By Pussywillow
b/g etc, inc, rom

Disclaimer: This story is just the figment of the imagination and contains 
depictions of sexual encounters between children. If this type thing bothers you 
then you should stop reading now. However if you recognize the beauty of such 
loving and consensual relationships, then read on and I hope you enjoy.


What would you do if you found yourself stranded on an uncharted island with 
only your sister and no possible chance of being saved?



      My name is Gregory Helmut, and I am a missionary for a large church 
      The date was June 25, 1851, and I had just got wind from a sea captain 
that there was an uncharted island that is inhabited by a whole bunch of brothers 
and sisters. His story seemed quite unusual, so I had the captain show me on a 
chart about where this island was located. 
      I was so curious that I was eventually able to raise enough money 
together so that I could go on an expedition in search for this so called island. 
      After a brief search, I found a captain who had a ship and was willing to 
take my two colleagues and me on a search for the island. 
      We eventually set sail, and after several weeks of crisscrossing the area 
shown on the map, we finally spotted an island. We also noticed that there were 
sunken reefs that protected the island for a couple of miles out. The only part of 
the island that we could see that was fit for landing on, was on the lee side of 
the prevailing winds, and we would have to make a tacking course into the wind 
to approach the island, and if we made a wrong tack, we would miss the island 
altogether, and then have to spend several days getting lined up again. I imagine 
many sailors have seen the island, but have found it far too difficult and too 
dangerous to even try to come close to. So no wonder no one ever came to this 
      We were on a tack when the lookout hollered that there was a reef 
ahead. But the captain felt that we were close enough now to row the longboat 
on over to it, so he decided to go ahead and drop anchor. We were still over a 
mile offshore, but as long as we were this close, at least we could examine the 
island to find out if it was the right one.
      The next morning, as we noticed that the sea had calmed down 
somewhat, we lowered the longboat, and rowed towards shore. 
      As we approached the beach, we saw what appeared to be a whole 
bunch of natives watching us, and the closer we got, most of them looked like 
      As we landed, we noticed that most of them were in fact children or 
very young adults. They all were mostly naked, and they all appeared to be 
white Caucasian. 
      As I stood there a few feet in front of our beached boat, I watched as 
two of the older ones stepped forward. They appeared to be the oldest ones 
there, and I would guess that they were probably about in their middle fifties. 
The woman had a breach cloth of woven palm leaves wrapped around her waist. 
Other than that, they both appeared to be quite naked. 
      We all greeted each other, and they said that their names were Mike and 
Mary Johnson. I introduced myself, and my two colleagues, and they invited us 
on into their hut. It was very nicely furnished of native materials and some that 
appeared to have come off of a ship. 
      I explained what our purpose of being here was, and to offer any 
assistance to them that they might need. 
      As I noticed all of the people in the colony, I asked them about the 
people and where they came from. Mary replied, "They're all of our children and 
grandchildren." I was now completely baffled. So, for the next several days, I 
chronicled the woman's story about how they came to be here on this island, and 
what had happened.
      Chapter 1

      I really don't remember that far back, but my dad and mom had booked 
passage for the four of us on a sailing ship that was to take us from England to 
Australia. The ship carried primarily cargo, so there were no passengers except 
just the four of us. 
      Sometime during the voyage, I was told; we got into a very violent 
storm. During the storm, the ship lost a mast, and was taking on water. In 
desperation, the captain saw an island and tried to beach the ship on the island. 
It was one of those very rare times that the wind blew the opposite way, and 
since it was dark, he could not see the coral, and in the next ensuing hours the 
ship was torn apart on the sunken coral. The crew then placed my parents and us 
two children in a longboat and sent us on our way. When the storm was finally 
over, all that my father could find was the longboat with a hole in it, and some 
ship wreckage that had been swept up on the beach. But there were no signs of 
any of the crew, so he assumed that they had all been drowned by the storm. We 
later realized that there were also many sharks in the area, and since we had the 
only longboat, all of the crew were in the water, and they were probably all 
eaten by the sharks. That was probably why we saw no bodies of the crew.
      Oh yes, my dad's name was John Johnson, and mom's name was Elsa. 
My name is Mary, I was two, and my brother, Michael here, was four when the 
tragedy happened.
      Over the next several days, my father gathered all that he could from the 
wreckage, scouted the island, tried to build signal devices, and tried to find 
some sort of refuge for us. He found the stream nearby that empties into the 
ocean. Also a ways back, is a pond of water formed by the waterfall that flows 
into it, and near the waterfall are some large bluffs that helped to provide us 
with some shelter.
      My dad, guessing where we were, realized that we were probably blown 
off-course to an uncharted island, and that the chances of us being rescued were 
practically nil.
      At that point, he realized that we would probably be stuck here for years, 
and most probably for the rest of our lives if he didn't do something. 
      First, he went about building us as permanent a shelter as he could. The 
island, being tropical has a variety of edible fruits and plants plus a lot of 
      Using what materials he could from the ship, and the bamboo, he finally 
built us suitable quarters. 
      In the meantime, he and mother spent time gathering edible fruits and 
plants, and learning how to catch fish for us to eat. 
      Then he spent the rest of his time trying to build a boat of sorts in order 
to try to escape this island and find help.
      Our shelter or hut finally had bedrooms for me, my brother, and our 
parents, plus a room for eating and lounging around in. 
      The shelter was built in such away that it was easily defendable from 
most any type of predator if there were any.
      Chapter 2

      I believe I was around five when one of the first things that I really 
remembered, was dad setting sail in his small homemade boat to try to go 
somewhere where he could find someone who would rescue us. But I have very 
little memory of him other than that incident, and that was the last time that we 
ever saw or heard from him. We have absolutely no idea about whatever became 
of him. 
      Actually, it really isn't much work trying to live here. We fish and gather 
fruit. But mom said that she got very lonely because there was nobody around 
but just us, and she soon became very despondent. 
      My brother and I on the other hand, were really quite happy because we 
knew no other life other than the one that we are now living.
      Since the weather is always quite warm, we went quite often to the pond 
and the waterfall for a swim. It's really quite refreshing to take a dive into the 
pond, and swim around. Because of that, my brother and I got to be very good 
swimmers considering the amount of time we spent in the water. 
      There is also a small lagoon nearby where we catch fish. We quickly 
found that it wouldn't take long to spear enough fish for dinner. All we had to 
do, is to take our small boat, that dad made for us, out into the lagoon, look into 
the water, and wait for a fish to swim by. Then we speared it. 
      Of course we caught only enough fish that we could eat for dinner that 
night or the next morning because otherwise the fish would be spoiled by the 
next day. We found that we could save cooked fish over one more day, but that 
was all.
      Since life was so precarious living here all alone on this island, mother 
tried to teach us everything that she could think of; stuff that she thought we 
would need to know in case something would ever happen to her. 
      She taught us how to read, write, and do basic mathematics. She also 
tried to teach us things about life, including sex. My guess is that she realized 
that if we were not rescued, our natural sex drive would eventually build up 
great enough that we would most probably experiment on each other. 
      Of course, being of the young age that we were, I really didn't grasp all 
that she was trying to teach us at that time.
      During the period of our captivity on this island, my brother and I 
completely outgrew any clothing that we may have had, and, of course, anything 
that was made of cotton gradually rotted away anyway. But that didn't matter 
much for Mike and I, because after the first couple of years, we went around 
mostly naked anyway. Of course, we tied woven plant leaves around us to 
protect our bodies whenever we went on excursions inland. But other than that, 
we were really quite comfortable running around in just our birthday suits, and 
because of this, we were always well aware of the differences of our bodies.
      Of course, mother continued to wrap what pieces of cloth that she could 
find, around her body, but she eventually had to revert to just wearing woven 
plant leaves for clothing. But that didn't do very much for her modesty, because 
we eventually saw her pretty much naked most of the time anyway.
      I remember that I was seven, when mother was lying on her bed hugging 
the two of us. 
      I guess that she had finally given up on the idea of even trying to be 
      As we were lying there, naked of course, she pulled Mike over on top of 
her, and was hugging him. I guess that the skin contact between him and his 
mother made his little penis grow real hard, and because mother noticed what 
was happening, I guess, in desperation from no longer having a husband, she 
spread her legs apart, reached down, and put his penis inside of her. Then she 
wrapped her arms and legs around him. I then watched as she slowly moved him 
up and down on her as I saw him very gleefully suck on one of her breasts. 
Pretty soon, she made some funny sounds and froze up for a few moments. But 
when she recovered, she suddenly pushed Mike of off her and sat there and 
cried and cried for a very long time.
      The next day, she got the two of us together, and said because she was 
so lonely, she had done a very terrible thing, but being trapped here all alone, she 
now just didn't care anymore. 
      After a while, she proceeded to get Mike back on top of her, and got his  
hard penis into her again. 
      She again wrapped her arms and legs around Mike, and they did the 
same thing they did the day before. It seemed like they were like that for a long 
time before Mike finally fell asleep on her.
      I guess that she liked what she was having Mike do to her so much, that 
she had him do that to her nearly every day from then on.
      I eventually got real curious, and asked mother if Mike could do that to 
me also. Of course mother was really shocked at my question. But after thinking 
about what she had her own son do to her, she said that she would have to 
prepare me first before he could do that to me.
      Chapter 3

      The next day was when another tragedy hit us. It was so horrible that I 
can still see it in stark detail. 
      Mother was out catching fish, when she somehow lost her balance and 
fell in. A shark, which we had never seen before, got her and there was nothing 
we could do but just stand there and watch. It was horrible watching the shark 
thrashing around as the water turned red.
      Both Mike and I were in a dazed shock as we eventually headed back to 
the hut. Of course I was in complete hysterics, and because of that, I now didn't 
want to be separated from Mike for even a single second from then on. I hung 
onto him for dear life for days on end. Why I even slept in his bed with him so 
we could have our arms around each other for comfort. But we quickly found 
that his bed was way too small for the two of us, so we used mom's bed instead 
for sleeping.
      We were like that until one morning we woke up very hungry. We finally 
got up and ate what was left of some fruit for breakfast. Then, after breakfast, 
we just listlessly moped around the hut, but two days later, we realized that if 
we wanted to eat, we would have to go out and replenish our food supply 
ourselves. There was now no longer a mother around to provide for us.
      It felt really strange for me not having a mother there to take care of us 
any more, and I was hit by the harsh reality that although we were both still just 
small kids, we had to now play the role of adults in order to survive. We could 
no longer just go out and play around and come back to find a meal ready for us 
nor was there anyone here to nurture and comfort us. All we had left now was 
just the two of us. So, we quickly learned and honed the skills that were 
necessary for us to survive.
      Of course, ever since mother died, Mike and I became inseparable. I had 
to keep him in sight at all times or I would panic, and we both slept on mom's 
bed together because it was bigger. We had some wool blankets that had 
survived the shipwreck, and that's what we used to cover us at night.
      As the days went by, due to our carelessness, we sort of lost track of 
which day it was. I guess because time and dates now no longer seemed 
important to us as one day would just dissolve on into the next, and soon we 
didn't even know what month, or even what year it was.
      Of course, ever since I could remember, Mike and I were always quite 
curious about how different our bodies were, and of course, we would touch 
and sometimes even play with each other's genitals because we quickly found 
that it was really fun to do so. Since we had no clothing to hide our sexuality 
from each other, our genitals were right there for us to see all the time. We also 
never really thought too much about why we touched each other there, because 
we thought that it was just as natural to touch each other there as touching any 
other part of each other's bodies. But because of the sensitivity of our genitals, 
we found that by touching each other there somehow made us feel real good, 
and because of that, we both really liked it, and we would touch each other 
there quite often, but only for a little while at a time until we were then quite 
      I guess mother, when she was alive, had seen us do that quite often, but 
had never said anything about it. I guess that this was because we were so 
isolated from the rest of the world; she had absolutely no hope of us ever being 
rescued, so she never enforced her own upbringing on us, and never bothered to 
make us quit. 
      I guess that was why she had Mike have sexual intercourse with her. I 
guess that she probably played like he was her husband so that she could at least 
have some sort of intimacy and sexual relief from what was pent up inside of 
      One day, soon after mother died, we were idly playing with each other's 
genitals (Of course, there wasn't much else to do.) This time, Instead of it just 
feeling good, I found that it felt really wonderful. 
      I had Mike keep on touching me, and I even showed him just how to do 
it. Then, as I wrapped my arms around him, he made me feel so wonderful that I 
wouldn't let him quit. Then I played with his genitals. We continued doing this 
to each other for a very long time, really enjoying what we were doing to each 
other before we finally quit. It got to where I just loved to take his penis in my 
hands and watch it grow real big and hard. I guess Mike liked it also because he 
never made me quit.
      We didn't know why at that time, but we did know that we could 
comfort each other that way and make each other feel real good. This also made 
us feel even closer to each other.
      As we continued to touch each other down there, we refined our 
touching until we could really make each other feel real great, and I loved to 
watch Mike's thing grow and get long and hard. It got so that we were so 
preoccupied with making each other feel good, that it got to be just like a drug 
to us and we became so addicted that we just couldn't quit, nor did we even 
want to.
      Chapter 4

      As time passed, I remembered what mother had told us about sex and 
what she did with Mike. A few things did stick in my mind as I had 
remembered about her telling me about a membrane covering down there that 
covered my vagina. She said that was where the male puts his penis into, and 
when he does, it feels really real good. So, I soon realized that it was the area 
toward the back of my vulva that hurt if I touched it very hard. 
      One day, I decided to test what mother had told me and I got a very 
smooth thin stick, and I pressed it up against the middle of my hymen. I was 
then quite surprised that the stick went right on in without hardly hurting me at 
all, and I realized that I could actually insert the stick into me for quite a ways. 
Of course, I noticed that the hole it made, bled a little bit and then quit. So, I 
then forced my finger in, and that made it really sting. But over the next few 
days, I kept on playing with myself down there thereby widening the hole, and 
as I continued to widen my hole down there, I even kept on showing the 
progress to Mike.
      When I finally got it sufficiently widened, I had Mike lay down on the 
bed, and I then straddled him and tried to get his penis into me. It got stuck and 
wouldn't go in because his penis was too dry. So I got down and put his penis 
into my mouth to get it wet, hoping that my saliva would lubricate it enough. 
Then I straddled him again, and managed to get it worked right on up into my 
vagina. After I got it all the way in, I found that his penis felt really good inside 
me, and Mike said that his penis felt real good in there also. 
      From then on, it seemed that's all we did was slobber on each other's 
genitals so that he could stick his penis into my vagina when we weren't busy 
with some other activity such as hunting or swimming.
      As the days went by, the feelings that I got from our fun, kept getting 
greater and greater until gradually, I realized that I could feel my whole body 
just freeze up into what I learned was an orgasm with all of the fantastic feelings 
that I got. Also Mike said that he got real fantastic feelings just like he was 
shooting something out of his penis but in fact nothing ever came out at that 
      It soon got that we were so preoccupied with our newfound fun that we 
quite often we just neglected everything else. 
      We realized just how much one-day when we were fishing. Mike was 
standing up in the little boat, and as he threw his spear, he lost his balance and 
fell into the water. I watched in absolute horror as that shark came after him, but 
he managed to clamber up on a rock just in time. 
      Right then and there, we decided that we would have to do something 
to get rid of that shark. We tried spearing it, but that proved absolutely futile, as 
the spear would just bounce off his tough skin.
      We then devised a snare, and Mike risked himself again by swimming in 
the bay to attract the shark. As the shark went after him, Mike managed to 
narrowly escape, and we caught the shark in the snare. Of course it was way too 
big for us to try to lift out of the water, so we just left it there, thrashing all 
around in the water.
      Several days later, we went back to investigate, and found the shark 
dead. Of course we had no remorse for that shark because we knew that it was 
the one that got our mother.
      We realized now that we finally had to put our priorities in order, and we 
decided to have our fun only after our chores were done for the day. Also, we 
had several books that were salvaged from the wreck. I guess that they survived 
by being in mother's chest. Mother was having us read from the books so that 
we would know how to read. I could read a little bit, but Mike could read a lot 
better than I could because he was older. Mother said that it was very important 
to know how to read just in case we ever got rescued. So we decided to try to 
improve our reading skills on our own. So we then spent some time each day 
trying to read. If we got stuck, we had a dictionary, and we used it quite often, 
but many of the words that we found in the books, we just could not relate to, 
like the word 'street' for instance. In the definition, it mentions 'sidewalks'. 
Now what the heck were they? We had never seen a 'street' before, and it took 
us quite some time to figure out just what it was. But as our reading skills 
improved, we had to use the dictionary less and less often.
      As I was looking through the bible one day, I noticed that there was a lot 
of information about our family written there on some of the blank pages. There 
was information on when everyone was born, who our grandparents were, and a 
short history of our family in general. Looking further through the book, there 
were several blank pages in the back. There, mother had written several 
important items for us to refer to. One of them pertained to sexual intercourse. It 
gave an account of what age that I would expect to be menstruating, and the 
best times to have intercourse without getting pregnant. It also told about 
douching to minimize the chances of getting pregnant. There were also passages 
on how to care for a baby.
      There also was a medical dictionary, and I spent many hours pouring 
over what it contained. I found several words that were very important to us, 
like the words for his and my genitals. The words for what we were doing to 
each other. It described the feelings that Mike and I got when we were having 
sex. I also found the word for that wonderful hole inside me. There was also a 
description of the workings of my sexual parts, and of Mike's sexual parts. 
      We learned quite a bit from those two books. Also, there were several 
novels, love stories that mom liked to read. We learned a little also from what 
those stories revealed. There also was a small atlas that gave descriptions of 
countries and of the known world.
      I guess that mother had realized that being stuck on this island far away 
from civilization, Mike and I would eventually have sex with each other. I knew 
that she had that one right, and of course, our sexual attraction for each other 
soon became about as strong as it could get.
      As the days continued to slip by, our sex with each other became our 
principle pastime and major activity. We devised all sorts of different ways and 
games in order to enjoy our sex with each other better. I felt it was just like 
being addicted to a drug of some sort. It kept us close together, and our arms 
were always around each other when we weren't doing anything else.
      One day, as we were happily locked together in our favorite activity, 
Mike and I were happily pumping away when Mike gave me two real nice 
orgasms before he finally had his. But this time, when he climaxed, I felt some 
fluid shoot out of his penis into me. As we continued, I realized that the fluid 
that he shot into me really lubricated things up real nicely. Then, when he had 
another climax, he shot even more of that fluid into me while realizing that it felt 
real good again. As I happily had more of my orgasms, I felt him shoot into me 
for the third time. But then, as he tried to continue, he complained of it hurting 
down there, not in his penis, but somewhere behind it, so we now had to quit 
and wait quite a while before we could do it again. 
      When his penis exited my vagina, I saw a whole lot of this gooey whitish 
fluid flow out, and that's when I realized just what mother was talking about. 
But I still had not had one of those periods that she had mentioned yet. 
      As I checked the medical dictionary, I found that Mike was now 
shooting out his sperm that was supposed to make babies if it came in contact 
with a mother's egg. So, I surmised that I was still too young to have any of 
those eggs yet.
      Well, of course, that put a crimp on our sexual activities and we found 
out that Mike could climax only three or maybe four times a day at the most. 
But to offset that restriction, Mike used his mouth on me so that I could have 
even more orgasms. 
      Also, as we grew older, I realized that our climaxes continued to get 
greater and greater. 
      We continued on having our fun, when one day, I noticed that my 
breasts were starting to grow. Then, a short time later, I saw hair starting to grow 
all around my vulva. It was then when I remembered mother's hair. Why she 
had a regular bush down there that sort of hid everything, and because of that, I 
don't ever remember of actually really seeing mother's vulva. 
      Mike also mentioned that because my beautiful vulva was sprouting hair, 
it was now starting to turn sort of ugly. It was then that I realized that I was 
gradually turning into a woman, and I no longer dared to allow Mike to put his 
penis into me.
      A short time later, I noticed a sudden discharge of blood from my 
vagina. Several days later when the bleeding stopped, I looked at mother's chart. 
It said that I could now allow Mike to have sex with me for only the week just 
before my next menstruation and then he would have to stop. We tried to keep 
each other happy and satisfied with our hands and mouth, but we now had to be 
very careful about when he entered me.
      I quickly made up a chart using pieces of bamboo, and we kept careful 
track of it. When it got to the short pieces we could have sex. The longer pieces 
meant that we could no longer do it.
      But, in spite of the chart, I still got pregnant. I realized that when I 
missed a period. 
      Mike now banged on me as much as he could during my period of 
pregnancy because we knew that he couldn't get me any more pregnant than I 
already was. 
      Of course, I continued to read the medical dictionary and read mother's 
advice that was in the bible so that when the baby came, we would be as 
prepared as we could get, which really wasn't very much.
      The day I gave birth, was very frightening for both of us. I remember 
hurting down there so much that I thought that I would be split wide open. But 
suddenly, out it came. We managed to cut the cord and Mike washed the baby 
in some water, and gave her to me. Yes, it was a girl. So we named it Ruth from 
the Ruth in the bible.
      For the next several days we were beside ourselves trying to take care of 
the baby. Since we no longer had any cloth, I tried weaving split palm leaves 
into something that we could use. Since I had several wool blankets, we used 
two of them for her bed. Of course, I knew what my breasts were for, and every 
time the baby was hungry, I would let her feed on one of them. Of course, Mike 
liked to watch Ruth feed off of my breasts, and he even tried it once himself to 
find out what the baby got.
      About six monthlies after Ruth was born, I missed another period. Mike 
again had a field day banging away on me until the baby was born. This time we 
knew what to do, and this one didn't hurt quite as much as Ruth did coming 
out, but it still wasn't pleasant. I guess Ruth stretched my vagina enough so this 
birth was much easier. 
      Looking in the bible once more, we named this baby John.
      Looking at our period calendar, we took one day off of the beginning of 
the safe days to see if that worked. The medical dictionary said that it wasn't 
good for Mike and I to have babies because we were both brother and sister, but 
we didn't know what else to do. We certainly weren't going to just sit around 
and just play with ourselves when we could give each other the sexual feelings 
that we so craved.
      Being as we were, we couldn't wear any clothes because we didn't have 
any except for a piece of woven grass cloth to go around our waists to protect 
ourselves when we went inland in search for food. The woven grass cloth was 
very uncomfortable on us, so we wore it only when we had to. So we continued 
to go around naked most of the time. 
      As soon as Ruth was house broken and running around, she would get 
on Mike's lap so that he could rub her puffy vulva for her. She really liked that. 
Soon after, John would get on my lap because he loved to have me play with his 
little penis.
      I had started another calendar when Ruth was born, and it was three 
years later, when both Ruth and John were running around getting into things, 
that I got pregnant again. 
      By now, Mike had grown to be a big muscular man, and I believe that I 
was now about the same height as my mother was when she died. 
      Esther was finally born, and she was about as difficult as John coming 
out. Now we had three children, and in spite being born of a brother and sister, 
they all seemed very healthy to us.
      Neither Mike nor I had any so called morals taught to us, so not knowing 
any differently, we just let the kids do anything that they thought was fun with 
each other as long as they didn't hurt each other. The kids would sometimes play 
with little Esther's vulva and she would just lay there and smile and wave her 
arms around.
      We both tried to school the kids as best as we could with what we had 
on hand.
      I guess Ruth was about six according to my calendar, when we spotted a 
ship anchor just outside of the reef. Then, when we saw them drop a longboat, 
we went inside, and wrapped ourselves with our loincloths so that we would be 
at least a little clothed. Then we watched as the boat pulled up to the shore. 
      Since we hadn't heard anyone else talk since our mother died, we had a 
little trouble understanding the three strangers that stood there before us because 
Mike and I used a lot of language that we made up. Our English was now only 
about half English and half our own private language. 
      All I know is that their mouths dropped open when they saw our family 
standing there, almost naked, to greet them. Then, when one of the strangers 
finally got some words out, he said that all they wanted was to refill their water 
casks, and that they were really quite surprised to see anyone inhabiting the 
island. Mike told them about being shipwrecked on this island many years ago, 
and that only us two had survived. After the men filled up their casks, they 
rowed them back to the ship. 
      Then, after a while, they came back again, and this time the captain came 
ashore, and, as the other four men filled more casks, the captain talked with 
Mike. When I saw mike waving at me, I came out of the hut. Mike said that the 
captain had offered to take us off of the island if we wanted to go. At first, I 
was really all excited to go, but then I became very undecided, so the captain 
said that he was going to leave on the noon tide tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, 
he would send the boat back to shore for more supplies, and we had until then to 
make up our minds. 
      That night we talked it over, and I decided that it would be nice to go 
back to civilization. But then, as we both thought about it, Mike and I could not 
remember anything about what it was like before we got on the ship. I had only 
very faint memories of even being on the ship, and Mike, being two years older, 
remembered the dock, packing up, and boarding the ship, and a few details of 
our voyage, but not much else.
      The more that we thought about it, we decided to change our minds. For 
one thing, the children only knew about here, and it would be a very strange 
new life for them if we went back to civilization. What if they found out that we 
were brother and sister with three kids; what would they do to us? Actually, we 
realized that we were really very happy here. We weren't really bored or lonely, 
and also there was no one here to bother us or tell us what to do or not to do. 
How would we make a living? We also realized that we were really barely 
literate. We would even have to learn how to talk the way other people talked.
      When the long boat came back the next morning, we told them that we 
decided it was better for us to stay here. The captain understood and brought a 
bunch of provisions back over that he thought we could use, and that included 
two bolts of cloth and sewing supplies. He said that the goods were in payment 
for the fruit and the water that they took. We thanked him and he was off.
      That was our last contact with civilization. 
      In the meantime, as Ruth grew older, I noticed that she came to Mike 
more and more to have him massage her vulva for her. In the meantime, John 
and Esther would pair off quite often. But then, John really loved to have me 
play with his genitals, and he also loved to play with my breasts, and sometimes 
put his hand down into my wet vagina. Of course, I had always enjoyed it, so I 
really saw no real wrong in him doing so as long as it was fun for the both of us. 
      As it turned out, if anyone wanted to be touched or have a little loving 
from any member of the family, they were rarely denied. But the one exception 
that I noticed was that Mike would not let John touch him, nor would Mike ever 
touch John.
      I noticed that Mike continued to prefer me when he could, but he also 
loved the variety of the two girls, and would have one of the girls get him off 
whenever I was unavailable.
      About two years after Esther was born, I was pregnant again. It was an 
easy birth, and I had another girl. We named her Elsa after my mother.
      One day, Ruth was watching Mike and I have sex. Afterwards, she came 
to me and asked if daddy could do that to her also. I told her that she would 
have to break through her hymen first and then stretch her vagina until Mike's 
penis could fit inside of it. 
      I helped her with the problem and several weeks later, she was ready. I 
remember watching her straddle Mike's lap and putting his penis inside her 
vagina. Afterwards, Mike had sex with her for two months straight before he 
ever paid any attention to me again. Of course I was hurt and I told him so. So, 
he promised to do me during my safe days, and then I gave him permission to 
have sex with Ruth all he wanted on the other days. 
      John sometimes liked to cuddle with me, and I loved to have him put his 
penis inside of me just like I had watched mother and Mike do. Then he would 
have sexual intercourse with me. 
      Since he was my son, it felt real good while I wrapped my arms and legs 
around him. This was about as close as I could get with him, and sometimes we 
would lay that way for a long time while he enjoyed the comfort of being loved 
and cuddled by his mother.
      One day, I was thinking about how unfair it was that Mike and John had 
four females to keep sexually satisfied, and because of that, the girls would 
sometimes even get into quarrels about who was going to get whom to satisfy 
their sexual urges. Even I was not satisfied during certain times of the month. 
But both Mike and John had so much sex, that they even got tired of it, and 
sometimes would even run off and hide somewhere.
      Soon, I got pregnant again. I was really wishing for a boy, and when I 
gave birth, my wishes came true. I named him Matthew. We called him Mat for 
short. I noticed that the three girls just doted over him. They did everything 
possible to take care of him, and all I had to do was feed him with my breasts 
until he was able to take solid food.
      As Mat grew older, his penis was well cared for by the three girls.
      Eventually, Ruth became old enough to have children. I knew that either 
Mike or John would eventually get her pregnant. 
      Yes, it finally happened, and several weeks before she was due, she had 
a miscarriage and the baby was still-born. Because of this, Mike had sex with her 
only six days per month. 
      John finally became old enough to ejaculate, and he soon had Ruth 
pregnant again. She gave birth to a boy. It looked very normal, and we were all 
very pleased. So we named him Luke.
      Also, just as I figured, John, my son, finally got me pregnant. I new it 
was my own fault, but I just couldn't resist him at the moment. So nine months 
later I had another girl. We named her Eden.
      By now, we had a regular tribe going, and it was no more just Mike and 
I. Why we now had kids screaming all over the place. Those years of silent 
solitude were now all over.
      Of course, Mike continued to get me pregnant until I eventually had 
twelve children. John was having fun getting Ruth pregnant, and eventually 
Esther. When Elsa became of age, John got her pregnant also.
      Mike got Ruth pregnant again, and she had a healthy boy.
      Mat and Sarah were especially fond of each other, and when they 
reached child-bearing age, they only had sex with each other, and had their own 
      Eventually I lost count of whose children belonged to whom. 
      I remember that there was a lot of bickering and fights about who was 
going to have sex with whom, so Mike and I had to have some sort of reform. 
So we got all of the children together and sat them down. Then we had those 
who wanted to pair up, do so. So we called them married couples and no one 
was allowed to touch them, nor were they allowed to have sex with anyone else. 
Then we told the rest of them to leave the paired ones alone, and they had to 
take their chances with those that were still unattached.
      As the years went by, Mike got several more of the girls pregnant. The 
boys also got many girls pregnant. Finally, we had our own little colony. I 
advised those turning of age to pair off and get married. If they did, we held a 
little ceremony for them. But with the rest, it has been just a regular 'free for all'
      So that's how it stands for now. I think our population has now grown to 
eighty-seven at last count with many of the girls being pregnant right now. 
      The problem now is that if we don't stop having more kids soon, we're 
going to outgrow the island's resources. 

      I was really quite shocked at what Mary had told me. So I decided it 
best to start a church and a school in order to give the people some sort of an 
education and moral values, and some form of government to make laws about 
marriage and having sex. Maybe, if worse comes to worse, even exporting some 
of them to other countries.
      This is the end of my report that I have written, and I will file it with the 
church so that they can take proper action. 


Of course this story never really happened - Or did it?
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