The old man had been sitting in the cemetery for over an hour in
the misting rain. The weather seemed to match his mood as James
sat and thought about the things that were stealing the happiness
from his life. He found himself doing that a lot lately. Ever
since Mary left; not when she died but when the cancer took 'her'
away and left that poor sick woman who died several weeks later.
A car driving by on the road blew its horn, somebody who
recognized him and wanted to say hello. In a small town people
are like that, even after you tell them to go to Hell. He was
aware that some of his friends were beginning to worry about him
a bit. He knew all this sitting around pondering the whys and how
comes of his life, made him seem slightly neurotic, crazy in a
harmless sort of way. Over the last few months James had been
thinking of his life and what value it held without Mary. His
whole world had been built around the two of them; he didn't
think that he could ever be happy again without her. It was as if
someone had ripped her from his heart like a huge tree, leaving a
hole as big as a swimming pool in his soul. If only she had been
a tree, then he could simply plant another one and wait a few
years for it to grow. What if he could replace Mary? What kind of
risk would he take if he could get the old Mary back? Not her, he
knew that was never to be, but a young and exciting girl like the
one that he had fallen in love with. Could life become good
again? Watching the younger people he knew, he doubted that
anybody was going to be very happy. Nobody had the time for
happiness these days. With all the damage that women's liberation
had caused to the American family, it seemed that at least the
women should be happy. But as James looked at the women he knew,
they didn't seem happy at all. The only people helped by women's
liberation were big business. The fact that women would work
harder and for less money was only the beginning. They made
millions selling her the 'second car' so she could get to work.
They made millions selling her the clothes that she would need to
dress up five days a week. They made millions selling the
machines that they made to take her place, washing machines and
driers, microwaves and frozen dinners. James began to think that
anything you might do to reverse this way of thought would be a
noble deed, a deed noble enough to shed some innocent blood for.
Right and wrong were not fixed points any more; they wavered and
moved about, different for a poor man than a rich one. James felt
that he had made a slight shift in the way his mind viewed
everything. With this new viewpoint, he was re-evaluating
everything. All his value judgments were themselves being judged.
The rights and the wrongs of life had gotten hazy and unfocused
in his mind. He began to believe that women were predestined to
be submissive. It was this feature in their personality that
allowed them to always make the sacrifices that their families
sometimes needed. A mother would gladly go without food to feed
her child. It was part of what made a mother a mother. A true
lover will always be willing to serve her love. A woman is at her
best when she willingly gives herself to another who loves her.
James trained animals for a living, could he train a woman to be
an old fashioned girl submissive and obedient yet still let her
keep her pride and spirit? He did it with dogs every day. The
idea burned in his mind, late at night he would sometimes wake up
with a solution to an aspect of the training he would need to do.
As his mind wrestled with the overall concept, some of the
details began to come clear to him. He needed to write it all
down and take the whole concept through one step at a time, see
if he had missed anything. If, and that was a big IF, he did do
something, he would be betting his life on the outcome. It was
two weeks later that he thought maybe his friends were right to
worry about him. He felt just crazy enough to do something. He
thought that he had worked it out to the point that it was time
to fish or cut bait. He was ready to do something. And besides,
he couldn't lose, without a partner life ain't worth living. The
thought that he might actually do this thing made him shiver with
delightful anticipation. He started to tap out words on his
keyboard. To his ears they sounded like the furtive tapping of
Andy Dufresnes' rock hammer and just as surely as the hammer led
Andy from Shawshank, his tapping tonight could free him. He loved
that movie "The Shawshank Redemption". Just as a clear mind and a
good plan had helped Andy to raise above all his unhappiness, it
would do the same for him. It sounded almost like a prayer, 'help
me rise above, Lord'. James smiled as he typed and he typed for
the next three hours. Later he was in the kitchen drawing
detailed plans for different devices that he would have to build,
adapt, and invent in his shop. He figured that he had four weeks
of steady work before he could be ready to make his first move.
Over the next few weeks James worked on his dream. He was lucky
that his father had built a fallout shelter and taken great pains
to hide it. He had hidden a large room under a storm shelter. It
was impossible to tell it was there. He had even built a small
elevator to get in and out with. There was no door only the
elevator. His task was to convert that shelter into a cell, a
place to train a woman as though she were an animal. It took a
combination of both inventiveness and craftsmanship, neither of
which could be rushed. When he was tired from making his
arrangements he would take rides looking for the best spots to
make the pick-ups. He had cruised by the spots where the hookers
were found, but he had decided that they wouldn't do for him. He
drove by the colleges, there were three in his city alone, and
lots of pretty girls there, but they still had dreams of what
life could offer them. In the end James had decided that he
wanted an older woman twenty-seven or eight up to thirty-one or
so. He wanted a woman who had already been disappointed by the
rewards that life was giving her. So he began to look in
supermarkets and shopping malls. The days passed, and as they did
he accumulated all the equipment he thought he might need. He
still had trouble sometimes believing that he was doing it,
really doing it. Today he finished the last of the pieces to the
loop and stick device. Sometimes as he worked on a piece of
equipment, as he would admire his work he would also consider how
it was going to feel to all those women he would use it on. He
would get to thinking about what he was really doing and have to
stop and sit down. If, God forbid, he was wrong, if for whatever
reason the woman didn't come around. His entire plan depended on
his being able to make them come to terms with and accept their
new role. A man had to consider the complete damnation of the
thing if he was wrong. In reality he was betting everything that
he could correct the social imprints of a lifetime in just four
weeks. If he didn't succeed? Well in that sad case then he would
be just one more of a large number of sex criminals with an
innocent young person held against her will. He would be an
outlaw and a pervert, with the innocent victim downstairs to
prove it. Or more likely, he would have to sit in jail while she
rotted undiscovered in the secret room. What if somehow they shot
and killed him, what would become of the girl in training? On
this day the thought was too heavy to bear, he decided to call it
quits for the day. James locked the shop behind him and walked
the hundred yards behind his house to the mound of earth. It
stood only four feet higher than the ground around it but it was
where the key to his happiness would be buried. He walked to the
backside where the door was located; from here you could not be
seen from the road or from any of the neighbors' houses, opening
the door he stepped inside. James found himself standing in a
room eighteen feet by thirty feet. It was empty, there were
shelves but they only emphasized the room's emptiness by being
empty themselves. He was still unsure what he should put on the
shelves, but he wanted this room to look used. Checking with a
quick glance behind him that the door was shut, James walked to
the far corner where there was a sump pump set into the floor.
Reaching down he found the concealed latch in the drainpipe and
pulled the lever. A motor whirred to life somewhere and the
entire thing, sump pit, grate, and four square feet of the floor
rose up, revealing it to be a small elevator. The sump pump was
connected to rubber lines that coiled and uncoiled as it went up
or down. James stepped inside and put his key in the control and
the car started to go back down. When it stopped James stepped
into another world. He was standing in a room larger than the one
above; it was the size of a small apartment. It contained
everything that a well set up apartment might have in it. There
was a sleeping area with a nice queen size bed. There was a
kitchen and dinning area, a living area with a wide screen TV and
a computer, and a bathroom with a shower and a tub.  The most
striking thing though was the cage in the corner next to the bed.
It was like an oversized dog crate but the bars were much thicker
and one side butted against the wall. James inspected the floor
closely, he had really put in some time on that but he thought
that it was the most important step in the training. He flipped a
switch on the panel above the cage and watched as little silver
studs came sliding up through the rubber floor. It was one silver
stud every inch in every direction. The entire floor was covered
with the studs, anything bigger than a postage stamp would have
to touch at least one of the studs. One was all it took. James
smiled as he flipped the switch back to off and the studs sunk
beneath the rubber surface. He examined the dildo that hung from
the wall in the cage; bending closer he checked on the rocker
switch located at its base. He checked the two pressure switches
built into the wall two feet to each side of the rubber cock.
Again, he found everything to be ready. He was like a man who had
built the world's best fish tank. Now he needed to get a fish to
put inside it. If he had the nerve to go through with it, he
thought as he rode the elevator back up to the storm shelter
room. James walked into his otherwise empty house. It seemed his
whole life was empty these days; the thought was one more in a
long line of depressing thoughts that he was going through. He
wife of some thirty years had passed, his children had found
other lives in other places. His son was in the army and was now
in Asia somewhere; he moved around a lot. His daughter was
married and lived with an airline pilot in London. James only got
a chance to see them maybe once every couple of years. Truth be
told, he had been lonely even before Mary had passed on. For the
last few months of her life she had turned more and more to the
church for everything that she needed. It had made him jealous at
the time; he had drawn her away from her strict religionist
upbringing and let her taste the joys of sin. But before she died
she had left him and went back to the church like it was an old
lover. The woman did know that she was dying, so why wouldn't she
want to get right with God? If it had remained between God and
Mary, James could have accepted it with good grace but he
couldn't accept the church and all those self-righteous assholes
sticking their noses into what should have been their time. He
put up with it until the end but after Mary had left him and went
back to her God, James had quit the church and asked the
holy-rollers and bible thumpers to stay away from him and his
home. Since everybody belonged to one of the four churches that
dotted the highway passing through town, he was pretty much a
hermit. Just an old fart that was content to live out his life by
himself. Until lately, but here in the last few months he had
found himself changing. James had gotten to the point that he
wanted the comfort that only a woman could give to him. That's
how the whole thing got started; he wanted a woman but he didn't
want the sort of woman that was out there today. James wanted an
old fashioned woman. This is where the daydream used to stop,
because they didn't make women like that any more. Everything was
different now though because he thought that he could make an old
fashioned woman starting with a girl of today's world. James
poured himself a cup of coffee and carried it to the bathroom
with him. Once inside he stripped off his clothes and adjusted
the shower water temperature, sipping on his coffee while he
waited for the cold water in the pipes to warm up. As he waited
he looked at himself in the mirror. He saw an average man of
medium build, with gray hair and a bald spot that was growing.
All his life people had made remarks about how sparkly blue his
eyes were, but the man he was looking at in the mirror had blue
eyes that seemed to hold sadness rather than a sparkle to them.
James missed his wife; not the old and sick woman who had just
died but the young, hot, eager, and willing girl he had fell in
love with. If people had seen a sparkle in his eyes, it was Mary
who put it there. She had been his sparkle, but toward the end
she lost that sparkle inspiring spirit. The cancer took her
sparkle as well as his before it took what was left of her. He
had lost that bright and twinkling happiness, it was gone
forever. She was gone, forever, leaving only sadness and
emptiness in his soul. James mentally jerked his mind from the
downward spiral he had been on. She was gone but he and she had
enjoyed so much together. "Better to have loved and lost, than
never to have loved at all." The old quote filled his mind as he
struggled to rise out of the depression he was sinking into. He
had to do something or he was going to go crazy or kill himself.
He took another drink of his coffee before he let it get too cold
to drink. As he sat the cup back on the sink he scanned down his
body in the mirror. His body was in good shape for his age; all
that working out with the dogs had kept him fit. The only unusual
thing about him was his shaved pubic area; he had shaved his
privates for the last twenty years. His mind rushed back to the
first time. He had wanted her to do something that would put her
in a submissive posture as she did a chore for him. The only
thing he could come up with was shaving his privates. The guy in
the mirror smiled as he remembered that first time. Mary had
knelt before him and lathered hic pubic area and then so
carefully shaved him with a bic razor. Her fingers covered in
shaving cream, she had lifted each of his balls as she shaved
around them and behind them. It had been very sexy and it was
something that they both enjoyed. James had had to do it himself
since she went into the hospital; now he thought that he looked
cleaner and neater. Somehow he felt that it would be similar to
letting her grave go unattended, to allow a wild growth of hair
growing between his legs. He checked the water and then stepped
inside the shower. He lathered himself up with the last of his
wife's designer soap. She had found a good deal on the stuff and
had bought a case; it had lasted him fourteen months longer than
she had lasted. He wanted so bad to be able to talk to Mary about
what he was planning. He considered his plan again, and wondered
if she would've approved. Somehow he felt that she would've been
very supportive about the scheme. The more he thought of it the
more he thought that it might work. Best of all it would be fair
for everybody, even the girl. James decided that he should at
least go out scouting for a woman. If he found one he could take
then he would take her, if not then some other day he would find
the right girl in the right place. He rinsed the soap from his
body and dried himself with a large fluffy towel. Tonight was the
night. He dressed and started out to his truck. James shook his
head as he thought of all the money and time he had wasted on the
secret room and all the equipment inside. As he walked through
his kennels the barking of his dogs drowned out his thoughts.
James trained dogs for service work and sold them to various
state and government agencies. He took the time as he walked
through the kennels to stroke each dog's head and pat his back;
every dog got a kind word and a friendly pat on the back. By the
time he reached his truck his body had already re-acquired the
smell of a dog again. James drove by all the spots that he had
scouted in the past. He knew where it would be safe to take a
woman. He knew where the cameras would see and he knew where the
blind spots were. He drove through three supermarkets and a strip
mall without seeing anything promising. He had time; he could
wait until he found the snatch with no risk to himself, he just
had to keep looking until he found it. It was nearly nine now,
the mall would be closing and everybody would be coming out. When
he got there he was surprised to see that the lot was fairly
full. That's when it hit him that today was Friday and the stores
stayed opened late on Fridays. But since he was here, he thought
that he would take a look-see. He had been on his first lap when
he found a Volvo parked in one of the blind spots that were safe
from the cameras. A closer examination on his second lap on the
lot revealed a school-parking permit from the University of
Tennessee, and a Curves gym membership decal. This could be the
one; he found a parking spot that was concealed from the cameras
yet close to the Volvo. He settled in to wait and see what she
looked like. While he sat there James considered what he wanted
from a woman. He wanted her to be smart, he wanted to be able to
talk with her and respect what she had to say. He wanted her to
be sexy, he wanted her to love sex and to enjoy it to the degree
that her body had been designed to enjoy it. But most of all, he
wanted her to know that she belonged to him. No matter what, she
was his, to do with as he pleased. In the past the bride realized
this when her father 'gave' her to her husband. She was his,
maybe not her mind, but her ass belonged to her husband. Both the
man and the woman understood this. That's what James wanted, a
woman who would know that she belonged to him. She would never
have to worry about mistreatment from James; like his dogs she
would be loved and valued. James' attention was drawn back to the
Volvo by the motion of a woman walking toward the car. She was
trim and had a brisk gait to her walk, she held herself tall and
erect, seemingly confident and at ease. She wore a sweatshirt
type of garment with a hood attached. James couldn't see her
face. That made her even more of a good choice because it gave
back a bit of luck to the game. She was twenty feet away when
James decided to go for it. He opened his truck door and reached
into the bed, his hand gripped a long aluminum pipe with a sack
on one end. A wire with a handle on the end ran up one side of
the pole and formed a loop at the end. The sack, which was
leather and lined with sponges on the inside, was attached to the
loop of wire. It looked similar to a fly-fisherman's net only
with a longer handle. She was ten steps away when James sprayed
the starting fluid into the sponges. He emptied the can as she
turned to get her keys from her purse. She never heard him as he
swooped the sack over her head, pulling the handle and tightening
the loop tightly around her throat. She was knocked to the ground
by the force of the heavy sack hitting her shoulders, as she was
falling the noose drew so tight that she couldn't make a sound.
She was being strangled! She gasped for air, she tore at the loop
at her neck with her hands. Suddenly the noose loosened, she
could breathe, and she took several deep breaths, and passed out
cold. James removed the bag and checked to see if she was OK. She
was, and very pretty with short red hair. He took her to his
truck and placed her in the passenger side floorboard. He reached
into the glove box and got a plastic bag. Opening it he removed a
long clear flexible tube which shone in the dim light greasy with
Vaseline. He ran the tube down the girl's throat to where it
entered her stomach, just as he would a dog that needed feeding
but for some reason couldn't eat. James then blew four sleeping
pills into her guts, and withdrew the tube. He checked her pulse,
slow and steady; he raised her eyelids and checked her eyes,
pretty dilated. She would be out for a while. He got back out and
got the loop, her purse, and keys from the parking lot. He got
in, cranked the truck, and drove away. From the time he had
picked her, it had only taken three minutes. The woman never
moved on the twenty-minute drive home. She was out cold when he
stripped her and admired her beauty. She was totally unaware as
he took two vials of blood from her arm. She never knew when he
put her in the cage and locked the door. In a way it was a shame,
because if he followed the plan he wouldn't be in the same room
again for two weeks. He went back up on the elevator, watched, as
it became a drain and sump pump again. It would take one hell of
a search to find that secret room, James thought that he was safe
on that score. The old man had a little bounce to his step as he
walked up to the house. Inside he took the time to put on a pot
of coffee before taking the purse up and spilling its contents
onto the tabletop. James glanced at the make-up, the clutter, the
trash, and found the wallet. He thumbed through its credit cards
and found her driver's license. Her name was Ruth Ann Traywick,
not that it mattered, he would give her a new name. She had
turned twenty-seven this last month. She had the receipts for her
dry cleaning some six months ago; he put it in a bag. She had her
parking permit at Wilder and Young Law offices. She must work
there; he wondered if she was a lawyer, that would be especially
sweet. He found her gym card and where she rented her videos. He
smiled when he found a packet of condoms. What he didn't find was
photos of a boyfriend or of family. He seemed to have caught
himself a loner. He looked at the clock and was disappointed to
see how little time had passed. He turned on the TV and tuned it
to channel 069; the picture shown on the screen was Ruth Ann
lying in the cage, still out. He left the picture on and made
sure the sound was up. He fixed himself a cup of coffee and a
sandwich. 'From here on for the next few days all I can do is
watch, ' he thought as he bit into his ham and cheese. He
finished going through her stuff as he finished his sandwich. He
put his paper plate in with the other stuff of hers in the bag.
James walked the bag to the place where he had stripped her of
her clothes and placed them with the other trash. He took the bag
to where he burned his trash in an old metal drum; striking a
match he lit the bag and placed it in the drum. He watched as
Ruth Ann Traywick burned away, the smoke blending into the cloudy
sky above until nothing was left. She came to a little at a time
until she realized that she was awake; she had trouble placing
herself. Where the fuck was she anyway? She steeled herself to
stand up, only to collide with the bars on top of the cage. She
was knocked back to the soft rubber floor. She was naked, how the
hell had she overlooked that fact? She was in a strange place and
she was naked. She screamed! Losing herself in the act, she
screamed a long and piercing dagger of sound that cut through the
empty room. Suddenly she felt the hot bites all over her body.
Terrible, hard, painful bites everywhere her body touched the
ground. Her body was out of her control as she twitched and
squirmed on the floor, there was nothing she could do to stop the
pain. Her teeth ground together and she was afraid that they
might break, her jaw was clenching so hard with the racking jolts
of pain. She felt the hot liquid of her piss as it shot from her
body, squeezed out by the convolutions and spasms of her guts. As
the blackness overwhelmed her she was praying for help. 'God.
Stop the pain.' Three hours later Ruth Ann Traywick quietly
opened her frightened eyes. Without moving a muscle other than
her eyes she scanned the field of her vision. She was looking at
bars, like burglar bars but smaller, and they were chrome plated
or polished. She looked beyond the bars and saw a room that could
be anybody's house. She listened, really listened. She heard a
motor running and took a few moments before she decided that it
was a refrigerator. After several minutes and hearing nothing to
make her believe she wasn't alone, she raised her head a bit and
looked around. The room was empty. She took in her circumstances;
she was naked, in a small cage, against the wall in a strange
room that she had never been in before. She had to get help. She
started to yell at the top of her voice. "Help, Help me, Please
somebody help me!" She had hardly finished the words before the
bites were back. The hot pain hitting her everywhere at once, she
flopped like a fish, every part of her body driving to get away
from the pain that was eating her alive. As the pain shot through
her body, she realized that this was electric shock she was
feeling. It was her last thought before the blackness closed in
again. Some time later Ruth Ann's eyes open a slight crack, her
eyeballs moved behind the slight crack until she was sure that it
was safe to open her eyes. Without moving she surveyed the room
as best as she could. Once again she listened, a long time she
listened, nothing. She sat up and looked at her surroundings. She
was in an apartment building it seemed, they all looked alike and
this had that look. She was alone, at least for the time being.
She took in the details of her cage. It had a rubber type of
floor that was quite soft and comfortable. It had a plastic or
rubber dildo that was fastened too high on the wall to be of any
use, unless you were a contortionist. There were two buttons on
each side of the fake cock but there was no explanation or
directions for either of them. Then Ruth saw the other button and
it had some writing over it. Three words, written in ink on the
wall over the button, "push to play". After a few moments of
fruitlessly searching for any other signs of what was going on,
she pushed the button. The widescreen TV came to life and she saw
a picture of the cage she was inside of. A voice started to talk
telling her that she was the first of many girls who would go
through this same frightening moment. The voice told her to try
to be calm and accept her fate since she was where she was and
she had no control over her life any more. The voice went on to
talk about the rubber cock. According to the voice if you put
your mouth on the cock and pushed your lips down the shaft to the
rocker switches, pushed and held them, the cock would squirt
water into your mouth. If you kept your lips pressing and
releasing the switches for a certain amount of time the cock
would release warm soup into your mouth. The voice reminded her
that the two buttons on the sides would have to be pressed at the
same time for the cock to work and give water or food to her. The
voice went on to tell her about the sliding door in the floor
that would be her toilet; it was a slit trench sort of thing
about ten inches long and six inches across. When she opened the
door she saw a clean stainless steel pipe that had an oblong hole
cut into the top. She could see what looked like clean water
running in the bottom of the pipe. She spit into the stream and
her spit was whisked away by the water... The voice told her that
if she was too proud to suck the cock for food and water she
could drink from this shit hole. The voice told her that this
part of her training would last for two months. The TV turned
itself off and left Ruth Ann to consider the things that it had
told her. She found herself thinking of the things that it hadn't
told her, for instance the painful electric shocks she had
gotten. What other surprises did it not reveal to her about her
cage? She couldn't believe this was happening to her. She wanted
to scream again but she stopped herself. The pain of the shocking
was worse than the pain of her captivity. It was true; here she
was, naked in a cage somewhere with no way out that she could
see. Hell there was not even some pervert to try to talk into
letting her go if she did something for him. She reproached
herself for even thinking that way. My God, she was a modern and
independent woman, what the fuck was she thinking of? This
fucking asshole pervert that had caught her was going to have to
fight her for every small concession. She goddamned well knew
that he would be a fool to put his cock in her mouth. She
wouldn't just bite it she would fucking chew it. The very thought
of the cock being forced into her mouth was just too much. This
was not going to work. Not on her by god; she screamed as loud as
she could. She screamed until her voice was choked off, her air
sucked the other way by the pain that burned her naked body. This
time she saw what the instrument of her torture looked like,
thousands of little ball tipped studs maybe the size of a
toothpick, the whole floor was covered with them. They stuck up
like nails from the rubber floor. The pain was awful and there
was no escape. The more she screamed, now in pain rather than to
call for help, the worse the shocks got.  She managed to get her
feet off the floor by putting them on the side bars and her hands
on the other end and support herself by hanging between them like
a human hammock. It was very uncomfortable and she didn't think
that she could last very long. The studs were still visible all
over the floor, thousands of them. She saw that there was a
digital clock on the wall; she timed how long the studs stayed
up. One long and muscle burning minute later the little studs
withdrew back into the floor, she put her feet down and let
relief flow through her tired body.  This was her first victory
against this faceless man who had kidnapped her. She had beaten
his machine. She was thirsty but not enough to suck that awful
fake penis; she hadn't used the bathroom yet so it was still
clean. She opened it and took a handful of the cool liquid. It
looked and felt like cool water as it lay in her palm. She tasted
it and found it to be sweet and cool. She squatted above her
shitter used her hands like shallow bowls and drank her fill.
James was watching this from his chair in the kitchen. Even
though she was in a cage too short to allow her to walk, the girl
seemed to be strutting with pride. James wondered what he had
missed. He rewound the second recorder while the first continued
to record; he wanted a complete record of each girl's history. He
found where she had first woken up. He smiled as she screamed and
then met the studs. He worried the shock might be set too high as
he watched her jerk and thrash about in the cage. The second time
he thought that almost anybody would've tried to call for help.
Again he almost flinched with the pain she must have been feeling
as he watched he squirm and roll on the floor. The third time the
studs did their work, he smiled because she had lost control of
her feelings. She had screamed even though she didn't want to
scream. He could use that to help make this a good thing for her
later.  He admired her strength to keep herself suspended for so
long above the shocking floor. She had accepted her role as
prisoner; soon she would become a slave. It was automatic, from
this point on. He watched her as she drank and then when she was
satisfied curled into a cute little fetal ball to go to sleep.
James knew that the clock was running at twice the normal speed.
Without daylight to regulate her hours she would think more time
has passed than really had. James tried to forget about his
little pet in the cage but it was hard; she haunted his every
thought. When he woke up the next day he tried to force himself
to ignore her and went about his usual chores. He delivered two
dogs to the sheriff's office in Knoxville; afterwards he and some
of the sheriff's deputies went and got supper together. It was
after midnight when he got back home. When he went up to his room
he turned on the TV and tuned it to channel 070. A picture of a
water bottle and a clear container of soup came on the screen.
Both containers were full. James turned the channel to 069 and
the cage filled the screen. Rat, because of her initials, was
awake and seemed to be having a hard time of it. She seemed
restless and panicky, sitting on her haunches and rocking back
and forth. James had seen this in zoos in the monkey cages. He
figured that she must be thirsty; as he watched her in real time
he rewound the tape to see if she had soiled her watering hole.
Yep, there it was, she had taken a shit a little after noon.
James did some figuring in his head; she knew that she had shit
in the pipe, but she thought that she had done it at four a.m.
She now thought that she had been without water for more than
twenty-four hours. In reality it had been twelve hours, which was
a long time to go without. James took off his clothes and turned
out the lights. He left the TV on and lay on his bed stroking his
cock and watching Rat rock herself. He went to sleep watching
her, his hand on his dick. Ruth Ann was so thirsty, her mouth had
long since lost all moisture and her lips and tongue were so dry
that they stuck to her teeth. She couldn't swallow, but she
couldn't stop herself from trying. She tried to regain control
and hugged her legs to her body. She was unaware that she was
rocking. How long would she have to stay here before they found
her? Did anybody even know she had been kidnapped? She had no
plans for the weekend; nobody was going to miss her until Monday
morning when she didn't show up for work. Ruth Ann had never in
her life been this fucking scared. She watched the penis in her
cage, it was only about three inches long and skinnier than
either of the cocks that she had sucked. She was so dry and
thirsty that she was afraid that if she waited much longer she
might not be able to reach the switches with her lips. Hate
burned in her eyes as she considered sucking that fake dick for a
few drops of water. If she could just get her hands on the
asshole who had put her here, but she couldn't and she was so
very thirsty. She duck-walked to the cock and stared at it, she
looked around the room even thought she knew there was nobody
else there. She slipped her mouth over the cock, she had to try
to work a little spit up to wet it down a bit. She tried to
spread it with her tongue, trying to get it everywhere so the
damn thing would slip inside her sticky dry mouth. She pushed her
head down on the cock and felt the rocker switches touch her
lips. She pushed a little harder and felt them give, she reached
with both hands to the buttons on either side of her head and
when she pressed both of her hands against the wall pushing down
the buttons, she felt it. The end of the cock was releasing sweet
cool water. She swallowed it up eagerly as she once again drank
her fill, this time from a cock on the wall. The flow stopped
after fifteen seconds. She was still thirsty, what the fuck. She
repeated the act of sucking the fake cock and this time it was
much easier because her mouth had moisture in it already. She
sank her lips to the rocker switches and felt them give. Her
hands pressed the buttons on the wall. Two things happened, the
cock got a little longer, it jumped a little deeper into her
mouth, only about half an inch but it moved. The second thing was
more cool water, which she drank for the next fifteen seconds
when it stopped again.  She wanted to repeat the act but when she
remembered the cock growing longer in her mouth she realized that
there was a price to be paid for every drink. How long would the
damn dick get? Would she have to deep throat the damn thing to
get water next week? She couldn't remember when she had last
eaten, but she knew she was hungry. She found herself looking at
the cock more now, she knew that it would feed and water her but
she needed to understand how it worked or it could starve her
just as easily as feed her. What was the difference between the
first drink of water and the second? She had rubbed the cock with
her tongue the first time trying to get it wet enough to slide
into her dry mouth. On the second drink she had held her mouth
open except for her lips on the switches. Could the cock tell and
react to how well she was sucking it? She was back before the
cock again; she opened her mouth and once again sunk her head
down on the fake cock. She ran her tongue alone the bottom of the
cock and put a little suction on it. Her lips reached and pressed
the rocker switches and she pushed the buttons with her hands;
the cock began to squirt the water and there was no growth of the
cock. If she used her tongue and gave a passable blow job to the
plastic cock it would give her a drink without getting bigger; if
she just pushed the buttons she got her water, but she also got a
little bigger cock to suck the next time. Ruth Ann was getting an
education. She decided to go for the soup, she once more took the
cock inside her mouth and ran her lips to the bottom pressing the
switches, she let off and then re-pressed the switches. In effect
she was bobbing her head as she rocked in to press the switches
and then let off with her lips only to have to press them again.
She hit the buttons on the wall with her outstretched hands and
continued to bob her head, licking and sucking as she did. Water
ran for an instant and then slowed to a trickle it dripped down
her throat forcing her to swallow, it was hard to do with the
cock so deep in her mouth but she managed to do it as she waited
for the soup. Her tongue never stopped moving as she applied
herself to giving a good blow job to the dildo. She couldn't see
the clock but she felt that she had kept sucking for a good
minute before the soup began to seep into her mouth. It was so
fucking good; she drank greedily until the flow stopped. She had
no idea how much she had drunk, anywhere between a few spoonfuls
and a half a cup. She was still hungry so she repeated the
procedure again. The hunger remained but when the flow stopped
for the second time she let it rest because her jaw was aching
from holding the cock so deep for so long. Ruth Ann went over
what she thought were the facts about her situation. She was
forced to admit to herself that this was a pretty smart and
well-prepared guy to get this far and never reveal himself to
her. But when you add in the cock that was so full of sensors
that it can tell if you are rubbing you tongue on it or not, a
cock that measured out her food and liquid only after she
'pleased' it with a good blow job, well, that's some kind of
"Silence of the Lambs" shit, which was some serious shit indeed.
This motherfucker had got her sucking a machine's cock for food
and water, and he had the machine rewarding her when she did a
good job. Worst of all, there was nothing she could do about it
except starve to death. It was pretty fucking bleak when suicide
was your only option. She was sure that nobody would go to all
this trouble to get her here and then just ignore her. Ruth Ann
reasoned that the bastard had to be watching, so there had to be
a camera somewhere, maybe several. Her eyes scanned the room but
found nothing she was sure about. Figuring what did she have to
lose, she held up her hand and flipped the bird to whoever was
watching. It made her feel better until she felt the studs
shooting the current into her body again. She grabbed the
sidebars and hoisted her weight off the floor. Since she was
already getting shocked, she screamed out every foul name she
could think of at her captor. She screamed until her throat was
raw and her voice could hardly be heard. She screamed because of
her fear and her pain, because of the fact the studs were still
up and her arms were almost dead. She knew that it had been a
foolish thing to do when she had flipped him the bird. Now she
was about to pay for the thrill of it with so much pain. She
screamed as she slipped down the bar and her shoulder made
contact. The searing pain jolted her loose from the hold she had
with her feet and now she was back to flopping around the cage
trying in vain to get away. She passed out laying on her side,
the current making her body twitch as it pulsed through her.
James smiled as he watched her body become still as he turned off
the current, letting the studs recede again. This one had spirit;
he really liked her and could hardly wait to get to know her in
person. He got up and went to bed; he would wait, he thought,
because he wanted it to be right, for both of them. Ruth Ann
squatted before the rubber cock sucking and swallowing soup. It
seemed that she could not get enough to satisfy her hunger, maybe
it was because everything was liquid. She longed to have
something that she could chew and feel her teeth sink into. She
wanted some solid food. When the flow of soup trickled to a stop,
she raised her head and sat down, leaning against the solid wall.
She looked out at the apartment that nobody lived in. By her
count she had been here for five days now, she should've been
reported missing by now and people should be searching for her.
What if this sick fuck had gotten himself killed or arrested and
that was why he had never come home? Surely the cops would be
able to backtrack him and find this place? Couldn't they? When
she had first found herself in the cage she had dreaded the
return of the guy who lived here, now she found herself hoping
that he would return. The naked girl tried to stretch her legs
out but couldn't quite find the room, she wanted so bad to be
able to stretch out her arms and legs and lay spread-eagled on
the floor. She felt confined and constrained in both mind and
body. Boredom had begun to bear down on her with the sameness on
each day piling onto the sameness of the last day. Ruth Ann had
used up all her mental games to entertain herself and now had
only fearful expectations of her captor's return, weighed against
fearful expectations that he wouldn't return. How in the fuck
could something like this happen to her? She had gone to college,
but it wasn't for her and she had dropped out after a few months
now she worked as a waitress and held down a part time job as a
janitor cleaning law offices after hours. How could she be stuck
in a cage and made to suck fake cock for food? 'Hell, ' she
thought bitterly, 'it's not even a real cock.' Ruth Ann roused
herself from these thoughts and went to her slit trench shitter.
Opening the door, she began to splash water over the rubber floor
of her cage. If she had to be here, she was going to stay as
clean as she could. She could smell the slight odor of piss in
the cage and she wanted to get rid of it. As she scrubbed the
rubber with her hands she looked wishfully at the big queen size
bed. God how she wished she could lay there and throw her limbs
out in all directions. How comfortable that would feel to her
tired and cramped body. The girl drank and ate for something to
do; she watched the empty room everyday until she passed out from
the sameness every night. Sucking the cock seemed as natural as
pissing in the slit trench to her now. By her figuring she
thought she had been here for nearly two weeks. Her hope of
discovery had long since faded. Ruth Ann lived her life out in
routines set by a dead man and even though he was no longer
alive, he was still going to kill her by starvation eventually.
The girl lived in fear now of the day when her bobbing head would
fail to release the soup she needed to survive. Or maybe the
water would be the first to go, either way she would face a slow
death with only herself as a witness to her sufferings. She woke
up to the sound of somebody moving in the room. She didn't
remember going to sleep; she was doing a lot of sleeping these
days. She turned her head to the sounds of somebody moving pans
in the kitchen. She watched a man of average height and build
scramble eggs in a skillet on the stove. The room filled with the
heavenly smell of the eggs but there was another smell mixed in
with that; she struggled to place what that wonderful scent was,
until she realized it was bacon. My God she was hungry. She tried
to compose herself a bit. She was naked, there was nothing she
could do about that, she put it from her mind and thought that
the fact that she was hungry took priority over her nudity.
"Hello," she tried to sound natural as she spoke, even though she
thought that her voice sounded strange to her own ears. It had
been a long time since she had used it for fear of the shocks
from the floor. "When did you get home?" The man turned to her
and answered kindly, "I've been here all the time girl." "Why are
you doing this to me? I've never done anything to you. Why are
you taking my life from me?" Ruth Ann asked the question in a
soft and reasonable voice, all the time she was suppressing her
heart's desire to scream at this prick to let her go. The man
made no reply as he scraped the eggs onto a plate and sat down to
eat with no regard for her at all. She watched a full fork of
food as it traveled to the man's mouth. She could almost taste it
as she watched the man's teeth bite into the food. She envied him
as he chewed and swallowed the food, chasing it with a big drink
of coffee, a smell she hadn't noticed until now. The man turned
to her. "You like the soup?" Ruth Ann was surprised by the
question and for a minute didn't answer. Finally she asked, "Why,
are you offering me some sort of choice in the matter?" "Yes, I
am." He said it with a certain kindness, like he might understand
how hard it was to eat the same thing until it lost all semblance
of taste, becoming a texture rather than a flavor to you. How a
person began to yearn for a change, anything a little different
than the normal became a thrill. "I would like some of them eggs
if you're offering to share." Ruth Ann was hopeful that he would
see how submissive she was acting and reward her by giving her a
taste of those wonderful eggs. "No that's not in the cards now,
but I can give you chicken, beef, or tomato on the soup." The man
watched her as she mulled this offer over in her mind. She wanted
the eggs but it seemed that he wasn't going to share. Should she
settle so easily for a different flavor soup? Then again she
surely was tired of chicken soup. "Why won't you cook some more
eggs for me? It wouldn't take long, and I would be grateful."
Ruth Ann was ashamed of herself as she heard the words leave her
mouth. Grateful? She would be grateful to this asshole that had
wrecked her life for his selfish ends? She regained control
enough to keep silent while she waited for his answer. In answer
to her question the man reached over the cage and flipped a
switch. Seconds later the shocks started to hit her. She grabbed
the sidebars and braced her feet against the other end and lifted
her body clear of the floor. The shocks stopped. She could see
the studs as they waited for her strength to drain from her arms
and legs. She turned to the man. He had sat back down in his
chair and was finishing his breakfast. He watched silently as she
battled with all her strength to stay away from the floor. She
watched the indifference in his eyes as she slowly weakened. In
the end she felt herself slipping down with her hands. She
refused to beg the man for help, even if he would, which she
doubted. Unable to grip hard enough to stop her slide, she braced
herself for the shock. It still hit her hard. She tried to hoist
herself up off the floor but her muscles were gone. She lay there
in her pain on the floor jerking and convulsing to the current.
She tried not to give the asshole the pleasure of hearing her
scream but she couldn't help herself. She screamed and cried as
she twitched and hurt until darkness claimed her once more. When
she came to, she was alone again. She was a little unsure that it
had happened; could it have been a dream? There was no sign the
man had ever been here because everything was back where it
belonged. She crawled over to the cock and got a drink of water.
She stayed for soup and after bobbing her head on the cock she
was rewarded with a new taste. Tomato soup was pouring into her
swallowing mouth. And it was so fucking good. She sucked soup
until the flow stopped three times, licking her lips as she drew
her face back from the cock. So, the man had been here and the
man even though he had punished her for trying to get his eggs
had given her something anyway. It was a small thing but she felt
she owed him something for his concern. She went back to the cock
and started to bob her head against the switches at its base once
more. That fucking soup was good. James was returning from the
mailbox with a letter in his hand. He had been waiting for this
letter for sometime now and was anxious to read what it had to
say to him. He poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table,
slitting the envelope with a steak knife as he did. The letter
was from one of those labs that will check your blood for Aids
and get back to you privately with the results. James had sent
one of the vials of Rat's blood to see if she was clean of
disease. It seemed that the young woman had been taking care of
herself and checked clean and clear of all the areas checked by
the lab. She had no HIV and no signs of any of the other twelve
sicknesses checked for. James breathed a sigh of relief. He had
been worried about what to do if the report came back dirty. Kill
her and get another specimen, or try to set her free in a way
that she could not get back to him. He was not sure that the
latter was even possible and was relieved when he didn't have to
consider that option any longer. He thought that Rat was making
progress. She took her food and water from the cock without any
prompting from him and was now trying to keep her cage clean. She
seemed to be a fast learner and was adapting to her new
conditions pretty well. She was in for a few rewards and he was
looking forward to giving them to her. It hurt him to admit that
she still had two hard weeks to do before he could really make
her life any better over all. Like letting her free from the
cage, giving her the run of the apartment was the first step in
turning her loose. He filed the letter in the folder named RAT
and closed the file cabinet. He flipped the remote to 069 and
watched as Rat squatted before the cock, head bobbing up and down
as she worked the switches. She really liked tomato it seemed; he
would have to get the two of them some good Italian food one day
for supper. She looked so sexy as she worked for her supper, for
all the world as if she was working a glory hole somewhere. James
thought that she was ready for the next step. He would start her
off tonight and see how she did. James sipped his coffee and
stroked his dick through his pants as he watched. Abruptly James
stopped stroking his dick and stood up; finishing his coffee in a
single long slug he replaced the cup in the dishwasher. Anyone
watching the man would have thought that something terrible had
just happened to him. But in truth he had only recognized his own
weakness in wanting to speed the training up. He had to make
himself wait. She needed the time between steps to adjust to her
new situation. She had to adjust to being a captive, then to a
prisoner, then to a pet, after that the sky was the limit. She
could become a wife, or not; marriage didn't matter because she
would be in love with and dependent on him. He would have won her
heart and mind. She would be his by her own consent. Best of all,
she would be happy. James walked down to the kennels; working
with the dogs was something that relaxed him seemingly at the
same time as it excited him. Sort of like taking a hit of speed
and chasing it with a fat joint. You got the energy and zest for
doing shit but at the same time you enjoyed this incredibly
mellowed out feeling, like the afterglow of sex. James lived for
his dogs, the love for them more than matching the love they felt
toward their leader. He wondered if Rat would have a fear of the
dogs and he hoped not. 'Another something to worry over, ' he
thought. James put all the dogs in their feeding crates and
started to clean their runs. When he had finished he took the
dogs, one at a time, for a twenty-minute walk and then did five
minutes of bite work with a sleeve. By the time he had worked his
way through the twelve dogs he was very tired and ready for a hot
shower. Through it all, his mind stayed glued to Rat, wondering
what she was doing, what she was thinking, was she changing the
way he had hoped she would. This woman he had barely met and only
spoken a few words to had captured his imagination. He couldn't
shake her from his thinking. It was almost like he was asking his
Mary when he wondered aloud, "Could I be in love?" He knew in his
heart that he might be making a bad decision but he determined to
do it anyway. James was going to talk to his girl. Ruth Ann was
awake this time when the elevator started to hum, it was around
the corner so she couldn't see it but she heard well enough to
know what it was. Her eyes were sighted on the point where the
man would come into view as if she were a sniper's scope. Her
nakedness had ceased to be a concern, since she had gotten quite
used to it now. Ruth Ann's stare was hard and direct as she
waited for the man to come to her. James stepped off the elevator
taking the two steps to where he could see her. "Hi, how we doing
today?" he asked. Ruth Ann disregarded the thousand better
answers and replied, "Too soon to tell." James sat down at the
table and threw her the first of several bones he had for her. "I
could use a cup of coffee, how about you?" Ruth Ann watched
quietly as the man set about the task of making the coffee, when
the machine was spitting the dark brew out into the pot below he
turned back to her. "How do you take yours?"  He asked politely,
like a waiter in a fine restaurant. Ruth Ann thought, 'what the
hell.' and replied, "two sugars and cream." James poured the two
cups, came to the chair closest to the cage and handed Rat her
cup, watching her eyes as she noticed the cup had been made so it
would fit between the bars. Ruth Ann took the cup hardly
believing it was happening but the cup of hot coffee was proof to
the contrary. She took a drink, almost burning her tongue as she
slurped the hot sweet brew. Beyond a doubt the best coffee she
had ever drunk. She lowered the cup enough to peer over the rim
at the man who held her here. He was sitting there as pretty as
you please with this happy look on his face. That's when she
became painfully aware of her nudity, sure that it was her body
that was fueling that fucking happy look. There was nothing she
could do about it so she tried to ignore the urge to cover up.
She took another sip of the delicious hot coffee, her arm
brushing against her little nipple. In spite of herself she could
feel her nipples as they winkled up and became hard and erect.
Ruth Ann hid behind her cup again, embarrassed and ashamed that
her body would react in such a way. As she drank the last of the
coffee and reluctantly lowered her cup to face her captor she
heard him say, "There are a few things that you should know. The
first one being that I will be down here with you for the next
month. My name is James; that's my real name so don' t feel funny
about using it. Another thing, get used to me seeing you naked.
I'll see you when you shit and piss as well as when you play with
yourself. You are mine, and I like to see you naked. You are very
beautiful, I like to see you." The man paused for a beat and then
continued. "Starting tonight the feeding cock will grow a half
inch with each use, a full inch if you don't do a good job.
However you will have a chance to get food from other sources.
Your life has been very dull up to this point but that's about to
change forever. You were chosen because you are beautiful and
because I wanted you. I wanted you enough to risk death itself to
have you. Do not think that I would hesitate to hurt you if you
try to stand in my way. I want you to be happy. It's up to you
how painful of a journey you face before you get there with me.
But understand this, you are going to do what I say and with all
the energy the task calls for. Like everything else in life, 'you
get out of it, what you put into it'. Work with me and I promise
to bring you the best sex and hardest orgasms you have ever
dreamed of. Fight me and I will make you cum from the pain I can
give you. You are mine for one complete year and I mean to enjoy
you. If at the end of that year you don't want to stay with me
any longer you will be free to go, and you will take thirty
thousand dollars with you when you leave." The man was reaching
his hand toward the cage. Ruth Ann jumped back but he was only
after the empty cup. "Would you like another?" He asked. This was
a lot of shit happening at one time but Ruth Ann did want another
cup and told him so. "Yes." Armed with a fresh cup of coffee Ruth
Ann faced her captor. "You don't seem to be that much of an
oddball that you would need to do something like this to get a
woman." She sipped. "I mean you have spent a lot of time and
money to set this all up and make it work not to mention the risk
you take to kidnap somebody. That's a federal crime, and that
means the fucking FBI. So, why do you do it instead of just
meeting a girl the old fashioned way?" she asked. James laughed,
"Well in a very real way that is just what we are doing now. I'm
meeting you in an old fashioned way. I don't have your father
here to give you to me so I am going to have to let you make your
own decision on that, but I feel we are courting right now." Ruth
Ann was angry. "Well it ain't no fucking courtship to strip a
person naked and lock them in a cage for a fucking month, making
them suck everything they eat or drink through a fake cock. That
ain't no fucking courtship that I ever heard of. That, you
fucking idiot, is rape and abduction. It ain't courtship!" James
watched as Rat braced herself for the shock she was sure was
coming. He was going to answer her with words until she flung the
coffee through the bars and got him soaked. He reached into his
pocket and produced a remote control, which he placed on the
table. Ruth Ann was looking right in his eyes as he reached over
and very deliberately pushed a button. She knew what was coming
and was pulling her body free from the floor almost before the
studs could rise up. She glared at her tormentor, hating him for
putting her here. She felt ridiculous hanging like a fucking
monkey, safe for the moment but knowing she was going to fall and
pay a heavy price for her outburst. She hung like a heavy sack
limp and low in the middle, her ass just clearing the studs in
the floor. Her eyes never left his as he reached for another
button. She flinched when he pressed it but after a moment the
stereo came on and she realized what he had pushed. Now she was
fighting her battle of delay to the sound of Billy Idol's "White
Wedding." Once again her muscles were stinging, her legs starting
to burn with their exertions. She knew she couldn't last much
longer. Goddamn him she thought as she felt her ass sink lower, a
little closer to those damn studs. The first shocks hit her when
she touched her ass to four of the studs. She jerked her
midsection higher but only by letting her shoulders fall lower to
the point they were only a hand's thickness away from the
horrible floor. She knew that she was being watched and hated the
thought of some asshole getting off on her fear and pain. She
couldn't think of it now, she had to give all her attention now
to keeping her ass off the floor. Ruth Ann's eyes were glued to
the clock and her heart nearly stopped when after a full minute
had passed the studs were still up. She was in a cold sweat when
the second minute had passed, her arms and legs hurting so bad
from the strain of her position. She had suffered several shocks
that had hurt her making her almost lose her grip on the
sidebars, but she held on. Three minutes and her ass was
painfully shocked forcing her to thrust upward as far as she
could. She fought the cage with all her strength, with all her
heart. James drank his coffee and watched as Rat danced her grim
yet athletic version of the horizontal bop. He was truly
impressed how long it took before she finally slid down the bars
and met the current. She screamed and flopped and wiggled around
on the floor until she couldn't stand it any more and passed out.
She lay there stunned, her body still twitching with the jolts of
current looking like bullets hitting a corpse, until it stopped.
When Ruth Ann became aware again James was eating something
sitting at the table, watching an old episode of Stargate. She
said nothing as she gathered herself together; she was so sore
all over, either from straining to hold her body off the floor or
from the electricity making her muscles spasm that she could
hardly move. She wanted a drink of water but she didn't want to
suck that hateful thing while somebody could see her. In the end
her dry mouth drove her to squat before the damn thing one more
time. As she slipped her mouth over the cock she realized that
the man, James, had already made the damn thing get bigger. She
had more trouble reaching the switches this time but she did get
the water and felt much better, until she felt the cock grow
inside her mouth. She drank until the flow stopped and pulled
away, the damn thing looked bigger now too. Ruth Ann determined
that she should get what she could now before the thing grew any
more. She stretched her lips over the bigger cock and sank to the
bottom of the shaft. The head was in the back of her throat as
she worked the switches by bobbing her head. The warm soup
started to flow, filling her belly with its soothing warmth. She
sucked until it stopped and she felt it jab into her throat as it
grew another half inch. She was doubtful if she could get back to
the bottom of the shaft and still work the switches now. She gave
it a try, all but having forgotten about James watching her.
James watched as the cute young woman slide her face over the
fairly large cock. It wasn't as big as the monsters they talk
about on the porn sites but it was pretty much the same size as
his own cock. As her lips reached for the switches her hands hit
the two wall buttons, she held the position working the switches
as she bobbed her head until the soup started. It was an
unbelievably lurid sight, the red headed girl sucking that cock,
squatting naked before it as she worshipped the symbol of
maledom. She wanted old fashioned? Well this is old fashioned,
the way it was meant to be. He could tell when the flow of soup
started by the way her neck muscles worked as she swallowed.
James waited until he knew she was swallowing and then let her
know he was watching. "No need to stop on my account, don't lose
your flow over me." He sat down, moving things on the table so as
to seem distracted from her actions, when in reality he was
transfixed by the way she was going at it. Ruth Ann was startled
by the closeness of the voice, the knowledge that the man was
standing right next to her watching as she performed this
degrading act. She almost stopped but not quite, he was right not
to make her lose her flow and she had already done the work of
getting the shit coming out. She kept bobbing her head as she
considered if she should, for the sake of pride, stop. By the
time the flow stopped and she felt the cock expand and grow
longer, she decided that she shouldn't. Ruth Ann drew her face
away from the wall, releasing inch after wet inch of cock as she
did. Both of them were surprised at how long and thick the cock
looked as she let it go from her mouth's wet embrace. The naked
woman was feeling a little proud of the way she had learned to
handle cock. She was even a little proud that the guy saw her do
it. She turned to face her captor, surprised to see him watching
her on tape as she was sucking the dildo. When Rat's eyes met
his, he said, " That was a very sexy show you just put on. If I'm
not mistaken I thought that I saw a gleam of pride in your
expression when you rose from your task." He stopped the machine
and a large picture of her face in close-up was on the screen. It
was an expression of pride and a sense of accomplishment maybe.
James waited to give Rat time to answer if she wanted. She
didn't. He went on, " How would you like a nice steak dinner with
all the trimmings?" Ruth Ann looked at him like he was offering
manta from heaven. "I guess I could go for that." She tried not
to show too much excitement, not wanting to reveal how much it
did mean to her. Her image filled the screen on the wide screen
TV; her eyes were drawn to it like a bug to a light. Ruth Ann
looked sexy as hell; she didn't think she had ever taken a photo
that captured her as well as the one onscreen now. James went on,
" I have watched you suck a big cock for the last few minutes and
you only received soup for your reward. I propose to offer you a
steak dinner, cooked anyway you might like it, with whatever
sides you might care to choose. This meal can be eaten this very
night if you want it." Ruth Ann had been waiting for this and now
here it was. She could see and almost smell the steak that served
as a worm but now she was going to see the hook, what she would
have to do to show she wanted the steak. "I have a cock that is
very similar to the one you have been practicing on; it is clean
and has no diseases. I want you to suck my cock the way you
sucked the cock in your cage. When you swallow my soup I will let
you have a steak instead of the soup you are used to for your
services." James was pushing the schedule a bit by doing this.
According to the plan he should have waited for another week, but
he found himself really wanting to be 'with' this woman. His
schedule made no allowances for his own desire becoming a
problem. Ruth Ann looked at the guy as he made his pitch,
thinking of her position as she considered what the guy was
offering. She had fucked guys before after a nice dinner and a
pleasant evening and had never felt bad about it. A steak dinner
had more value now than it had then; she hadn't been on a diet of
soup for over a month then. She looked up at the man and nodded
her head. "I'll do it, but I want more than dinner. I want a
complete date, I want to sit at your table and be a guest in your
house tonight if I do this. Is that a deal?" Her eyes glared at
the man, as she demanded what seemed fair to her. James was
almost overwhelmed with relief as he heard the words leave her
mouth. She was demanding that he do just what he had wanted to do
all along, but now it was her idea. "OK, it's a deal." James
stood and removed his pants and shirt, leaving his undershirt on
he removed his shorts and walked toward the cage as he reached
the cage he pulled something from the shelf above it and handed
it to Rat. "I hope you don't mind but I have to be safety
conscious." While she examined the device he had handed to her,
he slipped a PVC ring over his cock pushing it down until it
rested at its base. On it were two rocker switches just like the
ones on the cock in the cage. Ruth Ann looked up at the nearly
naked man, standing there with his semi-erect cock hanging out.
"What the fuck is this thing for?" James replied, "It goes in you
cunt like a butt plug but for your pussy." "Why in the fuck
should I put this thing inside my body? What does it do that
makes it so necessary?" Rat demanded. James answered, "It will
allow me to shock you if you try to hurt me in any way. I will
want you to wear it the whole time we are interacting together in
anyway." Ruth Ann could see the guy's point; she wouldn't want to
trust her either if she were he. "OK, I put it in but you better
be careful with that button you got somewhere, I don't like
shocks." Ruth Ann studied the device in her hand, it was about
four inches long and had a soft deflated balloon feel about it.
She could feel some sort of stiffening built into the thing,
enough that she could get it up inside her but she wondered about
the strange shape that would be left hanging outside her lips. It
looked almost like an oversized extra set of lips for her pussy.
She inserted the thing and was pleasantly surprised at how wet
she was, it nested right in place seeming to melt and conform to
her inside shape. She had been right when she thought that it
looked like a deflated balloon because that is exactly what it
was. Her body heat had started to heat the gas inside the dildo
and it was now expanding. Ruth Ann could feel the pressure as it
grew to fill her completely, expanding into every nook and
crevice. James could see the fear as the girl felt the insert
fill with the gas. "That's just the gas filling to one pound per
square inch on the inside of your body. It ensures that the tazer
studs will immobilize you if you do something nasty to me," he
explained to the girl. "It won't hurt you unless you try to hurt
me. OK?" Ruth Ann looked at the man standing so tall next to her
cage, his dick at her face level and only inches away. "It isn't
so bad I guess." James handed her a wire. "Plug this into your
insert, and I will put the other end into my cock ring here."
James watched as the girl plugged the prong into its hole in her
pussy plug. "That's great, now we ready for a little fun?" Ruth
Ann didn't answer but rose up to squat closer to the bars
bringing her face toward the offered cock. It was very much the
same feeling as eating from her old food cock and she had no
trouble reaching the switches at the base. The living flesh in
her mouth felt much better to her, more natural, and she didn't
miss the slight taste of plastic she got from the food cock. All
and all this was a nice size cock to be sucking. She rocked to
the bottom of the shaft letting her lips press the switches and
this time she felt something in her pussy. A feeling between a
tingle and a throb, She sunk her face to the switches again and
this time the throb was stronger and she felt it everywhere, from
her clit to her womb. She let her face slip out to the end of the
cock out where she could work on the head and steer clear of
those switches for a bit but that was not to be as James told
her. "The deal was that you would suck me like you did the food
cock. You hit the switches every stroke when you were on it and I
want the same type of sucking on my cock. Hit the switches or no
steak dinner." James knew what was happening inside that hot
little pussy. The insert sent a small shock into all the vaginal
muscles every time the switches were pressed. This caused her to
involuntarily squeeze and milk her pussy on the insert hitting
every nerve ending she had at the same time. Ruth Ann did not
want to do this but she was in this deep so she rammed her face
down the cock and hit the switches once more. This time it really
rung her bell almost provoking an orgasm on her part. She pulled
back to the head and fearfully slid her face back down to the
switches and the next throb. It was everything that she was
afraid that it might be and it blasted her into an orgasm so hard
that she squeezed juice from her cunt, wetting the floor beneath
her. As she tried to withdraw her head from the cock she heard
James tell her. "No, no, baby don't pull away. Just keep sucking
that cock you are doing such a fine job and I am loving every
minute. Don't stop." James was pressing his cock through the bars
as she was trying to pull away. Ruth Ann had never felt anything
like what had just happened to her and was a little unsure how
much of that she could take. It was almost too damn good, almost
so good it hurt. Every time her lips hit the switches and his
cock bumped the entry to her throat she felt this mighty throb,
pulse, stroke, hell, she didn't know what she felt but it felt so
fucking good. Instead of getting harder now it just seemed to be
a constant buzzing pressure right on her G-spot behind her clit
and deep behind her pussy lips she could feel the throb. When it
pulsed or throbbed or stroked it hit her clit, her cervix, her
womb, her brain and her soul. The cock in her mouth became
secondary to the feeling it was allowing her to have. She was
sucking James' cock now because she wanted the feelings it was
giving her. She held her hands on the bars beside her head and
twisted her head as she ran her face down the shaft and nuzzled
his switches with her lips. She lingered as long as she could
hold her breath before retreating lovingly back up his cock,
leaving her shiny slobber behind, only to suck it back up cool
and wet as she slammed back down to the switches. Ruth Ann did
not know what had come over her but if this was sex the way it
was supposed to be done, she had been getting cheated. This was
the best she had ever felt in her life, nothing she had left
behind was this good. This was the man for her; if he could be
this good to her just while she was sucking his cock what could
he do to her with his cock inside her pussy, deep inside her
where she lived? Ruth Ann was in a sort of trance now as she
whipped her head up and down the cock in her mouth. Her tongue
working like a potter's hand, she licked and rubbed his hot cock
as it slipped back in forth in her mouth. She had a regular
stroke going now applying suction with her mouth, moving like a
machine as she rode his cock with her face. Hands on the bars she
relied only on her mouth to bring her man off. James watched in
almost disbelief as his dreams came true right before his very
eyes. He knew that he could not withstand the onslaught of this
girl's face fucking for much longer. He was just so fucking
thankful to know that it could be this good. The thought of all
the times that lay ahead of them pushed him over the top and he
sprayed his cum deep into her beautiful face. Ruth Ann felt him,
as his cock seemed to grow even larger as she spun her lips
around it on a down stroke. She didn't care; she just wanted to
feel the throbs inside her body. Ruth Ann had long since stopped
her single orgasms and now was just riding the wave of continuous
feeling of cumming, a very sexy feeling that had taken over her
body. Her nipples were so hard that they felt super tight against
her breast. Hard and crinkly they pushed out to stand erect and
proud, begging for attention. Her pussy was drooling over a small
lake it had created between her knees on the rubber pad. When the
first shot of hot cum hit her she came again; James' cock was at
her throat and the cum was shooting straight down her swallowing
gullet. She kept her face pressed against the bars just as James
kept his pelvis pushed against the outside of her cage. The
moment seemed to stretch but after a while they both started to
draw back until his cock broke free of her reluctant lips.
Silence ruled for a moment until they both started to speak at
the same time. They both laughed. "Whew! My God man, what did you
do to me? What in the hell is in that thing in my pussy and how
does it make everything feel so fucking good?" She had a thousand
questions and the steak dinner was temporarily forgotten. James
was still trying to catch his breath and just stood there leaning
against her cage. When he finally could speak he didn't know what
to say. He was speechless. "Well I can see that it was good for
you too." Ruth Ann's eyes were smiling and nobody would've ever
thought of her as a rape victim, not with that smile she was
wearing. James unplugged the wire running from his cock ring to
her insert and came around to the side of the cage that held the
door. He put in his key and opened the cage, he stepped back
offering a helping hand to Rat as she started to rise and come
out. "I have dreamed of you. I have needed you so bad for over a
year and now you have made those dreams come true for me. I think
that we are going to become very good friends over the next
year." James took the hand of his naked dream girl. "What do you
think about the coming year?" Ruth Ann knew what he was asking
and to her own surprise she heard herself answer. "I think it's
still too soon to tell, but I think that it might be one of the
best of my life, if this was a sample of what we can do
together." James walked over to the table and pulled out a chair
for his lady, Ruth Ann came and took her seat and James poured
her a fresh cup of coffee, he knew how she liked it and got one
for himself and sat across the table from her. He reached his
hands out to her and she offered hers, holding hands and looking
into each other's eyes they sat there for a moment. James broke
the mood when he asked her if she was hungry. She told him she
was starving. They enjoyed cooking a wonderful dinner and Ruth
Ann ate until she couldn't hold another bite. When the evening
was over and it was time for her to get back into her cage, Ruth
Ann's position was brought home to her. She was a kept pet, a sex
pet that was brought out of her box when James wanted sex. The
anger that had made the studs rise up a month ago was under
control now though and she considered the thought rationally. She
had hated her job. She had hated her life, a lonely and sad way
of waiting for old age and death. She had always dreamed of being
somebody that was loved. In a funny way she knew that this man
did love her in his own way. While he had kidnapped her, he had
done it in such a way to not hurt her and he had been considerate
of her feelings in all their dealings except for the time he
turned the studs on when she threw the coffee on him. In a way
she had that coming to her though. All and all she wasn't that
unhappy at the moment. She turned to James and asked. "James, is
there a chance that you might want to marry a girl like me
someday? I mean I know that you have brought me here against my
will and you are a criminal but you do have feelings for me don't
you?" Ruth Ann never in a million years would have thought that
she would be kidnapped and then fall for her captor. James looked
at this girl he had come to think so much of in so many ways, a
girl that he thought that he might be in love with right now and
told her, "Rat I think that I was in love with you long before
you ever saw me. I think that I fell for you when I saw you in
the parking lot that night." James looked deep into her eyes and
added, "As for marriage, I think that it is a very real
probability considering the way you make me feel. I know that it
will be up to you in the long run but as for me I think that I
could live with you for a long time." Ruth Ann asked the next
question. "Well I think that your future wife should be able to
sleep on the fucking bed, what do you think about that?" James
smiled at his girl and holding the wire that still went to his
cock ring told her, "Come here babe and meet your new man." Ruth
Ann came willingly to her new man and she was everything that a
man could ask for. Just before James put his cock into her
waiting pussy he asked her, "Do you like dogs?"