to the warm marble floor, but because my legs were as stiff as my 
back felt, I ended up landing on my face instead of my feet.

Nathan didn't move a muscle to help me, and the asshole was even laughing at me 
too, so I managed to moan a "Fuck you."

As I struggled to get up, he finally helped me up while asking, "You have 
trouble with heights?"

I sat down on the bunk next to him to recover and said, "Fuck, no..  My legs are 
really stiff for some reason."  

"I have seen people have this problem before.  It will go away in a day or so."

"I take it you been living here a long time?"

"Si, half my life.  I have voice, but it isn't strong like the others.  You help 
me get strong voice?"

"Well, we can try.  I can't promise anything though.  You want to try now?"

"Not yet.  Questions first," he said, moving to sit beside me.  "How do you hide 
from me?"

"Huh?  Oh, you mean how do I keep you from scanning me and stuff.  Sorry, but I 
can't tell you that.  You understand?"

"Si.  I understand.  So..  You like girls?"

"Shit.  Yeah, I like girls."

"You like to.. uhhh..  make girls fuck?"

"I'd like to do that, yeah."

"You no keep?  You let go afterwards?"

"Probably.  That's the way I've done it in the past, but I might keep one or two 
girls a lot longer than the others I enslave."

This seem to trouble him a moment, but then he said, "Grandfather tell you 

"Which one?  He told me lots of.."

"Only one slave per voice.  That rule."

"Yeah, he told me.  I just meant.."

"Only girls.  No boys.  Grandfather said you like boys too."

"No I don't!" I said insulted.  "Look!  You want pussy, I want pussy.  If we 
link, I'll do what I want and you do what you want.  If you can't handle that, 
then I'll find someone else to link with, understand?  Any more questions?  If 
not I'm getting my dinner."

"I apologize," he said with sincerity.  "My words are clumsy, and I do 
understand.  You and I have this in common.  I not strong enough to not do as 
others say.  I wish only to be equal, not above.  I wish to decide what I do 
instead of doing what others tell me.  My word to you I will not tell you what 
to do if you do not tell me what to do too."

"I'll agree to that.." I said, feeling more comfortable about him with that out 
of the way. "Anything else you want to ask?"

"Yes, just one."

"Well? What is it?"

"Why are you here?  Grandfather did not say, just you are not decided to stay 

"That's kind of a long story.  I'm really pretty hungry.  Mind if I eat while we 

He nodded and stood up, his own legs appearing little shaky, but not as much as 
mine were.  I couldn't understand why my legs and back were so stiff, but I 
forgot about it once I had left the barracks and headed for the food.

Shit, I guess it's time to explain where the fuck I was in the first place.  To 
put it simply, I was in the South American country of Venezuela as the guest and 
sort of patient of the man known as Gladius.  Yeah, the guy who created the 
twins and shit like that. 

Anyway, Gladius owns this... I guess you could call it a town.  Shit, it was 
more like a fortress since the entire place was surrounded by a huge stone wall 
that was guarded night and day.  The population of this town was a mixture of 
all races and creeds, the largest amount being native Venezuelans, but the few 
telepaths who he employed and the empathic twins he bred were the only free 
thinking people there.  The rest were simply his slaves in which he uses to 
breed even more slaves.

I'm not sure if Gladius had found out about my...  Shit.  Rebellion? Whatever 
you call dropping out of school, fighting with my parents and sister night and 
day until I just left and swore never to come back, all while constantly looking 
for ways to fuck up Tim's life,...  Whatever that is, that's what I had done, 
and after spending two weeks living on my own without speaking a word to any 
friends or family, I was only too happy to accept Kain's offer to return to 
Venezuela with him to see if I'd like to work for Gladius in his keep.

Kain..  He's this twenty something Venezuelan guy who was supposedly in the 
states to kidnap this particular type of woman for some reason or another, and 
we bumped into each other when we both had been casing out the same chick named 
Michelle.  I was at this diner at lunch time looking for someone who felt 
something from my coin.  Michelle walks in and sits down at the counter, so I 
leisurely sit down next to her and order a soda like I had been doing the last 
ten times I had tried it there. 

We started talking, I showed her the coin and let her hold it, and after she 
failed the test, I was about to go when Kain sat down and asked if he could see 

Shit.  That scared me.  I mean, either he was a coin freak like John or an 
experienced telepath who had at least seen another coin like mine before.  I 
wanted to find someone who hadn't developed their telepathy yet so I could trick 
them into letting me link with them.  Once linked, I would enslave them before 
helping them develop their own abilities as much as I could.

Kain immediately explained that he had been scanning Michelle while I was 
talking to her and became curious when he tried to scan me and found I could 
hide my thoughts from him.   After a few nervous minutes, I relaxed finding he 
had no intention of taking my coin from me or enslaving me, and then after I 
explained what I had been doing and somewhat the reason why, he offered to take 
me to Gladius to work for him.

When I got there though, Gladius himself told me he could not rely on me because 
I was "empathetically damaged" due to the improper conditions during my recovery 
from my empathic wipe.  He gave me the choice of either permitting his girls to 
treat me or leaving his keep penniless and with no ticket home.

Shit, what else could I do?  I didn't know a word of Spanish and had come there 
without a passport or any other form of ID.  My dad had tried to stop me from 
leaving home by burning my drivers license and ATM card, and transferred the 
little money I had in my checking account to the savings account which I 
couldn't access until I was eighteen.  But he didn't hide his own wallet at 
night since it was kept next to his bed.  I simply waited for my mom and dad to 
fall asleep, then snuck in and took all his cash and his ATM card which he 
didn't know I knew the pin number to.

Anyway, I knew Gladius had me by the balls, and it scared the shit out of me 
thinking what he might do to me if I agreed to let those brainwashing bitches do 
their thing on me.  I was absolutely against it until he offered to have one of 
his voices allow me to link with them.  Between that and the fact that I was 
sure he was capable of enslaving me himself if that's what he wanted to do, I 
agreed to his conditions and went somewhat willingly with Kain to begin the 
first of six "treatments".

I was telling most of this to Nathan as I ate like a horse.  I explained that I 
had just finished the fourth treatment and had just woken up from sleeping off 
the effects of the five hour long fuck.

Nathan grinned and asked me, "You like fucking Grandfather's girls?"

"Shit, yeah.  I know they do something to me to want it, but I still can't help 
but get hard thinking about my next time.  What about you?  You ever fuck a 

"All us voices get tested by Grandfather's girls every three weeks, and if we 
fail their test, they "correct" us.  None of us like that kind of fuck, and I've 
been corrected five times.  Your fuck is different.  I've never had that kind 

"Do any of the other voices get to have the good kind of fuck with them?"

"Kain does, and I think a few others have but they won't tell.  Do you feel any 
different from your treatments?"

"Yeah, I guess I do a little.  I mean, I've only been here a week, and most of 
that time I've been either sleeping or eating or fucking.  I haven't had time to 
really find out if I'm feeling different than before.  What?  Why are you 
looking at me like that?"

"Have you fucked other than your treatments?"

"Huh?  No, why?"

"Oh..  I thought you fuck slave or something."

"Why?  Can't you fuck the slaves any time you feel?"

"No.  We only allowed to have one slave at a time, and not any of Grandfather's.  
We have to find our own slaves outside.  Gordon and Jonas take mine, and I am 
not strong enough to fight them.  Maybe with link we can keep our slaves like 
the others do.  All the voices have partner.  All but me."

I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him.  Especially since I was pretty 
sure that Gordon was this twerp about fourteen.  Shit, he was more of an asshole 
that a twerp.  The first time he had seen me he had instantly used his voice on 
me to try and make me get him a drink.  I went along with it just so I could 
purposely dump it over his head, and after I did that, I filled him in on the 
fact that I was a guest and he better not fuck with me.

While I hadn't actually been told that the others would get into trouble for 
messing with me, Gordon didn't try anything like that again, but he was working 
really hard to get around my self encrypting thoughts while I had been eating 
breakfast that morning. 

Even though I had just slept for six hours, I was feeling really sleepy by the 
time I finished eating.  I think I barely kept my eyes open long enough to make 
it back to bed before slipping into a deep sleep again.

The next morning I woke up feeling stiff again, but not as bad as the day 
before.  I wasn't going to have another treatment until the next day, so I 
decided to do some exploring, having not seen much of the place except the 
courtyard were the food was given out, the barracks where I slept, and Kain's 
lab where I went for my treatments.

I shared the barracks with fifteen or so men, but the only time they ever used 
it was at night.  None of them ever spoke a word to me as they mechanically 
showered and climbed into bed every night around ten.  After they got up at the 
crack of dawn and filed out to do their work in the fields, I had the whole 
place to myself until they returned that evening.

I'll say this much for Gladius.  He runs a tight ship.  As I wandered around the 
town, every person over the age of three was hard at work in some fashion or 
other.  Women washing clothes, sewing clothes, making pottery, taking care of 
the children who were too young to be in school.  

Shit.  School..  It wasn't anything like a school I ever heard of.  There were 
only two men and two women teaching at least sixty children between three and 
twelve, and besides Kain and Gladius, they were the only voices over the age of 
twenty.   They were in the middle of their French lesson, but during the lesson 
one of the men went over to this one girl and apparently gave her a pop quiz on 
blow jobs.

That's pretty much when I knew the treatments hadn't helped me a bit.  I wanted 
that kind of power, I wanted to order a little girl like that to suck me off, 
then fuck her up really really bad before taking her mind and using her in every 
form of sex I could think of.

I left the "school" and started searching for Nathan, yet continued to do some 
exploring too.  Most of the buildings were simply housing for the slaves, the 
women's sleeping quarters all having two bedrooms separated from the bunk beds, 
but otherwise their uniform monotonous look was identical to the men's bunkers 
like mine.  The exception to this was the maternal wards where women with babies 
were given private rooms, showers, and other luxuries the others didn't have.

The children's quarters were pretty much smaller versions of the adults, but I 
was surprised to find they had play areas stocked with toys.  I wondered if this 
meant that children required that kind of activity in order to grow up somewhat 

All those buildings I found to be empty, but several other buildings were in use 
like the one where the food was prepared, another where the laundry was done, 
some metal works, and a bunch of others which I didn't bother to check out that 
looked pretty much the same.

I had no idea of what Nathan or any of the other voices did all day.  Kain had 
told me that there were thirteen teen voices working for Gladius, and they all 
had jobs to do during the day to earn their board and meals.  I found it very 
strange that any voice would put up with such an arrangement, for they could 
have easily gone out and lived like kings instead of working seven days a week 
in that slave pit.

I was on my way back to the court yard where they would be serving lunch when a 
guy appeared twenty yards behind me and started ordering me to do something in 

"I don't speak Spanish, and I'm not one of these... people," I said, finding the 
guy was irritated at me for some reason.

I felt his mind try to command me to follow him, and I barely was able to hold 
him off before he stopped and frowned at me for a few moments.

Then he turned and whistled down to another guy in the distance, and I watched 
that one jog towards us with a grin on his face while the other motioned for me 
to follow him inside a rather large building I hadn't tried.

"Holy shit," I gasped, finding the building littered with nude women in an 
assortment of sexually inviting poses and positions.  I looked over at the guy 
who I had followed, then mirrored his toothy grin just as the other guy came in.

The second guy asked the first something which I figured to be "What did you 
want?" then in the middle of the response, the second guy said "Ahhhh.." and 
looked at me with a grin spreading on his face.

"Welcome to the whore house.  My name is Chris, and yours is Joseph, right?" the 
second guy said in perfect American English.

"Yeah, but call me Joe.  You're American?"

"Yep.  Born in Philadelphia, raised in Texas, but for the past five years I've 
been working here.  You like the scenery?"

"Fuck yeah.  Uhhh, is that all it is though?"



"Oh.. Well, yes and no.  You see, these bitches are all owned by us, the male 
voices.  You can't fuck any of them unless the one who owns them allows it, but 
we generally will say okay as long as we get to do the same to yours.  I take it 
you're going to join us here?"

"Yeah, I hope so.  Uhm, you know Nathan, right?"

"What, pip squeak?" he laughed.  "Yeah, we all know him.  Why?"

"I was looking for him, that's all," I said, sensing they wouldn't like the real 
reason why.

I felt his mind touching mine in a probe, then grinned at his confusion and 
said, "Sorry.  No peeking."

"Shit, I've never...  Well, if you want some free advice, I wouldn't get too 
friendly with Nathan if I were you."


"He's desperate for a partner, that's why.  We all have a partner to rely on to 
watch our back and help each other when we need it.  Peter's my partner, and 
you'll need one too if you don't want to end up sucking someone's big toe every 
night.  Nathan's a voice, but he's so weak he's worthless as a partner.  You'd 
be better off joining us until someone else comes along.  We could use the extra 
mind, not that we don't do okay on our own."

"Uhm, thanks.  I'll keep that in mind.  But I'm not officially one of you yet, 
and Gladius told Nathan to talk to me about something, and I just remembered 
something he needed to know.  Do you know where he is right now?"

"He's in the medical building, probably playing doctor with some of the patients 
again," he snickered. 

"Thanks.  I'll see you around, alright?"

"Yeah.. Just remember what I said, though."

"I will," I said giving him a fake but convincing smile.  "I don't want to suck 
anyone's toes."

That fucker must have thought I was born yesterday or something.  I mean, first 
his "partner" tests to see how strong my defenses are, then he attempts to 
impress me with the whore house before ripping on Nathan and trying to talk me 
into joining their group.  But I knew his game.  I saw the grin he had on his 
face while jogging up to us.  It had been one of those "he fell for it" kind of 

At least he didn't lie to me about where Nathan was though.  I found him in the 
medical building, and it kind of startled me to find him there finger fucking a 
woman who wasn't even conscious.

"Is that a new way to diagnose herpes or something?" I said behind him, making 
him jump.

"I...  I..." he said, turning red.

"Shit, it's cool, Nathan.  I'm sure I'd do something like that too if I had the 
chance.  Look.  I've been doing a lot of thinking, and if you're willing, I'd 
really like to do the link with you.  But you have to promise me one thing."

"What?" he said, before sticking his wet finger in his mouth for a taste.

"Shit.. You're so horny you'd fuck a dead cow, wouldn't you?  Shit.  I want you 
to give me your word you won't ever hide anything from me.  We got to trust each 
other if we're gonna be partners"


"Yeah.  Really.  So.. What do you say."

"I say yes.  When do we do this link?"

"Well, right now if you want."

"Will it hurt?"


"Do I have to lay down?"

"No!  Shit, all you have to do is let it happen when you feel me trying to form 
it with you.  That's it.  No deposit required."

"No deposit?"

"Never mind.  Are you ready or not?"

He looked at me for a moment, then sat down in a chair by the door and nodded 
his head.

I swear my heart was pounding so hard in anticipation that I thought I was going 
to faint before I could form the link.

Shit.  Just feeling the link gave me a such a woody that I had to adjust my cock 
in my shorts right there in front of Nathan.  And when I felt the minds of the 
people around me, I was so fucking horny, I considered fucking the bitch who he 
had been playing with when I had come in.

"That's it?" Nathan asked.

"That's it.  Do you feel any stronger?"

"Must test it," he mumbled to me as he concentrated really hard.

Then his eye grew really wide and he got really excited, exclaiming something in 
Spanish before hugging me like a fool.

"Shit, what the fuck did you do to test it?" I asked him once he had let me go.

"My slave is now mine again!" he exclaimed with glee.  "Come, Joseph!  Come and 
meet my sister!  Then fuck her with me!"

"Your sister?" I said shocked as he pulled me out into the hall.  "You enslaved 
your sister?"

"Si.  She was my fantasy.  But for three years Jonas and Rico and now Gordon 
have kept me from having her and used her themselves.  But now she is mine 
again.  Thank you, Joseph.  My gratitude is yours forever."


Shit, was I horny.  I was humping my shorts as I ran to the whore house with 
Nathan, and as soon as I was through the door, I took control of the first bitch 
I saw and had her undressing me while I took over the next one.

Nathan was only interested in his sister at the end of the hall, so he didn't 
notice what I was doing.  I had one sucking on my cock while I sucked on 
another's tits and taking control of a third who then joined the task of the 

Shit, I was like a kid in candy store.  When I finished taking the mind of the 
fourth and started on my fifth, I had the first three move out of the way so I 
could mount the fourth and start humping away.  The other three began licking 
each other all over, then after I exploded inside the fourth, they joined the 
fifth and sixth in fighting the fourth for their fair share of my cum which was 
dripping out of her cunt.

I must have spent a good hour with those girls, fucking each one at least once, 
and fucked the fourth two more times because her cunt was so fucking hot.  I 
completely forgot about Nathan until I was flat on my back and listening to the 
girls slurping each other out with my eyes closed.

"Oh no..." I heard his voice say from the other end.

"What's the matter?" I asked, barely having the energy to sit up and look at 

He was standing there at the other end of the hall with apparently his full 
grown sister sucking his soft cock.

"Amigo.. You have broken so many rules.." he said with forlornness.

"Oh?  Which ones?" I said, laying back down and closing my eyes again.

"You fucked them without permission from their masters, and right now they are 
committing a sin!  Please, amigo..  make them stop their evil actions.."

"What are you talking about?" I said, opening my eyes and looking over at the 
six slurping girls.  "They're not committing a sin..  They're just..  pleasuring 
each other.."

"It is a SIN! he cried as his sister began humping his fully hardened cock with 
her mouth.

"Looks like you like that kind of sin," I said, grinning at him.  "Let me 
guess..  Gladius doesn't like any kind of homosexual sex?  Even when it's girls 
doing it?"

"Please stop, amigo," he groaned as I directed two of my fuck sluts to 
disentangle themselves from the group and approach Nathan and his sister with 
eyes trained on her.

"Oh, come on, Nathan," I said grinning ear to ear.  "She's worked very hard to 
pleasure you, so the least you can do is let her be pleasured too.   Look.. See?  
She likes the feel of other sluts licking her neck and shoulders."

Nathan groans again and starts humping his sisters mouth from my sneaky 
stimulation of his balls and cock.  He didn't seem to be aware that you could 
control the body's senses directly, for he only protected his mind and not his 
body.  I considered the possibility that all the voices there believed all 
control was centered in the brain, but I quickly assumed that Nathan simply 
wasn't experienced enough to learn that lesson yet.

We were interrupted by the door opening, then a voice exclaiming, "What the 

Nathan and I both froze for a moment, then Nathan whimpered as he came and that 
spurred me into action.

Shit.  It only took me a second to get around Leon Parkinson's defenses, and I 
wasn't even half way turned around before I had put him in a dream state just on 
instinct.  I had done it all without even thinking about it, and after I had 
turned around to face him, it took me a few moments to realize what I had done.

"Holy shit," I said softly.  

"Damn, I'm good," I said proudly a moment later.  "Look, Nathan.  I...  Hey.. 
It's cool, Nathan..  He's in dreamsville.."

"Dreamsville?" Nathan said in a very small voice.  "Amigo, we are in very bad 

"Hey...  Trust me.  I've had a lot of experience at covering up things like 
this...  Shit, Nathan.  Don't you think you over did it on the cock sucking 
bit?" I said noticing his sister was still sucking on his cock.

"Vera, go to our room and clean yourself up," he said after looking down at her 
for a brief instance.  "Joseph, do you understand we would be enslaved ourselves 
if we attempted to 'cover up' and it fail?  Grandfather's girls can detect such 
deceit ten feet away.."

"Heh.. You're just not very good at keep your mind off of things you don't want 
others to know about," I said before realizing that was truly a problem.

I looked at him with a thoughtful gaze and asked, "Nathan, do you trust me?" 

"Trust does not come easily to me," he replied honestly.  "I trust you more than 
the others, but not blindly so."

"Leon," I said to the eldest of the male teen voices as I turning around.  "What 
would you do to us for using all these girls?"

"I wouldn't have done anything until talking to the others."

"And what do you think they would have done?"

"Probably enslave you two for a couple of days and play with you."

"Wouldn't Gladius get upset?"

"Nah..  As long as the work gets done and we don't break any of his rules, he 
lets us run things the way we like."

"I see," I said while scanning his open and defenseless mind.  "Nathan, why 
don't you go to your room and wait for me there.  The less you see, the better, 

"Si," he said nervously.  "You come to me when you finish?"

"Yeah, and don't worry.  Everything will be all right.  Neither of us are gonna 
be anyone's toys.  You can trust me on that."

The first thing I did was to do some fancy encrypting on Leon's memory 
concerning what he had seen coming in, then had him turn around and walk out 
before waking him up believing he had done what he had came there to do without 
any recollection of what had happened.  It was pretty much the same kind of 
technique I had used on the girls I had used, and if Tim and Sarah both couldn't 
uncover them, I figured none of these assholes had a chance to.

I'm not a greedy man, but the idea of letting all those women go...  Well, if I 
was gonna be caught for tampering with the other slaves, I figured I might as 
well have tampered with all of them.  I really didn't believe anyone would find 
out.  It was probably a pretty stupid thing to do, but at that point I didn't 
care.  I spent almost an hour cleaning up their memories and encrypting my 
controls in their heads and leaving just a tiny rat to report to me if they hear 
something I should know about.

Oh man..  That was the smartest thing I ever did.  Shit, if I hadn't done that, 
I would have been up shit's creek without a paddle about a year later.

Nathan's room was on the third floor of the building, and after getting off the 
elevator, I was really surprised at how nice the hallway was.  The ground floor 
had been kind of dingy with low lights and no air conditioning, but the upstairs 
was nice and cool, brightly lit, looking more like a fancy apartment building 
than the dump it appeared to be downstairs.

There were four rooms on that floor, and after I knocked on the one I sensed 
Nathan was behind, I simply turned the knob and walked in from his reply to come 

"Damn!" I exclaimed, finding his room was like a penthouse.  "Do all the voices 
get a pad like this?"

"Si," Nathan said softly and sleepily from the bed. 

His sister was asleep with her head on his chest, and I took that opportunity to 
get a good look at her.  She had a very pretty face, and I guessed her age to be 
around twenty or so.  I was trying to see if they looked alike at all, but was 
distracted by Nathan carefully slipping out of the bed.

"Amigo, you smell of sex.  You must shower," he said, walking to what I assumed 
was the bathroom.

I followed him and found a bathroom not quite as nice as Tim's back home, but 
still was very nice.  Nathan walked up to the toilet and started pissing right 
there in front of me, and I got this really weird feeling he was testing me 

I shrugged it off and went to start the water in the shower, then felt his eyes 
appraising me while I was taking my clothes off.  I wasn't sure what his 
intentions were.  I mean, I was pretty certain he wasn't interested in me, and I 
certainly wasn't interest in him in that way, but I couldn't help but wonder if 
that's what was going on.

Once I was in the shower however, I forgot about Nathan as I let the water rinse 
the tension away, but after a minute or two, I was startled when Nathan opened 
the door and got in.

"What are you doing?" I asked him nervously.

"I smell of sex too," he said simply.  "And I have some.. questions.."

"Questions?" I said, expecting him to ask about homosexual sex and shit like 

"Yes.  You are seventeen?"

"Yeah..." I said cautiously while soaping myself up and keeping my eyes from 
looking at him.

"I am seventeen too.  But you are much bigger than I.  Why?"

"Uhm, I guess it's hereditary," I said, feeling my skin turning red.

"Hereditary..  This means what?"

"It means..  Shit, Nathan.  My dick is bigger because my dad's dick is bigger 
than your dad's.. You understand?"

He laughed at this, then when I looked at him, I knew I had misjudged his 

"No no, amigo.  I am not talking about our...  penises..  You have much more 
muscle all over than I.  How did you obtain such muscle?"

I turned red again, then said, "Shit..  I'm sorry Nathan.  The way you were 
lookin' at me made me think...  Uhm, anyway, I work out a lot, that's all.  
Fuck, I need to start working out again too if I'm gonna keep them.  I don't 
suppose this place has a weight room, does it?"

"Weight room?"

"Yeah.  With weights and exercise equipment..."

"Si, next to the medical building.  It's for male slaves about to be sold."

"Really?  Cool.  Hey, if you want, you can go with me and build up some of your 
muscles..  You know, you're not all that out of shape yourself.  In fact, out of 
all the other voices I've seen, you look more in shape than any of them."

"Si..  I do more physical labor than they.  Until now..." he said, turning 
around and bending over to wash his lower legs and feet.

Shit.  One look at his ass spreading open like that made my cock get hard before 
I could avert my eyes.  I turned around myself to finish up my own showering, 
but fuck...  I couldn't get it to go down with him once in a while bumping up 
against me as I washed.

What was more disturbing to me was the fact that..  Well, I had never felt 
sexually attracted to another guy except Tim before.  And ever since Sarah 
killed Tim's rat he put in my head, I had easily converted my desire to fuck his 
ass to raping his ass.  That's not what I wanted to do with Nathan.  I felt the 
same attraction that I had for Tim before Steven mucked around with my mind.

I hesitated before bending over to do my own feet and lower legs, and then I 
fell over from surprise when Nathan started washing my back with his hands.  
When I looked over at him to demand what he thought he was doing, I found him 
grinning at me, knowing I had mistaken his innocent gesture as something less 

He didn't say anything, and let his grin fade away as he held his hand out to me 
to help me up.  By that time my hard on was on its way down, so I accepted his 
hand and allowed him to pull me back to my feet.

"Joseph, may I ask you a question?" Nathan suddenly asked very seriously as we 
finished up.

"Don't call me Joseph.  Call me Joe..." I said, almost biting my tongue to cut 
off the 'e' sound from 'Joey'.

"Then... May I ask you a question, Joe?" he asked carefully.

"I guess.."

"How did you learn to keep voices from reading your thoughts while you are not 
linked with one?"

Shit.  I felt like a bomb had gone off inside me.  I was just suddenly so angry 
at Tim for.. for EVERYTHING!  I almost couldn't hold it in, but I managed to 
only let a little out while I spat, "Before the fucker stabbed me in the back 
the first time, Tim and I..  Let's just say we figured it out together."

"Tim..  He know how it works?"

"Yeah..  He's the only person who can get around it too, I think.  See?  That's 
another thing about him I can't stand.  He's the only person who I can't hide my 
thoughts that way.  I can't have any true privacy with him.  I hate him always 
looking over my shoulder and making sure I'm not doing anything he thinks I 
shouldn't be."

"Joe, I know very little of this Tim whom you speak of.  But while Grandfather 
was telling me you might be able to strengthen my voice, he had a telephone 
call.  I did not mean to listen to what he was saying, but Grandfather is 
leaving this evening to go to America..." he trailed off as we got out of the 

I waited for him to continue as we toweled off, then because he hadn't by the 
time we were hanging up our towels, I grabbed him by the shoulders, looked him 
in the eyes, and said, "And?"

Nathan's indecision was painted clearly on his face, so I said, "He's going to 
see Tim, isn't he.  He gonna tell them I'm here...  FUCK!  I bet Tim arranged 
all of this!  I bet Gladius is doing his mom a favor by keeping me here and 
'treating' me!  I'm right, aren't I!"

"No, amigo!  No, nothing like that!" he said desperately.  "I don't know for 
certain, but...  If your Tim and the Tim he spoke of on the phone are the same, 
then..." he said as his desperation turned back to indecision.

"WHAT!" I screamed at him as my anger concerning Tim caused me to exert a great 
deal of pressure on his bare shoulders.

"He's dead, amigo!  ARRGH!  Let go of me!" he cried while struggling to get out 
of my grasp.

It took me a few seconds to absorb that, and I just managed to let his shoulders 
go before the shock paralyzed me.

I must have stood there for a couple of minutes without moving a muscle except 
letting my arms slowly return to my sides.  I couldn't believe it.  Tim?  Dead?  
Could it be true?  Could he really be dead?

Nathan said something to me, and after a few moments I looked over at him to see 
what he wanted.

"Do you need a doctor?" he said worriedly while slipping a shirt on.

I shook my head, then suddenly felt a little weak in the knees and decided I had 
better sit down.  I ignored Nathan's panicked reaction when I started walking 
towards the bed where his sister laid asleep.  I ended up laying down since his 
sister was no longer occupying the space, and I laid there staring at the 
ceiling for a long time, a lot longer than what it had seemed.

Shit.  I didn't know what to make of my feelings.  At times I had said I wanted 
Tim to die, but I guess I never really had meant it.  I mean, part of me was 
celebrating the fact that something horrible had happened to him, but the 
problem was I hadn't been there to witness it, nor had I had anything to do with 
it.  And all that anger I had...  Well, if he was dead, then I would never get 
the chance to use that anger against him, never to get my revenge, never to see 
him regret betraying me, regret being my friend...

That was the biggest shock of all.  While for the most part I was feeling 
cheated and shit like that, there also was this sadness...  One I didn't want to 
admit I had, but I knew it was there all the same.  A sadness that meant I would 
miss him, miss him as the good friend he once had been.

So you see, I was really confused about what I felt about it.  I never 
questioned the possibility that it might not have been Tim who Nathan had heard 
Gladius talking about.  I guess I just knew it to be true.

I was startled when Nathan returned and I found it was getting dark outside.  He 
seemed very wary of what my reaction would be to the question which he was 
wanting to ask, and after ten minutes of not saying a word to me, I finally 
said, "What's on your mind, Nathan?"

"What do you mean?" he said nervously.

"You know what I mean," I sighed, looking back up at the ceiling.

He didn't answer right away, but I knew he would once he built up his nerve.  
Nathan didn't have much confidence when it came to expressing his concerns and 
feelings that might upset other voices.  I couldn't blame him either, figuring 
he had been the toy of the others on many occasions before when he let something 
slip that one of the others didn't care to hear.

"Are you upset with me?"

"Huh?  No.  I'm not the least bit upset with you.  Why?"

"Then why..." he began as his confidence failed him.

I sighed, finding myself not really wanting to get up but sat up and turned 
towards him anyway.

"Uhm, Nathan...  I'm sorry I hurt you... I didn't realize I was squeezing you so 
hard.  But I thought... Well, it doesn't matter what I thought.  I promise I'll 
never do anything like that again.  Okay amigo?"

He just looked at me with this confused and rejected expression on his face, so 
I said, "What?"

"Why have you...  You are no longer linked with me.  I don't understand why 

I must have blinked awfully hard or something when I realized he was right.  I 
wasn't linked with him any more.  It took me a few moments to analyze this, then 
I said, "I'm sorry, Nathan.  Really sorry.  I didn't know I had killed the 

"Then you do not plan on linking with someone else?" he said with caution.

"Fuck, no..  I wouldn't be able to trust any of the others like I trust you," I 
said, forming the share link with him again.

"Good," he said with a considerable amount of relief as he accepted the link.  
"I almost told Gordon to go play with himself when he took my sister with him to 
his room, but without your link, I would not be able too..  What are you doing?"

I was at his dresser looking in his drawers for something big enough for me to 
wear, then said, "Well, if you and I are gonna go teach Gordon and the others a 
lesson, I'd rather not go naked, and my clothes... smell of sex, you know."

Nathan didn't say anything until I was about to turn around, then he startled me 
with his face right next to mine saying, "If I do something...  against the 
rules, would you..."

I looked in his eyes and said with a big grin, "Cover it up for you?"

He put on a less confident grin of his own and nodded his head, and I knew right 
then and there Nathan was my kind of telepath.  One who didn't mind whose rules 
he bent or broke as long as nobody got hurt in the end.  And most of all, one 
who was for the time being completely dependant on me to provide him with 
everything he needed to be free to do so, just as I depended on him.

I knew it was a bit premature, but I couldn't help believing Nathan was the 
perfect person to be my partner, someone who would never say I couldn't do 
something because it was wrong.  And for the time being he was incapable of 
overpowering me enough to enslave me, so I decided I would show him the tricks 
of my... er.. our trade.

Fifteen minutes later, Nathan walked up to Gordon's door on the fifth floor and 
was about to grab the handle when his confidence ran out again.

"I bet he's fucking her right now," I prompted him from down the hall where I 
stood ready just incase he screwed up somehow.  "Yeah..  I think he is too.."

Nathan squinted his eyes in determination, then grabbed the handle and flung the 
door open.

"You will RETURN what is properly MINE this instant, or I will have you as my 
TOY, GORDON!!" Nathan exclaimed.

"What's got into him?" I heard a voice that wasn't Gordon's.

"I don't know.  When I grabbed that cunt of his tonight, for a moment I thought 
he was going to hit me but he didn't.  Look at him..  He's such a wimp.  He 
looks like he's about to shit in his pants now for what he just did."

"What do you want to do with him?" another voice said.

"Hey..  Can we do that dog thing again?" a fourth voice said.

"No... Not the dog thing.." Nathan whimpered.

"Shit," I muttered as I realized Nathan wasn't about to carry out his plans 
since he believed we'd never be able to overpower all four of them.

As Nathan whimpered again while getting down on his hands and knees, I carefully 
felt out who else was in there, finding they were there having a slave swap, and 
instantly used one of the girls' eyes and ears to see what was going on.

I couldn't help but grin at how relaxed and careless the four voices were being 
as Nathan crawled up to one of the slave girls and started sniffing her butt 
like a male dog would, and then was startled to find the sight rather arousing. 
And not just to me, but Nathan as well.

After a few minutes of this, I decided that the idea behind this was to get 
Nathan extremely horny and uptight without letting him satisfy himself on one of 
the five girls he was sniffing.

I realized it had been Chris who had suggested the dog thing, and I got really 
angry realizing that Peter, his partner, also spoke perfect English from the way 
he was telling the girls to fart in Nathan's face, something which Nathan 
definitely didn't like.  I got so angry at him that I had found a way around his 
shield before I even realized I was doing it, but then took that opportunity to 
disable his use of his telepathy without letting on to him or the others I had.

Once I was finished with Peter, I moved on to do the same with Chris, finding 
him easier to do than Peter, and that he was really thinking of some nasty 
things to do to Nathan after his partner had had his fun.

I found Jonas to be the challenge of the three guest voices.  I couldn't get 
around his shield without alerting him and Gordon to it, for they had developed 
some kind of intermutual defense where they both shielded each other's thoughts.  
I gave up when Jonas sensed my probe enough to send out one of his own, and I 
held my breath as I shielded my presence from it hoping he would just think it 
was his imagination playing tricks on him.

"Nathan, were you trying to probe me?" he asked a moment later.

"No, sir," Nathan said unhappily.

"Gordon, did you feel it?"

"No," Gordon said, sending out his own probes.

"Nathan, you better not be lying to me," Jonas said while attempting to scan 
Nathan's mind.

"What's the matter, Jonas?  Having a little trouble reading his thoughts?"  
Chris said humorously.

"As a matter of fact, yeah.  I am," he said with a slight sound of urgency.

"What?" Gordon said before attempting to do the same.  "Shit.  Nathan, either 
let us in your head, or we'll..."

"Or what?" Nathan said with a slight threat in his voice.

"Or you'll be licking those asses instead of sniffing them," Jonas answered 
before attempting to break through Nathan's barrier.

"I think you'll be the one licking asses," I said from the door as I attacked 
Jonas's own barrier to distract him from Nathan's weakening one.

I flinched when Gordon attacked mine, but then felt his attack slacken when 
Nathan managed to back me up by attacking his.

"You..  two..   can..  join in...  any...  time now," Jonas said in a rather 
strained voice to Chris and Peter.

"I can't!" they both said at the same time a moment later.  They looked at each 
other, then Chris said, "Oh shit."

"Nathan, I'm ready if you are," I said, managing to prevent my voice from 
sounding strained like Jonas's had been.

"Ready for what?" Chris said, getting up to his feet.

"Ready to teach you four assholes a lesson," Nathan spat as he broke through 
Gordon's barrier and took control.

"Fuck!" Jonas said as Gordon's protection of his mind failed right before I 
broke through what was left of his defenses.

"What exactly are you going to do?" Chris said walking up to me with anger in 
his eyes.  "You realize by helping this whimp you'll be a target by every voice 
in the building."

"I don't think so.." I said taking off my sandals and glaring back in his face.  
"We haven't broken any rules, and I don't think anyone is going to challenge us 
after we beat them fair and square.  All I did to you two was keep you from 
ganging up on us, which by the way you tried to do and _is_ against the 

I nudged his shin with my left foot, then wiggled my toes when he looked down at 
my bare feet.

"You're not serious," Chris said looking back up with the first look of concern 
I had seen him display.

"I'm very serious.  Unless you would like to perform some of the things you were 
gonna have Nathan do?"

Chris's eyes opened wide from that, then once he indicated he submitted to my 
punishment, I said, "Okay, Nathan.  Call me when you're finished playing.  I'm 
going to take these two up to your room so you can have some.. uhm.. privacy."

Nathan grinned at me, having waited to do anything to his two entranced victims 
while there were witnesses.

I had a pretty good idea of what he had in mind, so I took my time enjoying 
having my feet licked clean before commanding them to go straight to bed so they 
wouldn't attempt to try and help the other two.

When I knocked on Gordon's door and announced it was me, I was surprised to find 
his sister answering the door.  The room was completely dark, and as she lead me 
to the bed, I realized the other slaves were gone.

"Joe, my amigo, my partner.  Come and lay down here with me and enjoy my 
slaves," Nathan said in a very smooth and calm voice.

I was startled to find Jonas and Gordon under their own control again, but was 
pleased to learn that Nathan had figured out how to disable their abilities for 
the time being.

"I have waited to share this moment with you," Nathan said as I laid down beside 

"What moment?" I said as I sensed a breath upon my cock, triggering the intended 

"The moment I have my revenge for the years of pain I have endured because of 
these two," he said.  "I could not think of a better punishment than this."

"Than what?" I said as a soft mouth and tongue began lapping at my cock.  It was 
when their teeth accidentally touched my shaft that I realized it was not Vera 
sucking my cock so inexperienced like.

"Shit, Nathan...  I like your style," I said when I found Jonas's disgust and 
arousal battling for control while he attempted to give me the best blow job he 

Nathan had driven them almost crazy with desire before giving them an ultimatum 
of either giving us blow jobs under their own free will, or spending the night 
entertaining us as two horny dogs who liked to lick.  I never had considered 
Nathan having a dark side like that, and I admit it kind of scared me that he 
had.  But then I knew his dark side was no where as near as dark as mine, so I 
didn't worry about it and just enjoyed Nathan's present to me.

After blowing our loads into their mouths and getting a good laugh at Gordon 
barfing on his own bed, I spent three hours showing Nathan how to encrypt their 
memories so no one could find them, or at least no one but me, and then helped 
him apply the same kind of technique to protect his own thoughts.

He was a little upset when he tried to use what I had taught him to read my 
thoughts, but before I left his wonderful room and headed back to my crummy bunk 
bed for the night, he told me thanks and that he understood why I wouldn't teach 
him how to do that.

That night, I was dreaming about having a mansion with slaves lined up waiting 
to serve me when it suddenly went all black.  I couldn't move, and after a few 
moments I saw a light come on somewhere behind me.  At first there wasn't 
anything but the light, but then I heard a sound of whispering growing in 
strength until finally I heard a familiar voice.


"Tim?  What the fuck are you.."

"Joey...  I don't know where I am..."

"I don't care!  Get the fuck out of my head!"

"Joey please...  You're the only one I can.."

"You want to know where you are?"


"You're dead, Tim.  Go fucking rest in peace and leave me alone."

"I am dead then..  I thought as much.. Look, I'm sorry Joey.  I guess I couldn't 
leave without saying that...  Take care of yourself, okay?  I love you."

"Yeah?!  Go to hell!!"

The light faded and went out, then after I closed my eyes, I woke up.

I was pretty angry for a moment, but then I told myself it had only been a 
stupid dream and rolled over to go back to sleep.  But before I closed my eyes, 
my coin caught my eye, hanging from a chain hooked into a crack in the wall next 
to my bunk.

I looked at it, and looked at it some more, then suddenly realized..  The light 
could have been coming from the coin...  My heart started racing thinking that 

I tried to go back to sleep, but I kept thinking about it, and unintentionally 
kept opening my eyes to look and see if the coin was glowing again or not.

It never did.

I woke up late the next morning feeling pretty bad about myself.  I mean, I 
thought I had better control of my anger than that, but Tim had caught me off 
guard and I wasn't really thinking straight..  Shit, if I had it over to do 
again, I probably would have done the same thing, but a part of me still 
regretted it.

When I noticed the pair of twins standing next to the bunk watching me, I nearly 
fell off from surprise.

"Shit, don't you know how to knock?" I gasped, then jumped down beside them.

I felt their impatience, and that's when I suddenly remembered I was supposed to 
have met them at Kain's lab for my "treatment" about an hour ago.

"Shit, I'm sorry..  I had a bad dream last night and...  How long have you been 
waiting for me to wake up?"

They never moved as I felt their response pass through me.

"Well, why didn't you wake me up then?" I said, determining they had been there 
at least a half an hour or so from what they had sent me.

I didn't really understand their answer to that, and I guess they didn't expect 
me to understand because they didn't try to explain any further.  They just 
turned around at the same time and began walking out.

"Fuck... Can I grab something to eat first?" I said, knowing they expected me to 
follow them immediately.

The answer was clearly no, and even though I was pretty hungry, I went with them 
without any further argument.  My cock was wide awake and wanted to get on with 

Kain wasn't in his lab when we arrived, but it wasn't like we need him anyway.  
I laid down on the mat like I had the past three times, then wondered where the 
"blank" was who the other twin fucked while her sister fucked me.

That's what Kain called them anyway.  And the name fit them too.  They were like 
zombies almost, not really mindless, just..  Well, I guess they were mindless.  

I was just kind of laying there waiting when I noticed the twins were staring at 

"What?" I said when I realized they were doing more than just staring at me.

They looked over at the door, then they both knelt down and moved in between my 

"Shit, you two want to suck me?  Why?  I would have thought...  Oh yeah...  
MMmmmm..  Yeah, it's been too long since I've had it that way.."

I wasn't sure when the blank arrived since I was really under deep.  I could 
have been under for hours before I came out enough to feel her cunt take my cock 
inside her.

Shit.  When you're being fucked by a twin, they can make you recall anything 
they want, make you experience images and emotions like as if they were real, 
and they basically tried to simulate the anger and hatred I felt for Tim in 
order to apply it to something more constructive.  I guess they just didn't 
understand how powerful my anger was.  They never got close to the intensity 
which I had felt under Steven's control, and I figured that's why their 
treatments didn't seem to work on me.

The share link I had with Nathan kept me from getting tired after they finished 
my treatment and I was actually feeling pretty horny still as the one who was on 
me sank down on top of me asleep.

Shit, I wasn't really thinking straight when I rolled her onto her back and 
started to fuck her.  I was just getting up to a good speed when Kain walked in 
and caught me.

Oh man, I thought I was fucked for sure.  I mean, fucking a twin without their 
permission...  That was not only forbidden, it simply had never been done 

Shit, Kain sure put me in my place.  He was a powerful son of a bitch, that's 
for sure.  After having defeating the four voices yesterday without having to 
seriously strain myself, it was a real wake up call when I couldn't hold off 
Kain more than a couple of seconds before he broke through my shield and took 
control of my body from me.

I was so fucking scared of what Kain would do to me as he marched me to 
Gladius's outer office, and then when we got there, I realized that Gladius was 
gone and had left him in charge while he was in the states.

Kain wasn't like the other voices.  He was at least in his early twenties, and 
didn't seemed worried about ever having to leave Gladius's keep.  And when two 
twins came in and stood faithfully beside him at Gladius's desk, I suddenly 
realized Kain wasn't just a voice from off the streets, but somehow related to 
Gladius himself.

But despite he was Gladius's second in command, I was relieved for a moment to 
find he couldn't take action against me without Gladius's permission.  Kain must 
have spent twenty minutes on the phone trying to track Gladius down, and then 
finally announced that Gladius was unreachable until his plane arrived somewhere 
in another eight hours.

Shit.  He just left me standing there in the office unable to move, unable to 
fall asleep..  I couldn't do anything but stand there, and he was gone for 
several hours that felt like days to me.

When he did finally return, I guess he took some pity on me from the way I was 
swaying back and forth.  The next thing I knew, I was laying on the floor waking 
up, and until I heard Kain's voice snarling to get up, I was completely lost to 
where I was.

"Grandfather seems to think you and that.. Nathan need to go out and get your 
fill of fucking and enslaving before you can be held accountable for your 
actions.  He has ordered that tomorrow after your last treatment, you and Nathan 
are to leave and spend the next two weeks on the outside to do whatever you 
want.  But when your time is up, you are to be back here and ready to obey our 
rules or suffer the consequences."

I couldn't believe it.  Even though I didn't let myself think it while in Kain's 
presence, I knew if I got out of there... with Nathan...  Well, I didn't think 
I'd ever have to look at Kain's face again, that's for sure.

The first thing I did after Kain let me loose was head straight for Nathan's 
place were I knew he was there fucking with his sister again.

Nathan really had a loose schedule.  I mean, the way he had explained it to me 
made it sound like he ran the medical center, and that as long as he did his 
work, he could go in at any time and spend as long as he wanted there.  I found 
out later that his real function there was nothing more than a scanner.   But 
because of his status as a voice and the fact that there were no other voices 
working there, anything he said was instantly obeyed, and for the most part, 
yeah, he ran the place.

Shit.  When I walked in his door, Nathan was asleep on top of his sister with 
his legs spread apart around her enough that I could just barely see the darker 
shading that surrounded his ass hole.  For a moment I had this overwhelming urge 
to run my tongue across it, but then I started to get angry at myself for having 
these kinds of urges and feelings about him.

I had never used my voice on myself before, but I decided the next time I had an 
urge like that, I would do whatever it took so I would never have it again. I 
didn't do it right then and there because I wanted to see if I could control it 
in more natural ways first.

I had another reason not to do yet too.  While he was sleeping like that, I kept 
getting these flashes of deep familiarity concerning him, like I had known him 
all my life like I had known Tim.  I was trying to figure out what it was about 
him that was triggering this, and I couldn't rule out something sexual.

Shit.  You know how they say you never forget your first kiss, and you never 
forget your first fuck?  Well, I think people get biased as far as what attracts 
them by what those people had looked like.  Anyway, I decided it wasn't 
something sexual because even though Nathan was Tim's size and everything, 
Nathan had dark brown hair while Tim had...

Tim and I used to get a lot of comments back when we were in elementary school 
that we looked like brothers.  We always kind of liked the idea because we 
practically did everything together like brothers would, so I guess we did 
everything we could to look like brothers too.  We were both blondes, and Tim 
had blues eyes almost as blue as mine were, or at least he did until they 
started turning green on him in Jr. High.

As we went through puberty, we always kept checking each other out for other 
signs of differences in our bodies.  We sort of gave up on that once Suzi was in 
the picture, but I remember how disappointed we both were when I started growing 
pubic hair and my really light blonde color didn't match Tim's dirty blonde 
color at all.

Anyway, I felt a little repulsed at the darker hair on Nathan's legs and around 
his ass hole, and I got pretty mad at myself again when I realized I wished it 
had been that dirty blonde color like Tim's.  

I hope you understand that because of the hate and anger I felt towards Tim, I 
always tried to blame whatever I could on him.  This of course only made me hate 
him more and then I would get even angrier for all the things I believed he 
purposely had done to punish me somehow for breaking his rules.  Even though I 
knew this was how Steven made me hate Tim in the first place, I couldn't stop 
myself from doing it, and by this time I didn't want to stop.

I simply was obsessed with this idea that Tim was constantly trying to make me 
play by his rules.  I had convinced myself that he betrayed me first by not 
trusting me to make our lives more pleasurable when I had been preparing to 
overpower him and make him see things the way I thought he should.

The way I saw it (and for the most part I still do), if the mutes are allowed to 
live most of their life as their own master, it was okay for us voices to use 
them for a while in any way we wished.  Well, as long as no one gets hurt and 
the slaves are happy doing what their master and/or mistress wishes.  I don't 
want to hurt people, and after the fun with the ring slaves, I knew I would get 
tired of them after a while and couldn't see keeping anyone as a slave any 
longer than a couple of months, maybe at most a year.

That was back then.  I might as well tell you right now that I live in a large 
house currently staffed by twelve people whom my wife and I had enslaved, most 
of them without their consent.  Seven of these people have served us for over 
three years, and I don't plan on letting them go without having a very good 
reason.  But it isn't what you think.  Yes, they are my slaves, and yes they 
have no choice but to do or think whatever we desire them to, but that's only  
from nine to five, and then they go home and live their life as they wish it 
without any knowledge of what they had done all day to earn their admittedly 
generous paycheck.

Shit.  Did I get off track or what?

Okay, getting back to Nathan, I think I must have spent a good half hour looking 
at him while he slept, then gave up on working it out when I wasn't getting 

I woke him up by gently shaking him by the shoulders, then when he looked up and 
smiled, for one instant I swore he was Tim, and nearly took a swing at him 
before I got a hold of myself.  

Nathan hadn't missed how suddenly my expressions had gone from one end to the 
other in the spectrum, but once I told him the news, I guess he forgot about it.

Shit.  I forgot about it too after he exploded like that.  He was ranting and 
raving happily in Spanish as he raced around the room for a good five minutes, 
then finally realized I hadn't understood a word he had said and started racing 
around the room again, telling me what all he thought we could do.

I just sat there on the bed watching him as I began considering what I needed to 
do to make sure he would go along with abandoning Gladius and going back to the 
states with me.  I didn't want to really make him my yes man or anything.  I 
mean, all I really wanted was for Nathan to never deny me the power I got from 
him through the share link, or for him to interfere in what I was doing.  And I 
guess I wanted someone to be my equal too.  Someone who I wasn't in control of 
that I could depend on his point of view not being biased like a slave's would 

When I noticed he wasn't talking any more, I found he was looking at me with a 
very serious expression on his face.


"I have a concern about the trip," he simply said.

"What concern?"

"My sister...  I do not wish her to go, but I do not trust the others not to use 
her while we are gone."

"Shit, Nathan.  What's the big deal?  You've said yourself that they've all used 
her before and never really hurt her any.  I know she's your sister, but...  
Shit.  Look at her mind, Nathan.  I can't even find anything about you, your mom 
or dad, or anyone else since..."

I didn't say anything else because I had just ran onto something I couldn't 
believe.  Vera's entire life seemed to start roughly three years earlier with 
the memory of what had to be a male set of twins entering their deep sleep after 
apparently wiping hers and another girl's memories.

What I couldn't believe was how well it had worked.  I couldn't find anything 
even vaguely resembling a memory from before the wipe.  I knew the twins could 
do some serious brainwashing shit, but I always thought you could access 
anything they had forced the person to forget by using telepathy.

I wasn't sure if Nathan knew her memory loss, but this wasn't something I felt I 
should hide from him.  

"Nathan, have you ever taken a look at another person's memories?"

"Si, but it used to be very difficult for me."

"Have you ever scanned Vera's?"

"No, I told you they took her..." he said as he began to scan her.

"Oh.  I see why you are worried.  You did not know I asked grandfather to...  
erase her life for me.  I could not always control her, you see, and..."

"Shit, Nathan.  You mean... Fuck!  Holy shit, Nathan.  She's your sister!  
Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Joe, you said we had an agreement.  I don't' tell you what you to do, you don't 
tell me what I to do.  What I did or do with Vera is for me to decide, and I 
will not let you tell me otherwise.  Do we still see it this way?  Amigo?"

"Fuck, Nathan... Yeah, you're right..  Look, just to make this clear though, my 
sister is absolutely positively off limits to you, understand?  Same goes for my 
mom, and Suzi for that matter.  I don't care what you do with your sister or 
your other slaves, but my family is my family, and they will never again be 
anyone's slaves.  Got that?"

"Si," he said rather timidly.  I guess I must have sounded more threatening than 
I had intended.

"Nathan...  Look, I'm sorry.  In between our fuck and suck sessions with all our 
new slaves the day after tomorrow, I'll try and tell you why I..."

"It's okay, amigo.  I understand.  I'm sure if my sister had been like yours I 
wouldn't want her to be anyone's slave either.  But my sister...  She was not a 
nice person to me.  When Grandfather found me, I had just learned how to make 
others do what I wanted them to do, but I could not make my sister do anything 
because she resisted me and forced me to make others do what she wanted not what 
I wanted.  Yes, she is my sister, but only because I desire her body do I keep 
her now.  

"I have decided.  I shall offer her to the others to use while we are gone in 
exchange for equal time with their slaves after we return.  I will not be able 
to fuck her after then, for she will be pregnant with my child.  Yes..  she will 
have my child..."

Nathan's mind was deep within his sister's at that point, so he didn't see me 
shudder from his words.  How could anyone want to make their own sister 
pregnant?  I mean, revenge is one thing, but that's creating a life which would 
never be a normal child..  I really had to fight my morals on that one.  I 
didn't like the idea of him taking his revenge out on anything as innocent as a 
child like that.

"Joe, you like my sister's body?"  Nathan said suddenly without looking up.

"Uhm, sure.  What's not there to like?"

"Then please...  I wish you to use her to pleasure yourself.  You are right 
about her.  She is only my sister in body, not in mind.  She is nothing more 
than a slave...  Nothing to punish her for."

"I don't know, Nathan..."

"Please, amigo.  Do it as a sign of our partnership.  What is mine is yours.  Do 
you refuse my hospitality?"

"Okay.. Okay.." I said, grinning at him.  "You want me to fuck her, I'll fuck 
her.  Believe me, you don't have to twist my arm about it."

"Good..  I let you fuck my sister, you let me fuck your girlfriend.." he said.

I turned back towards him and was opening my mouth to object but stopped and 
couldn't help grinning like he was.

Nathan's sister...  Hmmm...  What can I say about a woman who's life's memories 
span three years in which she had been handed from one master to another, 
beliefs and desires altered at their whim...  Shit, fucking her wasn't any fun.  
I mean, there wasn't any adventure to it, nothing for me to conquer, no will to 
break.  And there certainly wasn't anything from other side of the equation.  No 
love, not even a hint of interest in her eyes at experiencing someone she hadn't 
fucked before.  It was all a well programmed performance to her, and even as she 
gripped my cock with her cunt and moaned and wiggled with what appeared to have 
been the most powerful orgasm in her life, I knew..  I just knew that she would 
have done that no matter how well I performed.

Shit.  Ten minutes after I finished, she did the exact same thing while Nathan 
fucked her.  I really didn't see what Nathan found so great about her.  I mean, 
yeah...  She was probably the most finely tuned fuck machine I had ever fucked.  
Yeah, she had a body to die for and her cunt did some pretty cool things to your 
cock to make it feel that much better.  But there wasn't any... passion I guess.  
Just physical pleasure with no emotion.

She would have fucked us all night if we had wanted her to, and yet she didn't 
require sex.  Sex was her function, but she didn't care one way or the other.  
She did it when asked, but otherwise was just as happy laying around on the 
ground floor attempting to look as sexually inviting as possible, or serving her 
masters in any other way.

I know what it was that I didn't like about her now.  She had no personality.  
No soul.  No will of her own at all.  Shit, that probably sounds pretty strange 
coming from me right now.

Nathan and I spent the rest of the day talking and fucking his sister, and when 
he offered to share his bed that night, I didn't even consider any ulterior 
motive for him doing so.  My instincts told me I could trust him, and for once 
my instincts were accurate one hundred and one percent.


Tim, the Teenage MC
By Rass Senip
Chapter XVI:  11th Grade, Summer 1988
Part 2 - Fruits of This Land Be Ours
(mc, mf)

The next morning I opened my eyes to find Vera on top of Nathan, both still 
sound asleep.  I studied their faces again, trying to find common traits to 
their features, but quickly found my attention being diverted to Nathan's face 
by itself as it slept.

Something kept tugging the back of my mind, a nagging feeling of familiarity yet 
I couldn't put my finger on it.  I spent the longest time trying to recall ever 
having met him before somehow, then tensed up when the thought occurred that it 
wasn't the face, but the expression that was so familiar.

The only other sleeping male face I had studied so closely was Tim's, and the 
mixture of rage and remorse was so strong I almost cried out.  But I managed to 
calm myself enough to get out of bed without waking the two siblings, then took 
a long walk around the compound to settle my nerves and prepare for my final so 
called treatment.

To ensure that the twins wouldn't detect any residual anger from my morning or 
anything else I didn't want them to dig out, I did a tricky memory encoding that 
hid these types of things from both my awareness and subconscious.  These 
memories would stay inaccessible by anyone including myself until I heard Nathan 
call me amigo which was what I had used as the encryption key. 

It worked like a charm.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon when Nathan met me at the front 
gates with his gear and a grin on his face.  I mirrored his grin and without a 
word we walked out of Gladius's keep and made our way down the road leading to 
the nearest town.

Nathan knew the local scene pretty well.  He knew exactly where to camp that 
night, a spot next to a popular road that he promised would have number of 
vehicles in the morning.

Sure enough, an old ford pickup drove by just as we were breaking down our camp, 
and after the middle aged man helped us finish packing our gear, we made the 
rest of our trip in his cab.

"You like this town?" Nathan asked me as we walked through the small village's 
main road which the man had dropped us off at.

"Yeah," I said, spotting at least three girls who looked decent enough to enjoy.  
"I think this town will do.  So what do we do first?  Line them all up?"

"Line them up?" Nathan chuckled as a few children noticed us and ran up.  "No, 
no, amigo.  We don't need a line up.  You will see."

Within ten minutes, we were the center of attention, surrounded by people of all 
ages welcoming us to their humble town.  I was managing to catch maybe a fifth 
of the words they were saying to us, and if it wasn't for Nathan translating I 
wouldn't have understood what was going on.

"He say we may stay in his home for the night.  Tomorrow the town is celebrating 
and they wish us to join them and tell stories of America," Nathan hurriedly 
explained to me as we were led down a side street.

"Shit.  Do they always invite strangers who wander in into their home like 
this?" I asked before noticing one of those girls who I had looked at was 
checking me out as well.

"You are American.  For several years American missionaries come to help build 
their church, so they think all Americans are good kind people who bring 
friendship and new things.  And we are an honest people here, amigo.  Honest, 
but not stupid.  If we are not careful to cover our tracks, we will have to line 
them up as you said.  But we will have more fun if we do not have to, do you not 
think this way?"

"Yeah," I said, giving the girl a smile which she mirrored.  "Okay, Nathan.  It 
looks like you know what you're doing."

"I show you I know lots of things," he said with a grin.  "Today we spend 
getting to know the people, then tonight after supper we go for a walk around 
town and make our plans.  Then we take our first picks to our rooms for the 
night, and in the morning let them go without any memory of being with us.  It 
is important we do not spend too much time with any one girl, amigo.  People 
notice these things in small towns like this."

"Fine by me.  Fuckem once then move on to the next.  Sounds like my kind of 

Nathan's plans were good up to a point, but after we had eaten and spent some 
time with the villagers, I had already made my pick and was yearning to break 
her to my will as soon as possible.  When the time came to take our chosen fucks 
to our given rooms, Nathan just turned his into a fuck and suck doll a lot like 
his sister and was surprised when my girl reacted rather negatively to her 
friend sucking down his cock without a single word.

Nathan was so naïve when it came to slave girls.  He didn't have any 
imagination, and his lack of experience didn't help matters any.  I could tell 
just the way he looked at me that I was going to have to work him up to my kind 
of free form enslavement and sex.  He wasn't ready to experience what I wanted 
to do, but it wouldn't be too difficult to get him there if I planned it out 

So after a moment to consider how to proceed, I turned up the lust in my girl's 
mind to the point she was begging me in Spanish to fuck her, then used that to 
get her to do what I wanted.  The noises she made and the energy she put into 
our fucking seemed so much more... real to me than Nathan's programmed fuck toy.  
I was so certain that Nathan would want to try my girl out because of the way 
she had fucked me.

And after we had rested a bit, he did ask me if I wanted to trade.  But the 
instant we did, he undid my commands and turned her into a fuck and suck toy 
just like he had with the first one.

I nearly bit my tongue when I opened my mouth to complain then quickly shut it 
before I had said anything.  I looked at his first pick who was patiently 
waiting for me to fuck her or be told to fuck or suck me, and just mounted her 
and fucked her for a few minutes before deciding I was right in the first place 
and altered her to fit my tastes a bit more.

Despite the fact I was yearning to slowly break them both to my will in a rape 
like fashion, I enjoyed the time Nathan and I spent playing with our two fuck 
toys.  Nathan absolutely loved it when I turned them into two cunt licking 
animals, but was plainly disturbed when I started fingering the ass hole of the 
one on top.

True to his word, Nathan didn't try to persuade me from fucking her ass, and 
once I was in and pounding away, I was pleased to see Nathan wide eyed with 
interest, he apparently never having seen anal sex before.

I must have spent twenty minutes fucking her ass while badgering Nathan to try 
it himself, and when he finally submitted and had his cock deep in the other 
one's ass, I blew my load from seeing the lusty expression he had on his face.

The orgasm Nathan had from his first anal sex wiped him out, but I couldn't help 
the temptation to have the girls clean our cocks off with their mouths which 
made Nathan jerk with surprise two minutes after they had started their task.

I could see it had aroused him immensely, yet I was glad to find him too tired 
to do anything else that night, and we both went to sleep with smiles on our 
faces and a sucking mouth at our dicks.

We fucked them again the next morning then sent them on their way without a 
conscious memory of anything that had happened.  Not even an hour later we had 
our next two picks feeding us our breakfast, and while they were chewing our 
next bite for us, I suggested to Nathan we find a quiet spot outside town and 
have a little fun with our two new slaves.  Nathan naturally agreed, and while 
we were finishing our meal, Nathan was obviously thinking about what he would 
like to try.

Whatever his ideas had been, they were completely forgotten when I turned our 
two eighteen year old cousins into a pair of lesbian animals who liked to make a 
lot of noise.  Poor Nathan.  He hadn't even been able to get his pants all the 
way before the one who had been slurping on the other's cunt pulled her face 
away for a moment.  The sight of the elastic and clingy pussy juice stretched 
from the side of the girl's mouth to the other's still gyrating cunt made him 
spurt his load all over himself while I just stood there enjoying corrupting his 
mind with such things.

From that point on, Nathan was very open to trying out something I suggested we 
try.  He was so innocent about anything out of the realm of blow jobs or regular 
vaginal sex, and I looked forward to watching him explore the sexual perversions 
I was going to share with him over the next two weeks.

Once I had grown tired of the girl-girl sex, Nathan objected when I altered the 
girls' perspective again, but he saw them spreading their legs invitingly and 
the position I was taking between my pick's legs, he dived in between the 
other's legs and was making the slurpy sounds before I could do it myself.

I'm not that big on eating cunt.  Well, I take that back.  I can get really into 
eating out a woman when the mood hits me, but for the most part I'd rather fuck 
than slurp.  But Nathan...  Well, I guess all those years of sampling it from 
his finger would have something to do with his love for licking pussy.  I mean, 
after I had had my fill of it, I just kind of fiddled around with her twat while 
waiting for Nathan to come up for air or something.

I ended up fucking her without Nathan accompanying me.  Shit, his face was still 
buried in her snatch after I had cum and collapsed, but after I recovered a bit 
I determined that he had been resting off and on the whole time.

I was sleepily sucking on her petite breasts when Nathan finally crawled up on 
top of his girl and fucked her in lazy strokes, coming within a few minutes with 
a loud groan and sigh.

We gave each other this grin before falling asleep on top of them, knowing we 
were going to have a hell of a good time these next two weeks.

After our nap, Nathan suggested we switch girls, and to my disappointment he 
immediately enslaved her and fucked her like his sister.

My own horniness had been satisfied earlier, so I didn't stay and watch or join 
him in a fuck.  Instead I took mine over behind a large group of rocks out of 
sight and had her help me to learn Spanish.

You're probably wonder why I didn't just copy what I needed from her mind 
instead of going through the process of learning Spanish the old fashioned way. 
I simply couldn't do that without undoing what Tim and I had done to encrypt my 
thoughts from others.  I guess I better explain this a little more.

When Tim and I worked out how to do it, it wasn't really encrypting my thoughts, 
just making it appear that way.  The idea was to create multiple trains or 
strands of thoughts that were completely random and interwoven into my real 
thoughts.  At first it was incredibly difficult for me to do it for any length 
of time, but the more I did it the easier it got for me, and eventually I could 
do it all the time without any strain at all.  

It was about the time that I wanted to enslave Tim that I started seeing ways to 
truly encrypt my thoughts using these interwoven chains of gibberish.  While Tim 
was at class and I was in our dorm room, I started experimenting on myself, sort 
of reprogramming my own mind to associate different impulses and sets of.. Well, 
basically I was relearning how to think the same way Tim had learned how to 

I don't want to go into any further details of how it works for security 
reasons, but I can tell you what this encryption does for me.  First and most 
important it confuses the hell out of any telepath trying to read my mind.  This 
might not seem that important, but believe me, if I'm not linked to someone and 
a telepath tries something on me, not having to shield my thoughts from them 
lets me focus the little telepathic ability I do have in canceling their 
commands as they issue them, and that I can only do if I have an idea of what 
they are going to command before they do it.

Anyway, Tim undid the encryption thing I had done when he found out I had been 
plotting to alter him to my liking, and it wasn't until Sarah found his rat and 
squashed that sucker into oblivion that I recalled anything about it and 
reprogrammed myself again to use encrypting thoughts.

Shit, I know I'm going off subject, but when Sarah found out she couldn't make 
sense of my thoughts a few days later, she almost tried to enslave me thinking 
that I had already been enslaved or something of the sort.  But I explained it 
to her and after sort of showing her how I did it, she let it go for a while.

But then after Tim brought Andy to my house and used his empathic abilities to 
convince Sarah I had been fucking around in ways he didn't like, Sarah tried to 
force me to undo my encryption...  I didn't like that.  I never would have 
believed I was ever capable of...  of hitting my sister in anger, but I did 

I'm sure I must have heard my sister cry in sorrow back before she left for 
college, but I have no conscious memory of it.  Well, I have the sound burned 
into my memory now after slapping her hard across the left cheek that day, and 
that memory was probably the greatest source for my anger at Tim.

You see, it was his fault I had hit her.  Sure Sarah was a bit disturbed by my 
rapes and stuff, but hell, her husband did similar things all the time, and I 
think she would have eventually understand my reasons for making and hiding the 
link with Gina from her.  So I blamed Tim for destroying my relationship with my 
sister and my parents, for if he hadn't come over with his morals all bent up 
over my private life activities, Sarah would have never doubted my love for her 
and mom and dad and would have never attempted to force me to undo the only 
defense I had left.  Man I hated him.  I HATED HIM!

A couple of hours passed before I heard Nathan calling me to join them, and I 
was quite happy to hear his suggestion to fuck them in the ass before we 
returned to the village for the celebration.  He let me start so he could watch 
what I did at first, then after he had her lay on her back with her legs up in 
the air he surprised me by sniffing her ass like the others had made him do.

His nose, mouth, or any other part of his face never touched her ass, but I had 
the feeling it was only a matter of time before he tried something like that on 
his own.  He only sniffed it a couple of times before getting up on his knees 
and pressing his cock up to her ass hole dry, and despite my earlier example of 
lubing it up with her juices, he tried it dry like that for the first and last 

I stopped watching him from that point, mostly because my girl had finally 
loosened up enough that I could fuck her ass without gritting my teeth while 
pulling back.

By the time I had cum inside her ass, I was pretty much all fucked out.  I 
wouldn't even really say I orgasmed, it was more like a climax with a slight 
ejaculation.  Okay, so it was an orgasm, but it was a mighty small one.

I forgot all about having the girls clean our cocks off, but Nathan didn't and 
caught me just before I was going to get up and get dressed.

When we finally did get back to the village, we were surrounded by a group of 
kids and led into the town center filled by the partying villagers.

Shit, I never had so much fun in my life while surrounded by a bunch of 
strangers that I could barely communicate with verbally.  Nathan and I got 
separated almost immediately as they danced around us and we joined in.  I think 
I must have danced with every girl there, from the eight year olds to the eighty 
year olds, but I loved every minute of it because they all were having such a 
good time.

Then suddenly the music stopped and everyone headed off in the same direction, 
and it took me several minutes to realize they were heading for where I had 
noticed them roasting a couple of whole pigs, apple in the mouth and all.

When I caught up with the crowd, I was flabbergasted when everyone insisted that 
I go ahead of them.  I was feeling pretty low right then, but after I accepted a 
plate of the roasted beast and some fried beans, my self loathing was 
interrupted by this girl I hadn't noticed before handing me a bottle of the 
local moonshine and giving me this smile.

To be completely honest, I don't remember much more about that night.  I 
remember sitting down with her and struggling to use my telepathy to understand 
her words without invading her privacy while we ate, and then briefly meeting up 
with Nathan who was feeling the effects of the moonshine I was drinking.

Waking up beside her the next morning and not remembering how I got there didn't 
disturb me like I would have thought.  But I guess the hangover told me that 
nothing wrong had happened, but it was still a shock to find myself naked under 
the sheet when she still had her underwear on.

If it hadn't been for the hangover I'm pretty sure I would have corrected that 
imbalance of clothing, but later I was glad I hadn't.  She had a cute face, and 
her body wasn't bad, and even though when she woke up she cringed from the 
sledgehammer pounding inside her head, her smile when she looked at me enchanted 
me somewhat.

I wish I had shown Nathan how to block things like alcohol in the share link so 
I could have had a source to draw relief from that morning.  After getting 
dressed and explaining I had to find Nathan to Solana, I followed my sixth sense 
to a nice house and found him still asleep with three girls curled up with him.

When I say girls, I mean girls under the age of twelve.  I almost broke out in 
laughter when I scanned one of their minds and found that he had been so drunk 
that he forgot how old he was made the three girls fall in love with him and 
take him to bed.  That's all they did since he passed out the moment he was 

That morning saw a lot of hung over people struggling to keep themselves from 
biting everyone else's head off, Nathan and myself included.  After I woke him 
up, we got into an argument for I wanted us to go back to the room we had stayed 
in the night before, but Nathan wanted to stay right where he was.

He stayed, I went, and we didn't meet up until early afternoon when we both were 
feeling better.  We just kind of hung around the town checking people out and 
having a good time without having to manipulate anyone's minds.

At dinnertime, however, we both were feeling a bit randy, and it just so 
happened that two sisters who were..  well, older than us, invited us to their 
place for dinner and we accepted.

Shit, to tell you the truth, they were old enough to be our mothers, but that 
didn't keep me from taking an interest in them.  I mean, they weren't any older 
than Samantha, and I had fucked her enough to appreciate what maturity in a 
woman does for the sex.  The surprise was that Nathan didn't have any trouble 
going for the either, but I guess it could have been due to the number of older 
women he had around him at the medical center all the time.

They had no interest in starting something sexual with us, for they were very 
strong Christians and were simply curious about us.  Of course that changed 
pretty quickly once I felt around their minds and amplified their natural 
yearnings for physical pleasure and sexual release.  Their previous experience 
had been limited to just sexual intercourse with no oral or any other kind of 
sex, so the evening was spent in introducing them to oral, anal, and of course 
lesbian sex.

While Nathan and I watched the two women sucking our cum out of each other's 
cunts, I decided Nathan needed another day of this before I started introducing 
him to the pleasure of domination.  I grinned at him when he gasped at their 
orgasms, then waited for them to settled down before suggesting it was time to 
go to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to the sounds of slurping, and found Nathan with his 
face underneath one of their cunts sucking away while the other licked and 
slurped his semi hard cock.

I got up and went out to take a piss, then took my time before returning to the 
bedroom knowing Nathan liked to take his time with his cunt licking.  Not 
surprisingly, Nathan was still flat on his back with his mouth still slurping at 
the same woman's puss, but now she was facing her sister who was fucking Nathan 
in slow strokes.

Something was different about the way Nathan was slurping, for he seemed to be 
out of breath a lot.  It took me a while to realize that he wasn't actually out 
of breath, but in fact taking deep breaths through his nose which was situated 
close to her rose.

I was kind of turned on by his fetish for sniffing girls butts, but I decided to 
grab something to eat before taking one of them for myself to play.

About half way through my eggs and salami, Nathan came out with a shit eating 
grin on his face.  No, he hadn't actually ate any shit, but when I threw him a  
questioning look, he turned red and then it was my turn to have a shit eating 
grin on my face.

"You liked her ass, didn't you," I said finally.

"You insult me with your crudity, amigo," he said, turning even redder as he sat 
down to await the breakfast the two sisters were scampering to make for him.

I just chuckled then turned my attention on sorting out what memories to leave 
in their heads when we left.

"Have you ever?" Nathan suddenly said while watching their asses wiggle as they 

"What?  Oh.. Yeah.  I didn't have the choice when I first started to though, so 
I don't think I would have ever grown to like it if I hadn't been forced."

"Did this Tim make you?"

I looked at him while I struggled to control my anger at him mentioning his 
name, and watched his own surprised expression fade before saying, "No..  In a 
way I forced him, but he ended up liking it just as much as I did.  I don't 
really care for it anymore.  Only if I'm really horny I guess."

Nathan didn't say anything else so I left him to his breakfast when it was ready 
and took one of the women into the bedroom and fucked her mouth.

I was just putting my clothes on when Nathan brought the other one with him to 
the bedroom and insisted on one last butt fucking before we left and sent them 
free.  I really wasn't that interested in doing it, but I gave in when he 
wouldn't hear to doing it by himself.

I went through the motions and even came a little inside her ass, then waited a 
Nathan to finish before pulling my cock out of her.  I couldn't help but get a 
little turned on when he ordered them to clean our cocks off with their mouths, 
finding that Nathan got more out of that than the butt fucking itself.

Okay, so it is pretty gross to make someone lick off their own anal secretions 
from our cocks, but it wasn't like they were covered with shit or anything.  I 
remember having to do it Steven and loving it, and sometimes Steven's dick WAS 
covered with shit.  But I also remember getting really sick a lot afterwards, so 
because I didn't want to cause anyone any undo suffering, I generally didn't 
make people do those kind of things.

As Nathan and I walked back to town, I told him about how sick I had gotten and 
some other things which I hoped would discourage him from making people do 
things which would be harmful for them to do, but made it clear I wasn't telling 
him that he had to stop on my account.

I was really discouraged when we took our afternoon fucks to the secluded spot 
where we had fucked the two cousins two days before and Nathan instantly 
enslaved his girl and had her mount his bean pole with her ass.  I knew he was 
going to have her clean it off when he finished, so I took mine behind the rocks 
I had used last time and worked on my Spanish some more.

I didn't try to hide my anger when Nathan called me as his girl started throwing 
up, and he was hurt when I refused his offer to go with me when I decided to 
take the two girls home.

I carried the sick sixteen year old girl the whole way, trying to tell myself I 
had no right to tell him what to do while my anger flared and tempered from what 
he had done despite my warning.  The combination of the physical exercise and 
the beautiful scenery which was always around us wherever we went in that 
country eventually cleansed my anger and frustration from me, and after dropping 
the poor girl off at her home, I took the twenty three year old woman I had 
picked home as well and ended up eating dinner with her family.

I left their humble home without having even touched the woman's ample bosom, 
and after wandering around town alone for a while, I sought out Nathan and 
accepted his apology and gave him mine as well.

Neither one of us felt like finding another pair of girls for the night, so we 
took the night off and just hung out with some of the local teens.

I ran into Solana again that evening, and this time when she offered to share a 
bottle of tequila with her, I politely refused.  She was a little disappointed, 
but she didn't let it spoil her evening.

After it got dark and one by one the others wandered off, she offered the 
tequila to me again.  Before I could answer her, she took a gulp from the 
bottle, letting some of it run down her chin, neck and to my delight continued 
down into her shirt between her breasts.

At that point Nathan bailed on me, and as I watched her take another gulp then 
tongue the hole of the bottle, I checked out what her intentions were and found 
that she got a big kick out of getting guys drunk and feeling their body all 
over while they were helpless.

For some reason that really appealed to me.  I guess I just felt it would even 
up the score a little if someone from that town took advantage of me for a 
change.  So I took the bottle from her and took three big gulps before reaching 
out to her breasts and lightly ran my fingertips over their perky outline in her 

When she moved to avoid my touch, I took another swig, then used what little 
Spanish I had learned to explain I wouldn't try to take her shirt off if she let 
me continue.  Actually I said it pretty badly, but I used my telepathy to get my 
message across, and after a few more swigs she let me touch them again.

I guess I got drunk pretty quick because all I really remember is swirling my 
fingers over the material covering her breasts for what seemed like a long time 
before finally letting her pull my shirt off and resting my hands by my sides in 
a dreamy drunken state.

I woke up in her bed naked again with another hangover and noticeably alone.

Nathan luckily had the good sense to form the alcohol block in the share link 
like I had shown him, so after finding his mind and letting him know where I 
was, he did something to the share link that almost completely eliminated my 

When Selina heard me moving around, she came in and asked me some odd questions.  
Like if I thought she was a prostitute, or if I liked children.  She was 
perfectly serious, and after I gave her more or less truthful answers, she 
stepped up to me while I was slipping my boxers back on and kissed me.

I ended up naked in bed again while she explored my body with her hands, and 
while she didn't take any of her clothes off, she didn't object when I sent my 
hand up her shirt and felt her breasts through her bra.

After I got my fill of this, I pulled my hand out and was rewarded by her laying 
down on top of me and giving me these little kisses all over my chest.  She had 
watched my dick get hard and soften a couple of times while I had caressed her 
breasts, and I guess feeling it hardening against her tummy excited her a lot.

She kissed her way down my chest and belly, but then sat up and took my cock in 
her hand and began masturbating me with an inexperienced grip.  I helped her 
find the correct way to jerk a guy off, then after a good five or six minutes, I 
shot a pretty good load onto my belly even though she let go the moment I 
started to spurt.

I never got to see her naked, and we never did have any real sex, but I remember 
Selina's face better than any of the other girls I met in Venezuela.  Exception 
being Sakura my thirteen year old sex slave, and Lea, the little witch. 


Tim, the Teenage MC
By Rass Senip
Chapter XVI:  11th Grade, Summer 1988
Part 3 - The Joys of Enslaving and Raping
(mc, mf)

Nathan and I took our freshly picked afternoon fucks to our usual spot and 
started fucking them, and I didn't bring up anal sex when Nathan didn't suggest 
it himself.

Nathan was busily eating his girl out while I was just toying with mine, feeding 
her her juices with my fingers and watching her lick them off erotically.

I was surprised when Nathan heard my sigh of discontent, but I was surprised 
even more by the realization I wasn't really enjoying myself anymore.  

"Do you wish to trade now?" he asked after wiping his face and sitting up.

"Nah.  I'm okay with this one yet," I said, leaning over to suckle on one of her 

Nathan watched me a few moments, then decided to try the same thing with his, 
but a few minutes later it was his turn to give a discontented sigh.

We looked at each other, and I could see in his eyes we wanted to butt fuck her, 
but was... concerned I might get upset if he brought it up first.

Inspiration struck me just then, so I said, "I have an idea.  Lets do a double 

"You mean, both of us?  With one girl?" he asked, unsure whether he liked the 
idea or not.

"Yeah.  I'll take the front door, you take the back, okay?"

"But Amigo...  It..."

"Come on...  It's not against the rules, is it?"


"Well, then what's stopping you?"

"It is just...  I have never shared a girl before.  I don't think I would like 

I sighed, then said, "Fine.  Fuck her ass by yourself then.  I don't care."

I got up and left the three of them there, and when I was sure Nathan wasn't 
going to follow or object, I wandered away from their general location and found 
a secluded spot by a small stream under some trees.

I listened to the stream, the wind, the birds, the trees...  It all seemed so 
pure.  So good and innocent, well, except when I saw a bird swoop down and catch 
some kind of rodent taking a drink down the stream.  But even that was... 

What the fuck did I think about?  Shit.  Everything I guess, but mostly I was 
trying to sort out what I wanted now that my dream of having unlimited use of my 
powers had finally come true.

I kept thinking about Selina, and how...  special the time we spent together had 
been.  I wasn't in love with her or anything, but I couldn't figure out why I 
wanted to do something... innocent like that again so much.

By the time Nathan finally contacted me to say he was ready to go back to town, 
I had concluded I was just tired of routine we had gotten ourselves into, and 
decided to talk to Nathan that evening about moving on.

But as I walked barefooted and naked across the open green grass with a 
beautiful view of the mountains nearby, I felt a knot in my throat form.  This 
place, the people...  I wanted to get away from it all.  It was too beautiful to 
corrupt for my whims and pleasure any longer.

We were invited to eat with a popular and powerful family in the area, and to 
Nathan's delight they had a pair of teenage daughters who were very pretty and 
sweet.  I waited until after we finished eating and had complimented the cook 
enough to the point of embarrassment, then signaled to Nathan I wanted to talk 
to him privately.

Nathan was visibly on edge as we followed a trail leading up to a grazing field, 
and I had to admit I guess I was too.

"Your country is very beautiful," I finally said.

"Se," he said with a hint of pride.

"Does it ever bother you that...  Uhm...  Never mind.  Nathan, I really need a 
change of scene."

"What does this mean, change of scene?" he said confused.

"It means I need to go somewhere else.  Some place different.  A change of 

"You wish to find another town?"

"No...  I mean, yes, but..."  I said before sighing, then stopped in my tracks 
from the sight of seeing the sun setting between two mountain crests.

"I don't understand, amigo.  I did not make the girls sick by..."

"Look at that, Nathan," I said, forcibly turning his head towards the incredible 
sight.  "This is why I want to leave.  Not something you did that I didn't like, 
or some rule I think we broke.  I just...  feel like we're polluting this place.  
There has to be somewhere that the sunsets don't take your breath away."

"Joe, does the sun not set in your homeland?"

"Of course it does, but not like this.  I mean, it's so...  And between the 
mountains like that...  And then there's the green fields, and..."

"Amigo, no offense, but I have seen pictures of your country, and it is very 
beautiful too.  Perhaps you never took the time to look at it.  But I can see 
you are not happy here any longer, so we shall go.  My question to you is, where 
can we go that you won't find a sunset like this one?"

"I don't know...  I guess someplace that's like back home.  Or at least back in 
the states."

Nathan and I watched the sunset together, both of us chewing on a piece of the 
long grass while contemplating where to go.  Even Nathan had to agree that it 
was a spectacular sight watching the shadows of the mountains grow towards us 
from below, then we marveled at how unreal the mountains seemed with the orange, 
then red, then purple light glowing from behind their black two dimensional 

When we returned to the family's home, Nathan asked if I wanted to fuck the 
girls or not, then admitted he didn't either when I had said no.

We ended up fucking with them anyway.  About an hour after everyone had gone to 
bed that night, Nathan and I were woken up by the girls sneaking into the guest 
room which they had talked their parents in offering to us.

Out of all the women and girls we fucked from that town, Rosalinde and Ria were 
the only ones who remember it.  They were certainly no virgins.  Their parents 
were very strict and uptight about appearances, but with four girls and three 
boys to raise while maintaining their social status, they hadn't realized their 
oldest girls had secretly rebelled and had been fucking the hottest boys in town 
since they entered their teens.

When Rosalinde was fifteen, Ria caught her fucking one of her boyfriends and 
blackmailed Rosalinde into teaching her about sex.  Three years later, Ria 
demonstrated how good of a student she was as she deep throated Nathan while he 
ate her out from below.

Rosalinde, however, was still the master at the game.  The four of us went 
outside so we wouldn't be heard, then Rosalinde and I went one direction and 
Nathan and Ria another.  Nathan never learned that while Ria had never attempted 
anal sex before, Rosalinde had recently been introduced to it and insisted on it 
after our first round.

I let Rosalinde have her fun, finding her very aggressive and definitely a 
dominating lover.  By the time she had worn herself out, I was fed up with 
always being on bottom, so I used my magic fingers to subdue her into letting me 
fuck her like I wanted to for a while.

Shit.  Despite all the stuff I had tried to explain to Nathan about, her 
aggressiveness and dominating attitude really stirred my lust for total 
domination up.

Twenty minutes after we had thrown ourselves down in a pile of freshly cut hay, 
I flipped her onto her back, pinned her down by the shoulders, then bit the skin 
just above her right nipple hard enough to hurt but not break the skin.

She immediately began to struggle, the first trace of fear followed when I 
didn't let up.  Rosalinde was surprisingly easy to break to my will, however, 
for most girls I had subdued into my sexual toys had been fairly conservative in 
sex.  But this girl...  Her aggressiveness was from her desire to feel sexual 
pleasure.  So she responded very well to my orgasmic teasing which is what I use 
to break them into my happy sexual slaves.

Fuck, I loved watching their eyes while their spirit and fight slowly give way 
to their lust and desire for pleasure.  It is all too easy to accidentally leave 
some resistance behind, and that's why I always had to resort to physical shocks 
like slaps and bites to squeeze the rest of their will out of them.

I laid there in the hay enjoying her worshiping my nipples with her tongue, 
thinking about where we could go, and how to talk Nathan out of going back to 
Gladius's keep.  My hope was that once I introduce Nathan to the joy of breaking 
a girl's will like I had just done, he would embrace it enough that he wouldn't 
want to give it up.

Before going back to the house to get some sleep, I returned Rosalinde to her 
regular aggressive and dominating self, but didn't blank her memory of the 
event.  She was very confused over what had happened, and was a bit scared of me 
the next morning, but yet part of her had wanted something like that, and I knew 
she would never be quite content with the regular sex again.

At some point during the night, Nathan returned and joined me in bed without 
waking me.  When I awoke in the early morning, at first I didn't know where or 
when I was, for I instinctively snuggled up against his chest  from finding his 
arm draped over me.  Shit, the feeling was so familiar that I just wasn't 
thinking about what I was doing.  I fell asleep again with my head up against 
his chest feeling...  I guess feeling loved.

I woke up later when Nathan turned so he was on his back in his sleep.  I was 
just about move to lay my head on top of his chest when I realized who it was 
and were we were.  After that shock, I just got up and got dressed knowing I 
couldn't go back to sleep.

Nathan bounded up to me about an hour later while Rico, the youngest boy, was 
helping me with learning more Spanish. 

"Buena mañana, compinche," I said carefully.

"Good morning to you too, amigo.  Have you decided where we shall go?"

"Not really.  Why?  Do you have an idea?" I asked, already seeing he had.

"I believe so.  It is a day's travel from here, but it is closer to home than we 
are now so we won't be going out of our way."

"You going to tell me or not?" I said before thanking Rico and sending him on 
his way.

"Si, but not until you tell me if you ever watched the sunrise over water."

"Over water?  OH!  You mean..."

"You have not answered my question," he said nodding and smiling.

"The sunrise?  Well, yeah.  I used to go to this summer camp that has this big 
lake.  One year me and...  a couple of my friends got up early to skinny dip and 
saw the sunrise while in the lake."

"So seeing the sunrise on the ocean would not disturb you?"

"Nathan, you are a genius!" I cried, wrapping an arm around his neck roughly as 
we started walking back to the house.  "It's perfect!  I've been to the beach 
several times back home, and a beach is a beach."

I let him go and we raced back to the house to get our stuff before heading back 
for town.

An hour later, we were riding in the back of a jeep who happened to be going our 
way.  The haggard looking man had intended to whiz past us without stopping, but 
his foot for some reason had slipped off the petal and onto the brake just as he 
approached us.  Then it was simply a mater of using his modesty and pride to get 
him to offer us a lift, but he wasn't very happy to have passengers on such a 
long trip.

If that jeep had shocks on it, I'd be surprised.  But at least the back seats 
still had some cushioning left to them so our teeth weren't completely rattled 
out of our heads, but watching the containers of fuel jumping around at our feet 
didn't make it any less nerve racking.

That evening we stopped at a much larger village that was a half an hour from 
the beach.  The hotel we checked into had electricity and even a TV in the 
lobby/bar, and after helping the guy refill the containers for his trip back the 
next day, we went straight to our room, took showers to get the fuel smell off 
us, then went to bed feeling every bone still rattling from the trip.

I was very careful to keep my distance from Nathan in bed that night.  I nearly 
jumped out of my skin when his hand brushed across my bare chest in the middle 
of the night, then had trouble going back to sleep, fighting this strange desire 
to curl up behind him and share his bed space.

Nathan was the first up that morning, and while I slept he had our clothes 
washed, then had the housekeeper's two young daughters wake me up with a morning 

Despite the fact they weren't even ten yet, they did a great job, especially 
since I started going soft on them when I saw how young they were.  Nathan had 
discovered that their father had taught them how to give head, and to them it 
was just some naughty game they play with him, and sometimes one of his friends.

The older girl won the game by swallowing the most, then once my head cleared, I 
got dressed and followed the girls back to Nathan and their mother.

Shit.   Nathan was busy fucking their big fat mother doggy style, but the moment 
he saw me and the girls he stopped and walked right over to me with a smile on 
his face and her juices dripping off his stone hard cock.

"You like your morning wakeup call?" he said before the two girls started 
sucking his cock.

"Shit... Yeah, it was certainly a surprise too.  You've been pretty busy this 
morning, haven't you?"

"Si," he panted.  "Our clothes are clean, we will have mucho food to eat at the 
beach, and I have....  UNGHHHH!"

As I waited for the girls to finish sucking his load out, I went over to the 
woman who was still on her knees and examined her fat ass and cunt.  I was 
surprised to see he hadn't fucked her ass, and wondered if he hadn't because of 

"What was I saying?" he said from the floor.

"The clothes, the food, and something else," I reminded him as I had the woman 
stand up and pull her pants back up.

"Si.  We have ride to beach," he said dazed like.

"Hopefully not in a jeep," I said, holding my hand out to help him up.

He grinned and accepted my hand, then after he was on his feet, he grabbed my 
arm and pulled me over to the window to see.

"What?" I asked, not seeing anyone around the ten or so vehicles parked outside 
in the dirt.

"That one.  With the yellow door."

"Wasn't there someone else who could have given us a lift?" I said, not really 
enthused about riding in the back seat of a rusting Volkswagen bug.

"But we can now give ourselves a lift," he said sounding a bit hurt.

"You mean..."

"Si, we are now the proud owners of...  pair of wheels?"

I laughed, then had had to slap him on the back to let him know I approved.

"So you will teach me?" he said as we made our way down the steps to go see our 
'pair of wheels.'

"Teach you what?" I asked.

"How to...  operate it?"

He started turning red when he saw my surprised expression, but then I grinned 
and said, "Nathan, by the time we reached the beach, you'll be doing doughnuts 
around a dime."

"This is good?" he said hopefully.

"This is very good," I confirmed just as we reached the car.

He opened the door for me, and I ignored the horrible creak it made seeing that 
at least the insides were...  intact.

We spent a good ten minutes checking things out, and I psyched Nathan out when I 
opened the hood and screamed, "The engine!  It's gone!"

My little joke worked a little too well, for it took me a couple of minutes to 
explain to him that bugs were build with the engines in the rear like that, and 
even then I'm not too sure he believed me.

After having shown him the engine, I started checking it out and getting a 
little worried at what I found.

I asked him to start it up, then after seeing he was very hesitant about doing 
so, I realized he didn't know how and asked for the keys.

"Keys?" he said a bit nervously.

"Yeah...  Didn't whoever gave you this thing give you a key?"

"I did not talk to the previous owner.  He is dead."

"Then who gave you the car?" I said frowning.

"No one.  That is why we have no key."

After confirming there wasn't any official owner, Nathan's first lesson was how 
to hotwire a car.  We fucked around with the engine trying to keep it from 
stalling on us, and shit...  I had never seen oil like that before.  The guy who 
ran the gas station and garage near the motel seemed to think it was okay, but I 
changed the oil anyway and it helped quite a bit.

We didn't get on the road until nearly three in the afternoon, and once Nathan 
had gotten comfortable with shifting and steering, we left the town and headed 
towards the beach.

Nathan kept both hands on the wheel at all times, and really I couldn't blame 
him since the car's steering was pretty shot.  So when we turned onto a road 
that put the sun in his eyes, I put the visor down for him and we both nearly 
jumped out of our seats when something fell between his legs.

After having been scared shitless by this huge spider earlier in the car, Nathan 
slammed on the brakes and fell out of the car before I saw what it was and 
started laughing my ass off.

Even Nathan saw the humor when I picked the key up off the floorboard and showed 
it to him.  Shit, I think we had more fun driving around in that piece of shit 
car than we did at the beach.  Well, maybe not.

The beach...  Well, it wasn't like how I had imagined it.  I figured it would be 
big, flat, and lots of sand, just like the other beaches I had been too or seen.  
Oh, there was sand all right.  But it was a gulf beach rather than an ocean 
beach, and with the mountains being so near, there were a lot of cliffs and 
rocks all along the length of the untamed shore.

We took our time checking out the different beaches along this small gulf, and 
found one I thought would work great.  Most of the beaches only had a few paths 
down to them from the road, and at one particular location, there were two 
beaches on either side of a very large solid looking cliff that jutted out into 
the water quite a ways. 

The beach on the side facing the gulf's mouth was very rocky with very little 
sand, while the other side's beach was just the opposite.  That cliff was made 
out of a different color of rock than the rest, and its stubborn defiance 
against the sea's corrosive waters caused a large amount of sand to get stuck 
behind it, making a very large sandy beach there.

So here we had a nice deserted beach right next door to a popular and well used 
one.  I felt like I was a bank robber renting the building next door so I could 
dig a tunnel and rob them without ever taking a gun through the front door.

We set up camp on the deserted beach about a fifteen minutes walk from what 
appeared to be the only path leading down there.  Until high tide came and went 
did we feel confident that our site was high and dry enough to leave it, then we 
left it all set up to find our fucks for the night.

Oh man, we were in seventh heaven checking out all the babes on the beach.  
Shit, I guess that was exaggerating it a bit too much since there was only six 
women who weren't either too young or not single.  Oh, don't get me wrong.  We 
didn't have any problems with fucking a married woman, or in Nathan's case, he 
wouldn't hesitate to try out a little girl.  But there wasn't any need to since 
there were those six which fell into our preferred category, and let me tell 
you, I liked every one of them enough to fuck them on the spot.

I didn't though.  Fuck them on the spot I mean.  I let Nathan take his pick 
first since it had been his idea to come here, then after getting ourselves 
invited to a group's dinner on the beach, we took our 'dates' over to our camp.

The two girls were completely thrilled to go see our campsite, but beyond this 
mental suggestion, I had not done anything to make them our slaves.  Nathan knew 
I was up to something, and his trust in my...  experience in such things kept 
him from taking his girl over and fucking her like his sister.

After reaching the camp, the two late teen bikini clad sex pots started 
wondering why they had wanted to come with us so bad and was just about to 
insist they go back when I winked at Nathan and put his girl to sleep.

Nathan was a little surprised, but waited patiently as my girl started to get 
scared.  I grinned at him and said, "You're gonna love this, I know it," before 
suddenly seizing my complaining toy and manhandling her a bit.

God she was hot.  I mean, her skin was literally hot feeling, and after tripping 
her and falling on top of her, knocking the wind out of her so she couldn't 
scream again, I started using my pleasure tease thing with an added sense of 
heat to my touch.

After pacifying her enough that she was starting to enjoy my licks and kisses, I 
felt Nathan probing her to see what I was doing to make her like this.  I bit 
her tongue just as I surged the strength of my pleasure tease, and clearly heard 
Nathan's gasp through the cry from my soon to be fuck bitch.

Nathan watched me work my toy into her passive state two more times before 
deciding to try it for himself.  When he couldn't stop her from screaming, he 
gave up and just took her will the old fashioned way, wasting the chance of 
having a virgin as his first time like that.

About an hour later, I collapsed beside Nathan and his mindless fuck slut, and 
before he could ask about her, my new fuck toy came crawling on top of me and 
started worshipping my chest with her tongue like I liked.

I watched Nathan's expression while he scanned my toy's mind, then grinned at 
him when I saw his slut realize his hardon had returned and move down to suck it 
a while.

I explained in great detail how I did it and told him some stories about some of 
the first girls I had tried it on, all while watching the sky darken and the 
stars start to pop out.

First thing the next morning, Nathan undid the commands he had used on his pick, 
then watched very closely as I broke her to my will like the other.  Shit, after 
we took them back to the other beach and let them go, I think I was as excited 
as Nathan was at finding another girl so he could try it again.

Three girls later, Nathan and I had reached a new level in male bonding.  Nathan 
had insisted on keeping the girls he did for a day or two, and we both got a big 
kick out of the lesbian orgy at the campfire that night.  I felt really close to 
Nathan, in some ways closer than I had ever been with Tim.  Nathan had trusted 
me and let himself enjoy the admittedly dark pleasures I had yearned to share 
with Tim from even before Steven had known of us.

We spent the entire next day breaking in girls together, and Nathan even 
suggested a threesome which I accepted without a second thought.  Shit, that was 
cool.  I loved feeling his dick moving in and out of her ass as I did the same 
to her cunt.  It made the whole trip seem so complete, and was only disappointed 
a little bit when he complained it was too much work to do again right away.

We were getting a little sick of each other by that evening, however, but came 
to a mutually accepted agreement that we just needed to go off and have some fun 
on our own the next day.

After agreeing to meet back at the camp around noon, we went to the other beach 
the next morning and went in separate directions.  I quickly found a nice twenty 
year old blonde woman that while she wasn't a looker, she at least wasn't dark 
haired like the rest of the girls there were.

I broke her in record time, fucked her cunt until she bled, then after getting 
my kicks out of her licking the red juices from my cock and then from her own 
cunt, I found myself very...  tired of all this mindless fucking around.

I spent about an hour thinking about what I wanted to do after we left the beach 
for good, then found myself feeling sleepy from all the morning's activity.

I awoke with a start at what I thought was someone whispering my name in my ear.  
The first thing I noticed was how quite the beach was without the crashing of 
the waves and the cry of the seagulls.  Then I realized it wasn't daylight any 
more, and I could see a bright white light reflecting off the calm water.

But when I tried to rollover, I realized things were not as they seemed.  I 
couldn't move, and the light was apparently moving.

I used to scoff at people who were afraid of ghosts.  I was like, what's scary 
about someone who's dead and transparent?  I mean, I didn't believe in them 
anyway, but if they did exist, I figured they couldn't actually do anything 
otherwise they would have done more than rattle chains and stuff.

Well I was scared shitless when I saw Tim's face floating in the middle of a 
column of light.  He looked at me with this sad expression and a disappointed 
look in his eyes for what seemed like forever, then finally he opened his mouth 
and said "Why" in a windy airy whisper. 

I knew exactly what he meant, and my fear dropped away as my blood began to 

"Because I want to, that's why!"

My change of attitude shocked him a moment, then his expression changed to one 
of determination before he whispered, "Stop."

"Fuck you," I attempted to snarl.  "I don't have to do a fucking thing you say.  
You can't hurt me.  You can't make me stop."

His airy response was, "..haunt you."

I then suddenly remembered what Tim had done during one of his dreams with 
Michael, and commanded my body to roll over.

Just as I suspected, the column of light came from the coin which was laying on 
top of my clothes.  I looked at back at him and saw in his expression I had it 

With great difficulty, I commanded my body to crawl over to clothes, and as I 
reached over to grab the glowing white coin, I had a twinge of guilt about what 
I had said last time.  

I stopped, looked over at his unhappy face, then said, "Go rest in peace, Tim.  
I don't want or need you to be my guardian angel."

To my surprise, he smiled a moment, but then put on a determined face again and 
said, "... glad Suzi never got to see you like this."

"ARRRG!" I screamed as I grabbed the coin and tried to crush it.

I woke up on the beach with my new slave attempting to ask me why I was crying.  
It took me a moment to sort out exactly where I was, then felt the sharp pain in 
my hand from holding the coin too tight.

I had crawled over to the clothes just like in my dream.  I instantly started 
having doubts about whether the dream had been real or not, but when I looked at 
the coin and saw the man's face on it, I knew it had been real just from the 
expression he had.

I got so angry I was shaking, and after commanding my toy to remain in case 
Nathan showed up, I got dressed and headed off to find a nice cliff that wasn't 
near people.

I walked for nearly twenty minutes before finally finding a cliff overlooking 
the water, and in that time I guess I had walked off a lot of my steam.  Out of 
pure stubbornness, however, I found a way from the beach up to the cliff, then 
stood there a long time watching the water below.

My intention was to throw the coin off the cliff and condemn Tim to go to hell 
again, but I couldn't help feel depressed for I he had been right about one 
thing.  It was a good thing Suzi couldn't see me now. 

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, then did a double take when I 
confirmed that someone was down on the beach to my right.

Again, I was shaking, but this time it was from pure shock and not anger.  For 
below me was the very person I had just been thinking about.  Suzi.  It was 

I got down on my hands and knees, or more like fell since my legs were very 
wobbly at the time, and crawled carefully over to the edge with my heart 
pounding in my ears.

I reached the edge in time to see her drop something, and to my shock I 
recognized it to be her bikini top.

Somewhere behind the rocks blocking part of the beach from my view, I heard a 
voice call out.  Suzi responded by hurrying her walk, hopping at one point as 
she slipped off her bikini bottoms, then disappeared from my sight.

I strained my ears to hear what was going on until I recognized the sounds of 
sex, or more accurately, the sounds of a sex slave pleasuring her master. 

I nearly lost my head by attacking whoever it was right then, but then the 
training Tim and I had put ourselves through the year before kicked in.

I constructed a fake personality and put a cloak around the coin while making my 
way back down to the beach.  The waves seemed much louder at sea level, and as 
my cloaked self started jogging down the beach, I was worried they might have 
already left for I hadn't heard another sound from them.

As I passed the rocks which Suzi had disappeared behind, I was relieved to hear 
some faint talking from behind another group of rocks beneath a low crumbling 
cliff.  I only got a flashing glance from the corner of my eye as I jogged by 
their spot, and then I was busily trying to decide what to do next having seen 
there were two men, not one.  

I was just about to drop the cloaking personality when I felt it being scanned.  
It was so light and happened so fast, I was starting to wonder if I had imagined 
it, but then a few moments later a much more powerful scan of my fake self's 
mind began.

Like a search light zeroing in on its target, the mind behind the scan traced 
many of the cracks in my hastily assembled cloak, and just as I realized what 
they were doing, my fake personality was shattered with a single well directed 

I tumbled to the ground, striking my knee on a rock and landing with my left 
wrist bent back to far.  I was so stunned by the attack and result of my fall, I 
didn't think to raise my mental shields or anything until I felt the mind touch 
mine again.

As the powerful mind scanned me, I braced myself for enslavement, almost 
welcoming it from the passing thought that I would share it with Suzi.  But then 
suddenly the mind stopped its scanning and... left me there without inserting a 
single command into my real mind.

I think a wave must have sprayed some mist on me before I snapped to my senses 
and took in my surroundings again.  I was laying on my side, on the beach, my 
bum knee propped up, holding my left wrist with my right hand... and I was 
totally alone, mentally and physically.

Shit, I was almost too scared to move.  Whoever the telepath was, he was 
definitely more powerful than I was, and apparently didn't consider me to be 
enough of a threat to bother enslaving when he had the chance.

Then I heard footsteps coming from the direction of their hiding place.  I held 
my breath until I realized the steps were going in the opposite direction.

I risked moving so I could see what was going on, and watched the hulk of a man 
walk around the rocks, probably going up the other path I had noticed when I was 
going up to the cliff.

I moved into a sitting position after waiting a few minutes to see if he was 
coming back right away, and as I tried brushing sand out of the bleeding scrape 
on my knee, I was startled to hear the distant sound of a motorcycle starting up 
and speeding away.

For a few moments I considered leaving, but I couldn't bear the thought of 
leaving Suzi like that.  I was tempted to scan her to see what all he had done 
to her, but I was still feeling my vulnerability to this man's power and skill.  
Whilst I was considering the possibility that he could have been testing me or 
otherwise just toying with me, a young woman with red hair and conservative 
dress walked around the corner from where the large man had disappeared.

For a moment I considered warning her, but when she saw me, she immediately 
looked in the direction where Suzi and the powerful voice were before sighing 
and heading towards me.

"Hola, puede I estar de ayuda?" she queried when she was within ten yards of me.

"I'm, uhm... no seguro?" I said after racking my brain for a Spanish word or 
phrase that was appropriate.

"Vous parlez français?  Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" she asked after a mild 

"English, actually," I said when I found my voice.

She smiled, and for a moment I was enchanted by her bright green eyes.

"Are you hurt?" she said with an accent as she got down on her knees in beside 

"I fell," I managed to say.

"Indeed," she said while examining my knee carefully.

"It's not broken or anything," I said when her fingers began to probe my kneecap 

When she continued, I sighed a little before leaning back to give her more room. 

"It just hurts and...  OUCH! Shit," I gasped as my wrist painfully reminded me 
it also had been hurt in the fall when I tried to support myself with it.

I bumped my head on another small rock when I fell back to take the weight off 
my hand, then was torn between rubbing my wrist and the new lump on my head 
having only one good hand to rub with.

The decision was made for me, for the young woman took my hand and started 
feeling it like she had with my knee, and if it hadn't been rather soothing, I 
would have taken it away from her like my instincts told me I should.

"My name is Zoe," she said after I had relaxed.  "Have you a name?"

"Uhm, Joey...  No!  I mean Joe," I blundered out.

"You must have hit your head very hard," she said with a slight smile.

"I only just now bumped it, and it wasn't that hard," I corrected.

"Then why do you not know your name?"

"Oh.  Heh..." I said, feeling very stupid.

There was a short period of silence between us, and as she soothed the pain in 
my wrist with her gentle fingers, my mind wandered briefly until my eyes fell 
upon the crumbling cliff.

She noticed my stare, and then saw the look of fear in my eyes when I glanced at 
her before looking out on the sea.

I suspected something was up when she seemed distracted for a minute while 
silently continuing her wrist rub, so when her attention returned to me, I said, 
"Uhm, it feels better now.  Thanks," and gently withdrew my hand from hers.

"You here for a vacation?  My father and I are too.  I lived here when I was a 
child, so whenever my father and I can, we come back here for vacation and see 
family.  It is very hard being away from family.  Do you not think so?"

"Yes, very hard," I gulped, then got a hold of myself.  "Uhm, thanks for your 
help and all, but you see...  Uhm, I know you know how I fell, and I'm pretty 
sure you know why I'm still here.  Your... father has somebody very special to 
me and..."

"A moment, please," she said holding her hand up.  "Joey, I do not know how you 
fell, but I have very strong idea.  We go see my father and straighten this out, 
okie dokie?"

"Okie?..  Uhm, okay," I said uncertainly.

Once I was on my feet, she made sure I could walk okay before leading me to the 
rocks and going in first exclaiming, "Pa-pa!  Why did you send Oscar away?  And 
why did you attack this boy? Él no es ninguna amenaza a nosotros."

I completely missed his response due to the great relief and simultaneous 
disappointment of finding the girl who I had nearly been enslaved for was not 
Suzi, but a stranger after all.

She was damn close though.  Suzi's a...  You realize I have to be careful how I 
word this or I'll have hell to pay...  Shit... Anyway, Suzi is what I would call 
a BMW kind of girl.  Smaller in size than the average American model, but has 
all the curves and features you'd want or need.  And that petite body of hers 
can really maneuver due to all that horsepower packed under her hood.

I know I'm getting off topic, but I can't stop thinking about this one time when 
Tim, Suzi and I were in the shower together...  I think it was right before Suzi 
left for England the summer after our freshman year.  Shit... Anyway, Tim and I 
were playing this game we appropriately named "drop the soap" where we tossed 
this bar of soap back and forth until one of us drops and has to retrieve it.  
You might be surprised to learn we played this game honestly since we both 
wanted to be the fucker and the fuckee and this was a fun way of choosing who is 
what first.

Suzi had declined to play before we had started, so Tim and I were just tossing 
the soap back and forth, being careful not to foul the other up with any off 
center shots.  Tim and I were just talking about what we'd do different if the 
other guy drops the soap, and I guess because we had played that game so much by 
that time, we had gotten pretty good at it do so it took us a while.

Anyway, Tim tried to catch it with one hand while scratching his neck.  He 
accidentally grabbed the soap too tight and it popped out of his hand.  I swear 
to God that it hit Suzi right on the crack of her ass, and if either of us had 
been holding the soap just then, we would have both dropped it from watching 
Suzi bend over with a moan and seeing her rose opened up right before our eyes.

Shit.  Tim and I just looked at each other before Suzi moaned out she wanted us 
both.  We ended up fucking her like a merry-go-round, for every minute or so she 
had us turn her so we were fucking her other hole.  She wore us out, then had 
the nerve to complain how we talked her into fucking in the shower again after 
just having her hair done.  Shit.  After that, Tim and I kept our mouths shut 
while playing "toss the soap."

Fuck, where was I?  Oh yeah.  Nana.

Her name was Nana, although I didn't know that at the time.  Nana was definitely 
a Cadillac.  I say that because she was bigger boned than average, but in such a 
way that it didn't make her look any less feminine.  She had all the right 
curves in the right places, and her really firm and larger than average sized 
breasts only amplified the femininity about her.

Nana's face was very similar to Suzi's, giving me the strange impression that 
she was what Suzi would look like if you flattened her face out a bit to fit on 
a larger head.

The hair length was also similar, but now that I had a closer look, I could see 
it was rather wavy instead of straight.  It gave her hair a fuller look than 
Suzi's did when she had it down like that.

My attention was jolted away from Nana when my right hand reached into my shirt 
and pulled my coin out by the necklace it was attached to, without my telling it 

"HEY!" I protested as my eyes focused on the coin and examined it very closely.

"Pa-pa..." Zoe said warningly.

"Hush, child," the man croaked.  "Don't you see what he has?"

"Pa-pa!" she said impatiently.  "Usted lo está asustando"

"You're not scared, are you boy?  You know exactly what I'm doing...  Zoe!  All 

I missed whatever Zoe had done to her father, but my hand and eyes were under my 
control again the next instant.  

"Gracias," I said to her before taking a closer look at her father.

Now I understood why he had taken control of my eyes like he had.  His baby blue 
eyes stared straight ahead without seeing, and despite the dark brown coloring 
of his hair, I sensed he was much older than he wanted to appear.  More like 
Zoe's grandfather than her father.

I sensed no probes from him, no scans or other telepathic monitoring of my mind.  
Yet while I studied his face, he turned his head to show me his profile, and I 
knew from that he was still looking through my eyes.

"Pa-pa, what was wrong with Oscar?  Do not say his size was too small.  I have 
never seen one any larger," Zoe insisted. 

"And that's exactly what was wrong, child!  He was too big!  What good would it 
do me to stretch Nana so large that I can't enjoy her with the next fool I use."

"Oh, Pa-pa...  I thought Oscar was exactly what you wanted."

"I know that, my dear," he said tenderly.  "He was a wonderful birthday gift. 
You shouldn't take my ramblings so seriously."

"You don't fool me an instant, Pa-pa.  I know you love the chase more than the 
control.  That is why you attacked Joey, is it not?  You were bored?"

The man chuckled, the turned to me and said, "Careful of this one, boy.  She 
does not have voice like you and I, but she can see right through us never the 

Nana stood up next to him and helped him to his feet before he said to me, "I 
admit when I first saw you jogging by I intended to use you like I was using 
Oscar, but when I touched your...  shadowed mind, I was... mildly amused.  Very 
few voices ever develop such... ingenious defenses.  Zoe, would you believe that 
I even have difficulty reading his thoughts?"

"Indeed?" she said, giving me a surprised smile.  "It is rare to find someone 
who impresses you, Pa-pa."

"Impresses me?" he snorted.  "Don't be ridiculous!  He's just an immature child 
with a little more resourcefulness than the average moron!  Just two hours ago 
he was down the beach raping a young woman's mind!  I wouldn't be surprised if 
he ran away from home after his family rejected his conduct.  Hah!  I was 

"Fuck you!" I roared.  "If I'm a fucking child, then so are you!  You don't just 
toy with women, but men too!"

The man chuckled again, then said to Zoe, "I remember saying something similar 
to your great grandfather when I was his age."

He then turned to me, held out his hand and said, "I apologize for calling you a 
child, Joey.  And I'm sorry for treating you like one like my grandfather had 
with me.  You may call me Benjamin."

"Uhm, then I guess I'm sorry for.."

"Apology accepted," he said joyfully.  "Now my boy, you must join us for lunch 
and tell us where you got that treasure hanging about your neck."

I blinked a few times taking that in, then said, "Well, I really can't stay much 
longer.  I'm supposed to be..."

"Meeting your friend Nathan, yes...  Oscar went to fetch him.  They should be 
arriving any time now."

"Oh, Pa-pa..." Zoe sighed.

"Really, I think I better..."

"Nana, would you please be so kind to begin serving us our meal?  There will be 
six altogether.  We did bring enough food, didn't we?"

"Oui, master."

"Look!  I'm sorry, okay?  I don't want to stay!  Thank you for your offer, but I 
will be going now!" I said, moving to leave.

"You don't seem to understand, my young friend.  I simply won't take no for an 

A chill went down my spine when he said that, and when I looked over to Zoe for 
support, I saw she wasn't about to interfere on my behalf in this case.

So I did the only thing my seventeen years of life had prepared me for for such 
cases of injustice.  I turned around, kicked the sand as I sat down, then... 
pouted with an defiant expression on my face like any teenager would.

Zoe acted like she was enjoying the sunshine, and despite the fact I was dead 
set on not enjoying myself, she and I chatted somewhat friendly about what we 
liked about her homeland.

Nathan and Oscar arrived shortly after Nana set up the blanket to place the food 
on.  Benjamin had programmed Oscar to fool Nathan into believing I had sent him, 
so Nathan was a bit surprised to learn I was not having lunch with these people 
out of my own free will.

"What are your intentions, sir?" Nathan immediately asked.  "I must warn you we 
are protected by..."

"Yes, yes.  Gladius is an old... acquaintance.  Do not worry yourself, young 
voice.  I have no reason to harm either of you.  Your friend here has an 
interesting trinket that I am very interested in, and I simply wish to here how 
he obtained it."

"I already told you, it was a gift!" I snapped.  "A friend of mine found it at a 
coin shop and another frie... _acquaintance_ of mine bought it and gave it to 

"You seem to value it very much, yet you were contemplating throwing it off that 
cliff earlier?" Benjamin said carefully.

"Shit.  This is just all a big game to you, isn't it.  You didn't just happen to 
see me jog by.  I bet..."

"A GAME!" he laughed.  "Zoe, my dear.  Do I play games with people?  Answer 

She raised both eyebrows while considering her answer, then said, "Yes, Pa-pa, 
you do."

"Ha!" I said when Benjamin's expression went sour from the opposite answer which 
he had expected.

"Well, I wasn't playing a game this time," he grumbled loudly.  "I may have 
retained some of my sense of humor from my youth, but I don't play foolish games 
on people just for the fun of it."

"Then tell him what you want so they can both be on their way," Zoe said 
patiently, watching a pair of seagulls fight over a piece of bread she had 
thrown them.  

"Yeah, what do you want from us?" I asked accusingly. 

I was startled when he turned towards me, looking me in the eyes with those baby 
blue yet sightless eyes, and squinting slightly in a warm friendly manner.

"I was once like you, believe it or not.  Very much like you.  And I too had a 
coin just like yours.  But I gave it to the first woman I fell in love with, and 
after we went our separate ways, I always regretted not having asked for it 

"Nana here strongly resembles someone you care about very much.  Now before you 
get angry again, I did not invade your privacy by seeing who this person was. 
But I suspect you believe you no longer have any kind of future with her?"

I had lowered my eyes to the picnic blanket when he had mentioned Suzi, and 
sensing he wanted an answer despite the personal nature, I just nodded my head 
without looking up.

"Nana has been my personal assistant for three years now, and I am quite 
reluctant to part with her for it takes a considerable amount of time to train 
them as good as this.  But I would like to offer you a trade.  Nana for your 

"I don't know..." I instantly said, picking it up from against my chest to 
examine again.  "I mean, if you haven't been able to find one in all this 

"You didn't seem that worried about needing it again up on that cliff," he 
reminded me.

"Yeah I was," I said.  "I would have thrown it off the instant I had gotten up 
there if I hadn't been."

I sighed, then looked over at Nana who was patiently waiting for us to finish 
eating without any concern over our discussing her fate.  My eyes started to 
tear up thinking about how closely she resembles Suzi, and suddenly I felt 
desperate to hold her in my arms and love her...

I realized that this was my only chance to have the one thing I thought I had 
sacrificed in my quest of power.  So what if she wasn't Suzi.  She looked like 
her, and maybe that would be enough to satisfy my...  loneliness.  The coin had 
its uses, but I knew it could never make me happy like maybe Nana could.

Without looking away from Nana, I pushed my coin out of the rubber ring holding 
it, then after deactivating its cloak, I closed my eyes and felt out the symbols 
being emitted from it one last time.

I felt very calm and sure of myself when I opened my eyes again.  I felt like 
this was a step towards letting the past go and the beginning of something 
better.  In fact, I had a strong desire to return to Gladius's keep and work for 
him now that I had found my slave.  At least I would a purpose in life while I 
was there.

After concluding the trade, Nana collected her things while Oscar took over 
cleaning up our lunch mess.  Nathan hadn't spoken more than a dozen words the 
entire time, and even after we left and made our way up the beach again, he was 
very quiet.

My blonde haired slave was still waiting for us when we reached that part of the 
beach, and after Nathan indicated he'd like to have her himself for a while, I 
telepathically reconditioned her to be just like she had been before I had met 
her, then got a kick out of Nathan chasing her around the beach for a while.

Nana was patiently waiting beside me wearing shorts and a mini-top, and for some 
reason I felt nervous about starting anything with her right then.

But when Nathan finally caught up his new toy and pinned her to the ground while 
she screamed, I turned to Nana feeling ashamed of what she was seeing, then got 
lost looking in her open and trusting eyes.

I kissed her gently on the lips, and enjoyed her hesitant response because it 
was so real.  I don’t know how long I spent just studying her face, caressing 
it, kissing her one in a while before finally temporarily convincing myself that 
I was with the real Suzi, and that I loved her.

We took our time in our foreplay, and I was momentarily disturbed by Nathan's 
intruding eyes as I penetrated her the first time, but then lost myself in bliss 
of making love.


Tim, the Teenage MC
By Rass Senip
Chapter XVI:  11th Grade, Summer 1988
Part 4 - The Pit
(mc, mf)

Nathan returned to camp the next day around noon without any girls to my 
surprise.  He had left with two, and I had expected him to come back with 
probably four or more to have another lesbian orgy which he had been talking 

As it happens, Nathan was bored just like I had been the day before.  So once we 
admitted we were tired of all the girls and fucking, we agreed it was time to 
pack things up and go back.

We arrived at the main entrance just after nightfall, two days early.  Nobody 
but us were surprised at this, however, and it was a shock to me to find my name 
on the door across from Nathan's pad.

Nana and I moved in to our suite, then fucked in the kitchen, fucked in the 
shower, and finally made love again in our king size bed.

The next thing I knew, Nana was waking me up with her tongue teasing my cock to 
full erection.

"Come 'ere, slut," I said with a grin and holding my arms out to her.

"I love your body, master," she said with eyes full of lust and love as she 
crawled up to my embrace.

"I know you do," I said before extracting the kiss I wanted to take from her.  
"Your body isn't so bad itself, you know."

"Would you like to use it?" she said immediately.

"Not right now, Nana.  Can I just hold you in my arms for a while?"

"Yes, master.  You may do whatever you wish with me."

I guess that was the first time I felt anything wrong with having her completely 
under my control.  As she settled down on top of me with her head on my chest,  
I stroked her soft naked body while thinking of all the things I had loved about 

Shit.  Nana looked so much like Suzi, yet didn't, especially now.  I mean, even 
though I liked the bigger tits and overall size of her body, it still just 
didn't feel right somehow to think about her as being another Suzi.  Her face 
looked so much like her, but my memories of when I had delivered the real Suzi 
to Steven was really giving me a bad time.  Especially when I realized that I 
had in fact been the one to enslave Suzi, not Steven.

After a while, my troubled thoughts just sort of melted away.  I asked her to 
look up at me, and I just gave into my desire to kiss her again, and spent my 
time lovingly kissing her face and neck, then finally her nice plump tits.

She had seven orgasms from just my sucking and licking of her breasts, and 
because she was so tired, I decided not to fuck her cunt, but instead fucked her 
tits then had her rub it into her skin with my dick after I had cum all over 

I almost told her not to bother when she wearily got up to follow me when I was 
about to take my shower, but I let her join me in the shower and enjoyed her 
sensually washing me like I was her god.  She did it so lovingly, so tenderly, I 
had to believe it was part of her real personality showing through, and that 
right there was something very special to me.

"Nana?" I said after she had finished and was waiting for my next command.  
"Have you ever loved anyone before me?"

"No, master.  You are the only one I've ever loved like this," she said, her 
eyes showing every bit of truthfulness her voice had contained.

I felt myself falling into those eyes, and I didn't consciously think about it 
when I reached out and stroke the side of her face, and then just let myself 
follow my instincts as I stepped up to her and gave her a truly loving kiss on 
the lips.

"You're so beautiful," I purred after ending the kiss and again looking into her 
eyes.  "Even without your sexy body, you'd still be beautiful."

"I am happy you are pleased with me, master," she said with such softness and 
love I just melted in her arms.

After updating the encryption on her mind, I unhappily sent her out to perform 
her daily duties before getting ready to start my first day on the job myself.

When I left my suite, Nathan came out of his with a smile on his face and a 
sparkle I recognized in his eyes.

"It's good to be back, isn't it?" he said as he joined me at the elevator.

"Yeah, I guess I can't complain.  You know, until yesterday, I didn't understand 
what made all you guys stick around here so long."

"Si, we have it all here, don't we?" he said with a distant look as we stepped 
into the elevator.

"Well, I don't know if you have every thing," I said while fondling the breasts 
on the elevator attendant.  "But you certainly have enough of it for me."

Nathan and I were walking in step the whole way to Gladius's palace, that's how 
in sync we felt.  He was like the only person who understood me, the only one 
who felt the way I felt and wanted the same things as I did.  For the first time 
in a long time I felt content and happy about who I was and what I was doing.

Gladius's palace was truly a palace.  The building was the centerpiece of the 
grounds contained within the walls of the town, and even in the morning light it 
seemed to radiate a powerful sense of domination due to its size dwarfing all of 
the other buildings there.

I don't know how they cooled the place.  I mean, there weren't any air 
conditioners on the roof or sides as far as I could see, but yet it was a 
perfect 77 degrees inside, and when the guard opened the door to let us in with 
a salute, both Nathan and I took in a deep breath to soak in the refreshing cool 

The hall was detailed with gold, the marble floor of the hall was nearly mirror 
like in its shine, and the deep rich carpet inside Gladius's outer office felt 
like it had never been walked on before.

We simply walked up to the desk where a middle-aged woman with a great figure 
and the tits of a eighteen-year-old sat doing her nails, and without looking up 
she said "You may go in.  Grandfather is expecting you."

The doors leading to the inner office were opened by two albino twins around the 
age of eight or so, and even Nathan was unable resist taking a good long look at 
them, especially when they smiled and sent us an empathic kind of kiss.

"Good.  Right on time," Gladius said from his desk with an older set of twins 
standing on each side of him.  "Girls, go find Kain and hurry him up.  He loses 
track of time when he's in the middle of processing a new one."

The two albino twins gracefully close the doors behind them, but not before 
giving Nathan and me a quick burst of horniness to tease us.

"Don't get any ideas, you two.  They are always teasing the male voices at that 
age.  But you know the rules."

"Yes, Grandfather.  We know the rules," Nathan said.

"So, Joseph," Gladius said after looking the two of us over with a steady eye.  
"Now that you've completed your treatments and have had your two weeks out 
looking for your slave, I take it you wish to stay and work for me?"

"Yes sir," I said, keeping my voice respectable.

"I thought you might.  Nathan, since you have the capabilities now to defend 
yourself from the others, I'm putting you and Joseph in the Pit to begin with, 
and in a week or two I'll be checking to see if you can handle it."

"The pit?" Nathan said excitedly.  "You are putting us in the pit Grandfather?"

"Are you hard of hearing child?" he said with false aggravation.

"No Grandfather," Nathan said with restraint. "I just never expected you to..."

"I know you have worked very hard for me for the past five years, even when the 
others made you miserable you kept your mind on your job.  If you can keep your 
mind on this job for two weeks, then the pit will be yours until you leave us or 
decide you want a change."

Nathan was completely speechless, and during the momentary silence, I raised an 
important question that was ringing in my mind.

"Uhm, excuse me.  What exactly is the pit?"

Nathan and Gladius just looked at me, and then Nathan broke out in a toothy 
smile before saying, "Don't let the name fool you.  It's heaven, amigo.  Pure 

"You'll find out, soon enough," Gladius said.  "Nathan, while you are telling 
him about the pit, you also better prepare him for the game on Saturday."

"Oh..." Nathan said, his grin completely vanishing in an instant.  "We have to 

"You know the rules."

"Yes, Grandfather," he said religiously.  "I know the rules."

Just at that moment, the doors opened wide as Kain entered, followed by the 
albino twins.

"You sent for me Grandfather?" Kain said with respect.

"Yes, Kain.  Prepare these two for the pit, and don't leave anything out.  I 
don't want any of the ripened ones getting spoiled again."

"Yes, Grandfather," he said with a considerable amount of surprise in his voice.  
"Are they going into the pit?"

"Of course they are.  Why would I ask you to prepare them if they weren't?"

"What shall I do with Vinh and Parkinson?"

"They have reached the age where I can not trust them any longer.  Wipe them and 
send them back to their homelands.  With these two we have enough voices to 
cover everything."

"Yes, Grandfather.  Is that all?"

"Yes.  Go now."

Once we were safely out in the hall, I asked, "What does he mean by wiping 

"Just what you think it means," Kain snapped back.  "No one leaves here with 
their memories intact, you should have realized that by now."

"Will they have anything left?" I asked Nathan.

"They won't be mindless, just uncertain what they have been doing while they 
were here.  They are lucky.  They actually got to work the pit before they 
reached twenty.  Joe, we are soooo lucky!"

"What is it about this pit that is so great?" I asked him exasperated.

"It's were all the girl slaves who have reached puberty go to finish their 
training," Kain answered for Nathan.  "And you lucky bastards are going to have 
five of the best cunts in three years fucking and sucking you all day long for 
the next several months.  Here we are.  Lay down on the cushions and try not to 
jerk off while I get a pair of twins to process you."

I was about to ask Nathan all sorts of questions when I noticed he suddenly 
wasn't looking too happy.

"What's wrong?"

"We are going to be processed.  I've never been processed before."

"Huh?  So?"

"Lucas, one of the few people I made friends with a few years ago was processed 
for teaching.  He teaches the young ones now.  After he was processed, he was a 
different person.  I don't know who we will be after this."

"Don't worry about it, Nathan," I said.  "Whatever they do to us, it will be 
worth it just to work in the pit, right?"

He perked up a little, then gave me a weak grin and a nod, but didn't say 
anything more, so neither did I.

Nathan was right to be worried.  Five minutes later, Parkinson and a guy I 
hadn't met before walked in through the door with the mindless look on their 
faces I recognized immediately as the same as the five blanks I had seen.  They 
were followed immediately by the two twins who had been standing next to Gladius 
in his office.  The two guys laid down next to us in perfect sync while a blond 
set of twins around thirteen came in.

If I wasn't so horny for their brainwashing fuck, I probably would have gotten 
scared enough to get up and try to run.  Nathan started to do just that, and it 
startled me when Nathan just suddenly lost all his strength and wilted back down 
flat on his back, his face as blank as the other two.

I was the only one who greeted the feel of their empathic power flowing through 
my mind as my hands raised to fondle the blond twin's breasts as she began to 

Shit, those twins of Gladius’ were powerful.  I mean, I love every moment of 
their manipulation of my senses, filling my head with emotions that generated 
images and knowledge that still are with me even today.  Oh, and they also 
pulled some of that shit they used on me during my "treatments", and I 
recognized it for the first time for what it was.  They were trying to literally 
inflict loyalty to their grandfather onto me.

They seemed completely oblivious to the fact that it wasn't working on me.  I 
mean, after they passed out and Nathan and I rolled them off of us, I got this 
weird vibe from Nathan that he was no longer interested in getting home to his 
sister to fuck and play but to go and do what his "Grandfather" wished, and 
expected that I also desired to also obey.

It was hard for me not to show how...  devastated I was from this realization.  
I had been so happy, so fucking happy to have someone who was just like me as a 
friend...  But now that had been taken from me... again.

You could say I have a very good poker face.  All that time I spent hiding my 
thoughts and feelings from Tim really came in useful, especially with Nathan 
right then. 

"What was the game that Gladius mentioned?" I asked carefully while we waited 
for Kain to finish checking the other two before he released us.

"You're one of us now.  You should call him Grandfather," Nathan said with a 

"Thanks.  I wanted to, but I didn't think it was proper," I lied while acting 
very pleased with this.

Nathan seemed to accept my explanation since his frown went away, and then he 
said, "Every Saturday night, all the voices meet somewhere on the mountain and 
challenge each other.  The purpose is to strengthen each other in case we come 
under attack from the outside, and the winner has the pleasure to visit Lea for 
a night."


"She's one of Grandfather's special girls.  She does not have voice, and is not 
a twin.  Some call her a witch but I don't know why.  The other voices work very 
hard to spend the night with her.  She is very beautiful, and..." 

"And you basically have the longest orgasm in your life if you are picked by 
her," Kain interrupted.

"What do you mean picked?  I thought the winner..."

"Nathan has never been in the game before.  It isn't who is strongest that 
matters, but who impresses Lea the most.  She picks the winner.  If she didn't, 
half of the voices would never get to have a night with her."

"So the winner has sex with her.  I can't imagine how anyone could..."

"No, you don't have sex with her.  You'll just have to wait and find out, that's 
all.  Now, I have to ask you some questions, and if you have to think about any 
of them in order to answer, you're going to have to be processed again."

I don't remember what questions he asked us, but I was really surprised at how 
thoroughly I knew the answers.  It kind of scared me to find that the twins had 
been successful in implanting the knowledge concerning the breaking in and 
training of budding pubescent girls into young sexually driven slaves without 
the use of telepathic controls.

Once Kain released us, Nathan led the way to the pit, which turned out to be a 
building that was mostly underground.  As we approached the round sunken 
building, I reviewed some of my new knowledge in hopes of gaining more insight 
to what all we were going to do.

Okay.  So I liked the prospect of turning young girls into cock sucking, hard 
fucking sex toys who never got enough of their master's sexual attention, and 
using telepathy only as a monitoring tool and not as the basis of control 
excited me.  It would be harder this way, but after two weeks of enslaving women 
and girls the easy way, this sounded a lot more fun to me.  I was looking 
forward to the challenge.

Now I understood why the children were all in class together, and why there 
weren't any older than eleven or maybe twelve.  From the age of three, the 
children there were brought up with sex and servitude at the center of their 
lives.  The girls had been giving blow jobs since they were four, and were 
fluent in English, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Russian, plus could speak a 
few others well enough to be understood if they needed to.  They could cook, 
they could clean, or any other medial tasks required of them, and had a basic 
education on top of all that, probably an 8th grade level or so.

Shit, the more I checked out what we would be doing, the hornier I got, and by 
the time we entered the building and were walking down the steps to the main 
floor, I was as eager to do a good job as Nathan was just to be able to continue 
doing it after the two weeks were up.

When we entered the white carpeted primary room in the pit, we were greeted by 
five nude thirteen year old girls with excited grins on four of their faces.  
And just as we expected, all five had their legs spread apart to show the 
insides of their young cunts.

"We are your new masters," Nathan said while inspecting them with his eyes.  
"Tell us, young slaves..  What are your names and what level have you each 
achieved with your former masters?"

"Kristen, Level 2, master."
"Sakura, Level 1, master."
"Damita, Level 7, master."
"Hye, Level 4, master."
"Kaede, Level 1, master."

My dick surged finding that two of them were still virgins.

"Why have you not yet reached level 2?" I asked the nearest virgin.

She looked up at me with the prettiest brown eyes and the cutest dimples I've 
seen on a girl that age as she said, "I have not yet learned to control my 
orgasms, master."

"And you?" I asked the next one who was Japanese in descent.  

"I have not yet had an orgasm, master," she said meekly.

"Oh really?" I said, envisioning the look on her face from her first orgasm 
while riding on my cock.  But then I had to quickly push out that idea for it 
wasn't part of the procedure to fuck them until they had control of their 

"You have obtained level 7?" Nathan asked the middle girl who was the only one 
not smiling and was still standing with her pussy open, which was noticeably 

Both Nathan and I scanned the girl, finding she was nearly finished in her 
conditioning from the way her thoughts were centered on how much she wanted to 
pleasure us.  But we could tell she wasn't quite done, for she also wanted us to 
give her pleasure too, and that was something which was unacceptable for a true 
sexual slave to desire.  They were to gain all their pleasure from obeying.  It 
should not matter whether it would be sexual or not.

Basically, what we were supposed to do was focus them on the pleasure of sex to 
the point where they were obsessed with it, then associate that with other 
sensations such as light to moderate levels of pain, then finally focus this 
overwhelming need for pleasure as the result of obeying our commands.  Their 
entire preteen life had been in preparation for this, and no other time in a 
person's life are they so open to accepting a way of life as they are at that 
age.  It was to be their religion to be slaves.  That's what it seemed like to 
me anyway.

Shit, I guess I better explain the eight levels or stages they classified the 
girls by.  Believe it or not, every single girl who entered the pit for the 
first time was a virgin.  The first thing you did to a new girl was have them 
masturbate, most of the time while watching one of the other girls getting 
fucked by one of us.  Depending on the girl, this stage can take weeks or hours.  
They had to masturbate themselves until they came unaided, then they would 
proceed to learn how to keep themselves at a high state of arousal without 
coming until we said.

If a girl couldn't orgasm by the end of the third day, we were permitted to help 
them in one of three way.  We could either telepathically command them to cum, 
stimulate them with our hands, or with our mouths.  About half of them would be 
able to bring themselves to an orgasm on their own once they felt one, but the 
other half would require a lot more work, and usually took weeks to finally get 
it right.

When they learned how to hold off their orgasm without losing their arousal, 
that's when we started fondling them and shit, doing practically everything but 
fucking them in order to ensure they learn how to control their orgasms.

Once they did that, we fucked them, graduating them to level two.  Level two was 
simply learning how to use their fucking muscles and shit.  And they didn't do 
that on a real cock, but a dildo.  That level required us to test them by 
fucking them again, and usually it took them two or three tries to pass to level 

Level three was a lot like level two, except instead of their cunt, they used 
their ass.  They had to stretch it too, but other than that, they just had to 
apply a lot of what they learned so far to their ass hole.

Level four was where the telepathy really was needed.  The idea here was to have 
them focus on the pleasure so much that just finger fucking them would cause 
them to pass out from pleasure.  The telepathy was only used to monitor their 
state of mind, not to directly control them.  You would be surprised to find 
that once you understood how to do this, it was almost a trivial stage in their 

Level five kind of came naturally to someone who passed level four.  Basically 
what we did was tease them a lot, get them so worked up that they were begging 
to be fucked, then once in a while give them mind shattering orgasms, but it had 
to be completely random, otherwise their sexual desire and addiction to the 
pleasure wouldn't increase like we needed it to.

Level six basically was the point where they truly acted like sex slaves, 
needing our sexual attention so much that they willingly allow us to put them on 
the rack and tease them sexually for hours.  Once they submitted to this enough,  
we begin widening what they define as pleasure to be, and usually within a week 
we can literally whip her to orgasm.  It was important to make them equate light 
to moderate pain such as this to be pleasurable, and once they did that, they 
were ready for level seven.

Level seven is like the icing on the cake.  To translate their pleasure from 
being a physical action or sensation into a purely emotional and mental one was 
the greatest reward for a slave trainer.  When done correctly, the girl will not 
crave to pleasure themselves, but only by pleasuring their master will they feel 
the reward they seek and crave.

Level eight was really just a formality.  Once they had completed their level 
seven conditioning, all we did was scan their mind for anything which wasn't 
right and correct it, then send her to see Gladius for final testing.

At first I felt really odd about what we were doing.  I mean, the four lower 
level girls acted like... well, like girls that age, I guess.  They were so 
enthusiastic, and I really enjoyed them as...  persons, once I got to know them 
that first day.  But I knew that by the time we finished with them, their warm 
and natural free giving spirit would be transformed into a more submissive 
and...  well, they just wouldn't be little girls any more if you know what I 

Damita, the Venezuelan girl who was already level seven, didn't have the spirit 
that the other four had.  She didn't care about what new things she could learn, 
or asking us questions about ourselves.  She was only interested in doing what 
we told her to do as well as she could, constantly hoping to please us enough so 
that we rewarded her with another mind blowing fuck.

I was a little spooked by how different she acted compared to the other four.  
Thankfully Nathan seemed to like her like that, so I didn't have to work with 
her that first day.

Kristen, was nearly ready to go on to level three, and Nathan offered to let me 
evaluate her performance first.  I hadn't been there an hour before I got to 
experience a thirteen year old cunt sliding down over my cock before she fucked 
me with energy and a considerable amount of glee.  Her fuck hole was incredibly 
tight, and she really did know how to use her muscles to pleasure me very well.  
And after I came inside her tight hole and told her to cum as well, I announced 
she had passed, and found her crying in my arms with joy.

I guess I fell in love with that little girl right then and there.  It was a 
mistake to do so, and all the experience and knowledge implanted by that twin 
told me I had better distance myself from these feelings if I was to succeed in 
doing my job with her.

I didn't care at that point.  I held her as long as I dared to without letting 
on I wasn't just holding her for her benefit but mine as well, and even managed 
to give her a little careful peck on the cheek without anyone else but her 

Sakura was next on my list as far as I was concerned, and once Kristen had her 
dildo in her ass, I walked over to the little Japanese girl and watched her play 
with her little knob and red lips.  Not that I was an expert on female 
masturbation, but from what I could tell, she was doing it right, but she wasn't 
even wet from her own fondling.

"Sakura, have you felt a slight tingle down there yet?"

"No, master," she said with a sound of defeat.  "I have not."

"Have you ever?"

"I believe so, but I don't know when or why," she admitted.

"Does that feel good to you?" I said indicating her fingers working her 

"Yes," she simply said.

"Hmmm...  Kiss me."

"Master?" she said surprised.

"I said, kiss me," I said without moving.

"Yes, Master," she said standing up.  "Where?"

"I'll let you decide."

"Yes, master."

She got up on her tippy toes and managed to kiss my chin, then stood back where 
she had started from and waited for my next order with a sweet smile on her 

Something in that smile felt so innocent to me, I got down on my knees with a 
smile of my own and leaned forward to kiss her on her chin.

She giggled, then without asking she kissed me on the cheek.  

I glanced over at Nathan to make sure he didn't see her small breach in the 
rules of conduct for a slave girl, then when I saw he was far more interested in 
evaluating Damita's fucking performance, I smiled at her again and winked.

Her frightened expression from her impulsive act disappeared, then she grinned 
weakly as I kissed the tip of her nose. 

I turned to instruct her, Hye, and Kaede to watch Damita as she lowered herself 
onto Nathan's cock and began fucking him with considerable energy, then after 
Damita failed to slow down when Nathan got close, I had them all start working 
on their exercises while Nathan came and then cussed Damita out thoroughly.

Sakura quickly became my favorite over the next few days, ironically it being 
her impulsive and sweet innocence which made her special to me over the four 
more sexually minded girls.  Oh, I did enjoy the fucks with Kristen and the 
numerous blow jobs the others gave me.  And since I avoided messing with Damita 
which was obviously Nathan's favorite, Nathan basically left Sakura's training 
to me while we shared in training the other three.

About four days after we started in the pit, Nathan took Kaede's virginity and 
graduated her to level 2.  Two days after that, Kaede's long struggle for self 
control paid off as she proved to have excellent control of her vaginal muscles 
and I graduated her to level three with three separate fuckings.  I had to make 
sure she was ready, you know?


Tim, the Teenage MC
By Rass Senip
Chapter XVI:  11th Grade, Summer 1988
Part 5 - Bewitched
(mc, mf)

Nathan and I were a little nervous yet excited as we walked up the path leading 
up the hillside.  We were following the other voices to participate in the 
Games, and when we entered the only area of the fortified town which was 
normally off limits to everyone, I got more excited at the prospect of finding 
out what was up there.

The entire town sat at the base of a lone mountain, and apparently the fortified 
wall had been constructed using the mountain's rock.  That left a huge cliff on 
each side where the wall met the mountain's slope.  I could see another wall 
cutting across the mountain above us, and at some point as we were climbing the 
grassy slope, we came close to the edge of the left cliff.

Shit.  I was astonished at how far down it was when I got a clear look over the 
edge.  I mean, from the distance inside the village, the walls on either side 
looked like they got shorter and shorter as they got closer to the mountain, but 
from the outside the wall actually must get taller and taller where the wall on 
the inside ends and the slope continues to rise.  It was incredible to me to see 
the amount of labor that must have had gone into cutting the edges of the 
mountain off, and then using that to build the wall and buildings...  You just 
couldn't tell that kind of scale from the village because of the way the 
mountain gently sloped at first then suddenly became steeper where the walls 

In fact, until we had reached the steep part, I hadn't noticed the wall above 
us.  But as we began moving away from the left edge on a zig-zag like course 
upwards, I started noticing more and more details about that wall that kept 
making me increase its size in my estimations.

By the time we reached the level clearing where the game was to take place, most 
of the voices were out of breath, and even I was breathing rather hard from the 
fifteen minute journey.  I was surprised to find that the girl voices didn't 
take as long to recover as the guys did, however.

I wasn't that impressed by the girls' looks, not that I suppose the guys were 
any more handsome than the girls were pretty.  But since I was the new voice, 
the girls were all studying me with their eyes and their minds.

I got tired of feeling their probes testing my boundaries, so while the other 
guys were busy preparing the two campfires at the center of the clearing, I 
walked up to the oldest of the female voices and introduced myself.

"We all know who you are," she replied with a snort.  "Just because you and that 
runt managed to break through Jonas's and Gordon's barriers, that doesn't mean 
you're hot shit.  Since Vinh and Parkinson aren't around anymore, you guys don't 
have a chance in..."

Our lovely conversation came to an abrupt halt when Chris butted in saying, 
"Joseph, what the fuck are you doing?"

"What the fuck does it look like," I barked.

"Come 'mer," he said while pulling me by the arm away from grinning bitch.

"What," I said defensively when we were out of her ear shot.

"That bitch over there, Janel, she's trying to get in your head.  Not 
telepathically, but...  Just don't believe anything she says, okay?  We have to 
stick together or they will make us miserable tonight."

"In case you haven't noticed, I can take care of myself.  And from what I 
understood, it wasn't a contest between guys and girls but every group."

"Yeah, I know it's not supposed to be, but it hasn't been that way for a long 
time.  Ever since Janel came along and got the rest of the girls to work 
together in beating us, we've been having to work as a group first, then once we 
defeat them we go at each other.  Believe me, you don't want the girls to win.  
We're gonna be really vulnerable having two newbies teamed together, so please, 
for all our sakes, work with us.  We'll give you fair warning after the girls 
are defeated before we come after you.  If you don't believe that's true, just 
remember we do this every Saturday.  If we can't depend on each other, we'll 
always lose."

"Now who's trying to get in my head," I said cautiously, looking him in the eyes 
before nodding my agreement.

"But if I suspect any foul play..." I added as I turned.

"We'll all pay for it if you do.  I give you my word we're on the up and up."

"Joe, you making deals without consulting me?" Nathan asked as I joined him on a 

"Wasn't exactly a deal, more like an understanding.  Looks like we're gonna have 
to trust the other guys and fight along with them until we beat the girls, 
'cause that's what the girls are gonna do."

"I did not ever hear this," Nathan said doubtfully.  "I believe it is a trick."

"I know, I know, but what if it isn't?  I mean, what do you know about Janel 
over there?"

"Janel...  Yes, I see what you mean, amigo.  Once she made me pretend to be her 
slave and...  I agree.  We must first conquer the women before the men."

The other four guys had gone into the brush as we talked, but then Chris came 
back and motioned for us to follow him, leading us back the way he had come and 
explaining it was the guy's job to collect the firewood since the girls brought 
and served dinner.

But when we reached the other three, they weren't gathering wood.  They were on 
their stomachs watching something through the brush, and after carefully 
crawling up to their position, I almost laughed and broke our cover.

A red haired little girl, no more than three or four years old, was eating some 
berries off a bush in the buff.  She appeared to be completely oblivious to our 
presence, but yet she never turned her back to us even when it would have been 
more convenient for her to do so.

Nathan nudged Gordon next to him and apparently asked him something 
telepathically which Gordon nodded a definite affirmative to.  I was bewildered 
at how captivated the other guys were, even Nathan at that point watched her 
every move like it was their first porno movie or something.  I finally gave 
Nathan a nudge and threw him a questioning look, his response was to mouth the 
word "Lea" before returning his attention to the magical girl.

I studied her a little more without noticing anything remarkable about her, then 
watched the other guys, finding the four veteran gamers almost in a self induced 
trance while watching her finish up her meal.

Nathan nudged me when she finally turned and walked away, then we were both 
startled when the other four suddenly started scrambling out to the spot she had 
been standing and struggled over something she apparently had left on the 

Nathan and I were just reaching them when Peter exclaimed, "Ha!  It's mine!" and 
darted past us before the others could grab him.

"Shit," Chris exclaimed.

"What were you guys fighting over?" I asked.

"Didn't see her running her hands through her hair?" Gordon snorted.

"I did," Nathan admitted.  "Is this what you fought over?  A single strand of 
her hair?"

"Shit, yeah," Chris said as he started gathering a few branches of wood from the 
area.  "Several years ago, one guy got a strand of Lea's mother's hair, threaded 
it in a bracelet he had and wore it to the games.  He was a lot harder to beat 
whenever he had the bracelet on, and it never worked for anyone else."

"You actually believe that?" I laughed.

The looks I got from the three veterans made me wipe the grin off my face before 
saying, "Okay, okay..  I guess I'll find out one way or the other tonight when 
she picks me..."

"Yeah, right.  She never picks a newbie their first couple of times," Jonas 
sneered.  "It's my turn to be her pick anyway."

Nathan and I just followed them in silence as they argued who would be her next 
pick, but just before we reached the clearing where the others were, they shut 
up to keep from getting the girls into it.

It was growing dark by the time we had the fires going strong, and while the 
girls were unpacking the food they had brought, Nathan and I sat down next to 
Peter who was busily trying to weave the five inch hair into a makeshift 
bracelet that had been part of his shirt.

Peter had no idea how to sew, and after watching him a few minutes I offered to 
do it for him.  He told me to fuck off, but because I had more or less expected 
that, I started giving him advice, drawing on what my mom had taught me when I 
was eight or nine.  Then when he broke the hair into two accidentally, I offered 
to do it for him again, and to my surprise he accepted.

I moved closer to the fire to see what I was doing, and as I used a splinter of 
wood as needle, Peter and Nathan ate and chatted a bit, revealing some facts 
about the game I had not yet learned.

"Wait.  You mean after the game is over and Lea's pick leaves with her, all the 
losing groups have to follow the winner's orders?  Now that's more like what I 
would have expected if Nathan hadn't told me about Lea.  So what exactly does 
she do with the one she picks anyway?"

Peter spaced out for a few moments, apparently losing himself at the thought of 
being Lea's pick, then said, "I don't remember."

"What do you mean you don't remember?" I said unbelievingly.  "You must remember 
something the way you zone out whenever someone brings it up."

From behind me, Chris said with his mouth full, "He doesn't remember.  Neither 
do I.  And neither will you.  No one does.  Even the girls don't remember." 

"Shit...  I take it the girls are picked as much as the guys then, and since 
Grandfather doesn't approve of girl to girl sex, it can't be really all that 

"It's sexual, all right," Peter stated as I handed the finished bracelet back to 
him.  He studied my work a moment then said, "Wow, thanks.  I'll remember this 
when we win tonight."

"Even with that thing, Joe and I can still beat you two easily," Nathan argued.

I wiped my brow grinning, then said, "So when does the game start anyway?"

"When Lea signals us," Peter answered as he pulled the bracelet over his hand 
and onto his wrist.

I wiped my forehead again before backing away from the fire, then noticed 
everyone was seated near the two fires and looked almost a hot as I felt.

"Aren't you hot?" I asked Chris who was the closest to the fire now that I had 
moved away.

"Yeah, I'm hot," he simply said.

"Then why don't you move away from the fire?" Nathan asked before I could.

"Because then Lea wouldn't be able to see me as good," he grinned.

I glanced at the others as they started shuffling themselves closer, then 
decided if we were under Lea's observation, now would be the best time to start 
"impressing" her.

So I stood up, took off my shirt and walked around the campfire a few times, 
looking out into the shadows around us for a likely viewing spot.  I gave up on 
that when I realized that as long as I kept circling the fire, Lea would see 
everything she would want no matter where she was hiding.

I don't really look for ways to show off, but I guess I really like it when 
chicks check my body like the female voices were.  Despite the feeling I was 
just a piece of meat in their eyes, I didn't hold back on flexing my muscles and 
turning my body so that the firelight reflected off the sweat on my chest, arms, 
and tummy.

My show was interrupted by a flare of green light up on the hillside above us, 
and moments later I felt six aroused female voices focusing their minds onto 
mine and instantly breaking through the makeshift barrier I had managed to 

Shit, was that ever a wakeup call.  They fumbled a moment when they couldn't 
decipher my thoughts, then just as one of them was about to try commanding me to 
go to sleep, the guys launched their own attack on them and distracted them 
enough for me to push them out and go onto the offensive myself.

It had been a while since the last time I had mentally wrestled with someone, so 
I suppose I was a little rusty at first.  But the time Tim and I had spent 
preparing to rescue Sarah really paid off.  After the girls focused their 
attacks on me two more times without any success, they made Nathan their target.

Seeing how totally unprepared Nathan was to their attack made me understand why 
the other guys had been so uptight about us both being "newbies" to the game.  
When Nathan's barrier crumbled, he froze up in indecision and panic, and before 
the rest of us could do anything about it, Nathan was asleep, and my share link 
was broken the moment afterwards.

This was an event I had prepared myself long before ever leaving the US, and 
even though it took a moment for me to react, I focused my mind on Peter's and 
initiated a share link with him, Peter only hesitating a moment before accepting 
it to my relief.

But then I had a moment of inspiration.  I barely had time to give Peter the 
gist of my idea before initiating a fake personality and lowering what defenses 
I had just raised.

When the girls realized I was no longer in the fight, they focused their minds 
back onto mine again and as the other guys struggled to ward them off, Janel 
entered my fake persona's mind and teased me a bit before issuing the sleep 

Two minutes later while everyone's attention was on the battle to break through 
Chris's defenses, I deactivated my fake persona and waited for the right moment 
to attack.

Despite there being six against four, the guys lasted a lot longer than I 
expected.  Except for Peter and myself, everyone was tiring, and when the 
youngest girl pulled back a moment to rest, I reached right into her mind and 
put her to sleep without anyone else noticing.

I only observed the five remaining foes a moment before I attempted to do the 
same thing to the next weakest one, but even though I was successful in putting 
her out, this time the other four noticed and the element of surprise was gone.

Actually, I suppose that isn't true.  They were definitely surprised, so much 
that my teammates took two more of them out before Janel and her partner could 

"You cheated!" Janel spat as she shot her fist up in the air and held it there.  
"One of you woke him up before the game was over!"

"There's no rule against waking yourself up!  Joseph, tell her!" Peter yelled 
out into the dark with his own fist up in the air.  

"He's right," I said to Janel.  "I laid a trap for you, and you fell..."

"Not me, you stupid prick," Janel spat with murderous eyes.

"Oh," I said before giving her a wicked grin and shouting, "I pretended to be 
helpless and laid a trap, and they..."

"You don't have to shout," a young voice said from somewhere in darkness to the 
right of me.

"Oh...  Uhm, sorry," I said to the shadows as the conscious voices froze with 
their mouths gaping.

"No one told Joey or his partner that I don't like people trying to impress me, 
did they?"

When no one else answered, I said, "Uhm, no.  If I had known that..."

"If you had known that, you would probably have been my pick tonight.  And since 
no one here took the courtesy to explain the game to them thoroughly, the only 
one left is him."

Even though none of us could see her, we all knew exactly where she was 
pointing.  Everyone looked at Nathan wheezing in his sleep, then I felt this 
small hand just barely touch the middle of my back before I instinctively fell 
to my knees with a gasp.

I was just starting to process this when I felt her hand hovering over the back 
of my head, and I swear to God I think my heart stopped in anticipation.  I 
literally was frozen, the gasp of air I had taken lasting me the entire time I 
kneeled there with my attention concentrated completely on the imminent pleasure 
which never came.   I don't know what went on around me, and after she pulled 
back her hand and I fell forward gasping for the air I hadn't bothered to 
breathe, I'm not even sure how long it took me before I rolled over to see if 
she was still there.

"She's gone," Annette, the youngest of the girl voices said.

"And Nathan is gone with her," Gordon added sadly.

"What happened?" I finally managed to croak.  

"Why, don't you remember?" Peter joked halfheartedly.

"Fuck," I said, shaking my head as I sat up.  "I guess I owe you guys an apology 
for making fun...  Wait a sec.  Why is everyone awake?  Did you finish the game 
without me?"

"Nobody felt like it after Lea..." Chris started without finishing.

I waited for someone to explain a little further, but when it became obvious no 
one was going to, I noticed how deflated they all appeared.

They were scattered around the two dying fires, all keeping themselves within 
the light of the flames, but not close enough to feel its heat.  They all looked 
limp, even somewhat depressed, and not one of them would look at another for 
more than a few moments at a time.

"What is going on?" I finally said.  "Is this part of the game or something?"

"No," they all seemed to mutter at once, then after a few quick arguments over 
who should explain it to me, Peter conceded to the job.

"She said she was tired of the game and wanted us to figure up something 
different to do for a while."

"Something we can all enjoy," one of the girls added sharply.

"Something that keeps us from ganging up on each other in the game," Jonas 

"Hey, I thought I was telling him," Peter barked.

"So what's the big deal?" I said, standing up.  "Have you all been here so long 
that you forgot what to do on a Saturday night?  I mean, we have everything we 
need here.  We could have a lot of fun," I almost sang as I threw a load of wood 
on the fire nearest to me, the sparks shooting out as if to emphasize my point.

"You're nuts," Janel spat. "There's nothing here."

"Okay, so we don't have any tunes to play, and we don't have any junk food.  But 
we also don't have a curfew...  Wait, do we?"

Peter shook his head, so I continued, "We don't have a curfew, we don't have any 
police or parents telling us what we can and can't do, and we are all voices who 
can do things that normal teenagers can't do."

"But what does that have to do with what Lea wants?" one of the girl voices 

"What's your name?" I responded.


"Whitney, are you a virgin?"

"Yeah, right.. No."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"No way."

"Oh...  That's too bad."

"Why?  All it does is make you miserable later, right Janel?"

"Right," Janel confirmed firmly.

"So you've been in love, huh?" I said with a serious yet not aggressive 

"That's right.  I fell for someone once, but never again.  My slaves can give me 
anything I want without the grief."

"Have you ever shared yourself with one of your slaves?"

"What do you mean, shared myself?"

"I mean share control of your body with him, equally."

"No.  Why would I want to?"

I could tell I had lost some of the other's interests, for they thought I was 
trying to put the moves on Janel which they knew would never work.  So I 
stripped my shorts off which recaptured the other girls attentions and gave them  
a look from all sides.

"I'll let one of you control my body if you will let me have equal control of 
yours.  Any takers?"

At first I thought they weren't going to bite, but then Whitney stood up and 
said, "Okay, but no tricks."

"I think everyone knows what would happen if I tried to trick you."

"So how do we do this?" she said, walking up to me.

"Well, we... Uhm...  Shit.  You know, now that I think about it I'm not sure 
exactly how Tim...  Fuck."

"Wait, you mean you shared your body with another guy?" Janel crowed.

"That was before we got into girls," I snapped.  "But it was awesome the first 
time I felt Suzi's body from the inside, and sharing our bodies with each other 
is one of the most..." I stopped before the tightness in my chest could make my 
voice squeak, but I couldn't hide the wetness in my eyes from Whitney who was 
standing in front of me.

"See?  That's what you get for letting yourself..."  Janel started.

"Fuck you, Janel!" I yelled.  "You don't know shit about what it's like because 
you're such a stuck up bitch!  I'd give up my voice to have another chance 

"Joseph, chill man," Peter said, getting up and putting his hand on my shoulder.  
"There's other fish, you know?"

"No, I don't know..." I sighed before sitting down wearily.  

There was a few moments of silence before Whitney sat down beside me and said, 
"So how do you think you do this sharing thing?"

"Huh?  You still want to try it?" I said, trying not to look at her face.

She didn't answer immediately, then I guess I must have jerked slightly when she 
touched my chest with her hand because she started pulling it away the next 

I turned towards her and looked her in the eyes as I probed her gently as a 
signal that I wanted to form a telepathic channel.  She didn't understand what I 
wanted immediately, but after a few moments she hesitantly lowered her defenses 
to my probes and I formed the link with her mind.

"Hi," I thought to her.

"Uhm hi this is so weird I've never done it this before your eyes are very 
pretty I didn't mean to tell you that I..."

"You have to separate your thoughts so you only send what you want to me.  

"I don't know how to do...  Oh..  Okay.  This is pretty neat."

"This is just the beginning."

"Hey, are you two doing it?" Peter asked out loud.

"What do we tell him?" Whitney thought to me.

"Not yet," I said out loud.

"Oh," Peter said. 

"This is really neat though..." Whitney told them.  "We're sharing our thoughts 
sorta like I do with Liz."

"So?" Beatrice asked.

"But its different with a guy, and its more direct too.  Its...  Oh, WOW!"

I grinned as I continued recalling the sensations I had felt during one of Tim's 
three ways, my mind automatically initiating the links on its own without me 
consciously understanding how I was doing it.
"What?" "What's going on?" "Is he doing it?" "It can't be that great, can it?"

Everyone was now crowding around us asking us questions which we gave no answers 
to as we felt out each other's bodies and completed the full two way.

"Stop it!" Janel yelled, grabbing our shoulders and trying to push us apart as 
if that would break the two way.

The others complained for us, and Janel conceded after Jonas and Gordon gave her 
a warning probe.  By the time Janel was sulking over by the other fire alone, I 
was ready to go the rest of the way with the two way.

Whitney by this time was busily describing what she was feeling, but when I 
moved my body closer to hers, she gasped from feeling her first hardon.

Shit, I guess when I felt her womanhood respond to my manhood, I got a little 
caught up in it.  I took control of her hand and shoved it down into her shorts, 
but luckily she just took over my hand and grabbed my cock with it.

From that point, neither Whitney or I paid any attention to the crowd around us, 
and we must have put on quite a show as we masturbated the other's body with 
their own hands.  It wasn't until after we shared in our joint orgasm that we 
touched one body with the other's, and that only led up to a kissing frenzy 
followed by a very confusing battle over body parts as we fucked our brains out.

After wearing each other out, we came to our senses finding the others packing 
up camp around us quietly.  When they noticed we were watching them, Whitney got 
all embarrassed and killed the two way, but after we got dressed she gave me a 
kiss and telepathic message saying thanks.

While we made our way down the path with flashlights, I suddenly remembered that 
Nathan wasn't with us and asked what would happen to him.  Peter and Chris 
assured me that he was having the time of his life and would be back tomorrow 
morning with a smile painted on his face.

When Gordon and Jonas offered to let me fuck their slaves sometime, I realized 
that I had lost the tension and distrust I had felt concerning the four male 
voices, and I was hesitant to accept their offer until Gordon said Nathan could 
come too if he wanted.  At that point I knew that while their offer to me was at 
face value, their feelings about Nathan hadn't changed much.

As Nana washed my body thoroughly, I started having guilty feelings about my new 
status with the other voices while they continued holding reservations about 
Nathan.  I almost started to tell Nana about it, feeling I needed to just talk 
it over with someone, but I ended up just sucking on her wet tits as my finger 
explored her wet passage, triggering a massive orgasm whenever she started to 
catch her breath.

I was almost in a panic the next morning when I found the share link with Peter 
had broke during the night.  But when I got to Nathan's door and his sister let 
me in, I was relieved to find him there asleep in his bed.

I couldn't help but exclaim "Shit," when I realized that Nathan was smiling in 
his sleep, and when I finally managed to rouse him, the smile didn't fade a bit, 
almost to the point where it was kind of creepy.

He was walking on air the entire day, and I guess some of it rubbed off on me 
because I was such in a good mood after breakfast that I let Nathan talk me into 
letting him fuck Sakura as a second opinion on her progress.

I didn't even give it a second thought when he said he wished to work with 
Sakura the rest of the day and left me to manage the other four by myself.  I 
admit I enjoyed myself, and I didn't take advantage of my position or anything.  
Just having four pretty girls waiting to engage in any form of sex play I 
desired was enough.

Damita, like most girls, was having trouble with the transition from desiring 
sex for herself to pleasuring her master above all other desires.  I literally 
raped that girl three times that day, and she just kept coming back for more, 
sometimes interfering with my attempts to work with the others with her sexual 
advances and body positioning.

I fucked Kristen too, she being my second favorite after Sakura, and as part of 
Damita's training, I had Damita concentrate on my body language and verbally 
describe what I was feeling the whole time.  I had Kristen orgasm three times, 
then pulled my cock out and had her suck the load I had built up out while 
telepathically triggering a large orgasm within Damita's mind.

I hadn't noticed until that day how Hye had been acting more and more like 
Damita.  This was normal for a girl who was at level 4, and this was probably 
the most critical stage in their training.  More than once I had trouble 
resisting my urges to fuck the fourteen year old Korean girl whose body had yet 
to show any external signs of puberty, but I was content with testing her focus 
with the spasm test.

The spasm test was fairly simple.  You run your finger around the edges of their 
pussy lips very lightly, and if their pussy muscles don't spasm enough to squirt 
out their juices somewhat, they are not focused enough on the task at hand.  Hye 
was pretty well focused, but it took six passes of my fingertips before her 
hairless crotch erupted with her sweet nectar.

When she had that kind of response from just a single pass, then we would know 
she was ready for the finger fuck test to which she should pass out from the 
intensity of her orgasm.  Nathan and I were both very anxiously awaiting for 
that event since we would then jointly fuck her in threesomes, and later 
schedule the other guys to come in for gangbangs.

Needless to say, I was exhausted by the time we when back to our pads for the 
day, but still went over to Nathan's for dinner and joined him in a double 
penetration of his sister which was a surprisingly good fuck.

The next morning I had some reservations when Nathan asked to spend the day with 
Sakura again, but he seemed so sincere about helping her that I reluctantly 
agreed.  Shit, I have to admit I forgot all about Sakura when I discovered my 
experiment with making Damita watch me fuck Kristen had shown some positive 
results during our morning fuck.

You would be surprised to find how tedious the ritualistic fucking had become by 
then.  Any kind of advancement in their training was like prize to Nathan and I, 
for it meant we would be starting something new, something different beyond what 
we had been doing the past several days.  So finding Damita responding well to 
watching my reactions as I fucked or otherwise sexually teased the others was 
very exciting, for it revived the erotic anticipation for each task with each 

After the first three or four days of working in the pit, Nathan and I had 
learned to conserve our spunk, and I had been averaging two loads a day in the 
pit, and even that was a stretch on some days.  But that day I came five times, 
and was so enthused in seeing whether I could get Damita ready for Gladius to 
test her for level 8, I actually suggested to Nathan that he spend another day 
with Sakura which he agreed to with out much need of an explanation.

While Damita did make great progress, her interest in my reactions began to 
falter that third day, and despite my best efforts to get her reinterested, I 
had lost my enthusiasm by early afternoon.

I guess I was kind of sick of those four girls, and I was very curious as to 
what Nathan and Sakura had been doing all that time so I went to the private 
section of the pit and was stunned to find Sakura asleep beside Nathan with a 
post orgasmic look about her.

I saw tenderness in Nathan's eyes when he looked up from caressing Sakura's left 
cheek to grin at me which confirmed that she had done it.  His grin faded as my 
troubled expression formed, but he didn't react beyond that as I searched my 
feelings about what this meant.

I finally telepathically asked him what he had done, and as his grin reappeared 
on his face, he simply sent back, "I promised to let her tell you.  Can you wait 
until she awakens?"

Something about his expression put my troubled feelings to rest, and after he 
gave her a light kiss on the lips, he gently got up and walked past me, giving 
me a pat on the back as if to say "I'll take care of the other four while you 
take over from here."

I studied the nude little girl for a few minutes before laying beside where 
Nathan had been.  I could smell the faint odor of her recent sexual arousal, and 
found it disturbing to me while staring at her innocent and young face.

Three times I started to probe her mind for what they had done, but each time I 
stopped before I got very far because I felt as if I was violating her in a way 
I didn't want to.

I was startled when she finally stirred, but when she opened her eyes a few 
minutes later, I forced myself to look very pleased and proud of her and was 
rewarded with a hug and a small squeal of delight.

I wiped my eyes before sitting us both up and asking her what was on top of my 

"Nathan said you wanted to tell me something?"

She beamed and exclaimed, "I did it!  I did it!  And..."

Her face paled as she suddenly was overwhelmed by some kind of fear, then turned 
away from me to hide her face from my eyes.

"Sakura, what did he do to you?!" I said alarmed.

"He..  He didn't do anything," she said shakily.  "I..  I..."

She suddenly turned back around, wrapped her arms around me, then started 
kissing my neck while sobbing, "I love you, master!  I love you, and I did it 
for YOU!"

I was too shocked to react at first, but as her nimble thirteen year old body 
clutched and rubbed against me while her kisses became more passionate and wet, 
I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her to embrace her giving herself to 
me despite my horror of what this meant.

Nathan must have recognized her feelings for me and had recalled the implanted 
knowledge of how to use this in her training.  He knew just as well as I did 
that with the proper suggestions and actions, her love for me could be used to 
accelerate her conditioning and result in her becoming a truly dedicated slave.  
All Nathan had done was to bring her feelings out and focus them on completing 
her training as she believed I wanted her to do.

I felt horrible as I spent the next two days alone with Sakura and completed her 
level 1 training.  I knew I had to do it, for I feared what would happen to me 
if I didn't carry through with training her, but I didn't enjoy it one bit, and 
even cried after taking her virginity and she sucked me dry.

Despite my feelings of loss over Sakura, I kept myself open and friendly with 
all the voices, finding that the others were treating Nathan with the same 
respect as they did me.  At first Nathan didn't know what to make of it, but a 
couple of days later we had a long talk about it all, and he simply decided that 
it wasn't anything personal, that they had simply seen him as a privileged mute 
and not a voice before.

I was a little uncomfortable with this, for I knew it was more than that, but I 
didn't know what it was so I kept my mouth shut and let him believe in what he 

The others sensed the change of attitude in Nathan, and I was pretty surprised 
when they all agreed to meet over at Nathan's for a slave sharing party.  My 
decision not to go was perhaps the first sign of my discontent of being there, 
but after hearing their laughs and fun for over an hour, I knocked on the door 
and was relieved to find myself quite welcome even if I hadn't brought Nana 

While I wasn't allowed to fuck any of their girls, I still enjoyed myself.  
Especially when Gordon asked about the two way and all other conversation 
stopped to listen in.

Nathan was perhaps the least interested, maybe because it sounded like it was 
submitting yourself to another's control.  I noticed how surprised and then 
uncomfortable Nathan was when Gordon insisted that I form a two way with him.

That was a little weird.  Here I was, forming one of the most intimate 
telepathic connections there was with the twerp who a month ago tried to force 
me to serve him a drink.  But I felt they all needed to experience this kind of 
link, just so they learn how incredible it felt to share ones self with another 
human being, hopefully at some point it being a girl who they fall in love with.

I was a little disappointed when Gordon didn't allow swapping of body parts, and 
I didn't even dare to suggest anything sexual since they all might consider it 
to be a sin to even consider such a thing with another guy.

I spent the evening having a short two way with each of them, Nathan being the 
last and had only accepted due to the peer pressure he was now under.  The 
moment Nathan allowed my two way to form, I was instantly overwhelmed by the 
familiarity his body gave me, almost to the point where I was becoming sick to 
my stomach from the few unfamiliar sensations I did have from him.

Because of the strain of initiating five two ways the night before, Nathan let 
me sleep in the next morning.  I didn't really get much extra sleep, however, 
for I was awakened an hour after Nathan left by Nana saying there was a voice at 
the door wishing to talk to me.

"Uhm, hi," I said to the female teen voice after recovering from my surprise.

"Hello," she said with a tone of nervousness.  "Could I come in?"

I stepped aside, then realized why she was so nervous.  I doubt any of the 
female voices had ever even entered the slut house, and after seeing the other's 
slaves on display in the lobby, she had a right to be a bit rattled.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name Saturday and.."

"Connie," she said, taking in my room and Nana very carefully.

"So what do I owe the pleasure, Connie?" I said.

She looked at me straight in the eyes, then looked back at Nana and said, "Don't 
you think you should send her down with the others?"

"Others?" Nana queried me.

"Nana doesn't go on display like the others make their slaves do.  I could never 
do that to her."

Nana's eyes glowed from love before announcing, "I shall be in the kitchen if 
anyone needs me," and headed off that way.

I watched as Connie's slight expression of surprise faded, then smiled when she 
caught my stare and blushed.  She was about sixteen and of all the female teen 
voices was probably the cutest, and would have been quite a knockout if she lost 

"Uhm, if any of the other girls found out I was here.."

"Your secret is safe with me," I said, sitting down on the sofa with a slight 
frown.  "So why are you here, and how did you know I was here in the first 

She turned a little red again, but shrugged it off and got down to business.

"I saw Nathan go by the bonding station by himself on the way to the pit.  I 
didn't know if you were here, but I needed to see you alone and didn’t' think 
I'd have a better chance."

I hid my surprise at finding that she worked at the bonding station, for what I 
had gathered it served the same purpose as the pit but for the male slaves.  I 
just nodded my acknowledgment and waited in silence for her to answer my first 

"Whitney hasn't stopped talking about you since Saturday," she finally said, 
meeting my eyes for a moment then looking down at my bare chest.  "She and Janel 
are arguing a lot and the others and I are wondering if what Janel has been 
telling us all this time is really true."

"It isn't true, but I don't think Janel is purposely misleading you.  I think 
she was hurt pretty bad before coming here to work for Grandfather, so she's 
just trying to save you all from the pain she went through.  But just because 
she had a shitty experience doesn't mean you all will."

"Whitney said she sensed you were holding back a lot of pain yourself."

She saw on my face the confirmation to her statement, then said, "If you're 
trying to gain some kind of advantage over us by..."

"No..." I said, almost shouting it.  "I'm not trying to trick you at all.  Okay, 
I admit its painful when you have something like I had and then lose it, but...  
I was the one who screwed it up.  I was the one who..."

I stopped and covered my eyes with my hand, then after wiping the wetness away 
and getting a grip on myself, I looked back up at her and said, "Janel probably 
thinks she would have been better off without it, but I know I wouldn't be.  I 
would have ended up like Peter or Gordon, fucking girls left to right like it 
was some kind of game, never feeling close to any of them...  They don't know 
how... alive it can make you feel.  How better it makes everything you do, feel, 
even say...  And the sex..."

"What about the sex?" she said with obvious restraint.

"The sex is so much better, you don't call it sex any more."

"What do you call it then?"

"I call it making love."

"Oh," she said, not hiding her disappointment.

"Connie, I can't believe you'd come here just to ask me about love and shit.  
What is it you really want?  Sex?"

She looked me in the eyes and stated straight out, "Yes, that and something 

I leaned forward so my face was within four inches of hers and said, "You want 
me to do a two way with you like I did with Whitney."

She backed her face away a bit, then said, "I'm not sure I can trust you though.  
Without the other girls, you could..."

I smiled as I made my advance, catching her somewhat by surprise as I got around 
her barriers and prevented her from moving away from my kiss.  She was just 
starting to panic when I withdrew from her mind, then as a sign of trust I 
lowered my own barriers and waited for her to react.

She scrambled to her feet and was halfway to the door before questioning herself 
why I had taken control then let her go so fast.  She stopped before reaching 
the door, then turned around and stared at me for a minute or two while she 
weighed what my true intentions were.

Well, I guess I asked for what came next.  Since I left my barriers down and she 
knew that just because she couldn't read my thoughts didn't mean she couldn't 
control me just like any other male, I was starting to get a little suspicious 
of her own intentions when she commanded me not to resist her in anyway.

She knew there was no way of hiding this breach of the rules from Gladius's 
girls, but the idea of having her way with me turned her on so much she had 
given in to the temptation.  Moments later I was worshipping her body with my 
tongue, forcing my cock to remain rock hard the entire time she had control of 

For over an hour I pleasured her while I repeatedly was brought to the brink 
myself but was prevented from coming by her damn commands.  Once I had fucked 
her for the third time, she seemed to grow bored, then realized how seriously in 
trouble she may be in once she released my mind.

She then begged me to forgive her, promising all sorts of things which at the 
time I happily agreed to with my heart and soul.  But the moment she pulled the 
plug and my mind cleared of her commands, I barely kept myself from becoming 
physically violent with her.

She was terrified never the less, especially when I started yelling and 
screaming at her, physically blocking her path from leaving my suite, then 
demanded that she sucked the cum out of my cock that her earlier betrayal had 
caused to build up in a painful way.

I have no idea how I resisted taking her mind and raping her like I had done to 
the girls on the beach, but as she submitted to swallowing my cock and moments 
later my thick load, I felt the anger inside me drain away.

After releasing her head and allowing her to fall back, I regained my senses and 
control as she sputtered from the excessive semen still going down her throat.

"Connie, I'm sorry for..."  I stammered while reaching out to her.

She shied away from my hand, then started to scamper back towards the door like 
a frightened child.

"Connie wait...  I won't hurt you any more.  You did take me over, and if you 
don't want me to tell the others..."

"What...  What do you want from me?" she said hoarsely while pausing at the 

"Shit.. I don't know.  Look, what I did just now was because you took control of 
me after I trusted you.  You have to understand that I wasn't in the right state 
of mind.  I've been enslaved before, and...  I don't want it to ever happen 

"I want to leave," she said without moving.

"You can't leave until I let you," I said, more to confirm my position rather 
than to state hers.

"What do you want?" she said almost crying.

I sat down on the bed, then after a few moments calculating the best way to 
diffuse the situation, I said, "I want you to join me in a two way, and this 
time neither of us takes advantage of the other."


"Come on.  You'll like it, and I'll even let you command me not to take control 
of your mind."

After a little more coaxing and bargaining, Connie finally came over to the bed 
and sat down next to me.

I looked her in the eyes, then initiated the two way with her which she accepted 
with a grimace.  But as I began filling out the two way with my side of the 
link, her expressions changed to that of discovery and then excitement.

It was strange to find her so willing after feeling the full two way form.  She 
even gave me a real blow job, her first if you discounted the raping of her 
mouth earlier which she had partially forgiven me for doing.  We didn't take 
over any of the other's body parts, but we shared in all the pleasure of our 
bodies in their sexual play, and after one last fuck, we parted company like old 
fuck mates.

Nathan seemed to know something had gone on that morning when I showed up at the 
pit all smiles and relaxed, and after telling him what happened, he asked if 
next time he could maybe do a two way with one of the other girl voices when I 
did it next.

By Saturday night, all the guys were hoping to somehow convince one of the girl 
voices into doing a two way with them, none of them really expecting to succeed, 
but they still hoped for it.  From what I had gathered, they had all tried it 
with their slaves, but had been disappointed by the one-sided-ness of their two 
way.  Their slaves were far too depersonalized to have any personal desires, and 
that's what I told them made the experience so exciting.

When we met the girls to go up to the clearing, the hatred in Janel's eyes was a 
pleasant surprise.  Somehow I knew that everyone but her would be having a two 
way sometime that night, and she apparently knew it too.

By the time we had the fires going, it was already getting dark and from the way 
the girls were exchanging looks with the guys, I figured it wouldn't be much 
longer before someone made their move.

We were all in the middle of eating when Peter noticed Chris and Connie had 
paired up in the shadows of the fire.  He nudged me and nodded towards them, 
then while I made out Connie's pink tongue lapping at Chris's left lobe, Peter 
walked over to Whitney and apparently offered her his side of a two way.

Liz, Whitney's partner, approached me just before everyone seemed to jump at a 
noise that I hadn't heard.  From their stares out into the darkness I reasoned 
Lea had decided to join us, then as if she read my mind, Lea's voice drifted to 
my ears, "Joey is my pick tonight."

I misinterpreted the disappointment on Liz's face as missing her chance to doing 
the two way with me, but then I saw the same expression on Nathan and I 
understood.  They all wanted to be the one going with her instead of me.

I hesitated at first about actually going with her, for I didn't like the idea 
of her having such a strong hold over me as she did with the others.  But no 
sooner had I thought this I felt my body tingle with excitement, and before I 
knew what I was doing, I was following that sensation into the darkness.

When the feeling ended, I found myself standing before the little girl, and 
without a word I took her hand when she held it up to me and walked beside her 
like it was something I did everyday. 

Questions bubbled into my mind, but I only managed to stutter out, "Where are we 

"Don't worry, Joey.  I know my way around in the dark."

"I'd rather you call me Joe," I blurted out.

"Why?  Isn't Joey the name which your mother calls you?"

My chest and stomach knotted up like a fist, and as I struggled to think of 
something to say to that, she let go of my hand and looked up at me with this 
expression of pure compassion and...

Innocence...  Heh.  This little girl was anything but innocent, but yet I 
couldn't help but feel she wasn't being deceitful or had any hidden meaning to 
her words.

"That is what she calls me, but I'm not exactly on speaking terms with her right 

She smiled and cocked her head to the side, then took my hand again and started 
leading me through the underbrush again without saying a word.

"What exactly are we going to do?" I said finally after regaining my wits.

"What do you think we're going to do?"

"I can't imagine we're going to have sex, but everyone seems to think that's 
what happens when they come up here with you.  And why don't they remember what 

"Maybe they do but just can't tell you.  Maybe they don't want to remember.  
Maybe they have never actually been up here with me, just want you to think they 

"Or maybe you fry their brains out with pleasure and that's why they can't 

That actually caused her to stop and look up at me with surprise, then gave me 
this little girl grin that I still can't get out of my head.

She let go of my hand and to my surprise ducked into a vine covered cave opening 
saying "They said you were more observant than the others." 

"Who said," I asked, following her in.

"It doesn't matter.  Do you like my home?"

I had just began taking in my surroundings, finding myself in a glamorously 
decorated room that besides the vine covered entrance looked nothing like a 
cave.  The floor was carpeted with a shaggy golden fur, and the walls had 
pictures of nature at its best, and while there were some chairs, a table, and a 
full kitchen, the rest of the room was devoid of furniture of any kind.

"Please take off your clothing and put them by the entrance," she said, sampling 
a cookie from a bowl.

"Uhm, look.  I know you're probably wanting to get on with... whatever you do, 
but I think you owe me some answers first."

"Take off your clothes and put them by the entrance, then I'll answer any 
questions you have, okay?"  she said, then popped another bite into her red 

I hesitated before complying, and then found myself getting a woody despite my 

"Just sit down on the floor," she said calmly, not hiding her amusement at my 
obvious state of arousal.

"Uhm, so how did you know my name anyway?"

"I just knew it, that's all.  I know lots of things."


"For instance right now your mother is wishing she knew where her little boy 

"That's not fucking fair," I said with emotion.

"Perhaps, but it's true."

"You're awful young to be the fucking mistress of the night.  Witch or no witch, 
you're just a little girl."

"A little girl with three life times of knowledge and memories.  Has anyone told 
you that you look a lot like your father when he was your age?"

I stared blankly at her, then felt my anger suddenly peak as I spat, "YOU LEAVE 
my FUCKING FAMILY out of this, or I'll!..  I'll..  Oh god...  What are you doing 
to me?"

I felt like every nerve of my body was being drawn to her hand, tingling with 
the expectant pleasure that I knew wasn't going to come but couldn't resist 

"Why I'm going to fry your brain with pleasure, Joey...  Don't you want me to do 

I was completely unable to respond, my mind barely being able to comprehend and 
record her words as she drew closer and increased the "magic" she was using on 

"Don't you want me to turn your mind inside out with pleasure, twisting and 
turning your mind until I squeeze every bit of your will from you?  Don't you 
want that?"

Like a nuke being dropped somewhere inside my mind, some of the anger I had been 
holding in for so long was released just as the promised pleasure her powers had 
been hinting at exploded.  The result was quite frankly the greatest experience 
that I fail to recall, for just as she promised, the pleasure fried my brain to 
the point that everything which went on that night wasn't there in the morning.

But when I woke up the next morning in bed with Nana, I felt wonderful.  No, 
better than wonderful.  I find it hard to describe it, for it was beyond 
anything physical.  I mean, I felt good all over, but it was more than that.  
The dark rotting ball of emotion I had been carrying with me since... Shit, I 
don't know when was gone.

I bounced out of bed and rushed over to Nathan's pad, then after trying to 
explain why I was so excited, I simply kissed Nathan on the lips and left him 
sputtering on the floor.

I rushed outside and did a cartwheel without any clothes on, I ran around 
kissing the women and hugging the men... Basically I made a complete ass out of 
myself, and the only thing that stopped me from doing something really stupid 
was the guys rushing me and dragging me back to my room.

My whole body was flushed, and if I hadn't known why I was feeling this way I 
would have sworn I was high on some kind of drug.  I mean I was really out of 
control.  I even had Gordon on his back tickling him, almost caused Peter to 
pass out when I kissed him, and Chris...  Heh.  He'll never walk around in his 
underwear around me again after the wedgy I gave him that morning.

Jonas somehow escaped my attention until they decided the only way to calm me 
down was to make me take a cold shower.  Heheheheh....shit.  I played it like I 
had worn myself out a bit, letting them carry me to the shower where Jonas had 
gone ahead to start the water.  Just as he was turning around to get out of the 
way, I rushed him and tacked him, taking him into the shower with me and holding 
on to him as he got soaked.

After he was totally drenched, Jonas lightened up, and he actually helped me 
grab Gordon who was laughing his ass off at Jonas.  After a few minutes of horse 
play, and a lot of "drop the soap" jokes, I went after Nathan while the other 
two went after Chris and Peter.

We never actually made it back to the shower, but we still had a lot of fun 
chasing them around, especially me chasing Nathan around the room while he tried 
to reason with me.

When I finally caught him, I picked him up and was barely was able to throw him 
on the bed with myself on top of him.  There wasn't anything sexual about this, 
and it didn't occur to either of us as being that way.  We were just two friends 
joking around and having a good time.

"Amigo, if you act like this in the pit, the girls will think you have lost your 
mind," Nathan said after we caught our breaths.

"Yeah, and we all know who they'll blame for losing it," I laughed, finding this 
incredibly funny for some reason. 

"Did Lea give you tequila to drink last night?" Nathan asked exasperated.

"I don't know, maybe," I said, running my hands up and down my chest.  "Damn, 
Nathan..  I feel so... so good.  Like I've been sleeping all this time and 
finally woke up."

"Joe, why did you..."

"Call me Joey," I said with a grin.

"You said to call you Joe," Nathan said confused.

"I know, but now I want to be called Joey again.  It's what my mom calls me."

"But...  You can be a very frustrating person," he groaned as he dodged my 
attempt to see if he was ticklish.

"Yep, but you gotta love me for it," I said, preparing to pick up the chase 
again if he got off the bed.  "What were you going to ask me?"


"Just now..  Before I said to call me Joey."

"I don't recall," he lied.

I leapt and grabbed him by the shorts, then as he struggled to keep them on, I 
took him down and pinned him underneath me.

"Do you recall now?" I said with a grin as got comfortable while keeping his 
arms and legs pinned.

"It was nothing, amigo.  I wondered the reason you kissed me and Peter while...  
You were not aroused." 

"Didn't you see Peter's expression?" I said grinning ear to ear as he stared 
back at me, helpless.

"Se, but you could have done many things to get that reaction.  You chose to 
kiss him.  It does not matter, really.  Before today I thought..."

"What?" I said, finding his hesitation disconcerting enough to release him.

"Please, amigo.  I don't wish to ruin this good mood of yours," he said 
honestly.  "Let us get dressed and go."

"Okay, but I'll want to know later, comprenden?"

"Sí, señor," he said with a sigh. 

When we got to the pit, the girls were all lined up as usual, and I just got 
this flash of inspiration seeing them all standing there like that.  I whooped 
then flung myself at them, knocking them all to the cushioned ground before 
tickling and raspberrying them whenever they tried to get back up.

I gave Nathan a really big grin when he decided to join me in my fun, and I 
can't tell you how good it made me feel seeing Damita and Kristen acting like 
little girls for a while.

After accidentally tickling Sakura too much to the point that she peed on 
herself and me a little, I took her to the bathroom while trying to stop her 
crying.  She was still sniffling and not looking me in the face as I led her 
into the shower, then while she stood there in front of me with the water 
hitting her back and my chest, I kissed her forehead and told her I loved her.

She looked up at me with a little girl expression that slowly turned into one of 
submission and trust.

I couldn't believe it.  I knew that look on her face.  It was the same as what 
the girls who I had raped and then made forget three or four times would have 
when I would start another domination session with them.  They always lost their 
spirit to fight after three or four sessions of me breaking them to my will even 
though I would make them forget it ever happened.

This was different though.  Sakura's will had never been broken before.  She was 
giving it to me.  And I couldn't believe it when I accepted it by lifting her up 
and holding her while kissing her deeply, feeling my hard cock sticking between 
her legs wanting to find her fuck hole once more.

I know now that when Nathan and I were processed for working in the pit, the 
twin processing me had successfully implanted the need to fulfill the training 
of any girl given to us.  My feelings for Sakura's loss of innocence and 
freewill were diminishing very quickly from the understanding of what Sakura now 
needed of me to complete her training.

My only thoughts at the time was how rare it was for a girl to give their will 
up like that so soon after entering level 2.  I was excited with the knowledge 
that not only would Gladius be very pleased with this, Sakura's training would 
now take a different route than the others.  It was important for me to instill 
the master/slave relationship in her heart before she had time to reconsider her 
gift and recover her will.

So after fucking her in the shower and explaining to her she would be going home 
with me, I sent her to rest in her room and told Nathan what happened.

That evening, all the guys came over to watch Sakura fuck me then suck me off 
before each getting a blow job by her too.  Nana was a little jealous of all the 
attention this little girl was getting, but once Sakura was curled up in my bed 
and fell asleep instantly from all the activity that day, I fucked Nana's brains 
out before we joined Sakura in bed.

I spent two days in my suite with Sakura and Nana, using Nana's programmed 
enslavement as a tool to further Sakura's self enslavement by example.  Nana's 
jealousy seemed to disappear when she realized what I was doing, and I even 
found Nana growing quite attached to her slave-mate.

Each night, all the guys came over to see what progress I had made and to sample 
her goods, and while Sakura always performed her duties without hesitation, she 
always kept an eye on me to watch for my reaction to her work. 

On the third night with Sakura, Nathan came in late and announced that Hye had 
graduated to level five and Kristen was almost ready to graduate to level four.  
We all were excited to hear that, and as Nathan started to work out a schedule 
for her gangbangs, Peter suddenly remember some other news.

"Oh, guess what Whitney told me last night!  Janel the bitch is calling it quits 
and leaving!"

Even though Peter had already told Chris the night before, Chris was as 
enthusiastic as the other were to make jokes about her and shit like that.  But 
for some reason it didn't sit right with me.  I laughed at their jokes and even 
made up a few of my own, but my heart really wasn't into it.

I tossed and turned all night, and not even an exhausting fucking with Nana 
didn't help me to fall asleep.  Shit, okay..  I did fall asleep after fucking 
her, but I kept waking up feeling guilty and thinking of Janel for some reason.

Waking to finding Sakura's young body nestled up against my chest with my arm 
draped over her like a blanket brought my mind into sharp focus on what had 
troubled me all night long.

I made the decision to go see Lea who I felt was the only person who could help 
Janel lose the pain she carried around like I had for so long.  I knew I would 
be risking expulsion from Gladius's domain, but I felt... responsible for her 
desire to leave and wanted to make it up somehow.

So I left Nana in charge of helping Sakura learn control over her vaginal 
muscles and stuff, then carefully made my way to the path leading up the 
mountain, keeping out of sight as much as I could.

The path, the cliff, the town below all looked different at that time of day.  I 
kept having to stop and check to see if I had taken a wrong turn or something.  
When I finally reached the clearing, the confirmation of seeing the ashes from 
our weekly campfires was a relief, but then I realized I had no idea where Lea's 
cave was in relation to the site.

I must have spent three hours wandering around the area, once I even got lost 
for a while, but then I worked out how to navigate by using the wall above and 
the two cliffs below to guide me.

I finally just gave up and sat down on a rock at the edge of the clearing 
overlooking the path and town below.  It was such a pretty country, and I 
started feeling a little sick to my stomach knowing how I and others had been 
raping the people of this land.

"Sometimes you can see the ocean from here," Lea's voice said beside me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked after getting over my surprise.

"Long enough to see you are not who you believe to be," she said without looking 
away from the horizon. 

"I'm not?" I said, somehow not surprised by her riddle of a response.

"You are here to ask me something?" she said after a brief silence.

"Uhm, yeah, I guess," I said turning and looking out on the scenery as well.

She waited patently, never stirring or making any sound beyond that of her 
gentle breathing which I seemed to hear acutely.  I had the strong suspicion she 
already knew why I was there, so I was trying to get her to show her cards by 
making her wait.

But from the moment I had heard her speak, my body tingled all over craving the 
exquisite pleasure her witchcraft could provide.  I was anxious, yet unwilling 
to show it, and I nearly had it beat if the wind hadn't stirred her hair and 
caught my eye.

For a little girl, Lea was very beautiful.  Her skin was almost pinkish white 
topped with glistening red hair and the wettest reddest lips I had ever seen.  

I don't know how long I stared at her, but I became quite embarrassed when she 
smiled without looking at me.  Despite this, however, I didn't stop my eyes from 
wandering across her body again, and to my surprise she did a slow 360 for me.

When she finished, I looked in her green eyes and saw...  I guess I saw her 
intelligence.  A mind much older and wiser than that of the vessel which 
contained it.  A being which despite her young physical age expected and 
deserved the respect due to an oracle or reverend mother, and I understood what 
my role or behavior should be.

"You're very beautiful," I said softly without breaking eye contact.

"Thank you," she said politely but without a sign of humility.

"I came up here to tell you Janel is leaving us."

"Yes, I know."

"But...  Then why haven't you helped her like you helped me?"

She smiled with amusement, then said, "Helped you?"

"Yes.  You know what mean.  You took away the pain from...  You know."

"I did no such thing, Joey."

"Yes you did!" I said desperately, my eyes tearing up from the strength of my 
emotions.  "I mean, ever since you... Ever since...  You must know what I mean, 
and I know Janel is the way she is because she..  She.."

"Go on..." she said calmly as I struggled to make sense of what my emotions were 
trying to tell me.

"I...  I can't..." I said truthfully as felt the pain return.  "Please don't 
make me?  I don't want to feel like that again.  Shit it hurts!"

"You must...  For your sake, Janel's sake, and your family's sake as well," she 
said firmly.  "Tell me what it is."

"I can't...." I said before shakily pitching myself off the rock and falling a 
good twenty feet into some branchy underbrush.

My head hit a branch before I reached the ground, and while I never lost 
consciousness, I was too dazed to move for several minutes.

"That was a very foolish thing to do, Joey," Lea said gently from beside me.

"I'm sorry," I said without thinking while I tried to pull my senses back 

When her hand brushing across my left cheek, my disorientation and confusion 
vanished as my mind and senses all focused on her touch, noting the texture and 
warmth of her young hand as she caressed my face a few moments then withdrew her 
hand from my space.

I found my heart pounding and my entire body pumping with energy, and despite 
the aches and pains I felt from my fall, I got up to my feet and silently 
followed her up the trail and into the underbrush beyond the clearing.

We came to a broad path where she looked up at me with another smile and offered 
her hand.  I took it with the understanding that she was holding my hand not the 
other way around.

I felt remarkably calm and at peace with myself, even though I knew she would 
only make me face the pain I had been running away from all this time.  I 
pondered on this for several minutes until I realized I simply wasn't able to 
deny Lea anything she wished.  I was sure she hadn't done anything to my mind,  
but I couldn't get over how... good I felt about being...  well, being hers.

We came to a burbling mountain stream that fed a shallow man-made pool.  She let 
go of my hand and stepped into the pool, and after a moment's hesitation I 
stripped and did the same.

I dunked my head in the water to wash the sweat and grime from my face, and was 
shocked when I saw the swirls of blood in the water in my wake.  The bump on my 
head stung when I tested it with my hand, so I steadied myself when Lea came 
over to inspect.

"It is just a break of the skin," she concluded after carefully parting my hair 
around the wound.

"I'll live then?" I said somewhat humorously.

"Perhaps," she said before I felt her hands touching the sides of my head.

Like a balloon deflating, every muscle in my body relaxed as I let out a big 
sigh.  She whispered some words into my ear that I must have agreed to without 
really knowing it, then she let her hands fall to my shoulders and released me 
from her powerful relaxing spell.

I opened my eyes feeling completely at ease, ready to do whatever she asked me 
to do no matter what displeasure it may hold.

"You asked me to help Janel like I had helped you, but I did nothing to you 
which I haven't already done with Janel numerous times."

"Then why..." I began to say before realizing she was giving me this opportunity 
to work it out myself.

"What makes you believe Janel suffers from the same problem as you?" Lea 
prompted me while experimentally exploring my shoulders with her tiny hands.

"I don't know, really.  Something about the way she acted when she told me she 
fell in love with someone.  He must have hurt her really bad to never want to 
fall in love again."

"So you felt something from her?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Something familiar?"

"Yeah...  It did feel...  Familiar."

"And that's why you thought I could help her like you believed I helped you?"

"Yes.  Exactly.  Only..."

"Only what?"

"You said you didn't do anything different to me than what you've done to the 

"Yes," she confirmed as her hands tested the firmness of my right arm's muscles 
in an innocent manner.  

"I don't understand then," I sighed before flexing that arm for her.

I watched her carefully feel the muscle's shape and texture yet concentrating on 
figuring out what it was I was supposed to understand.  When she indicated I 
could relax my arm and then gently straightened it out to explore my upper arm 
and hand, I realized I had flexed my arm so long for her that it stung like 
there were little needles stabbing it here and there.

I didn't hesitate to drop that train of thought, then paused to consider why I 
had done so.  Why was I so willing to do whatever she suggested?  I felt no 
overwhelming need to server her.  No desire to please her.  I was certain the 
pleasure which she inflicted on me hadn't...

"I..." I began shakily as I grasped her hand to get her to look up at me.  "I am 

She cocked her head and smiled sweetly at me, and somehow that gave me the 
strength to say what I was having trouble saying.

"I am your slave," I said softly.

"Are you?  Are you sure?"

"Yes.  I am," I said with confidence.  "You enslaved me Saturday night."

"Oh?  And how did I do that?"

"How?  I don't know how..  I guess with your witchcraft."

"My witchcraft?" she said, truly amused.  "What witchcraft is that?"

"You know... You can make people feel pleasure...  Pleasure beyond anything I 
ever dreamed of.  You may not think of it as enslavement, but from what I've 
seen of the others, they'd do anything you'd ask them to."

"But what of yourself, Joey?  Yes, the others crave to feel my...  witchcraft.  
Perhaps they would do anything for it, but not without some reservation.  And 
they would have never even considered coming to me to ask me for help because 
they wouldn't risk my punishment for coming here uninvited.  Had that not 
occurred to you?"

"What?  Oh, you mean punishment?  Only if Gladius or someone down there caught 
me.  I didn't think you would punish someone for something like this."

"But you weren't certain, were you?"

"No, I guess not.  But..."

She waited for me to continue without any further prompting, so I took a deep 
breath and said, "I guess I didn't care if you punished me or not.  In a way, I 
suppose I wanted you to."

"You believed I helped you with your problem, and you also think I made you my 
slave.  They are both the one and the same, and I did neither.  You did."

"I did?" I said shocked.  "But why would I want to be your or anyone's slave?"

"You have the answer you came for.  All you have to do is think it out," she 
said, moving to get out of the pool.

Stunned, I could only watch her walk into the underbrush, then jerked myself out 
of the water realizing she was just going to leave me there.

"Wait!  There is something else I must ask you!  Please WAIT!"

As I suspected, she was nowhere to be seen.  While I hadn't had anything else to 
ask her at the time I had said it, I stood there with tears in my eyes from 
realizing I did indeed have another question that I really needed to ask.

"Does my mom still..." I managed to blurt out before I choked on my emotions.

"Of course she does, Joey.  She always will."

I have no idea where she was when she said it, and I didn't even look around to 
see if I could find her.  I just smiled and wiped my eyes and nose with my hands 
before whispering "Thank you, mistress," and walked back to the pool to get my 

The walk back down seemed to take no time at all since I was deep in thought 
about what Lea had said.  I knew she was right.  For some reason the idea I was 
her slave had removed that rotting ball of emotion I had been so relieved to get 
rid of.

I didn't even try to sneak my way past the guards watching the courtyard leading 
to the path up the mountain.  If they had a problem with my unscheduled visit to 
my mistress, then I figured they would just have to take it up with her.

Actually, I found out later that I hadn't really slipped by them the first time.  
They had somehow contacted Lea for instructions on what to do.  Obviously her 
answer had been for them to allow me to pass, and apparently not to bother me 
when I came back down.

I had already passed the slut house before I realized it, then decided that it 
wasn't my destination anyway.  I walked to the other side of town and studied 
the building which housed the female teen voices.

I had once heard them refer to their dwelling as the garden house, but until 
recently, the guys had always referred to it as the big bitch house.

The garden was actually pretty fitting considering it was surrounded by flowers 
and had hanging plants, fountains, and even a small pond and stream running 
through its lobby.  A pair of teen boys and a young man were tending the plants 
with great dedication, and I was very impressed with the place.  They certainly 
had style.

As I rode up in the glass elevator, I was a bit disgusted with the guys.  I 
mean, I had found out the previous week that the reason the lobby in the slut 
house didn't use the air conditioning was because the guys liked their slaves to 
be all sweaty and wet when they came home.  Instead of giving their girls 
something to do that was somewhat worthwhile and pleasant, they had them lay 
about in the heat focusing on how badly they wished their master would come and 
use them.

I didn't know for sure where Janel's room was, but I guessed it would be in the 
same location as Peter's was since she was the oldest of the girls.  As it 
happens, I was right.

"May I help you?" the nude brunette guy answering my knock said.

"Is Mistress Janel here?" I said, then catching the sight of Janel sitting up 
her bed inside.

"What do you want?" Janel spat.

When the nineteen year old doorman with the football player build didn't move to 
unblock the door, I looked Janel in the eyes and said, "Lea sent me."

The surprise on her face only showed a moment, then she said, "Let him in, 
slave!  Can't you see he's a voice?"

"I am so sorry, my queen!" he said as he rushed to grovel at her feet on the 

Janel covered herself with the top sheet after noticing my eyes inspecting her 
breasts.  She wasn't that bad looking if you just didn't look at her face.  
Actually, it wasn't as much her face as the expression it wore all the time.

"Oh, go finish packing your shit, you piece of meat," she said, apparently 
pleased with his response.

"Yes, my queen," he said getting up to his feet and bowing to her and then to 

"Nice ass," I said, wishing to compliment her choice of slaves for some reason.

"What did you mean, Lea sent you?" she said sharply.

"She didn't exactly send me, but I.."

"I knew it!  Get out!"

"Wait.  Let me finish.  I just came from talking to her about you.  She knows 
I'm here, just didn't actually tell me to come here."

"What did she have to say about me?" Janel said, suddenly timid.

"Uhm, well, to tell you the truth, we never actually got around to talk about 
you precisely, but I went up there to ask her to help you like I thought she 
helped me, and after a lot of riddles and stuff, she told me I had the answer if 
I just thought about it."

"What makes you think I need your or her help?" Janel asked in an outrage.  

On some kind of instinct, I cut her words off by leaping up to her and kissing 
her on the lips.

My mass and strength easily kept her from pulling away, and even though she 
tried her hardest to break away for a minute, she suddenly grabbed me and pulled 
me against her even more than I was doing to her.

When I felt her mouth open and her tongue probed my lips, I took a gamble that 
she wasn't faking it and let her in.  

It was while she was busily tonguing my mouth that her pet grabbed my hair and 
quickly wrapped his arm around my neck as I yelled, then I found myself 
struggling to get my breath from his choke hold while Janel just sat that 

By the time I managed to disable the big asshole, I had been nearly ready to 
pass out and had to take a few minutes gasping for breath on my knees.

"I think I like you best that way.  On you knees that is," Janel teased as she 
finished dressing by slipping her shoes on.

I looked up at her with a cold look, then noticed something I hadn't seen 
before.  A early high school prom picture of her and...

"What he do?" I said with reasonable clarity.  "Fuck you and leave you?"

Her face paled when she realized what I was talking about, then she screamed, 

I knew I had found the right nerve, so I pressed harder by saying, "You enslaved 
him after he dumped you, right?  He just played you for a fuck or two and then 
left you to rot, so you made him your.."

"GET!!!   OUT!!!!"  she screamed even harder before taking in a deep breath and 
doubling over in a huge sob.

When she didn't try to continue her plea for me to leave, I realized something 
wasn't quite right here.  I stood there watching her pitifully crawl under the 
covers to hide as she wept, then realized she wasn't hiding from me, but him.

I probed his mind and searched to find when she had enslaved him and why.  When 
I found it, I felt that ball of rotting emotion return inside my heart and 

Corby West hadn't betrayed her in the least.  He had loved her as much as any 
fourteen year old guy can love a girl, and hadn't wanted to ruin the 
relationship by having sex yet.

But Janel had other ideas, for she had picked Corby because he was the cutest, 
the sportiest, and the sexiest of the freshmen class at her school.  She did 
fall in love with him, but not until after she accidentally used her unknown 
abilities during a daytime fantasy to make him desire her body and to have 
passionate sex with her.  

By the time she had realized her abilities and began to have some control over 
them, Corby was nothing more than a yes boy, a slave for her to satisfy her 
body's needs.  And instead of trying to undo the damage she had done, she just 
made him even more the slave just so she wouldn't lose him.

I felt dizzy from discovering this, and I stumbled ever so slightly backwards 
and sat down on the bed.

"Why do I feel...  What does this have to do...  Why do I fEEL..."

There it was..  Now standing up on two feet was Janel's version of what that 
ball of rotting emotion was about.  Only in my case...  In my case it hadn't 
been an accident, and... 

"Oh my God, NO!" I said as that ball of emotion returned and exploded in my 

I don't know what happened next.  It's all just a jumble of emotion and pain.  
All I know is I ended up under the covers with Janel while we clung onto each 
other in a partial two way as we shared our mutual shame and pain.

We stayed under the covers for hours and hours, switching back and forth between 
talking and sharing our thoughts as we worked out our guilt and our pain little 
by little.  We became good at anticipating when to hold the other supportively 
when they needed it, and it was as much the knowledge that the other really did 
understand as the physical contact that helped us through it all.

Janel and I worked out why I had felt better thinking I had been Lea's slave.  
Even back when I had Tim's rat in my head, I felt the... guilt of what I had 
tried to do.  A part of me will never forgive myself for turning against my age 
old friend for my own selfish reasons.  So by being someone else's slave, I was 
in a sense getting what I deserved.  An eye for and eye, I suppose.

Around midnight, I started helping her undo the commands which had accumulated 
over five years of Corby's enslavement.  I fell asleep at some point, but 
awakened to Corby's and Janel's sobs when she had finished and woken him up.

I left the garden just as the horizon started to lighten, and even though I was 
very drained and tired still, I didn't go back to the slut house, but instead 
made my way back to the path leading up the mountain.

Lea was sitting on the rock when I reached the clearing, and we watched the 
sunrise together before I asked her, "You never enslaved me, did you?"

"No, of course not."

"I betrayed him.  I loved him and betrayed him.  I tried to enslave him just so 
I could have voice without having to answer to him.  And now he's dead, and I 
threw away the only thing that I could have used to...  I still hate his guts, 
but now I feel so guilty for feeling that way.  I wish I was your slave.  Then 
I'd have a reason to live."

"Joey, you have a very big reason to live.  Your loved one isn't around anymore 
to live his life, so he needs you live your life as best as you know how.  You 
can not imagine how important it is to his future that you do so."

"Really?" I said, looking at her without restraining any of the astonishment on 
my face.  "What kind of future could he have?"

Without looking at me, she simply smiled and pat my hand on the rock with her 
tiny one, then on the last pat the world exploded in pleasure.

I awakened with a start, hearing Nathan and Jonas calling my name from below.  I 
look around me to confirm Lea's absence before getting up off the ground beside 
the rock and yelling out I was there.

Just before Nathan, Jonas and Gordon rushed up the path out of breath, I looked 
up at the surprisingly late afternoon sky and spat,  "All right, you controlling 
manipulative bastard!  For you!  I'll fucking do it for you!"


Tim, the Teenage MC
By Rass Senip
Chapter XVI:  11th Grade, Summer 1988
Part 6 - Bonds of Loyalty
(mc, mf)

"But why would you want to help her?  She has done some very bad things to me 
and..." Nathan complained.

"For the last time, Nathan.  I did it to help myself as much as her.  Shit, I'm 
hungry," I said as we reached the base of the mountain.  "Hey, how did you guys 
know I was up there, anyway?"

"When your link thing broke with Nathan, he came running to us saying he thought 
you died or something," Gordon said with a grin.  "When we couldn't find you, we 
went to Grandfather and found out you were up there with Lea."

"Grandfather wouldn't let us go up there until after our shift," Jonas added.

"Not that Nathan got much done in his shift," Gordon teased.

"I worried very much," Nathan admitted without looking at me.  "I do not wish to 
find another partner."

"Sssshhhiiit," I said before hooking my arm around his neck and saying, "Same 
here, amigo.  Mucho gracias for trying to come to my rescue."

Nathan gave me an embarrassed glance before smiling and saying, "Next time I 
shall not be so forgiving."

I let him go and gave him a friendly shove which he immediately returned.  I 
shoved him again, knocking him into Jonas, who shoved him back towards me.  
After three or four more shoves, Nathan got tired of being the pinball and took 
off running.  We chased him around the town until he surrendered, then he let us 
carry him above our heads like a trophy all the way to the slut house.

We split up to go to our rooms, and the reception I received from Nana and 
Sakura when I went into mine almost made me forget how hungry I was.

"I missed you sooo much, master," Sakura said hugging me while Nana went to 
prepare dinner.

I lifted her up and carried her to the bed, then carefully laid her down on her 
back and crawled up to her face.

"Sakura, I want you to do me a big favor.  Something that probably goes against 
everything you've been taught to believe, but would mean a lot to me."

"What is it, master?" she said innocently.

"I would really like you to call me Joey instead of master when we're alone or 
when Nana is with us.  Do you think you can do that for me?"

Her face paled, and for a moment I thought she was going to cry when her lower 
lip started quivering and her eyes filled up with tears.  But my concerned and 
loving expression made her realize I wasn't rejecting her, and then what I was 
truly asking her must have suddenly sunk in.

When I saw the acceptance in her eyes, I smiled, then received the biggest hug I 
could ever imagine from a girl only thirteen.

"I love you, Ja-Ja-Joey," she said experimentally, soft enough that only I could 

"I love you too, Sakura," I said with emotion.

She relaxed her hug and gently pushed me up so she could see my face.  When she 
saw the wetness around my eyes, she smiled before her own eyes formed more tears 
which I gently wiped away.

I knew from the expression she wore that she was about to try and kiss me, and 
sure enough she suddenly started rising up to do so, but then stopped and laid 
back down.

"What's wrong, Sakura?" I said confused.  "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, ma.. Ja-Joey," she said nervously.  "I...  You didn't say.."

"Sakura, look me in the eyes and do what you what you want from what you feel.  
I don't have to give you permission.  You'll know it if I don't want something, 

Her eyes were looking deeply into mine the moment I spoke it, then when I saw 
her hesitating still, I simply moved forward and kissed her myself.

It took a couple of kisses before she let herself act freely, letting go of her 
little slave girl self and embracing the young woman instincts we had worked so 
hard to control.

I was too hungry to do anything beyond kissing, and after we had our fill of 
that, I got up and checked on dinner while Sakura stayed on the bed with a fresh 
lover's glow.

Shit, I was hungry.  I had two servings of everything, then was so full I just 
laid down next to Sakura on the bed and relaxed instead of helping Nana clean up 
the mess.

I was surprised when I realized I had dozed off, for I had practically slept the 
whole day already.  Sakura was curled up against me asleep, but Nana was wide 
awake watching us from the foot of the bed.

"I'm sorry for waking you, master, but you said you wished to shower before 
going to bed," she said after a moment.

"I guess I did, didn't I," I said, knowing I hadn't that day, but many days in 
the past.

I carefully got out of bed without waking Sakura, then followed Nana to the 
bathroom, stripping my shirt and shorts off as I went.

I helped Nana remove her T-shirt and panties which I had made the girls' 
official outfit during the day, then surprised her in an embrace just as she 
turned to turn on the water.

"You know what?" I said tenderly.

"No, master, I do not," she said openly pleased.

"I think you're just a bit jealous of Sakura," I said after a light kiss on the 

"Yes, master, I am."

I hesitated from the shock of her frankness, but then gave her a generous kiss 
before letting her go and turning the water on myself.

"Master?" she said uncertainly when I didn't resume the embrace we had been in 
right away.

"What is it, Nana?  Tell me what you want.  What _you_ want and not what you 
think I want," I said firmly standing before her without letting us touch.

She opened her mouth but couldn't quite find the words.

I reached out and caressed the face that resembled my beloved Suzi's, but 
finding in my heart that everything about Nana was just the opposite from Suzi 
on the inside. 

Without needing to say anything, we simply got into the shower and washed each 
other lovingly before I fucked her cunt like the sex slave she was.  Nana didn't 
want things like the privilege of calling me Joey or initiating the kiss first.  
Benjamin made her desire nothing but pleasing her master in every way, and had 
felt she had been failing to do that from seeing all attention I had been giving 
Sakura that day and in the past.

As Nana finished sucking my seed out of my shaft, I finished exploring her mind, 
finding nothing about the three years she had spent with Benjamin, no trace 
whatsoever in fact.  There wasn't a hole in her memories, for according to them 
she had been my slave for that period of time.  I was really impressed.  Not 
only did Nana speak perfect English which before she only knew a few words of, 
but her memories of her enslavement and training were just as I would have 
probably have done it if I had really been doing it back then.

So from that moment on, I stopped comparing her to Suzi and accepted Nana as 
what she was.  She was my servant, my sex toy, my slave, and I would use her as 
I sought fit knowing she would only be unhappy if I didn't.

As she was drying me off, I explained to her that I had no intention of 
enslaving Sakura, something which I hadn't really realized myself until I spoke 
the words.

Nana accepted my wishes and promised not to be troubled over what I did with 
Sakura anymore, then to prove she meant it, she insisted she sleep on the couch 
that night which I didn’t allow.

Sakura was awake when we returned to the bed, then as I cuddled with her and 
Nana both, I tried to rationalize how I felt. 

Lea's words, "... he needs you to live your life as best as you know how," kept 
popping into my head, and it troubled me thinking I was doing what I thought Tim 
would want instead of what I wanted myself.

But then Sakura lips attached themselves to my left nipple as she laid on top of 
me part ways, and it just seemed to hit me that I _was_ doing what I wanted.  I 
just hadn't allowed myself to do it until now.

Watching Sakura make oral love to my chest brought my true feelings for her out 
again, and the concept that her feelings for me would be used to make her into 
someone's toy gripped my heart and started squeeze.  

My exact thoughts were, "I can't let that happen to her.  I just can't let my 
little girl be enslaved.  We have to get away from here...  We have to leave 
this God forsaken place.  Shit, what about Nathan?  I can't just leave him 
without trying to explain.  Shit, what a fucking mess."

At that point Sakura climbed on top of me, and after a few deep and passionate 
kisses, she looked me in the eyes as she prepared to mount me.

When I didn't object, she worked my girth into her young cunt, and I could tell 
she was pleased that it didn't hurt a bit this time.

While Sakura rested a moment with her eyes closed, I looked over at Nana and saw 
she was for the most part content after already getting hers in the shower.  I 
reached over to her right breast and gave it a healthy tweak, sending waves of 
pleasure through her body with my magic fingers doing their thing.

Sakura was momentarily distracted by Nana's gasps and wiggles, but quickly 
returned her attention to her own pleasure from feeling my dick pulse within her 
stuffed cunt.  I loved the way her mouth formed an O whenever she pushed herself 
back down onto my cock in her slow but steady humps.  She lasted a lot longer 
than she had in the past, probably from building better muscles in the legs from 
her previous fuckings.

I really was enjoying her tight cunt fucking me like that, and was kind of glad 
that she had to stop and rest a few times just so my urge to cum would go down.  
She tried her best at bringing herself and me to orgasm, but after four tries, 
she gave up and just sucked my chest some more while squeezing her pussy muscles 
around my dick to keep me hard.

Finally in a surge of frustration, she said, "Could you fuck me master?"

I hesitated a moment before realizing calling me master had just been a slip of 
the tongue, then rolled us over and started the humping motion.

I went as slow as I could for as long as I could, but when I experimented in 
going faster, she came, hard.  When she didn't object to me continuing, I fucked 
her a little faster, and ended up having her orgasm twice more before spurting 
my load onto her chest and collapsing on top of her.

I rolled us over when she wiggled uncomfortably, then laid there a while basking 
in the moment before realizing she had fallen asleep with my cock still inside 

I spent most of the night thinking how I could get the three of us out of there 
without getting caught, and also trying to figure out how to break it to Nathan 
without him somehow giving us away.  I dozed off a few times, and at one point 
Sakura rolled off me without waking me, for when I did awaken, I found her 
laying between Nana and I with one leg still entwined with mine.

I'll always remember watching them sleep beside me while the sun began 
lightening the room.  I would lose myself in my thoughts, but every few minutes 
I would take another look at how far the shadows had moved across their naked 
bodies.  Once, Sakura woke while I was studying her, but went back to sleep 
after giving me a hug.

Nana awoke at her regularly scheduled time, giving me a smile from finding 
Sakura's arms still around me.  She dutifully got up and got dressed before 
preparing breakfast, then was patiently waiting for me to finish eating for our 
morning shower and fuck.

Sakura was clinging to me the entire morning, insisting she join us in the 
shower and promising she only wanted to watch.  Nana was a bit upset about this 
until she saw I was delighted that Sakura was speaking her mind, then simply 
accepted it as the way it was going to be.

Nana and I went through our normal routine, then we both washed Sakura before 
getting out.  I was being dried off by the pair of them when Sakura suddenly 
sighed and quit, then when I asked what was wrong, she admitted she had hoped to 
watch me fuck her in the ass.

I saw right though her.  Despite everything we had been doing the past twelve or 
so hours, Sakura was still driven by the desire to complete her training.  She 
hoped I would take her other cherry soon, but couldn't bear to ask me after all 
the loving we had been doing.

After trying to talk her out of it, I loosened her up as much as I could before 
putting it in, then ended up blocking the pain when she couldn't stand it very 

Sakura was all too pleased to go with me to walk around the town.  What I 
actually was doing was looking for a way out that wouldn't be detected, but it 
became pretty clear to me our only hope was walking out the front entrance.

We stopped by the pit and chatted a while, Gordon and Jonas having joined Nathan 
in a gang bang with Hye and were getting cleaned up when we arrived.

I was really starting to feel guilty about planning to leave without him, but 
seeing how well Nathan was getting on with our peers reinforced my guess that 
he'd want to stay.  This was his home, the only home he's known for years, and 
now that he fit in and made peace with the rest, I couldn't imagine him leaving 
it just to go with me.

And to be honest, taking him with me would jeopardize our chances of getting 
away.  While I could be gone for a day or two without being missed, they would 
be searching for Nathan before lunchtime if he didn't show up at the pit one 
day, and the first person they'd want to talk to would be me. 

It took me until that Thursday to work out all the details for our escape, yet I 
still had no idea how to break it to Nathan and just decided to get it over 

I waited until I figured Nathan would be getting ready for bed, figuring if 
anything went wrong and he tried to stop me, I could put him to sleep and then 
have that night and part of the next day before anyone would start looking for 

He was already in bed when I knocked, but was just enjoying his sister's mouth 
on his cock before calling it a day.

"What is wrong, amigo?" he asked when he saw the stress on my face.  "Has 

"She's fine.  In fact she better than fine.  That's why...  Shit, Nathan," I 
sighed, sitting down on the bed beside him.  "I want you to know that you're the 
best... partner I could ever have, and I've more fun with you than I've had in a 
long time."

"Si, I feel the same way," Nathan grunted.  "You have given me so much, amigo.  
I could never begin to repay you..."

"Shit, you gave me just as much as I gave you.  At least you had voice before I 
came along.  We helped each other equally, you know?"

"I still feel mucho gratitude for you picking me to be your partner," he said 

"Well, the others were being jerks to me just like they were to you, just 
weren't being as obvious about it.  You were the only choice, amigo.  I'd make 
the same choice again."

"I'm am very happy to hear that.  For the past few days I felt as if you were 
upset with me.  You seem very tense when around me.  Why is this?"

"Shit.  Yeah, you're right.  It's because I...  Shit, I don't know how else to 
say it but to say it...  Uhm..."

"Then say it," he said, getting a bit tense himself.

I looked him in the eyes and said, "I'm leaving.  I'm taking Nana and Sakura 
back to the states with me, but I couldn't go without telling you."

"When?" he said softly after the color returned to his face.

"Tonight," I simply said, now avoiding his eyes.

"Do you know what would happen to you if Grandfather catches you?"

"Yeah, I know.  I'd probably forget my name and everything..."

"May I ask why you want to leave?"

"There's lots of reasons, I guess.  But one of the biggest is to get Sakura away 
from here so she can grow up like a normal person and not as a slave.  I can't 
bear thinking..."

"I will get my things..." Nathan sighed.  "I trust you have a plan on getting 

"Huh? Yeah, I do.  What do you mean you're getting your things?  You're not 
really going to..."

"I can not let my best amigo wander around my country and get caught watching a 
sunrise," he said matter of fact like as he got out his pack from our two week 
excursion and started selecting clothes to take.

When I was too shocked to reply, he turned around and said, "And without you to 
protect my secrets, I would also not know my name by the end of the week."

"Shit," I finally said, realizing my mistake.  "I'm sorry Nathan.  I didn't 
think about them finding out you knew before I left.  But what if I..."

He walked over to me, put his hands on my shoulders, looked me square in the 
eyes and said, "You wish to leave, then I wish to leave.  You wish to stay, then 
I wish to stay.  I owe Grandfather nothing now that you have shown me what I can 
do.  He did not give me the one thing I desired, and that was respect.  You did.  
Now the others respect me, and yes I will miss them and the pit, but we are 
partners.  We shall have these other things no matter where we go together."

All I could do was smile and nod, but when he released my shoulders to go finish 
packing, I was overwhelmed by my feelings and grabbed him and hugged him.

At first he resisted, but he relaxed a moment later and gingerly returned the 
hug.  I probably would have done anything he asked of me right then.  That's how 
touched I was by his... loyalty?  I guess that's what it seemed to me at the 
time.  Now I believe he didn't wish to lose the power the share link gave him as 
much as any feelings of loyalty he had towards me.

I was surprised when he considered out loud whether or not to take his sister 
with him, but I insisted he should otherwise he may never see her again.

Two hours later, the five of us were outside waiting for a guard with a dog to 
move on before we tried to slip through the front gate.  

While we waited, Nathan nudged me and said telepathically, "Promise me this one 
thing before I risk all I am for your sense of honor."

"What's that?" I thought back to him while concentrating on the situation at 

"If when we get to your homeland you make up with your girlfriend, you suggest 
to her we have a... double penetration?"

That got my full attention, but when I saw the wicked smile on his face, I had 
to muffle my chuckle so the dog wouldn't hear.

Just as I finished giving Nathan a friendly punch for making me laugh, the guard 
left his post to go pee.  This was exactly the break I was waiting for. 
While the guard was pissing down into a drainage ditch and the dog was waiting 
its turn to do the same, we snuck past the first check point and were out of 
sight by the time they were done.

The next obstacle was an electronic alarm which was very similar to the one my 
parents had installed after recovering from Steven's brainwashing.  I had the 
door to the maintenance access crawlway open in less than a minute, then spent 
nearly a half an hour having cussing fits while trying to unbolt another access 
door whose bolts had been wielded shut.

I almost called the whole thing off at that point, but luckily Nathan spotted 
another one further down the spider web filled crawlway, and after three tries 
it opened up into another crawlway branching away from the one we were in.

Unfortunately it was a bit muddy, but there was another access door that while 
it didn't lead out to the same place, it at least opened for us and we were 
closer to getting away than before.

You see, the crawlways were within the fortified wall, and while there was no 
way to get out that way, it did provide us with needed cover to get past a lot 
of security.  I had to scout around in the dark a little to figure out where we 
were, then we carefully made our way to the last door between us and the main 

It took me a little longer to open that door, for the lock on it was a lot more 
complicated and I wasn't all that experienced in lock picking.  At least the 
alarm was as easy as the first one, and after ten minutes of sweating it, I had 
the door open.

As we walked down the tunnel like entrance, Nathan slapped me on the back and 
grinned at me for he knew as well as I that there were no guards or other 
detection devices beyond lookouts watching the entrance, and I was already 
taking care of the lookouts at that time.

But then just as Nathan reached the end of the passage, he froze.  I nearly 
bumped into him before noticing, and was about to make a joke of it when I saw 
his face was blank.

I knew that expression all too well, and was in the middle of saying "Oh Shit," 
when two figures stepped around the corner ahead of us.  I felt a familiar 
tingling before I imagine my face went blank as well.


Tim, the Teenage MC
By Rass Senip
Chapter XVI:  11th Grade, Summer 1988
Part 7 - Escape to Witch Mountain
(mc, mf)

The next thing I knew, I was lying on a bed without a stitch of clothes and sore 
cock.  My brain felt sluggish, and I had this strange taste in my mouth, but I 
managed to say "fuck-n-shit-to-hell" a few times before sitting up and taking in 
my cell.

Cell... Shit.  So it wasn't a cell, but just because there weren't any bars on 
the windows and shit didn't make it any less of a prison.  I was actually back 
in my room, alone.  

Not surprisingly, the link with Nathan was gone, and I couldn't seem to feel him 
or anyone out with the little telepathic ability I had.  I felt strangely calm 
about all this, and oddly enough I decided to take a shower after noticing the 
little bit of dried mud still clinging to my shins.

I knew I had spent an unknown amount of time being fucked by a twin, and that 
the next time I saw one, it would be just before I forgot everything I ever 
knew.  Normally this would have scared me shitless, but apparently the twin had 
done something to make me stay calm and relaxed like I felt then.

I even packed my stuff up and made the bed thinking it would be impolite to 
leave the suite like that.  I also was tempted to get dressed, but I knew that 
would be a waste of time.  I would only have to take it off again for my 
reprogramming fuck.

When everything I could think of doing was done, I simply sat on the bed and 
waited.  My mind wandered a bit, and I began wondering what happened to Nathan 
and what would happen to him and his sister.

The more I dwelled on this, the less... patience I had, and by the time I heard 
someone coming down the hall, I had torn my room up and was again sitting 
patiently on the bed once more.

When the door opened, I immediately asked, "What's going to happen to Nathan?"

Kain didn't mask his surprise, but didn't bother answering it either.  He had a 
pair of twins right behind him, and only motioned I should follow him which I 
did after feeling a warning from their empathic touch.

I felt... humiliated as I followed them naked to the palace, Peter and a couple 
of the girl voices watching from a safe distance, seeing I was in serious shit 
and was about to get my punishment.  If they hadn't already known, then they did 

When we reached Gladius's office, I was really getting concerned when Nathan 
wasn't there.

"Where's Nathan?  What are you going to do to him?  He doesn't deserve..."

"Silence, slave!" Gladius snapped.  "Your betrayal should be the only thing on 
your mind.  Nathan's loyalty to you was expected after seeing the bond between 
you two from before.  Your fates have always been linked."

"You bastard.  You knew I'd try to leave, didn't you!"

"You overestimate me, boy.  I gave you what you believed you have always wanted, 
a chance to use your abilities to their fullest, then gave you a home and a 
challenging position to apply your skills to.  And what do you do to repay me?  
You betray me by attempting to steal one of the most promising girls I've seen 
in years along with abandoning your post and that of your partners.  You're not 
worth my time to tell you this."

I was about to argue this with him when the thought suddenly occurred to me he 
must want something from me to bother interrogating me like this.

I looked him in the eye and said, "What do you want from me?  You can't tell me 
you enjoy watching me squirm."

He blinked a moment, then said, "Very good...  I do want something from you, but 
I also do enjoy watching you... squirm.  So lets see if you can work that out on 
your own."

"Fuck you," I spat.  "You want something from me, the least you can do is tell 
me what it is."


I felt that tingle again, then the next thing I knew I was home, holding a chain 
in my right hand, staring at...

"Mom?" I gasped as she raised her bloody head up to look at me.

"Why, Joey, WHY?!" she sobbed before I automatically raised the chain up and 
began beating her with it again.

As my horror and frantic panic overtook me, I felt that tingle again, then found 
myself right back in Gladius's office.

He waited for me to collect myself, then saw the rage boiling in my eyes when I 
realized it hadn't really happened.

"Unless you wish to experience more family get-togethers, I suggest you watch 
your tongue and start 'squirming,'" Kain said from behind me.

"Shit," I gasped, realizing for the first time how powerful his twins were.

"Alright," I relented.  "What would you want from me.  Well, I do have a nice 
body, but then you're not into gay shit like that.  So you don't want me for my 
body.  If you wanted me for my share link, you would have enslaved me or 
something to get that, so that can't be it.  But then what can't you get from me 
if you enslaved me that you can get this way?  Fuck if I know.  Unless...

"Holy shit!  That's it, isn't it!  You want my thought encryption!  You know if 
you enslave me, it isn't worth horse shit because you can't get past my failsafe 
in time!  HAHAHA!"

"Girls?" Gladius said.

"No WAIT!" I cried.  "I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at..  At me!  Tim 
made me put that in so if I got enslaved and he later freed me, I wouldn't have 
to redo it all... I hated him for it, but...  Shit...  So what do I get in 

"Get for it?" Kain snorted.  "What makes you think..."

"Kain," Gladius warned before saying to me, "You're in no position to bargain.  
Either you provide me with the information, or you experience personally 
torturing every family member you have, starting with your little nephew you 
care so much about." 

"Tommy?" I whimpered, feeling trapped and very vulnerable which was exactly what 
they intended for me to feel.

I agreed, and as I explained the inner workings of what had to be my most prized 
accomplishment up to that time, I felt truly beaten, and felt even the anger and 
rage I had always counted on to draw strength from in the worst situations leave 

When Gladius was satisfied he could master my innovation, I went with Kain back 
to his lab without argument.  Nathan was there, his face as blank as they come, 
and for a moment I grieved for my friend when he didn't respond to my saying his 

"Kain," I said after laying down beside Nathan with a traderous hardon.  "Who 
will I be afterwards?"

"He'll be here in a moment," he said before signaling to the twins who escorted 
us to move into position.

I was nearly going out of my mind with panic and desire by the time another pair 
of twins came in with the two male voices who taught the children.

"Nathan you're with that one again," Kain said in Spanish to one of them, 
pointing at my Nathan.  

"Lucas, your soon to be acolyte would like to meet you before he becomes you."

Lucas grinned wickedly at me, then in Spanish said, "You're gonna love being me, 
kid.  I just love the kiddies.  They're always a good fuck."

I just closed my eyes and waited for it all to end, not feeling any emotion 
besides the dread of an imminent death.

I don't remember the exact moment the twin began her humping, I just suddenly 
found myself recalling the memory of Joy fucking me that second time at our camp 

Memories, I had lots of memories.  Fun ones, happy ones, tender ones, all the 
things I did that I was proud of or had a blast doing went first.  Suzi was in a 
lot of them, and so was Tim, but for the most part the ones I dwelled on were 
primarily about Suzi instead of him.

I had a sense that I was never going to see these memories again, so I was very 
careful to relish in them while I had the chance.  My birthdays, my Christmases, 
my eight grade graduation...  The thrill of driving for the first time alone, 
and that faithful day I lost my virginity with Suzi on the sofa at school.

Girls I had enslaved, guys I had played sports with, friends from preschool and 
on...  Peoples faces, places I visited, toys I had outgrown and tossed.  All 
these things seemed whiz through my mind, and pretty soon my life's positive 
aspects were gone.

Then came my betrayal, my plans and plots to enslave Tim to enjoy the things I 
wanted and he denied. Then his betrayal, his rat, Sarah's releasing it, my 
tantrums and my purposely re-experiencing the hatred and anger Steven had given 
me for him just to make me stronger so I could get my revenge on him.  These 
things were painful to experience a second time through, but not as painful as 
the things I did for Steven.  Enslaving Suzi...  Watching her as they gave her 
the drug and her spirit slowly drained away...  Helping Steven break her in...  
Oh God, if that didn't hurt...  It was probably the hardest thing I had to 
endure in my life.

There was no emotion, just... pain as I relived these moments of my life.  Then 
when even these were gone, the pain remained.

I was re-experiencing some of my dullest moments of my life, followed by a few 
odds and ends like embarrassing moments and times I wished I could fly.  There 
was a brief period of nothing, yet I was actively searching my memory for any 
last fragments... then suddenly I was back in the cave with Lea...

"... Has anyone told you that you look a lot like your father when he was your 

"YOU LEAVE my FUCKING FAMILY out of this, or I'll!..  I'll..  Oh god...  What 
are you doing to me?"

"Why I'm going to fry your brain with pleasure, Joey...  Don't you want me to do 

"Don't you?"

"Don't you?"

"Don't you?..."

Lea's face...  seemed to hover before my eyes for a long time, so long that my 
vision blurred until I no longer could make it out.

Then I saw movement, and another voice...  somewhat familiar to me... saying 
something I didn't understand.

At first I assumed Lea had moved closer for the red headed blur seemed larger, 
her features slightly more defined than before.  But as the voice continued to 
speak, I struggled to focus my eyes while comprehending her words, then found 
myself becoming angry.

The voice, the female voice was talking about mom and dad...  And Sarah...  And 
Tommy... Something about...  No...  No, not again...  They couldn't be....  Not 
Tommy.  Please not Tommy.. NO!  NOT TOMMY!  YOU HEAR!  I WON'T LET YOU!  I WON'T 

My eyes focused on my tormentor, and at first I thought Lea had grown up in 
front of my eyes, but then my memory clicked and I recognized the face of who I 
knew to be Lea's mother.

Zoe continued to build my anger and my rage to the point I was throthing with 
emotion, violently spasming as she drove me beyond the bounds of sanity and kept 
going further and further with the promises of Tim telling me what I could and 
could not feel, think, even breathe...

At that point the force pulling out these memories stopped, but it was already 
too late.  I don't know what else Zoe said to anger me even more, perhaps she 
could have said anything at that point and I would have just gotten angrier no 
matter what.  All I know is at some point my anger reached a breaking point, and 
like a balloon I released it all, flooding the others sharing that virtual space 
with my insane rage and anger to kill anyone I could get my hands on.

As it all flooded out of me and into the three beings I felt within my reach, 
the memory of Zoe ended with my vision blurred with a growing redness.  When my 
emotional balloon had deflated from its expulsion of all my anger and rage, 
everything went blood red, then faded to a fluffy white.

"Joey?" a young familiar voice said.  "It's your turn."

I found myself staring at a white puffy cloud in a bright blue summer sky, and 
after a moment I recalled what I was doing and said, "A turtle on its back doing 
the back stroke."

"A turtle?"

"That's what I see.  Not it, huh?"

"No...  Are you sure brothers see the same thing in clouds?"

"Sure I'm sure.  Come on.  The more we practice, the more like brothers we will 

"All right," he sighed.  "But...  We're not really brothers, so maybe..."

"Yes we are!" I said with a lot of emotion.  "You're my brother.  We're always 
together, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but...  I mean, what if my mom has to take that job in New Jersey.  I'd 
have to go with her, and then..."

"Shut up!  Shut up shut up!" I said, fighting my tears.  "You're not going to 
move, you hear!  I'll die if...  You can't leave me.  Don't leave me?"

"I won't," he said with emotion.  "I left Teddy, but I won't leave you.  I swear 
to God I won't.  We'll always be together, okay?...  We'll even have a house 
together with our wives and all our kids."

"Yeah..." I said, feeling better thinking about that.  "Yeah, our kids could 
play together, and they could all be brothers and sisters like we are..."

"Who do you want to marry?  I think I'd marry Toni."

"That's only because she has the same initials as you."

"So?  I think that'd be cool."

"Well I'd want someone who...  who...  who can think on their feet like I can."

"Yeah?  Like who?"

"Let me see...  Well, Benji is always talking in class, but always gives a good 
excuse when she gets caught."

"Yeah, but I bet she'll be a woof woof when she gets older with that name," he 
snickered.  "What about that new girl, Suzi?  She's already figured Rhonda out 
and told her to 'jump off one of her daddy's airplanes without a parachute.'"

"Heheh, I bet Rhonda loved that.  But Cindy said she was asking who you were.  I 
think she likes you."

"So?  We're brothers, right?  If she likes me, she likes you."

"Well, I guess...  It's your turn, and we got a new cloud above us so..."

I waited for his answer for a lot longer than I should have, then realized the 
white bulb shaped cloud I was staring at wasn't a cloud, but real light bulb.

I was still a bit dazed when my attention was drawn to the sounds of several 
people breathing, one of them right into my ear.

I snapped to my senses when I recognized the feel of the twin's body, then 
carefully rolled her off me and looked around.

All four twins were out cold, just like the three males they were...

"Nathan," I gasped as I scrambled to roll the matching twin from on top of him.

The gasp that followed was orders of magnitude greater, the shock I received 
when looking at Nathan's face almost caused me to faint right there on the spot.

Before me laid the same dark haired young man I had met a month and a half ago, 
the same person I had shared my biggest and darkest fantasies with and had grown 
to trust during our adventures of enslaving and raping the countryside.

But this face...  was known to me from before that time.  I had loved and hated 
it, I had kissed and despised it, and now I couldn't believe my eyes that it was 
the one and the same.

I reached out and touch it, then felt light headed and laid down beside him to 

"What was it Gladius said?" I mumbled to myself.  "He expected Nathan's loyalty 
to me after seeing the bond between us from before?  Our fates have always been 

I looked at Tim's face again, then felt a mixture of anger, guilt, friendship, 
yeah, even a little love...  His face didn't cause the fire in my chest like it 
had before.  Every time I tried to recall a moment his features made me angry, 
those same features became Nathan's and calmed me.

"Lea...  No, it was Zoe...  Shit, they both were in on it.  But why?"

That was an important question, but then Lea's last words to me became super 
clear and shocked me again.

"They knew this would happen...  They fucking planned it," I said kind of 
loudly, sitting up and looking at Tim's unconscious body.

I knew I had to get us out of there, and the only place I could think to go was 
up the mountain to Lea's cave.  But how to get there without the guards I never 
saw stopping me...

My eyes wandered around Kain's lab looking for anything which would help me, or 
if nothing else something to tie the others up with even though it probably 
wouldn't really stop them from getting the alarm out if they woke.

"Shit," I exclaimed when I realized I had lost an entire day somewhere from 
seeing the date on the desk calendar.  "Saturday? What happened to Friday?" I 
muttered without thinking as I tied the real Nathan up with his own shirt.

"Friday," I repeated as I did his legs.  "I always _liked_ Fridays!" I said 
angrily, making the bonds extra tight. 

"Of course I liked Saturdays even more," I said to Lucas as I started doing the 
same to him.  "And you, you fucker wanted to take all my Saturdays...  

"Shit!  It's Saturday!" I exclaimed.  "Haha!  Now if I can only get Tim to 
accept the link.."

I finished tying the drooling fucker up, then slipped on his shorts which were 
kind of snug before getting down on the floor next to Tim and turning him 
towards me.

"Shit, if only I had my coin," I muttered when I got no response from my 
telepathic query.  "Tim...  Shit.  Nathan.  Whoever you think you are...  WAKE 


"Nathan, if you're still in there, don't take this the wrong way," I said before 
pressing my lips against his and initiating a kiss.


"Fuck!  What do I have to do, apologize?"


"That's it, isn't it!  You fucking bastard.  You'd risk both of us being 
brainwashed into thinking we're someone else just to hear me say 'I'm sorry, 
Tim.  You were right, and I was wrong'?!?"

His breathing changed slightly, or it might have been my imagination, but I 
wasn't about to take the chance.

"I'm sorry, Tim.  I'm sorry for...  fuck...  For not believing you knew 
something that I didn't.  For going behind your back to do things you knew would 
only make me want more.  I'm sorry for not being the friend...  the brother you 
have been to me.  I'm sorry...  I guess I deserve to..."

"Joey?" someone whispered loudly from behind the lab's door.

"What?  Who's there?" I said, wiping my tears from my face.

"Janel.  Lea told me to come and get you.  Are you okay?  The door's locked."

"I am now," I said, getting up and unlocking the door.

"You've been a busy boy," she said, taking in the scene.

"Yeah, and you're gonna be in big trouble for helping me and... Nathan."

"That's okay.  As soon as I'm done here, Lea arranged a deal to help me and Cory 
get away without losing the last four years of our memories.  Grandfather 
wouldn't...  What's wrong with Nathan?"

"His mind's asleep.  And his name isn't Nathan, it's Tim.  That's the real 
Nathan," I said, pointing to the bound man.  "And if things hadn't gone right, 
I'd be answering to the name of Lucas by now.  Shit.  I still can't link with 

"Janel, can I link with you?" I said urgently.  "Just until I can get us up to 

"You mean that thing that made Nathan... Tim?  Tim stronger?  Sure.  I wouldn't 
mind the power boost at all."

"Then accept this," I said as I initiated a share link with her.

As soon as I was linked, I reached out and felt around inside Tim's head, then 
concluded he was asleep just like my mom and I were before I kissed them.  For 
the time being, I wasn't going to try and wake him any more.  I just took 
control of his body and stood him up.

I think Janel was impressed at my puppeteer ability, but then she couldn't 
really appreciate how difficult it really was to walk two bodies at once, 
especially out of step from each other.

I practiced walking us around the room a bit, then told Janel I was ready.  
Janel went ahead and acted like a scout, and we didn't have any troubled finding 
and putting the guards to sleep without raising the alarm.  But when we reached 
the path leading up the mountain, we encountered a problem.

"The others are already up there," Janel said, seeing the smoke from their 

"Why would they go up there so early?" I wondered out loud, accidentally letting 
Tim walk into a tree while I gazed up at the smoke.

"I don't know.  They weren't up there when I came down looking for you," she 
said, watching Tim mechanically stand up.

"Let me go find out," she said, starting up the path.

"We can't wait for you to go up there, find that out, then come back.  We'll 
just have to try and fake it," said as I had Tim follow her and then followed 
them both myself.

We came up with several possible scenarios to use, but ended up having to go by 
the seat of our pants when we reached the clearing and found them having an 

Connie noticed us first, but only paused in her wild humping of Gordon's cock to 
wave.  Gordon apparently looked out through her eyes then, for suddenly Connie 
was complaining while he got up.

"Joey.  Nathan...  What are you doing up here?  I thought..."

The announcement of our names basically brought the orgy to an end, and everyone 
sort of asked the same question and then waited for an answer.

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I could, Peter said, "Look.  It doesn't 
matter.  You did something wrong, and you've been punished for it.  We've all 
been there."

"Some more than others," Jonas muttered.

"Yeah, so get those shorts off and...  What's wrong with you, Nathan?" Beatrice 

"I don't feel good," I had Tim say before sitting him down.

"Lea wanted to see the three of us," Janel said to distract their gazes at Tim's 
spacy expression.

That got their attention all right.

Shit.  If Lea hadn't shown up right at that moment, I think they would have all 
gone with us to find her, never before having heard of Lea wishing to see more 
than one of us at a time before.

But instead, we left them to get back to their orgy, but not before I told them 
a hasty goodbye.  None of them took it to mean a final goodbye, but they would, 

Janel and I each took a hand Lea offered to us, then we walked in silence all 
the way to the cave.  Before we went inside, however, I surprised Lea by picking 
her up and hugging her gently, saying, "Thank you.  For everything."

She gave me another one of her innocent little girl looks, then kissed me on the 
cheek before I put her down.

"I thank you, too, Joey.  It has been years since I've seen the children play so 
well with each other.  You've brought the one thing this place can't give them."

"What?  You don't mean..." 

"No, not love," she said as we entered the cave.  "But the beginnings of it.  
They all won't find it, but some of them will now.  Isn't that right 

"Yes, yes, Lea, my dear," Benjamin said from the table.  "Now where is that fool 
with my new toy?  Zoe, you promised I'd have..."

"Patience, Pa-pa..." Zoe said walking up to me.  "Play with your granddaughter, 
Pa-pa.  You know we won't be back for another year."

"Thank you," I said to her as Benjamin grumbled on a bit.  "I don't know how 
I'll repay you for all this, but I'll try and make it up somehow.  Uhm, why did 
you help me, anyway?"

Zoe looked over at her father, then rolled her eyes before I saw a wicked smile 
form on her lips.

"Because my ma-ma....  She knew your ma-ma and your pa-pa.  Even brought them 
together some would say..."

"ZOE!" her father exclaimed, cutting her off.  

When we looked at him, he said very in a very irritated voice, "WHERE is HE!  I 
will not go on like this much longer now!"

"I don't understand," I sighed as Zoe went over to him and soothed him.

Suddenly a short naked man with green camouflage paint all over his body 
silently scuttled in and in a very hushed voice spoke to Lea without taking his 
eyes off the rest of us.  He then departed as quickly as he came, but not 
without giving Zoe a slight bow of respect.

"He's coming now, Granddaddy," Lea announced. 

"Who was that?" Janel asked before I could.

"The help," Benjamin answered distantly.  "There's a whole tribe of them running 
around out there watching the woods, protecting Lea, taking care of her...  Zoe, 
he isn't much to look at."

"Pa-pa, I told you, no peeking!"

"Who's coming?" I asked, then forgot my question while checking out Tim's bump 
on his head from the tree earlier.  "Lea, do you have a first aid kit?"

After I retrieved kit, I cleaned the minor cut and was just finishing putting on 
a bandage when I froze in fright from hearing Kain's voice say, "Lea?  I have 
the two slaves you...  Zoe?"

The way he said her name sounded as if...  Well, I just knew...  Put it this 
way.  I would have sounded the same way if I had walked in and found Suzi 
standing there.

He was speechless for a moment, but then he saw me and Tim, and then Benjamin.

"What is going on?  Why are they here?  They were supposed to be..."

"Never mind them," Benjamin said irritated and impatiently.  "Bring your two 
companions in!  I want to get this over with."

"Zoe, I can't allow this," Kain said, almost pleading like.

"Shhh," she said, walking up to him like a predator approaching a petrified 
prey.  "We are together again.  This only matters."

"But I...  Ahhh..." Kain cooed as Zoe stroked the back of his head.  After a 
couple of strokes, he took Zoe in to a lover's embrace and said  "Zoe, Zoe, 
Zoe...  My Zoe..."

"That's right, my love," she said, "Lea said you missed me."

"My Zoe..." he gurgled happily from her shoulder.  But then his gaze fell across 
me and Tim again that caused him to get a hold of himself and say, "But my 

"Tell me, my love...  Would your father rather have them? Or a grandson."

"WHAT?!?" Benjamin cried.  "Don't tell him that, child!"

"Pa-pa, I will tell him what I wish.  He is my mate."

"I forbid you to have a boy child with him!  You have Lea."

"Pa-pa, don't talk to me this way.  You know what will happen.  Please don't 
make me do that to you."

"Why you little...  This was all your mother's idea!  Wait until I get back 
and...  FINE!  Give Gladius what he wants!  See if I care!  I'll be long dead 
before all of you have to deal with it.  I'll hold you personally responsible, 
Zoe!  You!  Boy!  Joey!  Take this and get ready to leave."

I just had enough time to react and catch my coin, then before I could ask why, 
Nana walked in along with Cory.

"I just want make sure we have an understanding," Janel said in a worried tone.  
"You're only going to use him until we're in Germany?"

"Yes, yes...  I'll probably be done with him before then since his size isn't 
that great," Cory said, feeling his crotch. "Nana, I missed your mouth..  I wish 
a blow job before we leave."

"J'obéis, seigneur," Nana said.

"Uhm Joey..." Janel said, as Nana started give Cory head and Zoe gasped from 
somewhere on the floor with Kain.

"Huh?" I said while rubbing my coin against my cheek.  

"I know this is kind of... at the last minute, but could you...  show me how 
that two way thing works?"

I stared blankly at her, then jerked myself to attention before saying, "Sure.  
You want to go someplace more private?"

"Nah, right here on the table will be okay," she said with an evil grin.

I'll say one thing, Cory was a lucky guy to have her as his mistress.  Sure, 
Janel could be a real bitch, but man, she was a good fuck.

Before I left, I tried to talk Lea into somehow getting Sakura up here to take 
with me or somehow set her free another way, but she wouldn't even consider it.  
I regretted leaving Sakura like that.  I can't tell you how much it pained me to 
do so, but I had to get Tim out of there and there just wasn't time to go back 
for Sakura too.

I said goodbye to Janel and Benjamin on the other side of the mountain, Zoe 
having decided to stay with her daughter and Kain a while.  Not that I could 
blame her with the mood her father was in.  I kind of pitied Janel having to put 
up with him all the way to Germany, but she didn't have much choice about if she 
wanted to get Cory back in one piece.

I managed to get Tim and I out of Venezuela within a day without being linked to 
anyone, which wasn't easy considering Tim was flat on his back the whole time.  
For obvious reasons I was reluctant to go very far into Colombia without the 
link, and with the help of the coin, I managed to trigger a share link with Tim. 
After that, I didn't have any troubles getting us a fast ride out of South 
America all together.  

In Panama, I did a lot of soul searching and went through some personal hell 
before managing to wake Tim up with a heart felt kiss.  I don't mind telling you 
I cried after he opened his eyes.  And I swore from that moment on I would 
always look out for him, whether he wanted me to or not, just like he had tried 
to do for me.  I felt certain it really was Tim in my coin linked dreams.  How 
he was able to do it while his conscious mind believed himself to be another 
person we'll never know.

Which brings me to the subject of Nathan.  The Nathan I knew is gone and nothing 
can ever bring him back.  He believed in me like no one else ever has, including 
Suzi and Tim.  Yeah, I know...  It was really Tim all the time, but to me it 
wasn't.  How Gladius's twins fooled me into believing Tim was another person, 
I'll never understand.  But in a lot of ways, Nathan was a different person, the 
combination of Tim and the real Nathan which resulted in something that was both 
but neither of them.  I'll never forget my best amigo, and in his honor I named 
my first born Nathan Franklin Connor which I think he would have liked.

Shit... Speak of the devil, here he is.   He's telling me it's time to go play 
blocks again. "Yes, master Nathan.  I'll be there in a moment," I tell him.   

He's such a slave driver... heh...  Like father like son, I guess.  Shit.
