Serpent's Tooth

by Rajah Dodger {} (c) 2006, 2009

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jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United
States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to
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explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and permission
note must remain attached.

Abstract: A woman's boyfriend extricates her from a sticky situation

The blade's edge sliced upward, white fabric parting with a reluctant tearing
sound. The young woman's eyes followed the glittering path of the tip
tremulously as the older man used it to flip first one delicate bra cup then
the other outward.

He paused, setting the stiletto down, and when he spoke it was with an unsteady
rasp in his voice. "You've only yourself to blame, you know," he murmured as he
walked around behind her. She was quite a sight -- the handcuff chain threaded
through the back of her panties, forcing her to keep her back arched lest the
thin material dig repeatedly up between her thighs.

Reaching around her body, he tugged the bra cups backward and out under her
arms, his fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake. Metallic jingling sounds
echoed off the walls as he knelt behind her, testing one key and then another
in the lock, his efforts causing her to writhe and twist, putting on an
unintentional but exceedingly erotic display.

Finally the cuffs clicked loudly and came loose. She stretched her arms upward,
flexing her wrists in relief and gasping as he pulled the seat of her panties
one last unavoidable time, sliding the metal along her bottom and out to the
floor. He picked up the blouse and passed it over her shoulder, watching the
flex and play of muscles along her bare back. "There you are; I hope you know
you owe me big time. Count yourself lucky she only superglued your bra clasp;
she could have just as easily poured it into the keyhole of the cuffs."

She busied herself with becoming presentable again, bending down to retrieve
her skirt and sliding it up her legs before turning around to face him. "Yes,
and I'll make it up to you." The smile on her face promised more than
perfunctory attention to that promise. "Look, Brian, I apologize, I really do,
but I can handle it from here. You couldn't tell, but she was peeking around
the corner when you tried to talk me into bringing in one of the female
officers. I think you put the fear of God into her. And besides, none of us
really want this escalated to her parents."

He looked at her, long and appraisingly, then nodded grudgingly and turned
through the door into the living room. He called over his shoulder as he headed
for the main entrance, "Well all right, ma'am, if you're sure you don't need me
to deal with her directly." She held the door for him, smiling, her eyes
twinkling. "I think I have matters well in hand, Officer, but thank you for all
your help."

She closed and locked the door behind her, her eyes changing from flirtatious
to determined, then went toward the stairs, looking for her errant charge.
Someone was about to get a very pointed lesson.