"Daddy, am I really going to get to play basketball this year?"Summer asked hopefully.

"I hope so sweetheart, but I'm afraid your cloak-and-dagger benefactor might be being just a bit pollyannaish,"Mr. Spring declared. "The legal system moves exceedingly slow in this country. I'm not sure if even a billion dollars can speed it up that much.”



"When do you think I'll actually get to play?"Summer asked concernedly.

"Assuming you win and the verdict doesn't get appealed, optimistically by the time you are in ninth grade,"Summer's dad replied, hopefully.

"That's two years off,"Summer whimpered.

"I know,"Chris Spring said, nodding his head dolefully. "And that I feel is being overly optimistic. Supposedly, Mr. Hutz or more likely one of his associates, is meeting us here around eleven. Hopefully, he can tell us what their plans are to make things move abnormally fast.”

As if having 15 minute appointments, Karen returned at 10:30 and the nurse checked in with them at 10:45. Karen had brought clothing for Summer to wear home, and her daughter loved what her mother had picked out for her.

"Is that new?"Summer asked, adoring the dress. "Did you stop off and do some shopping?”

"No,” Karen replied. "That's an old top of mine that your father always liked. Knowing how short you like your clothes, I figured you could wear it as a dress. I know you'd probably prefer sneakers, but I brought shoes with a slight heel to add definition to your already sexy legs.”

"Karen, isn't that the diaphanous white blouse that I love so much on you?” Chris asked. "The one that shows off your breasts so nicely?”

"One and the same,"Karen replied. "I know it’s a hand me down, but I had a feeling Summer would like it.”

"I have no doubt Summer will love it,"Chris replied uneasily, "but you do realize that when you wore that, you might as well have been topless.”

"Chris darling, we have mirrors in our bedroom,"Karen replied. "I know exactly what type of spectacle I was putting on. Whenever I wore this top to go out, you had a raging hard-on the entire evening and couldn't wait to get me home to bed and fuck me.”

"Can I try it on?"Summer said excitedly. "Normally I prefer to be nude, but I think I might just like this dress."She quickly slipped the garment on. "How do I look?”

"Fabulous,” Karen replied.

"You might as well be totally naked,"Chris replied, suddenly realizing that he was now sporting a full blown hard-on.

"I think Daddy likes me in this,"Summer said proudly. "He has a hard-on.”

Chris didn't try to hide it, but he certainly had a difficult time understanding it. He had spent the last twelve plus hours in this room with his daughter while she was totally naked and now when she slipped on clothing he got a raging stiffy?

Karen laughed. "That's the same response I used to get out of him. Of course in my case I was only displaying my tits. Since you're wearing it as a dress you're also including your cunt and ass in the package,"Karen added.

"Daddy, does that mean that you'll fuck me when we get home?"Summer pleaded hopefully.

"Summer, we've talked about this many times before,"Chris said. "Except for your mother, there is no one in this whole wide world that I'd rather fuck than you, but I love you too much to want to take the chance of hurting you. You can't possibly imagine how much I want to slip my eager organ into that perfect little cunt of yours, but it's just too little. Be patient, we'll get to fuck and once we start, I promise we'll never stop.”

"Hold on now,"Karen protested teasingly. "Does that mean that once you start having sex with Summer that I'm going to get cut off completely?"

"You know damn well I didn't mean that,"Chris declared, taking Karen in his arms and hugging her tightly. "I'd die without you. I just meant that once Summer and I start, we can do it on a regular basis if she wants.”

"I'll want,"Summer insisted. "I'm sure I'll want.”

"Summer, slip on the shoes and give us a fashion show,"Karen requested. "I want to make sure it's long enough and sufficiently covers your cunt and ass.”

"Does it really matter?"Chris asked. "Either way you can see absolutely everything the girl has to offer and it's all perfect.”

"I know, it sorta seems stupid to even wear clothes,"Karen admitted. "But it's sorta like the Hollywood stars. They'll go to an awards show in a totally transparent top, but they'd never go there topless.”

"I would,"Summer interjected. "I'd go totally naked. There isn't any place in the world that I wouldn't be willing to go naked. Well, maybe the North Pole or Antarctica, but that's only because of the wicked cold.”

Karen laughed. "You're a special case. I doubt your dad and I will ever meet another girl like you.”

"I wouldn't be too sure of that,"Summer said. "I think Jessica might surprise you. She seriously wants to streak the homecoming football game if we can figure out a way to get off the field after the streak without being caught.”

"I might have a solution to that problem,"Chris suggested, "but that's a topic for another day. Right now slip those shoes on and give your mother and me a fashion show.”

When Summer sat down on the bed to slip on the shoes she spread her legs slightly and in the process gave both her parents a good look at the priceless treasure nestled between those sexy legs. Karen realized that her daughter loved to be naked, but wondered if the girl realized that she was even more tempting and sexy like this, just slightly covered.

"How do I look?"Summer asked, jumping to her feet. "Does it cover enough to be legal?”

Karen and Chris just stared at the beautiful sight standing directly in front of them. Did it make them horrible parents because they were willing to share the total beauty of their daughter's body with the world? "It barely covers that perfect pussy and adorable ass of yours,"Chris replied. "Whether you're legal or not would probably depend on the judgment of the individual cop checking you out and whether they were male or female, straight or gay. Either way, you look good enough to eat.”

Chris was just about to do that for the second time this morning when the doctor walked into the room with a nurse in tow. "It looks like someone is eager to get out of here,"the doctor said, not giving Summer more than an informal glance now that she was 'dressed' and soon would no longer be a patient. The nurse, however, couldn't take her eyes off the young girl. 'Did her parents actually consider this dressed? Did they intend to allow their young daughter to go outside in public dressed like this?' she wondered, totally astounded.

"Some in our group wanted to keep you under observation for a few more days,"the doctor announced, "but most agreed that would be fruitless since you now appear to be in perfect health and there are no lingering signs of whatever caused the squirting problem. If your parents will just kindly sign the discharge papers that the nurse has for them, you can leave any time after noon."The doctor turned to leave as the nurse handed a stack of papers to Chris and Karen for signing.

He turned back and spoke to Summer. "I heard on the news last evening that you might be suing the FAC, and I agree that it would be a case of David taking on Goliath. One fact, however, cannot be denied,"the doctor affirmed. "Covering your genitalia in a sports uniform again will cause the same results, and the next time you might not survive. Morally I can understand many in our society having a problem with a girl playing in a sporting event totally nude, but is it any more morally correct to tell that same girl that in order to participate she must face probable death? I'll be rooting for you.”

After Chris and Karen had finished signing all the paperwork and the nurse departed, Karen looked at Chris gravely. "Darling, are we actually suing someone?"she asked. "I thought that we had discussed this before and decided that it would be a waste of time and only get us in a lot of debt that we couldn't afford.”

Chris and Summer quickly explained the details of the telephone call that they had received from Enigma Man. They had just finished when there was a rap at the hospital room door. "May I come in please?” the distinguished looking man in the thousand dollar suit asked. "I believe you're expecting me. My name is Lionel Hutz.”

"We were told to expect someone,"Chris said, slightly shocked. "But we hardly expected it to actually be you in person.”

"This might be the biggest and most spectacular lawsuit I have ever been, or for that matter might ever be, a party to,"Mr. Hutz declared. "I felt I should meet my clients face-to-face. The first thing I want you to know is that I also do not know the identity of your mystery benefactor, but I can assure you that this is all quite on the up and up. These documents signed by me and notarized guarantee that you will never receive a bill from me or anyone working for me."Mr. Hutz gave a number of notary-sealed documents to Chris and Karen.

"I was awoken at 3 AM this morning by the same gentleman who called you earlier,"Mr. Hutz explained. "I have no idea how he obtained my private number and was about to angrily hang up on him when he offered me a ten million dollar retainer to take this case. Although he will be paying all the costs through the web site, I've been instructed to treat you as my primary clients.”

Chris walked over to shake Mr. Hutz's hand. "As I imagine you already know, I'm Chris Spring,"he said. "This is my wife Karen and my daughter Summer,"he said, indicating each in turn.

"A pleasure to meet you all,"Mr. Hutz said. "You are an extremely lucky man Mr. Spring. You have a beautiful wife and have been blessed with an amazingly attractive and talented young daughter. Do any of you have any thought as to why your benefactor is so eager to have Summer be granted the right to play sports naked? Obviously, your daughter has an extremely attractive body that will only get more awesome as she develops, but there must be more reason than just a desire to see her naked. With the financial resources he evidently has, he could easily afford his own harem of naked young girls.”

"Honestly, we were hoping you'd know,"Chris Spring replied. "The only thing we know for sure is that he somehow feels he will make a profit out of Summer being nude during sporting events. I don't quite understand how he would make a profit on a junior high school game. To my knowledge the schools don't even charge admission to those events.”

"Since this is all about me being naked, should I take my dress off so that you can see what I look like nude?"Summer asked accommodatingly.

Mr. Hutz laughed. "That probably won't be necessary. That dress seems to be displaying all of your assets quite well.”

"Before we go any further, it's important I know how you all feel about the legal action you are about to enter,"Lionel said. "Summer, I realize you are currently wearing a see through dress that hides absolutely nothing, but other than your parents I'm the only one in the room. How would you feel about being naked on a basketball court with thousands of eyes focused on only you. There might be nine other players on that court; you might not even be in possession of the ball, but the only person the fans will be looking at is you, the naked girl.”

"I don't like the thought that my nudity would be a distraction from the game,"Summer answered, "but otherwise it would be a dream come true. I love playing basketball and I love being naked. I'd be naked 24/7 if the laws allowed it. The best part of being naked during the games is that guys will be looking at me ravenously.”

"You do realize that not everyone is going to be a fan and happy to see you playing naked,"Mr. Hutz explained. "There will be protesters and they'll be calling you every nasty name it the book: whore, slag, slut, tramp.”

"Well, I am a slut,"Summer admitted. "And I don't see anything wrong with being one. I love to give blow-jobs and fuck.”

Lionel hadn't been prepared for this bit of information and he wasn't at all happy to hear it. "Summer, have you ever heard of a person having both a public and a private life?"he asked.

Summer replied simply with a slight nod of her head.

"It's important that the public sees you as a sweet innocent victim suffering at the hands of an unyielding, uncaring authority. Until this is all over please don't say anything in public about blow-jobs and having sex.”

"I don't understand what Summer having sex has to do with her having a condition that requires her to play sports naked,"Karen said.

"It shouldn't have a thing to do with the case,"Lionel agreed. "But it would sway the opinions of some people. The fact that OJ was black and his wife white had nothing to do with whether or not he murdered her, but it divided people along racial lines. Had they both been either black or white, the case would have never garnered the publicity it did. We don't want people judging Summer because she is sexually active at eleven. It has nothing to do with our case.”

Karen, Summer and Chris all nodded their understanding.

"Mr. and Mrs. Spring, are you prepared for your daughter to be the main attraction in a freak show?"Mr. Hutz inquired.

"I know it isn't exactly the same,"he explained, "but if we win, people will be attending not to see the game, but to see the sexy hot looking pre-teen that plays totally exposed. And some of those people will definitely be perverts snapping picture after picture to jerk off to for years to come.”
"Mr. Hutz, it seems like you are trying to talk us out of pursuing this lawsuit,"Chris said. Karen and Summer nodded in agreement.

"Not at all,"Lionel assured them. "This case will make me a literal fortune. I just like to prepare my clients for the worst case scenario--and in this case there are a helluva lot of them since if we win, Summer will be spending a lot of time naked in public.”

"Do you think we actually have any chance of winning?"Karen asked.

"We hope to never get to court,"Mr. Hutz stated. "This afternoon lawsuits will be filed against the FAC and all member schools that have either played Summer's school district in the past or are scheduled to play it in the future in any type of competition.”
"You're not suing my district, are you?” Summer asked concernedly. "Director Hasting and all the teachers there have bent over backwards to support me.”

"I'm afraid I have some rather bad news on that issue,"Mr. Hutz stated. "It seems that there are a number of disgruntled citizens who have approached the school board requesting the removal of Mr. Hastings and any teachers who supported his 'lecherous' policies. They specifically mention a Mr. Means, a Ms. Frey and a Mr. Ginter. I'm assuming that their ultimate goal is to strictly enforce the dress code in hopes that you will be forced to drop out of their school.”

"It's not fair that they should lose their jobs because of me,” Summer sobbed. "Can't we do anything to help them?”

"At this point it will initially be more of an issue between the school board and the teachers’ union,"Mr. Hutz declared. "As far as you possibly having to drop out of school because of renewed enforcement of the dress code, we can only address that when and if it occurs.”

Summer paced the floor looking extremely agitated. "Can't we do something more proactive to prevent the dismissals taking place in the first place and my possibly having to drop out?"she asked.

"I'm your lawyer and open to suggestions,"Lionel said, more to pacify Summer than for any other reason.

"Why not initially not include my district in the suit,"Summer suggested. "State that the reason for them not being included is their progressive action in support of physically challenged individuals. And further say they will continue to be excluded as long as the policies and the people supporting them remain unchanged.”

Lionel Hutz just stared awe struck at Summer. She was not only beautiful, but obviously shrewd too. Asking for suggestions was just a tactic he used to sidetrack people. He had never expected to get a brilliant suggestion from an eleven year old, especially a suggestion that just might actually work.

"If you decide to take up law, look me up when you finish school,” Lionel declared. "There is no guarantee, but your idea may just work. Basically we'd be telling them that if they just sit back, relax and do nothing different we'll leave them alone. If they take any action, they are essentially asking to be sued and incur the legal fees and possible damages connected with that.”

"It might just work,"Lionel declared, quite pleased and getting his phone out of his pocket. "I'm going to have my people make that change before filing the papers with the courts this afternoon.” He left the Springs to talk among themselves as he talked to his people on the phone.

Once Lionel finished his call, Chris asked, "Exactly what are we suing for?”

"Initially, just the right for Summer to participate in all school competitions naked whether it be a home or away event,"Mr. Hutz replied. "If they agree before Summer's next track meet, there would be no damages involved.”

"I assume you don't expect them to agree,"Karen said.

"No. School boards are like any other government entity. They don't care what is right or wrong, just what will or won't get them reelected.”

"Then are we better off hoping to get a jury verdict?"Summer asked.

"No, the last thing we want is to go to court, Summer. We could be tied up there for years,"Lionel declared. "And even when it finally did get to trial, jurors have a problem getting past their own personal issues and prejudices and deciding a case on the facts only. Again, the OJ case: did the jury and the populace feel he was either guilty or innocent based solely on the facts or did their prejudicial feelings take precedence?”

"The facts of our case are simple,"Mr. Hutz emphasized. "You are definitely being discriminated against. No one else on any of those sports teams is being asked to do anything that will threaten their life in order to participate. Only you could die just by wearing that uniform. That should be the end of it. But it isn't, because everyone will be taking into consideration the ramifications of a young girl playing sports naked. They will think outside the case.”

"Then how can we possibly win?"Karen asked.

"We have to win at the school board level, making them worry more about their jobs than your naked body. The budget for an average school is about seventy million dollars a year. If you miss one game we are asking one million dollars in damages, two games – three million, three games—six million. If you miss the entire three sport season, damages would be nearly 420 million per school which is six times the average current budget. Mr. Spring, would you like to see next year's school taxes be seven times what they are this year?”

"No! Absolutely not. My worry is whether they would want to kill the school board or Summer,"Chris declared.

"Hopefully no one,"Lionel answered. "The anticipation is that the taxpayers will start chanting "let her play”. What do they care if Summer is naked? They just won't go to the game if they're upset by seeing a naked girl, and they won't let their kids go either if they think they will be scarred for life by seeing this vision of beauty in the all together. And what do they as taxpayers care about the other kids that play. If the kids on either team don't like it they can quit playing.”

"But what if they do?"Summer asked worriedly.

"They won't because they have egos and won't want anyone else taking their place,"Lionel asserted. "And believe me there would be plenty of players who didn't initially make the team ready to take over their positions.”

"Sounds like you have it all figured out,"Karen said.

"On paper, yes,"Mr, Hutz replied. "Unfortunately, things seldom go as planned and your benefactor isn't giving us much time. He wants this over and done with by basketball season, which gives us extremely little time to get the natives stirred up.”

"What do we have to do?"Chris asked.

"Nothing really,"Hutz replied. "We'll be in touch if we need you to make any statements or do anything else. As far as Summer goes, however, I do have a request. Summer, how you dress or don't dress is not a problem. You look great, and we can always blame your exhibitionism on your malady. Until we win this battle though, I'd request that you restrain your sexual activities somewhat.” Summer gave him a dirty look. "I'm not saying curtail them, just restrict them to people you can trust to be silent about it. Can you please do that for me?”

Summer begrudgingly nodded her head.

"Seriously, do you think you can actually win, and how long do you think it will take?"Chris asked.

"Summer's benefactor is not a patient man,"Mr. Hutz replied. "I do think we can win, if we keep it at the school board level, but he wants Summer at the basketball tryouts on November first and that doesn't give me a helluva lot of time. We'll be pressing to keep this in the news in order to get the taxpayers excited and worried, so don't be surprised to find reporters camped on your doorstep. It's probably good that you are going on vacation.”

Chris momentarily stared at Mr. Hutz, wondering how he knew about their forthcoming vacation.

Before he departed, Lionel talked a bit privately to each of them and then gave his card to Chris. He turned to leave and then turned back. "Summer when I first got here you offered...”

"I thought you'd never ask,"Summer said happily, immediately shucking off the top she was wearing as a dress. She turned around in a circle as she modeled seductively for Mr. Hutz. Being in heels only made Summer's body seem that much more enticing.

"I've never been much of a basketball fan,"Mr. Hutz said, "but I just might be buying a season ticket to your games.”

"You don't have to buy a ticket to see me,"Summer said. "Just stop by the house anytime. I'll give you a free tour of my bedroom.”

Lionel had the stiffest hard-on he could ever remember experiencing. He had a lovely wife, could afford the most expensive escorts, but at the moment he only wanted to fuck this pre-teen beauty. He tried to hide his stiff cock as he departed.

"Why was he in such a rush to leave?"Summer questioned. "I would have been happy to take care of his problem.”

"Maybe he has an ethical problem with having sex with a client,"Chris surmised.

"I think it was more likely you and I being here and the surroundings, a lot more than ethics,"Karen proclaimed.

"Mom, you never told me how you made out with all the parents,” Summer said. "Can everyone go?”

"Lily, Jessica and Chris are a yes,"Karen replied. "Billy and Harry's parents were all off at work, so I left a message and will have to get back to them.”

"Chris is a go,"Mr. Spring repeated, not quite believing his ears.

"It wasn't as difficult as I imagined,"Karen replied. "They're not necessarily thrilled with the idea of their son already having sex at the age of twelve, but they're quite relieved that Summer is on the pill. It was sorta the old double standard. The mother was upset at Chris not being her little boy anymore and the dad was sorta proud that his son had hooked up with such a pretty girl.”

"Then you didn't have to fuck anyone?"Chris asked.

"No, I was actually a bit disappointed about that. Chris's dad is a good looking guy. By the way Summer, as far as the parents are concerned we are getting two rooms. One for your dad and the boys and one for you and me and the girls. We'll discuss the actual sleeping arrangements on Friday when we're on our way.”

"Chris, if it's okay with you I'd like to take the girls shopping after they get home from school today. I've already cleared it with their parents,"Karen announced.

"Fine with me,"Chris replied. "Just don't get carried away with the shopping. You do realize that none of that billion dollars actually belongs to us.”

Karen only smiled in response to her husband's unnecessary comment.

While Chris headed off to work to supposedly check in and make sure everything was running smoothly, Summer and her mother headed out for a mother/daughter lunch. Karen knew that Chris would actually be spending most of the afternoon planning out their vacation. He was anal that way, scheduling every minute of every day, but she had to admit that it usually worked out to their benefit.

"I can't believe they are letting that girl walk around in public in just that,"the nurse complained as the family walked by heading for the elevators.

"It is rather revealing,"the young resident replied, unable to take his eyes off Summer's scrumptious preteen body.

"Revealing?” the middle aged, plump nurse repeated, appalled. "It doesn't hide a fucking thing. She might as well be walking around totally naked.”

As the resident watched Summer disappear around the corner, he wondered what exactly would be wrong with that. He'd have absolutely no problem with girls and young women walking around nude all the time as long as it was restricted to those who were appealing to the eye. He had once considered specializing in gynecology until he realized that not all his patients would be of playboy model caliber.

At the parking lot, the family parted ways. "Where are we going for lunch?"Summer inquired of her mom. "Mc D's?”

"Would you mind terribly if we actually went to a real restaurant?” Karen asked. "I'm not in the mood for a hamburger.”

"And dressed the way I am, I'm not in the mood for the drive-thru,” Summer replied giddily. "I want people to see how sexy I look.”

'And how naked you look,' Karen thought to herself. She hadn't picked what Summer was wearing on a whim. She and Chris had discussed Summer coming out more publicly before now, but the actual possibility of Summer now playing sports naked made it necessary that they stop procrastinating.

Summer here: Pardon me for interrupting the story, but I think it is important that you understand why Mommy is doing this. It's not that she and Daddy don't want me to be naked or for that matter even be a slut. Their concern is for my feelings. Thus far in my life, most of my nudity has been in a controlled atmosphere where people approved; either at home, around friends or at camps where everyone sanctioned my actions.

If I end up in reality playing sports naked, there will be some who vehemently disapprove. Although I'm not actually naked in this scene of the story, I might just as well be, and Mom wants to see how I handle something I've never been faced with before--negative responses to my naked body.

The reaction was almost immediate as soon as they entered the restaurant and walked up to the reception booth. Everyone seemed be staring. Now Summer was used to people looking at her mother, after all she was beautiful, but the looks her mother was receiving today were for the most part different, like she was evil and should be thrown in the stocks and whipped to within an inch of her life for allowing her daughter to dress in such an obscene way. Eyes seemed to dart between Summer and her mother and then back again.

For a moment it seemed as if the receptionist was even unsure as to whether or not she wanted to seat them. Finally she called a waitress who escorted them to their table. As they passed other tables, diners looked up from their meals, some gawked and one man even dropped his fork in shock. Summer was accustomed to both her and her mother being gazed at, but never in quite this manner. As the waitress handed them menus and took their beverage orders she never seemed to take her eyes off of Summer's totally visible tits.

"Mom, why are people looking at us so strangely?"Summer asked. "Is it because my dress is totally see-thru?”

"I imagine so,"Karen replied. "People aren't accustomed to seeing a naked eleven year old girl in a restaurant.”

"I'm not naked,"Summer said, "but I'd be happy to get naked and really give them something to look at if I didn't think it would get us thrown out and perhaps in trouble.”

"You'd strip naked even though it's obvious many of them wouldn't approve?” Karen asked, somewhat astonished.

"I wouldn't ever consider telling them what to wear or not to wear,” Summer said. "What gives them the right to dictate to me? Mom, do you remember Mrs. Black from camp?”
"Wasn't she the middle aged rather plump lady?"Karen asked.

"Mom, she was at least seventy-five and weighted over three hundred pounds,"Summer corrected. "Anyway, I'd prefer she didn't, but if she walked in here right now starkers, do you know what I'd do?"Summer didn't give her mother time to answer. "I'd walk up to her, greet her and give her a kiss because she should have the right to do just that. How am I hurting any of these people by wearing something that is see-thru? Hell, now that I'm seated there isn't even anything much to see.”

"You do realize that if you win this lawsuit, there will be some people very unhappy with you,"Karen said. "They might even protest at your games and shout verbal insults at you.”
"Yeah, Mr. Hutz said pretty much the same thing,"Summer admitted. "Look, I'd rather that everyone who looked at me found me attractive and lusted after my body, but the lawsuit isn't about sex, it's about rights and discrimination. I might be an exhibitionist and love to run around showing off my naked body, but the lawsuit is about more than that. When I take that basketball court someday nude, it won't be because I'm a slut showing off her body. It will be because I'm standing up for all those that the world discriminates against.”

Karen doubted that she could ever be any more proud of her daughter than she was at that very moment.

The assemblage seemed to have calmed down slightly now that Summer was seated and her total body no longer visible to them, but she still seemed to remain the hot topic of conversation at most tables. Karen was sure that it was just a matter of time before someone approached their table and made some snide remark about Summer's wearing apparel. Karen even thought about just paying for the drinks and leaving, but she refused to let these bigots intimidate her, and so Summer and she went ahead and ordered lunch when their drinks were delivered.

Summer was amazed that even though the waitress seemed to not approve of her attire, she couldn't seem to take her eyes off of Summer's quite visible tits. As she served them drinks and then took their orders, she kept stealing looks at Summer's freshly bloomed breasts. What surprised Summer the most was that although well hidden beneath her uniform, the waitress seemed to have an impressive rack. Why waste her time checking out ground beef when she could look at steak in the mirror at home?

As the waitress departed, an elderly couple got up to leave. They weren't so much looking at Summer, as they were drilling a faultfinding hole through Summer's mother. Karen was expecting a confrontation--at the very least supererogatory words, and so was surprised when they passed by without an exchange.

"I thought for sure they were going to read me the riot act,” Karen declared.

"So did I,"Summer agreed. "They've been staring a hole through us both ever since we walked in. What I can't understand is why people can't mind their own business. It's not like my outfit is corrupting the morals of any precious little kids. I'm the youngest person in here. Mom, I'm going to run to take a pee before the waitress brings us our food.”

"Do you have to go?"Karen asked seriously.

"Mom, I'm not a little kid who just wants to check out strange bathrooms,” Summer insisted. "I wouldn't go if I didn't really have to.”

"Do you want me to go with you?"Karen asked out of concern.

"I'm not six,"Summer insisted. "I think I can manage to get to the restroom and back on my own. Besides it's just over there.” She pointed to the sign on the far wall. "You can watch me the entire trip there and back.”

Karen did intently watch as Summer made her way to the restroom. It seemed that she wasn't the only one watching, every eye in the restaurant seemed to be on her virtually naked daughter. She noticed that while some seemed intensely disgusted, others seemed to approve or at least be amused at the happenings.

"Who gets the cheeseburger?"the waitress asked, returning with their food.

"That's my daughter's,"Karen responded, her attention drawn back to the table. "I'm having the Caesar Salad.”

"Would you like refills on your drinks?"the waitress asked.

"Yes please. Oh my god!"Karen jumped up from the table and literally ran toward the restrooms.

Summer had just stepped through the restroom door totally naked, except for her shoes. She was crying her eyes out and carrying the torn remnants of her mother's top, the one her dad had loved so much.

"Are you okay?"Karen asked hysterically. "What happened darling?”

"They ripped it to shreds,"Summer sobbed. "It was Daddy's favorite.”

"The hell with the top,"Karen shouted. "It can be replaced. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

By this time a crowd had gathered around Summer and Karen, and the waitress was returning with her manager. "Oh my god, get something to cover the little dear,"the manager shouted.

"I'm fine,"Summer said, in reply to both her mother and the manager. "It all happened so fast. I had just taken a pee and was stepping out of the stall to go wash my hands when suddenly a paper bag was slammed down over my head. By their voices I think it was two women, but I never actually got to see them. I'm sorry Mommy! They literally ripped the blouse off my body and tore it into pieces. One of them said that if I thought it was so kewl to wear a see though dress, that perhaps I should experience actually being naked in public. The other one fingered me to see if I still had my hymen. She said I was a little whore.”

"Have you called the police yet?"a young good looking man asked, pushing his way through the crowd. "I didn't actually see anything, but I think I might have a good idea who did this.”

At that point two police officers entered the restaurant and hurried over, causing Summer to have to give her statement again from the start. "Is someone getting her something to wear?"the lead officer asked. No one seemed to know and so there was no response.

"You think you might have an idea who our perps are?"the officer asked the man.

"Like I said, I didn't actually see anything, but Thelma and Louise were having a fit ever since the two of them entered the restaurant,” the man stated.

"By the two of them, do you mean Mrs. Spring and her daughter?"the lead officer asked.

"Yes,” the man replied. "I guess you could call Thelma and Louise the office feminists. They pretty much hate men and despise attractive women who dress in even a slightly sexy way. They consider such women as traitors to the feminist movement. Anyway, they were sitting at a table near me and went absolutely crazy when the young girl walked in dressed rather provocatively.”

"Did you find anything indecent or unseemly about the way Summer was dressed?"the officer asked.

"No, but then I'm quite liberal when it comes to such things,"the young man admitted. "I had no problem with the way Summer was dressed then or how she presents herself at this moment. It was obvious by their ranting and raving that my two associates didn't feel the same. I heard them make a comment about teaching the little slut a lesson, but then I was asked a question by a friend and momentarily forgot all about them. The next time I looked towards their table, they were gone.”

"Where do you work?"the officer asked.

"At 'Powers and Booth', just a few doors down,"he replied. "But like I said I didn't see them do anything wrong. I don't even know for a fact that they were ever even in that restroom.”

"I understand,"the officer said. "Jimmy, I'm going to go have a talk with our two suspects. Can you finish up here while I'm gone? And for heaven's sake find that girl something to wear."

"People, the excitement is all over,"Officer Jimmy proclaimed. "Get back to your lunch before it gets cold.”

"That's probably what has happened to ours,"Karen declared.

"Mr. Manager,"Officer Jimmy called out to the restaurant administrator who was trying to sneak off. "These people need replacement meals and considering what occurred here today, I think they should be on the house.”

"Yes, yes, of course,"the manger agreed, running off.

The waitress removed Summer's hamburger and fries and even Karen's salad which still looked hunky-dory.

"I still have a few questions that need to be answered,"Officer Jimmy said politely. "Could we finish up while you're having your lunch?”

"Certainly,” Karen said, offering the policeman the seat next to Summer. Summer agreeably slid further across the booth.

"First question is for you Summer and completely off the books,” Officer Jimmy said.

Summer laughed, giving the officer a big smile. "You want to know why instead of being in a panic and trying to hide my naughty bits, I'm calmly standing around talking and obviously not trying to hide anything at all.”

"Correct in one,"Jimmy replied, returning Summer's smile.

Karen decided to answer for her daughter. "My husband and I met at a naturist camp and Summer has been a nudist her entire life. Although I'm appalled at what those women did to my daughter, they unwittingly granted her a wish.”

"Let me guess,"Officer Jimmy said, chuckling and placing his hand nonchalantly on Summer's bare thigh. "You wanted to be naked in public. That's why you’re not covering up. You're actually enjoying all this.”

What Summer was really enjoying at the moment was Officer Jimmy's hand on her bare thigh. What she'd enjoy even more would be his finger fucking her right here at the table, but she doubted that would happen, at least not without some encouragement on her part.

"That's why Summer and I both have a bit of a problem with those two women going to jail,"Karen confirmed. "What they did was absolutely wrong and when the bag was over her head, Summer was petrified, but they didn't hurt her, and my daughter loved the final result.”

"Far be it for me to advise you what to do,"Officer Jimmy said, "but this could be one of those situation where you actually can get to have your cake and eat it too.”

"What do you mean?"Summer asked, putting her hand on top of Officer Jimmy's.

They were momentarily interrupted by the waitress returning with their replacement food and a check marked paid. Jimmy tried to remove his hand from Summer's leg, but she held it firmly in place against her soft smooth skin. She actually moved closer to the officer, encouraging his hand to play with her always-ready-for-action little cunt.

"Well, my partner is good at getting confessions,"the officer explained. "If they confess it will go on their records, but if you decide not to press charges, there will be no chance of jail-time. Sometimes it works out better that way. They wouldn't go to jail, but with it on their records they'll think twice before doing something quite that stupid again.”
"Summer, you could manage that hamburger a lot better if you used both hands,” her mother suggested. "Never try to force a man to finger you. He has to want to do it.”

Officer Jimmy stared at Karen, slightly petrified, wondering how she knew what was going on under the table. Summer removed her hand, but Officer Jimmy wasn't quite sure what to do.

"Officer I'm aware that my daughter is sexually active, and I have no problem with it. Neither of us is going to raise a fuss if your finger accidentally happens to penetrate her moist little cunt. Actually, I think it would make Summer's meal that much more enjoyable for her.”

If this was entrapment, the officer was a goner. "Oh my, this is a good burger,"Summer moaned as Officer Jimmy wiggled his finger inside her little cunt. "I can't remember ever enjoying a burger quite this much. It must be the secret sauce.”

Summer wasn't the only one enjoying himself. Officer Jimmy just wished that this golden opportunity wasn't being wasted on his finger. There was something else he much rather have in this lovely girl's juicy little cunt.

"I was given orders to find you something to wear,"Officer Jimmy said as he continued to finger this sexy little treasure. "Can I assume now, based on new evidence, that you'd rather walk to your car just as you are?”

"Can I? Is that even possible?"Summer asked, first looking at her mother and then at Officer Jimmy for confirmation.

"It's most certainly doable if you are willing to do a little play acting.” The officer explained his plan as Summer and her mother finished their meals. At first Karen was a bit reluctant, but Summer managed to pressure her mother into playing along.

By the time they departed the restaurant it was reasonably empty, most of the customers having departed after finishing their lunch to hurry back to work. As they reached the front door, Officer Jimmy surreptitiously slipped a pair of cuffs on both Karen and Summer. Karen was a bit embarrassed, but Summer was enjoying herself as she walked out into the mid-afternoon sun, totally nude. Summer was a tad bit disappointed when she realized that the streets were much less crowded than they had been when they first entered the restaurant.

Just then a young married couple turned the corner and stopped, staring in shock at Summer's naked body. "Officer, why is that young girl naked and in handcuffs?"the woman protested.

"Prostitute,” Officer Jimmy replied. "Her pimp here was showing off the merchandise to a potential John when I approached them. The John managed to get away and took the girl’s dress along with him.”

"Hey mister, do you like what you see?"Summer shouted to the woman's husband. "I'll be back on the street by this evening if you’re interested. I've hardly been ridden, still have that new car smell.”

The women grabbed her husband's hand and hurried off. A few other pedestrians passed before they reached Karen's car, but none was bold enough to make a comment. When the coast was clear, Officer Jimmy let them out of their handcuffs, and they both hurried into the car.

"Thanks Officer Jimmy,"Summer said sincerely. "That was fun.”

"My pleasure,"he said, ready to head back to his car.

"I'm having trouble with my seat-belt, could you please give me a hand before you run off?"Summer begged.

The officer opened the door and leaned in to check out the belt. "I'm sorry, I lied about the seat-belt,"Summer admitted sweetly. "It's just that my girls were hoping that you might want to kiss them good-bye.”

"I'd like very much to do that,"Officer Jimmy said, first sucking Summer's left tit in his mouth and then giving her right tit equal attention. "I hope our paths cross again,"Jimmy said, reluctantly taking his mouth off Summer's succulent breasts.

Karen and Summer both voiced their agreement before driving off.

Hi, Summer here: Man, that was a great lunch. I sure hope I get to see Officer Jimmy again. I'd like to properly thank him.

After that afternoon I seriously considered becoming a prostitute. I imagined that an eleven year old girl could charge a John quite a bit and since I loved to fuck, why not get paid to do it?

Fortunately, I discussed this career move with my parents and they advised against it. As a mere slut I get to pick and choose who I want to fuck and that's not necessarily true for a prostitute. I can't see me ever turning away a guy as long as he has a working cock, but I imagine having that option is always a good thing.

Neel wanted to skip ahead to my trip, but I thought you might like to hear about Mom taking the female Amigos shopping at the mall. So next chapter will start where this one ended, and that's with me naked in the car headed to pick up Jessica and Lily at school.

See ya soon, I hope,