Star Struck

by Rajah Dodger {} (c) 2003

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note must remain attached.

Abstract: A woman meets a different kind of illegal alien

Her dog scratched and whined at the back door, begging to go out into the hot
El Paso night. She grumbled, sliding out from under the silk sheets, and padded
barefoot to the kitchen. When she opened the door she beheld a nude man,
glistening as if from the rain -- except there had been no rain in two weeks.
Behind him stood a second glistening Adonis, and behind him what had to be a

"You are the One," the first one said, the capital letter audible even through
his odd Mexican accent. "We commmme in peeece". He held her with his eyes as
his companion joined them, and the three moved by unspoken agreement into the
small house as her dog ran to hide.

Their hands were slick and hot; her skin tingled as they removed her clothes.
When she was fully naked, they stood before and behind her, their erections
stirring her blood. The one behind pressed into her, but she was calmed by the
gaze of those strange golden eyes as the odd accent reassured her, "Relax... we
commmme in peeece."

To her surprise there was no pain, only a fullness that grew and tripled when
the one in front entered her. Their blood pulsed in counterpoint to her own
heartbeat and she lost herself in the universal rhythms until her legs gave way
and she floated in between them supported by their strong hands.

The two lowered her gently to the floor, stroking their dark-red erections over
her until first one then both sets of buttocks clenched. She realized as the
first hot drops hit her breasts how their accent had misled her, but lay
passively as they anointed her, silver streams among the gold, repeating that
mantra, "we commmme in peessss...".


Endnote: Composed for the 2003 Erotic Postcard Competition at FishTank; see the
winning entries at