Father, Interrupted

by Rajah Dodger {rdodger@hotmail.com} (c) 2006, 2009

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jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United
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note must remain attached.

Abstract: Some fathers get upset when their daughters start to date

"I don't like the idea of her going out at night like that."

"It's inevitable, dear. Girls do grow up into young women, you know."

"Yes, I know, but -- not our Sally."

"There, there. Come dear, it will be all right."

For a long moment there was silence, broken by the sound of heavy breathing and
finally a soft fading moan.

"I still think I should meet this young man,"

"Now we discussed that, honey. You remember what happened with Bill? And
Franklin? Not to mention the restraining orders. You'll have to be satisfied
with my going along to chaperone them. I won't let them do anything I wouldn't

The doorbell rang downstairs, and Marjorie gave her husband a long lingering
kiss. She stood up and smoothed her palms down the silk lines of her dress,
which barely held her generous curves in check. She turned to the door and
waggled her bottom at him. There were, of course, no panty lines. "I'll fill
you in on all the *nasty* details when I get home," she called over her
shoulder as the door closed behind her. "You be sure to stay up for me!"

Phil grimaced at that last comment, his arms and legs straining against the
ties that held his naked body in the wooden chair. The front door opened and
closed, the muffled sound of giggling voices teasing him. The moonlight
outlined his sticky erection as a car engine roared to life and faded into the

He squirmed on the chair, alone save for his vivid imagination. In his mind's
eye he was already looking into the back seat of the car where hands and
fingers would be going places they shouldn't.

He hoped it wouldn't be a long date.