In One Ear

by Rajah Dodger {} (c) 2006, 2009

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In
jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United
States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to
Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are
explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and permission
note must remain attached.

Abstract: A woman is bothered at work by phone calls that she can't quite


Silence. Then a wavering hiss with mumbling.

"Hello... who is this?" Kelly was a busy woman, and it annoyed her when she got
phone calls with anything less than perfect clarity. There was a good deal of
static on this line; she made out something that sounded like the name of her
company and something that might have been her own name, but couldn't
understand anything else. "Look, this is a bad connection, I think you should
hang up and try again."

The connection clicked off and she hung up her own phone. A few minutes later,
it rang again. She lifted the receiver to her ear. "Hello?"

This time the sound was faint -- so faint she had to listen hard to be sure it
wasn't a dead line. It wasn't quite words, more like whispery breathing. And
there was something odd about it; Kelly pressed the earpiece tightly against
the side of her head to shut out her office sounds. The static made it hard to
tell; was that a catch in the rhythm, or perhaps a wheeze?

Kelly caught herself suddenly and shoved the phone back into its cradle. Of all
the stupid ways to get distracted. She'd heard of such things. Perverts. She
attacked her work with a surge of righteous energy, and surprised herself at
how much she was able to dispose of in a short time.

When the phone rang next, she glared at it and picked up the handset ready to
give the caller a piece of her mind. Luckily she refrained, as this caller was
her boss. She suspected that he had been hired for his looks or his friends;
while he was tall and handsome, he repeatedly relied on Kelly's knowledge to
make sure that the department was run successfully. She handled him with her
usual cool efficiency, giving him all the answers he needed. At least she
thought so until he called her back only a minute later.

But this caller wasn't her boss. Not unless he'd suddenly taken up heavy
breathing mixed with static. She hung up quickly this time and considered
turning the ringer off, but then she'd miss the calls she needed. Picking up
the next file from her in-box, she got slowly into her usual working rhythm
analyzing the case notes when the phone's ringing again interrupted her focus.
She took the instrument up with a mixture of anger and hesitance, and held it
cautiously to her ear. It was indeed the breather, louder this time so that she
didn't have to strain to make it out through the fuzz. There was a sense of
pace and rhythm in the sound, a regularity other than that of normal breathing
patterns. And also an odd harshness... how would she describe it?

She slapped it down, angry with herself, and consciously loosened the muscles
in her legs which had started to cramp. Why would she care how to describe it
-- it was just a crank call from a freak who didn't belong in normal society.
Busying herself in work helped dispel the sense of unease that remained after
she hung up.

Over the next several hours Kelly received only legitimate calls -- business
associates, salespeople, the dry cleaners and one fax machine wrong number. She
escaped the confines of her office briefly for a staff meeting, but was
reminded unpleasantly of her morning's events by the man sitting behind her
breathing open-mouthed with a faint atonal rasp. Kelly normally worked through
lunch at her desk, but when Tom from one of the other research groups invited
her to join them for Mexican food she grabbed the opportunity to escape.

After lunch, having turned down the opportunity for margaritas, Kelly was her
normal competent self again. She arrived at her desk to find her message light
blinking a busy greeting. One callback from her boss about the upcoming board
meeting, one from a board member needing directions, and one call from the
salesman who wanted their company to buy into his motivational speaker program.
It was his fourth call of the month despite her clear brush-offs; some people
just wouldn't take no for an answer.

One more case file was disposed of before the usual after-lunch drowsiness hit.
Coffee usually helped her get through those, and she stood to go get some when
the phone rang again. The voice on the other end asked, "Kelly?" Not
recognizing the voice, she asked "Yes, who is this?" but got no answer. No,
that wasn't quite right -- there was some kind of sound on the other end
through the fuzz and static, a pained panting that if she listened hard almost
made intelligible words. She crossed her legs and squinted, as if that would
help her make out the meaning.

"No!" She dropped the phone, then replaced it in its cradle and grimaced.
Freaks and sex maniacs, she thought. The marvels of modern technology made it
possible for them to feed their lewd behavior right into the hollow of her ear.
She could just imagine what that man was doing with -

Kelly shook her head to clear it, then shook it again. This would never do. A
quick trip to the ladies room to wash her face, a fresh cup of coffee and she
would be ready to focus on work again. If only her boss didn't need her for
that board meeting, then at least she could have put the phone on voicemail
rollover. Her productivity suffered for the rest of the afternoon, but she
managed to clear three more case files and confirm the video arrangements for
the board meeting. If any of her colleagues found Kelly a little distant when
they spoke to her on the phone, none commented on it.

Five o'clock came and went, but this wasn't a normal day when she could
blithely leave based on the clock. Her last session discussing the board
meeting with her boss didn't end until a quarter of six. She bundled all of the
papers from here desktop into her briefcase and was halfway to her door when
the phone rang. She looked at her watch, then the phone, considered the
likelihood that her boss had one more thing on his mind, and went back to her

The harsh breathing practically surrounded her head, mixed with the rising and
falling static and whispery almost-words, a wet intrusive sounds that defiled
her ear. Her body stiffened and she leaned her waist against the desk for
support. She opened her mouth to protest, then closed it deciding to deny him
the kind of response he probably wanted. Loser, that's what he was, probably
sitting there in the dark, naked on his chair, calling women at random to get
his sick thrills. She'd prove to him who the stronger one was. And what was
that other sound in the background, anyway? She squeezed the phone turning her
knuckles white with the intensity of her efforts, but the voice faded, the
static died out slowly and she was finally left leaning against her desk
listening to a dead line.

Kelly replaced the handset as if caging a dangerous animal, and almost ran for
the office door and the safety of her car. Fighting traffic was a blessing --
it pushed away the vague and disturbing images that were trying to sneak into
her mind.

Finally she was home, no messages blinking on the answering machine, tossing
her briefcase across the living room as she headed for the bathroom shedding
clothing along the way. A hot, viciously stinging shower was what she needed,
and it was a good twenty minutes before she emerged, body reddened from the
heat but feeling refreshed and clean for the first time in hours.

Her evening was uneventful. A light dinner was followed by quickly-forgotten
television shows, and then she laid out her clothes and got ready for bed. Last
of all she pulled up her laptop and re-checked her preparations and plans for
the board meeting. Satisfied that everything was in place, she climbed into
bed, turned out the lights and settled in for a good night's sleep. Best of
all, the phone didn't ring once, except for a single wrong number somewhere in
the middle of the night, static and a slow beeping that Kelly listened to
befuddled until she realized it was a fax machine. She sleepily hung up and
went back to her dreams.


Kelly walked briskly through the hallway, glancing at her watch. Of all days to
oversleep, how could she have picked this one? She clutched her portfolio in
tightly-clenched hands, her well-prepared notes and screen presentations giving
her no comfort. She entered the conference room to find everyone already in
their seats. Conversation ceased as she stepped to her chair, feeling the
probing assessment of every person around the table. The look on her boss's
face said everything she needed to know, and he spoke merely four words: "Get
on with it."

He pushed his chair back from the conference table so Kelly could take the
prominent speaking position. She stood with him at her back, spread her papers
on the table in front of her, and shivered as she picked up the computer remote
control. It was so cold in the conference room, she had goosebumps popping out
along her bare arms.

Bare arms? Kelly's eyes flew wide as she looked down to check and realized she
was naked in front of everyone. She wanted to run away, but all eyes were on
her and she couldn't make her feet move. In desperation, she began to give her
presentation. Not a single one of the men at the table said a word, they merely
looked at her, cold stares in colder faces. Worse, as she got to the heart of
her presentation she was surprised by hands sliding around her torso, cupping
and stroking her breasts. It was her boss, his belt scraping into the small of
her back, the material of his slacks brushing against her legs. He twisted her
body left and right, putting her betraying nipple points on display to all. The
men at the table acted as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening, and
Kelly had no choice but to continue her speech.

Her boss abandoned her breasts, but only to slide down her flat stomach and
pull her labia apart. His fingers traced the moistening pink of her exposed
sex, and Kelly saw the lifting of eyebrows around the table as they all saw the
arousal she felt.

Only the sound of her voice speaking kept her half sane. This couldn't be
happening, her brain said, but the effects of the fingers moving inside her and
the familiar heaviness of her swelling breasts insisted otherwise. The words on
the paper blurred as her boss's hand sawed in and out, fingers twisting inside
her. She finally gave up all pretense at coherence and fell forward onto the
table, her breasts squashing outward on contact with the cool wood. She spread
her hands to either side, and just then her boss pulled almost completely out
leaving her hanging, awash in frustration and need, her buttocks wriggling on
the edge of the table.

"Say Please"

His fingertip wriggled inside her. She panted in heat. She'd never be able to
show her face in this building again. She lifted her eyes and saw leering
faces, some licking their lips. The finger slid outward, stopping just at her
entrance. She gasped, closed her eyes, fought off tears, reluctantly gave her
needs voice.


"Please what?"


His finger vanished but was almost immediately replaced with the probe of his
cock, fat knob opening her wide as his length forced its way between the weight
of her body and the unyielding surface of the conference table. He fucked her
without conversation, the slap-slap-slap of their bodies the only sound in the
room. His hands dug harshly into her sides as he used her like a piece of
office equipment. Yet every thrust and stroke made her that much more needy,
her breath gusting in loud panting rasps. Only when he bucked and flooded her
insides was she finally able to reach her own peak, shivering in the throes of
a soul-consuming orgasm.

She felt her boss withdraw his cock, wipe it in the crease of her bottom. She
lifted her bleary eyes and saw the men at the table stand as if applauding the
performance, each one showing a swaying erection, black, white, brown. Kelly
dropped her eyes to the table, humiliated beyond belief but arching her back
and spreading her legs in anticipation.

*** *** ***

The alarm clock buzzed its shrill alert, insisting that a full eight hours had
passed. Kelly certainly didn't feel like it, yawning and stretching to get the
last of the sleep out of her eyes. She had vague recollections of busy dreams,
and felt anything but rested. Her breasts felt tender, as if they'd been rubbed
with sandpaper, and her calves ached. Worse, when she did manage to get out of
bed and start getting dressed, the suit she had chosen the night before didn't
fit right. She rummaged through her closet frantically before finding a dress
she could wear, not terribly businesslike and clinging to her body with too
much static, but clean and of a reasonable color. At least the traffic chose
this morning to cooperate, giving her plenty of time to set up the conference
room after she checked her email and organized her desktop.

The conference room was immaculate, from the elegant Continental pastry and
fruit tray to the gleaming expanse of teak that made up the central table.
Kelly bent over the cables to run a quick test of the system for the call-in
participants, sliding on the headphones to better judge the audio quality. She
punched the button for the autodial to the server, but what she got in her
headphones was line noise. Static. Shifting, garbled, gelatinous pieces of
words. Her mouth dropped in shock as the assault continued, wet slapping sounds
over words that eluded her understanding but brought twisting shapes slithering
perversely into her brain.

Staring sightlessly she shook her head side to side, unable to escape the
human/animal sounds echoing inside her. She showed no reaction as the door to
the conference room opened admitting her boss accompanied by a shorter man
carrying a briefcase. The shorter man pushed her forward and she bent
obediently onto the table, her eyes turned inward, allowing her dress to be
lifted and her panties removed. Her boss dropped his trousers and the sounds of
sex soon echoed loudly off the hardwood walls.

Eventually the conference room was quiet again. The two men pulled Kelly from
the conference table, cleaned and re-dressed her, and led her to a chair near
the audio control panel. Her boss was the first to speak.

"Amazing. And she won't even wonder why she's not wearing panties?"

"Not quite. She'll wonder, then her own mind will find a way to explain it
away. That's the beauty of the low-level conditioning technique; it works best
with smart creative minds. She'll be the same competent assistant you've had
for three years, but now she'll be a *very* personal assistant." The smaller
man slid Kelly's panties and a permanent marker across the table. "Sign these,
please. They make my best references."

Kelly sat still sightless, upright, resembling a mannequin. Her boss signed his
name as if signing a check and handed the garment over. Patting Kelly's hair
into place, he nodded approvingly. "If the meeting goes smoothly and I don't
see any side effects, you've got a deal. I'll call you to install her control
phrases and I'll have the full hundred thousand wired to your account." A smile
crossed his face, but not a pleasant one. "She's always thought she was smarter
and better than me. It's too bad you can't arrange to let her know that she's
just my playtoy now. I'd really have enjoyed watching her squirm. You're sure
that's not a feature you offer?"

The other man tapped something into a PDA and inspected Kelly's eyes. "Don't
get greedy. She's guaranteed not to undercut you with upper management, and
she'll do anything sexual you tell her that doesn't involve injury. From what
they tell me, crossing the line separating volitional from programmed psyche
always creates an unstable personality. She'd either run out naked into the
street or slit your throat with a letter opener. Just be thankful she was so
snotty to me when I first called -- I could have offered our special services
to her instead. Think about that some night."

He removed the headphones from Kelly's head and pressed his PDA to her ear for
a minute, then packed his things and her panties away and closed the briefcase.
"She'll be in normal mode in five minutes. That gives you plenty of time to get
back to your office. I'll expect to hear from you later." With that, the
salesman walked out. There was always a customer, he reflected, it was just a
matter of getting the right word into the right ear.

Four and a half minutes later, Kelly blinked her eyes and looked around the
conference room. The clock on the wall made her gasp -- she'd apparently dozed
off for a half hour. She squirmed in her seat, wishing she'd remembered to do
her laundry; finding out she had no clean underwear had been a shock this
morning, and the feel of her dress sliding against her bare bottom was going to
be a constant distraction.

Focusing on work helped her mostly ignore the way her thighs rubbed together,
and she set to making sure all of the materials and electronics were ready for
the board meeting. By the time her boss walked in -- at the last moment, of
course -- everything was well in hand and the meeting proceeded to go like
clockwork. If Kelly was at times a little fidgety, or caught herself glancing
down to see how she was dressed, it wasn't so much that anyone would notice.
Unless, like her boss, they were looking for it.

The meeting at its conclusion, Kelly began the process of organizing the
minutes and putting the conference room in order. Several of the board members
stopped to compliment her boss on his organization; naturally he took all the
credit. She gave a mental shrug -- let him have his little ego boost. Kelly
knew where the real power was. She sorted papers into folders and the trash,
the picture of corporate efficiency, on top of everything her company needed.

And after one more phone call she would be everything her boss needed or wanted
as well.