In Your Hands (a poem)

by Rajah Dodger {} (c) 2011

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Abstract: Reflections on a spanking

Remind me.
What am I doing here?
Fingers clench and release;
Lungs expand and contract;
And the hand comes down.

Or the wood. Or the leather.
I never know, can only anticipate.
A flurry, too fast to breathe
A measured cadence, unrelenting
The one no less poignant than the other.

Strike! Release. Strain! Breathe.
Body taut, mind fragmented
The least feathery touch a shock.
How am I? What was our signal;
Words fail - self fails.

There is no self, no words
Only action and reaction
Time and space collapse
My body Your instrument
Until the music is ended.

Floating, fragmented
Sights and sounds incoherent
Until You remind me.