My Brother's Daughter Part 2 - Married to Ruby
      By Pussywillow
      M/F b/g, inc, rom  
Disclaimer: This story is just the figment of the imagination and contains 
depictions of sexual encounters between adults and children. If this type thing 
bothers you then you should stop reading now. However if you recognize the 
beauty of such loving and consensual relationships, then read on and I hope you 
What if you were married and had two kids that liked to fool around wioth each 
      This is a sort of a continuation from My Brother's Daughter.
      After I married Ruby, we had a boy and we named him John. Then about 
sixteen months later, we had a girl and named her Sarah. I guess we had a pretty 
normal home life as a couple could have with a couple of kids. 
      When Sarah was old enough to bathe herself, we would just put both kids 
in the bathtub and let them play around and bathe themselves. I guess they had a 
lot of fun and enjoyed it because we never had any trouble with them taking their 
baths together. Also, since we didn't have an extra bedroom, we let them sleep in 
the same bedroom, and we found that we didn't have too much trouble about the 
kids fighting. 
      As they played with each other, they would chase each other around and 
wrestle and all the other things that two kids do together. But somehow, I noticed 
that they wouldn't get jealous or intentionally try to hurt each other.
      When they were about six and seven, I happened to peek into the 
bathroom one night, and saw that they were washing each other's genital area. 
But when they saw me, they immediately stopped and just looked at me. As I saw 
their frightened faces, I asked, "Were you having fun?" I watched as they both 
shook their heads yes, so I said, "As long as you both are having fun, it's all right 
with me. But don't tell your mother though. I don't know what she would say." I 
saw them both finally smile at me as they realized that I had actually condoned 
their sexual activity and they continued on washing each other's genitals. 
      I loved watching this, because it showed the curious sexuality that can 
flow between brothers and sisters.
      One night several months later, after the kids went to bed, I just happened 
to pass by their bedroom when I heard some giggles. As I opened the door, I saw 
that Sarah was in bed with john and it looked like their pajamas were strewn 
around on the bedroom floor. I saw them look at me with frightened faces like I 
was about to kill them as I asked, "Are you both enjoying yourselves?" They both 
looked back at me, and then slowly got a big smile on their faces as they both 
shook their heads yes. "Well don't play too long because tomorrow is a school day 
and you need your sleep." I then closed the door and left them to their own 
      I knew that I had to tell Ruby what the kids were up to, because I knew 
that she would find out sooner or later. 
      After I told Ruby that the kids were touching each other. Ruby really 
exploded and said, "You must put a stop to this because that's incest besides 
being very immoral." I finally sat her down and explained the facts of life to her 
and told her that no harm could come from what they were doing if we don't 
implant the fear of immorality into their minds. It would teach them all about each 
other's sex, and they won't be so sexually ignorant and frustrated as they grow up 
like a lot of people are, and if we tried to separate them, they would just go ahead 
and do it behind our backs anyway and then they would have a very guilty 
conscience about it all." Ruby eventually saw my point, and finally agreed not to 
interfere with their sexual activities.
      Several months later When John was around eight and Sarah was about 
seven, Ruby had gone out to a meeting when both kids came over and sat down 
beside me on the couch. Finally Sarah said, "Daddy, you know we've been 
playing with each other for a long time now and we really like it a lot, and we'd 
like to thank you for letting us do it. But we'd like to know more about our 
      I understood what they wanted, so I first told them, "It's really illegal for 
a brother and sister to have sex with each other, and some say that it's very 
immoral. But my philosophy is, 'If you're not hurting each other and its fun, go 
ahead and do it. I have seen nothing that you have been doing to each other that 
could hurt you, but just keep it to yourselves and don't ever tell anyone else about 
it. Now what is it that you want to know?" I then heard Sarah ask, "What is the 
little bag behind John's pee-pee?" I realized that they didn't know very much at 
all about their own bodies, so I had them both get undressed and then I pointed 
out all of the sexual parts on both of their own bodies and what they do, etc. I 
even told them all about their genitals and making babies and how to do it, and 
why they can't until their bodies have developed enough, and what to do when 
they finally reach that stage. I also told them all about the fun of oral sex. 
      Finally John and Sarah thanked me about what I had taught them, and I 
now realized that they now had a much better understanding about their sex; 
probably more than most kids have even after they grow up.
      Since both of them had their clothes off and their mother wasn't due home 
for another hour, I watched as they started playing with each other. I thought it 
was very erotic for me to actually watch the two of them fondle each other's sex 
organs. I also noticed that Sarah finally quit touching John's penis and just laid 
there and hugged John while he still fingered her pussy. Then I asked John if he 
would like to put his mouth down on her pussy and run his tongue around in it. 
He looked at me questionably before I said, "It won't hurt you, and Sarah might 
really enjoy it." I told them just what to do, and then I watched as John scooted 
down and got himself in-between Sarah's legs and they both giggled as he started 
kissing her pussy. Finally, he got the hang of it and I watched as Sarah just laid 
there and screeched and giggled and moved her bottom all around. Soon, I saw 
Sarah stiffen up a little and then relax again. John looked like he was really 
enjoying what he was doing, and I knew from the way Sarah acted that she was 
certainly enjoying it also. So they both continued doing it until I heard Ruby's car 
in the driveway. I warned them and they both jumped up and headed for their 
bedroom before Ruby came in.
      I don't know what started it, but they both either didn't care if I was there 
or maybe they just liked to show off in front of me - I don't know which. If I 
opened the bathroom door while they were taking a bath, they would show off to 
me by doing something sexual to each other. When Ruby wasn't around, they 
would even play grab-ass with each other right in front of me like I wasn't there. 
Sometimes they would be sitting on the floor watching TV and John's hand 
would sneak over to Sarah's pussy and she would soon be directing him on just 
how to move his fingers to make her feel better.
      One day, John asked me, "Why is it that Sarah always wants me to play 
with her pussy so much all of the time?" "Well," I replied, "girls start having 
orgasms at a much earlier age than boys. So, if they haven't been scared out of it 
by their parents, they really do enjoy a boy's sexual attentions. But, girls also have 
to be loved. You just can't put your hand on their pussies and have them just 
automatically like it. Of course, I've seen that you've been fairly loving to Sarah 
so far, so that's why she likes your attentions so much. But she would probably 
like it even more if you held her and cuddled her and kissed her." "But dad, if I 
did that then I would be a sissy." "No you won't. That's just a copout. If you told 
you're friends that you were kissing a girl, they would call you a sissy because 
they'd be jealous of you." "Well okay, I think I see what you mean. Thanks dad."
      Over the next several weeks, I noticed small changes in the kids. I noticed 
John trying to be more loving to Sarah and when their mother was gone, John will 
sit on the floor with his back against the couch and Sarah Will get between his 
legs and lean back against him and John would put his arms around her. Pretty 
soon she would take off her panties, grab one of john's hands, and put it down on 
her pussy, and they would be like that until it was time to go to bed.
      We finally moved to a new bigger house and we gave each of them their 
own bedrooms. We even helped them pick out the furniture and helped them 
decorate their own rooms, and I thought that they would be very happy to have 
their own rooms so that they could have a space to call their own. But when it 
came time to wake them up for school, both of them would be in one bedroom or 
the other. They never slept by themselves and it became a game to guess which 
bedroom I could find them in.
      As they grew older, Ruby was glad about my decision to just let them be 
sexually active with each other. They seemed to be very self confident and got 
very good grades in school, and they even stayed away from the so-called "in" 
crowd and were their own independent selves. They also had a lot of friends, but 
they were friends on their terms not the other way around.
      One evening when Sarah was nine, they both came to me and she asked, 
"Dad, if we tried it, would his penis fit inside me?" "What do you mean? Do you 
want to have sexual intercourse?" "I believe that's what we want to try." "Well 
yeah, I believe it might fit okay. It's still pretty small even when it's hard. But 
you'll have to break through your hymen first and that might hurt some, and you 
will even bleed a little because of it. Otherwise, if you want to do it, I don't care. 
It'll still be several years before he can get you pregnant. 
      They both went into her room, and a couple of hours later, they came 
running to me naked and I saw some blood around Sarah's genitals as she came to 
me all excited and jumped into my lap as she said, Guess what daddy, we tried it 
and it hurt a little bit at first. But when the hurt went away it was lots of fun and 
he even made me have three orgasms with his penis inside my vagina." Then I 
asked, "Well, how about you John?" "Well dad, it did feel real nice and good 
having my penis inside of her. But I guess that I have to confess that I really liked 
feeling her body against mine when I've got my penis in her."
      From then on, they have been going at it like rabbits. One Saturday 
morning, I went in to wake them up and John was on top of Sarah and they were 
going at it. So I closed the door and left. A couple of hours later, I opened the 
door and saw Sarah on top of John. They had no covering over them and it was 
quite obvious what they were doing. I came back at lunchtime to tell them about 
lunch. When I opened the door, John was back on top of Sarah, still doing the 
same thing. About an hour later, I peeked in, and Sarah was lying on top of John 
and it appeared that both of them were asleep with his penis was still inside of 
her. It was such a cute scene that I grabbed my camera and took a picture of them. 
Finally, about an hour later, they both came into the kitchen with just their 
underpants on and had a bite to eat. 
      As they were eating, Sarah asked, Daddy, did you look in on us this 
morning?" "Yeah, several times. Why?" "Oh golly, we were having so much fun, I 
didn't want to stop." "Well, how many orgasms did you have?" "Oh daddy, I lost 
count. But it was lots though." So john piped in, "Yeah, she just plain wore me 
out. Now I know what you meant from what you told me about girls."
      One day when John was about a month from his thirteenth birthday, and 
was talking with me when I heard him say, "Dad, last night when Sarah and I 
were having fun, I shot some stuff out of my penis into her, and wow, did that 
ever feel good. Now I understand what you said about girls and boys and 
orgasms." So I replied, "Your sister is approaching the age when she will be 
having her periods soon. They can start in girls anywhere from ten to thirteen. So 
watch closely, and if she shows any signs of developing, you tell me.
      Since John could climax now, their sex life changed as Sarah found that 
John could no longer do those marathon fuck sessions anymore, she was very 
disappointed. But now John was really enjoying their get-togethers much more 
now. He found that he could climax three times in a row and now he was feeling 
somewhat the same sensations that Sarah felt. 
      When Sarah was in the middle of her twelfth year, she had her first period. 
They were watching it pretty closely, so she didn't get pregnant. 
      This knocked the wind out of John's sails, because he now had to use a 
rubber, and she even douched after each time. Because of this, they went back to 
oral sex and fucked only about once a week. Finally, I was able to get her on the 
pill and they soon resumed their normal sexual activities. 
      John soon started dating after Sarah started having her periods. But he 
played it real smart and didn't tell anyone what he did with his dates. Due to the 
experience he had gained with Sarah, He was able to have some form of sex with 
almost half of the girls in his class that first year that he started dating. But he 
soon found that he really liked younger girls much better when he latched onto a 
cute little ten-year-old girl that lived down the street.
      He had a hobby shop out next to the garage where I allowed him to bring 
in an old army cot, and I knew that he probably screwed that little girl almost 
every day for about a year, before she and her family finally moved away. But to 
my knowledge her parents never found out about it. But I knew because I could 
hear them going at it sometimes when I was out in the garage. Heck, why should I 
break it up when I knew that they both were enjoying it so much.
      Sarah, on the other hand, was devastated that her brother was having so 
much fun with other girls and because of that, he now seemed just too sexually 
drained to spend much time with her anymore. She knew that she could go out 
with other boys, which she did. But she knew that if she let them do anything to 
her, they would probably broadcast it all over the school. So she never allowed 
any of the boys to have sex with her. Sarah finally confessed her problems to 
Ruby and they discussed what could be done about it. 
      Ruby finally came to me and asked if I would like to have sex with my 
own daughter.
      I was floored. I knew that in most families, this type of question would 
have never come up in the first place because of just the thought of incest in the 
family. But of course, ours just wasn't your normal everyday family. Both John 
and Sarah had been having sex in one form or another with each other ever since 
they were very small, and I knew just how frustrated Sarah was when John finally 
sexually deserted her for other girls. But Sarah knew that both she and John were 
growing up and soon would be having families of their own. So she really wasn't 
blaming John for seeking out other girls. The main problem was that she now felt 
very sexually frustrated for not being able to have a regular sex partner like she 
had in the past.
      I had never before touched Sarah sexually, and I knew that I really 
shouldn't with my own daughter. But then, I remembered Amanda and I. But she 
really wasn't my own daughter though.
      After both Ruby and Sarah explained everything to me, I finally broke 
down and agreed to have sex with her once a week. So every Saturday morning, 
Sarah and I would lock ourselves in her bedroom, and I would eat her out and 
fuck her or anything she wanted. This made Sarah very happy until she finally met 
a boy that she really liked when she was seventeen. As soon as they graduated 
from high school, they got married. 
      John continued to be a sort of a playboy. But because of his experience 
with his sister, he really preferred little girls if he could find them. But he finally 
met the girl that captured his heart while he in college. They got married right 
after he graduated.
Of course this story never really happened - Or did it?
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