La Gente

by Rajah Dodger {} (c) 2006, 2009

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Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are
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Abstract: A consultant out of town tries a "companion dancing" place for
evening entertainment

I was new in town, alone in San Antonio on a three-month programming gig, and
there was nothing on the motel cable on a slow Monday night. I picked up the
papers that I'd grabbed at the airport, and looked through the entertainment
sections. An ad caught my eye. The place was called "La Gente" and the ad
mentioned dancing with companions and convenient rates. That sounded like a
change from my usual mode of late-night entertainment, and at least it would
get me out of the drab motel room. I pulled up a map to check; it wasn't a
difficult drive form where I was staying, so off I went.

When I found the street, it was on the sleazy side of town. I passed two strip
clubs to get there, and La Gente itself was in an unassuming building easily
missed if you weren't looking for it. I parked in its lot, and looked across
the street at the flashing neon announcing "Topless Amateur Night" and
"Half-Price Table Dances". Their parking lot was overflowing, and the sound
system was audible from across the street. I shrugged my shoulders, turned to
the plain brown wooden door and went inside. I had never been one for flash.

There wasn't anything fancy to see at first glance, nor at second glance. The
entryway had a booth where a bored-looking matronly woman gossiped with a
couple of customers. On one edge of the booth was a rack of timecards and a
punch clock. Through an archway there was a big area with a pool table, a
couple of foosball tables, and a bar with a small TV set. There were several
sofas with people occupying them. Beyond that, another room was visible where a
glitter ball was turning.

I went to the booth and caught the woman's eye. "How’s it work?" I asked her.

She nodded at her gossip pals and turned to me. "Ten dollars to get in. Find a
girl you like, she clocks in. You owe the house twenty-five bucks an hour." She
spoke with a bored lisp, too lazy to cover it. "And, if you know what’s good
for you, tip the girl at least half of what you pay the house."

I juggled the numbers in my head – they rounded up to less than I usually blew
in the topless bars. Without much opportunity for extracurricular contact there
would also be a lot less pressure to spend my money. What the hell, I thought
and gave the woman a ten-spot.

The place wasn't full, but there wasn't a woman around without at least one guy
on her arm. The women here sure didn't look anything like the dancers across
the street – some were in dresses of various length, some in shorts and
tee-shirts. They were blondes, brunettes, Anglo and Latina with a few other
varieties represented. They ranged from college freshman age to maybe early
forties, and the guys keeping their company looked more like locals than
businessmen or college students. After a while, I gave up on getting an
uncontested conversation with any of the women and struck up a chat with the
bartender. He told me I'd have better luck later in the evening, after eleven.
I thanked him and headed for the door. I'd had a long day already. On a whim, I
asked the woman in the booth about the entry fee, and she politely refunded it.
Not bad, not bad at all.

I returned the next night at eleven, having taken a nap after dinner. My lust
and curiosity were both whetted by the wait. Why, I wondered, did the place
have a more active crowd *earlier* in the evening? The bartender's tip had been
good – the room wasn't nearly as busy. Two guys and two women were playing
pool. A couple of women chatted on one of the couches. I wandered over to
introduce myself and the shorter one -- a striking Latina in a leather dress --
stood to greet me.

"I’m Bonita," she said and picked up her purse. I followed her to the side
window where she retrieved her time card from a rack and got it punched.

We went hand in hand into the back room. Here there were small couches, coffee
tables, and parquet dance areas. I let her lead me to an area perhaps a touch
dimmer than the rest of the room, and I waited for her to settle into the couch
before I sat down next to her. We moved smoothly through the usual
who-what-where chatter until the sound system kicked into Billy Joel's "Just
The Way You Are".

"Care to dance," I asked.

"Absolutely," she said with a bright smile.

Bonita danced well. Better yet, she was the right height for her bottom to fit
nicely into my palm when I dropped my hand down that direction. She didn't push
me away either. She just leaned her head on my shoulder and nuzzled my ear with
her warm breath. I liked the way she kind of pushed her rear back into my hand,
and the sweet soft feel of her body against mine.

The guy running the music was conspiring with us -- the next three numbers were
all slow enough for close dancing. Very close. By the time they changed the
tempo, the front of her skirt was practically glued to the front of my pants,
and when we went to sit down her face was visibly flushed. If the lights had
been much higher, my own condition would have been equally obvious.

"I could use a drink," I told her. "Can I get you something?"

"Sure baby. How about a Sprite?"

When I stood up, her fingers slid over the back of my hand like little spider
feet dragging a web from my wrist down to my knuckles. It put a buzz in my arm
(and in the rest of me) that I still felt when I got to the bar.

On the way back with our drinks, I passed a couple practicing the tango. I
stopped to admire. The tango was as much a form of accepted public intimacy as
it was an art form. The man was tall and powerful; the woman's snug dress
implied more than it showed, although the calf-length skirt had an artfully
designed side slit that flashed quite a bit of thigh. Her hair was disheveled,
and they moved with an air of barely restrained sensual violence. I shook my
head in envy and went on to my own evening companion. Bonita had seen me pause,
and smiled knowingly as I handed the drink to her.

"She is very impressive, no? They are quite good together. I mean they enter
dance competitions." Her hand covered mine as I got arranged on the couch, and
we settled into a neutral conversation. I discussed my job and she told me
about her hobby riding horses outside of town. When the music slowed again,
Bonita asked me to join her on the dance floor, and I happily agreed.

There's a saying that dancing is the vertical expression of a horizontal idea.
Bonita had such ideas all over the place, and only my innate sense of propriety
(and perhaps her ability to read my reactions) kept that dance from being a
rather messy affair. When the music changed tempo this time, we held each other
around the waist and I started casting for an elegant way of asking her when
her shift was over. But before I could find the right words, she looked at her
watch and an expression of disappointment came over her face. She squeezed my
hand as she told me, "I'm so sorry, but I have to leave early tonight. Will you
be in town for long?"

I told her it was a three month job, and she smiled, her dark eyes lighting up.
She suggested that I come back the night after next, "when I will have time to
make your evening more memorable."

More anything sounded like a good idea to me. I was almost walking bowlegged as
I escorted her back to the time clock to punch out. I handed my cash to the
matron, and more discreetly, to Bonita.

I have to admit, for the next forty-eight hours my attention was not completely
on my work. My client wouldn't know, not having seen me at my regular office,
but any of my colleagues would have observed that I was distracted and not
working at my usual speed. I wasn't making errors, just being slower to resolve
issues and write code than normal.

I clocked out Thursday at five-thirty and went to a drugstore for condoms, then
to the motel for a light dinner and a thorough shower. I wasn't absolutely sure
of the evening's conclusion -- there hadn't been any indication of hanky-panky
at the club, and there was a sign expressly forbidding inappropriate contact --
but I was pretty sure Bonita's idea of "more memorable" hadn't meant charades.

I was drying myself off after the shower when I heard the words "La Gente" on
the television set. I moved from the bathroom mirror over to the bed and turned
up the volume. The screen showed flashing police lights and a number of women
and men being led out, some with sweaters or other garments shielding their
faces. The reporter announced breathlessly that the police had conducted raids
on a number of fronts for prostitution as part of the mayor's campaign to clean
up the city. There seemed to be an irony in that statement, as the neon of the
strip club across the street was clearly visible behind the reporter. The
camera switched from the reporter's face to the faces of those being led away.
One of them was easily recognizable to me. Bonita.

My productivity the next day picked up enough that the client remarked on it. I
told him it had taken me a couple of days to get used to the way they coded
things in his office. I threw away the other entertainment sections from the
airport, and got a new appreciation for network reruns at night. I was torn
between what might have been, and what might have been *me*.

And yet.

I waited until my last night in town and made my way to La Gente. The booth
lisper was still there, everything looked about the same. I kept waiting to
hear the sound of sirens, or feel the direct heat of a flashlight in my face.
The only thing that happened was a bubbly redhead showed me tango moves they
didn’t use on "Dancing with the Stars."

Bonita was nowhere in sight.

There was still hope. My client had already mentioned a return trip to San