{ASST} Unfair_Friend {Mr_Ed} (mg, 1st, rom)

This story is entirely fiction, and has no basis or 
purpose other than to entertain.  It should not be 
read by any minor, for it is not intended as an 
instructional manual in sex.  If the idea of underage 
sex bothers you, do not read any further.

Unfair Friend

by Mr_Ed

Bruce was having a great day swimming at the local 
pool.  Gordon and Tommy were there, and they had been 
running, jumping splashing and laughing for almost an 
hour when he decided to take a rest at one side.  
Swimming over, he came up to the side, and was 
preparing to push up out of the water to the side, and 
pull himself out from there.

"Need a hand?" asked a voice that seemed attached to 
the two legs standing in his way.

"No thanks," he replied, casting his eyes up, while 
using her body to shade his eyes from the sun.  "What 
I would like is for you to step back a little so I can 
come out, Susan," he replied, using her name when he 
recognized who it was.

From where Bruce was, he found himself, 
unintentionally looking up at her crotch, with both 
her little breasts not too far above that.  Hoping 
that she wouldn't move, he got a good look in, and as 
she did step back, came up out to sit on the side near 
Susan as she remained standing just a short few inches 

"Is there something I can help you with?" he asked.

"I just felt like coming over and talking to you, 
Bruce," she said.

"That sounds nice, but why don't we get out of the 
sun?" he suggested.  "We can talk just as well over 
there in the shade."

"I'd really like that, Bruce," she responded.

Before he could do anything to stop them, Gordon and 
Tommy came over, and Gordon undid the tie of Susan's 
bikini bottom at one side letting it fall open at the 
front.  Right to and including a little of the bulge 
she had down there was showing, and Bruce didn't know 
how much was still on at the back.

Taking a quick look at what he saw, Bruce jumped up, 
went over to Gordon, and landed a fist against his 
chest, winding him.  "What did you do that for, 
Bruce?" asked Tommy as both he and Bruce held and 
supported Gordon until he could breath properly again.

"What he did was totally wrong, and completely 
unfair," responded Bruce.  "Just breathe slowly 
Gordon.  You'll be okay in a couple of moments."

It took him about a minute before Gordon was breathing 
almost normally again, and he had the presence of mind 
to say, "All I wanted to do was get a look at a girl's 
privates, Bruce.  I thought you'd like that too!"

"Sure I would," said Bruce.  "But to undo her clothes 
and expose her in front of everyone else is not fair.  
If you want to see a girl's privates, get a girl, 
convince her she should show you, and take a look in 

"No girl will do that for me," responded Gordon.

"Especially if you treat them like you did Susan," 
stated Bruce.

"So are we still friends?" asked Gordon.

"Of course we are," declared Bruce.  "Just because you 
did something that you shouldn't isn't going to change 

"Well, I'm going to go back to my place and try to 
forget what happened," said Gordon.  "Man you sure 
know how to take a guy down, Bruce."

"Exactly the same way I used to break up the fight you 
got into a couple of weeks ago, Gordon," reminded 
Bruce.  "You didn't mind my help then."

"Look, Susan," said Gordon.  "I'm sorry for what I 
did, and hope you weren't too embarrassed.  I won't 
try to do that again, ever!"

"Since I feel sorry for you after Bruce punched you 
like that, you can forget it Gordon," she replied.  
"Are you going to be okay?"

"I think so, but he sure has a punch!" declared 
Gordon.  "I'm going to go home and rest or something."

"Maybe we'll link up later Gordon," offered Bruce.  
Gordon shrugged and walked off slowly, Tommy going 
with him.

"Thanks for what you did, Bruce," said Susan.  "Man 
that was embarrassing!"

"For me at least, I didn't get to see so much, Susan," 
said Bruce.  "I'm not sure how much of your butt 
showed, but there was not much of the front to see."

"I'm glad of that," she said.  "Why would you bother 
defending me, and punching your friend like that?" she 

"Because it was wrong, and completely unfair," he 

"But didn't you want to have a look yourself?" she 

"Sure I do, but not in a place like this with all 
sorts of other people around to see," he reiterated.  
"Could I interest you in letting me have a go at the 
tie someplace private?"

"Well, I..." faltered Susan.

"Hey, kid!  I know you're not going to do anything 
like that, and I was only teasing you to suggest it.  
As nice as it would be for me, I wouldn't want to 
embarrass you like that, so just relax.  By the way, 
I've got to tell you thanks for the angle you let me 
see you from.  Looking up that way at your pretty 
shapes sure was a nice view of a very pretty girl!"

"If I was even a year older, would I have a chance 
with a guy like you, Bruce?" asked Susan as they were 
collecting their clothes and other things.

"What are you talking about now?" asked Bruce.  "You 
interested in being a friend of mine?  If that's the 
case, then you already are!"

"I mean like a girlfriend?" she pushed the issue in 
her thoughts.

"Now let's see," said Bruce.  "Were friends, you sure 
as hell are a girl, judging by the shape I see, so I 
guess you are a girlfriend, aren't you?"  They were 
returning to the building in which they both lived, 
Bruce holding the side door open for Susan to enter.

"Enough that you would feel like kissing me?" she 

"Oh, yea!" he exclaimed.  "I could sure handle a 
chance to do that!"

"So?" she asked stopping in the otherwise empty 

Bruce considered for a few brief seconds, went over to 
her, put his hand behind her head, and kissed her 
firmly on her lips.  Leaning back a moment, he looked 
at her face, leaned forward and gave her yet another 
kiss.  Both times she returned the kiss in a very nice 
way, even opening her mouth a little for him.

As another tenant showed up in the hallway, the two 
headed towards the elevators without a word, but with 
both of them wearing smiles.  "Maybe we could get 
together for a little at sometime, Sue," suggested 

"I'd really like that, and I love when you called me 
'Sue', Bruce.  Thanks!"

"Somehow it fits you," he replied.

They rode up to their floor, headed down the hall 
together, Susan stopping at her doorway as he went on 
towards his.  "We'll talk!" he called back.

"Sure," she agreed.

Ten minutes later, Susan was knocking at his front 
door.  His Mom answered, and called him when she asked 
to see him.  Bruce came out, and joined her at the 
front door.

"Would you consider loaning me your digital camera for 
just a couple of minutes, Bruce?" she asked.  "There's 
a picture I'd like to take.  You'd have it back in 
less than five minutes."

"I wouldn't loan it to my guy friends, but sure, I'd 
loan it to you, Susan," he agreed.  Step inside a 
moment and I'll go and get it."

"Did you have a good time at the pool today, Susan?" 
asked his mother while he was heading towards his 

In the distance Bruce could overhear Susan telling his 
Mom of how he had defended her when a guy did 
something embarrassing to her.  By the time he 
returned with the camera, his Mom was smiling and 
ruffled his hair, before turning to leave them to talk 

"You didn't need to tell anyone and make it even more 
embarrassing for yourself," he told her.  "Just forget 
about it if you can, Sue."

"Your Mom needs to know what a great guy her son is, 
Bruce," she countered.  "I'll be back in five."

"No problem," he agreed.  "Maybe we could head over to 
the mall when you are done.  I've got enough change 
for an ice cream cone for each of us."

"That's almost like a date!" she exclaimed.

"Sure it is," he agreed.

"For sure," she said.  "Thanks, Bruce!"  With that she 
was gone.

"My son played the hero today, didn't you?" asked his 
Mom with a smile.

"Hey, it seems to have got me a chance to hang out 
with a girl, so I'm the winner," he stated.

"Oh, you certainly are a winner," she agreed as she 
ruffled his hair once again.  Just to make her point, 
she kissed his forehead before letting him return to 
his room.

Bruce answered the door when Susan returned, and found 
him pulled outside of the apartment for a moment.  
"I'm begging you to put this down without looking at 
it until later today," said Susan.

"I don't understand, but sure, Sue," he agreed.  "Why 
are we whispering out here?  You could have told me 
that inside."

"It's sort of a really, really secret thing for me, 
Bruce," she said.  "Don't mind me, I'm just sort of 
being kind of stupid, I suppose."

"That you aren't, but whatever," he responded.  "Let 
me put this down in my room, you can watch me so you 
see I don't look, and then we'll head over for the ice 
cream.  Okay?"

"You bet!" she confirmed, leaning up to give him a 
little kiss before they went into his apartment.

"Mom, we're going..." he started until his Mom stopped 

"I heard," she said.  "Have a good time, and as long 
as you are back in time for supper."

"Me be late for supper?" responded Bruce.  "You should 
know me better than that, Mom!"

"But it's not always you have a pretty girl to be with 
so you might loose track of time," she said with a 
smile.  Bruce had put the camera down, with Susan and 
his Mom remaining just outside his room door.

"Don't embarrass her, Mom," he cautioned.  "I don't 
want to scare her off!"

"Your Mom didn't embarrass me, and I don't think she 
could scare me off from you, Bruce," stated Susan.  
"You're my protector!"

"I'll use any excuse I can use to be your friend, 
Sue," he said as he came over to the two girls now in 
his life.  "Does that entitle me to another of those 
sweet kisses?"

"Now that is embarrassing," declared Sue.  "In front 
of your Mom?"

"And why not?" asked his mother, looking at Susan.

"Why not," she responded as she leaned over to kiss 
him once again.  "I don't need to keep it a secret, do 
I," she said rather than asked.

"That's better!" declared his Mom with another big 
smile.  "Off you go, and enjoy your ice cream.  Don't 
spoil your appetite, Bruce."

"You must think you exchanged me for a new guy, Mom," 
he said.  "Nothing spoils my appetite, especially for 
your cooking!  One day, I'm going to want Susan to 
come for supper here and let her find out how good it 

"Why not today?" suggested his Mom.

"Fantastic!" declared Bruce.  "What do you say, 

"I need to get my Mom's permission, but I'm sure she'd 
agree.  Thanks, Mrs. Burns.  I'll speak to her before 
we go over to the plaza."

That permission was obtained, and came with yet 
another big smile from her Mom this time.  Finally, 
they were able to head out for the treat they both 
wanted, and the company they were beginning to really 

As they walked towards the plaza, Susan said to Bruce, 
"I took a special picture just for you, Bruce," she 
said.  "I hope you will like it, and that you will 
keep it a secret from everybody, even your Mom."

"There's not much I hide from my Mom, Sue," he said.

"When you see the picture, I think you will 
understand," she said.  "Just remember, it is a gift 
to you, and not something that should be for anyone 

"A gift in my camera.  This I've got to see!  Watch 
the car," he warned Susan as he grabbed her wrist.

"See," she said as they crossed the intervening road.  
"Still my protector!"

The ice cream was almost a forgotten thing they talked 
and walked and talked so long.  It was one of the 
stores pulling closed it's shutters that brought the 
time to Bruce's attention, checked to find it was 
getting very close to suppertime, with Susan coming to 
the same realization at the same time.  Together they 
turned and headed out at a very rapid pace, towards 
his Mom's good cooking.

"May I show Susan some of the games I have that she 
might like, Mom?" asked Bruce as they were finishing 
the meal.

"Sure you may," she agreed, "but leave your room door 
open while she's visiting."

"Oh, Mom, I'm not getting her on my bed," he stated.

"The rule still stands!" she declared with a 
determined look he knew not to push.

"Okay, Mom, okay!" he said.  "Coming Sue?"

"I'm going to help your Mom with the clean up first, 
Bruce," she said.  "I'll be there when it's done."

"Now that's a good idea," he responded.  "You can earn 
a few points that way!"

Bruce got a cuff on the back of his head as Mom passed 
by, but it was a type that said everything was okay, 
not a 'don't do it again' cuff.

It took Susan several minutes of instruction and help 
to get her well involved in the game he had shown her, 
and she did like it just as much as he had suspected.  
When she was getting around well in it, Bruce took up 
his camera, and went to sit on the side of his bed.  
Susan had not noticed, for her attention was on the 

Scanning through the pictures, Bruce had started at 
the beginning of the shots he had not yet downloaded 
on his computer.  When he came to the picture Susan 
had taken, he stopped dead, and stared at it, only his 
penis moving as it became instantly hard.  The picture 
was showing her naked vulva, hairless, and legs 
slightly spread.  From the low angle it was shot, it 
showed the slot going all the way back to her lower 
bum cheeks.  It was ever so slightly out of focus, 
probably because her hand had been shaking, but 
certainly clear enough that he was able to see what he 
had wondered about so often.  Now he understood all 
her requests for secrecy, but could not believe she 
had actually taken it for him.  Quietly he slipped the 
camera into hiding, and sat trying to forget it so he 
could loose his erection before it was noticed.

"Your mother is on the phone, Susan," called his 
mother.  "She wants an idea of how much longer you're 
going to be."

"May I stay another ten minutes, Mrs. Burns?" she 
asked.  "I'm almost able to beat this level of the 

Following a few seconds of silence as she talked on 
the phone, she called back that it was okay for that 
time, and then showed up at the door.  Seeing him 
sitting on his bed, several feet away from where Susan 
was, gave her the confidence to leave them once again, 
following the usual mother's smile she gave him so 
often.  It had allowed his condition to leave for the 
moment, however, so he was able to come up and stand 
behind Susan as she continued playing the game.

"You're getting pretty good at it for a girl, Susan," 
he told her.

Wither or not it was him speaking about it, Susan's 
character died at about that moment, and announced the 
end of her game for today.  Putting down the 
controller, she got up and turned to Bruce.  "This has 
been a really great evening, Bruce," she said.  "I had 
a great meal, and lots of fun on your computer.  
Thanks for letting me come over."

"Trust me, I enjoyed having you, Sue," he assured her 
as he took her into his arms.  "Something tells me we 
are going to become even better friends."

Susan pressed her entire front against him, letting 
her breasts press to his chest, and their bellies 
against each other's.  "Maybe when you see the picture 
in your camera, you will get an idea of how important 
it is to me that we get along super good."

"I saw it already," he admitted while his penis 
started hardening again.  Already it was pressing 
against her, as he said, "I don't believe you did it 
for me, will keep it a secret like you asked, but I'm 
going to spend a lot of time looking at it."

"I didn't know how I was going to be able to face you 
after you saw it, but I guess I don't have to worry 
about that again," she said.  "Thank you for letting 
me feel what I feel down there."

"I can see that you were shaking when you took the 
picture, Sue," he told her.  "I don't know how to 
thank you, and I guess you know what guys do when they 
are alone.  I'll be looking at it tonight while I do 
that, once I see you home."

"Maybe you should let me go alone," she suggested.  
"Someone might see the bulge in your pants if you were 
to go with me."

"You feel so good next to me, and being able to have 
it press against you is like a dream coming true," he 
said.  "I might have to show you how to take the 
picture over again so that your shaking won't bother 
the camera.  For tonight, I'll imagine taking it over 
for you, looking at the real thing."

"Don't talk about it too much or you'll get too 
excited," she cautioned.  When she leaned up to kiss 
him, she was totally against him, legs, bellies, 
chests and lips.  Each other held on with a firm hold 
of their arms and hands, and shared a long, warm, and 
exciting kiss with each other.  "I'll see you 
tomorrow?" she asked when the kiss ended.

"I'll see you tonight, and I hope tomorrow as well," 
he said.  "Do you want to do something together?"

"Yes," she confirmed.  "I don't care what it is, as 
long as I can be with you."

"I'll call on you once Mom has left for work in the 
morning," he told her, and stole another kiss, albeit 
shorter this time.

Five minutes later, Bruce was masturbating in the 
bathroom, his camera on the counter before him.  It 
was as good as he could remember, and it was always 

The next morning, Bruce had already masturbated again, 
this time with the picture on his computer screen, 
nice and life sized before him.  His Mom had left for 
work, just before, and he had to get it in before he 
went to call on the girl of his special interest.  It 
was good, took a lot of clean up, and persisted in 
dribbling long after it was done.

"Good morning," greeted Susan when she opened the door 
to his knock.

"Good morning, Susan," he replied as he looked over 
the tube top and short skirt she had on.

"Come on in for a minute," she said, holding the door 
ajar for him to enter.  "Mom has left already, so I 
have the rest of the day, but need to know what to 
wear for what we are going to do."

"What you are wearing is perfect for me, but not 
something I'd want to see you wearing on the street or 
where anyone else could see how pretty you are," he 

"Was it good for you?" she asked as she blushed and 
looked down at her feet.

"Only the real thing could have made it better," he 
said.  "Damn it, I want to hold you like last night, 
and kiss you again the same way."

"What's stopping you?" she asked as she held out her 
arms to him.  This time, his penis was already up and 
against his belly as she pressed against it.  "Oh, 
that feels good!"

Standing where they were, they kissed repeatedly for 
several minutes, with Bruce taking full advantage of 
Susan by running his hands over the round protrusions 
inside her tube top.  Not once did she show any sign 
of resistance, only a willingness to allow his 

"Any chance I could set the camera up to take a 
clearer picture of you?" he asked.

"I guess so," she agreed shyly.  "Did you bring it?"

"No, but I could get it from my place real fast," he 

"Let's go to your place and let me take it there," she 

Once the door was locked, they walked the short 
distance to his place, he unlocked, and gave her 
entry, following immediately behind.  Inside, he 
headed to his bedroom, got the camera, and turned to 
find her standing just behind him.

"You take the picture, Bruce," she said.  "If you're 
my boyfriend, then you get that right."

"Oh, Sue!" he exclaimed.  "You've got to know how much 
I'd like that, but it is not a right I have.  Seeing 
you in pictures or for real could only be a privilege 
that you could grant."

"Promise me that you will only put your hands on my 
breasts, and I'll pose for you to take all sorts of 
pictures," she said.  "Nobody could ever see them away 
from you and me, thought."

"I have ways to hide them even on my computer," he 
told her.  "Nobody would ever see them but me, and you 
know very often.  As to touching you, if you are going 
to let me touch your breasts, then I'm miles ahead of 
where I had hoped to be yesterday.  Whatever you say 
will be my limit, I'll be thrilled to go that far, and 
no further."

"You're the only guy I'd trust what you say for you to 
do," she said.  "That sounded almost goofy, but you 
know what I mean."

"It's going to be tough doing it, but I'll make sure 
you can trust me," he assured her.  "What do you want 
me to do?"

"Stand there and watch me undress, get a hard-on, and 
then take some pictures," she responded.

"It's already hard, and I'm ready if you are," he 

Reaching up to her tube top, Susan pulled one side 
down, revealing one entire breast to him.  Bruce 
looked, turned his eyes to the ceiling, whispered 
'thank-you' and turned his eyes back to see her second 
breast coming out.  He had the presence of mind to 
grab his camera, and took a shot of her bare breasts, 
her tube top already down to her waist.

Sue turned partially to one side, and another shot was 
added to his collection.  Then she pushed the top 
down, and removed it from over her feet, slipping out 
of the slip on shoes she had worn.  Even her feet out 
of her shoes looked sexy to him.  Then she was undoing 
her skirt, letting it drop to around her ankles.  
Underneath she had worn the bikini bottom she had on 
at the pool yesterday.

"You are so beautiful, and sexy, Susan," he told her.

"Do you want to pull the string like Gordon  did 
yesterday?" she asked.

"You'd better believe it," he confirmed.

His hands were the ones shaking as he got hold of one 
end of the shoe lace type string, pulled it slowly, 
and was rewarded by it falling open, revealing even 
the top of her vulva slot to his wide opened eyes.  
This time, he looked, and did not have to look away to 
go and punch anybody's lights out.

"Try the other side," she suggested, turning it 
towards him.

"There can't be anyone cuter, or sexier than you, 
Sue," he declared quietly.

Taking the string of the other side, he pulled it to 
where it was just short of coming loose, looked up 
into her eyes as she was watching, and then pulled the 
last little bit.  The entire bikini bottom dangled 
from the grip he had on the string, and he knew she 
was totally naked, but still looked into her eyes.

"It's time to see a naked girl," she said.  "See if I 
qualify to be your girlfriend."

"That's a stupid thing to say!" he exclaimed.  "You 
couldn't be a closer friend than you are right now, 
and that's nothing to do with you being naked."

"Please take your first look so you can tell me that 
I'm pretty enough, Bruce," she pleaded.  "I feel like 
I'm going to die until you've told me!"

Bruce stepped back immediately, looked, got down on 
his knees and looked some more.  "This is the most 
perfect thing I've ever seen," he said.  "You are 
beautiful!" he said as he placed his hands on her 
hips, and then pulled them away again.

"Why did you pull away like that?" she asked.

"I promised to not touch anywhere but your breasts," 
he reminded her.

"You can touch my hips, legs, and even my butt if you 
want Bruce," she said.  "It's only this part I'm kind 
of scared about," she said as she touched her own 

Standing up, he placed his hands on her shoulders, and 
said, "If you are scared, then get dressed."

"Oh, Bruce," she said, placing her hands on his arms.  
"I am not scared of showing anything to you, but 
afraid if you were to touch that part, I couldn't stop 
what would happen.  I don't want to get pregnant, but 
would do anything you want, other than going all the 

"Even let me hold you while you are naked?" he asked.

"Would you, please?" she responded until she was 
enfolded in his arms.  "Oh, this feels so, so good!"

"My girlfriend, naked in my arms!" he said.  "If it 
wouldn't scare you, I'd love to hug you with us both 
naked.  Don't worry, I know that would bother you, so 
I won't."

"It would be my dream come true, Bruce," she said.  
"If you'd promise to not fuck me than I'd be thrilled 
to see that wonderful hard thing of yours."

"Could we compromise?" he asked.  "I'm willing to 
promise to not fuck you until you say it is okay.  I 
have a feeling that we will do it one day, and will 
wait until you are ready."

"Could you go one better, and promise to not fuck me 
even when I want you to?" she asked.  "I'm the one 
that I'm scared of, not you."

Letting his head drop forward on her shoulder, he 
waited for long moments before he answered, for his 
thoughts were so full.  Then, as he hugged her even 
tighter, he got a little look at her bare bum from 
above, pulled back and looked into her eyes.  "No, my 
sweet, sexy girl, I could not promise that.  If you 
said yes, I'd be into you before you finished saying 
that it was okay to do it.  You've got to help me, 
work with me, and together we can not go too far."

"Since you are so perfect as a boyfriend, and I'm so 
anxious to see you naked, I'll do my best," she said.  
"I knew you were the right guy for me, and please 
don't think it is corny, but I love you!"

"I don't think it is corny, but have been a little 
slow in telling you, I love you, too, Susan.  Not just 
for your body, but all of you.  The way you think, 
act, talk with me, and just about everything I know 
about you, all make me feel strange inside, like you 
are just another part of me.  Guess that sounds bad, 
but I hope you know what I mean."

"What it means is you are the same perfect guy I've 
loved for a long time, Bruce.  Take your things off, 
and let's go from there."

"Give me strength," he said looking at the ceiling.  
Then he was removing his clothing piece by piece, 
pausing just before he took the final plunge and 
pushed his briefs down and off.  Then he was just as 
naked as the girl before him, and he knew he wanted to 
be inside her, even if it was not today.

"So by fourteen a guy has some hair down there, does 
he?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

"I think it started about a year ago," he told her.  
"Does seeing it make you feel the same as when I see 
your ...?"

"Cunt," she completed for him.  "You can call it my 
cunt if you want!  Yes, I guess it must feel the same 
for me, for it is about as good as I imagined, maybe 
even better, for I didn't think it would be so large, 
even though I've felt it against my belly."

"We can't get that close or I'd come," he cautioned.  
"I've never been so close to coming and not come yet."

Susan reached out, took his hand and pulled him over 
towards the bed.  As she lay on her back, she pulled 
him down until he was leaning over her, and said, 
"Press it to my belly and come, Bruce."  Then she 
pulled him again, causing him to drop on top of her.  
Seconds later, his entire weight was upon her, for he 
was coming, his seed spewing out against her naked 
belly, and on his as well.

"I...can't...stay...up...!" he exclaimed as the juices flowed 

"It's okay, Bruce," she said as she caressed his back 
and butt.  "Don't try!  Lay on top of me!"

Nearly a minute passed before Bruce was able to push 
his weight up under his own muscle control.  Looking 
down at her face, he had to lean back over her, and 
kiss her with all the passion he could manage.  Even 
his tongue went out, and played with hers, and she 
responded the same way.  Finally, he said, "I do love 
you, Sue!  I love being able to do this with you, 
seeing your naked body, being naked before you, and 
still having my very best friend stay my friend.  I 
will always love you!"

"There you go again, being the perfect guy!" she 
declared.  "I love you more than anything or anyone in 
this world, Bruce!  I can't say no to you, so when you 
are ready then you can fuck me and make me really 
yours for forever!"

"The guys and I were getting funny one day, and we 
bought some condoms," he told her.  "I still have a 
few that I kept from that day.  We could wait as well, 
but I know I'm going to want to do it with you today!"

"It will be today, Bruce," she declared.  "Yes, use a 
condom, when it is time, and please be as gentle as I 
know you will be.  I'm really going to get it today!  
And no little one either, but a nice big cock!  Man, 
do I wish you could do it again right now!"

"I can't Sue, but we need to clean up as well," he 
told her.  "Want us to take a shower together?"

"Oh, yes!" she declared.  "It can't get any better 
than this!"

Some of his discharge had to be cleaned up with 
tissues before they could move without it dripping 
onto the carpet.  Then it was the two walking side by 
side, pressing against each other than headed into the 
bathroom, and straight into the tub.  Bruce got the 
temperature right, turned the shower on, and stood 
back up beside Sue as the water flowed over their 
fronts.  They were to have sex that very day, probably 
not too long from then, and heaven had been reached 

The water was warm and nice and at least three times 
they bathed each other from head to toe, Bruce not 
worrying about his hair getting wet, with only Susan 
trying to avoid it.  As they dried each other off, all 
the restrictions had been lifted, and neither felt any 
thing prevented contact with their partner's most 
intimate part.  His penis went into her mouth several 
times, sometimes for long moments of stimulation, 
while he was given full access to kiss her naked 
vulva, even to press firmly into the slot when he 
spread the lips open.  Only an occasional groan could 
be heard from either of them.

Together they returned to his bedroom, naked side 
against naked side, and straight to the hiding place 
he had stored the condoms in.  Taking one out, he had 
it removed from his hand.  Susan opened the wrap, took 
it out and put it on his hard penis.  Turning to the 
bed, she climbed up onto it, her butt and crotch 
showing as she did, laid back down on her back, and 
opened her legs.  With her arms extended, she accepted 
him over top of her.  Bruce located the opening to her 
vagina, positioned his penis, and then drew his hands 
out of the way.  As he looked into her eyes, and she 
stared back, Susan lost her virginity with the 
smallest of whimpers.

Before proceeding, Bruce waited until he saw that 
Susan was ready, and began to do as his instincts 
demanded, picking up speed as it progressed.  His 
entire shaft fit inside her vagina, allowing his belly 
to bump into her vulva with each stroke, her cries 
confirming that she was enjoying it happening.  It was 
not until her second climax that Bruce reached his, 
and his weight came down onto her once again.  With 
her hugging him he knew she was ready to support his 
full weight, and allowed himself to enjoy the climax.

They had pulled apart, and were sitting around a long 
time before the first words were said.  "I'm your girl 
for as long as you want me, Bruce," said Susan.

"I hope you have an understanding that I want you to 
be my girl for just as long," he responded.  "Sue, 
that was so beautiful and nice, I feel that words seem 
too small to say how I feel."

"That means you will have to say it again when you 
fuck me the next time," she suggested.  "I have an 
idea you will need to buy some more condoms, too."

"Will you look at that body you have," he exclaimed.  
"Everything about you is so perfect; all the curves 
and the softness of your skin - just everything!"

"I find you handsome too, Bruce," she said.  "We can 
stay this way for most of today, do it some more 
times, and even shower again, if you want.  There is 
nothing I wouldn't do for you!"

"Pose for me then," he said as he remembered his 
camera.  "Let me have some pictures of your 
everything, so I can remember when we can't be 

"Take some with your cock stuck inside me," she 
suggested.  "Anything you want is okay with me."

Pictures they took!  Every conceivable pose, some of 
them together, and others of each of them alone.  
There was not a single aspect of their bodies that was 
not capture, even when they needed to take a bathroom 
break.  Instead of it being a break, each was caught 
in images of them relieving their bladders, Bruce 
going immediately after Susan had finished.

It was soon after that when they began posing with his 
penis inside her.  Starting with it in her mouth, it 
was next into her vagina, just a little, and then all 
the way.  By Susan lying on his desk, he was able to 
come up and fully penetrate her, allowing the view of 
his almost disappeared penis between her spread vulva 
lips.  Then she was turned over, penetrated from 
behind, and once again, other pictures were captured.  
From the view he had of her asshole, spread as it was, 
he placed his cock at it, and to his surprise, was 
allowed to go in.  Once again the camera caught his 
penetration, clearly going into her rectum.  While in 
there, he came, without any protection, and claimed 
her body with his seed inside her, even if it was not 
her vagina.

Both of them were waiting in the lobby when their 
mothers returned home.  Susan's Mom came in first, and 
came over to sit beside her daughter, Bruce being on 
the other side of her.  He was about to speak when 
Susan noticed his mother approaching, and stopped him 
from saying anything.  She noticed them, and realized 
something special was happening.  Coming over, she sat 
down beside her son, on the other end from Susan's 

"Susan and I have prepared supper for both of you," 
said Bruce.  "We hope it is alright with you, Mom, but 
took a chance to make it at our place.  "Would you 
come and join us for supper, Ma'am?" he asked of 
Susan's mother.

"Isn't this a surprise," she exclaimed.  "Yes, I'd be 
very pleased to have the supper you've made for us.  
To what do we owe this treat?"

"Any chance we could eat first?" asked Susan.

"Sure," agreed Bruce's mother.  "Are we all ready to 
go upstairs?"

They rode up in the elevator with another tenant along 
with them.  Nothing more was said, even as they passed 
the door to Susan's home.  Bruce opened the door, and 
there in the kitchenette beside the kitchen, the table 
was fully set in preparedness, with flowers in the 
middle, and candles on two sides of that.

Both their mothers headed towards the bathroom to wash 
their hands, and share a little speculation about the 
event.  Bruce and Susan got out the meal they had 
prepared, and dished it up onto the four plates, 
setting them on the table before he remembered to 
light the candles.  With the mothers at the two ends 
of the table, they sat on the one side, for the other 
was against the wall.

"Damn, this is good meat loaf, guys," said his mother 
after tasting it; "gravy and all!"

"Everything is pretty special, and so are the glows on 
two young faces," said Susan's Mom.

"We did what we are not supposed to, but with 
protection," said Bruce, his head hung low.  "I'm 
sorry we couldn't wait, but it seemed so right."

"Well, well!" exclaimed his mother.  "Hold your head 
up, Son for at least you had the courage to share the 
fact with us.  It's a little early for the two of you, 
but I think we both understand."

"How do you feel about each other now?" asked Susan's 

"He's got to be the greatest guy ever, Mom!" exclaimed 

"I am going to ask Susan to marry me when we are a 
little older, Ma'am," said Bruce.  "It wasn't just 
what we did, but she is my best friend, we talk, do 
other things that make me feel like she's a part of 
me.  I love her with all my heart, and want to never 
be apart from her!"

"When he asks, I'm saying 'yes'," added Susan.

"And after the sex, you still had time to cook this 
beautiful meal," observed his mother.  "This has got 
to be pretty serious."

"I know there are going to be all sorts of problems to 
overcome, but we can work through them, Mom.  While I 
can't imagine it, I even know Susan and I will argue 
with each other, but we'll get through those too.  
It's just so right being with her, doing things on the 
computer, everything we did, I don't know how to tell 
you how we feel, or at least how I feel.  Maybe Susan 
could say it better."

"Bruce made me complete today, Mom," she said.  "I 
want to feel that way again."

"Are you sleeping here tonight, or at my place?" asked 
Susan's Mom.

"I'll want you two to take turns at which place you 
sleep, but I guess it was inevitable," declared 
Bruce's Mom.  "I don't want any pregnancy either."

"We use protection, Mom," said Bruce.  "I went and 
bought as many as I could afford awhile ago while 
Susan took care of what was cooking.  Are you both 
really going to let us be together?"

"That's something that seems inevitable, since you 
will both be here alone every day while we work," said 
Susan's Mom.  "We might as well be honest enough to 
admit it is happening, and try to make it a little 
better for everyone.  After supper, I'll take Susan, 
and install an I U D into her, so you can save those 
condoms for another time, or sell them to your 
friends," she suggested.

"Eat before it gets too cold," instructed his mother.  
"When we are finished, I want to get a hug from each 
of you."

"So what are the tears for, Mom?" asked Bruce.

"Because I'm all mixed up inside," she said.  "I'm 
happy, sad, proud and worried all at the same time.  I 
didn't expect this just yet, but still want that 
little baby boy I nursed at my breasts.  I love you, 
and love the choice you've made, how you've handled 
it...just everything!"

"Boy do you have that right!" exclaimed Susan's Mom.  
She too was clearly crying, and each got their own 
offspring into their arms.  They would use the 
microwave to heat up the food, but holding each other 
seemed more important at this moment.