--===Justice Seven Episode 8: Personal Affairs===--
Justice Seven
Episode 8: Personal Affairs
_Author's Note:_ *This story begins at the end of Episode 5: The
Cybernetic Connector.  Again, a calendar of events has been updated to
reflect this chapter.  After this point, the episodes should be mostly
sequential, though there are certain to be slight overlaps in the
future, as well.*
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    "So, do you drive?" Jen wanted to know.
    Akira nodded.  "I have my learner's permit already.  I
intend to take the driving test soon."
    "It would be nice to have someone who could take us where
we needed to go.  Of course, you probably don't have a car," Jim said.
    "I can borrow my mother's car, if we need it.  May I...
speak freely?"
    "Sure," Jim said.  Jen nodded, beside him.
    "The two of you seem more willing to accept my presence
than the others..."
    He didn't need to say any more than that.  Jim raised his
hand and smiled.  "I guess we're just not as paranoid as the rest of
them.  I dunno... actually, for me it was easy enough.  Jen trusts you,
so I trust you."
    "And why do you trust me?" Akira asked, turning to Jen.
    Jen shrugged.  "I just don't get the impression that you're
here to cause us trouble.  I'm like that sometimes.  You'll get used to
me.  Or I'll drive you nuts, one or the other."  Jen giggled, and Jim
tickled her.  Akira was interested to see them interacting, and was
pleased they felt comfortable enough to play in front of him.
    Just then, the younger girl, whom Akira remembered was
known as Andie, walked up.  She looked as if something was on her
mind.  Akira nodded politely, and she smiled at him, but it was a weak
    "Jim, can I talk to you a minute?"
    "Sure."  The two stepped slightly away from the others, and
Andie lowered her voice.
    "You remember that... thing... you said I could talk to you
about, if I ever felt like it?"
    Jim knew immediately that she was talking about the night
her father had tried to rape her.  He was still fairly proud of himself
for having helped keep that from happening.  He looked at Andie, and
nodded seriously.
    "I think I'm ready... if you have the time."
    Jim put his hand on her shoulder.  "I've always got the
time.  Let me just tell Jen, and we can take the bus back to your
    Jen and Akira were making small talk while the other two
spoke more seriously, and they stopped as Jim and Andie came back to
    "Jen," Andie said, surprising Jim, "you mind if I borrow
your boyfriend for the afternoon?"
    Jen looked to Jim, and received a very small nod.  *Oh.  So
that's it.*  She smiled at Andie, and replied, "Sure."  She turned to
Jim and smiled.  She leaned up and whispered, "I'll see you at school. 
You be nice, now,"  She kissed him, and then turned away.  Jim took a
moment to get his blush under control, but did so quickly, in the hopes
that Andie wouldn't ask about it.
    Either she hadn't noticed, or didn't want to intrude,
because she didn't ask about it.  She did stop him from walking out,
though.  He turned and looked at her questioningly.  "You think maybe
we could talk here?  I know my mom won't interrupt us here, and it
feels safer here than at home."
    "Sure.  Hey, Claire?" Jim called, turning to her.  Her
father had an ownership percentage in the junkyard, and she had the
    "Yeah?" she said, coming over.
    "If you don't mind, I'll lock up."
    "O...kay..." she said.  "Something up?"
    Andie just shook her head at her friend, and immediately
Claire knew what was happening.  She wasn't really supposed to know,
but she knew anyway.  She handed Jim the keys.
    "Get them back to me at school, okay?"
    "Sure.  Thanks."
    The two waited for everyone to clear out, and then they
returned to the room that they had fixed up as their meeting place. 
Jim went and sat on the couch.  He figured it was best if he sat down
first; then Andie would choose how close or far away she wanted to be.
    Andie sat next to him on the couch, far enough so that she
could turn her body to face him, but no farther away than that.  He
made himself comfortable, knowing that she might take a good deal of
time to be ready to talk about that night.
    After a solid minute of silence, with Andie looking down at
her hands, resting in her lap, and then to the side, facing the far
wall, instead of looking at Jim, she was finally able to look him in
the eye.
    "Where do you want me to start?"
    Jim could tell that she was keeping herself under tight
control; he was sure she was already on the verge of tears.  This was
going to be a hard conversation, he was sure.  Smiling softly, he said,
"Start wherever you feel comfortable.  We don't *have* to do this, you
    She gave him a grateful smile, but shook her head
negatively.  "No, I do.  I'm just not sure I *can*."
    Jim reached over and put his hand on her upper arm.  She
looked at him, almost pleading with him to help her.  He said,
"Whatever is said here... whatever happens here... stays here.  I won't
tell anyone.  Not Jen, not Claire, no one."
    Andie graced him with another grateful smile.  "Thanks.  I
just... it's not exactly fun to talk about, you know?"
    "I know.  Why don't you start at the beginning?"  He didn't
really want to put her through this hell, but she seemed to think it
was necessary, so he thought it might be best if she just got it out in
the open.
    "Okay."  She took a deep breath, but still couldn't really
speak.  She looked up at Jim again, and had a thought.  She moved
closer to him, and turned her body away from him, so her back was to
him, then she settled against him.  "Do you mind?" she asked softly.
    Jim was surprised, but understood that she was looking for
support.  He shifted his body, and then pulled her softly back against
his chest.  He put his arms around her waist, and held onto her
tenderly.  He could feel the tension in her body.  She looked over her
shoulder at him, and smiled.
    "Is this better?" he asked quietly.
    "I don't know if it'll help me talk about it, but it *is*
    Jim tried not to smile at that remark; he wasn't here for
*that*... unless she asked for it.  "So," he said, hoping to get her
    Andie stared off into the distance, her eyes unfocused, and
her voice was soft, and a little shaky.  "I'm sure you know by now that
my father wanted a boy.  He was going to name him Andrew, after my
grandfather.  When I came along, it pretty much ruined his whole day. 
He had no use for a girl.  Plus, when Mom had me, it was a tough birth,
and she couldn't have any more kids afterward.  So I was going to be
the only kid he was ever going to get."
    Andie reached down and took hold of Jim's hands, forcing
him to tighten his grip on her waist.  He didn't object.  She
continued, then.  "Growing up was... well, at first, there wasn't a
problem.  I mean, I played with my dad like any other kid.  I became a
tomboy just because that was the way I was raised; I did boyish things
instead of girlish things because that's what my dad wanted.
    "I don't guess we really started having a problem until I
started to hit puberty.  I mean, you know what that's like; we're
confused enough without having someone wishing we were another sex.  It
really got nasty the first time I asked him if I could let my hair grow
long.  My God, he yelled at me for over an hour!"
    Jim could feel her body's shaking intensify, and he was
sure she was crying now.  He pulled her even more tightly against him,
to show as much support as he could.  It was tough for him to listen
to; he knew it had to have been hell to live through.
    In a tear-filled voice, Andie went on.  "It just got worse
from there.  Anything I did that was even remotely feminine was sure to
enrage him.  He would scream and holler and call me names.  We went on
for... I guess maybe six months like that.
    "Then it got worse.  When he found out I'd bought a bra...
Oh, God... that was the first time he ever hit me."  Jim kept himself
under tight control; he couldn't let himself get angry now.
    *He's not in her life anymore, Jim.  Calm down.  The
issue's been taken care of.*
    "He made me pull off my shirt, and then he took the bra,
and he whipped me with it.  I had marks on my back for days.  It was
horrible..."  At this point, Andie began to sob.  Jim held onto her,
letting her cry it out.  He didn't know what else he was supposed to do.
    He couldn't move his hands; she wouldn't let him.  He used
his telekinetic abilities to stroke her hair, which he thought she
might find comforting.  For long moments, the two sat together, Andie
crying, and Jim silently holding her, sympathetic to her pain.  His
thoughts tumbled along many different lines as she wept, all of them
dealing with what he could do to help her through this.
    Finally, after several minutes, Andie began to get herself
back under control.  She actually noticed for the first time that Jim
was using his abilities on her, and she smiled very slightly to
herself; it did feel nice.
    Still sniffling, Andie continued her narrative.  "That
wasn't the last whipping he gave me.  I began to try to avoid him, but
it didn't really work very well.  We became enemies, and he took
perverse pride in punishing me for any little thing I did wrong.
    "When Claire's family moved in next door, she and I became
fast friends.  I think that was because I wanted an excuse to be out of
the house more often.  Well, the first time she saw me after one of my
dad's beatings... that's when she revealed her power to me.  I can't
tell you how grateful I am to her for all she's done for me."
    Jim nodded, and said softly, "She's a very nice person."
    Andie wiped her nose with the back of her hand, and tried
to dry her eyes.  Jim noted the tissue box across the room, and didn't
hesitate to reach out for it with his mind.  He brought it over to her,
and she gave him a real smile this time.
    "Thanks."  He just smiled at her, waiting for her to
    After wiping her eyes and blowing her nose, Andie settled
back against Jim again, a little calmer, but still visibly shaken.  She
took a deep breath, and continued her story.
    "Well, that kept up for quite a while.  It seemed like we'd
reached some kind of... I don't know, stalemate or whatever.  I avoided
him as much as I could, and he'd do whatever he could to make me feel
like a bug that he could squash at any time.
    "When Mom said she was going away for the week... I knew it
was going to be hell.  I mean, I knew he would push me around, make me
do shit... but... I mean... I never expected..."  Andie was close to
tears again, and Jim hugged her as tight as he could without hurting
her.  He held on, and she drew strength from his touch.  She took a
deep, shuddering breath, and carried on.
    "That night... the look on his face...  My God, Jim... he
was an *animal*!  I can't... I mean, I don't even really remember
exactly what happened...  It all kind of blurs together, until...  I
sort of remember you getting me dressed..."  Jim blushed, but she
didn't notice.  "And then I just remember standing with you... you
helped me get to bed..."  Andie was shivering now; the emotions of that
night were flooding her mind, and the fear it had caused came back to
her full-force.
    Jim had to decide what to do, and he did the only thing he
*could *do, the same thing he'd done that night.  He sat up a little
straighter, and he took hold of Andie and turned her around to face
him.  She immediately embraced him, as she had that night.  He hugged
her in return, rubbing his hands over her back.  He continued to stroke
her hair with his TK, and now he whispered softly in her ear.
    "He's gone, Andie.  He's not coming back to bother you.  If
he ever tries it... we'll stop him."  He'd almost said "I", but had
changed his mind at the last moment; she didn't need him becoming
possessive over her.
    Andie clung to him for dear life, seeking the only refuge
from this problem that she knew of.  She was crying again, though
silently.  Jim's hands felt good, rubbing across her back.  She could
feel the strength in them, though he was being as gentle as a mother
with her baby.  She sensed the care he had for her, and that was
helping her to calm down.  It was a slow, drawn-out process, but she
did, eventually, manage to pull herself under control.
    Slowly, reluctantly, she pulled herself away from Jim.  He
let her go, but he made it clear that he would stay with her as long as
she needed him.  She smiled weakly at him again.  "It seems the only
way I can deal with this is to cling to you," she said, blushing at her
    Jim chuckled softly, not in a derisive way, but to try to
lighten the mood.  "That's okay, Andie.  I'm here for you, if you need
    Andie leaned in and hugged him again, but this was
different.  She was thanking him for his help, and her embrace was more
affectionate than terrified.  Jim gladly returned the embrace; Andie
was becoming a very good friend to him, and he was more than happy to
support her.
    After a little while, Andie broke their embrace.  She was
able to smile more confidently now.  "Do you think I'll ever be able to
think about... that night... without shaking like a leaf?"
    "I don't know.  Time will let some of the fear fade, but I
don't think it's ever going to be something you'll *want* to think
    "You said... there were some ways I could... meditate, that
might help me deal with this?"
    "Well, they can help you get your thoughts under control. 
I don't know if it'll really help with this or not.  Andie," he said,
concern for her evident in his voice, "I'm no psychiatrist.  I can only
do what I know."
    She smiled now, having to bolster him for once.  "You've
done a pretty good job so far," she said.  Jim blushed crimson, but let
it slide.  "Would it hurt for me to try?"
    "No, it certainly can't *hurt*.  I just don't want to get
your hopes up."
    "I can't blame you if my life sucks.  But if there's a
chance that... that I can be a little calmer about it..."
    "Okay," Jim said, nodding.  He sat for a moment,
considering.  Andie didn't interrupt him.  After a minute or so, he
said, "I don't think the meditations that I taught Jen will work for
you.  We might have to try something else.  Have you ever heard of Tai
    "Sounds Asian."
    "It is.  Technically, it's a martial art, but it's more of
a moving meditation than anything else.  I'm thinking that it might be
the best way for you to go."
    "How is it you know so much about meditating?" Andie asked.
    "School hasn't always been a fun place for me.  A few years
back, I tried to find a way to deal with my problems.  This was one of
the best ways I found."
    "Oh.  Okay.  So, what do we do?"
    For the next couple hours, Jim began to show her one of the
Tai Chi forms he was familiar with.  She caught on fairly quickly, and
had learned a fair fraction of it before they decided to call it a day.
    "I do feel a little better," she said as they were walking
out of the room, "but I don't know if that's from doing the Tai Chi, or
just because you're so nice to be around."
    Jim blushed, and turned off the lights.  After locking the
door, they walked out of the junkyard, and to the bus stop.  They had
to take different buses, since they were going in different directions.
    As Andie was about to get on her bus, she turned to Jim. 
She gave him a hug and said, "Thanks."  She then kissed him softly on
the cheek.  Before he could say anything, she turned and hopped on the
bus.  He waved as the bus rolled off down the street, then he sat down
to wait for his own bus.
    *What a day.  Some government-types know we exist, and I
haven't even had a chance to figure that out yet.  Andie... well.  I
don't really want to go over all that again so soon.  I hope the Tai
Chi will help.  Jen might get a little miffed if I started spending
every Saturday with Andie trying to help her through this problem,
despite her promise not to.*
*    So, back to the big news.  If the Japanese government
knows about us, it stands to reason that probably our own government
does, too.  Hell, that's probably how the Japanese found out.  So, if
our government knows about us, but they're not harassing us... what
does that mean?*
    Jim didn't come up with an answer before the bus arrived.
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    When Monday rolled around, Jim and Jen located Claire at
lunch.  Jim had to give her the keys to the junkyard back.  The three
decided to sit together, to discuss their mutual concern.
    "How is she doing, Jim?" Claire wanted to know.  It was
clear from her tone who "she" was.
    "Okay, I guess.  She talked it out, and cried about it, and
I'm trying to teach her Tai Chi."
    "What's that?" Jen asked.
    "Remember the meditations I taught you to help you with
your... uh... problem?"  Jim was hesitating not because of Claire, but
because it involved her powers.  Jen nodded immediately.  "Well, Tai
Chi is a different kind of meditation that I thought would work better
for Andie.  She has trouble sitting still, so..."  Jim shrugged. 
Turning to Claire, he lowered his voice and said, "How are *you* doing?"
    Claire fidgeted in her seat.  She didn't really want to
talk about it, but it was a fair question, and she could see the
concern on his face.  She shrugged.  "Still a little queasy about the
whole idea, but I guess I'll survive.  Thanks to you."  She smiled at
him, and he blushed.  Jen looked between them, a little confused, but
figured if she needed to know, Jim would tell her about it.
    Claire turned to Jen, and she said, "I'm sorry to have
taken some of Jim's time away from you by asking him to help Andie,
    Jen stopped her with a raised hand.  "I would have told him
to do it if you hadn't."
    "You *did* tell me to do it," Jim objected.  Both of the
girls chuckled at his discomfort.  "I feel like the staff
psychiatrist," he said, his tone morose, but his eyes told them he was
    "I haven't known many things on you to shrink," Jen said
with a mischievous glance downward.  Jim blushed crimson, and Claire
nearly choked on her soda.  She coughed and laughed at the same time. 
Jim just looked up to the ceiling as if to say, "Why me?"
    "Anyway," he said, trying to regain his composure, "I'm
going over to see her after school.  Either of you want to come with?"
    The girls only needed a brief glance at each other, and
both of them answered negatively.  They weren't going to interfere with
what Jim was doing; they couldn't possibly be helpful.  Jim shrugged,
and finished his lunch.
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    Thanksgiving was an interesting holiday for most of the
members of the team.  Jim would rather have spent his holiday with Jen
and Stacy, but that would have looked bad.  Luke invited Lori over, but
her mother was home, so she couldn't join them.  Claire and her family
didn't really do much for Thanksgiving, since it was so much work, and
the men never appreciated it.  Akira and his mother spent their time
together, though Thanksgiving was not a holiday they had any
familiarity with.
    The only person for whom the day was more or less normal
was Paul, and he would just as soon have avoided it.  Spending time
around his stepfather wasn't pleasant, and the other relatives were
just as annoying.  He grunted his way through the meal, glad, at least,
that he hadn't agreed to go to the damned-fool "leftovers dinner" that
the rest of the team had planned for Saturday.  He wasn't about to
waste his time, and the truth was that he knew they would be happier
without him there.
    *Bunch of prisses.*
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    The day after Thanksgiving, Jim was lounging around, not
doing much of anything.  Jen had told him that she was going off to
visit relatives in Broadmoor; apparently that was a tradition with her
family.  He was happy she had something to do, but it left him fairly
bored.  He was toying with the idea of going to see Claire or Andie, to
see how they were doing, when a phone call decided things for him.
    "Jim?  Phone," his mother told him.  He nodded as he picked
up the receiver in his bedroom.
    "Hello?" he said, and he heard a click, indicating the
other extension had been hung up.
    "Jim?  It's Stacy, Jen's mom."
    "Oh, hey, Stacy.  What's up?"
    "Well, truth is, it's kind of lonely over here, what with
Jen off to visit her relatives.  I was wondering if you'd like to come
visit for a while.  You and I don't know each other well enough, and
with as close as you and Jen are, I think we should fix that."
    "Okay, sure.  I was just sitting here trying to think of
something to do, anyway."
    "Good!  Do you need a ride, or..."
    "I'll take the bus.  It'll be a quick trip.  I'll see you
in... oh, about a half hour, I guess."
    "Great.  Thanks.  I appreciate you more than you know."
    As Stacy hung up the phone, she thought, *But we'll change
how much you know soon enough*.
    Jim didn't have to wait long after ringing the doorbell
before Stacy opened the door.  He took in her form briefly, not wanting
to appear to be 'checking out' his girlfriend's mother, though he would
readily admit she was every bit as beautiful as her daughter.  She
ushered him into the living room, where he sat on the couch.  She went
into the kitchen to get some drinks, and came back to join him.
    Jim's first indication that this would be an interesting
afternoon was the fact that, after handing him his drink, Stacy sat
down right next to him.  In fact, her arm was brushing his.  That felt
so uncomfortable to him that he moved his arm up to the back of the
couch, which he at first worried would seem like he was trying to put
his arm around her, and then he worried that this was exactly what she
wanted him to do.
    *Just what kind of talk did she want to have?*
    For a little while, the two made small talk, discussing
school, the upcoming holidays, and life in general.  About halfway
through her drink - Jim wondered if hers wasn't straight soda, as his
was - she turned to him, and became more serious.
    "Jim, are you in love with my daughter?"
    The question took him aback for a second, but only a
second.  "Yes," he answered honestly.
    The look on Stacy's face went through several emotions, and
Jim wasn't able to grasp any of them before she lowered her eyes, and
spoke very softly.  "I have to apologize," she said.
    Jim was confused, and indicated as much.  "I don't
    Stacy looked back up at him, and he could see she was close
to tears.  "When I see you and Jen together, I get so... jealous.  Not
only does she have something that I've been missing for... well, for a
long time, but you are closer to her than I've ever been.  Sometimes it
hurts to think of the two of you together."
    "Stacy," Jim said, reaching out to touch her.  She flinched
away from him, and stood up.  She paced back and forth a couple of
times, and then looked down at him.
    "Do you know why I asked you here?"  Jim shook his head in
confusion.  "I was going to try to seduce you.  I was going to try to
steal my own daughter's *boyfriend*!"  She whirled away from him, not
wanting to let him see her cry.
    Jim was dumbfounded now.  He hadn't suspected this at all. 
*Does she really feel... I mean, what is it with me lately?*  Jim had
to come to a quick decision; this sort of tension could wreck the
relationship with all three of them.  *I know what she said, but did
she really mean *this*?* he thought, thinking back on his conversation
with Jen.  *I suppose I can worry about that later... I hope she
doesn't hit me*.
    Jim rose from his position, and went to Stacy, who was now
crying silently with her hands over her face.  He put his arms around
her, and felt her stiffen.  Then, as he turned her to him, she melted
against him.  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and wept against
his shoulder.  He rubbed her back and rocked slightly back and forth,
trying to calm the woman down.
    "Stacy," Jim said, trying to get her attention.  He had to
repeat her name twice more before she leaned back enough to look him in
the eyes, waiting for him to laugh at her, reject her, scold her.  She
did not expect him to kiss her.
    When their lips met, Jim made sure to keep a firm grip on
Stacy, in case she decided to bolt.  That would not be a good thing at
this point.  He'd committed himself to a course of action she wanted,
even if the thought of it terrified her, and confused him.
    It wasn't more than a second before Stacy kissed him back,
hard.  She pressed her body against him, and her hands held his head so
that he could not break their kiss.  He had no intention of doing so,
and his lips parted slightly to allow his tongue out to slip gently
across her lips.  She opened her mouth to admit it, and soon their
tongues were dancing hotly together.
    Jim let his hands roam her back, and he soon slipped them
down onto her jean-clad ass.  Stacy moaned approvingly into his mouth
as he began to knead her butt.  Her own hands continued to entangle
themselves in his hair, holding his face to hers.
    After several long moments of this, Jim pushed her away. 
She went, but her face showed both fear and discontent; she had enjoyed
kissing him.  Jim understood both of the looks on her face now, and he
smiled to reassure her.  He took her hand, and headed for her bedroom. 
She followed him happily.
    Jim didn't bother to take in the surroundings.  As soon as
Stacy was in the room, he turned and closed the door, then refocused
his attention on her.  He pulled off his T-shirt without much thought,
though his body was, in his opinion, nothing worth looking at.  He
figured pulling off Stacy's T-shirt would be a lot more fun, and he was
right.  Of course, it involved more kissing, since she wouldn't let him
pull on the front of the shirt.
    After more long moments of kissing, Jim finally got Stacy's
shirt free and up to the point where they had to break their kiss
again.  He carefully pulled the shirt off her, trying not to catch her
hair as he did.  He looked down to see a pair of breasts that were
barely encased by the sheer bra she was wearing.  She didn't give him
the opportunity to remove this, though, as she reached back and got it
    Jim slipped his hands onto her sides as she finished
letting the bra fall from her body.  She then took his hands into hers
and moved them upward, so he was fondling her tits.  He had a fair
amount of experience with this, and he caressed the flesh there
expertly, causing tingles of excitement to ripple through Stacy's
body.  She let her own hands trace along his shoulders, just to feel
his body, to touch him.
    After a few moments, Jim leaned over and took one of
Stacy's nipples into his mouth.  Apart from the pleasure it obviously
caused her, if the sudden squeal she let out was any indication, it
freed up one of his hands, which moved down to begin undoing her
jeans.  Stacy felt his hand, but she decided not to help him; she
thought he might enjoy it more if he did it himself.
    After a bit of a struggle, as her jeans were very tight,
Jim finally had them undone.  He slipped his hand into them, pushing
his way down until his fingers brushed the side of her clit through her
panties.  Stacy threw her head back and groaned loudly at this; her
body shuddered with the pleasure that flowed over her.
    Jim maneuvered Stacy backward, until she was at the edge of
the bed.  He let loose her nipple, and knelt before her.  She lifted
each foot so he could remove her shoes and socks, and then she stood
still as he pulled her jeans down off her hips.  Once they fell to the
floor, he did not move to help her fully remove them, but instead began
to work on her panties, which, he took the chance to note, were soaked
    After these were slipped down to the floor, Jim stood back
up and held Stacy's hand as she stepped out of the garments.  Once she
was clear of them, Jim kept hold of her hand, and put his other behind
her back, then stepped forward, lowering her gently to the bed.  Stacy
looked up at him in wonder; it was a move she couldn't possibly resist,
and she wondered where he had learned such technique.
    With this beautiful woman lying naked on the bed before
him, Jim moved slightly back, and then, ever so gently, he placed a
hand on each inner thigh and pushed outward.  Stacy got the message
loud and clear, and parted her legs for him.  Jim now had a clear view
of her pussy, below its well-trimmed triangle of hair.  He could see
how wet she was, and he hoped she enjoyed what he was about to do.
    Jim knelt, and before Stacy could even know what he was
doing, lowered his face to her cunt.  His tongue slipped out and
tweaked her clit before sliding down to her pussy lips.  Stacy cried
out in bliss as sparks of ecstasy jumped from body part to body part. 
Jim continued to slip his tongue along her outer lips until Stacy was
writhing from the pleasure.  Then, he moved his tongue back up to her
clit, lapping at it and running the entire length of his tongue over
it.  Stacy shuddered, screamed, and came.  Jim felt her juices gushing
over his chin, and he kept up his tongue-lashing of her clit as she
bucked and rolled her hips against him.
    After she started to come down, Jim let her be.  Standing
up, he took the chance to remove the rest of his clothes.  He moved
onto the bed beside her, letting his hands trail along her skin as he
moved.  He ended up next to her, one hand supporting him while the
other traced lazy circles against her breast.  Stacy was still a little
out of it, and he wasn't going to rush her.
    After a couple minutes, she managed to catch her breath and
look over at him.  "You do that to Jen?" she asked.
    "All the time," he said with a smile and a slight blush.
    "Jesus," Stacy said, her eyes still a little glazed.
    "Are you ready to find out what *else* I do to Jen?" he
asked.  Somehow her admission of desire had allowed him to take control
of the situation.  Stacy just looked at him, and the lust filling her
eyes answered his question for her.
    Jim rolled on top of Stacy, taking care to support his
weight.  As he positioned himself to enter her, she stiffened for just
a second, then relaxed.
    "What is it?" he asked, concerned.  She shook her head, and
then took hold of his hips with her hands.  She urged him to push
forward, and he did.  Slowly, smoothly, he entered her waiting pussy,
and she moaned loudly at the feel of him within her.  Jim reached
bottom in one long push, and he only rested for a few seconds after
doing so.
    Knowing that she was ready, and would thoroughly enjoy it,
Jim began a quick rhythm, thrusting in short, fast strokes.  Stacy was
immediately moaning and crying out in her pleasure.  He was sure she
was already on the verge of another orgasm.  Sure enough, she screamed
again, and he felt her pussy clamp down on his cock.  He continued to
push into her throughout her orgasm, and riding her was indeed like
riding a wild horse.
    Stacy collapsed limply after her orgasm, and Jim stopped. 
He thought to pull out, but she grabbed his arm to stop him.
    "Don't... go.  I'll be... ready in a... minute."
    Jim leaned down and kissed her softly.  He didn't want to
exhaust her.  He certainly didn't consider himself any kind of stud,
but she seemed to be so easily aroused...
    "Let's try something else," he whispered into her ear.  She
didn't object, and he maneuvered around, keeping his dick planted
firmly inside of her.  He turned her onto her side, and he moved to lie
behind her.  Now, with them lying spoon-fashion, he began to move
inside her slowly.  Stacy groaned, a sound that came deep from within
her throat.  She thrust her ass back against him, but he kept up his
long, slow strokes which rubbed against the front of her pussy.  He
reached around and began to strum her clit very lightly.  Stacy
screamed again in pleasure.  Jim slipped his other hand beneath her,
and then cupped her breast, tweaking her nipple.
    Stacy was completely in overload at this point.  She could
feel another orgasm rising, and she didn't think she'd survive it. 
Jim's movements were starting to become faster, and she knew that he,
too, was approaching climax.  She hoped he would come before she died
of pleasure overload.
    *Then again, it would be a hell of a way to go!*
    Jim's hips thrust harder and faster as his own body neared
the point of no return.  Stacy was already squirming in his grasp, his
fingers massaging her tit and manipulating her clit, as his cock
pounded her cunt.  She could feel the orgasm coming, coming...
    When it hit her, it crashed like a tidal wave, flooding out
all other feelings, all emotions.  Her body was submerged in the
passion of the moment, the pleasure of her pussy.  She shuddered and
writhed, and her pussy rippled along Jim's dick.
    That rippling was the last straw for Jim.  He'd been
holding off until she'd hit, but he couldn't take any more.  He let his
load burst forth, splashing inside her pussy and sending her even
higher into the stratosphere of bliss she was in.  He grunted as his
cock spewed repeatedly, until he was finally able to calm down a
little, and began to catch his breath.
    Stacy, on the other hand, seemed to be stuck in high gear. 
Her body shivered and twisted, lost in the throes of her orgasm, until
her mind finally shut down, and she went limp, collapsing to the bed
with Jim's softening dick still inside her grasping cunt.
    Jim dozed for a short while, but he was awakened by a warm,
moist sensation engulfing his cock.  He looked down to find Stacy
sucking him back to full hardness.  With the skill she was exhibiting,
that didn't take very long.  She smiled at him after she let his now
fully erect dick slip from her lips, and she straddled him.  As she
took his dick into her already-quivering pussy, she leaned down and
kissed him.
    When she broke their kiss, she got a very strange look on
her face.  "Am I the only one you've cheated on my daughter with?" she
asked, somewhat sternly.  It was hard for her to be too stern with him,
as his hips were grinding small circles against her own pubes.
    "I didn't cheat on her with you," he said simply.
    "Excuse me?" she asked incredulously.  "Just what do you
call this?"
    "In order for it to be cheating, Jen would have to object. 
Jen has already told me that she wants me to sleep with any woman I
want."  Seeing the look on Stacy's face, he nodded.  "How do you think
*I* felt when she told me?"
    "What brought the subject up?"
    "Um... I'd rather not say... in order to keep... um...
someone else from having something exposed."
    "Okay.  I can accept that.  So, you don't think my daughter
would mind me doing this to you?" she asked, as her hips began to move
back and forth.
    "Well, I don't think she'd want to *watch*, but..."
    "In that case," Stacy said, interrupting him, "I've been
without sex for far too long, and you're too damned good to pass up." 
She began to move more forcefully on his cock.
    *Who am I to argue?* Jim thought to himself.  It was the
last really coherent thought he had for a while.
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    "Could you pass the stuffing?" Luke asked.  Jim snapped
back to reality, having been lost in thought.  He tried to regain his
    "What was it you wanted?" he asked.
    "Stuffing.  You know, the stuff right in front of you?"
Luke said with good-natured teasing.
    Jim nodded and picked up the stuffing, tempted to *truly*
'pass' it to him, but instead merely handed it to Claire, who handed it
to Lori, who got it where it needed to go.  Jen, who was sitting on the
other side of Jim, looked at him worriedly.
    "Is something the matter?" she asked, whispering in his ear
so no one else would hear.  Jim just shook his head, but it wasn't a
convincing move.  Jen decided to let it rest for the moment, but vowed
to get to the bottom of it.
    "Andie, how's your meditation coming?" Jen asked, trying to
get her mind on a different subject.
    "Meditation?" Luke asked, stuffing food into his mouth.
    Andie nodded, and explained.  "Jim is teaching me Tai Chi,
to help me try to get over... what happened."
    "Really?  I've heard about that sort of thing," Lori said. 
"Normally if I want to work off stress, I just go lift something-"
    Luke interrupted with, "Like a Volkswagen..."  Lori shot
him a dirty look, but she smiled anyway.
    "-but I've never gotten into the more calming aspects of
the martial arts."  Turning to Jim, she asked, "Is it hard to learn?"
    "Not really.  Takes a while, because you have to learn a
whole bunch of moves, but it's not really hard.  I could teach you, if
you like.  Heck, I could teach all of you as a group, really. 
Sometimes that works better, anyway."
    "That might be worth doing," Luke said.  "I know I get
pretty tense from school, and then some of the stuff we've been doing
lately here really gets to me."
    "You know His Highness won't participate, though," Claire
said.  She was referring to Paul.
    "His loss," Jim said.  "If you guys wanted to pick a
time... not Saturday, though... I have... other things to do on
    The group chuckled, but Luke nodded.  "We'll figure out a
good time later.  Jen, this stuffing is great!"
    "I'll let my mom know you liked it," she said with a
smile.  The conversation continued, discussing nothing very much, as
they just enjoyed some time together as friends.
    As soon as they were through with dinner, Jim moved over to
talk to Andie while she packed some of the remaining food up to take
home.  He put his hand in the small of her back, to get her attention
and to make her feel good, because he knew it worked.  She smiled up at
him, a question in her eyes.
    "I just wanted you to know," he said quietly, "that even if
the rest of the team does want to learn, I'll still help you
separately, if you want me to."
    Andie's smile grew a notch wider, and it was obvious she
was a little concerned that she would get lost in the crowd.  "Thanks,"
she said, her voice soft and sweet.
    "Anyway, I'll have to postpone our usual get-together until
tomorrow.  I need to deal with some stuff at Jen's house."
    "Oh.  Okay.  That's fine.  I really appreciate all the time
you've been spending with me."
    "Not a problem.  I like spending time with you."  They
hugged before Jim walked back to his girlfriend, who was chatting with
    "Claire said she'd be willing to drop us off if we wanted. 
Her father's coming to get her."
    "That's okay," Jim said, "I don't want to inconvenience
you."  It was clear that it wasn't Claire's convenience that he was
worried about, but everyone understood that.
    "Okay.  You guys leaving now?"
    "Yeah," Jim said.  Jen could see the agitation on his face,
and she knew something was bothering him.  She said her good-byes to
the others, and they left the junkyard.
    They'd gotten all of a hundred feet before she said, "Okay,
spill it."
    Jim didn't even bother joking with her; he knew how she
knew there was something wrong.
    "Um... I'm not sure exactly how to tell you this."
    "Yes...?" she prompted.
    "Um... Yesterday, while you were gone... I uh... oh, shit,
this is tough."  They'd reached a bench, and sat down together.  Jen
laid her hand on his arm, and put her head on his shoulder.
    "Just say it.  You know I love you; nothing you tell me
will change that."
    "It might," he said nervously.
    "I doubt it.  What's bugging you?"
    Jim decided just to blurt it out.  "I slept with your mom
    Jen sat upright, and stared at him.  He couldn't quite read
the look on her face, and so he sat, waiting for her to erupt, or slap
him, or something.
    "Hmm.   Did she want you to?"
    "Since it was her idea, I think... yes."
    "What do you mean, it was her idea?"
    "Jen, I wasn't about to come on to your *mom*.  I mean,
yeah, she's almost as pretty as you are, but..."  Jen blushed a
little.  "She called me up, and asked me to come visit, said she was
bored and kind of lonely, wanted to get to know each other better. 
Boy, did we!"
    Jen raised her hand to stop him.  "Is she any good?"
    Jim blushed slightly, and responded with, "Do you really
want to know?"
    "No," she said decisively.
    "I'm sorry, Jen... it... I mean..."
    Jen shook her head at him.  "Jim, I'm not really all that
surprised.  I saw the way she was acting around you a few weeks ago. 
Besides, I told you that you could sleep with anyone you wanted to."
    "But, I mean, your mom..."
    "I got myself into this, remember?  I knew what I was
granting you when I said it, and I already had my suspicions about my
    "It really doesn't bother you?"
    "Why should it?  I love my mom.  If you can make her feel
half as wonderful as you make me feel, then she deserves a little
company from time to time.  Just..."
    "What?" he asked, worried about what was coming.
    "I don't mind what you're doing, but... where my mom is
concerned, could you maybe not *tell* me about it?  I love her and all,
but thinking about my mom and sex... gives me the willies."
    Jim laughed at her, and gave her a tight hug.  "Okay, Baby,
anything you say."
    "Thanks.  Now, let's get home.  There's a good movie on TV,
and then you can give me something to *really* be thankful for!"  She
winked at him, and he blushed.  They walked to their bus stop, and rode
home in peaceful silence.
    When the couple got home, Jen called out, "Mom, we're back!"
    "Hey, you two!  Hope the dinner was good!"
    Hearing Stacy's voice reminded Jim of something that he had
forgotten to ask her about the day before.  He stopped Jen, who was
heading back to her bedroom, so he could tell her.
    "There's something I need to talk to your mom about.  I'll
be just a couple minutes."
    "Okay."  She kissed him hotly, then let him go.  "The movie
starts in ten minutes.  I'll be waiting for you... on the bed."
    *I wonder if we're actually going to get to see any of the
movie...*  He shook the thought off as he walked to the kitchen to find
    When he saw her, she was preparing something for baking,
but he didn't know what.  He walked up behind her and gently put his
hands on her hips.  Despite his tenderness, she jumped slightly.
    "Oh!  Jim, you startled me.  How was your dinner?"
    "Pretty good.  Your stuffing went over very well."
    "It usually does.  It's my grandmother's recipe.  Shouldn't
you be back with Jen, making out on the bed by now?"  Stacy giggled as
she could feel the heat from his blush.
    He lowered his voice to a whisper, and said into her ear,
"Maybe I wanted to make out with you first,"
    Stacy blushed herself, and she shivered at the thought. 
"If Jen ever finds out..."
    "Jen already knows."
    "You *told* her?"
    "She *is* my girlfriend.  Besides, as I said, she has given
me permission.  That's not what I came out here to tell you, though.  I
had a question."
    Stacy turned around, and, before he could say anything, she
kissed him passionately on the lips.  He kissed back, and ran his hands
along her ass.  They did that for a minute, before they both decided
they'd better cut it out before they went at it on the kitchen counter.
    "What did you want to ask?" Stacy said, trying to regain
her breath.
    "Yesterday, just when you and I... uh... got started... You
got real tense, your body got very rigid... and then you relaxed... it
was like you were scared of something.  I meant to ask you yesterday
but... uhm... Someone distracted me from any questions."
    Stacy blushed slightly, but her look was very mature and
serious.  "I was hoping you hadn't noticed that, since you're so
young.  I guess you've had enough experience that my body isn't
impressive enough to distract you."  She said this wistfully, and Jim
took her more tightly into his arms.
    "There is nothing wrong with your body," he said, kissing
her on the cheek and then nibbling on her earlobe for a bit.  "But
you're avoiding the question."  He leaned back to face her again,
waiting expectantly for an answer.
    "I'm not on the pill," she said simply.  Jim let her go, as
if she was radioactive.
    "You mean, we could... I could have... you could..." he was
stuttering badly, and Stacy reached out to take his hand.
    "It's the right time of the month, so... yes, you could
have made me pregnant."
    "Why didn't you *stop* me, for crying out loud?"
    "Because I decided I didn't care," she said
matter-of-factly.  "If I get pregnant, I get pregnant."
    Jim moved to the side, to support himself on the counter. 
"I don't think I'm ready to be a daddy," he said, his voice trembling
    "Jim, I wouldn't expect you to take responsibility for my
baby.  My daughter's baby, that would be a different issue, but she
*is* on the pill.  I knew what I was doing when I let you... take me
    "Would you keep it?" he asked suddenly.
    Stacy looked at him long and hard.  "Yes.  Why?"
    "Stupid, selfish reasons."
    "Such as?"
    "Well, if you had an abortion, it would kind of be like,
'you did this to me, and now I have to get rid of it.'  If you gave it
up for adoption, it would be like, 'I don't want anything you had any
part of.'  Like I said, stupid, selfish reasons."
    Stacy embraced him, and kissed him.  "I know you don't love
me, Jim, but that doesn't mean that I don't have feelings for you.  I
will feel precisely the *opposite* of what you're worried about if I
turn out to be pregnant with your child."
    "Um... thanks, I think."  He blushed, and she giggled.  "I
do care about you, you know."
    "I know.  But you love my daughter.  That's good enough.  I
can't believe she's actually letting her boyfriend sleep with me..."
    "Try not to think about it.  Every time I do, my head
starts to hurt.  Um... when would we know about...?"
    "I don't know.  I'm prone to missing my period, anyway, so
even if I don't have one this month, it wouldn't mean anything."
    "Aren't you..."  Jim trailed off, because what he was going
to say seemed a little rude.
    "Aren't I what?" Stacy persisted.
    "Well, I mean, no offense, but aren't you a little old to
be having a baby?"
    "James Matthews!" she said in a voice of mock-fury.  "I am
only thirty-four!"
    "But by the time the baby was my age..."
    "I would be fifty.  So?  I'm in pretty good shape..."
    "I can agree with that," he said quickly, causing her to
    "Anyway, let's not worry about this until we know it's
happened, okay?"
    "Okay.  I'd better get back to Jen... before she thinks I'm
out here screwing her mom."
    Stacy wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him
hotly.  "The idea has crossed my mind..."
    "Mine, too, but it's Jen's turn," he said.  Then he blushed
crimson at what he'd just admitted to her.  Stacy laughed, and let him
    "Go on, go to her.  Give her your best..."
    "I try."
    "Believe me, I know."
    Jim headed out of the kitchen, back into the bedroom area. 
He knocked quietly before entering Jen's room, only to find her wearing
only a long T-shirt, lying on her bed watching the movie.
    "All done with Mom?"
    "What did you have to talk to her about?"
    "You said you didn't want me to tell you."
    "What, were you screwing her right there in the kitchen?" 
Jen smiled at him.
    "No."  *But I thought about it.*  "How's the movie?"
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    "And... down.  Okay, everyone," Jim said, standing up
straight.  "That's it for today.  Everyone feeling good?"  He got
positive responses and smiles from everyone.  They'd chosen to do this
in the park, and it had not surprised Jim that a few people had stopped
to watch, and a couple had even joined in, on the periphery.  He went
over to talk to them; they seemed to know each other.
    "Hi," Jim said, holding out his hand.  "Jim Matthews."
    The man shook his hand, and nodded.  "Jack Bennett.  This
is Lisa Tarray.  I hope we didn't bother you... it was just, so..."
    "Graceful," Lisa finished for him.  He squeezed her hand in
appreciation for the help.
    "No, I don't mind at all," Jim said.  "If you want, you can
join us each time.  We'll meet here at this time each Wednesday.  They
just started, so it's not like you'd be behind the class or anything." 
Jim smiled.
    "Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" Lisa asked.
    Jim shook his head.  "One of the things they teach you
about Tai Chi is that it's important to pass on what you've learned. 
To help others."
    "Thank you," Jack said.  "We'll try to be here."  The
couple wandered off, Jack's arm wrapped snugly around Lisa's back.  It
made him long for company of his own.
    As if on cue, Andie showed up at his side.  "Can you take
me home?" she asked.  "I don't like riding alone on the bus."
    He wrapped his arm around her as Jack had done to Lisa. 
She snuggled closer to him as he said, "Sure.  Why didn't you ride home
with Claire?"
    "The girls were going shopping.  Ugh."  It was a quirk of
Andie's upbringing that she had a man's hatred of shopping.
    "Well, I certainly don't mind.  C'mon."
    "Who were those people?" Andie asked, indicating the couple
that had joined them.
    "Just a couple of people, I guess.  They said their names
were Jack and Lisa.  I told them they could join us each week.  You're
getting a lot better, by the way."
    "My balance is improving."
    "Yeah."  They got lucky, and arrived at the bus stop just
as the bus pulled up.  They rode to her house in peaceful silence.
    Jim spent a couple hours with Andie that night.  She had
been suffering some nightmares, and felt the need to talk through
them.  He sat with her, listening quietly and holding onto her, as he
had that first day.
    Finally, Jim felt he had to get home.  Andie walked him
    "I don't know how to thank you for listening to me.  I
don't know why you waste so much of your time... Jen must hate me."
    Jim ran his hand along her arm.  "Jen understands.  And I'm
not wasting my time.  I'm spending it with a very nice person who...
needs me."  Jim hesitated only because he didn't want to make himself
out to be more important that he was.
    Andie hugged him tightly.  "Well, thank you.  And thank Jen
for me, too, for understanding."
    "I will."
    She leaned back, and looked up at him.  He caught the look
in her eyes, and wondered if it was the invitation it seemed to be.  He
leaned down slowly, and she waited for him.  Their lips touched very
gingerly, and the kiss was soft and sweet.  They stayed that way for a
long moment before Jim finally leaned back.  Andie looked up at him
with something close to awe in her eyes.
    "I'd better go," he said softly.
    "Uh-huh," she said, not moving.
    "You have to let go of me, unless you want to go to my
house with me," he said, joking.
    "Hmmm," she said with a grin, but finally let him go.
    "See you on Saturday?" he asked.
    "Yeah.  Aren't you guys doing something tomorrow?"
    "Something to do with that Purvis character.  Yeah.  We're
going to take Akira down to the police station.  You want to come
    "No," she said.  "I've had enough exposure to police for a
little while."
    "Right.  I'm sorry."  He kicked himself for pinching an
already-sore wound.
    She saw the look on his face, and hugged him again. 
"You're the best, you know that?" she said sincerely.  Jim blushed
slightly.  He managed to disentangle himself from her arms, and he
turned to go.
    "Take care of yourself, okay?  Call if you need anything,"
he said.  She smiled at him, and nodded.  When he finally made it out
the door, she nearly waltzed up the stairs.
    Her mother saw all of this from her spot on the couch,
unnoticed by either of the teens.
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    The rest of the week was difficult for Andie.  With the
rest of the team busy, and Jim also occupied, she felt very alone.  Her
mother was no help at all, and she spent a lot of her time alone in her
room.  More than once she'd come to tears.  She did her meditations
faithfully, but it didn't always help.
    By the time things were wrapped up, Andie was something of
a wreck.  After the meeting on Saturday, she'd asked Jim to come over
the following day, because she needed a friend.  He'd offered to go
with her then, but she knew that he and Jen had something planned, and
she wouldn't interrupt that.
    So, here she was in the middle of a Sunday afternoon,
waiting for him to call.  *Like he's my boyfriend or something!*  It
was a disturbing thought, because she knew he had a girlfriend.  She
got up and paced, trying to bring some peace to herself.  When the
doorbell rang, she nearly bolted down the stairs to answer it.  She was
breathless when she opened the door to see him standing there.
    Jim was a little shocked when Andie threw herself at him,
hugging him fiercely.  He embraced her as well, though less
vigorously.  After a long minute, she let him go, and then tilted her
head up.  Jim leaned down to deliver the requested kiss.  It was a very
nice experience.
    "C'mon.  We can talk in my room.  I'm glad you could come
    "No problem," he said, following her up the stairs.  He
walked into her room, and he noticed that she closed the door all the
way this time.  He raised an eyebrow, but kept his thoughts to
himself.  He sat down on the bed, because it was the only spot she had
- other than the floor - that was big enough for them to sit together. 
She didn't object at all, and sat down right beside him.  He put his
arm around her waist, and she laid her head on his shoulder.
    "So, what's the trouble?" he asked softly, urging her to
unload on him.
    "It's just... I don't know.  It's like he's still here,
lurking around a corner or something.  When I'm at school, I can pretty
well forget about it, but here... it's like the walls close in on me,
you know?"
    Jim nodded, and he squeezed her a little more tightly. 
"Have you tried doing your Tai Chi?"
    "Yeah, sure.  But I mean, I do that outside, and so, yeah,
it helps while I'm doing it, but then I have to come back in here, and
there's this room, and these walls, and..."
    Jim turned to embrace her fully.  She pushed herself
against him, and they hugged for a long moment.  This wasn't the most
comfortable posture, though, and so after a while, Jim leaned backward,
pulling her very gently down onto the bed.  He was giving her every
opportunity to resist, but she didn't, and soon they were lying side by
side, still embraced.
    After a while, Andie leaned back and looked up into his
eyes.  Without saying anything, she pushed herself up slightly, so that
she could kiss him.  He accepted her kiss happily, pressing his lips
back against hers.  After a moment, he took a risk, and let his tongue
slip out against her lips.  After only a couple of seconds, she parted
her lips to allow his tongue to enter, where it found its partner ready
to tango.
    The two kissed more passionately like this for a long
while.  Every once in a while, they would stop, and just hold each
other.  After some time, they shifted so that they were fully on the
bed, but they didn't progress any further.  Andie seemed to be content
with what she was getting from him.
    The problem was in Jim's mind.  *She's so wonderful.  I
hate that I feel this way about her... this feels like I'm betraying
Jen.  I mean, with Claire, and with Stacy, those were... well, I mean
mostly just sex.  I really care about Andie.  How can I... do I love
her?  I can't love two girls at the same time.  That's just... wrong,
isn't it?*
*    Maybe it's just lust.  Maybe I only feel so strongly
because we haven't...  But can I ask her to do that?  I mean, with what
she's been through...*
    Andie noticed Jim's distraction.  He was still holding her,
but she could see that his gaze was unfocused, off in the distance.
    "What's the matter?" she asked him quietly.  They'd both
taken to speaking in very tender tones around each other.
    Jim sat up, releasing her from his embrace.  She didn't
like that, but sat up next to him anyway.  She looked at him, studying
his face and waiting for him to answer.
    "Andie... you know I care about you, don't you?"
    "Mm-hmm," she responded, stroking his arm.
    "I'd like to... I mean, if you wanted to... I'd like to
make love to you... but how can I ask you that, after what you've been
through?  I mean, the whole reason I'm here is because of some jerk who
wanted to have sex with you."  His frustration was evident in his tone
of voice, but she knew he was frustrated as his own lack of
understanding, and not at her.
    Andie moved herself around until she was able to crawl into
Jim's lap.  "You're nothing like him.  In fact, you're about the
complete opposite of him.  He didn't want to make love to me; he wanted
to *rape* me.  And if there is a single guy in this world that I would
want to be my first, it would be you."
    He looked into her eyes, not sure if that was an
invitation, or just a statement of friendship.  She could see the
confusion in his own expression, and so she leaned in to kiss him.  She
began to pull off her own T-shirt as they kissed.  She pulled away from
him only to remove the shirt.  She wasn't wearing a bra.  He'd known
this, but to now see her bare chest in front of him took his breath
away.  Her areolas were tight, and her nipples were quite erect, either
from the cool air or arousal, he wasn't sure which.
    Very tenderly, he lifted his hand to her breast, and gently
squeezed.  Andie mewled, arching her back to push her tit more firmly
into his hand.  Jim returned his mouth to hers as his fingers worked
over her breast, seeking out and finding her nipple, and tweaking it
repeatedly.  Andie began to moan quietly into his mouth, squirming in
his lap now.
    After a little bit, Jim pulled back away from her.  She
frowned, worried that something was wrong, but he smiled at her.
    "We should probably get undressed if we're going to do this
right," he said with a soft smile on his lips.  Andie mirrored his
expression, and she got up reluctantly from his lap.
    Jim quickly rolled off the bed, and removed his shirt.  He
sat down to pull his shoes off, which took longer than it should have
because he was more interested in watching Andie take off her jeans. 
By the time he had both shoes off, her jeans were on the floor and her
panties were close behind.  He stood up, and he felt as though he was
towering over her 5' 1" height, though he was only slightly more than
half a foot taller.
    Andie ran her hands over his chest as Jim began to unfasten
his pants.  He got them undone in what seemed like record time, and
then slid them off his legs.  Andie stopped him from moving after he
stepped out of his jeans.  Her hands reached shakily for the waistband
of his briefs, and she ever-so-gently pulled them out and down,
allowing his erect dick to slide free.  Her eyes went wide as, for the
first time, she saw a real live cock up close.  After the briefs fell
to the floor, she reached out with her hand and rubbed her fingers
softly across its length.  She was startled when it jumped in her hand,
and then she giggled.
    Jim couldn't believe how incredibly soft her touch was.  He
needed her to stop that, or he was going to blow right then.  On the
other hand, it felt *really* good.
    He didn't have to worry, though.  After a cursory exam,
Andie's lust overcame her curiosity, and she stood back up.  She looked
up into his eyes, a little worry tainting her own anticipation.  Jim
understood that.
    Taking her hand, Jim led Andie back to the bed, and gently
laid her down on it.  He then crawled onto the bed, but not to join
her.  Instead, he moved to her feet, and gently urged her legs apart. 
As she gave him more and more room, he planted light kisses first on
her ankles, then on her calves.  By the time he got up to her thighs,
she was already squirming all over the bed.  When his tongue first
touched her pussy, she let out a loud groan, and her hands flew to the
back of his head.  Her hips began to roll against him as he began to
lick her in earnest.  After only a minute of this, he knew she was
close.  Moving his tongue up, he began to tease her clit, flitting
across it with feathery touches.  He inserted a finger into her pussy,
and pumped with short strokes.
    All of this sent Andie into a frenzy.  Her head was
thrashing back and forth, and soon her thighs clamped his head in place
as her body tensed; her orgasm washed over her in waves.  Her groans
could probably be heard by Claire next door, but neither of them cared
at this point.
    Jim continued to lick her through her orgasm, which died
down eventually, but not before she'd come close to passing out.  As
she worked to catch her breath, Jim slid up beside her, holding onto
her gently.
    When she'd finally regained herself, Andie turned to him
and kissed him.  "You know, I always figured my first time would be in
the back of a car, or something.  I didn't think I'd get to do it on a
bed and all."
    "I'm sorry I can't be more... um... romantic about it.  It
seems a little cold, just... going at it."
    "Maybe," she said, stroking his chest again, "but it's the
thought that counts.  I figure we're already in deep shit with my
    "Well, if someone wasn't so *vocal*... " he said, teasing
her.  She blushed, and giggled.
    "Sorry about that."
    "I'm not.  At least I know you liked it," Jim said
    "Liked it!  Good Lord!  You're better than... uh, hmmm. 
Someone else."  Andie blushed furiously now, but Jim knew who she
meant.  He wasn't going to prolong her embarrassment, though.
    "Are you ready for more?" he asked.  The look she gave him
was answer enough.  "Andie... the first time is probably going to hurt."
    "I know.  Better just to get it over with.  The next
time'll be better, right?" she asked, a twinkle in her eyes.  That look
made Jim's stomach lurch.  He didn't want to think about 'next time'. 
To stop his worries, he did the only thing he could do; he rolled on
top of Andie, who spread her legs readily for him.
    Jim looked down at her lovely but small body.  She was
petite in every way, but it made her look so innocent, so guileless. 
He wanted to take her in his arms and protect her from the world.  It
was another dangerous line of thought, and so he focused on what he was
    Placing the head of his dick at her entrance, Jim pushed in
slowly.  Andie's pussy was tight, even though she was more than well
lubed.  He continued to move in slowly, making small strokes to loosen
her up.  Andie was almost immediately wiggling beneath him; she had
never done anything that felt this good.
    After quite a while, Jim had loosened her up, and he could
feel her barrier.  He looked down at her, as she bit the corner of her
lip.  He knew she was waiting for him to do it.  He reached down and
stroked her cheek gently.
    "I'm just going to *do* it, and then I'm going to stop. 
You tell me when you think we can go on," he said.  She nodded at him,
and he took a deep breath.
    Jim took a couple short strokes, to build up a rhythm, and
then he thrust into her as hard as he could.  He felt her tear, and he
slipped another inch inside of her before her tightness stopped him. 
He froze, looking down at her, worrying that she might be in intense
pain, given how tight she was.
    Jim was surprised to find her glaring up at him with lust
filling her eyes.
    "That barely hurt at all!  Go ahead, it was starting to
feel really good, before."
    Jim shrugged.  He knew all girls were different.  He began
to stroke into her again, slowly making progress until he had fully
buried his dick inside her.  By that point, Andie was writhing beneath
him, lost in pleasure.  After only a few more strokes, she grabbed her
pillow and covered her face, which did not come close to drowning out
the scream of ecstasy that ripped from her throat as her body was
wracked with an even larger orgasm.  She shuddered and twisted and
bucked until finally, exhausted and relaxed at the same time, she
passed out.
    Jim sensed what had happened as she went limp.  He pulled
the pillow off her face, and leaned down to kiss her unconscious form. 
He slipped out of her as he rolled to the side.  He could see just the
faintest trace of blood.  He didn't worry about it, as he took his
lovely, petite partner into his arms and held her as she slept.
    It took several minutes before Andie recovered, and when
she woke up, she found Jim staring down at her, a look of caring and
concern in his eyes.  She pulled herself up a bit, and he leaned down,
and they kissed.  It was a passionate but tender kiss, and they broke
it off after only a little while.
    It took Andie only a little while longer to realize
something else.  "You didn't... I mean, you didn't, uh... finish."
    Jim smiled at her, and shook his head.  "No, I didn't.  But
that's okay.  I was really more worried about you."
    She smiled at him in a way that both warmed his heart and
worried his soul.  She pulled herself up and cuddled against him in his
    "Will we do this again?" she asked hopefully.
    "If you want to," he said.
    She hugged him more fiercely.  "I want to."
    For the next half-hour or so, the couple sat together, not
saying anything, and not moving.  They merely held each other.  Jim's
thoughts were tortured, now, and Andie's thoughts were calm.  Finally,
however, a thought occurred to her.
    "What about Jen?"
    "What about her?" he asked, knowing what she meant, but not
knowing really which *part* of the whole "What about Jen" issue that
she was asking about.
    "Won't she be pissed that I slept with you?"
    "No," he answered.
    "You don't think so?" Andie asked, looking at him oddly.
    "I know she won't.  It's a long story, but... let's just
say that there is an understanding between Jen and me.  Of course, it's
an understanding that mostly she understands, and I don't, but that's
okay.  I do know that it means she wouldn't be upset about what just
    "Oh," Andie said, returning to her snuggled position.  "I'm
glad.  I know I can't... I mean, I won't try to steal you from her.  I
promise.  But... if we could..."
    "We can," he said softly.  It was far more complicated than
all that, but that was his own problem, wasn't it?
    "Good," she said, snuggling more tightly.  Jim held her,
for once using her as an anchor for his troubled mind.  Even if she was
the cause of the storm.
    After another hour or so, during which time they did
finally get cleaned up and dressed, Jim felt it was time to go.  Andie
didn't really want him to leave, but she felt so much better now than
she had before he'd come.  She kissed him at the top of the stairs, a
kiss that he felt down to the soles of his shoes.  She turned, then,
and went back to her room.  She wanted to walk him to the door, but
he'd asked her not to.  He was sure there was a confrontation brewing.
    He was right.  When he got to the bottom of the stairs, her
mother was there.
    "So, now we know what you were after all along.  You just
wanted to fuck her little cunt, and now I'm sure you'll move on."
    Jim was immediately angered by her tone.  "First off,
*whatever* my motive is, it's none of your goddamned business.  You
gave up any rights to make judgments about her life when you left her
with that *slug* you call a husband.
    "Second off, no, what we did this afternoon was *not* my
goal.  In fact, it was something I was trying to avoid, because I
didn't want to send confusing messages.  I happen to feel very deeply
about your daughter, not that I'd expect you to understand *or* believe
    "And you expect me to believe you'll be back in a couple
days, just like always?" her mother sneered.
    "What you believe or don't believe doesn't mean a rat's ass
to me.  I'll be back for as long as Andie needs me to come over here
and help her.  *If* she wants what happened today to happen again,
that's *her* choice, not yours, and *not mine*.  You are a pathetic
bitch of a woman, trying to 'protect' your daughter from something she
doesn't want you protecting her from, when you refused to protect her
from the real threat!"
    "Get out of my house," she said hotly.
    "Remember, witch, I can still talk to the police on your
behalf."  Jim let that comment hang in the air as he turned and walked
out the door.  He realized he hadn't called his sister to come get
him.  He contemplated just taking the bus, but then decided he wanted
to cool off a little first.
    Walking across the yards, he knocked on the door to
Claire's house.  Her brother answered the door, and was about to make a
snide comment, until he saw the look on Jim's face.  Rob backed up
rather quickly, and Jim just walked past him.
    He knocked gently on Claire's door, allowing his anger to
fade.  He didn't need to dump on Claire; she had enough trouble of her
own.  He just wanted to talk with someone who *knew* all the things he
    The door opened, and he was greeted with a big smile.
    "Jim!"  Claire wrapped her arms around him, and gave him a
strong hug.  She pulled him into her bedroom, and closed the door.
    What happened after that was very noisy, and didn't involve
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    "Deep breath, bring your hands down, and... relax."  Jim
dropped his hands to his sides.  For the first time in his life, this
wasn't working.  Normally doing Tai Chi would allow him to forget
almost any problem; it was why he'd chosen to teach it to Andie in the
first place.  Now, Andie was the cause of his crisis.
    As he turned to face the group that had gathered, he put on
a smile.  "Okay, good job.  Jack, Lisa, nice to have you back.  See you
all next week, same time."  He put his smile away, and turned to walk
to where his backpack was.  Andie and Jen were both quick to join him. 
That, in a nutshell, was his problem.
    "Jen, could you make sure Andie gets home okay?  I... need
to talk to Claire for a minute."  Claire turned her head at that, and
so Jim said, "If you have some time, that is."
    "Sure," she said, sensing that something was bothering him,
and that he really needed to talk to someone.  It was the least she
could do for him.
    "Sure, no problem on my part," Jen said.  Andie was a
little doubtful, but accepted things.
    "I'll call... each of you... later," Jim said.  He got a
smile out of Andie, and a giggle out of Jen.  He sighed as he turned,
to see that Jack and Lisa were waiting to say something.  He walked
    "We're not intruding on anything, are we?" Jack asked.  "I
mean... the rest of you seem to know each other pretty well..."
    Jim waved him off.  "We go to school together.  It's how
this got started.  But we don't mind having company.  We can all learn
just as easily with twenty as with seven.  Really, it's fine."
    "I'm glad," Lisa said.  "I like this.  It makes me feel...
graceful," she said, repeating her remark from last week.
    Jim nodded.  He smiled as the two moved off.  He wondered
what their story was, but he didn't have time to ponder other people's
lives while he was having so much trouble with his own.
    "So," Claire said quietly as he came back, "What's up?" 
She settled onto the picnic table bench, and he sat across from her.
    "I think we've created a problem for me.  By 'we', I mean,
you, Jen, and most particularly, me."
    "What's the problem?" she asked, concerned.
    Jim looked away, over at some children, as he worked out
how to say what he needed to.  He decided on an oblique approach. 
"What happened with us on Sunday... did you still like that, or do I
trigger some kind of..."
    "I liked it, Jim.  You're wonderful."
    "But... you know there's not really anything there, between
    "I know that.  It's just..."
    "Fun," he said, finishing her sentence.
    "Yeah.  Just fun."
    "You remember I told you that Jen is *letting* me sleep
around?  Even encourages it?"
    "There are other girls out there.  Not a lot!  I don't want
you to think I'm some kind of..."
    "Jim, I don't think that.  I know a dozen girls who are
looking for a guy just like you.  It wouldn't surprise me that you had
    "Okay... well, anyway, my point is... they're just...
'fun,' too."
    "Okay.  I don't see the problem..."
    "I probably shouldn't tell you this, and I need you not to
talk to her about it, but... Andie and I... uh..."
    "Had sex?" Claire offered.
    "Um..." Jim hesitated.
    Claire cocked an eyebrow at him.  "You're not sure if you
had sex?"
    "I'm not sure that's the term I want to use."
    "Oh," she said, drawing the syllable out.  She began to get
the hint of what the problem was.
    "With you, it's fun.  With... uh, the others, it's fun. 
With Jen, it's serious.  Do you understand what I mean?"  Claire
nodded, truly understanding what he was talking about.  "When Andie and
I...  I mean... well, let's just say, it wasn't 'just' fun."
    "It was serious?"
    "It was to me."
    "How does she feel?" Claire asked delicately.
    "Claire, I have trouble telling how *Jen* feels at any
given moment.  I'm horrible at reading girls.  I don't really know what
Andie's thinking about me.  Other than that she... um... wants to do it
again sometime."
    "Well," Claire said, trying to throw a little levity into
the moment, "at least you've put my fears to rest!"  Jim gave her a
baleful look, and she sobered.  "Sorry.  Do you want me to talk to her,
to feel her out?"
    "Hell, no!  Christ, that's the last thing I need is for her
to know about this.  I can't even talk to Jen about this.  I mean...
it's one thing to be playing around, I mean, that's all it is, is
play.  Andie... isn't playing, to me.  If she feels the same way, it
only makes things *worse*.  I can't have two girlfriends!"
    Claire sat silently for a few moments.  "What, exactly, did
Andie say to you about all this?"
    "She said she wouldn't try to steal me from Jen."
    "Oh, shit," Claire breathed.
    "If she's thinking like that, she means it," Claire said. 
"You do have a problem."  Claire took a deep breath and let it out in
one long, slow exhalation.  "I'm sorry, Jim.  I got you into this.  I
should have known that you two... you're good for each other, I mean...
you fit as a couple.  If Jen wasn't in the picture, I'd say good luck
to the both of you and invite me to the wedding.  But... this... I
mean, I *know* you love Jen, okay?  I have no doubt in my mind about
that.  Just the fact that this is hurting you so much is proof, if I
needed any.  Jim, you need to talk to someone more experienced than me
about this.  I really don't know what to tell you."
    Jim deflated.  He hadn't really expected her to have an
*easy* answer, but he'd hoped for *some kind* of answer.  He shook his
head at himself.  *You don't know what to do, and you're in the middle
of it.  Why should you expect her to know?*
    "Okay," he said dejectedly.  "Thanks, anyway.  I appreciate
you taking the time."
    "Oh, don't even go there," she said seriously.  "How much
of your own time have you taken to help me?  That's what friends are
for."  She got up and came around the table as he was standing.  She
gave him a warm hug that conveyed the depth of her friendship and
concern for him.  "I just wish I could help you as much as you've
helped me.  Can you... I mean, are any of your...  um... other girls...
older?  I mean, that's what I think you need, is someone experienced."
    "There is, but..."
    "But what?"
    "Promise you'll never mention it to anyone?"
    "I swear."
    "The only woman I've slept with is Stacy.  Jen's mom."
    Claire's mouth dropped open in shock.  She took a long
moment to recover, her hand coming to her mouth in surprise.  "Does...
does Jen know?"
    Jim nodded.  "I don't hide anything from her.  Well, at
least, not until now..." he said, looking down at his feet.  "She just
asked me not to tell her about it in any kind of detail."
    Claire shook her head in bemusement.  "Jen is one very
strange girl."
    "And I'm lucky to have her," Jim immediately followed up. 
Claire nodded.
    "You two are *also* right for each other.  Jim, I'm so
sorry.  Without me, you wouldn't be *in* this mess."
    "I didn't *have* to be a nice guy, you know..." he said.
    Claire laughed outright.  "Yeah, right, and the sun doesn't
*have* to rise each morning, either.  But it does."  She put her arm
through his as they walked to the bus stop.  "I wish I had something I
could tell you, but my own relationships are pretty screwed up, as it
is.  I probably wasn't the best choice of people to talk to."
    "You're a friend," he said sincerely.
    "Thanks," she said, turning to face him, her hand reaching
up to stroke his cheek.  "Ride home with me.  You can have your sister
come get you."
    "Okay."  He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, and
she smiled at him.  She couldn't imagine the pain he was putting
himself through.  *All my fault.  I should find a way to fix this...
but I'm out of my league here, too.  Should I talk to Andie?  Jen? 
Both?  What about all together?  This could get very ugly if people
don't remember how we got into this in the first place.  All he wanted
was to help us out... Christ, being nice sometimes doesn't pay off,
does it?  What do I do?*
    Jim was sitting next to her with much the same thought
pattern.  *Can I actually talk to Stacy about this?  I mean, this is
*really* cheating on Jen, damn what she said.  How can I even look Jen
in the face when I feel this way?*  In truth, he hadn't been able to
look her in the eye for days.  *And what about Andie?  If Claire's
right, and she really feels the same way... I mean... would she really
keep her promise, and not try to come between Jen and me?  Is it fair
to put all the blame on her for anything like that?  I'm the one with
the screwed up emotions...  Fuck.*
    By the time they got back to Claire's house, they were both
thoroughly lost in their own thoughts.  They managed to sit in front of
the television for over an hour, holding hands, without saying a word
to each other.  Neither of them had any idea what was playing on the
TV, either.
    When a new show started, Jim finally jolted himself out of
his reverie.  He stood up, finally letting loose of Claire's hand, not
that she had ever objected to him holding it.  He paced over to the
telephone, and called his sister to come get him.  Having done that,
which seemed like an enormously large decision to have actually made
this day, he went back to sit by Claire on the couch.
    Shaking his head in confusion, he said, "I'm sorry to
trouble you with all of this."
    "It's okay, Jim.  Listening is the least I can do."  *And
apparently the most I can accomplish, at least for now.  *Thoughts were
forming in her mind, but she wouldn't be able to act on them yet.
    "Anyway, I appreciate the time.  If nothing else, you gave
me some time to myself to think."  Jim leaned in and kissed her on the
lips.  That was a dangerous move, with his sister on the way, but he
kept it very platonic.  She knew why he had done so, and smiled her own
thanks.  He'd managed to not even stir her normally over-active arousal
with that kiss, though it had clearly shown his feelings.
    "Take care.  And good luck," she said.  She walked him to
the door, and stepped outside.  Together they waited in silence until
his sister showed up to get him.
    "See you tomorrow?" he asked.  She nodded, and then he
turned and walked to the car.
    When he got in, Laura teasingly asked, "Just how many
girlfriends *do* you have?"
    Jim shot her a downright ugly look, and didn't respond. 
Laura instinctively pulled away from him.  She knew his moods well, and
right now, he was in no mood to play.  She got the car going, and it
took a couple of blocks before she even had the nerve to speak to him
    "I'm sorry, Jim.  Is something wrong?"
    "It's nothing," he said, meaning *I don't want to talk
about it.*  "Sorry if I'm in kind of a mood."
    "It's okay.  It'll pass."  *I hope*.
    *Will it?  How will all this end up?  I wish I knew.*
    He wasn't the only one with that wish.
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    Zoe sighed.  She was in her room, thinking about her
brother.  He was currently in his room, playing on the Internet.  Her
current thoughts were about her plan for him and Lori.  She had been
seeing Lori on the sly for six weeks now, and she felt that it was
about time that she took things to the next level.  Beyond that, she
would have to think about what she wanted.
    She wondered if she was being too manipulative, but then
realized that both of the younger teens really needed her help; they
were both too naive, too inexperienced to truly enjoy themselves.  She
felt it was her job to help them experience the real fun they could
    Zoe was jerked from her reverie by a knock at the door. 
She sat up as Luke stuck his head in.  She smiled seductively at him,
just in case he might be in the mood to play.
    He was, but not with her, at the moment.  "Hey, Zoe, could
you drive me over to Lori's?  Her Mom's out of the house for the
    Zoe smiled knowingly.  She'd been to Lori's a few times
herself when her mother was 'out' for the evening.  She nodded to her
brother.  "Sure thing."
    On the ride over, Zoe wondered if she could use tonight as
a means to advance her plan.  *Just take it one step at a time, Zoe. 
Play it by ear.  If an opening comes, take it, but you can't force them
into anything.*
    Luke was preoccupied enough not to notice Zoe's silence. 
He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before he hopped out of the
car to walk - very quickly - up to the front door.  She saw Lori there,
and she waved, but Lori was too engrossed in her thoughts already about
what was to come to notice.
    After the couple went inside and closed the door, Zoe drove
around the block once, trying to decide what to do.  After a moment's
indecision, she decided to give it a try.  She pulled slowly into the
driveway, so they wouldn't hear her.  She made sure to close her car
door as silently as possible, and she forewent the alarm for tonight.
    The tricky part now was to not look like a burglar.  She
tried the safest route first, and went to the front door.  It was,
unfortunately, locked.  Taking a deep breath, she walked around the
house to the back yard.  A quick look up showed that they were in
Lori's bedroom, or at least the lights were on in there.
    Lori tried the sliding glass door, but it, too, was
locked.  Then she tried the door to the mud room.  Strangely, this was
not locked.  She stepped inside quietly, only to be scared out of her
mind by the family cat, which slithered along her legs seeking to be
petted.  Zoe picked the cat up after she closed the door, and stroked
it as she walked into the kitchen of the house.  After a few moments,
the cat squirmed free and went off to find something else to do.
    Zoe could hear the couple talking upstairs.  This was the
trickiest part; stairs almost always creak.  Zoe walked on the very
outer edge of the stairs, supporting a lot of her weight on the
bannister, and walking as gingerly as possible.  She made it to the top
without a single squeak, and she took a deep breath, only to take a
wrong step and cause a major groan from the hall floorboards.  She
cursed to herself, and froze, but it seemed that the couple was too
busy with what they were doing to notice such minor things as squeaking
    Zoe made her way down the hall, until she found Lori's
room.  The door had not been fully closed; it was only pushed so that
it swung mostly closed.  She inched it open just a bit, so that she
could see in.
    What she saw caused her tongue to slip out and wet her
lips, and her pussy to begin to grow wet.  Lori was already fully nude,
and she was just now stripping Luke's underwear off his body.  Zoe
looked longingly at his hard shaft, wanting to feel it inside her.  She
admired Lori's body, too, eager to take those stiff nipples into her
mouth and suck on them.
    Zoe told herself to wait, and she was rewarded.  Lori
pushed Luke backward until he fell onto the bed.  Lori was just about
to join him when Zoe felt it was the right time to make her entrance. 
She knew they couldn't run from her now.
    "Well, well.  So *this* is how the mice play while the
cat's away.  Tsk, tsk, tsk."  She had a big smile on her face, and her
voice left no doubt that she was teasing them.
    "Zoe!" Luke shouted.  Lori was very pale, and unsure of
what to do.  She stared at Zoe the way a rabbit stares at oncoming
    "Mmm," Zoe murmured to herself, taking in both naked bodies
before her.  She strolled over to Lori, and ran her hand over one
breast.  Lori could not contain the shudder that ran through her body. 
Zoe mischievously kissed the girl, and Lori moaned, pressing her lips
tightly to Zoe's.  Luke looked on in astonishment; he didn't know what
was going on.
    Finally, Zoe turned to Luke, and climbed on the bed with
him.  "I hear you're not getting treated right by this little bimbo,
Little Bro," Zoe said, a twinkle in her eyes and a wink to Lori.
    "Zoe, what the fuck..." Luke tried, but that was precisely
the wrong word to use.
    "Not yet, you don't," Zoe said.  "Lori, dear," Zoe purred,
"come over here.  I can't have my brother being deprived of sexual
offerings just because you don't know how."
    Lori moved over to the bed very hesitantly.  Luke was
flabbergasted.  "Zoe, what the hell are you doing?"
    "I'm about to teach your girlfriend how to give you a
blowjob.  You should have told me she didn't know how."  Zoe looked at
him wickedly, and took his cock softly into her hand.  Despite his
confusion, his dick was still as hard as ever.  Zoe licked her lips
again at the thought of what she was about to do.
    Lori leaned down, to meet Zoe's eyes.  "What are you
doing?" she whispered, almost panicked.
    Zoe winked again.  "Don't worry about it."  Raising her
voice so that Luke could hear her again, she said.  "I could give you
instructions, but I think Luke would enjoy it more if I just
demonstrated.  Wouldn't you, Luke?"
    "Zoe, what... ungh!"  His words were cut off as Zoe's lips
encircled the head of his prick.  He closed his eyes and rolled his
head back into the pillow as her tongue then slipped out and worked its
way all around the head of his dick.  She then pulled her mouth back.
    "You see what I did?" she asked Lori, who nodded.  "Okay,
now you try."
    Lori very hesitantly leaned down, and let her lips touch
the tip of Luke's cock.  She pressed her head down, parting her lips,
but keeping them in contact with his dick.  She could taste the precum
that had oozed from the tip of his dick, and was trying to decide if
she liked the taste or not.  Finally, the entire helmet of his cock was
inside her mouth.  She used her tongue to run all the way around it. 
She felt clumsy, but Luke moaned in pleasure, so she couldn't have done
too badly.
    After a moment, she pulled her mouth off his cock, and
looked to Zoe again.  Zoe nodded approval, and she said, "Okay, when
you think you've got the idea, just join in on the next part."  Zoe
started kissing the side of Luke's shaft, running her tongue out along
his length and kissing frequently.  After only a few seconds, Lori got
the idea, and began to kiss and lick the other side of his cock.  Luke
was groaning now, trying to hold himself in check.  Having two women
work over his cock was just more than he had ever imagined happening to
    Zoe could sense he was close.  She broke off her motions,
though Lori kept up her ministrations.  Zoe said, "Okay, now comes the
tricky part.  You have to take him into your mouth.  Just like you did
before, only further.  Don't push yourself too much, or you won't enjoy
it.  However much of him you feel comfortable taking in.  Make sure you
use your tongue, keep your lips moving along his skin, and for Christ's
sake, avoid using your teeth."
    Lori was very slow to move up to the head of his cock, but
neither Luke nor Zoe rushed her.  Finally, she took the head of his
prick into her mouth again, running her tongue around it as she had
before.  Luke groaned again, and she once again tasted his precum,
which she found that she was growing to enjoy.  Finally, with a deep
breath, she began to lower her mouth onto his cock.  She wiggled her
tongue along the side of it as she moved down onto him.  After only a
couple inches, she had to back off.
    "That's okay," Zoe encouraged.  "You'll become more
comfortable later.  For now, just bob up and down.  Suck on him like
he's a tasty little popsicle.  Take your hand," she said, gently
grabbing Lori's hand, "and wrap it around him.  You can stroke the part
of him you're not sucking on."
    Lori soon got into the rhythm of moving her hand and mouth
together, jerking Luke off as she blew him.  Zoe gave her some further
instructions as she worked, making corrections and teaching her slowly
what she needed to know.
    After only a short time, Luke began to groan in earnest. 
Zoe knew what this meant.  "Okay, he's about to come.  You need to
decide if you want to swallow him or not.  If you don't, *I do*, so
make up your mind, quick!" she said with a giggle.
    Lori decided she would try.  She continued to suck him, and
she could feel his entire body tensing.  After just a few more seconds,
he let out a loud grunt, and she felt a hot, sticky liquid spurt into
her mouth.  It coated the back of her mouth, and she almost choked, but
caught herself.  She continued to stroke his cock, but she had pulled
her mouth almost off him, so he wouldn't spurt so far in.  He continued
to unload into her mouth for a few more seconds.  She kept the head of
his prick in her mouth as she ran her tongue through his cum.  She
realized that she was intentionally holding it in her mouth to enjoy
it.  At that point, she had a very wicked idea.  She carefully released
Luke's cock, not letting a drop of his precious cum slip from her
mouth.  She quickly grabbed the back of Zoe's head, and pulled her
mouth onto her own.  Zoe's lips parted willingly, and Lori shared
Luke's seed with her girlfriend.  The two Frenched for a long moment,
enjoying the taste of their man.  Luke looked up to see them
French-kissing in front of him, and that began to stir his cock back to
hardness, even so quickly after a very nice and enthusiastic blowjob.
    After they broke their kiss, Zoe looked up at Luke.  "Was
that good for you?" she asked mischievously.
    "Crap, Zoe!" he said breathlessly.
    "Good.  Then you owe her something in return!"  Turning to
Lori, she said, "Make him eat you out, now.  You think I'm good?  He's
the best!"
    Lori hesitantly moved herself to straddle Luke's face.  He
was familiar with this, and had wondered why Lori had never asked for
it before.  Now was not the time, however, to ask questions.  He stuck
out his tongue and rammed it into her dripping hole.  She cried out in
pleasure at the feel of it inside her.
    Zoe moved off the bed, making sure she had Lori's attention
as she disrobed, slipping from side to side in a sexy striptease to
arouse her girlfriend further.  Zoe motioned with her eyes down to
Luke's dick, and Lori got the idea.  She leaned over and began to lick
and kiss it again.  It was back to full erection in no time, and Lori
was just about to take it back in her mouth, when Zoe stopped her.  She
had managed to remove the rest of her clothing, and had climbed back
onto the bed with them.
    "The cost of my tutoring," she said as she straddled her
brother, "is that I get him first."
    Lori was very surprised at all of this.  She hadn't
realized that Luke and Zoe were sleeping together.  She would worry
about that later, however, as she watched, for the first time, as
another woman slipped her pussy down onto the fully erect dick of her
boyfriend, who was currently doing wonderful things to her pussy lips. 
She felt his finger slip inside of her cunt, and her vision blurred as
he began to move it back and forth.  She felt hands lifting her up, and
she opened her eyes to see that Zoe was pulling her upward.  Zoe leaned
forward and took Lori's nipple into her mouth, letting her tongue lap
across it.  Her hand took Lori's free tit, and began to massage it.
    The sensations were all too much for Lori, and she was soon
on the edge of her orgasm.  She could feel it coming.  When Zoe let
loose Lori's tit and moved her mouth up to kiss Lori, their tongues
mingling, it was more than Lori could take.  She screamed into Zoe's
mouth, and her pussy contracted, flooding Luke's face with a torrent of
her juices.  She wriggled in Zoe's arms, rocking her hips down onto
Luke's face.  She was lost for long moments in the throes of her
    After she finally started to come down, she found it hard
to catch her breath.  Zoe helped her move off to the side, where she
promptly collapsed on her side.  Zoe leaned down to kiss her brother,
tasting Lori's juices on his tongue.  She purred, loving the taste of
the other woman.
    "Zoe, what the hell is going on?" Luke asked quietly.
    "I'm getting fucked by a cute guy," she said sternly.  "Now
get to it!"
    Luke gave in for the moment, thrusting his hips up into
her.  She was already close, and as he rocked his pelvis, ramming his
dick deep inside her, she could feel herself coming closer and closer
to the edge.  Finally, he bent his head forward and took one of her
nipples into his mouth.  He bit down on it very, very gently, because
he knew this drove her crazy.  She screamed loudly, her orgasm blasting
through her body.  Her pussy clamped down on his dick, and she slammed
herself downward until he was fully impaled on her body.  She screamed
and spasmed until her body backed away from the edge, still quivering
in pleasure.  Luke very gently rolled to the side, laying her on the
bed, and then slipping out of her pussy.  She looked at him with a
sated, peaceful smile.  He kissed her softly, and then rolled over to
face the other direction.
    He was now facing Lori... or rather, Lori's pussy.  She
hadn't turned herself over yet.  Her legs were spread lewdly, and he
couldn't resist.  He rolled over further, and he licked at her exposed
clit.  Lori immediately cried out in ecstasy, and her body shuddered. 
She sat up, putting her hand on the back of his head to hold him
there.  He continued to lick at her until she couldn't stand it anymore.
    "Luke, Baby... I need you," she said.  He knew precisely
what she meant.  As he lifted his head from her lap, he gently pushed
her back down into a lying position.  She spread her legs as he moved
around to get between them.
    Luke didn't waste any time slipping his dick into her wet,
waiting pussy.  She groaned as he slid his cock home, burying it to the
hilt in one smooth motion.  He started to thrust into her, not wasting
any time, but building to a steady rhythm very quickly.  Lori was
moaning with passion, and lost to the world.  She felt new hands on her
body, caressing her tits, and she tried to focus.  She saw Zoe leaning
over her, and then Zoe's lips were pressed to her own.  As Luke
continued to fuck her furiously, Zoe's tongue invaded her mouth,
playing with her own tongue.
    Luke enjoyed seeing the two girls kissing.  He ran his hand
over Zoe's ass, kneading the flesh there.  Zoe mewled and pushed her
butt back against his hand.  He was having a little trouble trying to
concentrate on both tasks at once, but he marveled at what a wonderful
problem this was to have.
    He could feel Lori's orgasm coming, and he knew that his
wasn't far behind.  He reached down and began to finger Zoe's clit. 
She shot straight up when he did that, and screamed out.  Her body was
quivering, an orgasm right on the verge of happening.  As his thumb
continued to work her clit, he stuck two fingers deep into her cunt,
and began to fuck her with them.  The orgasm that had been waiting to
happen suddenly broke over her.  Zoe cried out and writhed on Luke's
hand, as if he was controlling her from within her cunt.
    Lori watched as brother pleasured sister.  She was highly
aroused by the sight, and the cock slamming repeatedly into her pussy
was driving her wild, as well.  Soon, it was more than she could take. 
Her own orgasm gripped her body, and caused her to thrash about on the
bed.  Her pussy rippled along Luke's cock, trying to milk his cum from
his balls.
    Luke could feel one cunt squeezing his fingers, and another
cunt squeezing his dick, and it was just more than he could control. 
He slammed himself deep into Lori, and he spewed his load.  He felt as
if his entire body was emptying into her, and he clenched his eyes
tightly shut as he climaxed for a long moment.  He didn't notice when
Zoe slipped off his fingers and collapsed on the bed.  He barely
noticed as he rolled sideways onto the bed, slipping out of Lori.  He
never knew that Lori had passed out herself moments before he did.  For
the next half hour, all three slept.
    Luke was the first to recover, though the other two
followed soon after.  Lori was the most out of it; her hypersensitive
body suffered aftershocks for quite some time, and she still tingled
from their intercourse.
    "Okay, someone want to tell me what this was all about?  I
feel a little left out here," Luke said, not entirely pleasantly.
    Zoe waved her hand at him.  "Don't blame Lori.  This was my
    "You two... have done this before?" Lori asked.  She had
been surprised to see Zoe have sex with her own brother.
    "Guys, I guess I need to apologize a little.  Should I
explain everything, or do you guys still want to hide things from each
    "A little late for that," Luke said stiffly.
    "Lori, the first time Luke and I did it was the day school
started.  You can't imagine how much I love my brother, and, well...
when he was hurt, and then I once saw him getting out of the shower...
hell, one thing led to another.  Sex to me is fun.  It's just my way of
saying I care, and God, I care about my brother."  She ignored the
blush that came over Luke's face.
    "I'll admit I was a little jealous when you came along, but
he was happy, and I talked him into still sleeping with me every once
in a while, so it was cool.  But... I don't know, I guess I'm a little
    "After a while, I figured you and I might get to know each
other.  I did sort of take advantage of you that night... after I
realized you were so sensitive... anyway, when you and I started
sleeping together, I learned how important Luke was to you.  I just
wanted you two to have all the good parts of sex."
    "When did you two start sleeping together?" Luke asked no
one in particular.
    "You remember the night that Rick 'needed help' with his
project?" Zoe asked.
    "I should admit now, that was a setup.  He didn't need
help.  I wanted some time with Lori when I knew you wouldn't be around."
    "What the hell did you bribe him with?" Luke asked
    "Sex.  What else?  He's not very good, by the way. 
Definitely nothing like my brother."  Luke blushed furiously.
    "So... you set *both* of us up," Lori said, more confused
than upset.
    "Yeah.  I'm sorry.  It was kind of selfish.  But... I mean,
I really do hope you guys have more fun together now... and maybe you
can include me, once in a while?"
    Luke reached for his sister, and she came readily.  He
didn't need to reach for Lori; she was already joining him.  The two
girls hugged him tightly.
    "I'm not sure there's enough of me to go around," he said
    "When we're done with you, we've always got each other,"
Zoe said wickedly.
    "No offense, Zoe, but I'd still rather have him."
    "Me, too, but I'll take what I can get!"  The two girls
leaned in and kissed, not six inches in front of Luke.  He rubbed both
backs as they kissed, marveling at the odd twist his life had just
    "Zoe?" he asked, when the two girls had separated.
    "Anything else you're hiding from me?"
    "If there is, you'll find out in good time, Little
Brother," she said with a laugh.
    "You're evil, girl," Lori said with a giggle.
    "And your point is?" Zoe asked with a cocked eyebrow and a
    Luke just leaned back and closed his eyes.  The two girls
joined him, and they relaxed for a long time together, not worrying
about anything.  The future would take care of itself.
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    "It's just a suggestion, guys, but it occurred to me the
night we rescued Shadow that we were all too vulnerable.  Without any
kind of disguise or anything, anyone who had seen us go in there, or
come out, could have told the police who we were."
    "But no one did," Loki objected immediately.
    "We got lucky, and no one saw us.  We can't depend on
luck.  It's easy for you to slough it off; you can look like anyone you
want.  If they see you as Desmond Tutu, they're sure as hell not going
to tell the cops they saw *you*, now are they?"
    Loki, for once, didn't have a retort to that.  The girls
were all quiet; they were uncomfortable talking about the possibility
of being found out.  Mimir turned to Hercules.
    "Herc?  What do you think?"
    Herc looked up at Mimir, as if he had only barely been
paying attention.  Everyone had noticed his mood over the last couple
of weeks.  In fact, it had been badly impacting his relationship with
everyone.  He wasn't really surly, only withdrawn and introspective. 
He took a long moment to answer, even now.
    "It's probably a good idea if we take care to hide who we
are.  Revealing ourselves can only have bad consequences."
    Nightingale looked over at her friend, staring hard at
him.  She wondered if he was really talking about their current
situation or not.
    "So, we're in agreement, then, that we should look into
some kind of disguise or costume for when we have to overtly show
    "You guys worry too much," Loki said derisively.  "But if
you want to dress up like Superman, then by all means, be my guest."
    "Superman's costume was useless," Atlanta pointed out.  "It
clearly revealed his face.  Only a complete moron wouldn't have seen
the resemblance between Clark Kent and Superman.  If we're going to
hide, a key ingredient is going to have to be something to cover our
    "Kind of hard to see that way," Aurora said lightly, hoping
to rouse her boyfriend.  He usually liked a good joke.  This time, she
didn't think he even noticed.
    "Spidey never had troubles," Mimir threw back, for much the
same reason.  He was worried about Hercules, but didn't feel he knew
him well enough to butt in.  Neither comment got any rise out of him,
however.  Mimir shrugged.  "Anyway, yes, obviously we'd need to keep
our eyes uncovered.
    "Some kind of ninja costume?" C-Squared offered.
    "Possibly.  It was designed to conceal both a person's
identity, and their tools."
    "I'm not too crazy about that idea," Aurora said.  "People
think ninjas were bad.  Do we really want to be associated with that
kind of image?"
    "Ninjas weren't bad people," Herc suddenly said
forcefully.  "They were highly misunderstood.  They did what had to be
done to protect their land and their family.  They were fighting forces
that were much bigger than themselves, and they had to conceal
themselves to protect not only themselves, but their families and
friends.  It's disgusting the kind of image they've been given by bad
movies that called them all assassins."  Herc's little tirade seemed to
take all he had, and he lapsed back into silence that seemed almost
more impenetrable than before.
    Atlanta looked at him for a long moment, then she offered,
"What about a ninja uniform that isn't black?  I mean... is black
really necessary?  What about... oh, I don't know, light gray or
    "Probably actually a better choice, when you consider we
live in a city.  Gray is the color of the dimly lit night, such as we
have in cities," Mimir offered.
    "What about being able to tell each other apart?"
Nightingale worried.  "We can't very well write our names on the back."
    "We could use our secret names," Mimir offered.  "Herc, can
you look into how hard it would be to get those kind of uniforms?"
    Hercules jerked his head in a positive manner, but didn't
    "Okay.  Is there anything else we need to go over?"
    "Yeah," Loki said.  "We've got several hundred dollars in
our bank account now.  What the hell do we plan on doing with it?"
    "We'll use it to handle mission expenses."
    "We don't *have* any mission expenses!" Loki insisted.
    "We haven't had any to date.  That doesn't mean we won't in
the future."
    "Oh, come off it," Loki derided.  "What do you think we're
going to do, build a bat cave?"
    "In my experience with doing research," C-Squared said
politely, "I have found that it is the unexpected that is the hardest
to plan for.  Having monetary resources at our disposal will greatly
ease any difficulties we may have when the unexpected happens."
    "What the fuck would you know about it, byte-head?" Loki
snarled.  Loki and C-Squared had not straightened out their
relationship over the last couple of weeks, and Loki was his usual
obnoxious self.  "You live in a world where the government pays for
everything!  You don't know real hardships."
    "Hey, that's not fair!  Akira lost his dad to a *riot, *for
crying out loud!" Aurora said, slipping and using his real name.
    "Mind your own business..." he almost slipped, but even he
was not willing to cross Hercules in his current mood.  "This has
nothing to do with you.  Keep your bleeding heart out of this."
    "Or what?  C-Squared is part of the team.  I'll stick up
for him just like I've stuck up for *you*!"
    "Oh, yeah, right.  Like you stick up for anyone.  You do
what he tells you to do!" Loki said, pointing at Hercules.  The room
grew suddenly quiet as Hercules rose from his chair very steadily, but
in complete silence.
    Hercules stared Loki down, and the size difference became
increasingly obvious as everyone realized that an expression of pure
rage was washing over Herc's face.  "I can't even control my own
fucking life," he said in an ominously calm voice.  "I sure as hell do
not - *ever* - control anyone else's."
    Loki did something incredibly stupid at this point.  He
laughed.  "Yeah, right.  You say jump, and she asks how-"
    At this point, Hercules hauled off and punched Loki with
everything he had.  The punch was augmented with a fairly powerful
telekinetic push, and it sent Loki flying into the sofa against the far
wall.  Luckily, no one was seated there at the moment.
    Hercules looked at what he'd just done, and he grew very
pale.  He looked down at his hands, back up at Loki, and then he turned
for the door.
    "Fuck it!" he said, rather loudly, and walked out the
door.  Aurora was about to go after him, but just as she got to her
feet, someone intervened.
    "Jen, *freeze!*" Claire shouted.  Jen nearly toppled over
in her haste to turn to see what was going on.  "One place you don't
want to be is anywhere near him right now."  Claire looked at the
entire group.  *If I don't do something, he's going to fall apart.  I
mean, personally I don't give much of a crap if he puts Paul in the
hospital, but his heart is breaking!  I know what I promised... but
dammit, this is more important than my promise!*
    "Jen, Andie, I need to talk to you two after the meeting."
    "Claire, if you know something about Jim that the rest of
us don't..." Luke started to say.
    "I do, but it doesn't involve you.  It's a private matter,
and quite frankly, it's none of your business unless Jim wants to make
it your business."
    Luke bowed to that, especially since it was clear that
Claire wasn't going to budge from that position.  "If there's nothing
else, then... um... should we dump him outside, or call an ambulance?"
    Claire walked over to him and put her hand on his
forehead.  She could feel some injuries.  *Good.  The bastard deserved
it.*  She poured only a little energy into him, to wake him up.
    Paul looked up at the group, noting the absence of Jim.  He
wondered if that meant that the punk had been censured by the team, but
he doubted it.  *More likely, they'll blame this on me.*
    "Since you seem to be okay, why don't you go home now?"
Claire said.  It wasn't really a question, but more of an order.  He
wiggled to his feet, and the room still seemed to be set on a seesaw,
but he managed to stay upright.
    "Where is that son of a bitch?" Paul asked angrily.
    "If you're lucky, he's not waiting outside to kick your
ass," Lori snarled.  "You have all the sensitivity of a porcupine."
    "Hey, it's not my fault if he's got a bug up his ass about
something," Paul said, immediately defending himself.  *See?  Told
you*, his mind told him gleefully.
    "Look, let's just everybody go home.  We've got two weeks
off, and I think it would do us all good."  Luke hoped that everyone
would just let things settle down.  He watched as Paul stormed out of
the room, then he turned to Claire.
    "I'm not going to ask what's wrong, but... do you think
things with Jim are going to be all right?"
    "I don't know," Claire said, her voice showing worry.  The
other two she'd asked to stay looked very upset about something.  Lori
just shrugged when he looked her way.
    "Okay.  If there's anything we can do for him, just say the
word.  Otherwise, we'll see you guys after Christmas break."
    "Thanks.  See ya."
    There were mumbled farewells, and then Luke and Lori took
their leave.  Now it was only Claire, Andie, Jen, and Akira.  Akira had
stayed because he had driven them over.
    "Akira... I think we can catch the bus home.  This is...
um... girl talk."
    "Jim will be all right, I hope.  I will see you all after
Christmas."  He bowed slightly, and left, leaving just the three girls
    "Okay, spill it," Jen ordered, in much the same tone she'd
used with Jim a couple of weeks ago.  She didn't think about that.
    "Sit down, you two," Claire directed them to seats that
were over in the corner, by the one window in the room.  Once everyone
was seated, she took a deep breath.  "*We* have a problem, and Jim is
the one doing the suffering."
    "What's happening?" Andie asked fearfully.
    "Andie, I think I need to explain some things to you.  You
see, if I hadn't asked him to, Jim wouldn't have spent so much time
with you.  Not because he didn't want to, or because he didn't like
you, but-"
    "Because he didn't feel like he could help," Andie finished
the sentence.  "I figured.  He said the same thing to me when I asked
him to help you."
    "Claire, you can't take the sole... uh... 'credit' for
that.  I pretty much blackmailed him into helping Andie, too.  What's
this got to do with his current funk?"
    Claire took another deep breath.  This was the hard part. 
"First, let me ask you if what he's told me is the truth.  Do you
really let him sleep with anyone he wants?"
    Jen blushed, but nodded.  "Don't ask me to explain why,
please?  I just... do."
    "Okay, I just wanted to make sure he hadn't misled me.  I
didn't think he had, but I'd rather be sure, with what's going on."
    "Which is *what*?" Andie asked in exasperation.
    Claire felt her heart had probably stopped as she said,
"Andie, Jim's falling in love with you."
    Two pairs of eyes blinked in unison.  In unison, two voices
said, "*What*?"
    "Look at it:  We asked Jim to help you.  He agreed, a
little reluctantly, but you know how Jim is... when he says he's going
to do something, he puts his best effort into it.  That means he has
pretty much devoted himself to your recovery.  In the process, he's...
become... attached.  The way he explained it to me went like this: 
Jen, he considers his relationship with you to be 'serious business'. 
Of the other girls - and he didn't tell me who they were - that he
sleeps with, they're 'just fun.'  He said that, in your case, Andie...
it wasn't 'just fun.'  He feels horrible, because now he feels like, no
matter *which* of you he's with, he's hurting someone else."
    "Why the fuck did he tell *you* this, and not me?" Jen
asked sourly.
    "Look at the attitude you're having right now.  It's a
natural reaction, but... he knew that you'd be hurt.  I'm breaking my
promise to him right now by telling you both this.  He asked me not
to.  But I can't *not* help him."
    Jen looked over at Andie.  "Well, you can just let him
    Andie looked at Jen with tears in her eyes.  "No, I
can't... Jen, I *need* him.  You don't."
    "Like hell I don't!  He's *my* boyfriend!"
    "Hey, you're the one that forced him to help me!  Don't
blame me because he likes me!"
    "How dare you!  I try to help you out, be a nice..."
    "*KNOCK IT OFF!"* Claire screamed at the top of her voice. 
Both girls sat back as if shoved.  Claire's anger was radiating off her.
    "Shit, what the hell does he see in *either* of you, if
you're going to act this way?  Don't you understand?  *It's OUR
FAULT*.  What Jim is going through, the torture he is *putting himself
through*, is because of *us*.  He's facing this *alone* because he
doesn't want to hurt anyone.  Jen, he knows you'd be miserable if you
knew there was another girl in his life.  You know it and I know it. 
And Andie, you already told him you wouldn't try to steal him away from
Jen... and I know you wouldn't *try*, but don't you see, *it doesn't
matter now*.  Whatever *we* do, Jim is the one who really gets hurt. 
I'm not sure, but I think if you force him to choose, he'll walk away
from *all of us*, the entire team.  I don't think he could handle it. 
In an effort not to hurt anyone, he'd end up hurting *everyone*, but
himself most of all.
    "Don't you understand?  Look, let me reveal a little
something of my relationship with him.  I can tell you this now,
because I know Andie won't be jealous.  The day he came over... after
we rescued you from your dad... when I was so messed up... do you know
what he did?  He came over, and he held me.  That's all.  He let me
cry... it felt like I cried for an hour, but he didn't move, didn't
fidget, he just sat there, holding onto me, and let me cry.  After
that, he told me I was going to be okay.  So, really bad psychiatry,
maybe, but it worked.  Any time I've had doubts about what happened, I
just call him, and we talk it out.  He comes over to see me about once
a week, and I usually end up crying about it.  It's getting better,
but... it still hurts.
    "Don't you see?  I need him as much as you two do.  But
there's a difference.  He doesn't love me.  I know that, he knows
that.  That's okay; I don't need him to love me, I only need him to be
there for me, which he has *always* been.  Now it's my turn to be there
for him, which is what I'm doing now, in the only way I know how.
    "I can't tell you what to do, but let me tell you what I
*think*.  If you force him to choose, he will walk away from all of
us.  If one of you steps away from him, he will *still* feel lousy,
because he will have lost someone important to him.  If you *both* step
away from him... I don't want to think about what would happen to him. 
I don't know if he has any kind of support system that could help him
then.  If things continue like they are... he's liable to kill
someone.  What you saw today?  That's been building for a couple
weeks.  You know how grumpy he's been... this is why.  He doesn't know
what to do.  He can't bear the thought of hurting *either* of you, so I
have to do it for him.  *You two have to decide*.  I can't do it for
you, and he is too far out of his depth to do it.
    "But before you make up your minds, I just want to say one
more thing.  We've known Jim for... what, about four months, each of
us.  In all that time, granted not a lot, but we have spent quite a bit
of time together, but in all that time, has he *ever* let any of us
down?  And what has he asked for in return?"
    Andie lowered her head, slightly ashamed.  "He never asks
for anything."
    Jen did likewise.  "I know."  Jen and Andie looked up then,
staring into each other's tear-filled eyes, and a decision was reached,
without words, but with a lot of communication.
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    "Hello?" Laura said, picking up the phone.
    "Laura?  It's Jen."
    "Oh, hey, Jen.  Jim's up in his room, I'll..."
    "No, Laura?"
    "I need you to come over.  And Laura?"
    "Don't tell Jim you're coming.  Please?  This is important."
    Laura could hear the concern in her voice.  Still, she
figured it was probably something to do with a Christmas present for
Jim.  She smiled into the phone, and then she said.  "Sure.  When?"
    "Right now."
    "Okay... um... give me about fifteen minutes."
    "Okay.  Thanks."
    "Jen, what's this about, exactly?"  Stacy could see that
Andie, who had come over with Claire a little while ago, was holding
herself together only through sheer force of will.
    "Mom, I don't want to go over this more than once, if it's
okay with you."
    Stacy bowed to her daughter's wish.  It was clear that
everyone involved was upset... though Stacy didn't know anything about
it.  She knew they were waiting for someone, but who that was, she
wasn't sure.  She thought it might be Jim, and was sure her thoughts
were confirmed when she saw Laura's car pull up out front.  She was
surprised when Laura got out and came to the door.
    "Hey, Laura," Stacy greeted her kindly, and stepped aside. 
"C'mon in."
    "So what's the big secret?" Laura asked Stacy with a smile.
    "I wish I knew.  Jen won't tell me yet."
    Laura cocked an eyebrow at her, but followed her into the
living room, where she found three girls sitting.  She recognized Jen
immediately, and after a bit of staring, she recognized the other two,
but couldn't remember their names.
    "Could you guys sit down, please?" Jen said.  She felt very
uncomfortable being the center of attention, and she paced nervously. 
Andie looked up at her, anxious for this to be over.  Claire was just
determined, and concerned.  She didn't quite know what the two had
decided, and she only knew that whatever it was, it would be a big
change for everyone in the room.
    "I'm probably going to say some things here that are going
to shock almost everyone at some point.  I'm sorry.  I need to get
things out in the open so that you can understand what's going on.
    "As we all know, Jim hasn't been himself lately.  A few
days ago, Claire told me what was bothering him.  In order to fix it,
each of us needs to be part of it."
    Jen turned to Laura, and stared fixedly at her.  "Laura,
you've known him the longest... and... you slept with him first." 
Laura blushed fiercely as Claire and Stacy both gasped.  Andie was a
little shocked, as well.  "I'm sorry.  I'm sure you'd rather I not have
said that, but the others need to know why it's important for you to be
here.  Also, you know him best, and you'll know better than any of us
if what we're proposing will be something he can accept.
    "Mom, you've only slept with him once... right?"
    Stacy blushed as furiously as Laura had, but nodded. 
Claire wasn't surprised, but Andie was.  Stacy almost added some other
information, but decided it could wait.
    "Claire, you and he have been together a few times, and you
consider him a close friend."
    "One of my best," she said firmly.  "Friends, that is," she
said, blushing after she realized what some might have thought she
meant.  The others chuckled at her discomfort.
    "Andie, you and I... well, we know what's between us and
him."  Looking around the room, Jen took a breath and said, "As far as
I know, the five of us are the only girls in Jim's life.  Each of you
knows that I have already told him he could sleep with anyone he
wanted.  The problem he's having... probably comes from that, so it's
sort of my fault.  I'm hoping I can fix it, with your help.  Mom,
Laura, here's the problem, and what we've decided to do about it..."
    "Are you sure about this, Honey?" Stacy asked her
daughter.  They were sitting at the kitchen table, sharing some tea. 
The meeting was three hours behind them.
    "No.  I'm not sure about anything right now.  I only know I
love him, and I can't stand to think of the pain I'm causing him."
    "Oh, Sweetheart..." Stacy moved around to embrace her
daughter, and she felt the sobs begin.  It was to be an emotional night.
...---=== http://netwolf.wolfpub.org ===---...
    "Jim?" Laura called.  He had just started to head upstairs,
taking his new clothes - Christmas presents - with him to be put away. 
He turned to go back down the stairs, where she was standing.
    "Yeah?" he said.  She could hear the dullness in his
voice.  She'd paid closer attention over the last few days, and each
time he spoke to her like *that*, her heart broke.  She had to suck it
up for the moment; things were in motion, and she had a part to play.
    "You have somewhere to be at seven o'clock tonight.  I'll
drive you.  Don't ask me anything about it... it's a surprise.  Just
call it... another Christmas present."
    "Oh.  Okay."  Normally, he would have tried to wheedle the
truth out of her.  Now, he simply accepted the unknown as the way life
was.  When he turned to go back up the stairs, she stopped him again.
    "Jim?"  He turned back to her.  As was typical of her
brother, there wasn't a trace of anger or irritation at being
interrupted *again*.  He just looked down at her, politely waiting. 
She wrapped her arms around him tightly, not able to speak for a
moment.  When she could finally trust her voice, she said, "I love you."
    Jim felt a tightness in his chest that had nothing to do
with his sister's embrace.  He mumbled a reply to her, and she let him
go.  He made his way upstairs, wishing that his physical ascension
could be accompanied by an emotional one, but he figured his soul was
roughly in the seven-hundred sixty-eighth level of Hell at the moment. 
He took his time folding and putting away his new clothes, and then lay
down on his bed to try, unsuccessfully once again, to meditate.
    At 6:45, Laura poked her head into Jim's room.  His eyes
were closed, but she knew he wasn't asleep.  When he slept, his face
took on at least some semblance of peacefulness, and there was no peace
to be found in his countenance at the moment.
    "Jim?" she said softly.  Slowly, he opened his eyes.  The
look she saw made her want to cry, or to shake the Universe and tell it
to leave her poor brother alone, that he had enough to deal with in
life.  "It's time to go," she said, keeping herself under control.  She
knew that things would be settled tonight, but Jim was still in Hell,
and she'd promised not to tell him what was happening.  That meant she
couldn't relieve his pain, and that hurt her more than anything else
    Jim got up from the bed slowly.  He did everything in a
slow, almost hesitant manner these days.  "Do I need to get dressy?" he
asked.  His tone indicated his distaste at the idea.
    "No.  What you're wearing is just fine.  C'mon."
    Jim didn't speak as they drove through the snowy streets. 
A major storm had just missed them, and was, in fact, hammering their
sister city, Broadmoor, still.  Jim paid little attention to where they
were going until Laura pulled into the driveway.  Jim looked up, and
    "Shh.  I promised to make sure to get you here, and you're
not going to make me break my promise.  This is important, Jim."
    Jim looked at her for a long moment, then shrugged.  He got
out of the car and trudged his way up to the front door.  Laura rang
the bell, but she didn't wait for an answer, since she knew she wasn't
going to get one.  She simply opened the door and, taking her brother's
hand, dragged him into the house.
    Once inside, she closed the door, and let him go.  He
followed her into the living room, where he stopped dead.  He looked
around to see familiar faces.  Stacy and Jen he had expected.  Claire
was a surprise, and Andie was both unexpected and, though he hated to
even think it, unwanted.  Her presence only brought to the very front
of his mind the turmoil he was going through.
    Laura pushed her brother over slightly, and looked up,
positioning him just so.  It took him a moment to look up to see what
she was doing.  He realized that she had put him right beneath the
    "According to the *Santa* Code, section 18, *Clause* 6, I'm
required to kiss you now," she said, a very warm and loving smile on
her face.  She leaned in and pressed her lips to her brother's.
    Jim was very confused, but he automatically returned his
sister's kiss.  In truth, feeling her against him, her lips pressing
against his, and the love that radiated from her were very comforting
to him.  Jim embraced her, forgetting, for a few seconds, that there
were others in the room.  He held on as long as she'd let him, but
after a little while, she had to pull back.
    "I love you, Jim.  I love you more than you will ever
know."  She was speaking in a voice that only he could hear, not that
her body language didn't tell the others exactly what she was saying. 
She leaned in, and their eyes were mere inches apart.  "If you need to
talk later, please come to me.  I'll square things with Mom and Dad, if
you don't want to come home at the usual time."  She leaned in and
kissed him again.  "I'll be at home.  Just remember; your sister loves
you, very much."
    When Laura stepped away and out of the living room, Stacy
immediately came over to him.  She glanced up only briefly at the
mistletoe, and smiled at him.  "Tradition must be fulfilled," she said,
and then she kissed him.  Her kiss was more passionate than his
sister's, though it didn't hold quite as much meaning for him.  He
embraced her tenderly, glad for the support she was giving him in this
very troubled time in his life.
    When she broke their kiss and moved just slightly back, she
said, "I'm going to take Claire sale-shopping.  We should be gone... at
least three hours or so.  I trust you'll look after things here for me,
and keep everything safe?"  Jim nodded numbly at her.  She smiled at
him, and kissed him again.
    "Sometime next week, you and I need to sit down and have a
talk.  What's going to happen tonight is important to all of us.  I
just want you to know that I love you, Jim," she said quietly, before
stepping away from him.
    He was immediately embraced by Claire.  "To hell with the
mistletoe.  I just want a kiss," she said.  Her lips pressed firmly
against his, and he embraced her strongly.  Theirs was the first kiss
that involved tongues, and Jim was enjoying it quite a bit before she
finally broke it off.  She leaned back, still with her arms around him.
    "You are, without a doubt, the very best friend I have ever
had.  I hope that what happens tonight doesn't change that."  A look of
dread crossed Jim's face at that remark.  "Just remember, I consider
you a friend, and friendship overrides certain... other rules."  She
kissed him again, more tenderly this time.  "I won't say I love you,
because it would be a lie.  I do like you quite a bit, though.  And I
owe you more than I can ever repay."
    Jim was about to reply to that, but didn't get a chance, as
her mouth re-engaged his.  He held onto her as they kissed again.  No
one else in the room made a sound as the two continued to embrace for a
long moment.  Then, Claire finally stepped back, letting him loose. 
She looked at him with an odd expression.  Then, she turned to go.
    *I hope that wasn't the last time he'll ever want to kiss
me*, she thought.  *But his happiness... and sanity... are more
important than my petty physical needs.*  She smiled weakly at Stacy,
and the two waved to the other two girls before heading out the front
door.  Laura was waiting there for them, and they all nodded to each
other before getting in their respective cars and driving off.
    For a long moment, no one in the living room moved or
spoke.  Jim didn't dare say anything at this point.  Not only did he
not know what was going on, nor did he think he could come up with
something that wouldn't be offensive, he couldn't trust his voice to
speak without cracking.
    "Sweetheart," Jen finally managed, reaching her hand out to
him.  Jim walked over to her woodenly, taking her hand in his own, but
his grasp was limp.  He was so emotionally torn at the idea of being in
the same room with *both* of these girls...
    "Jim, we know," Jen said softly.  She could see the look of
utter confusion on his face.  He was so distraught, he didn't even know
what she was talking about.  She elaborated by saying, "Claire told us
what you told her."
    Jim's look darkened for a moment, and Jen quickly grabbed
his arm.  "Jim, she did it because she was worried about you.  Hell,
we've all been worried about you.  You've not been yourself lately. 
You won't talk to us, you spend all your time alone...  Jim this has
been my fault.  I got you into this."
    Jim didn't say anything.  He couldn't have spoken to save
his life at this point.  Andie then reached over and took his other
    "It's my fault, too.  I depended too much on you, even
though I knew you were such a kind soul, that it had to have some kind
of effect... I was selfish."
    Jim just shook his head at her, his throat completely
closed at this point.  He didn't know why his world had decided to
suddenly fall apart at the hands of the only two women he had ever...
    Jen took a deep, shuddering breath.  "After Claire told us
what was bothering you... Andie and I had a long, long talk."
    Jim turned back to her.  He assumed this was the part where
she told him she was leaving him.  Just as bad, she could tell him that
Andie was leaving him.  Worst of all, she could say that they were
going to let him decide.
    Andie spoke next.  "You'll probably never know how much
your help meant to me that night.  I don't remember a lot of what
happened, but I do remember you holding me.  And ever since then, I've
clung to you like a life preserver... and you've let me.  You're such a
wonderful person, I can't imagine what either of us would do without
    Jim was completely confused now.  He didn't know which way
to look, which way to turn, or what to expect next.
    "Jim... you love Andie, don't you," Jen said.  It wasn't
really a question.  Tears filled his eyes as he nodded, ever so
slightly.  He felt Andie shiver beside him.  She gripped his arm more
tightly to get his attention.
    As he turned to face her, she said, "And you love Jen,
too.  Don't you."  He nodded again, the tears in his eyes overflowing. 
It was a horrible moment.
    Or so he thought.
    "We both love you, too," Jen said.  "And all we could
decide was that we couldn't take you away from each other."  Jim looked
at her in uncomprehending dread.  She smiled for the first time that
night.  She looked over at Andie, who slipped up tighter against him,
so that she could actually wrap her arms around him.
    "We decided that we would share you," Andie said.  After a
long, hesitant pause, she added, "If that's okay with you."
    Both of the girls looked at him expectantly.  He looked
from one to the other, still unable to speak.  His mouth opened several
times, and he was sure he looked like a landed fish, but still no words
sprouted from his throat.  Finally, after what seemed to him to be
hours, but were in fact only a couple of minutes, he managed to find
his voice.
    "You want... to... *share*... me?" he asked.  His voice was
a mixture of wonder and incredulity.
    Both girls nodded at him very certainly, sharing a look
with each other.
    "But..." he said, trying to put to words whatever objection
it was his mind was trying to come up with.
    "We know it's not the usual thing," Jen said, taking her
boyfriend's hand.  "And if it was anyone but Andie, I might fight a
little harder to keep you to myself...  Actually, no, that's not really
true.  Do you know why I've always let you sleep with other girls?"
    Jim shook his head negatively.
    "It's because, more than anything else in the world, I want
you to be happy.  I can't describe how important it is to me that you
are happy.  When Claire told me what was going on... when I realized it
was really my fault... I was heartbroken.  I *can't* let myself hurt
you like that.  I just can't.  I *will* fight to keep you in my life,
but... beyond that..."  She shook her head.  She couldn't really put it
into words better than that.  Andie saved her by picking it up.
    "And I meant what I said.  I'd never try to steal you away
from Jen.  When Claire told me that it wouldn't matter if I tried or
not... I had to admit that... well, I love you.  I need you.  I want to
be with you.  You're the only guy I've ever met who's ever given a shit
about me for *me*.  From the first day we met, you treated me just
like... well, like a friend.  When we made love..."  Andie shivered,
just thinking about it.  "I never thought it was going to be like
that.  I'm afraid that the feelings that you caused in me that day
wouldn't allow me to just let you go.  I'm so sorry I almost caused...
well, I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble, so much pain."
    "Andie," Jim finally managed, "it wasn't... I mean, there
was nothing..."  She put her finger to his lips to silence him.
    "See?  You're still worrying more about me than you ever do
about yourself.  I know there was nothing I could have done
differently, under the circumstances.  That doesn't mean that your
problem isn't my fault."
    "And there was no way I could just let Andie suffer, so
there wasn't anything I would have done differently, either.  But that
doesn't mean I'm not to blame, either."
    "The truth is, both of us put you through this.  We're only
hoping that we can make it up to you.  Together."
    "You... you really mean this."  Jim was trying to wrap his
mind around it, but the thought was a slippery one.  Both of the girls
nodded.  Each one took hold of one of his arms, and gently lifted it. 
They pushed him back until he was sitting back on the couch, then they
snuggled against him, each wrapping an arm around themselves.
    Jim sat silently, his arm wrapped around two wonderful
girls, each of which had decided to be his girlfriend... together.  His
mind was still trying to wrap itself around the concept, but it was
like a wet bar of soap; just when he thought he had it, it would pop
out of his grasp and hit him in the face before slithering away, out of
    Andie and Jen shared a look, but they waited in silence. 
They knew that it would take him a long time to come to terms with what
they were... offering?  Or were they forcing something on him?  Neither
of them knew.
    For a long time, Jim let his mind just wander.  It was when
he realized he was wondering which one of them he would take to the New
Year's dance, or to the Fourth of July picnic, that he was shocked into
considering the issue more rationally.
    *I can't hurt either of them.  I'd rather rip out my own
tongue.  They're right; I love them both.  I don't know how it happened
so fast with Andie... is love like that?  How the hell should I know? 
All I know is it did.  Do I have a choice?  Well, yes, I could let both
of them go... it would hurt for a while, but they'd eventually find new
boyfriends.  And I...*  He stopped that line of thought when he
realized that his chest hurt from the very idea of leaving them.  Tears
sprang anew to his eyes, and he unintentionally squeezed each of the
girls more tightly.  In response, they both rubbed his chest gently.
    Jim closed his eyes, and wondered what it would be like, to
have two girlfriends who *knew* about each other.  The idea was so
foreign to his way of thinking...
    *But there's no other way out, is there?  And they're...
well, I don't know if they're really okay with it or not.  All I know
is they're willing to try.  For me.  How can I spit on that kind of...
that kind of love?*
    Jim finally opened his eyes, and looked down at the two
girls, who were waiting as patiently as they could for him to come to a
decision.  "You're sure about this?" he asked hesitantly.
    Both of the girls nodded confidently.  In fact, neither of
them really felt totally confident, only because they didn't know how
he would feel about it, in the long run.  They had actually joked
about, and now wondered seriously, whether he would feel comfortable
kissing either of them in front of the other.  They had a notion about
how to cure him of that problem, which it was now time to put into
    "So, you'll keep us?" Jen asked, sliding up to face him. 
Her tone was serious, as was her question.  She was worried about
this.  He could see it in her face.
    "Yeah... I'll try to... to make both of you happy."  Jen
kissed him strongly on the mouth.  He immediately kissed back, lost in
the feel of her against him.  She rubbed her body against his,
distracting him from the fact that he could no longer feel Andie beside
him.  The reason for this was that she had stood up.  She hadn't gone
far, but it was necessary for her to stand to do what she was doing.
    When Jen felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, she knew that
Andie was done.  Jen then let Jim loose, and stood up.  Andie, now
completely nude, took her place in his lap.  Before he could even
register that she wasn't wearing any clothes, her lips were plastered
against his.  She took hold of his hands and put them on her butt.  He
began to knead her flesh gently, sending tingles through her body.
    Jen watched the couple as she disrobed.  She had never seen
porn, and she was watching a couple begin to have sex for the very
first time in her life.  She was highly aroused, seeing her boyfriend
with another girl.  She hadn't suspected that, and she arched her
eyebrows at her own thoughts.  When she was done removing her own
clothes, she moved behind the couch, so that she could reach over and
begin to work on Jim's.
    This was a more difficult task, mainly because Andie wasn't
all that willing to give Jen room to work.  Jen giggled about it, more
amused than irritated.  Finally, she got Jim's shirt off him.  This had
required Andie to break their kiss, and she hadn't liked *that* at
all.  She was now once again Frenching him for all she was worth.  Jen
moved back around to the front of the couch, and wondered just how she
was going to get his pants off.
    Andie finally relented, after a couple of taps from Jen. 
She moved off his lap, and both girls reached down for his pants.  Jim
was at their mercy as they undid the belt, the button and the zipper. 
Andie even broke their kissing to take hold of his jeans and tug them
down his hips.  Giving in to the inevitable, Jim lifted his hips.  Jen,
knowing him a little better, took the opportunity to grab his briefs,
and they went with his jeans.  Andie gasped as Jim's fully erect cock
came into view.  The two girls tugged his jeans down his legs and to
the floor.  Andie bent down to yank his sneakers off and dispose of the
unwanted garments.
    When she looked back up, she saw Jen sucking on Jim's
dick.  She watched in amazement as Jen's mouth worked over him.  She
had never done that, and was fascinated as his cock disappeared between
her lips.  The sight, however, caused tingles in lots of places on her
own body, and she needed some contact.  She moved up and returned to
kissing him, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth.
    Jen could sense the change in Jim as Andie started kissing
him again.  His body tensed, clearly on the verge of orgasm.  She
continued to suck him.  It had taken her a while to get used to doing
this, but he had 'allowed' her lots of opportunities to practice.  She
fondled his balls, coaxing his cum up out of them.  She could almost
feel it traveling in his prick, and then, with a grunt into Andie's
mouth, he came, spewing his load deep into Jen's mouth.  She continued
to suck, loving every drop of his seed.  When he had settled down, she
swallowed his spunk, and ran her tongue along the head of his dick to
pick up any stray droplets.  He groaned at the pleasure her tongue was
giving him.
    Jen kept working on his cock.  She loved being able to do
this for him; he obviously enjoyed it, and it was a pure gift; he
didn't have to give anything in return.  She bobbed for another minute
before his dick returned to its fully-hard state.  After that, she let
him loose.
    When they had decided to go this far with him, together,
Jen had had to make a decision.  She hadn't told Andie about it, but
she wanted her to take him first.  It was her way of both accepting
Andie as a partner in taking care of Jim, and also showing her that she
would make every effort not to be jealous.  She felt only a twinge as
she patted Andie's thigh.  Andie looked down, miffed at having to break
her kiss.
    Jen motioned with her eyes.  Andie's eyes opened wider. 
"You sure?" she asked.  Jen nodded, and helped her move so that she was
straddling Jim's waist.  Jen wrapped her dainty fingers around Jim's
dick, holding it in place, as Andie maneuvered above him.  Andie slowly
sank down, enjoying the feel of Jim's prick slipping deeper and deeper
into her.
    Once Andie was halfway down, Jen let go of Jim's cock, and
moved up onto the couch.  He immediately reached for her, and they
began kissing as Andie sank fully onto his prick.  Andie moaned at how
full she felt.  She looked down to see the other two kissing, and that
was highly erotic for her.  She began to move on Jim's cock, slowly at
first, since it was only the second time she'd had sex.
    As Andie began to work up a rhythm, Jim suddenly stopped
her.  He held her hips, but smiled at her, to indicate that things were
okay.  He gently pushed Jen away, and then he swiveled, with Andie
still fully impaled, until he was lying on the couch.  As soon as his
hands left her hips, Andie began to move on him again, trying to regain
the rhythm he had interrupted.
    Jim reached for Jen, but he didn't bring her mouth to his. 
Instead, he pulled her up on top of him, so that her pussy was over his
mouth.  She got the idea, and lowered herself onto his face carefully. 
When his tongue swiped across her pussy lips, she groaned loudly.  She
was facing Andie, and watched as the younger girl bounced on Jim's
dick.  It was a fantastic sight, and she could feel herself tingling at
the idea of watching two people making love while she was getting eaten
out by one of them.
    Andie was enjoying herself immensely, and was nearing her
own climax.  She was screaming loudly as her body raced toward the
peak.  As Jim thrust his hips more firmly upward, shoving his dick more
deeply into her, she flew right past the peak, and off into the land of
pleasure.  Her orgasm splashed over her, and her body twisted and
thrashed on his cock, bouncing even faster than she had been.
    Jen watched in amazement as Andie came.  She wondered how
the girl could stay upright, not realizing that she had often looked
like that.  As Andie collapsed forward, Jen reached out to catch her. 
Her hands landed in awkward spots, and for the first time, Jen touched
another woman's breast.  She almost dropped Andie in surprise, but she
caught herself just in time.  She quickly moved her hand, however, and
then she helped Andie move off him.  Andie rolled backward, flopping
onto the couch, her head resting on the arm.  Jen looked at her for a
moment, but it was clear that she was just lost in bliss.
    Jen wanted some of that bliss for herself, and so she moved
forward.  When she reached Jim's waist, she turned around.  This
positioned her perfectly, and in mere seconds, his cock was buried
fully inside of her dripping cunt.  She began to buck on him more
expertly, but no less enthusiastically, than Andie had.  Jim began to
push his hips up at her as she came down, forcing himself deeper into
her.  She leaned down so that he could take one of her bouncing tits
into his mouth, and he suckled on her nipple.  She gasped in pleasure,
loving the feel of his tongue against her sensitive skin.
    After a couple of minutes, Andie began to recover her
senses.  She looked over and smiled at the couple.  She had never seen
two people fucking, either, but it wasn't the least disturbing to her. 
She felt a tingle in her loins as she watched, and figured she should
do something about that.  She moved off the couch, and down to the
other end.  She tapped Jim on the shoulder, and he let Jen's breast
loose.  As he looked up at her, she raised her leg high, to straddle
his face.  He smiled at her encouragingly, and she sank down until she
felt his tongue contact her lips.  She groaned in pleasure at the feel
of him.
    Jen moved up, away from the sight of their coupling.  She
was hardly offended, but didn't need to see it quite that closely. 
Andie opened her eyes, and looked over at Jen, who was happily bouncing
away on Jim's dick.  She leaned forward, and took hold of Jen's head. 
Jen was surprised, but didn't resist.  Andie leaned further forward,
and their lips met.  Jen was shocked, but Andie persisted.  Her tongue
snuck out, and licked across Jen's lips.  After a bit, Jen opened her
mouth, and Andie's tongue invaded, slipping hotly over Jen's tongue.
    Jen had never kissed a girl before in her life.  The
sensations... were different, and incredible, and somehow very taboo. 
She soon managed to kiss back, though she was still quite thrown by the
experience.  On the other hand, it had allowed her to push her arousal
down a bit, so she had even longer to enjoy her boyfriend's
    That didn't last long, as his movement inside her soon
ramped her arousal right back up to full throttle.  Even Andie's kiss
was beginning to add to her heat.  She was kissing back now, getting
into the mood, as it were.  Andie let her hands move from Jen's head
onto her shoulders, caressing them as the two were being pleasured by
their mutual boyfriend.
    When Andie slipped her hand down onto Jen's breast, Jen
shivered, and almost pulled away.  Andie moved her hand back up, but
then let the other hand stray down to Jen's other tit.  She kept this
up, moving back and forth.  It was highly disconcerting to Jen, but she
had to admit, it was also getting her off.
    Jen was soon right on the very edge of her climax.  Jim
knew this, and thrust even harder into her.  Andie also knew this.  She
reached down with both hands and rolled Jen's nipples in her fingers,
while her tongue twirled in Jen's mouth.  Jen screamed into Andie's
mouth, and came.  Her body tensed, her back arched, and her throat let
loose with a long series of groans, which were drowned out by Andie's
mouth, which remained clamped to Jen's.
    After Jen finally began to come down, Andie let her go. 
She helped Jen off Jim's dick, and then she looked down to see the hard
shaft, slick with Jen's juices.  Andie had never sucked a guy off
before, but she had been highly aroused to watch Jen do it.  She leaned
down, still marveling at what Jim's tongue was doing to her cunt.  She
gingerly took his rod in hand, and stroked it a couple of times.  She
could feel his body shiver at her touch, and figured he might be
close.  She leaned further forward, and planted her lips lightly on the
tip of his cock.  She felt it twitch, and smiled.  Pursing her lips,
she kissed him, and then let her lips open as her mouth pushed
forward.  She tasted Jen's love juices, and enjoyed the flavor.  She
used her tongue to wipe up all of that juice, arousing Jim at the same
time.  As her mouth reached as far down as she could go, she settled
for a second.  Then, she began to suck.  She suctioned Jim's dick so
hard that her cheeks caved in.  She slowly pulled off him, keeping up
that suction, and then she dropped back down as far as her mouth would
go.  She kept this up, moving as fast as she could.
    Jim couldn't handle the incredible sensations that Andie
was giving him, and it was mere seconds before he felt himself about to
blow.  He tapped her back, warning her as best he could, but she didn't
care; she wanted his cum, craved it.  He grunted loudly against her
cunt, and then he blasted his spunk deep into her mouth.  She was ready
for it, and didn't have any problems.  She loved the feel of his cum
sliding around in her mouth, and she swallowed twice to get it all. 
She was so excited by swallowing his cum that she felt her own orgasm
approach.  As Jim continued to twirl his tongue on her clit, she arched
her back, pushing her cunt down onto his face, and she moaned on his
dick as her body spasmed, her own climax overtaking her.  She writhed
on top of him for a long moment before she was able to come down.
    When she did finally catch her breath, Jim very gently
rolled her to the side.  She went, but not without reluctance.  She
loved being with him, and the last half-hour had been absolute heaven.
    Jim moved up, first to check on Jen, who smiled and kissed
him.  She had tasted her own juices on his lips before, but this was
her first taste of another woman.  She was surprised that Andie tasted
different... she couldn't decide if she liked it or not.  Jim caressed
her cheek as he then turned to check on Andie.
    By now, she was sitting up, and she came to him readily
when he opened his arms.  They kissed passionately, and then settled
back onto the couch.  Jen quickly joined them, cuddling up to him on
the opposite side from her... girlfriend?
    "Do you feel any better about things?" Andie asked meekly. 
It was that same voice she'd often used with him.  He knew it was an
unconscious thing on her part, but the innocence in that voice melted
his heart every time he heard it.
    "I'm still confused," he said honestly.  "But... I think
I'll get over that.  Are you two *sure* about this?"
    "I am now," Jen said sincerely.  Sharing him with Andie had
cured whatever fears she'd had.
    "Me, too," Andie said, looking deeply into Jen's eyes. 
Then they both turned to Jim.
    "Then I guess I just got one hell of a Christmas present."
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