Dear Dr. Pederos: Fuddy-Duddy Mom
by Pederos

Dear Dr. Pederos,

I am a 34 year-old mother who has a son who masturbates constantly. I'm
guessing he probably plays with his pecker 20-30 times A DAY! He complains
that he doesn't get any sex from anyone, and that he's lonely. The problem is
that he's only 8 years old, but the biggest problem is that he is attracted to adult
MEN. I am extremely confused about this because I think it's bizarre for
someone that young to want sex, and from MEN to boot. I guess I just haven't
accepted this new sexual liberation of children. Children are innocent and
shouldn't be thinking about sex until they're of age. But a part of me is trying to
break free from this line of thinking. HELP!

Fuddy-Duddy Mom

Dear Fuddy-Duddy Mom,

The idea that children are "innocent" is silly, antiquated adultist thinking not
backed up by science and common sense. Children are intensely sexual
creatures and want the affection and great feelings that come with sex. Children
are unashamed of their beautiful nakedness until they are taught that it's
"shameful", "dirty", "ungodly", "sinful"....the list goes on into infinity. The fact is,
children have been freed from long-constructed mental cages behind which they
were imprisoned by the old society, a society that was decaying in so many ways

Children love to stimulate their own genitalia and those of others, and this idea
that they "cannot consent" to sex is, to put it bluntly, bullshit. The idea that kids
are unable to consent to sex served only one purpose: enslavement. It was
formulated and enforced to keep children from being able to free themselves of
unnecessary and unrealistic hang-ups about sex and their bodies so as to make
them more pliable and controllable as worker drones when they got old enough
to hold a job. Repressing the sexuality of children, and keeping them from
having sex with ANYONE they choose, REGARDLESS OF AGE, is absolutely
NOTHING BUT CONTROL. After all, if you let kids even as young as 6 or 7 have
sex with a grown-up or another child or teenager whenever they want, they
might start asking for OTHER rights, like the right to VOTE. Horrors!!!

I cannot remember all the stories I've heard, first-hand, from adults who were
asked questions by pre-teen children like, "What is your AOA?" (Age Of
Attraction), "Do you think I'm sexy?", "Can I touch your penis?" "Can I touch
your boobies?", "Wanna play 'house' with me?",etc. When adults wrongly
assume that kids aren't "ready" for sex, they repress THEMSELVES, as well. The
reason many adult men used to say things like, "look but don't touch" when they
saw attractive teen girls between, say, 14-17 years old, is because they KNEW
children were attractive and would've pursued sexual relationships with them if
the laws had been as relaxed and radical as they are now.

Face it, Fuddy-Duddy, your son loves and craves COCK, as well as the affection
and fun that goes along with playing with it, tasting it, sucking it, and doing
whatever he likes with the semen that emanates from the man's penis. There is
NOTHING wrong with this, as long as he FREELY CHOOSES this act. Plus, it's
the 21st Century----time to dispense with this homophobia crap once and for all.
The fact that a part of you is trying to rid yourself of the thinking that was
pounded into your head is the positive first step to FREEING YOURSELF. Your
son knows what he likes and wants more of it, and you can be the positive
reinforcement in his life that cheers him on and supports him. I mean, what if
YOU realized that under these new relaxed and more SANE laws, you could
pursue WHOEVER YOU DESIRE!!! You could have a sexual-loving relationship
with a child or a teenager WITHOUT ANY REPERCUSSIONS OR
CONSEQUENCES, so long as the child or teenager says, "Okay!!", "Yes!", or any
other unforced affirmative statement!!!! Imagine the possibilities!!!!

The laws against incest have also been abolished!! You could have sexual
intercourse with your brother, your father, your uncle, your nephew, or any other
consenting male in your family!! Hell, just imagine if your dear 8 year-old son
was bi-sexual and wanted to explore YOUR body?!! You are now FREE to go to
bed with ANYONE your lustly heart desires!!! And, let's be real here----people
who are "crusaders" against homosexuality, incest, or child-adult sex are, 99
times out of 100, trying to repress their own proclivities towards these
sexualities. That's why so many "religious" people used to be caught in sex
scandals so often. They WANT and DESIRE and LUST AFTER someone of their
own gender, a blood relative, or even that gorgeous child they see frolicking at
the playground or running naked or semi-naked through the sprinkler!!!

So, all I'm saying is: the rules have CHANGED. Be FREE. Be HAPPY. Be
CURIOUS. Be SEXUAL, WITHOUT INHIBITION!!! Embrace the new paradigm
of sexual freedom and openness! This is what the counterculture of the 60's was
REALLY fighting for, and their struggles have accomplished The Great Liberation
of 2016!!! Have fun out there! Shed those clothes without shame or regret in all
the legal clothing-optional areas, and if you find someone you really want,
regardless of age or relation, JUST GO FOR IT! Don't be a "fuddy-duddy" any
longer! Be FREE to FUCK and FROLIC!!!!

Encourage your baby boy to experiment with dildoes and other safe objects he
can insert into his rectum to pleasure himself. If you can find a trustworthy,
kind, and gentle man or boy to introduce to your son, then definitely do so! Tell
the partner about your boundaries as a parent, too. Let them know what you
approve and disapprove of, and that your son is within his rights to say "NO!" to
anything he does NOT want to do. In fact, until he's old enough to be alone with
a partner, have the boy or man stay over WHILE YOU'RE HOME to make sure
your son is both satisfied AND safe! This will keep the partner accountable to
you and establish trust.

I hope your son has fun exploring the pleasures of sex! I hope YOU, too, find
ways to open up your mind to the vast possibilites of your own sexuality! Let
your son be your inspiration, and let go of the "fuddy-duddies"!!

Yours in Liberation,
Dr. Pederos