Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. (C) Copyright 2002. M.C. All Rights Reserved. All Reproduction for fee or profit forbidden. Copies of my stories can be downloaded from: </files/Authors/MikeC/> Send all comments and suggestions to ============= James Part VII. Wandering Afield. Chapter 45 The afternoon was a lot of fun, like honeymooners we laughed and giggled insanely and Sherri was soft and loving. I was content and happy just to be doing things with her. Anna too was a joy to have around, her intelligence and precocity and her knowledge of the boats and the lake made the shoot even more enjoyable. The final sequence was with a 21' deck boat using a new hull design they were introducing. Instead of the complex patterns of ridges and grooves, this one was just a sharp, deep V-hull that flared to a smooth, rounded base. There were only two chines per side, one at where the transition ended and another further up. Both were severe and angled downward to deflect spray. Unlike the older design this one was very well suited to more powerful engines. The wide upper body gave us lots of room all around and boasted a 7' lounging area at the front. Also unusual were the centrally located controls with double bucket seats, housing a deep walk-in changeroom/potty that opened forward. There was even a sink and fridge, called, in this case, a 'Refreshment Center'. "Everybody has been trying to copy the Stepped Hull we developed," Anna explained, "And this one is good for skiing. Good wake, you know?" "And it planes really strongly. More consistent feel at all speeds." Todd gave us the "All Done' call and we sped back to collect the girls. Sara and Brenda had been out on the 17' with Bob doing skiing shots. They were grinning and waving happily as Sara shot by and threatened to swamp us. Then she looped about and did a gyro, much more sedately than usual, in deference to Bob's panicked looks, no doubt. She pulled up and yelled, "Can you beat that?" "You're on!" Bob shook his head and said, "No way! Not that boat! The chines are designed to scrub speed off in hard turns and the center of gravity is 12% forward of this one... I designed it to be idiot-proof!" "Bob, you don't know James." Sherri sighed, "Not only is he a bigger idiot than most people think, he's also the most obstinate." She handed Anna over and stepped into the other boat where Brenda and Sara were grinning at me. I adjusted the tilt and trim settings, then backed 50' away from them into deeper water. Without waiting to stop, I pushed the throttles full ahead and the boat shot out of the water, its bow lifting high. By turning the wheel slightly and adjusting the power, I was able to spin the boat around on its tail in a descending spiral to finally smack down in the water. Thunderous ovation, from the boat and from shore greeted me as I drove back up. Anna and Sherri were clapping and screaming. Bob still had his mouth wide open. Sara kissed me, "That, my sweet, was even better than I had expected!" Brenda grabbed me and kissed me too, "I knew you had something devious up your sleeve!" Bob was sputtering and shaking his head, "That CANNOT happen! I see it but I cannot believe it!" He stopped, "Is there a design flaw?" "No Bob!" I laughed, "This is probably the sweetest boat I've ever driven in. I just cheated, that's all!" "Oh? How?" "First, it's wasn't a gyro, more like a reverse-gyro, you'll notice I didn't make any turns. "Secondly, you couldn't see it but I stole Sara's idea - I tilted the prop up and the trim tabs down. So when I backed away, the stern dropped an extra 4 inches. Then when I applied forward power, the combined backward momentum and the angle of the prop just pushed me up to a tail-stand. The rest, as they say, is history." I smiled. He blinked with relief, "That's good to know. After all the screwups you uncovered today, I wasn't sure I still have a job here..." "Bob, don't be hard on yourself. Sara's already told you we do Marine Consulting. Our job is to find the little details that may get missed. We WORK at noticing these things. I just dramatized it a bit just now, that's all." Todd and Kelly waved me back on shore. "Chuck wants to see you," she stuck her tongue out and mimed strangling herself, "RIGHT. NOW." and gestured at the pavilion. "Oh, and James," Todd said, "If we still have a job after, can you come back and show us that trick again? I'd like to get it on video." "Just ask Sara - she can do more tricks than me. Comes from hanging around Amanda too much!" I grinned. Chuck regarded me grimly as I walked up, "Is it as bad as you made it look?" "That design is going to set the boating world on its edge. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it." I said seriously. "What you saw out there was just grandstanding on my part, and if I caused any problems, I apologize." I explained the trick to him and he was visibly relieved. "I was going to offer you a job tonight but this is as good a time as any." "Chuck, you have to be aware that we're just finishers; we look at existing problems and offer solutions. We are not visionaries like Bob." I paused, "He does things that makes one go, 'Geez, why didn't I think of that?" and then we'd come in and say, 'Now, if only you could change this...'. Do you know what I'm getting at?" "Yes," Chuck laughed, "But you're perhaps too hard on your own abilities." "I'll let you come to your own conclusions. However, I would like to propose this - let us work with you on the new hull. As I said, it's revolutionary, and I'd like to see if I can find a solution to the capacity problem." "You know about that too?" "The only drawback of that design, as far as I can see, is that with the sharp V-hull you have no space belowdecks. Obviously that's why you have to go to the somewhat unusual center console design. And obviously this will make applying it to cabin cruisers a major hurdle." "On that basis alone, you're hired." I named him a rate and added, "Normally, we require an annual retainer but I'm willing to forego that if we can have use of your plant facilities, including Bob's brains, if possible." He nodded as I continued, "It will be limited to five people - the four here and one other, Amanda." "A good deal..." we shook hands, "And I insist you stay at the house." "Oh, is it possible for Brenda to start tomorrow? She would like to work with R&D with their simulation program." "Of course!" He laughed. "One thing, though! Please tell her, no bikinis? She's distracting enough as it is!" The growl of the motor turned us back to the lake as Sara took the 17-footer out and started weaving in the still water. She made it look like a choreographed dance - I could almost hear ballet music weaving in with the lusty growl of the engine. She did loops and turns and managed a chine-walk which looked like the boat was about to capsize. She finished with a tail-stand like mine but spun the boat at tremendous speed, holding the bow above water for long minutes. Chuck shook his head, "What that amazing young lady of yours can do with a boat..." "Then I assure you, Chuck, you will thoroughly enjoy Amanda - she worked with Sara on many of these tricks!" He was still chuckling as he turned to go back to the compound. They were waiting for me down by the boats. I smiled, "Nobody got fired. In fact we are now consulting for Chuck as well!" There were broad smiles all over. "But the bad news - Bob, you'll have to be working closely with Sara." I sighed, "I know it's a chore, but I hope you can put up with it!" Sara delivered a punch that clearly demonstrated what a pain in the ass she could be. "I only hope my wife can put up with it!' He grinned. "And Bren? I'm afraid I also promised your services to the R&D guys this weekend. Apparently they have some concerns about your statistical assertions and need more time to validate your claims." She beamed and said, "See? Didn't I tell you someday someone would appreciate my C++?" She took a deep breath, "Both of them?" "Just make sure they're not just imaginary numbers!" I quipped. "Oh, don't worry! I have ample math to show them they're very real indeed!" She leaned up on me and impressed me with hard, tangible proof. She kissed my nose and turned, "Bob, is it true that all your computer nerds are sexual deviants and spend all their time on the Internet inventing the sickest, most perverted sex acts?" Bob tried to tear his eyes from both her C++'s and stammered, "Er, no... Probably... Maybe..." Suddenly he blinked and said, "Sorry, I have to go..." and scurried off. I outlined my talk with Chuck and when she found out we have access to Bob's genius, Sara clutched my arm, "Oh, thank you, my sweet man, I love you!" She planted a sloppy kiss on me. Brenda was twinkling and asked, "Did he really say I'm distracting?" I nodded, "That lovely man! I'll have to find a way to show my appreciation!" She looked around, "Shit! I'll have nothing to wear for the weekend!" Kelly spoke up, "Bren, I've got a trailer of clothes from last season. Help me load it in your boat and you can try them out for size." At Brenda's lusty gleam, she held out her hands, "And NO, Bren, I do not need you to show me your appreciation!" She ran off, with Brenda and Sara in hot pursuit. I invited Todd to the opening of the Marina and he promised to check with Kelly, then he went off to organize the dismantling of the equipment and to supervise the loading of the trucks. Anna was clutching Sherri's arm and was whispering urgently in her ear. Sherri smiled radiantly and turned to me, "Anna wants to know why I let Sara and Brenda kiss you..." She turned back to her, "Does it look like they were hurting him?" Anna shook her head, "Were they unhappy about it?" Another shake. "In fact, it seems to make them happy, right?" She looked at me, "I love James, so why shouldn't I want him to be happy? And Brenda and Sara are my dear friends as well!" Anna seemed perplexed, "But..." "And seeing them happy makes ME happy too!" She looked at Anna, "Suppose you have a bag of candies, and your friends also like candies, wouldn't you want to share it with them?" "I suppose..." "Wouldn't you?" Sherri pushed, "If you were really good friends and they shared their candies with you as well?" "Yes - yes I would!" Anna decided. "That's exactly how I feel. Real friends share; they don't hog, they don't pig out either!" Sherri ran her hands over my chest, "Besides, just LOOK at how fat he is! I can share him with half a dozen people and there'd still be plenty to go around!" "He's not fat!" Anna blurted, "He's, he's just big..." She blushed. "No - he's not fat." And conspiratorially, "He's a HUNK!" They shared a giggle. Sherri leaned on me and kissed me, "He's my best friend in the world and he makes me so happy. That's why I want so much for him to be happy. That's what friends want for each other." Anna looked at us, "Am I your friend...?" Sherri knelt and tugged me down, putting her arms around us, "Yes, Anna, we're your friends, for as long as you want us." She paused. "But James and I, and Sara and Brenda... We are Forever-Friends. Once you become Forever-Friends, you can never be unfriended, OK?" Anna nodded. Sherri stroked her face, "Anna, when I first asked James to be his Forever-Friend, he told me to think about it. So I did. Every day, and at night, I'd lie awake in bed, thinking about how I could make him happy. And when I was sure I could make him happier than he could ever be, I told him yes, I want to be his Forever-Friend." Sherri turned her big eyes to me, brimming with love, "And because he had been thinking about making me happy as well, I'm now happier than I could ever be without him." She kissed me and held me gently. "Do you understand?" "I-I think so..." Anna looked at us, "It's not enough to SAY you're 'Forever-Friends'... You have to understand..." She shrugged, "Understand lots of things first." She smiled, "I'm sure I'll get it when I'm older!" Sherri kissed her hair, "You're right - you'll get it if you really want to. Start with what we talked about before - about candies and sharing and not hogging..." Sherri hugged us to her warmly. Sara came back, alone, "Kelly is being appreciated..." she pulled us up, "We've got an hour before we have to get ready for dinner. Let's go get soaked!" We went out on the deckboat and, after I did my obligatory spectacular wipeouts, I was allowed to stay behind the wheel. Sara showed us the 360 slide and the other tricks she had been practicing on the wakeboard, then Anna amazed us with her agility and skill on water-skis. We tied up next to Jewel as Kelly staggered out, "I hate you Brenda!" She yelled at the cabin, a dreamy smile on her face, "If I turn gay, I'll have my butch lover beat you up!" She looked at me, "Your girlfriend is EVIL! EVIL, I tell you!" She giggled, "I'll probably need to change panties each time I wash my face now!" I invited her to the grand opening of the Marina. "We'll be there! But I gotta run, or Todd will pull out without me! Love you all!" She blew us a kiss and jogged off. "Guys, come take a look at this!" Brenda stuck her head out. The cabin was full of original and first-run outfits; dresses, pantsuits and gowns. Kelly had also left 2 large cosmetic cases. As the girls screamed in orgasmic throes over their new wardrobe, Anna sat by my side and gave directions, taking us along the river past the factory. The river opened out to a large lake, almost 10 miles around. "Lake Deanna, named after my Mom." Anna said quietly. "Where is she, your Mom?" "She... went away." Anna looked at me and my heart lurched, her pain was so tangible. "I haven't seen her since I was six." She did not elaborate and I could find nothing to say, I just held her little hand. We pulled up to the docks next to a large, barn-sized boat house. At the end of the docks and up wide granite stairs was a stone and wood structure, all curves and flowing lines. Quickly I called the girls out. I pointed, "That's a Frank Lloyd Wright!" To Anna, "Am I correct?" She nodded. Again I found nothing more to say. We just stood and marveled. A maid came down and escorted the girls up with their outfits while I stayed to clean up. We had a long trip ahead and we had to leave early the next day. Anna helped me with the shore connections and the refueling. She took my hand and we went up the sweeping steps through a manmade jungle. Living trees were cleverly interspersed with cedar posts to maintain a natural look without allowing the grounds to grow wild. Peat chips on the ground help retain moisture and reduce weed growth. It was carefully hand-tended while looking completely natural. We rounded a turn and a garden opened up before us, lush and green and lovely with blooms. The main building loomed above that and the entire lake-facing side was curved glass. Anna urged me up stairs along the side of the building and she showed me the little plaque by the entrance with the 'FLLW' insignia. The foyer opened to the sunken living room, finished in mahogany and cedar. Oaken stairs swept upwards. Chuck came up and shook my hand. "I'm overwhelmed, Chuck! I wasn't aware there were any Frank Lloyd Wrights in the State!" "Except for the State College and one other commercial site, you're right. There are no Wright originals," he warmed to the subject, "This one was designed in 1956 for one of his sons but was never built. He intended it for a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan and it suited this location perfectly! His name for it was 'Spring Vision'." He stopped, "Please forgive me, I tend to ramble on. Anna, please show James the Taupe room." He looked at me, "I took the liberty of placing you and Sherri together." I smiled my thanks and let Anna take me up the stairs. I turned in the room Anna showed me and she skipped down the hall, "I'm at the end here. The Pink room." Our room was big and luxurious, with pine and beech post-modern furnishings. The wide windows looked into the garden and the forest beyond. Sherri stepped out of the ensuite bathroom, toweling her hair, heart-stoppingly naked. She stood and smiled as I gaped my appreciation. "You are so lovely..." I went before her and gave her a soft kiss. "Remember the first time?" I whispered. She glowed, "How can I forget? I took you to my bed..." She sat me down, knelt before me, and looked up, "I NEEDED to show you, and to show myself, that I was good enough for you." She hugged my waist and laid her head on my lap, "I knew I had a lot to learn, but know what? It was nothing like that! I didn't have to learn a thing. Everything with you had been so natural and so RIGHT! You took my life and gave me a new one - one that's so much richer and rewarding. I AM yours, my James, my master." She looked up, "All of me. My heart too..." She looked back at her hands working on my lap, and sighed, "...and the sucking thing, of course!" She chuckled throatily. Softly she slipped me out and kissed the tip as her hands moved on my sensitive flesh. Her tongue licked down the sides as her light touch brought my cock to hardness. She paused to kiss my testicles and moved her lips with fluttery kisses back up the shaft, her hands still moving slowing, tantalizingly on me. I sank back on the bed as she slipped me tingling past her lips into the heated wetness of her mouth. "Hmmm, that's so good..." I breathed. She increased her hand speed as she surrounded the tip with her warmth. She worked her mouth and tongue on me, slipping me deeper as my hips thrust at her mouth. I reached down to pull her head down and she slipped her hand off, allowing my to slide deep into her yielding softness. With long, deep strokes her mouth and tongue caressed my cock until, with a shuddering gasp, I held her to me and shot, shivered and shot again. She reached under me and hugged me against her lips, her swallowing throat sending waves of pleasure up my spine. She licked and sucked me until I was withered and clean and pulled me up. With a soft smile she leaned to peck me and stroke my cheek, "I love you... Now let me get ready. I want to be beautiful - for you." ============= (C) Copyright 2002. M.C. All Rights Reserved. All Reproduction for fee or profit forbidden. Copies of my stories can be downloaded from: </files/Authors/MikeC/> Send all comments and suggestions to