Tim, the Teenage MC
By: Rass Senip

About Blackie, _The Book_, and more:

For those who have wondered, no, I am not Blackie.  I am simply an admirer of 
his fine work - _The Book_.  I started writing this story intending it to co-
exist inside _The Book_'s universe using the general concepts Blackie invented.  
I also was committed to NOT 'rewrite' _The Book_'s universe.  I just wanted to 
play around in it and have some fun.

But after writing probably the first five chapters, I realized that even though 
I hadn't conflicted with it, I had added a lot of material which Blackie hadn't 
even touched.  Like empathic abilities being completely separate from telepathic 
abilities.  So at that time I decided to remove any conclusive references (which 
turned out to only be naming the Cabal in the very first chapter) just so I 
don't unintentionally step on Blackie's toes some how.

In my original plans, I didn't want to use any characters from _The Book_, just 
the familiar objects (ie the coins) and the mechanics of how telepathy worked 
(ie the symbols).  

In other words, I wanted to stay inside _The Book_'s universe without altering 
it's landscape in any way, and most importantly not to include any explanations 
for the events that later took place in _The Book_.  When I realized I couldn't 
do that without changing my evolving concepts for my story, a parallel universe 
was born, one that doesn't have to go by its parent's rules.

Mostly I did this in case Blackie ever does come back and finish it.  He 
apparently was a college student at the time he wrote _The Book_.  The comments 
he made at the last two parts of _The Book_ made it sound as if he was getting 
pretty busy with other things in life, and his motivation to finish _The Book_ 
appeared to be suffering.  I just hope he is alive and well, and maybe someday 
finish _The Book_, with or with out the sex.  He left behind a mystery that I 
would love to read the conclusion to.

After writing a considerable portion of chapter 11, I have reconsidered my 
decision concerning whether Tim, the Teenage MC exsists in _The Book_'s 
universe.  I feel that the plans I have made and the parts I have already 
written still follow the basic structure Blackie created.  I have altered the 
landscape by adding on to that structure, but I hope I have done so without 
disturbing the original vision.  If a person can read _The Book_ after reading 
Tim and isn't troubled with conflictions between them, I feel they should be 
considered in the same universe, and that is what I am now striving for.

Blackie's story _The Book_ has a very strong plot and good story line, and in my 
opinion his writing is better than mine.  The problem is, he never finished it.  
It just stops in the middle of a great story, no hints of what is to come or how 
Bob will deal with the threat of "The Institute."

Even though it leaves you hanging, I still recommend you read _The Book_ because 
it's so good.  So check it out at http://www.mcstories.com/Book/

About Tim, the Teenage MC:

I started writing about Tim in February 1997, but developed most of the first 
eight or so chapters in May/June 1997.  I originally posted Chapters I-VIII for 
the very first time on July 10th, 1997 at approximately 12:05 am.  I didn't post 
anything before then because I was reworking it to a new structure.  If I had 
kept the original structure, Tim would have run out of things to do before the 
tenth grade.

Under the new structure, everything takes place over a longer time period, which 
is based upon my own highschool years (class of '89).  I'm 26 now and still in 
college (I worked for a while before deciding that I definitely wanted more out 
of life than working as a movie theatre manager.)  

If I do complete this story in whole which it looks like I will, the conclusion 
will take place in 1992, three years after my/Tim's graduation.  If you figure 
_The Book_ took place when Blackie wrote it in 1993, the result is that all 
events in my story occur before Bob discovered the book in the crawl space.  
Well, the very last chapter I intend to write would be a "what happened to" kind 
of thing that would include a brief description of Tim's life from 1992 to the 
present.  It probably would not be more than a single part though, and almost 
certainly would not have any sexual content in it.

With that said, the remaining chapters will take place during the highschool 
years.  My life as a teen was nothing like Tim's.  Just the surroundings and 
stuff are from my own highschool experiences, and as Blackie said in the 
beginning of_The Book_'s fifth part:

"As occasionally mentioned, the characters in this story are entirely fictional, 
and any resemblance to anyone living, dead or otherwise  rumored to exist is 
entirely the result of coincidence, and a wild imagination. No one I know is the 
least bit like anyone I'd write  about, well almost no one. Okay, maybe a few, 
but it'd be hard to prove, even in private. Come to think of it, who are these 
people anyway?"

On a side note, I'd like to point out something that I think is a strong 
indicator that I'm not Blackie...  Blackie never wrote a single line involving 
male to male sex (that I know of).  He was straight, where I'm just a little 
bent. :)

About the Male/Male Sex In Rass's work

I consider the mm stuff just.. youth experimentation, I guess. Something I've 
never done, and had no intention of doing back then, but now it seems like it 
would have been okay in the erotic sense.  For some reason I find the thought of 
male teens getting it on terribly arousing, but I do not find men attractive at 
all.  I have fantasized about teen boys to the point of where my morals were the 
only thing keeping me from doing something very wrong (I'm talking non-
consensual here), so the male homosexual aspect of the story is my own form of 
therapy, contemplating what's right and wrong within the story.

Since I started writing Tim, I have resolved my problems by seeing that I am not 
a teen anymore and do not fit the role for performing the actions I had 
fantazised about.  I have said in the past I was trying to work myself away from 
the male-teen gay stuff, but now that I have worked out the confliction on the 
subject, I have decided to allow myself to include it.  I still intend to write 
mostly hetero scenes however, for that is my preferred orientation.

Okay, so Chapters 13-15 had ended up having more homosexual activity in them 
than I originally promised, mostly due to my reintroduction of Eric into the 
story.  However, chapters 17-19 will be a long and totally straight heterosexual 
romance, and chapter 18 won't contain any sex at all.  So for all of those who 
are sick of the gay action, you have something new to look forward too now.

What I will and won't promise to do:

I can't promise I will write everything I have planned in my head so far, but I 
can assure you this:  I will not quit with a story line unfinished.  I hate 
cliffhangers, and I know how frustrating reading a story you find interesting 
and suddenly reach the point where the author just stopped without concluding 
the tale they were telling.

If for some reason I do stop before I finish the story, I will post the general 
outline and anything else I have written before I disappear.  I've even made 
arrangements to have all my work sent to someone who could post it all for me in 
the case of my death.  Not that I think about that kind of thing usually, but 
after a murder in the family Christmas time of 97', I guess you can say I'm more 
aware of how mortal my existence is.

Stories from _The Book_'s Universe

The following is a list of known stories set in _The Book_'s universe, along 
with Internet addresses for the stories.  The latest version of all these 
stories set in _The Book_'s Universe are also available at:

--------------Stories by Blackie---------------------
_The Book_ 
_A Weekend by the Book_ section (a) [_The Book_ pt 2]
_A Weekend by the Book_ section (b) [_The Book_ pt 3]
_Book, What Book?_                  [_The Book_ pt 4]
_Illiteracy Subdued_                [_The Book_ pt 5]
_Chapter & Worse_                   [_The Book_ pt 6]
_Censorship_                        [_The Book_ pt 7]
_Overleaf_                          [_The Book_ pt 8]
_Reviewers_                         [_The Book_ pt 9]
_Out of Print_                      [_The Book_ pt 10]
_High Acid Content_                 [_The Book_ pt 11]
_Deep in the Pages_                 [_The Book_ pt 12]
_Booked to the Rafters_             [_The Book_ pt 13]


From the Files of the Institute AY0001
From the Files of the Institute WT0002
From the Files of the Institute MB0004
From the Files of the Institute AL0005
(Note that the title on mcstories is wrong.)

Blackie also wrote the first part to Tommy Takes Charge
  but this story is not set in _The Book_'s universe


---------Stories by The Flying Pen------------
Tales From the Institute, WC0006

Other stories written by The Flying Pen can be found at: 

-------------Stories by Bartlett--------------
Bartlett 1 - Donut Holes
Bartlett 2 - Lee and Me
Bartlett 3 - Lee's Private Time


----------Stories by Rass Senip---------------
Tim, the Teenage MC  (19 chapters posted, 22 planned)

Chapters 1-19
    Primary Home Page: /~Rass_Senip/
  Secondary Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Den/9691/
    Also available at: http://www.mcstories.com/Tim/

You can also get all the posted chapters (1-19) in text format at:
Rise of a God
    Primary Home Page: /~Rass_Senip/
  Secondary Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Den/9691/
    Also available at: http://www.mcstories.com/RiseOfAGod/

You can also get this in text format at:

Please note I have included Tim, the Teenage MC and Rise of a God here because I 
originally based them in _The Book_'s universe.  I have attempted to stay in 
synch with Blackie's original work while adding on to it, but this was done 
without being able to consult with him.  Therefore, my own work does not 
necessarily jive with Blackie's intended concept and could be considered to be 
in a universe of its own.  Tim will NOT encounter The Institute in his lifetime.  
That is a story only Blackie can finish.

All word totals include the original author's comments.

    _The Book_ series: 108,621 words
From the Files series:  14,893 words
      Blackie's total: 123,514 words

     Flying Pen total: 17,643 words

       Bartlett total: 8,696 words

  Tim [Chapters 1-19]: 948,720 words (1900 pages!)
        Rise of a God:  18,823 words
     Rass Senip total: 967,543 words

To give you an idea of how much we are talking about, a book can have between 
90k - 130k words (according to Blackie's comments in part 10 of _The Book_).

I wonder how many you have to have for a novel..... :)

If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to email me at 
rass_senip@usa.net. Flames will be ignored, spams like wise.

   Originally created: Sunday, July 27th, 1997 @ 1:30pm CDT (GMT -5:00)
Modified and expanded: Sunday, September 12th, 1997 @ 12:15am CDT (GMT -500)
              Updated: Thursday, November 20th, 1997 @ 1:11pm CST (GMT -600) 
Modified and expanded: Thursday, March 5th, 1998 @ 1:45 pm CST (GMT -500)
              Updated: Saturday, March 20th, 1999 @ 10:10am CST (GMT -600) 

Primary Home Page: /~Rass_Senip/
Secondary Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Den/9691/

My home page has more than just the posted chapters, like graphics and parts 
I rewrote or threw out.

All posted chapters can be found doing a search in the Adult section of

The first 19 chapters can also be reliably accessed at 