{ASS} Wounded and Scared {by: Mr_Ed} (mg, 1st, cons)

The following story is factitious, and is provided for 
purposes of personal entertainment to the reader that 
would enjoy reading such content. Should stories of 
children discovering sex be considered as offensive, 
please do not read any further.  If you are not at or 
over the age of majority, it should not be read, for 
the relationship should not provide the guidance and 
additional information, such as responsibility, that 
should accompany parental instructions.  Should you 
not be able to find your answers in any other way, 
then seek out an adult that can be trusted, and ask 
them to answer your questions.

Wounded and Scared
by:  Mr. Ed

Bruce had just arrived at school, and had not yet seen 
any of his friends to join for a little fun before 
classes began for the day.  Looking around to try and 
find them, he saw a girl crouched down against the 
wall of the school, and she was sobbing deeply.  
Nobody else seemed to be near her, and indeed, it 
looked like those passing nearby were deliberately 
going out of their way to move around her.  Bruce had 
seen her about the school yard before, but didn't know 
much about her, and for the life of him, he could not 
remember her name.  Regardless, he knew she needed a 
friend right now, and went over to her, sitting down 
at her side.

"I can see something is bothering you, and wondered if 
I could be any help," he said.

"Nobody can help me," she declared, "but I'd be glad 
if you would sit with me for a couple of minutes, 

"I'd be happy to sit with you," he said, "but you have 
an advantage on me.  I'm sorry, I can't remember your 
name for the life of me."

"Susan," she told him.  "You have no reason to know my 
name, but now I know why you are the most popular guy 
in the school.  Every girl must know your name, and 
hope you would speak to them."

"I'm glad you think I'm so popular, but that doesn't 
explain why you are so upset," observed Bruce.  "Could 
you at least give me a hint about why you were 

"Lift up my tube top under my blouse at the back, and 
you will see for yourself," she said as she turned her 
back towards him.  "Please be careful, though...pull out 
instead of sliding it up."

Now the idea of exposing a part of a girl, even her 
back, was a bit of a surprise to him.  Lifting the 
blouse first, he pulled the tube top out and then up.  
Across her back was a red welt, with one spot bleeding 
a little.  "My aunt gave me a beating when I asked for 
a little lunch money this morning," she offered.

"Come on, Susan," he ordered.  "That can't stay like 
that, and you would waste your time if you went to 
classes feeling the pain of that."

"You can't tell anybody," she exclaimed with fear in 
her eyes.  "Please, Bruce.  It's better if you didn't 
tell anybody."

"Listen to me, Susan," he said as he turned to face 
her.  "I have people I trust to do the right thing, 
and can help you to feel better.  I know you don't 
know me well enough to know you can trust me, but 
please give me a chance to try and help you.  I 
promise, everything will work out alright."

"I want to trust you, Bruce, and I know how everybody 
thinks about you.  If you tell anybody, I may not have 
a place to live.  They at least give me food and send 
me to school, even if it is to get rid of me for 

"Alright, if you are that scared, I will go and get 
some things to make you feel better, and come back and 
fix you up, if you will let me."

"You won't tell anyone?" she asked.

"I won't tell anyone for the moment," he assured her.

"I'll wait right here for you," she declared.

Going into the school, Bruce headed for the nurse's 
office.  When he entered, he was greeted with 
surprise.  "What brings you here, Bruce?" asked the 
nurse.  "You hurt yourself?"

"A friend of mine got a beating this morning, and 
needs to have the wounds taken care of.  She is too 
scared to come and see you, so I would like to borrow 
some rubbing alcohol, some medicine to heal a cut, and 
a bandage to put on it."

"Don't tell me Susan got it again," exclaimed the 

"I promised to not tell who it was, Ma'am," said 
Bruce.  "You know about it?"

"This is not the first time, but she is too afraid of 
not having a place to live for her to talk to me," she 
reported.  "Maybe you could fix her up, and try to 
talk to her.  I'd do my best to help her, not make 
things bad for her."

"I tried already, but she was so scared.  I figured it 
I fixed her sores up, she might begin to trust me, 
Ma'am.  For sure, I want someone to help her, even if 
she doesn't want any help.  I gave my word though for 
this time, and must keep it."

"As always, I like how you think, Bruce," she said.  
"Here are the rubbing alcohol and the first aid cream, 
some pieces of gauze to use to clean and put on the 
ointment with, and a bandage to cover the broken 
wound.  Take her into the room next to my office, and 
I'll make sure nobody bothers you.  I'll speak to your 
teacher as well, in case you are late for class."

"There's one more favour I'd like to ask," reported 
Bruce.  "Could you get me permission to go home, and 
talk to my Mom?  I know she'd be willing to help, and 
know what to do."

"Sure I would do that for you, Bruce," she confirmed.  
"You have a heart and understanding far beyond your 
years.  Go talk to your Mom, and see what you can do 
for her.  Susan doesn't deserve to be treated the way 
she is."

"Thanks, Ma'am!" declared Bruce as he took off at a 
run, anxious to get back to Susan.

Susan was reluctant to go inside with him, but did 
eventually, finding out that what he had said was 
true, for they were not disturbed once they were in 
the room.  She removed her blouse completely, and let 
him lift the back to clean and dress the area that was 
still red from the welt she had received there.  
Carefully avoiding the open spot with the rubbing 
alcohol, he cleaned all around it, and then added the 
ointment to the wound before he put the bandage over 

"Thanks, Bruce," she acknowledged.  "It does make it 
feel better.  Any chance you would do the one that 
hurts the most?"

"Sure," he confirmed.  "Show me where, and let's get 
it fixed up."
He was not prepared for Susan lifting her tube top up 
to reveal one entire breast.  On the underside was 
another welt, even more severe than the one on her 
back.  "Can't I get the nurse to help you, Susan?  I 
shouldn't even be seeing your breast like this."

"It's okay, Bruce, but please don't tell the nurse or 
anyone else," she pleaded.

Bruce cleaned the wound with the rubbing alcohol, and 
added a little of the ointment to the area, using the 
gauze to rub it in a little.  "I don't understand how 
anybody could do this to you, Susan," he said as he 
worked.  "May I ask, was it your Mom or Dad?"

"They're dead," she reported.  "I'm living with my 
aunt and uncle, and it was my aunt that beat me this 
morning," she reported.  "I don't have any other place 
to live, so have to live with the beatings, no matter 
how much I hate them."

"Nobody deserves to be beaten like this, Susan," he 
reported.  "Get your things back on, and I'll return 
these things to where they belong.  By the way, I hope 
you don't mind my saying, you have a pretty breast, 
and it has been a privilege to see it."

"I thought I'd die when you saw it, but now, I'm glad 
you did, and would show you anything you wanted to 
see," she declared.  "Not only are you the nicest 
looking guy, you are a really nice guy, Bruce.  Thanks 
for all you have done for me, and if I have a chance 
to see you later, I hope you won't mind."

"Mind?" he asked.  "I'll be looking for you, Susan.  
We'll see each other again."  The bell had rung, so 
Susan left to head for her class, while Bruce returned 
the supplies to the nurse.

"I'm so proud of you, Bruce," declared the nurse as he 
entered her office.  "I was watching how well you 
fixed her up, and was so impressed at how you handled 
the situation."

"You saw what happened?" he asked.

"You did exactly what you should have done to help the 
wounds heal.  I don't want to have it well known, but 
yes, I can watch what happens in that room.  The way 
you cleansed them was just fine, and putting the 
ointment on her breast would help it heal.  Got a bit 
of an eyeful with that one, didn't you?"

"I tried to not look too hard, but it really was so 
tempting and looked so nice," he said feeling guilty.

"How you looked, but didn't touch any more than you 
had to says a lot of nice things about you, Bruce," 
she reported.  "You don't need to feel guilty about 
how you saw her.  Now, are you still wanting to see 
your mother this morning?"

"My Mom is such a cool person, and she has an answer 
for every problem I've talked to her about.  I've got 
to see what she feels should be done for Susan.  I 
don't think it can wait for Susan to get another 

"I agree, and so does the principal," said the nurse.  
"Off you go, but be back as soon as you can.  You may 
be doing well in school, but we don't want that to 
change by missing too much class time."

"Thanks, Ma'am," responded Bruce.  "I don't want to 
miss anytime, and this is going to damage my record.  
I will hurry though, and come back as soon as we've 
finished talking."

When Bruce finished explaining what had happened to 
his mother, there was no question about her agreement 
that he had done the right thing in coming to her.  He 
was sent back to school by his mother, but she was so 
sure of herself, he knew she would do what was best, 
and he had no doubt about that at all.

Returning to the classroom, he was greeted warmly by 
his teacher when he tried to slip into the class 
quietly, and was told he didn't have to explain.  He 
was also delighted to find he had not been marked 
absent according to his teacher, leaving his record 

About an hour after lunch, the nurse came into the 
classroom, and spoke to his teacher.  Then, he was 
called out from the class once again.  Outside in the 
hallway were two police officers, his mother, and the 
school principal.  It was his mother that said to him, 
"We'd like you to do something for us, Bruce.  Since 
she is so scared about what might happen, we feel it 
would be better if you went into her classroom, and 
brought Susan out to talk with us.  We will wait in 
the nurse's room where you helped her this morning."

"Are you going to arrest her?" asked Bruce, referring 
to the police officers.

"Hardly," responded his mother.  "Trust me, we are 
doing what is right to help Susan."

"Okay," agreed Bruce.  "You're word is all I need.  
How can I get to go into her classroom though?"

"The teacher knows you are coming already, Bruce," 
said the principal.

Once the hallway was empty he knocked on the door to 
her classroom.  The teacher came out, closed the door, 
and kissed Bruce on the forehead, a matter of total 
surprise to him.  "I am so proud of you, Bruce," she 
said.  "You're our little school hero.  Come on, go 
and get Susan, and stick with her.  She feels safe 
with you, and only you."

Bruce made his way over to where he saw Susan sitting, 
passing a couple of his friends that were students in 
that class.  Sitting down beside Susan, he took hold 
of her hand, and said, "The person I trust most in 
this world is here to help you, Susan.  My Mom would 
like to talk with you, and it's okay with your teacher 
if you leave with me."

"Will you stay with me?" she asked.

"If you want me to stay, I will," he assured her.  
"Come on, you'll like my Mom!"

"I want you to stay, Bruce," she said. "I'm scared, 
even if it is your Mom.  She must be nice, since you 
are so nice."

"The best!" he assured her.

Bruce waited for Susan to pack up her books, with even 
her teacher coming to help by picking up one that 
dropped off the desk.  Her smile helped Susan feel a 
little better, but she was still visibly shaking.  The 
curiosity of her classmates was ignored as they left 
the classroom and headed down the hall, Bruce carrying 
her school bag, and holding her hand.  When they 
entered the room they had used before, his Mom was 
sitting there alone, and waiting.

"Hello, Susan," she called as they entered.  "I'm 
Bruce's Mom, and my name is Candice Burns.  How would 
you like to sit and talk with me about what happened 
to you today, and see what we might be able to do to 
make life a little better for you?"

"There's not a lot can be done, Mrs. Burns," she said.  
"If anything gets said, I won't have a place to live, 
food to eat, or even be able to go to school."

"I'm not so sure about that, Susan," she said.  "How 
long ago did you parents die?"

"Two years ago," she replied, "in a car accident."

"And it is your aunt and uncle that took you in?" she 

"It wasn't because they wanted to, but they were the 
only family I still had, so the police almost forced 
them to take me to live with them.  They have never 
wanted to have me there."

"May I see the wounds you had Bruce fix this morning?" 
asked Mrs. Burns.

"How about I go outside while you show her, Susan?" 
suggested Bruce.

"Please stay, Bruce," requested Susan.  "You're Mom is 
nice, but I still want you to be here.  You've already 
seen my breast, so it's no big deal."

As Susan opened her blouse, his mother was saying to 
her, "I'm really pleased that Bruce offered to help 
you, Susan.  I'm very proud of him."

"He's the nicest guy in the entire school, Ma'am," she 
responded.  "Everybody likes him, especially the older 
girls.  It was almost worth getting the beating this 
morning just so I could meet him."

"Well, you've met me now, so from this day on, we are 
friends, Susan," he told her.

"That is a nasty wound, Susan," said his mother as she 
showed her the one on her back.  "What was used to 
hurt you like that?"

"A belt," she said.  "I think the buckle caught me 
where the bandage is, and that's why it was bleeding.  
"This one is still burning," she added as she lifted 
her tube top off the one breast.

Mrs. Burns reached over to take up the same tube of 
ointment that Bruce had used, and applied a little 
more to the underside of the breast just as Bruce had 
done.  As it was being put on, the top slipped up off 
the other breast, leaving them both exposed to Bruce 
and his mother.

"Damn, you are so pretty, Susan!" declared Bruce.  
"I'm sorry, and I know I shouldn't have said anything, 
but I am so privileged to be able to see them.  Wow!"

"I'd be worried about you if you didn't like to see 
them, Bruce," said his mother.  "Okay, Susan, fix back 
your clothes, and we will talk some more."

Susan fixed her tube top, put her blouse back on over 
it, and looked at Bruce's Mom for a few moments before 
she wrapped herself to her front.  "Thank you, Mrs. 
Burns," she said.  "Now I know why Bruce is so nice."

"Are you interested in living in a new home?" asked 
his mother.  "As a matter of fact, would you like to 
come and live with my husband, me, and of course, 

Susan gave out with a squeal, and backed away from her 
until her back was against the wall.  Her hands went 
over her mouth, and she slumped down on the floor as 
she began to sob.  Her panties had been exposed in the 
process, but she just curled up in a fetal position, 
crying quietly.  Getting up, Bruce went over to sit at 
her side, and suddenly found himself held in her 

"Does it sound so bad to live like we were brother and 
sister?" asked Bruce.

The question got her attention, and brought her back 
to under partial control.  "I don't want to be like a 
sister, I want to be your girlfriend," she blurted 
out.  "It's like a dream come true, to even think 
about living in your home, Bruce!"

Turning to his mother, Susan asked, "Are you serious, 
Mrs. Burns?"

"Yes, Susan," she replied.  "I am completely serious.  
What has happened to you is a criminal act, and no 
youngster should ever experience something like that.  
You are going to have to answer a few questions 
honestly, but at the end of today, you will be allowed 
to come and live with us, at least for awhile.  If 
nothing better can be found for you, then I think it 
would be nice to have a girl around the house instead 
of my two guys alone."

Susan got to her feet, and threw herself back into 
Mrs. Burn's arms.  "Thank you, Mrs. Burns.  I know I'm 
going to love you!"

"Oh, boy!" exclaimed Bruce.  "Competition for the 

The interview with the police officers went smoothly, 
although Bruce had to sit beside Susan before she 
agreed to start talking to them.  Details of the abuse 
were provided, frequency, and the method of beating.  
It seems that both the aunt and uncle took turns with 
the beatings, and it was several times every week.  As 
the interview progressed, Bruce had to be restrained 
from speaking out, and more than once, the nearest 
police officer placed her hand over his to prevent him 
from saying anything.

Finally the interview was finished, and the police 
officers left the school.  The school principal did 
take Susan aside again, and said to her, "You now know 
that when something happens to you, and you need help, 
you can turn to Mrs. Burns, myself, your teachers, the 
nurse, or even your good friend, Bruce.  Every one of 
us would be willing to help you."

"Thank you, Ma'am," she replied.  "I'm still pretty 
scared, but as long as Bruce is with me, then I'll be 

"When your head hits the pillow tonight, your fears 
should be gone," she told her.  "I think Mrs. Burns is 
ready to take you to your new home, so why don't you 
go on now, and we will look forward to seeing you in 
school tomorrow."

School had not been dismissed by the time they walked 
to the house, and Susan was taken inside.  All the 
way, Bruce had held her hand, and allowed her to kiss 
it several times along the way.  She was about eleven, 
two years younger than Bruce, but she had an appeal to 
him, not because of the circumstances, but because she 
was a nice girl, as well as pretty.  He didn't mind 
her clinging onto him at all.

Bruce introduced the house, and correctly guessed the 
room she would be staying in, right next to his.  He 
even showed her a brief look at his room, and promised 
to let her use his computer sometimes, as long as it 
was not too much.  Then, he returned her to his 
mother, knowing they would have some talking to do, 
and went to his computer for a few games and the 
distraction they provided from the events of the day.  
His scores were terrible, for he could not help but 
think about having Susan live there, both for the 
problem side as well as the nice side of having a 
pretty girl around.

When Dad arrived home, his mother got the first hug, 
and he got the next one.  They could tell from the 
look on his face that we was pleased with them, and 
nothing more needed to be said.  Then he went over to 
sit before Susan beside the kitchen table.

"I know you have had some bad experiences, Susan," he 
said to her, "but I'd like to welcome you to our home, 
and hope you will be happy here.  We talk about 
problems here, and don't beat anyone, so you are safe 
with us."

"Thank you, Mr. Burns," she replied.  "I've not felt 
this happy since my parents died, and am so grateful.  
Your wife is so nice, and I am in love with Bruce, 
Sir.  I'll do my best to not be too much in the way."

"What?" he exclaimed.  "You be a part of this home, 
and forget that nonsense about being in the way.  Your 
only job right now is to do good in school, laugh and 
sing when you feel like it, and most important, is to 
be happy!"

"I...," started Susan.  Instead of finishing what she 
wanted to say, she got off her seat, and wrapped 
herself to him.  "Thank you, Sir!  Thank you!"

"Hugging my Dad like that I can live with for his arms 
are the safest place in this whole world," declared 
Bruce.  "Any other guy, and I might just have to get 

"From what I see," said Susan to him, "you are just 
like your Dad, so I have to love him like I love you, 

"So if that's how you feel, how is it everyone else 
has got a hug from you, and I haven't?" he asked, 
crossing his arms in pretend anger.

"If I get my way, you can have hugs from me for the 
rest of my life, Bruce," she said as she came over to 
wrap herself to him.  Bruce had forgotten he had an 
erection, but she just pushed her belly tight up 
against it, even as she kissed him firmly on his lips.

"We are not ready for any weddings just yet, guys," 
said his father.

"Me neither, Dad," replied Bruce.  "Now, at least, I 
don't have to get jealous of the way you get to kiss 
and hold Mom all the time.  I have my own hugs, and 
kisses it seems."

"But I better not see your hands going where mine go," 
cautioned his father.

"Awe, come on, Dad!" exclaimed Bruce.  "Don't be a 
spoil sport!  Hers sure curves nice, like Mom's."

"Hey, you two," call out Mom.  "I'm not sure I like 
you two guys talking about the curves of our asses 
like that."

"So who's fault is it you look so good, Mom?" asked 
Bruce.  "Susan looks pretty fine too!"

"You guys are fantastic!" declared Susan as she burst 
into tears.  "I love all of you!"

"Hey!" shouted Bruce.  "Laughter, not tears," he 
ordered as he began to tickle Susan at her waist.  
Moments later, she was laughing, squirming on the 
floor, with Bruce showing no mercy as he pinned her 
from getting away.  "That's better," he declared as he 
stopped, still leaning over her.

"I've not been this happy for a long time, and I owe 
it all to you, Bruce," she said.  As Bruce was getting 
off her, she wrapped him in her arms, and pulled him 
down on top of her, kissing him soundly.  "Thank you!  
Thank you!  Thank you!" she declared.

"Who's the one laying on those two nice breasts under 
me?" he asked.  "I should be the one saying, Thank 
you!  Thank you!  Thank you!"

"Do you always carry that stick in your pocket?" she 
whispered in his ear.

"Mostly when I'm around you," he whispered back.

"Break it up, you two," ordered his Mom.  "I need to 
have a woman to woman talk with Susan."

"Coming, Mom," replied Susan.  Half way up, she 
stopped, realizing what she had just said.

"If that's how you feel, it's okay with me, Susan," 
she told her.  "Feels good, actually."

"That's how I feel!" declared Susan as she ran into 
her arms again.  "Do you think Dad would be okay with 
your husband?"

"Only if I can get another of those nice hugs from 
you," he replied for himself.  Susan went from one to 
the other, and didn't try to hold back, but pressed 
herself to him.

"I've got a Mommy and a Daddy again!" she declared.  
"Thank you, both!"

"Go have your woman to woman talk, Susan," he ordered, 
and sent her on the way with a little tap on her butt.

When they had left the room, Dad said to Bruce, "I 
think we've gone over all the details about sex 
already, so I don't need to go over them again now, 
Son.  Just remember to be considerate."

"That almost sounds like you are giving me permission 
to have sex, Dad," observed Bruce.

"Since it looks like it will happen, no matter what we 
say, we might as well give you permission, Bruce.  My 
boy is about to become a man, if I'm not mistaken."

"With all that's happened to her, I don't want to do 
anything to scare her, Dad," said Bruce.  "Maybe that 
should wait for awhile, no matter how much I would 
like to do it with her."

"Let her take the lead, for she will let you know if 
she is ready," he instructed.  "From what I've seen, 
she is going to say yes, especially when she can talk 
to you about your erection."

"I should have known you were able to hear her about 
it," he said.  "That was the second time she felt it, 
and I never tried to hide it from her."

"You're mother still has that effect upon me," his Dad 
declared.  "I think we are both very lucky guys."

"I know I am, for I have you and Mom as parents, and 
there couldn't be any better!" declared Bruce.  
"Thanks for letting Susan come to live here, and being 
so good with her, Dad!  I love you both!"

"Well, we're pretty proud of your young man, Son," 
said his Dad as Bruce was pulled into his embrace.  
"Yes, she should be happy with that one!" he added, 
looking down between them.

"That's the first time you've said anything about it, 
Dad," said Bruce.  "I know you've felt it before, but 
you never mentioned it.  How embarrassing!"

"Be embarrassed all you want, Son," said his Dad.  
"I'm still proud of you, and for a lot of reasons, the 
least of it being that.  Your heart is in the right 
place, and that is what I want most for my son."

"Living up to the standards you have set for me will 
be the biggest challenge of my life, Dad," said Bruce.  
"I promise that I will try very hard to be like you!"

"No man has the right to ask more of his son," stated 
his father.

The ladies returned a few minutes later, and without a 
word, Susan took Bruce's hand, and headed towards the 
stairs.  As they climbed up the stairs, Bruce looked 
back to see his parents holding each other and smiling 
up at him.  They knew what was going to happen, and 
were sanctioning it!

As soon as Susan closed the door to his room, he 
asked, "What did Mom talk to you about?"

"She told me how it would hurt the first time, and how 
I must come and see her when we had finished," she 
stated.  "She also told me to put a towel under my 
butt to catch the blood that would come from breaking 
my cherry."

"Why the part about seeing her afterwards?" asked 

"So she could put something inside me to keep us from 
having a baby."

"Is this something you want?" asked Bruce.

"More than anything in the world, Bruce," she 
declared.  "I've been in love with you for a long 
time, just watching you at school.  You are a born 
leader, nice to be around, handsome, and everything 
any girl could possibly want.  When you came to help 
me, you didn't take advantage of me to hold my breast 
more than what was necessary to make it better.  Then, 
when the other popped out by accident, you said just 
enough to make me feel pretty, but didn't try to get a 
feel or anything.  You even tried to look away, 
although you didn't do a good job of that."

"If, or I guess when I see them again, I'm not going 
to look away again, but stare straight at them," he 

"Take advantage and get your hands on them, or your 
lips, for they both are yours from now on, as is the 
rest of me."

"We really are going to make love to each other?" he 

"We can make love, or you can have sex in me, whatever 
you feel like, Bruce.  All I know is I belong to you, 
and will do my best to satisfy your desires from today 

"Don't give yourself to me, but share with me, Susan," 
he stated.  "I don't own you, and never will."

"I'd like that, but if you want to own me, then I'm 
yours to own," she declared.  "You, your Mom and 
Dad...are so wonderful, and I have never been so happy!"

"And you are so pretty!" he said as he reached to undo 
the top button of her blouse.  "I'm planning to see 
your breasts again in a few seconds," he told her.

"The rest is there for you to see too, Bruce," she 
said.  "Being undressed by you was not part of my plan 
for today, except in my dreams."

"You dreamt about me?" he asked.

"The best looking guy around," she replied.  "I hope 
you make it as nice for me as you did so many, many 

"Well, here come your breasts," he said as he pulled 
up the tube top.  "Man, they are pretty, except for 
the one spot underneath.  Even that's looking better 
since I last saw it."

"It's better because you and your Mom took care of it 
for me," she stated.  "They're not all that big yet, 
so I hope they are enough to make you happy with 

"Trust me, I'm happy with them," he assured her, and 
emphasized it with a kiss on the uninjured breast's 

"The other one's still kind of sore, but that one can 
be squeezed and played with, Bruce," she said.  "You 
are free to kiss the nipples as often as you want, for 
it makes me feel so good!"

"Thanks to you, I've already seen the breasts of a 
girl, and would like to come back to them after I get 
to see all the other mysteries of a girl's body.  
Could I take off your skirt and panties?"

"Don't ask, but just do it, Bruce," she ordered.  
"This is the embarrassing part, and I hope you like 
what you find."

"What's not to like?" he asked as he undid the 
fastenings of her skirt.  When it dropped down to her 
ankles, he immediately stripped down her panties, and 
she stood before him, completely exposed.  "You are 
sexier than I ever imagined," he declared.

"Does it matter than I don't have any hairs down there 
yet?" she asked.

"I have no idea, so you will have to grow some over 
time," he said.  "Then I will tell you, but what I see 
right now, is so perfect that I want to kiss it."

"Don't let me stop you," she offered.

When his lips pressed against her vulva front, she 
pushed herself against his face, and moaned as he 
kissed her repeatedly.  Suddenly, she dropped down to 
sit on the floor, and held onto his arm.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"You made me come," she explained.  "Oh, Lord, it 
feels so good!"

"This whole thing is not right," said Bruce as he went 
down to sit beside her on the floor.  "It's like I am 
taking advantage of you, just because I helped you 
when you needed it.  Maybe you should put your clothes 
back on, and we could get to know each other better 
before we do something like having sex.  What do you 
think, Susan?"

"I'm sitting naked with a boy, the greatest guy in the 
world, and you want me to not do it?  Your penis shows 
you are interested, every guy wants to get at a naked 
girl, so why not?  We will have lots of time to get to 
know each other better every day from now on.  
Besides, I'd have let you from the first time I saw 
you, Bruce.  I've been in love with you for a long 

"But as much as I like you, it would mostly be sex for 
me," he explained.  "It should be more for being in 
love first."

"Then have sex with me," she offered.  "I'll take a 
chance on your falling in love with me afterwards."

"What happens if I don't fall in love with you, 
although that seems unlikely," he said.

"Then you will have the satisfaction of having sex, 
and that's supposed to be nice," she responded.

"Does it make sense that I want to, but I don't?" he 

"Perfect sense," she declared.  "It's part of why I am 
so much in love with you already.  Take advantage of 
me, Bruce.  I'm right here for you, naked, ready and 

"When I saw you around the school, you were always so 
quiet and pretty," he reported.  "I've even said how 
nice your ass curves to my friends, and kidded about 
getting under your clothes."

"You're there now, so see if it feels as good as you 
guessed, Bruce," she instructed.

"Okay, Sue!" he exclaimed.  "You're going to get 

"Using bad words, are you?" she responded.  "That 
makes it even more exciting.  Come get into my cunt, 
and fuck your big heart out with your nice hard cock!"

Contrary to the expressed desires, they did not have 
the sex act itself for some time.  First there was the 
matter of Bruce getting undressed, and then Susan was 
explored, fondled, caressed and kissed for nearly an 
hour, yielding himself to some of her explorations.  
He had already had his finger in behind her vulva, 
knew what a vulva and clitoris looked like, and 
understood the details of her hymen, which he had 
examined for long minutes.  Then it came time for the 
actual event, with both as anxious as the other.

Susan was the one that went over to his desk and bent 
over it.  Bruce had not expected it, but there was the 
very parts he had dreamed about seeing on a girl, all 
exposed for what he wanted.  He came up to stand 
behind her, and held his penis to the opening of her 
vagina.  There was not a single hair present to hide 
what he saw, and he watched himself as he pressed 
against the barrier he had seen and examined.  With 
the first push, it went down, and he saw his penis 
disappear into her body.

"Was that it?" asked Susan.

"I think so," he confirmed.  "It's all the way inside 
you, and looking so sexy!"

"Compared to the number of times I've been hurt 
already, that was nothing," she exclaimed.  "It's 
burning a little, but nothing like my breast earlier."

"I've got to pump it into you, Susan!" he exclaimed.  
"I've just got to!"

"Then do it," she confirmed.  Almost immediately he 
did and she cried out from the pleasure it gave her, 
especially when his belly came back to press against 
her bum.  "Oh, yes!  This is it!  Do it to me, Bruce.  
Claim me as your girl to fuck whenever you want!"

"To do it to you is wonderful!" he exclaimed.  
"Looking down, I can see your asshole, and watch my 
cock go into your cunt.  Oh, does it ever look good, 
and it feels even better!"

"It's yours, Bruce," she exclaimed between cries as he 
pushed in time and time again.  "Fuck it as often as 
you want, for it is yours from now on!"

"Then expect to get it often!" he exclaimed.  His 
excitement over actually doing it inside a girl for 
the first time in his life would not allow him to go 
on, and he climaxed deep inside her, while he tried to 
keep himself upright.  Susan, realizing he was coming, 
also experienced a climax that started only seconds 
after his began.  Both of them were already looking 
forward to the next time.

Some ten minutes later, forgetting herself, Susan left 
Bruce's room to find Mom, only to find her right 
outside the room door, in the arms of her husband, and 
Susan's new Dad.  She did not worry about her nudity, 
and went into the bathroom to wait for Mom to finish 
kissing Dad.  Now, once again, she felt like she had 
parents, was feeling happier than any time she could 
remember, and felt that she was safe in their home.  
That he accidentally saw her naked, and she did not 
feel any less safe made it even nicer for her, 
although she did feel a little self conscious about it 
all.   Soon her new Mom came in and she experienced 
her first douche, then a short time later, her new 
mother inserted the I.U.D.  

"So how was it with Bruce?" asked her mother.

"He was so handsome, gentle and wonderful, Mom, I must 
be in heaven!"

"Didn't it hurt?" she asked.

"Not as much as I expected, and it was nothing 
compared to how I felt while I was getting a beating," 
she reported.  "It was kind of weird, for it hurt but 
felt good at the same time.  Do you know what I mean?"

"Mostly I've forgotten how it felt the first time, but 
I still remember the excitement that came with it, and 
how wonderful I felt afterwards, Susan.  My man made 
me feel much like you feel now!"

"It's none of my business, but was he about your age?" 
asked Susan.

"He's my husband now," she told her.

"Oh, that is so romantic!" exclaimed Susan.  "You 
think I have a chance with Bruce...you know, marrying 
him one day?"

"There is a chance of that, but it means both of you 
need to understand the other, and work at getting 
along with each other.  Marriage or even a long term 
relationship takes a lot of effort for both the man 
and woman."

"I hope you know I'm going to do my best," Mom.  "I 
have loved him from before he knew my name."

"Good luck on that, Susan," she offered.  "You're a 
nice girl, and I hope it works out like you want, but 
if it doesn't then you will have no problem finding 
another guy, for you are an attractive girl."

"Did you really mean that I could spend the entire 
night in his bed, Mom?" she asked.

"Yes, Susan," she assured her, "as long as you want 
to, and he wants it as well.  Nobody is going to be 
forced into anything, but if you both want it, and 
have no school tomorrow, then you might as well enjoy 
your night together."

Indeed, they did spend the night together in his bed.  
Neither or them bothered to wear anything, and the sex 
was the greatest thrill each time it happened, and it 
happened frequently.  Different positions were tried, 
all of them worth trying again at other times.  It 
took the aid of some Vaseline, but Bruce got to try 
doing it up inside her bum sometime during the middle 
of the night, and once Susan started pushing her anus 
out, it became pleasurable to her as well as him.  For 
her, it was the final surrender of her body to the guy 
that she loved more with each time.

Susan's aunt and uncle received three years in jail 
each when they were found guilty at their trial, and 
that made Susan feel a little better about other 
people, and she came to realize they did care what was 
happening to her.  The real negative aspect of her 
experiences with them was that periodically, she 
wanted Bruce to spank or use a belt on her bare bum.  
While the idea bothered Bruce at first, he came to 
recognize that it was an effect of her experiences, 
and she received great satisfaction from the sex that 
followed her abuse.  Unlike her aunt and uncle, he did 
not let the belt buckle get anywhere near her skin, so 
there were no more wounds such as those she had when 
they first met.