Courier Series FAQ


Nikolai Mirovich

Note: This is just a short(?) list of frequently asked questions 
about my series of perversely romantic and occasionally darkly 
disturbing pokemon stories, sent in by my fans. 
This isn't anything perverted, it's just an FAQ, so if you don't 
care, just back pedal and read one of the stories. This is just 
here to help people.

Q) How old are the characters?
A) Okay, due to the fact that I cannot seem to get a straight 
answers out of people (as in the questions lead to massive 
circular debates) as to what years the Pokemon series begins and 
ends in. Or just how old most of the people are to start with, 
this is sort of a tough one to answer. But, let me put it to you 
this way. There's a 2 and a half year age difference between 
Miranda and Misty. (Yes, there's a VERY obscure inside joke in 
there, and if you get it, please stop licking those cane toads!)

Q) Why is Misty's staryu named "Shadow" when her other pokemon are  
  named after mythical water monsters and water deities?
A) Not so simply put, it's an inside joke. But in all fairness, I  
 shall try and explain it. You see, two of my friends (Who's 
 actual, real-life nicknames are "Alt135" & "Hot Dog" for various 
 obscure reasons) were sitting around, being bored. 
 So, Hot Dog started playing Final Fantasy VII (Although some 
 people still call it "III"), and as he's playing the 
 game, my Alt135 asks, "Isn't there a ninja in this          
 Hot Dog nods. "Yeah, but I'm not sure what to call him."

 This of course brings up this strange debate as to the ninja in 
 that games gender, which somehow brings up another game with a 
 ninja called "Dead Or Alive". (I'm pretty sure it's a fighting 
 game of some kind or other) It turns out that the female ninja in  
 that game is called "Kasumi". So, as a joke, Hot Dog renames the 
 ninja in FF VI from "Shadow" to "Kasumi".

 So, a while later, I'm playing the new, ultra cool with extra 
 FMV's version of FFVI on Hot Dog's new game machine thingy. And 
 well, that day we'd been discussing pokemon for some 
 unconscionable reason, and I mentioned to him that in the 
 original Japanese version, Misty's name is actually Kasumi, which 
 means (apparently) "mist". So, a few hours later, I wound up 
 getting the ninja myself, and poor shadow became "Misty". (The 
 fact that my group of friends had decided that he was indeed male 

 Then, later on when I got the emulated an emulated version of the 
 Pokemon game from a friend of mine who's nickname is both my 
 favorite colour and my favorite flavor of ice-cream, I found out 
 that the staryu/starmie was a pretty kickin' pokemon.                
 Unfortunately, I wasn't sure what to name the poor overgrown 
 starfish. So, I played it for a while, until one day I was on an 
 obscure knowledge hunt through the internet and found a site 
 that said that staryu's were Misty's favorite type of pokemon. 
 So, for a while, I named my staryu Misty. 
 Of course, in this story, it'd be silly for Misty to name her 
 pokemon after herself, so, in this story, her staryu is named 
 "Shadow", after everyone's favorite bishonin ninja in Final 
 Fantasy Six. Confused yet? I am! But just do like I do, blame 

Q) Don't you think that you're a touch hard on Ash/Satoshi? He's 
  THAT bad!
A) I'm tempted to stand here and grin evilly, but instead I'll say 
  this; This is the way my mind works. While I'm sure that all the 
  characters will all grow up to be nice, well adjusted members of 
  the rather odd society they live in, what fun would THAT be?! 
  This is a parallel universe version of Pokemon, boils and 
  ghouls. Just like my Tentacle Romance series is a parallel 
  Sailor Moon universe. Don't take it so personally/seriously. 
  When I write a fanfic, the gloves are off. The series is my pig! 
  (I honestly don't know who first coined that phrase, but I think 
  it was my same friend who was thrown out of no less than FIVE 
  buffet houses to the sound of "Eat More Vegetables!") 
  Anyway, in MY Pokemon universe, things just kinda got out of 
  control. Basically, I've amplified several of the character's 
  worst traits to odd levels. I find it makes for a better story, 
  and let's people who know NOTHING about Pokemon feel less 
  alienated. Also, I just plane don't like Ash. I just find it odd 
  that someone could be so obsessed with Pokemon but know sooo 
  little about them. I have other reasons to, but that just spark 
  more debates. <sigh>

Q) When does your story take place?
A) After the end of the Pokemon series. I'm afraid I can't be more 
  specific at this time.

Q) Where's Togapi?
A) Remember the omlet Miranda had in Rainbow Reminiscence? Sorry. 
   Flat out here, I don't like it. The species 
   simply doesn't exist in my world. I'm sorry, but it's my world, 
   and I reserve the right to be a complete jerk in regards to 
   things staying/going.

Q) Why is it that pokemon seem capable of independent thought 
  while in battle?
A) Okay, so that's not the EXACT wording of the question as sent 
  to me, but hey, you get the idea. Anyway, it's like this. I 
  think it's silly that pokemon have to rely 100% on human 
  intervention during combat. Realistically, these critters 
  (especially the carnivores) are going to be able to defend 
  themselves perfectly well in most situations. The human element 
  factors in when things start to go beyond the pokemon's normal 
  way of thinking. The trainer's job is mostly to fill in the 
  blanks of the poke's combat strategy as well as add an extra bit 
  of creativity. After all, that's what humans do, they create and 
  they think on a higher level than even the smartest pokemon. 
  Without the trainer giving the occasional (but hardly 
  incessant!) order, battle might not be as interesting, and would 
  on occasion be more lethal (again, especially when dealing with 
  the more predatory types.)

  Oh, and for the record, I find the whole 'every move is up to 
  the trainer' thing infinitely bogus and annoying.

Q) Why?! Why for the love of all Creation are you writing a 
  Pokemon story? Let alone a series of them?! 
A) <Shrug> I dunno. Ask my Twisted Muse. It just kinda, I dunno, 
  happened. To be honest it embarrasses me to admit to it, but 
  here I am, getting up before work every day to bang out a few 
  more pages of this thing. I just hope I can entertain a few 
  people with it. Tis all.

Another problem, is the fact that the stories are listed in 
alphabetical as opposed to sequential order. I apologize for this, 
and thus present the list of stories in this series in order of 
which they should be read?

The Courier
Cerulean Dreams
Lavender Ghost Story
Gastly X Machina
Rainbow Reminiscence

Still Pending stories in his series are?

A Midwinter Night's Caravan Story
Voyage Of The Dawn Sister
Labyrinth Of Fire
An Offer Ya Can't Refuse
Indigo Endings

Okay, that's it. You can go back to masturbating now.:)


Nikolai Mirovich