Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Shipwrecked Chapter 1 By Let Nature Happen It was the year 1942, We lived in Singapore and mom was holding onto my hand and basically dragging my twin brother Raymond by his left forearm. The Japanese were attacking and we had to escape. Bombs were exploding all around us and I could clearly hear machine guns rattling off behind us. Dad was holding our younger twin sisters in both of his arms as we ran through the crowds of people. Even though they probably were old enough to outrun dad, he still didn't want to take a chance of losing one of them in the mass hysteria. We ran to the docks and I barely caught a glimpse of the ship we were boarding, but with bombs falling all around, who cared what it was. It could have been a junk for all I cared. "Take the girls below!" Dad ordered mom as we ran up the gang plank. "I need the boys up here to help!" Mom grabbed the girls and they quickly dodged below while screaming and holding their hats on. Dad handed me and my brother both axes and pointed to the dock lines. He didn't need to say a word I... We knew exactly what he wanted us to do. The crew was busy fending off the Japanese with guns. With the ship already revved up and in reverse putting strain on the ropes they severed easily lurching us forward to our knees. As I stood up and once I balanced myself with a wider stance... "Randy lie down!" I heard Dad yell, but I was confused as to why he would say that. I looked up to glance a Japanese plane headed right for me. It happened so fast and I was so shocked all I could do was stand there. (Ping, ping, ping, ping) bullets chipped at the deck on either side beneath my feet, but missed me. I remember looking down at my feet before dad pulled me by the arm to the bridge. There were two bullet holes, one on either side of both of my feet and they had both taken a bite of the outer souls of my shoes barely missing the smallest toes. The Japanese had the harbor entrance blocked, but the captain was incensed. He was a grouchy unkempt man. Someone whom my parents would have warned us to stay away from, but now they were entrusting our safety in him. What I remember most about him was that he had a scar that started down from his left eye along his cheek and it seemed to disappear into his scraggily gray beard. He wore a black wool hat which bowled his head and a black pee-coat which went down to his knees. His blue pants were tucked into his black boots and that seemed to make him look shorter than he really was. I noticed this because as I stood with my brother behind him he looked like he was towering over my dad yet my dad looked like he should have been the taller one. "We're trapped!" Dad sighed. "Not yet we're not!" The captain said calmly almost as if laughing while the sounds of bullets hit everywhere. Leaving the large wheel unattended he went to the front windows and pushed the bottom of one opening it like a canape. "Fire those torpedoes!" He yelled down to someone whom I couldn't see from where I was standing. However I could see what looked to be wooden crates being flipped over on both sides of the deck and then there was a whoosh expelling two long torpedoes out from inside these tube like things. They flew in the air several feet before splashing in the water and moments later the ship blocking us started to move out of the way, but it was too late for that ship. As it turned it was hit and started to explode several times. I remember some of the men on the deck being flung into the water and some ran in every direction bumping into each other as if they were blind. I felt our hull scrape theirs as we squeezed by them and the bottom of our ship must have been scraping the sand below. Half way along side of the enemy the captain pulled this lever back and forth causing us to leap forward even faster. "You boys get below with your sisters now." Dad ordered. "Dad we want to help." We both complained. "Do as I say!" "We've already been shot at." I protested. "What's the difference?" "The lad's got a point there mate." The captain said and then he spat this black wad of disgusting looking goop into a bucket at his feet. My dad leaned out the door and looked behind us. "There's nobody following us." He said. "Oh they won't follow us borrowing some fighter planes don't." The captain almost laughed boasting his genius. "How do you know that?" Dad asked as he closed the door behind him. "Because they have orders to take Singapore. They need every man they have for that." He said then spat again into the bucket at his feet. "Don't worry though I doubt we've seen the last of them." He looked ahead at the open ocean. "They're out there. We can't outrun a wireless mate." "What are we going to do?" Dad asked while looking out the bridge windows. "Don't worry." The captain laughed. "We can't outrun a wireless, but this old boat can sure outrun anything they chase us with." Another spit into the bucket. "Besides I've learned a few tricks in my forty years at sea." As we went on it started to turn dark. The old boat steamed onward at a steady rocking pace as if we were on a rocking chair. My brother and I were placed on either side of the bow with binoculars and instructed not only to look for other ships but anything at all above the water no matter how small it my be. The ship stayed at full speed, but we could not use anything to light the way. All I could really see with my naked eyes were the ships deck and the front glass of the bridge. As the day left us and darkness turned even blacker the water turned an eerie black and it even felt as if the moon was in hiding because there was no moon that night. It may have been hiding behind a cloud, but I couldn't see it, I couldn`t see a thing. Dad stepped up to me and handed me a sandwich. "Here you eat this and I'll watch for you." He smiled and I could see he was bursting with pride over how my brother and I were acting. "I got one for you too Raymond, but you have to wait for Randy to finish his so I can do the same for you." "Right dad." I heard him say, but I couldn't see him in the darkness. "Dad what's going on?" I asked while I ate. "War son." He answered while never lowering the binoculars. "War." "Where are we going?" "Anyplace is better than where we were. wouldn't you agree?" "Yes." "Captain!" Dad yelled. "What's that ahead of us?" All I could see from the bridge was the upward swing of the glass as the captain looked through his own binoculars. Ahead of us I could only see darkness. "That's either our salvation or our doom mate!" The captain said and yelled out. "Batten down all hatches!" "What is it dad?" I asked. "Get inside." Dad responded and went to help Raymond get below. "What is it dad?" I kept asking as we ran inside and dad closed the hatch behind him. "Get below!" He barked and we all scurried down to the bowels of the small ship. He led us to a cabin where the girls were huddled together in a corner. "What's going on dad?" I asked again. Dad handed the other sandwich to Raymond and said. "It looks like a storm, but that's a good thing because it will help to hide us." All of us huddled close together and waited. The rocking of the boat didn't change much for a long time and we never made a sound because we wanted to hear anything we could from the outside. Just as I noticed the boat start to buck in higher waves a young sailor came bursting in the cabin and said. "The bloody Japs found us. Everyone stay down." Then there was a whap, whap, whap as a machine gun ripped through the hull and the young man fell to the floor dead. Mom screamed and the girls withered in our arms hiding their eyes in our heaving chests, but the boat pressed on and the decks rocked ever more violently. Eventually we were being tossed around like a toy boat in a bath tub and sometimes we were lying on the bulkhead as if it were the floor and then tossed to the other side where we lie on that bulkhead. A couple times we almost tipped completely upside down, but the ship righted herself just in time. The pain for me was almost unbearable each time we were tossed because I was slamming into this or that as if I was being hit by London traffic and right then that's exactly where I wished we were. I did however notice that the shooting had stopped and even I knew nobody would have tried boarding a ship at full speed as it bucked wildly in a storm. So I knew that we must have lost the Japanese or at least they were doing their best to survive the storm as well. To at least ease the tension for the girl's sake I said. "I think we lost the Japanese." "I think so too." Dad responded and just as he said that we were leaning backward and it seemed we were gaining speed. We stayed like that for quite a while before suddenly we were all flying through the air and then everything went black. Chapter 2 "Randy... Randy wake up." I seemed to hear over and over again and the same words grew louder and louder. "Randy wake up!" My eyes opened and as they did it seemed to do no good. Were it not for the small holes made by that machine gun I would have thought I was blind for as dark as it was inside. There were small streams of light shining through the bullet holes and one beam of light shown on Beverly's cheek as she tried to wake me. With my head pounding I slowly got to my feet. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "I don't know." She sobbed. "I can't see a thing." "Help me find the door." I told her. "I can't move." She cried. "Something is over my legs." I felt around her in the darkness and found that she was right. Obviously she was trapped by that sailor who was shot, so I pushed with my legs rolling the body off her. I made my way around the cabin with my hands before me till I found the clock that I remembered was mounted by the door. I felt around some more and I did find the door knob, but I also found the light switch. My stomach turned upside down as I fought with the fear of what I might see if I either flicked the switch or opened the door. I knew the light would force me to face the carnage in the cabin and I dreaded that idea. I suspected that the rest of our family was strewn about the cabin dead, but I had to know for sure. I had never been able to look at a corps no matter who's it was. I just can't handle death well. I took a deep breath and gathered all my courage. I turned the small switch on the wall and sure enough the light turned on. It must have been running on batteries. I heard my sister's scared voice as she tried to say something, but all she managed was. "huuuh, huuuh!" Over and over again. I turned slowly and there on the floor was that sailor, but he was against the port bulkhead. I turned some more and found my dad's body was the one that I had kicked aside. He was also laying over my mom who was staring lifelessly upward. Her mouth was open and she looked as though she was surprised that this could happen. "Uh... Uhhh." Raymond moaned and then moments later Becky sat up and screamed loud and long. I knew we couldn't stay where we were if only to save my siblings from even more shock. I quickly got them to their feet and we helped each other out to the gangway and up the stairs where we stopped at the hatch at the top of the stairs. I looked at my siblings for their approval and with their nodding I slowly opened the hatch. It took a moment for our eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight, but when they did we saw that we were right next to a tropical shore. Stepping on the deck I did a quick survey of the area and found that our ship was nestled in what looked like a small lake. All around us was beach, palm trees and high mountains behind the trees. The small ship was pointing towards a small waterfall and behind us was the only a small opening through the mountains that surrounded us. All I could see past that was a very small blotch of the blue ocean. "Where are we?" Raymond asked. "I don't know." I answered. "But anywhere is better than where we were." It felt good to use my dad's own words. "Mom and dad are dead." Becky cried and this caused everyone to burst down in tears. We huddled together for a while just crying and we cried for what seemed like hours, but eventually we cried ourselves dry. "Look!" I said. "Mom and dad would want us to survive, so the first thing we need to do is find an adult. You girls stay here while Raymond and I search the ship." Raymond and I started at the bridge where we found nobody at all. Call after call of "Captain! Anyone! Help us!" led nowhere. We opened the door to the wireless room and then a walk down to his cabin, but no sign of anyone. Now blocked off by a dead end corridor we headed back to the bridge. I found the engine room, but there was nobody inside. All there was, was two engines and tools. As soon as we stepped on the bridge I looked out the glassless window in front of the ships wheel and beyond and there on the beach lay the captain minus his head. Repulsed I turned away and when I did I looked down at the bridge deck, there lie his head still wearing his wool hat. I surmised that he must have been sticking his head out the window which I noticed he liked to do and the window must have slammed down on his neck sometime during the wreck or something. The sudden impact must have flung his body out the window onto the beach before us. I guess 40 years at sea didn't teach him to stay inside during a storm or something. I don't know how many sailors were on the ship, but my brother and I only found 4 more bodies besides our parents, the captain and that young sailor below. "What are we going to do Randy." Raymond asked sobbing. "First off you are going to stop crying." "But I can't." "You have to for the girls. We have to keep up a good front. You know dad would say that." He sniffled a few more times and finally calmed down. "If you have to cry do it somewhere away from the girls." I added. "Ok Randy." We sat Indian style at the very bow of the ship before Becky stood before us in her tattered and bloody dress. "We have to bury the dead." She stated emotionless. I knew she was right and I knew it had to be done soon, but it was a task I was not looking forward to. We ignored her for a moment and then without a word we stood. "I know where some shovels are." Raymond said and headed towards the stern of the boat. I looked down the starboard side and was pleased to see that the lifeboat was still secured. All I had to do was figure out how to work the rigging. I found a lever and tried to move it, but it was locked. I looked all around that mechanism, but found nothing that looked of any consequence. Then I turned around and on the bulkhead behind me near a porthole was a box with a large push button that was painted red stamped with the words "Lifeboat release". With shaky hands I reached up and pushed it. At first nothing happened, but without warning there was a clank and the arms holding the lifeboat over the deck suddenly swung forward suspending the boat in mid air over the side of the ship. "Well that was easy." I said to myself. Then I wondered if the lever would lower the boat down so it would be level with the deck or would it just drop the boat into the water. It was a gamble, but I knew full well that even with all four of us working together we couldn't lift those bodies into the boat way above our heads like that. I took a deep breath and expelled it while at the same time I pulled the lever, but the boat leaped upward. Then I tried pushing the lever and it lowered. I let it lower till it was almost to the level of the deck and then let go as a test and it did stop. What a relief that was. When my family gathered around me I said sternly. "This isn't going to be easy. There is work to do and it has to get done. Raymond and I will try to do this alone if we can, but I'm getting hungry so if you girls could find us something to eat?" "I know where the kitchen is." Becky jolted in some kind of a gleeful way. I guess she wanted nothing to do with what my brother and I had to do. "Good see what you can fix." I said. "Don't you think we should dig a hole first?" Raymond asked. "No Ray, let's get these bodies off the ship first. They can sit in the lifeboat till the holes are dug." "Ok." The first thing I did was walk to the bridge followed closely by Ray. I looked around for something to pick up the head with, but I couldn't find anything. I needed a bag or something, but there was nothing. I went back to the captain's cabin to see if he had anything in there. There was his bedding, but I knew that those things might be needed later, so I searched his wall locker finding nothing but shirts and pants I decided that a shirt would work. It seemed fitting in a way as well. I walked back to the bridge and stepping up to the head which was lying almost face down I tossed the shirt over it. With it now covered completely I felt a little better, but I had to pick it up now. That was extremely hard to handle but I did it. I felt his nose being cupped in my palm, but I tried to ignore the sensation. I placed the shirt covered head in the bow of the lifeboat and then Ray and I went to get the other bodies. I won't go into the details of half dragging our parent's bodies and then the crews bodies onto the deck where we could do nothing but dump them into the lifeboat, but I will say it was the worst experience of my life. We held a small ceremony after eating a rather tasty meal that the girls had prepared and buried their bodies on the beach close to the tree line near where the captain`s body had landed. We were careful not to mention god or any deity because we were convinced there was no god. If there was a god this would never have happened. We heard the drone of an airplane motor so we ducked into the tropical plants to hide just incase it was a Japanese plane. We stayed quiet as it passed, but we didn't think it saw us. The way the mountains seemed to hover over the small lake gave us some cover and I guess with the trees and shrubs we must have been practically invisible. "This has to be an island." I said out loud, but to myself. "I think so too." Ray agreed. "We'll have to scout it out won't we?" "Yes, but not today." I said. "We have to do an inventory of what we have on the ship first. Maybe there are some guns onboard we could use." "We don't know how to shoot a gun." "How hard can it be to figure out?" I spat. "Besides we still need to know what else we have." "Why don't we use the wireless?" He asked. "We can call for help." "What if the help we call for are the Japanese?" "Well we're just kids. Don't you think they would take care of us?" "Somehow I don't think so." I said. "Are we going to have to live here?" Beverly asked shakily. "For now." Was all I said. We stayed in the bushes for a while, but it was once again starting to get dark, so we headed back to the lifeboat. We climbed in and rowed back to the ship where at least we had the best shelter on the whole damn island. I climbed up the rope that I had tied off to a cleat. I had to lower the lifeboat while everyone else was in it, so I needed the rope to get down to the boat. Once onboard we hoisted the lifeboat back to its deck level position just incase we needed it again. Then we re-covered it with it's canvas, but I didn't want to lock it back in place, besides I didn't know how. We spent about an hour just looking around the ship. Now without bodies lying about it seemed a much easier task. When we reached the kitchen which I knew to be called a galley, but what the hell it's nothing to argue about. The girls went in and started cleaning up. I guess they were in the place that made them the most comfortable and at least we fellows knew where the girls were. There was one hatch at the end of the walkway that was locked. It had a padlock on it and we knew there was nobody inside because it was locked from the outside. Ray disappeared for a while, but returned in no time holding a hammer. I gave him a look of approval and he started to hammer away at the lock. Eventually it broke off and I opened the hatch. It creaked open, but it was too dark to see anything. Once again Ray left and returned with a torch. he turned it on and when he pointed the light inside we found there was a small area to stand that was caged in. Behind the cage was countless crates, some stacks, rope, some barrels and far more things behind all that, but we couldn't make it all out. Everything that may have been neatly loaded and stacked at first was now strewn about randomly. I flung open the gate and we stepped in. I used the hammer to bust open one of the boxes and inside I found rifle barrels all spaced evenly. Another crate had dynamite written across the sides and on the lid. Where I stood I recon must have been enough weapons and explosives to start a war with. Further back we found boxes and boxes of food, blankets and what looked like medicines. "We have enough here to live on this boat forever!" Raymond awed. "Not quite forever." I said. "But for a long, long time." I took a sigh of relief and said. "Come on, let's see what the girls are doing." We looked in the kitchen, but they were not there. We looked in the cabins, but they didn't seem to be below decks at all, so we headed up. We finally went to the bridge where we heard some mumblings coming from the wireless room. There they were fiddling with the wireless knobs. "What are you doing?" I yelled. "We weren't talking Randy. Honest!" Beverly stammered. "We just want to see if we can hear anything. Maybe get some news or at least some music." "Oh." I heaved. I knew enough about wireless to know that as long as you weren't talking you can't be tracked. "Find anything?" "Just what sounds like Japanese talk so far." She continued turning the knob till suddenly there was a faint sound. "Wait!" I shouted. "Hold it there." "Since the attack on Pearl Harbor two months ago and now with the fall of Singapore," The Australian sounding man spoke. "American forces have poured into the Pacific with a vengeance. It is important to keep blackout conditions throughout Australia and indeed everywhere. If you must have lighting at night do so with dark cloth in the windows to block the light from escaping. You should not even smoke a cigarette out of doors at night. A lit cigarette can be seen for over a mile. Doing so may result in your arrest." The man went on talking about how the Japanese have viciously attacked whole families and raped women of all ages. He talked about how the Japanese held no regard for anyone who wasn't Japanese and how torturing someone was just entertainment to them. We listened for hours as the man talked and talked and then we were drained of all energy. "Turn it off." Ray said. "We need to save the batteries." Betty clicked off the wireless and we all just sat on the bed in disbelief. "You know I was thinking." I said to Ray. "About what?" "Well we know we are running on batteries right?" "Right?" "Well don't the main engine charge the batteries?" "Yes, but we don't know how to start it." He reminded me. "That don't mean we can't figure it out." I said. "I mean I didn't know how to lower the lifeboat, but I did it." "Right!" "We'll look at that tomorrow." I decided firmly. "Randy?" Becky spoke. "Yes Becky?" "Is there a way we can wash out our clothes?" Looking around at all of our clothes I had to agree we were in a state. Our clothes were torn and beside little holes like moths had been feasting on them we were all covered in blood. "What will we wear while we wash our clothes?" Beverly asked. "Well," I said standing. "I know the captain had some shirts and I'm sure the crew had some things we can wear." "Who cares?" Raymond blurted and sounded rather annoyed. "What?" I queried. "Look it's just us here. Nobody else around and I doubt anyone is looking for us. There's a war on and we are nothing to them." He said in anger. "Who cares what we wear? Besides," He continued. "We may need those clothes for other things and what if we get rescued? Do you want to be seen looking like shite?" Then he boldly stood up and almost tore all of his clothes off. "I'm going for a swim!" He said leaving us with gaping mouths and leaving us quite speechless as well I must say. More out of curiosity than anything we followed him from the wireless room, through the bridge and out to the starboard deck where he just leapt into the water below. We looked over the rope railing to find him doing a back stroke. He wasn't swimming purposefully at all, he just seamed to be leisurely muttering around. "Well?" He spat. "You just going to stand there or are you going to join me." "Raymond." I injected. "If we were not going to follow you out here, how were you planning on getting back aboard?" He looked around and seeing that the lifeboat was hoisted aside the ship and there were no ropes hanging down to the water he answered. "How could you not follow a naked good looking lad like me?" "Truer words could hardly have been spoken dear brother." Beverly answered and with that dropped her clothing and stepping one foot over the rope before diving in said to me. "I think you should lower a rope don't you?" I was in shock especially since Becky was doing the same thing leaving me with no choice, but to comply. I went to the lifeboat and lowered the rope which I had piled up near it. I then stripped off all of my clothes and just tossed them about wildly. My run became erratic as I flung myself over the low rope railing and splashed into the warm water below. It was magic, it was exactly what I needed. I was ecstatic and overjoyed. For once I wasn't in control and I loved it. I was just a lad having fun. One couldn't help but notice that the water we were swimming in was fresh water and not salt water. Still how the ship landed where she was, was a complete mystery. We laughed and we splashed about like small children. We must have been in the water for what seemed like hours before we swam ashore under the moonlight. I stepped inland a few feet and then flopped myself on the sand face up. Raymond came up to me, spread his arms wide and leaned forward falling full weight on top of me. Well not full weight, but he did flop on me heavily. "Umph!" I bellowed, but I was not hurt. "You deserved that." He said looking deep into my eyes with a devil grin. "What for?" I asked mesmerized. He was over me, his chest was on mine, his waste was over mind and our willies were smashing together. "You've been so mean barking out orders." He said as he used a couple fingers to clear my bangs from my eyes. "You need to relax just as much as we do." He said. There was a moment when I couldn't tell if it was brotherly love or something else, but shortly after the girls came up to us on the sand panting for air. Then they flopped down together beside us, but neither Raymond or I looked at them because our eyes were locked together for some reason. "What are they doing?" I heard Becky ask Beverly. "Shush." Was the response. I did hear them. I mean I heard the words being spoken I know that, but I could not react to them. I was in some sort of trance. It was like when you first start to fall asleep in a room full of talking people. Before long all you hear is pointless mumbles. He drew closer to me as I lay there and as he drew closer still. I slowly closed my eyes because he was too close to focus on. Soon I felt his warm breath on my mouth area and then a slight touch on my wet lips and then... A kiss. The kiss did not end right away it was a slow press down on my lips and we stayed like that fir some time before he lifted off me. And now both our willies were hard as rocks. "Woe!" Was the whispered, but excited reaction from the girls as they watched me and my brother kiss like lovers. He slowly pulled off me, though I was more than willing to continue kissing. "You feel better now?" He asked with kitten eyes. "Yes." I whispered dreamily. We looked over at the girls. Becky was on the other side of Beverly, but half laying over her. "That was like looking at beautiful art." Becky heaved in emotion. "Well put." Beverly agreed. "Like looking at art." Raymond leaned over and kissed Becky while I half rolled over kissing Beverly with the same passion that Raymond had given to me. To me there was no difference between how I kissed Beverly and how Raymond kissed me. The fact that Raymond and I were both boys or Beverly and I were boy and girl meant nothing at all. We just kissed and kissed. We switched partners many times that night and I had kissed all three of my siblings so many time I didn't know whom I had kissed more and my lips felt numb and stingy. Kissing was all we managed to do on that beach that night. We all rose and dove back in the water for the swim back to the ship which washed off the sand from our bodies. We climbed up on the deck and not bothering to dry ourselves we headed inside, but I still wasn't comfortable leaving the rope hanging down the side of the ship so I went back and pulled it up leaving it in a pile right where it was. I looked in the wireless room for my siblings, but they were not there. Nor were they in the captain's cabin. I headed below deck where I listened for them, but there was no noise, but then when I reached the crews cabin there they were. The double bunks on either sides were secured to the bulkheads out of the way and on the deck lay what looked like one large mattress, but it was the mattresses that were taken from the bunks. The bed was neatly made with four pillows lined up at the top. "Who sleeps where?" I asked. "Why don't you get in the middle?" Raymond asked. "And we'll decide from there." It was obvious that we were all going to sleep together naked. This had never happened. I of course had seen Raymond naked many times as we shared the same room, but never the same bed. I knew the girls had seen each other too, but we boys had never seen the girls naked before today. In fact I had never seen any girl naked before. As they stood there with Raymond I had my first real chance to see what they looked like. Aside from us all having cinnamon blond hair and the girls having hair that fell down to their mid backs we all looked very much alike. The girls each had the start of breasts forming and their nipples were thicker and larger than mine or Rays. Ray's chest was firm and barely came in before widening at the hips where as the girls seemed to have more of an hourglass shape where the hips started. Ray and I were about the same in the willy department though he seemed to lean more to the left than I did. We were both hard as could be and there was more than enough animation to make it fun to look at him. He was by far harder than I was, but I was getting there no worries. We boys being 13 had started to show a distinct patch of pubic hair about and half way around the base of our willies, but our balls were bald as could be. The girls on the other hand were almost completely bald and all I could see of them was a small slit with a little flip of skin that peeked out. I knelt down with my knees on the foot end of the mattress. I crawled up and wormed between the sheets where I finally lay comforted and warm. Beverly was the first to lower herself, but she did so over me just as Raymond had on the beach. Her legs were between mine with only the covers separating us. He abdomen pressed some pleasant weight over my willy and her chest was propped up by her elbows at my sides. Becky lay down on my left side looking in my eyes all the way and Raymond did the same on my right side. Raymond was the first to come in with a kiss and I willingly obliged his advances returning his loving kiss. Then I turned my head and kissed Beverly the same way and when I turned to kiss Becky Raymond was kissing Beverly. We bumped heads a couple times, but we managed to once again to spend time with each and every sibling before Beverly finally rolled off me and devoted some time segregated with Raymond. I coaxed Becky under the covers with me and we latched onto each other with wandering hands on each others naked bodies while we kissed. Eventually I found myself over Becky with my legs between her and my willy pressing against her womanhood which soon relented to me and I found myself uncontrollably dipping inside her. It was truly not porously sought out because I didn't even know I could do that. My willy accidentally found a wet warm place where it felt like it wanted to be and it felt too good to ignore or even stop for that matter. I had no knowledge of sex nor of virginities. Parents never talked much about sex then. They said nothing good about it, nor did they say anything bad about it. In fact they said nothing at all about it. Whenever they did use the word sex it was "The male sex or the Female sex" and usually that was only because they had to check it in some form they were filling out. There was a bit of resistance, but neither of us seem to notice it much and soon I was pelvis to pelvis with her and stiff in a climax that left my head spinning. I felt my willy expand and contract several times and I knew I was loading her with my white junk which I would normally empty nightly at home. Wanking too was something I had to learn on my own, but this was different. This seemed more natural in a way. Raymond once woke in the middle of the night and caught me wanking, which I didn't even know I shouldn't be doing, but new not to advertise it. When he asked me what I was doing I just told him what I had discovered and soon he was in throws of his own climax. Since my willy never relented to softness I repeated this action on Beverly whom Raymond had already deflowered. He then went to Becky and did it to her for the second time. I think I fell asleep still deep inside Beverly, but in the morning I found myself comfortably wrapped in Raymond's arms and he wrapped in mine. The girls however were no longer in bed. Raymond and I stared in each other's eyes and smiled contently. "That was fun wasn't it?" "Yes it was." I hummed back and stretched my lips out to kiss his. He in turn stretched his out to meet mine and we kissed. Our willies were now growing hard and while they expanded they started to touch as if they were seeking each other out. I reached my hand under the cover and grabbed his. He did the same to me and for a while we just lay there not quite wanking each other more like feeling, playing and exploring while we kissed. Suddenly I had an unshakeable urge. I can't explain it, but I needed to have his willy inside my mouth. I never even considered that people could or should do such things, but I just felt like it belonged there. It was almost like it was an instinct. Raymond looked confused as I pushed him to lay back, but he reluctantly did. I kissed down his chest. I also felt the urge to nibble at his nipples, but I passed them by and dove down on his willy with wide open mouth. It went right in and I closed my lips around it. There was a bitter taste momentarily, but I figured that was a mixture of all of us. I suctioned the air away so his full form was all I felt in my mouth and he responded with a lurch upward and a grunt of pleasure. I couldn't take my eyes off of his balls and he bucked up and down inside my mouth and soon I was bobbing up and down to meet his motions. It all just seemed to natural and right. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Let me do that to you." Without protest and not knowing what it would feel like I swiveled my hips around so he could do the same to me, but I wasn't about to release his willy, it felt too good where it was. In mere moments we seemed to expel into each other's mouths and at first I wasn't sure I liked it. It tasted salty and bitter and I gagged a bit, but I did swallow it all. After we had emptied into each other's mouths we released and sat up. We sat there for a moment contemplating before Ray asked. "Did you like that?" I still had a little of the taste in my mouth and for some reason I went from disgust to total addiction in one second. I looked at him and he had a small drop of my sperm dripping down the side of his mouth. I reached up and swiped it scooping it into my mouth. "Yes." I smiled. "But I think I like it better hot and fresh. It's not so great cold." At that we both laughed. "Breakfast is ready." Becky said as she came to the cabin standing in the gangway naked and as pretty as a picture. "What are we having?" Raymond asked. "Bacon and scrambled eggs." "We have eggs?" "We sure do." Becky smiled. "Get them while they're hot." "That seems to be the thing to do." I responded with a roar of a laugh along with Ray. Without even considering our state of undress we headed to the dining room. There we felt the chill of the cold benches on our bare bottoms, but the day was already starting to get hot so it was actually a relief. The girls came in setting our plates before us. There was crisply fried bacon, two slices of toast, some fried up potatoes and sure enough scrambled eggs. "Wow I'm surprised that the eggs didn't get all broken in the storm." Raymond said. The girls looked at each other and just smiled saying. "Eat." simultaneously. I was hungry too so I did dig right in. After a minute of practically breathing my food in I said. "Too bad we don't have milk." "Yeah I love milk with breakfast." Agreed Raymond. "Oh that's right!" Becky spat. "I forgot the milk." She then got up and returned with a pitcher of milk. Then she went back to the cupboard and pulled down some steal or tin like, well I can't call them glasses, but they were in the shape of glasses. "We have milk too?" I asked in shock. Beverly giggled. "Well it's not cold milk. "Who cares!" I said. The glasses were poured and set before up and we greedily gulped some down and the girls seemed to wait for our appraisals. "It sure tastes better cold." I said with a lingering after taste from the warm milk. "I guess it's already starting to turn bad." Raymond said digging back into his breakfast. "It's not going bad silly." "Still." I said. "It won't last long so we better be grateful." The girls seemed a bit giddy. Too giddy for my taste. Whenever they acted this way I just knew they were up to something. I quickly downed my food and drank my milk. Then I got up and looked out the porthole. It seemed like a nice day outside. There was some clouds that billowed pure white, but it didn't look like it was going to rain. Then I looked at a flock of seagulls fly by and I almost swallowed my tongue. "Oh my god! You fed us seagull eggs." "No we didn't silly." Becky laughed. "Where are those egg shells?" I asked. "I want to see them." "There were no egg shells." Beverly answered almost in tears of laughter. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "What kind of eggs have no shells?" "The kind that comes in a sack." Beverly roared. "In a sack?" Raymond asked as confused as I was. "Ok follow me." Becky said now letting us off the hook. We followed her into the kitchen where on the floor lay this large wax lined paper sack. On the outside was written words in large print. Powdered Eggs. Then there was a block of small print below. "See silly." Becky said still giggling. I looked in the bag and found it was just a yellowish white powder. "How did you girls know how to make it?" I asked perplexed. "We can read." They both answered now almost insulted. "And the milk?" "The milk was powdered too." Beverly answered pointing out an almost empty bag on the counter. "The bacon?" Raymond asked. "That was real, but there isn't much left." She responded while opening the door to a double lined steal box of some kind. The door was heavy and clanged shut like a safe. The idea of powdered eggs and milk wasn't exactly palatable, but I wasn't about to complain. Especially with so few other options if any. Still the idea of running out of food was very much on my mind. Even though I knew we had more food stocked in the hold below for I knew even that couldn't last forever. "If you boys are going to explore the island today I think you should put on your shoes." Becky suggested. "I think you're right Beck" I said. "But I don't remember where I left them." "They're on the deck near the lifeboat." Beverly said. "Raymond's are in the wireless room." "Well then we had better get started." I said to Ray. "Right." He answered showing slight concern. "I think we should take guns." "Guns?" Both girls jolted. "We don't know what's out there." I said and with that we headed down to the hold. I found the hammer and torch where way left them and we entered the hold hatch. "What do you think we should do first Ray?" I asked. "Kiss." He said stepping to me and wrapping his arms around my naked body. "No time for that." I forced myself to say. "There's always time to kiss." He smiled giving me a wonderful kiss, but we had work to do and I pushed him away. "Come on Ray." I quivered. I wanted to comply with him, but I knew we would never get anything done that way. Reluctantly on both our parts we started to search crates. I knew where the rifles were, but rifles won't do much good without ammunition. We searched and searched crate after crate until we finally came across a box with some green steal boxes inside. I lifted one if the oblong steal boxes and unclamped it. Inside were bullets. Lots of bullets. I closed the lid and re-clamped it. It was heavy so I had Ray carry the two rifles while I hefted the steal containers up. Once we were on deck we loaded the lifeboat with the rifles and ammo. Then Ray went to the wireless room and I sat and put my shoes on. When Ray came back he was wearing his shoes. "Becky!" I called. and soon she appeared. "Yes?" "Can you get us some kind of sack or something to hold some of these bullets in?" "Yeah!" Ray laughed. "We have no pockets." "Yes of course." She giggled. "Beverly is making something for you to eat anyway." Then she turned and went back inside. Moments later she returned holding on to two pillow cases. One packed with food and the other was empty. "You have to lower us." I said. "How do I do that?" I took her to the lever and showed her by pushing and pulling it how the lifeboat went up and down. "Oh that's easy." She said. Then she stood by while I climbed in the boat with Ray. "Be careful you two." She said. I nodded at Becky and she lowered us down. Once we released the rope hooks from the bow and the stern we each took up an ore and rowed to the shore. I was the first to climb out and I tied off a rope to a palm tree While Ray slung the two rifles over his shoulders. We then each took a handful of bullets and poured them in the empty pillow case. He gave me one rifle and I put my arm through the strap. "Don't you think we should learn to fire these things?" He asked. "Wait till we are by the ocean. I don't want to risk hitting one of the girls." "Good point." Obviously we couldn't climb any of the mountains that surrounded us, so we headed to the small opening that was behind the ship. It was like the lake was a in a large bowl. We had to climb some ten feet up a small natural damn. In the center of the mound was a stream that on the other side became another water fall that fell down to the ocean. We climbed down the other side of the mound down to the rocks below and off the rocks to the beach. We looked down the beach in both directions, but could see nothing other than the outline of the island and it wasn't far. The island we were on seemed from the outset to be a very small one. "Let's figure these guns out." I said and sat on the sand with the rifle before me. Ray sat in the say way and we looked at the rifles. They were certainly long. There was a small lever with a ball like knob at the top which I knew to be what you would have to pull back in order to feed a bullet in. I pulled mine. It was hard at first, but probably because it had never been used before. It clicked back and stayed there. It opened the top and I could see that there was a place to put a bullet, so I fed one in. I pushed the lever back into place and the bullet was inside. I hoisted the rifle up and rested the butt up against my right shoulder. Pointing the gun out to sea I pulled the trigger, but it didn't budge. "What's wrong?" Ray asked. "I don't know." I said. "I can't seem to pull the trigger." "Well look what I found out." He said and showed me how he could stuff more mullets in it than just one. "Good then maybe we don't need to carry around a sack of bullets." I said. "Why won't the trigger pull though?" "I don't know." He answered as puzzled as I was. "Maybe there's something else you have to do." I looked the rifle over. I looked up and down the barrel, under it and on each side. There was one small switch on the left side, but there were no helpful words of instructions. I used my thumb and the small switch moved a little so I fiddled with it and if finally flicked over. With the but of the gun in the sand and the barrel pointed to the sky I pulled on the trigger again. BANG! The gun vibrated right out of my hands and fell against me. "Yep that was it." I quivered in fright. "Woe!" Ray pushed his small lever forward after he could fit no more bullets in. He rested it up to his shoulder and took aim at the ocean. He closed his left eye as I had seen done in an American cinema. "I think you have to use these things sticking up to aim with." He said. Then he turned looking down the island beach for something to shoot at. "See that coconut?" He said. I looked that direction and did see one on the sand but close to the shrubs. "Yes I see it." "Umph." He mused. "Forgot that little switch." He giggled and nervously flicked the switch with his thumb. He readjusted himself and took aim at the coconut. BANG! I saw a spit of sand near the coconut, but he missed it. "Missed." I said. "I'll try again." Once again he took aim, but nothing happened. "Oh what now?" "Maybe you have to flick that switch again with your thumb." I said. "No." He said trying. "It don't do anything." "Pull that lever back again." I said. He did that and when he did a spent shell expelled its self and I could see that another bullet took the old one's place. "Now push that lever forward again." He did and then he once again lined up for another shot. BANG! This time the sand spat again, but a little closer to the coconut. While he pulled the lever back again I was loading bullets into my gun. He shot a few more times before I was even read, but I copied what he was doing and looking down the end of the barrel I could see what he meant by using those things that stuck up. There was one close to me that was a circle like thing. At the end of the barrel was a stick like thing and I quickly surmised that those two things had to work together somehow. I lined them up so that the stick was centered in the circle, but I found that after you do that it was hard to point the gun in the direction of the coconut. Meanwhile Ray was firing shot after shot at the coconut, but not doing much better. I got the coconut in the circle and then I lined that stick like thing up so that they were all in a row. I squeezed the trigger, BANG! and the coconut leapt in the air a little. "How did you do that?" Ray asked. "I don't know." I laughed. "I just lined these things up with each other and the coconut and squeezed the trigger. "Really?" He asked stunned. "I was just putting the coconut in the center of the circle." "No you have to line up all three." I said. "Hang on." He said and took aim again. This time when he pulled the trigger the coconut practically exploded." "Woe!" We both said in awe. "At first I thought that it would hurt my shoulder." I said. "But it really don't." "Yeah. It's pretty easy." He agreed and we both got to our feet. "We better make sure that we never go back to the ship with any bullets it them." I said. "We don't want them to accidentally fire or something around the girls. "Yeah." He agreed. Then with the rifles flung over our shoulders we started heading down the beach always keeping an eye on the ocean. We walked for quite a while before we came across a palm tree that was laying down with it's roots sticking up out of the sand. "Let's sit here and see what the girls made us to eat." We sat on the trunk of the palm tree and opened the pillowcase. Inside wrapped in paper were two sandwiches. I pulled the two unevenly sliced pieces of bread apart to find that they were glued together with peanut butter and what looked like butter. Not my favorite combination but it would have to do. We ate our sandwiches and then we proceeded to scout out the rest of the island. Onward we walked and the more we walked the hotter it got. We were still comfortable, but sweating badly. We walked a little further and all the while the island held little more of a view than the inner cavity only in reverse. There was beach, then shrubs and palms and then beyond that high mountains. There were a few inward stretches of clearings that only went into the wooded areas about a hundred feet or so, but they led nowhere. Before long we were back at the small waterfall we came from. It was almost pointless to leave the inner island in the first place. We were well protected inside and there was just as much wildlife where we were as the outer beach had which was birds, lots and lots of birds. We did however see a few crabs and iguanas, but they held little interest for us. I only made a slight mental note though. I knew the sun rose in the east and set in the west which meant the entrance pointed to the south. This could have something to do with why we only managed to get week reception on the wireless other than that Australian sounding guy, but who knows? Once we had climbed back into the inner island shelf we were more than happy to set the rifles in the life boat and take a cooling dip in the lake. I also noted before that, that it was much cooler in the inner island than it was at the outer ring. Another thing was that the wind around the island was strong as apposed to the inner island which was shielded from the wind and only provided us with a mild breeze at best. This could be a draw back if it got really hot. The swim was quite refreshing and we did have some fun, but then we got back ashore and sat on the beach. "Do you feel like what we did was wrong Randy?" Ray asked. "What walk around the island?" "No I mean the things we did last night and this morning?" "No." I answered firmly. "Because nobody ever said we shouldn't and besides look where we are. It's just us here and I doubt anyone would ever come to this island." "Why?" "Because from what I know about wars you want to take land that would be useful. This island isn't big enough or have enough flat land to build on. You could build a couple huts, but what would they be good for?" "What if the girls get... You know?" He said showing me with his hands mounding his belly. "Oh... Hmmm, never thought of that... Well who cares if they do?" I answered. "Besides being parents could give us something to do." Then Ray reached over to me and we kissed which led to more than that.