Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. A soft, orange flicker did little to stave off the darkness in Raven's room. The megear flame from the quaint, purple candle barley illuminated the gothic room and cauased shadows to dance eerily across the floor. Several of the mystical items housed by the various shelves and cabients seemed almost meanacing in the darkness and they gleamed brightly in the rare instance that they caught the light. In short, the room was dark and scary enough to deter many possible intruders. Just how Raven liked it. Despite the favorable environment, the young psion couldn't sleep. She was tired. Her attack of diarrhea only minutes earlier had left her drained and exhausted and she wanted badly to fall asleep. But she was tense, and afraid that if she were to be caught short while slumbering she wouldn't be able to make the bathroom in time. It was this tension, not the need for light, that had forced her to ignite the small candle. It's scented wax released a soothing armoa when burned. The favorable odor had, in mere moments, filled the room and she could already feel it's calming effects. She sat, crosslegged, on her bed, resting lazily against the headboard. She watched the flame performing it's unique ballet as the chemicals released from the candle slowly invaded her body and chased away the tension. She hated doing this to herself, lowering her natural awareness through use of anything but intense meditation, but she couldn't sleep and her exhaustion had overcome her tredipition. As the minutes passed, she could feel her eyelids growing heavier and smiled. Sleep would come easily in moments. All she'd need to do is close her eyes. And yet... Seconds after returning from her first explosion, Raven's stomach had began chruning violently. She had hoped it was simply her intestines settling after expelling so much waste, but it soon became clear to her that the rumbling forewarned a second attack. A loud gurgle that seemed to originate in the pit of her stomach pulled her from her drowsy state. The young woman shook her head violently to fight off the sleep. She wanted to be certain she was empty before dozing. "At least there aren't any cramps, " she grumbled to herself in one of her rare displays of optimism. Sighing heavily, she scooted herself to the bedside and stood up. Ironically, an intense cramp warning her how badly she needed to go may have spared her what happened next. The megear exertion required to stand combined with the loss of pressure against her backside from the bed caused her body to finally betray her. Her spinchter released and an unstoppable rush began. Raven was shocked, both by what was happening and how easily her waste flowed. She swore she could hear it running out of her. The hot, liquidly matter splashed against the tight blue material that made her outfit. It began spreading out across her buttocks and seeping slowly through the material, tracing hot riverlets down the insides of her thighs. The initial watery blast gave way to a thicker, heavier substance with the consiscensity of thick, runny mud. She felt the seat of her tight outfit expand slightly to provide the waste somewhere to go and she quivered slightly when she felt it creeping up the small of her back. The rush subsided and, just like before, closed with a loud bubbly fart. Shamed, Raven reached behind her with both hands to gauge the damage. They met the hot, wet material and she could tell it had expanded several inches in the wake of her accident. Her suit sagged slightly and the insides of her legs were coated with a nasty, greenish-brown substance. The same stuff had spattered i several droplets on the floor. Commanding a towel to soak up the droplets with her power, Raven began waddling carefully to the door. She walked slowly to contain the mess, and she was extremely uncomfortable. Each step caused her slick butt cheeks to slide together and she had to resist the urge to jam a finger back there to help extinguish the ichy fires. The extra weight shifted constantly and made walking an all together unpleasant exeprience. She was so focused on walking that she failed to notice the light in the hall as she waddled toward the bathroom. "Raven, you are ... okay?" The voice was Starfire's and Raven froze upon hearing it. She could feel the blood rushing to her face. As if crapping herself wasn't bad enough, now she had to face the humiliation of facing on of her friends! Raven took a calming breath and stuffed her raging emotions into a tiny corner in her mind before answering. "I'm sick, I had an accident," she replied in a cool, collected voice that betrayed no emotion. Slowly, she turned to face Starfire. "What are you doing out of bed?" Starfire hesitated, and if Raven wasn't in such a hurry to clean herself up she might have caught the slightly nervous response. "I thought I heard a noise, I came to invsetigate," Starfire replied hastily, blushing slightly. "I will go now," she finished and hurried back down the hall. "Odd," Raven thought to herself as she watched Star hurriedly take a corner. She knew it was likely the light playing tricks on her, but Raven could have sworn she'd seen a brown sag in the seat of her alien friend's light pink pajama bottoms. Raven finished her trip to the bathroom and climbed into the shower. Again utilizing her powers, she tuged the rebelious zipper down and gengerly removed her suit. A disgusting, wet brown mess swished about as she removed the clothing. In the mirror, she could see brown smears covering virturally her entire backside and much of her lower back. Some of the feces fell as she undressed, plopping loduly on the cold, porcleian tub. Undressed, she started the hot water with her clothing still in the tub. She washed it first, and luckily the mess came out and went down the drain easily. There were a few brown streaks visibale in the dark blue, but she was certain the material was salavagable. She wrung the suit out and set it on the toilet outside. A lump began forming in her gut as she lathered herself and she goraned. Still in the shower, she bent her knees slightly and a flood of thick brown water drained from behind her. She grunted with releif as the flood subsided and watched the mess get washed down the drain. She finished her shower quickly, dried and re-dressed in an outfit identical to her last. She ran her clothing to the laundry facilities and started the wash. While the machine was going, she raided the medicine cabinets and was disappointed to find Titan's Tower devoid of any anti-diarrhea medicine. At least, she figured, she felt empty now. After the washer stopped, Raven threw the suit into the dryer and headed back to bed.