Change of Focus

by Rajah Dodger {} (c) 2001, 2009

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In
jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United
States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to
Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are
explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and permission
note must remain attached. 

Abstract: A creative writing seminar gives new meaning to "getting in touch
with your inner self" 

"There once was a girl from Nantucket / whose clit was so big she could..." 

"Nawww..." Jack said, and viciously crumpled the piece of notepaper before
flinging it across his dorm room. "I'm never going to pass this flippin'
writing course!" 

His roommate, a one-time scholarship student now in his sixth year and third
major, intercepted the paper missile and unfolded it. He shook his head sadly.
"That's pretty weak, even for you." 

"Tell me something I don't know, Einstein. How did you manage to get through
this course anyway, Ken? I thought you hated writing." 

"I do, man. Can't stand it." A light gleamed hidden in the other man's eye.
"Maybe that's your problem -- you're too focused on the task and the mechanics.
You know the story of the Foo bird?" 

Jack winced and rolled his eyes. "I don't want to hear this..." he warned, but
to no avail as his roommate began. "The Foo bird lives in the far reaches of
the island of Madagascar, and is the only known example of a species intent on
its own extinction. This happens because the Foo bird believes that something
is trying to climb into its bottom, and in a single-minded attempt to find the
intruder the Foo bird flies faster and faster in ever-diminishing concentric
circles until it vanishes into its own anus." 

 At this point Jack attempted to smother his roommate with a pillow.

Some minutes later, when tempers had cooled, Ken picked up the conversation as
if nothing untoward had happened. "Your main problem is that you're too
focused. When you're looking at the crankshaft, you can't get the feel of
driving the car. You need to relax your brain and come around the back side of
the idea in creative writing. Think like an artist, not like the next partner
at Dewey, Cheatem and Howe." 

Jack shook his head and flopped back onto his bunk. "You're going from making
no sense to nonsense. What do you mean, come around the back side of the idea?
And anyway, I'm nothing if not relaxed after spending the weekend with Sherry
-- I don't think I have a stiff bone in my entire body." Sherry was Jack's
girlfriend, a fox from one of the better sororities who had taken a liking to
Jack and seemed intent on working her way through the entire Kama Sutra with

Ken nodded sagely. "Exactly my point. You're using up all your 'chi' on that
girl." He leered, "Not that I'd turn her down for a minute, my friend. You've
got good taste there. But you need creative energy for creative writing, and
she's leaving you drained not only physically but psychically. It's no wonder
you can't get anything down on paper." He belched, which undercut his effort to
sound professorial. 

Jack shook his head in bewildered disagreement. "You're saying I have to give
up my sex life just to pass a stupid class? Man, with advice like that it's no
wonder I'm your eighth roommate in less than six years." 

Ken sighed, "Oh, you youngsters... I never said you had to give up Sherry. You
just have to find a way to recharge your batteries, and keep your brain from
focusing so much on the ugly mechanics of writing. Now I happen to know of an
approach that might work, if you're really interested. But it would require you
giving up one of your precious weekends with that lithe sex goddess." 

"Hell," Jack responded, "if you can guarantee me getting through this class I'd
even set you up with Sherry for the weekend." 

 Ken chuckled. "Don't go writing any checks you don't want to cash..."

 *** *** ***

A couple of days later, Jack was kicking back in the student commons, sipping
at his beer and watching the Cubs, when a woman came up to him. "Hi," she said
breathlessly, "You're Jack Falken, aren't you? I'm your new tutor, Christine,
Christine Keeler, but everyone just calls me Chris." 

Jack looked up without anything clicking other than his hormones. She was tall,
brunette, with a nicely-filled midriff-baring blouse over low-slung denim
jeans. Intelligent, too, as she apparently recognized the blank look in his
eyes and continued without waiting for him to respond. "Your application to the
creative energy weekend seminar was conditionally accepted, and I'm to be your
initial tutor, at least until you've gotten through the orientation and have
your feet firmly on the ground." 

"Conditional?" Jack didn't remember anything about a seminar, unless this was
the thing Ken had been talking about. And he wasn't sure about that word
"conditional". Meanwhile, Chris was bubbling along at full speed. "Anyway, I
need to do an in-person assessment of your suitability to our program and your
willingness to work. Can you arrange to meet me for dinner tonight or tomorrow

She paused, which gave Jack a chance to try and catch his breath. All this was
going too fast, but after all, he did have to pass that class, and for a tutor
she was certainly easy on the eyes. He was supposed to go out to the movies
with Sherry this coming weekend, but she probably wouldn't be upset over one

 *** *** ***

They met the next evening at a dark little Italian restaurant not far from the
campus. Jack put more effort than usual into his appearance, which made him
slightly late getting to dinner. Chris was already seated, and he hid his
disappointment at finding her in a simple and demure blue dress. Their dinner
conversation touched on his career goals, classes, extracurricular interests,
and why he thought he had difficulty writing. Several times during dinner Jack
tried to find out more about Chris, but each time she deftly turned the inquiry
back to him. As Jack was finishing the last of his veal, he commented that he
didn't seem to have problems in his other classes, subjects like accounting,
history and pre-law. It was only in the "creative" writing tasks that he ran
into a blank wall. That brought a smile to Chris's face. "That's quite good,"
she said encouragingly, "when you recognize that yourself it usually means we
can unlock your creative juices -- with some hard work and a bit of a mental

Chris put her napkin down and rose gracefully from her chair. "Let's skip
dessert, shall we? I think you're going to be a good candidate for the seminar,
and I've got all the paperwork back at my place. I've got to run to the little
girl's room -- when I get back, why don't you just follow me and we'll get you
all set for the weekend." She brushed his arm as she rose; her fingers felt
cool against his wrist, and he felt an odd thrill run up his arm. Jack flagged
the waiter for the check, and by the time Chris came back to the table he was
ready to leave. 

Outside in the parking lot, Jack discovered that her dress was by no means as
demure as it had appeared with her seated. The skirt hung teasingly well above
the knee, and he almost tripped over the curb for not watching his own step.
She drove a sleek-looking Lexus, and he followed her into an unfamiliar and
disreputable part of town. The neighborhood gave Jack had some concerns about
safety, as well as being able to find his way back. But when he locked his car
and followed her into her apartment his concerns vanished. The apartment was
upscale and classy, and Chris pointed him to the couch and coffee table while
she went to get something for them to drink. 

Jack sat down and started to look at the densely filled papers, distracted
momentarily by the sight of Chris's long legs as she headed for the kitchen.
She returned with two glasses, and they toasted to education, then to writing,
then to creative energy. Chris sat next to him on the couch, her leg pressed
against his, and helped him wade through the legalese in the first stack of
papers. Another round of drinks, and this time when she sat down her skirt rode
up to show a tantalizing glimpse of thighs and shadows. Another round of
papers, an another round of drinks later, Jack was congratulating himself on
determining that his tutor wasn't wearing a bra, and he was more focused on
trying to figure out whether she was wearing panties than on reading the papers
she handed him. 

Finally the last of the papers was signed and countersigned. "Good boy!" she
purred, and hugged Jack tightly. A flush of warmth suffused his body, and he
missed what she said as she stood up. Her finger caught him under the chin.
"Woolgathering, were we? I thought we might celebrate our new relationship
properly!" Jack wobbled to his feet, suppressing a yawn, and followed her
toward the back reaches of the apartment. 

 *** *** ***

"Well, well, well... the sleeper awakes!" That was Ken's voice. Why was he
hearing Ken's voice? 

Jack opened his eyes. He was in his own bed. He shook his head experimentally;
nothing fell out and he didn't have a headache. Last night's events were just
too fuzzy to recall in any detail. "What time did I get in, anyway," he asked
his roommate. 

Ken laughed. "Four in the morning, my friend, and I had to threaten you with
violence to keep you from singing Barry Manilow songs for more than thirty

Ken directed Jack's attention to a large manila envelope on the breakfast
table, which turned out to hold Jack's instructions for the weekend. The list
was short: meet the group Friday at 4pm by the campus store, bring toiletries,
necessary medications, comfortable footwear, loose fitting sweatpants,
necessary underwear and three shirts. He looked a second time, then checked in
the envelope as a thought occurred to him. No, there wasn't anything mentioned
about money. Come to think of it, from what little Jack could recall of the
previous evening the topic of payment had never come up. He asked Ken, who
mumbled something about arts groups and literacy grants. 

There was one strange item in the instructions. Participants were directed to
wear clothing designed for comfort, and they specifically barred briefs for men
and athletic bras or pantyhose for women. Jack bristled at the restriction; he
liked the way briefs showed off his assets. Oh well, a little shopping trip
wouldn't hurt him. 

Thinking about briefs brought the previous night back to Jack's mind. His tutor
had not, as it turned out, been wearing panties. A sudden rush of blood into
his groin reminded him he needed to call Sherry. He rearranged his shorts and
reached for the phone. She wasn't terribly put out about his canceling their
weekend movie, although she expressed some surprise at his reason. "A writing
seminar? Jack, it's unlike you to be so... studious." She emphasized the "oo"
sound in "studious", holding it long enough for Jack to picture the way her
lips were pursed as she giggled and hung up. 

Was Ken staring at him? He turned around suspiciously, but his roommate was
merely sitting in his chair, smiling faintly, headphones over his ears and a
thick book opened in his lap. The lack of sleep, Jack thought, must be playing
tricks on him. Anyway, between the confused images of last night and his
conversation with Sherry, he needed a cold shower. 

 *** *** ***

Friday afternoon found Jack standing nervously by the bookstore, his gear in a
backpack (including the newly purchased boxer shorts). By the time 4pm rolled
around, there were a half dozen students gathered, two other men and three
women, none of them anxious to break the common silence. At the stroke of four
an SUV arrived with Chris driving and an athletic-looking man in the front
passenger seat. She introduced him as Greg, another tutor, and they quickly got
everyone into the vehicle with the guys in the back seat and the girls in the
middle. They started off, the radio playing some foreign sounding music mixed
with white noise and fading oddly in and out. 

Jack dozed for a good deal of the drive, as did his fellow passengers. They
left the city behind and entered an area with tall trees as the afternoon gave
way to dusk. When the van finally came to a halt, everyone piled out to stretch
their legs, and Jack realized he had no idea where they were. Trees, bushes, an
open area with a large grill and several long tables were visible nearby. At
one side was a wooden cabin of recent construction, and the sound of a river
echoed in the air. "Pretty," said one of the girls. "Pretty bleak" grumbled one
of the guys. Chris and Greg wasted no time in chivvying them into a line
outside the wooden cabin for "check-in and team assignment". There were already
a number of people in the line, evidently from the three other vans parked

Inside the cabin, when it was Jack's turn, he was greeted by an older couple
who introduced themselves as Carl and Maria Weber, "sort of den parents at Camp
Get-in-Touch". They went through his bag, checked his newly-bought boxer
shorts, and confiscated his CD player and dress belt, telling him he would get
those back at the end of the session. They also asked him a few questions to
corroborate a medical form that he didn't remember filling out. Finally, both
welcomed Jack to the seminar and expressed their hope that he would find the
experience insightful and mind-opening. Carl shook his hand, and Maria gave him
a very thorough welcoming hug before they sent him out of the cabin. 

Conversation was scant among the group as they waited for everyone to get
through check-in. What little talk there was revealed that they spanned the
range from freshman to senior, and all had coursework problems of one sort or
another. Eventually the last of their group came through the cabin, and Chris
and Greg joined them holding clipboards. Chris spoke up, "Okay gang, I've got
Jack, Martha and Tom, and Greg will have Sally, Nate and Shavonne. My group
follow me and we'll get you set up in our cabin." 

The brunette set out into the woods, and Jack and his new cabinmates followed
uncertainly while eying each other speculatively. Martha was a statuesque
redhead who radiated confidence and took the walk with long hip-rolling
strides. Jack found himself wondering what she could possibly need from the
seminar. Tom, on the other hand, was a thin bookish type with glasses and
looked the type to need help at most everything. Their cabin, when they
arrived, was a low-slung affair with an undecorated wood floor and spare
furniture, the only note of comfort being the four large beds, two against
opposite walls. "Where's the bathroom," whined Tom. Chris waved a hand toward
the cabin door. "Those are outside; you'll get that in the main camp tour and
orientation. We'll go there in a few minutes, but right now just grab a bed and
put your things on it." Tom slunk across to the farthest bed on the right,
muttering under his breath about privacy. Jack took a bed on the left wall to
avoid Tom, and Martha took the bed nearest the door, sitting down and bouncing
experimentally. "Nice mattress," was her only comment. Chris seemed to find the
appraisal humorous. "By the time you get to bed, you'll appreciate it. Okay,
folks, it's a short weekend and you've all got a lot to do. Let's go!" 

The camp extended much farther than the greeting area promised. The grounds
included a swimming pool, frontage on the river, a well-groomed soccer field,
several camp-simple restrooms (which Tom gratefully availed himself of), and a
roomy combination meeting hall and covered dining area. There they found some
thirty other students gathered, and everyone found seats while the Webers and
the counselors took the front table. 

Carl Weber came to the podium. "Welcome, folks. We're glad you could join us
for this weekend retreat. All of you are having problems in focus, one way or
another, and we're going to give you some tools to help you accomplish what you
want in life. Or at least in school." He chuckled at that, and his audience did

"You've all had the camp tour and gotten your cabin assignments, so we'll have
a hike and some warm-up exercises before dinner. The Romans had a saying, "mens
sana in corpore sano", a sound mind in a sound body, and we adhere to that
philosophy here. During the weekend you'll probably experience a number of
activities that are new to you, from breathing exercises to different ways to
experience your surroundings. Pay attention to your counselors, and feel free
to ask questions, but remember that this can only work for you if you're
prepared to have an open mind and work hard. Remember, we're all here for the
same thing -- to help you be all you can!" 

And with that the meeting was dismissed. The groups separated in various
directions through the woods to the various clearings scattered around the
grounds. Chris quickly rounded up her group, and Greg's group joined them for
what turned into a strenuous five-mile hike through the woods. Even Martha
looked winded by the time they returned to the camp. They followed their
leaders to the meeting hall, where dinner was already waiting. The food was
spare but tasty, heavy on the vegetables and fiber, surprisingly filling, and
apparently the seminar was to be meat-free. 

After dinner the groups retired to their various cabins. Chris gave them all
ten minutes to bask in the after-effects of their meal, and then had the three
cabinmates sit on the floor in the middle of the cabin. "This is an
introduction to meditation," she told them as she slid a CD into a small
stereo. Muted sounds of sitar and tabla echoed in the room. Chris circled
around and between them, slipping a soft blindfold around each student's head.
Jack smiled as she put his on; he could tell she was wearing that same perfume
from when he had met her over dinner. The next half hour was a somewhat fuzzy
lesson in floating, focusing, hearing the music and not hearing the music.
"Meditation," Chris said at one point, "is about focusing and losing focus
simultaneously. It's like the old joke about being told not to think about an
elephant. The only way to succeed is to allow the elephant into you so that you
can get past it." At least half of this was gobbledygook to Jack, but he was
trying to keep an open mind. 

"I'm going to give each of you a focus phrase now. The next time you do
meditation practice, I want you to repeat your phrase until the words lose
their meaning and just surround you with sound. Tom, you're 'Scent of Green
Papaya'. Martha, you're 'Sliding on Silk'. Jack, you're 'Hot Apple Pie'. Now I
want each of you to repeat your phrase, and keep on until you forget I'm

This, thought Jack, is just plain silly. Still and all, he went along with the
gag, and a strange thing happened. First, he did forget about Chris and the
other students; it began to seem as if he were alone, floating in the universe,
a babble of meaningless syllables echoing in his head. Then, as sudden and
sharp as a flashbulb, he saw meaning everywhere. He could picture the Earth and
planets orbiting the Sun. He saw the beauty in the whorls of his fingerprints.
He understood women. The tax code made sense... well, almost. He felt a touch
on the back of his neck, and sensed a familiar perfume. Somehow, he realized,
Chris knew that he'd gotten it. He felt oddly proud at the accomplishment, as a
student praised by his teacher. 

After a time, Chris went around the room removing the blindfolds. Jack and the
other two each stood up and shook their heads to regain their bearings. A low
gong sounded in the camp, and Chris nodded her head. "Time to get ready for
bed; we've got lights-out and one last exercise, then you'll be up early in the
morning!" Somewhat subdued by their own individual experiences, the three
roommates quietly went through their things, hiked to the restroom facility for
tooth brushing and other needs, and returned to the cabin. Tom had taken his
pajamas and changed in the restroom since there wasn't any private area in the
cabin. Jack, on the other hand, planned to sleep in his sweatpants and shower
in the morning. 

And then there was Martha. She stood up by her bed and turned her back to the
others, then smoothly pulled off her t-shirt showing a broad expanse of evenly
tanned bra-less backside. Bending over the bed, she slid her panties down her
long legs and waited just long enough to make it obvious that she knew everyone
was looking at her before pulling a thin nightgown over her head. Jack clucked
his tongue admiringly then rolled over and was asleep by the time his head hit
the pillow. 

Somewhere in the middle of the night, or at least so it seemed, something cold
and wet woke Jack by running along his spine. "Ice cube?" he grumbled in the
dark. "Good boy," came the melodic sound of Chris's voice, "let's see how we're
all doing!" A moment later, Jack heard Tom whine "Ow... emery board? And why on
my ear?" There was silence for a long while. Suddenly a piercing shriek tore
through the cabin from the direction of Martha's bed. Chris could be heard in
the echoes, quietly commenting "Yes, but what did it *feel* like?" Martha's
response was low, intense, and unintelligible to the two men. 

Chris continued to make the rounds of the room with odd items pressed to
unexpected places, occasioning puzzlement from Jack and at least one
embarrassed squeal from Tom. Finally, she pronounced herself satisfied with the
results and told them to go back to sleep. 

Jack slept, but not well. His dreams were mostly unformed and unsettling. The
cabin seemed too warm, even after he finally gave in to necessity and stripped
down to bare skin on the sheets. Images of apple pies floated in his head, and
the sensation of riding a horse. Toward morning, though, things took a turn for
the better. He found himself in a glade near the camp, and Chris was sitting
next to him. She moved into his arms, his head spinning with her perfume.
Holding his head with both hands, she kissed him deeply; her tongue seemed
impossibly long, teasing along the roof of his mouth and pressing against the
back of his throat. Meanwhile her fingers were dancing along the back of his
neck, little pleasurable jolts of electricity hopping down his spine and
centering in his groin. Then suddenly she was no longer in his lap, but sitting
behind him with her legs wrapped around his and her nipples hard little points
in his back. Her fingernails were teasing his own rudimentary nipples; he
wanted to move but her legs held his down. Someone gave him a glass of milk,
and he drank as fast as he could but it still spilled, running down his

 *** *** ***

Morning came far too soon. Jack's nose was stuffy, and he had a horrid case of
morning mouth, complete with thick tongue. The outdoor air didn't seem to be
agreeing with him. Worse, when he got out of bed his gut gave one premonitory
twinge and he realized he desperately needed to get to the bathroom. He
streaked for the cabin door, forgetting his lack of clothes, and made barefoot
tracks through the dew-covered grass until he got to the facility. He said a
silent prayer of thanks at finding it vacant, and took only enough time to lock
the door behind him before leaping the last few feet to the toilet. 

About ten minutes later, he pressed the flush lever one last time and staggered
to the sink to wash his haggard face. Something at dinner must have violently
disagreed with him. Worse, his bottom was throbbing; the attack must have
triggered a case of hemorrhoids. Just what he needed to start the day. 

After he cleaned up the bathroom, he walked, bowlegged and suddenly aware of
his nudity, back to the cabin. The other students were gone to breakfast, but
Chris was still there. She took a look at his face and asked with concern,
"Jack, what happened?" Despite his embarrassment he gave her the whole story.
With a no-nonsense tone in her voice, she gave him directions to see the nurse.
"And don't worry, I'll let your morning session instructor know you'll be a bit

Jack put on a clean pair of boxers and sweat pants, and headed across the

The nurse turned out to be Maria, the woman who ran the campsite with her
husband. She listened to Jack with a soothing and sympathetic manner, and then
asked him politely to bend over the exam table and drop his pants. He did so,
with the usual unsettled feeling a man has when hearing the snap of latex
gloves behind him. Her touch was surprisingly delicate as she applied a cream
to the irritated area. Next she put a cool hand in the middle of his back,
murmured "please stay as still as possible," and slid a finger fully inside
him. Jack quickly developed an erection. Every time Maria moved her finger,
Jack felt another pulse of blood run through his swollen cock. The examination
continued until he finally had to close his eyes and surrender to the
inevitable; his ass bit down tightly on Maria's finger as his balls spasmed and
squirted their sticky load between his belly and the table. He could feel his
face flush hot with embarrassment, but Maria merely waited for his bottom to
unclench before continuing. 

Finally, she withdrew her finger and Jack heard the telltale 'snick' of the
latex glove popping off her hand. "That must have been a bad one this morning,"
she said with some empathy, "You need to put this ointment on three times a day
for a couple of days and you'll be fine. I'll get you started." Jack felt her
slide the glob of cream between his cheeks and work it inside the tight ring of
his sphincter. It burned a little, but that passed quickly and turned into a
more general warmth, hard to ignore but not unpleasant. 

He stood there, getting used to the sensation, as Maria went to the washbasin
to clean herself up, then returned and handed Jack a damp washcloth and the
tube of ointment. "I'm sure you'd like a little privacy to clean up," she said,
smiling. Jack nodded thankfully, waiting until the door was closed to stand up
and clean the drying semen off his stomach and cock. He got dressed, took the
ointment, and went quickly out of the exam room and back to camp. 

 *** *** ***

His morning class was yoga and aerobics, and he found the group stretching in a
dell near the river. In the absence of formal exercise clothes, everyone had
stripped down to either underwear or nothing at all. Jack joined them in a
series of deep knee bends; he was distracted by the effect those had on his
medicated bottom until he got into the spirit of the workout. After a while he
had worked up a sweat to match his fellow students, and the instructor led them
to the river for floating exercises. This consisted of floating on your back
and trying to stay in one place relative to the riverbank using the least
amount of energy. Jack found it surprisingly easy. In fact, he almost fell
asleep twice during the practice. 

Next on the schedule was lunch. Jack would have liked a shower first, but the
instructor had thoughtfully brought towels so nobody had to get their clothes
wet. In the dining area, Jack decided to take the prudent course and restrict
himself to soup. Conversation today was much quieter than it had been the
previous evening. Everyone seemed to be only halfway attentive to the meal, as
if their attention was distracted by something inside that only they could

The afternoon class was creative imagery in another meadow. The students were
mixed from different cabins, and his partners in this exercise were a thin
blonde named Becky, an athletic-looking Hispanic who answered to Orlando, and a
well-padded redhead who called herself "Jade, as in Jewelry". Carl, the camp's
den father, was their instructor and he quickly got the session under way. 

"I want you all to sit or lie down comfortably, and cover your eyes with these
handkerchiefs," he explained, "then we'll do some free association." Jack
folded his legs Indian-fashion while the others found their own preferred
position. When all of them were ready, Carl called out "Fruit!" Becky came up
with "Pineapple", Jack said "Banana" for no particular reason, and Orlando
added "Melons". Jack looked from Orlando to Jade, and decided the other guy's
mind wasn't completely on the task at hand. Jade's response was "Mango", and
next Carl prompted with "Vegetable" which drew suggestions of Broccoli,
Cucumber, Carrot and Squash. Several more exchanges in this mode followed,
leaving Jack completely bemused as to what they could be accomplishing. 

After what seemed like a short time, but turned out to be nearly an hour, Carl
pronounced himself satisfied and sent the students off for a quick break. Jack
took the opportunity to apply the second dose of the ointment that Maria had
given him. He shifted his feet restlessly as the cream sent the same burst of
heat through his insides, then went off to continue his day. The last afternoon
session was led by Chris, who led Jack and a dozen others hiking through the
camp and into the woods, finally arriving in a softly grass-cushioned bower.
"Sensory awareness," she said as everyone got comfortable, "is about feeling,
not about intellect. Everyone please remove your clothes and find a place to
lie down. Don't worry," she chuckled seeing some anxious looks, "we run a
bug-free campsite here." 

There was a rush of bustling activity, collisions and apologies until everybody
got settled. "Feel the grass beneath you, not just as a carpet, but as
individual blades, each with its own edge against your skin. Find the places
where the ground still has the damp coolness of dew. Let your arms and hands
float by your side; let your mind relax while the sensations come in." 

Jack was having a hard time following the instructions. For one thing, his head
was on a hard spot in the ground. For another, despite what Chris had said he
was sure he felt something crawling up his balls. He wriggled to try and
dislodge whatever it was, but succeeded only in moving himself so that his
asscheeks were snuggled up against a tree root. He didn't want to be the only
one complaining, though, so he did his best to relax. The afternoon sun and
breeze were certainly comforting, and after a bit he found that he could indeed
pick out individual blades of grass against his back and legs. He could even
tell which of his chest hairs was being stirred by the wind. His eyes lidded
over, and he let the warmth of the sun cover him like a blanket. Stray puffs of
air played tag from his head to his toes, and back up between his legs. The
grass beneath him shifted and twitched like a living rug. 

The next thing he knew, Chris was chucking him under the chin. "Hey there," she
said smiling, "I don't think sleeping qualifies as awareness!" Jack looked
around and saw the other students already up, around and mostly dressed. He
blushed and pulled himself quickly to his feet as the group got ready to head
back to main camp for the evening. Chris explained that they'd have a bit of
time to clean up before dinner, and that after dinner there would be a full
camp meeting for demonstrations and awards. 

As the group hiked back, Jack wondered what kind of awards could be given out.
He hadn't seen anything in his classes that resembled a test. He eventually
gave it up as a waste of energy, and joined in the lines for the cleanup

Dinner was -- no surprise -- pasta and vegetables. Jack wondered if there was
supposed to be a connection between avoiding meat and being creative. After the
meal, Carl and Maria gave a brief speech about the weekend being successful and
reminded the cabin leaders that the recognition ceremony would start promptly
in an hour. When they got back to the cabin, Jack was tired and took a quick
nap. His other cabin companions likewise seemed to want to reserve their
energy. Only Chris seemed excited, watching them with an "I know a secret" look
on her face. 

 *** *** ***

The haunting, bone-chilling sound of an oboe playing an Eastern melody floated
through the air. Chris gathered up her charges and accompanied them through the
dusky twilight across the campgrounds to an open-air amphitheatre. Jack and the
others took up places on the hillside and waited to see what the big build-up
was about, while Chris headed elsewhere. Down at the base of the hill was a
small table with two chairs, some papers and trophies, a pitcher of water, a
basket of fruit, a boom box, a standing microphone, a video camera, and an
upright wooden frame resembling a reinforced doorframe. 

There wasn't much time to wonder about that, however, as Carl and Maria entered
the field of view, followed by Chris, Greg and the other cabin leaders. They
were all wearing something like academic gowns, and would have fit in well at a
college ceremony. Carl stepped to the microphone and began the proceedings,
thanking everyone for their hard work and participation. After that, Maria took
the stage and flipped a switch on the boom box. As the odd melodies echoed off
the surrounding trees, she announced recognition of seminar participants for
such obviously gag prizes as most return visits to the salad bar, fastest
100-meter sprint to the restroom (Jack was very glad not to find himself the
winner there), and longest time balancing on one foot. 

After the "winners" had come down, claimed their certificates, and headed back
up the hill, Carl once again took over the mike. "Every time we run this
seminar, some of our attendees surprise both us and themselves by demonstrating
great talents in a few specialized areas. You were all accepted here with two
things in mind; what we could do for you, and what you could do for others.
We're all very proud that three of you have earned the unanimous recognition of
our teaching staff for outstanding achievement in both areas of focus. Would
someone escort Orlando out here?" 

At this point the Hispanic from Jack's free association exercise came out,
accompanied by a petite counselor from one of the other cabins, both of them in
the academic gowns. As the music played, the counselor unzipped the front of
her gown showing that she was nude beneath. She turned to Orlando and stood
between him and the audience to remove his gown, then stepped aside. A soft
gasp came from the gathered crowd. Orlando's body had been oiled until it
gleamed in the soft lights, and he sported a massive cock in full rampant
erection. A few of the observers whistled in appreciation. The counselor ran
her hand under his balls and up the shaft; her hand could barely wrap around
the head. 

Maria pulled a chair up, and she and the counselor guided Orlando into the
chair with his legs spread on either side. With barely a trace of hesitance,
the counselor climbed up into his lap. Orlando held his cock in place while the
other girl positioned herself, and finally, she began inching downward. The
music faded, and for moments the only sounds were the chirping of crickets and
the audible panting of the counselor. 

Finally, and not without murmurs of disbelief from the audience, the small
woman was fully impaled, her bottom resting between the bigger man's legs. With
unexpected grace, Orlando now stood up, his passenger wrapping her legs around
his back as she held onto him. Standing in front of the audience, he sank
quickly to his knees, drawing a muffled squeak from his passenger, then rose
back up. He repeated the calisthenics, each time with more alacrity, as his
passenger writhed against him and bucked up and down. Finally she shrieked out
in erotic ecstasy and dug her nails across his back leaving long red trails. As
she did so, Orlando stood up straight and tall, and the muscles of his legs
went taut and starkly outlined. His ass clenched visibly, and the girl atop him
gave out one last choked gasp before collapsing limply in his arms. 

Maria and the other counselor came out again, and each held the still-shaking
girl by shoulder and hip, sliding her off the big man as his cock popped free,
shining with their mingled juices and only half-soft. There was some soft
applause and a few whistles from the audience. 

As the first group left the center area, Greg from the other cabin led a nude
and blindfolded Martha into view. Jack blinked twice; the change in Martha from
the woman who had blithely shown off her nude body in his cabin was striking.
This Martha's body had been oiled in the same way that Orlando's had, and
showed in its entire ripe splendor from the strong calf muscles to the proudly
erect nipples. Greg fastened her wrists to cuffs at the upper corners of the
doorframe, and her ankles to matching ones at the base. 

As Greg left, another counselor came out from the shadows. This woman was
dressed in the academic gown, and carried a small bag with her. She reached out
to pinch one brown-tipped nipple, drawing a long sigh from Martha. Smiling, the
woman began pinching Martha's nipples and rolling the ball of her thumb against
them. Martha responded by arching her back and pressing her breasts forward to
the teasing hands. 

The other woman stepped back, drawing a pout from her bound target, and knelt
to pull a small nine-tailed cat from her bag. She moved around behind Martha,
and all watching were able to tell when the little implement made its first
impact. Martha's mouth opened wide, but no sound came forth. For some minutes,
the woman alternately stroked and whipped the leather implement across Martha's
backside as Martha's face showed both the anticipation and the impact. 

Finally, the woman dropped the cat and stood behind Martha, sliding her arms
around the hanging girl on either side. She moved her hands sinuously down
across bare belly to the girl's inner thighs, pulling her legs apart as a
spotlight came into focus. Martha's pudenda were obscenely swollen, dark red,
visibly dripping. The woman waved a hand and two of the counselors came over to
release Martha from the frame. They laid her down, feet toward the audience,
legs splayed widely. The woman squatted over Martha's face and lowered herself
down slowly, balancing on one hand while her other hand pinched and tugged at
Martha's nipples. 

The air of quiet intensity in the audience was palpable. All eyes were on the
two women, one rubbing her cunt hard against the other's face, the other lying
spread-eagled, hips hunching fervently upward into empty air. The woman on
Martha's face came, crying out into the night as her body stiffened. When her
eyes opened again, she dramatically licked her index finger, reached outward,
and flicked Martha's clit just once. The reaction was explosive; Martha nearly
threw the other woman off her face as she bucked and writhed in the throes of a
massive orgasm. 

Eventually Martha collapsed, limp and sweat-slick, and the other counselors
came from either side to assist her out of sight. 

Now, Carl and Maria took center stage again to announce the presentation of the
session's special recognition, the camper who made the most unexpected
progress. Heads in the audience could be seen turning this way and that,
wondering who this unknown person was. Jack had the same thought, when Chris
showed up and took him by the hand. Shocked, Jack followed her without
hesitation. She led him silently down through the audience to the center of the
glade, and stripped him of his clothing, all the time stroking his shoulders
and settling him as she would a nervous filly. "Close your eyes, Jack, and
float with me..." 

His eyes closed, then opened again unfocused. His muscles relaxed, and he stood
calmly as the unknowing center of attention. "Feel the Earth Mother enter into
you," Chris prompted, and his cock jerked by steps to its full glory. Her scent
surrounded him, and in his mind he was back in those hazy dreams. Chris spoke,
her words taking on the singsong quality of ritual, and her hand slipped down
between his bottom cheeks. The rush of blood to his phallus made his knees
half-buckle, so that Chris and another counselor had to help him stand

As they held him in place, Carl joined them and with quiet dignity slipped his
robe from his shoulders. For a man his age, he was in excellent shape. Carl lay
down on the ground between Jack's feet, and Chris and the other counselor held
the dazed man by the arms and sides easing him downward until he made contact
with the older man's upright cock. 

Jack felt the touch at his bottom, and he spread his legs in an unconscious but
well-trained reaction, his anus widening and snapping against the entering tip.
Jack hunched down, his mouth gaping open, and worked his way further by
fractions of an inch, bobbing and twisting like an Indian fakir until he was
seated in the older man's lap, his bottom filled and his breath coming in quick
panting gasps. 

Jack's mind floated in an erotic haze, Chris's perfume still deep in his mind,
the feel of her finger exploring his bottom as he parted his legs further. A
warm breath passed over his lips, and once more he was in the lust-fevered
dream as that long erotic kiss pinned him in place, her tongue probing the
reaches of his palate... 

The watching audience could not know that Jack was yearning for his lover's
tongue; what they saw was Orlando, his cock still gleaming from his earlier
encounter, placing the tip at Jack's lips. Jack reached lovingly around the
Hispanic man's upper legs to caress the other man's ass, pulling his cock
inside Jack's mouth. Jack's body moved in a hundred different directions, and
the two other men followed his lead in a dance with only one possible
conclusion, a mutual explosion from above and below, matched by the thick slow
spurting of semen from Jack's untouched cock as the audience burst into
spontaneous applause. 

Maria, Chris and a few other counselors joined the three men on the stage as
the audience left by ones, twos and threes to their cabins. In only a brief
time, the glade was once again empty save for the indentations in the grass and
a musky scent permeating the air. 

 *** *** ***

Jack was in the glade again, only he knew now that he was dreaming. Still, it
was a pleasant dream and he had no desire to wake up. He was swimming, and the
water around him was alive. It kissed his skin as he moved through it, it
grabbed and dragged at his cock, it suckled at his toes. 

Chris's perfume washed over him, and he felt her cool hands once again slide
down his back and into the space between his rear cheeks. Her fingers applied
cream to his stretched hole, and he lifted his ass up to spread his knees
automatically. A puff of warm breath teased the proffered entrance, but his
instructor had other activities in mind. She cupped his rapidly filling shaft
in her hand, and helped him turn over onto his back. As Jack lay there, half
awake and half in the erotic dream that had consumed him, Chris straddled his
hips and slid onto his cock then rode him slowly for what seemed like an hour.
Eventually they both came, and she collapsed on top of him with her full
breasts bouncing against his chest. 

 *** *** ***

Sunday morning started with the shrill trumpet sound of Reveille echoing
through the camp. Chris zipped through the cabin slapping the tired students on
their respective rumps. "Time to get up, kids. Polar bear swim, then we hit the
running path!" Thankfully she was only kidding about the morning swim, but five
minutes later they were joining the other campers in a 20-minute jog around the
camp, beside the river, and finally to the meal hall. 

Jack was still tired; he'd been too sleepy last night to remember much of the
recognition ceremony, and he still seemed to have cobwebs across his brain. The
morning exercise helped a lot. Jack looked around as he munched on his
pancakes, and noticed that the hall seemed less crowded than the previous day.
He looked more carefully, and sure enough there were fewer people than he
remembered. For one, his cabinmate Martha wasn't there. Before he could give
the matter much thought, though, Carl ascended to the podium for a going-away
speech. Certificates of attendance, duly marked as "suitable for framing", were
handed out, and in short order the stragglers finished their food and were
chivvied off to their cabins for pack-up and checkout. 

As Jack waited in line for the van to take him back to school, he kept having
the oddest sensation that people were looking at him. Yet whenever he turned
around, everyone was engaged in normal conversation. He shook his head; anxiety
about his writing class must be creeping back in. Shortly afterward, Chris and
Greg drove up and took their passengers back on the road. Just as on the way
out, the odd music was playing on the stereo, and Jack took the opportunity to
catch up on his sleep. For some reason he felt dog-tired this morning. 

When he finally got back to his own room, ensconced in familiar surroundings,
Jack booted his computer and took a shot at the writing assignment. To his
great surprise, he zipped through it in no time and with hardly any effort.
Three pages later, he had a printout that was undoubtedly the best writing of
his college career. He whistled softly, and decided to give Sherry a call to
celebrate. Before he could do that, though, the back bedroom door opened and
Ken came out. "Hey, roomie," he boomed out, "how did the weekend go?" Jack
couldn't restrain himself; he showed Ken the printout and gushed about how
amazing the weekend was. "And the oddest thing is that I would have sworn all
weekend that we weren't doing anything to help my writing. I tell you, Ken, I
owe you a big one for this!" 

Ken's response was a muted chuckle, and the enigmatic comment, "I think I've
already been paid." He reached out and stroked a spot behind Jack's left ear,
and whispered something only half-intelligible. The change in Jack was both
sudden and subtle; his face became more placid, his nostrils flared and his
breathing deepened. Ken smiled, and this time it was the smile of the predator.
He unbuckled his belt and slid his pants and briefs to the floor. "Here you go,
Jack, do your thing!" Jack smiled like a baby looking at candy, and massaged
Ken's balls and rising cock. Pursing his lips, he moved his face forward
smoothly to take Ken's length easily while his free hand worked its way between
Ken's asscheeks. It was only a few minutes before Ken pumped a load into Jack's
willing mouth, filling it until thick strands leaked out one corner and down
onto Jack's knee. 

The sound of slow applause broke the subsequent tableau. "Damn," said Sherry,
"I swear the boy's a natural." Ken grinned at her nude form, his cock popping
free from Jack's mouth. Sherry had obviously been masturbating furiously while
watching the two men; her vulva was swollen and dark red, and her nipples were
standing out like firm erasers. "He's good, all right," Ken agreed, "would you
like to try out the other end?" 

"No thanks," Sherry said as she closed the distance between them. "I'm sure
he's trained as well as your other roommates ended up. Right now I need cock
and I need it bad, so you'd better not have given him everything!" She paused,
and turned toward Jack who was kneeling quietly in the middle of the room, his
eyes unfocused. "Go do your homework, sweet Jack, and we'll talk about your
trip later." Sherry grabbed Ken by his cock and practically dragged him back
into the bedroom, slamming the door behind them. 

The sound seemed to rouse Jack, who got up from the floor as if nothing
untoward had happened. He went over to his computer and started writing. The
sounds from the back bedroom percolated through to him, and he paused to
reflect on what a lucky guy he was. It sounded like Ken was finally getting
lucky too. Maybe he would set his roommate up with Sherry; that would be a nice
thing to do, kind of like paying Ken back for helping Jack pass his writing

 Life was good.