From Sat Oct  1 08:54:15 2005
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 09:14:50 -0400
From: Mike and Frenchie <>
Subject: Mike Our Star Player II-9

 Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 14:49:36 -0400
From: Mike <>
Subject: Mike Our Star Player II-9

From the last chapter: My father continued to say, "Michael, I know that
the most important thing
for you to do is start from scratch with Mark.  As a part of this you are
going to call Marie to setup a family counseling session with the two of
us as soon as possible.  I also want you to think about things that you
have said that have made both Mark and Mr. Mike not feel safe around you
for any
Marie's POV:
I was surprised when Marty called asking for family counseling for him
and Mike as soon as possible, and when I put the phone down, Craig asked
me," What is up with Marty?"  Hon, I think it has to do with the fact
that both my brother and Mark claim that they do not feel safe around
Mike.  I know that Mike is going to have to start from scratch with Mark,
but with my brother that is a totally different story since it also
affects Marty and his relationship.  That is if the relationship can be
saved.  Craig, have you noticed how when ever Mike comes around that my
brother takes his guide dog and goes into his bedroom or in the computer
room, ever since Mike threatened to harm the dog in the past summer.
Mike's POV:
Man I have really fucked up big time.  Mark and I are suppose to be
boyfriends, and yet I have alienated him because he wanted to work for
the school principal over the past summer. With me not being able to play
football until the season was in the playoffs because I screwed up and
failed two classes the year before, and Mark was named Captain of the
football team. It all angered me even more when my father started to date
Mr. Mike the school principal as well as friend of both Mark and mine.
Even though I told the school what had happened to Mr. Mike's brother
Thanksgiving Day, and he took extended leave to recover from the
traumatic situation. Once again I opened my big mouth just after Mr. Mike
returned to work by demanding that Mark attend the Valentine's Dance with
me, and I knew that he was planning on moving some of his stuff into Mr.
Mike's so that he could help out with Mr. Mike's guide dog.  Yeah I
insisted he attend, and when Mark told me that he was not interested in
attending the dance, I screwed up big time again by stating," I wish that
dog was dead".  Well now I have both Mark and Mr. Mike afraid of me, and
my father threatening to either send me to a military school or ship me
off to live with my mom and that Mr. Darr guy.  What a screw up I am
!!!!  I have to get both Mark and Mr. Mike to forgive me as well as no
longer be afraid of me.  Dad is really ticked off especially since he and
Mr. Mike had started to date before our school system started its Spring
Break, and I went off at the mouth about Mr. Mike's guide dog and Mark
liking to earn his own money.
Mark's POV:
It all started in February when Mr. Mike was to return from his extended
leave.  Marie, had asked Marty if it was ok for me to move in with Mr.
Mike to make sure that the dog was taken care of, also I was to keep an
eye on Mr. Mike for her.  I agreed without a second thought because Mr.
Mike had always treated both Mike and myself as adults not some stupid
kids. Mike took me moving in with Mr. Mike as me saying that I no longer
wanted to be with him, which is farthest from the truth as I saw Mike and
I making Life Commitments to each other either after we graduated high
school or college.  But no Mike had to make some threatening statements
that most of the school heard or heard about especially when it came to
Mr. Mike's guide dog.  I became scared of him and told Marty that I did
not feel safe around Mike anymore because of his statements about myself
and Mr., Mike.  I know that Marty had planned on taking the four of us to
Cancun, and Spring Break arrived only Mike was informed that his actions
towards me and Mr. Mike had caused the plans to be scrapped.  He told me
in an email that Marty wanted him to get counseling as well as family
counseling with Mr. Mike's sister Marie.
I hope that he does it and that it works because I want my old Mike back,
but until that happens I will have a protective shield up for both myself
and Mr. Mike.  Just got off the phone with Marty, who is also suffering
because Mr. Mike does not want to be anywhere near Mike, also I told
Marty that I feel like Mr. Mike is more of a dad than my real dad was to
me. So I guess its son protecting dad.
But lets get back to Mr. Mike and Marty, or should I say the sudden stop
of dating between Marty and Mr. Mike.

TBC.... Mr. Mike's POV and does Mike get rid of this sudden meanest
towards Mark and Mr. Mike.   I can see this part of the story going maybe
to II-11 or II-12 when school gets out, and III-1 starts in the fall or
summer practices start.