Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This story is copyrighted 2004 by Kaereni, may not be excerpted, reprinted, reproduced, or reposted in any form without the express written consent of the author. Visitors to this web site may read or temporarily download pages but are not permitted to modify or re-distribute them. The story may contain sexual activities and situations that are to be read only by readers above the legal age of consent. The story is not to be read in locations where such stories are illegal. If you are not of legal age, or live in the wrong place, please exit this site immediately. Grotto Induction by Kaereni Note: For this induction to work then is should be read every night before you go to bed for at least a week. Session I In your minds eye picture this. A boardwalk, leading towards a sandy beach and the ocean beyond. Feel the warm breeze blowing off the ocean in your hair, the smell of salt water. Look around and see the sand dunes, the sea grass swaying in the wind, gulls soaring like gliders over head. Hear the sounds of the waves crashing in the distance in front. Your standing there, feel the weathered wood beneath your feet, look and see me standing beside you. I take your hand in mine, feel its warmth, see my soft smile as I look at you. Now close your eyes and capture it all in your mind. When you are there in your mind read on. "Come walk with me," I say. We walk down the boardwalk towards the ocean, the sounds of the waves becoming louder, the wind in your hair, the comforting feel of my hand in yours. The sea grass fronds beckoning the way to the sea. Feel the wood beneath your feet as we walk forward, the salt in the air. We come to the end of the boardwalk and there are six steps down leading to the beach proper. Close your eyes, make the trip I step down to the first step. As you follow you find yourself more relaxed and at peace. Each step taking you to a level of confort more relaxing then the one above. The sounds of the waves breaking louder and you can see the ocean laid out before you across the white sandy beach. I step down to the sand and hold out my hand to yours to take and follow. Once you have stepped down and standing on the beach continue. Feel the sand under your feet, the warmth from it. Reach down and scoop some up and let it dribble from between your fingers, funning like sands in a hourglass. I take your hand and walk with you towards the water. Each step more relaxed then the one before. Each step closer to the water makes the real world more distant and separated from the one before. So calming, so relaxing. Hear the water crashing, smell the salt in the air, feel the wind in your face as we walk towards the water. Capture the feeling, be there. My hand in yours as we walk. The only sounds are the waves crashing and the sounds of our footsteps. You reach the high water mark and the water rolls in and out over and over again beckoning you to enter it and become one with the peace it offers. I lead you down into the water. Feel the first little tendrils of the water splash up against your feet and feel how warm it is, not cool but bath water warm. Feel the water, smell the salt, feel the wind against your hair. See it, feel it. Walk out into the water, each step the level rises of your legs. Feel how calming and relaxing the water is. So calming so relaxing feel the stress in your legs slide out and away as you walk forward. The water up over your knees now and with the waves it rises higher and back down again. Feel the ocean massage your legs as you step in deeper. Look down and see a small school of tiny fish swim by. Watch them swim around your legs and then off. My hand still in yours, leading you deeper. Feel the water rise higher, to your thighs with an occasional wave bringing it up to caress your flower, your cunny feeling the caresses of the water lapping against it. Close your eyes and feel it live it. Feel how the water has relaxed your legs, as if someone has given them a massage. All the little aches and pains gone away from them. Walk forward and feel the water cover you up to your belly and lower back each piece of you becoming more and more relaxed in the water. Smell the salt, feel the wind in your hair. Only the sound of the water lapping against your skin is important now. The waves breaking behind you fading out with every step. Turn for a moment and look behind you, see the beach, the boardwalk, and the chaos, the troubles and worries, the aches and pains there past the boardwalk. Turn back and walk forward. The water rising up to your ribcage and to your breasts, floating them and caressing them with the watery fingers. Exciting yes, but also relaxing. Feel how it feels as though you are walking on clouds, so light on your feet and relaxed. Calm and relaxed. Feel it, live it, relax into it Walk forward and feel the water rise to your shoulders, to your neck and stand there. Feel my hand still in yours. Our hands joined underwater and let the water relax and guide you t peace. so calm, so relaxed. Deeply relaxed. Glance back at the beach and then away deciding to continue where I lead you. Walk forward taking bouncing steps each drop to the sandy bottom your face gets wet and you step and bounce on tip toe. We stop and I say, "trust me" When you trust totally continue With one final bounce I go under and pull you down with me. The water warm and you find there is no problem breathing . I guide you and walk forward in bouncing steps the hair in my head waving at you as i smile looking back at you. My hand pulling you along. See the fish swim by schools of little almost minnow types. Feel the water against your body and face, soothing the mussels and numbing everything slowing everything down calming relaxing you taking deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. So calm so relaxed at peace. Feel it, live it... Switch into a easy loping swimming motion under the water. Feel as if the water is carrying and helping you along guiding and calming you. All sounds gone now the past forgotten and if not forgotten then it not really matter for now. Just the peace and me guiding you deeper and more relaxed. Before you see a pile of rocks with an dark opening in them. Swim towards them and watch as you get closer and see that they are really further then you thought and what looked like a little pile of rocks is really rather large. Swim down to the opening and look into the darkness and me be side you hovering there in the water. Feel how calm and at soothing the water is to you. "follow and trust" you hear me say in your mind. When you are ready then we will move onward together Feel my hand in yours once more as I lead you into the cave. See how the light dims out and it becomes completely dark no light, no feeling, the water keeping you warm and convertible holding you up. only the feeling of my hand guiding you deeper and deeper. So calm so relaxing at peace... deeper and deeper you go pulled along by the guiding touch of my hand in yours. The cave totally dark, no sound, no feeling, just darkness. Ahead you see a glimmer of light almost. Go there and feel it Feel me pull you forward the light guiding forward. Pulling you forward like a moth to a light at night. The light is above. Swimming forward you swim towards in and break out from under the water. Looking around you see you are in an underwater grotto. Stalactites and stalagmites dot the chamber. You move over to the edge of the chamber floor and get out. Looking around you are in awl at how beautiful this hidden room is all your favorite colors in stone. To one side you see me there dressed in a robe of white silk. Not a dressing robe but one like a monk would wear. There is no sound in the room it is as if something pulls the sound from it. But there is a peace, calmness here unlike any you have ever felt. More then any other state, more then any other place you have been in, this is safe. At peace and relaxed. Look at the room, become one and there with it and then we will move on. I smile at you and point at a chair in the center of the room. Then I point over at a pedestal which a book lays open. Walk over to the book, flip it open to a random page and live a memory from your past in the book. Look at the chair, see how comfortable and inviting it looks to you. Read the book and live memories, then once there and content, sit in the chair. Feel the softness of the chair, how it holds you and keeps you safe. The warmth of the room feels good on your skin. The colors in the room pleasing to your eyes. How safe and pleasing this place is. Think on the chaos outside and now this place shields you from it. Keeping you safe and free from harm and worry. Nothing can bother you here. So calm, so relaxed, at peace. Deep, deep peace, soothing and calming peace. Become one with the room, feel the peace here and we will continue. See me standing beside you, hear my words though my mouth does not move, "This is your safe place, now and forever. When things get bad you can come here and be at peace." Watch as I walk over to the book and rest my hand on it, "This is your book of life. All that you are is written here." Watch and feel me open the book, flipping through the pages, reading here and there. Feel the memories come up in your mind as I read them. I look at you. "Everything written here in this book is real." Feel how the chair and room keeps you safe, soothing your mind and body. Mind processes slowing to a crawl, hard to think or move. So calm so relaxed. At peace, deep, deep, asleep and relaxed. No worries or troubles are bothering you here. Feel the memories flood your mind, feel the truth of my words, feel at peace. You have a choice, stay and continue or swim back out. If you wish to stay then you will have to say so. If you wish to leave then close your eyes and swim out. The next writes in your book, your reality. If you can not go on then also tell me.