Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Subject: TETMD: Brianna's Story 4 Story Codes: g solo, g/g Summary: After Brianna's life goes into a tailspin, Ja'quoia is comforted by her new freind, the perfect cheerleader, Sarah. Brianna's arrest causes a political and social upheaval in the state. Myra's intervention leads to the charges against Brianna being dropped. Brianna starts a new course in life with twists she could never have imagined. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!!WARNING!!!! This file contains sexually explicit material, which may include graphic depictions of underage, nonconsensual and unprotected sex as well as incest, adultery, and sodomy. It is distributed on a website clearly identified as "For Adults Only." Possession by a minor is strictly forbidden. If you are not legally empowered to be in possession of such material, do not read it and delete it immediately. This work is copyrighted 2017 to the author. It may be posted to non-commercial "free" sites or in the "free" area of commercial sites so long as no changes are made to the content and the Author information is retained. Any other use of this work is by written permission of the Author only. Obviously, this is a work of fiction and no actual person, living or dead is represented herein. (Many thanks to our colleague Phil Gorman for his proofing and editorial assistance) Brianna's Story Part 4 When the police arrived at the house, Brianna was patiently waiting for them in the living room. They knocked on the door, announced themselves, and she yelled, "Come in, the door's open!" With their guns drawn, they entered cautiously. One officer quickly sprinted to Brianna, pulled her to the floor and handcuffed her, while more police entered through the front door. The house quickly filled with police, as others came in through the rear door. The scene was secured in no time at all. A female officer sat with Brianna as the investigation began. Eventually, a tough-looking, female detective took Brianna into the kitchen and sat her at the table. Brianna carefully recounted everything that had happened from the previous day through the present. She spoke in precise detail of the events leading up to her rape the day before. Her narrative of the current day did vary somewhat from the truth. She did not include the candles, or her luring of Keith to her bed. She also made no mention of Devyn or his participation. What she did include was her firm belief that Keith had killed her mother, and then raped her. She added that he would have raped her again and again if she hadn't stopped him. After retelling her story twice to two different detectives, for a total of four times, she was allowed a short break. The police were in a bit of a quandary. Brianna had no parents or guardians to protect her. She hadn't been charged with a crime, so any confession was subject to exclusion. The detectives were inclined to accept her story and take her into protective custody until a judge could find a proper placement for her. At that time, SA Andrea Gorrie arrived. She consulted with the detectives, spoke with Brianna for a moment, and then instructed the detectives to place Brianna under arrest. Before arriving at the scene, SA Gorrie had already decided to charge "this little bitch murderess" as an adult, and press for the most extreme charges as possible. Brianna was cuffed, arrested, Mirandized, and taken to the County Holding Center. Two new detectives were assigned to her case. They proceeded to interrogate her for twelve hours. Brianna's story was almost perfect each time she told it, most of her mistakes were the kind detectives expected, mostly inconsequential items. Her main story, though, never changed. Brianna won over the two new detectives; but, after one meeting with the SA, whose mind could not be swayed, they devised ways to misconstrue Brianna's statements as probable cause to go to trial. Brianna was the lead on the morning news and dominated all reporting that day. There was great confusion as to just what sort of girl she was. By the time the evening news came on, reporters were amazed that not one single person who knew Brianna, would speak a bad word about her. At Brianna's first court appearance, she was formally charged with murder in the first degree and remanded, without bail, to the Juvenile Detention Center where she would be held in isolation. Her Public Defender urged her to take a deal and plead guilty. Brianna steadfastly refused all pressure to admit guilt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brianna's arrest had set several seemingly unrelated events into motion. Kelly, the cashier who had pressed charges against Charlie, suddenly dropped all her accusations. Keith had bribed Kelly to accuse Charlie and, with Keith now dead, she no longer had a financial interest in accusing Charlie. Charlie was then free to provide for Brianna's legal defense. Her Public Defender was dismissed and Charlie's lawyer became Brianna's lawyer. Across town, Thomas Donahue, Executive Director of the very exclusive Rolfe Academy was watching the morning news while having breakfast. News of the beautiful, young, murderess was on every channel. At first Thomas was enchanted by the beauty of the girl; then, when Keith Semple's name was mentioned, he became more than intrigued. Thomas called his secretary and had her research the late Keith Semple. In ten minutes, she called back and confirmed what he had already suspected; Keith was the one who tried to enroll his soon-to-be stepdaughter at Rolfe several months previous. Thomas remembered the terrible feelings that assaulted him when he spoke with Keith Semple. He sensed the evil, the complicity. Thomas turned him down out of hand. He now felt a responsibility for what had happened. He should have examined the disgusting little man further. Thomas paused Brianna's image on his TV and without taking his eyes from the screen, he reached for the phone. Thomas entered a number he was to only use in case of emergency. After three rings, his immediate superior, Myra, answered the phone. "Thomas? What is going on? Why the call?" "There is something going on here that you need to get in on." There was silence on the other end. Thomas continued, "Myra, there is a young girl in the news. She's perfectly gorgeous. She supposedly killed her stepfather, who allegedly raped her and, who, she claims, killed her mother." "Thomas, why would this be of interest to us ... me?" "I'm telling you, you need to have this looked into. There's something about this girl. Even if the boss isn't interested in her, we need to have her here, with us, at Rolfe." "Thomas, I don't know. The boss is having a real tough time right now. I'm not sure he would be ready for a new girl or not." Unbeknownst to anyone outside of a very tight circle, Aiden was currently mourning the loss of his beloved Yvette, and Myra wasn't so sure that bringing him a new girl was the right thing to do at this time. Myra sighed, Thomas' instincts had never let her down before; and, he was quite adamant about this girl. "Tell you what; get our lawyers and people to thoroughly examine this case, and the girl. I'll be up there first thing tomorrow morning." "Myra, you are not going to regret this!" Around the region, there had been a growing part of the population who didn't care for SA Gorrie's ruthless prosecutions. The arrest and charging of the little girl who killed the man who killed her mother and then raped her, was just simply too much. For them, and the others who joined with them, Brianna became the cause célèbre with which to launch a political battle against the State's Attorney. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WARNING!! The following utilizes a "flashback" technique. The events at the Towsley School from the time of Brianna's mother's death, to Brianna's murder arrest will be described. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brianna's arrest also had a powerful impact at the Towsley School. For Ja'quoia it seemed like the world was crumbling under her. Previously, when Brianna' mother, Anna, had died, the entire Towsley school united as one to mourn her passing and support Brianna. The day after Brianna had left school, due to her mother's death, an assembly of the Towsley student body was convened; the Headmistress formally broke the sad news to the girls and staff. The Headmistress began to discuss how she wanted the girls to behave when, suddenly, Sarah Flynn, an eleventh grade cheerleader, stood and asked the Headmistress if she could speak to the girls. In some ways, the Headmistress was happy to let someone else speak; quite frankly, she was too tired, and emotionally spent, to go on much more. She stepped away from the podium and waved Sarah up onto the stage. The Headmistress trusted her girls implicitly, and Sarah was one of the finest students the school had ever seen. Sarah Flynn was pretty much a perfect sixteen-year-old girl. She was heartbreakingly pretty, with long, flowing, blonde hair. She was perfectly proportioned, very fit, neither skinny nor muscular. Her eyes were clear blue and her skin flawless. She was very smart and extremely polite. She was a born leader and many of her teachers were very interested in her future. Sarah stood, cheerleader-perfect, at the podium in her perfect school uniform; she turned to look at the distraught Ja'quoia, and smiled. Ja'quoia felt as if Brianna was smiling at her. Ja'quoia sat up, smiled back at Sarah and waited for her to speak. Sarah spoke, "Thank you, dear Headmistress, with your permission ... I recommend that the swim team, the Martial Arts Club, and two representatives from each class attend the funeral for Mrs. Fason ... excuse me ... Mrs. Semple. Brianna has not been a student here for very long; but, I believe I speak for everyone when I say she has become a loved member of our family. We can't bring her mother back to her, but we can give her love and a larger family than any girl could ever imagine having!" It was a short but, impassioned speech. The girls were crying as they applauded. Sarah went to Ja'quoia and gave her an extended hug. Ja'quoia felt electricity ripple through her body as she felt Sarah's body press into hers. As they broke their hug, Sarah said to Ja'quoia, "I'll come see you after dinner; we'll plan what we're going to do." Sarah walked back to her seat as the Headmistress announced that Sarah and the Martial Arts instructor would form a committee to arrange the school's response. That evening, Ja'quoia had gotten ready for bed early and was staring at the words in a book, when Sarah knocked on her door. Ja'quoia nervously greeted Sarah. Of course, she knew who Sarah was, everyone in at school knew Sarah; but, she never imagined that the most popular girl in school would be spending time with her. Sarah greeted Ja'quoia with another full-body hug. Sarah wore white tennies, very short, white shorts and, a simple blue t-shirt. Her long, blonde hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail. Sarah loosened her hug, leaned back while still holding Ja'quoia with her left arm, her right leg was slightly raised as she held Ja'quoia's face with her right hand and gazed into Ja'quoia's eyes. She softly caressed the side of Ja'quoia's face and said, "You can lean on me ... together we'll get through all of this and help Brianna as much as we can." Ja'quoia was filled with wild emotions and sensations. She felt Sarah's genuine compassion, as well as her hips provocatively pressing against her own. With a downward glance, Ja'quoia confirmed what she had suspected; Sarah wasn't wearing a bra and her hard nipples were just barely touching her own tits. Glancing back to Sarah's face, Ja'quoia thought, `My god! She's even prettier up close! Her skin is absolutely flawless, even without makeup. The lip gloss ... the deep blue of her eyes'. Ja'quoia shook herself back into reality and said, "I can't thank you enough ... you've ... everyone has been so kind ... I understand, but I don't understand." Sarah's left hand fell from Ja'quoia's back, moved lightly over her ass, and came to rest on Ja'quoia's hip. Her right hand moved from Ja'quoia's face to her shoulder, down the front of her arm, letting her thumb brush ever so slightly against the side of Ja'quoia's tit, and came to rest on her other hip. Ja'quoia involuntarily let out a sensual shudder as Sarah's hands caressed her body on their journey to her hips. Sarah slowly caressed Ja'quoia's hips, her fingers barely reaching to the middle of her ass cheeks as she circled her hands. With a smile, Sarah said, "I've always worried about you ever since you came here. Ja'quoia, I've noticed the two of you. Brianna has been very good for you and the two of you are so sweet and beautiful. I've been meaning to talk with you guys; but, things just always got in the way. Hell, girl, I've also wanted to recruit you for the cheer squad!" Now with a girlish and somewhat conspiratorial giggle, Sarah added, "I have lots of nefarious reasons to reach out to you!" Then with a softer, sadder, and more comforting tone, she added, "I just wish it wasn't such a terrible thing that finally brought us together. I hope you'll forgive me and let me help." Ja'quoia broke into tears as she wrapped her arms around Sarah. Sarah instinctively pulled her in tight and tried her best to comfort the girl. Sarah felt a myriad of sensations as Ja'quoia hugged her tighter. Ja'quoia's head was nestled into Sarah's neck and, with each sob, her body convulsed against Sarah. Sarah carefully shifted her stance so that her pussy was firmly pressed against Ja'quoia's thigh. The sensation was wonderful! Sarah held and comforted Ja'quoia until she began to calm down. For Sarah, the timing was perfect. If the embrace had gone on much longer, she knew she would have been cumming all over the crying girl's thigh! Ja'quoia looked into Sarah's eyes and said, "I don't know what to do! I'm not the one who needs help and comforting. Brianna is the one who needs us and I can't get a hold of her! We need to help her ... and I can't do anything." Sarah guided Ja'quoia over to the bed and sat with her, holding her gently. Sarah wiped the tears and mussed hairs from Ja'quoia's face and said, "There, there ... oh, sweetie, we will do what we can. I'll see if the Headmistress can get hold of Brianna. You help me put together the school's plan for the funeral and we'll make sure Brianna knows she is loved and cared for. OK?" Ja'quoia quietly nodded her head in agreement. Everything felt so much better with Sarah around. Ja'quoia leaned into Sarah and sighed. Sarah gently laid Ja'quoia down on the bed and lay down next to her, moving Ja'quoia into a spooning position in front of her. Sarah held Ja'quoia until she fell asleep. Only then, did Sarah slide out of bed, turn the lights off, and steal out of the room. Sarah and Ja'quoia were pretty much inseparable for the next two days. The Headmistress was unable to reach Brianna, which disappointed Ja'quoia greatly. At Anna's funeral, the Towsley girls were the picture of perfection and, brought tears to many mourners' eyes as each girl placed a rose on Anna's casket. Ja'quoia knew, that even though Brianna appeared catatonic to everyone else, that inside, Brianna was actually firm and focused. They were able to exchange hugs and a few words after the funeral. Ja'quoia expressed her great sympathy and asked if there was anything she could do. Brianna, clear eyed and confident, replied, "I can't tell you how happy you've all made me. I could feel the love. You need to be strong, Ja'quoia. I could feel you these past few days. I know it hasn't been easy, but stay strong. I need to feel your strength in the days to come, not your fear or sadness ... do you understand me?" Ja'quoia stood taller; a look of determination came across her face. She said, "You're going to fight, aren't you? I've got your back sister! I'll send you everything I've got. Now, tell me, are you sure you're OK? Do you need anything?" Brianna lovingly smiled at Ja'quoia, and replied, "Sister, I need your love and I need your strength. You are with me when I feel you. Send me all of your good feelings ... I need them all." Glancing over to the gathered Towsley girls, Brianna added, "Them too, I need their prayers and thoughts also. I can feel all of you ... Isn't that Sarah?" "Brianna, she's been great! No one has been a better friend than she has. She got all the girls organized." Right then, Keith tugged on Brianna's arm and said, "Brianna, we have to get going! It's not time for a school gathering!" Brianna jerked her arm back and coldly replied, "I'll be right along." Keith stepped back; he and Ja'quoia exchanged hated looks. Brianna hugged Ja'quoia and said, "I love you Ja'quoia, no matter what, I love you. Sarah is good. Stay close to her. You two will be great together. I gotta go, I love you." Ja'quoia hung onto Brianna for a moment longer and said, "I'll always love you more." It would be a long time before the girls would meet again. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That evening, after dinner, Ja'quoia and Sarah were sitting on Sarah's bed in her room. Sarah's roommate, Jackie, had left for her parent's house in Idaho after the funeral. They got permission for Ja'quoia to stay in Sarah's room the three days that Jackie would be gone. When Sarah asked Ja'quoia about trying out for the cheer squad, Ja'quoia agreed. They then talked about nothing important; they just talked, as teenage girls are wont to do. They laughed and kidded each other. They called each other names and discussed boys. They touched each other ... a lot. They had more physical contact than would be considered usual, even for teenage girls. Sarah noticed that it was getting late and, announced she was going to get ready for bed. Ja'quoia picked up her night bag and said that it was a good idea. Sarah went to use the bathroom and changed into her nightclothes. Ja'quoia changed her clothes in the middle of the room. When Sarah returned, they both had a good laugh. Both girls wore light baggy sweat pants and frilly t-shirts. They sat on the bed facing each other, and continued talking; but, this time, the conversation took a different tack. Sarah opened by talking about a couple of her sexual experiences. Ja'quoia was very interested and impressed. Ja'quoia couldn't help herself and asked, "Have you ... you know ... gone all the way?" Unabashed, Sarah replied, "Yeah, twice ... once with my Uncle and another with an older guy who lived down the street." "Your Uncle!? Why? How? ... What?" "He was visiting us at Christmas and I was feeling kind of depressed. I didn't have a boyfriend or anyone important in my life. I was feeling sorry for myself. Uncle Chuck, my dad's brother, was visiting us for the holidays. He had recently gotten divorced and was really down. He's always been my favorite Uncle; so, we just naturally kept close the whole time. On Christmas Eve, there was some wine ... my parents and brothers went to bed ... and ... well ... we both were sitting on the couch when we just kissed. After that, it's just really private. I can tell you this though; I wanted it more than him. We did it in my bed, right at midnight. I fucked my Uncle into Christmas Day! I was so happy he was the one who took my cherry ... actually; I think it's more like I gave it to him ... I gave him my cherry for Christmas." "Did it ... was it ...?" "It hurt a little; but, it was absolutely wonderful! I'm one lucky girl, my first time was with someone who loves me, and I love him. Everything about it was great! Now, the other time was pretty good too. I wanted the guy pretty badly, he was a fucking hunk! It was easy to get him to go along ... I mean, shit ... I'm not too bad looking. I had some fun. He came by a few times afterwards. I didn't want anything to do with him. Now, I'm just waiting for the right guy. What about you, Ja'quoia? You must be slaying the guys!" Ja'quoia explained her experiences with men and her lack of genuine sexual history. Sarah moved closer and sympathetically held Ja'quoia. Ja'quoia avoided the topic of Brianna, not wanting to violate her confidence. Sarah said, "Ja'quoia, we need to find you a guy, a good guy, a fucking cute guy you can hang with. I think you're going to need some dick in you before too long!" Ja'quoia replied, a bit sarcastically at first, "Yeah, that's a good one!" Then sincerely looking Sarah in the eyes, "Maybe if I was pretty like you." "Hold on girl! Yeah, I'm pretty; but that's about all I am!" Taking Ja'quoia's face in her hands, Sarah continued, "You ... you on the other hand, are fucking, crazy-beautiful, gorgeous! You don't even know how hot you are! My God girl ... you're ... Cleopatra! Yeah, you're Cleopatra, or one of those ancient goddesses! Shit, pretty? You left pretty behind a long time ago." The two girls hugged and Ja'quoia whispered in Sarah's ear, "Thank you, Sarah. Let's find me the right guy. I think I'm ready for the right guy. Now ... if you'll excuse me, I need the Lady's Room!" Before releasing Ja'quoia, Sarah happily replied, "We'll get you the right guy; and maybe, just maybe, one of your castoffs will be right for me!" Ja'quoia used the bathroom and came back into the room to find Sarah sitting on the edge of the bed brushing out her beautiful, long hair. "Sarah ... here ... let me do that." Sarah smiled at Ja'quoia and held the brush out for her. Ja'quoia sat on the bed, with one leg tucked under her, behind Sarah. Ja'quoia started to carefully brush out Sarah's long, blonde hair. As Ja'quoia brushed Sarah, the two girls gradually moved closer, until Sarah was almost sitting in Ja'quoia's lap. Sarah enjoyed being groomed, she quietly moaned when Ja'quoia brushed the full length of her hair. Ja'quoia found herself starting to get turned on by the beautiful girl in front of her and the reaction Sarah was having to her hair brushed. Ja'quoia parted the back of Sarah's hair, exposing the back of Sarah's neck. Ja'quoia paused and looked at the beautiful, light blonde, swirling hair on Sarah's neck, barely covering the prettiest white skin she had ever seen. Ja'quoia felt a surge of arousal race from her pussy up to her shoulders. Without giving it a thought, she leaned forward and kissed the back of Sarah's neck. Sarah was surprised by the kiss. It wasn't so much the kiss, as it was the jolt of excitement that ran through her body when Ja'quoia kissed her neck. Sarah had wanted this ever since she first saw Ja'quoia at school. Now, the object of her lust was initiating what she herself had wanted! Sarah laid fully back into Ja'quoia. Ja'quoia dropped the brush and started to reach around Sarah. Sarah took Ja'quoia's wrists and fully wrapped them around her. Sarah guided Ja'quoia's hands upward until they were cupping her tits. Ja'quoia had never felt anything like it before! Sarah's tits were big and firm. Ja'quoia loved the feel; they were pliable and, at the same time, very firm. Sarah started arching her back as her moans increased in intensity as Ja'quoia fondled her tits. When Ja'quoia pinched Sarah's nipples, Sarah went from moaning, to quiet exclamations of, "Oh my God!" and "Oh yes, yes!" Sarah could have let this go on forever; but, had other things in mind for the young beauty that was playing with her tits. Sarah moved Ja'quoia's hands from her tits, and then turned in to face Ja'quoia. Sarah kept turning in order to find Ja'quoia's lips. The two girls, now facing each other on their knees, met in a passionate kiss. Ja'quoia had also been waiting for this opportunity and took matters into her own hands. She had the most popular and prettiest girl in school with her in bed, and she knew that she wanted to make Sarah also the happiest girl on campus. Ja'quoia went into MA action and double under-hooked Sarah's arms and tossed her onto her back. Ja'quoia ended up on top of Sarah, although a little further down her body now. Ja'quoia nestled further down between Sarah's legs and started to remove the blonde's sweats and panties. Sarah's pussy was the most beautiful thing Ja'quoia had ever seen! It was blonde! Sarah had creamy white skin that darkened where her mons rose from her soft abdomen. She had a bikini-cut triangle of perfectly tufted, blonde, silk-like hair. Sarah's outer labia were pink and getting darker as Ja'quoia caressed her abdomen. Sarah's slit was open, exposing two light brown inner labia, formed into a perfect angel wings display. Sarah watched Ja'quoia gazing at her pussy; she arched up slightly, and teasingly asked as her pussy spread some more for Ja'quoia, "Pretty enough to kiss?" Ja'quoia glanced at Sarah and then, without any hesitation, leaned down, placed her lips against Sarah's labia, and kissed. She started gently; her mouth closed at first, then a wave of passion spread over her, and Ja'quoia began to French kiss Sarah's pretty pink pussy. Ja'quoia had tasted herself before; but, was still surprised at how much she liked Sarah's taste. Sarah was heady, but not too pungent. Ja'quoia was Frenching Sarah's pussy, sending her tongue in deep and toying with Sarah's inner labia as well. Ja'quoia was thoroughly enjoying herself and was starting to get aroused when she realized she had forgotten about Sarah! Ja'quoia glanced up and saw that Sarah was undulating her hips, playing with her nipples, and moaning "Aaahs" as she writhed on the bed. Sarah felt like she was in heaven! She was so fucking horny! She had the girl she desired perfectly eating her pussy and felt her sexual excitement building up quicker than ever before. Suddenly, Sarah sensed that Ja'quoia seemed to have let up slightly. Sarah lifted her head and glanced down in time to see Ja'quoia's tongue attack her clit, as she looked up at her. That was all Sarah could take. With the first circle of Ja'quoia's tongue on her clit, she exploded. With one quick move, Ja'quoia had put Sarah over the edge. She felt Sarah before she heard her. Sarah's back arched and she shoved her pussy hard against Ja'quoia's mouth. Ja'quoia got her tongue back onto Sarah's clit just as Sarah reached for her head and pulled her tighter into her climaxing pussy. Ja'quoia kissed, licked, and slurped Sarah's juices. Ja'quoia also kept her eyes on Sarah and became more aroused when she realized how beautiful Sarah was when she was cumming. Sarah had experienced a starburst orgasm and after some wonderful aftershocks, came down rather quickly. Even though the orgasm had ended, Sarah felt a warm satisfaction flow through every inch of her body. For the first time, Sarah felt fully satisfied. She lifted Ja'quoia's head as she dropped her hips and purred, "Come here, gorgeous; I need some kissing and hugging." Ja'quoia moved her way up Sarah's body until she was laying half on top of Sarah, face-to-face. Sarah pulled Ja'quoia into her and the two girls kissed. Sarah moaned as she tasted herself on Ja'quoia's tongue and mouth. As they kissed, Sarah reversed positions so she was more on top. As she moved, Sarah positioned her thigh up tight against Ja'quoia's pussy; slowly she started to rub up and down. Ja'quoia, who was already quite aroused, found herself getting turned on further and further by the actions of Sarah's leg. Ja'quoia suddenly broke their kiss and threw her head back as she was wracked by multiple mini-orgasms. Sarah moved her leg out from between Ja'quoia's legs and moved herself more to Ja'quoia's side. Sarah slid her right arm under Ja'quoia's head and pulled her back in for a kiss. Sarah's left hand made its way under Ja'quoia's t-shirt and found Ja'quoia's tits. Sarah cupped, squeezed, and played with Ja'quoia's firm little mounds. Ja'quoia broke her kiss with Sarah and frantically started to take her shirt off. Ja'quoia looked at Sarah with hungry eyes and commanded, "The sweat pants. Get the sweats off!" Sarah didn't need to be told twice! Without a word, she quickly stripped Ja'quoia of her sweats and panties. Sarah practically leapt back onto Ja'quoia and resumed exploring her body. Sarah had her hand pressed firmly against Ja'quoia's pussy rubbing it up and down. Sarah split her fingers, Vulcan-like, and rubbed along either side of Ja'quoia's hot, damp pussy. Ja'quoia's hips were rolling and jerking under the manipulation. Sarah then slowed her movements, positioned her middle and ring fingers together, right between the soft, damp labia. Sarah looked at Ja'quoia and asked, "May I?" Ja'quoia nodded her head and panted, "Yes, good God! Go ahead ... fuck me!" Sarah slid her two fingers knuckle-deep into Ja'quoia, who's back arched as she cried, "Oooh Yesss! That's it! Oh ... My ... God!" Sarah started to drive her fingers in and out of Ja'quoia, fucking her as best she could when suddenly, she had an idea. Sarah removed her fingers, slid across Ja'quoia, sucked her two fingers deep in her mouth and after removing them, said, "Don't move ... give me a second." Sarah hopped off the bed, scampered to her dresser and opened the bottom drawer. After digging around for a moment, she perkily popped up like the good cheerleader she was. She held a cloth-covered object in her hands as she returned to the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed and unwrapped a seven-inch, anatomically correct, flesh-colored dildo. Ja'quoia's eyes grew wide as she looked the dildo up and down. Sarah saw her expression and said, "My Uncle Chuck got this for me on my birthday." Sarah's hand was now wrapped around the shaft moving up and down as she gazed at it "He said it was the closest he could find to himself ... I just love it! I call it `Chuck'. When I'm feeling a little like a dirty girl; I call it `Uncle Chuck'." Sarah slowed her stokes and placed the head of the dildo into her mouth. Sarah moaned as she sucked "Uncle Chuck" until it was good and lubricated. Sarah took the dildo from her mouth, leaned down to Ja'quoia and asked, "Would you like to have `Uncle Chuck' fuck you?" Ja'quoia looked at `Uncle Chuck' and warily nodded her head in approval. She glanced at Sarah and meekly asked, "Will it hurt?" Sarah was once again sucking on `Uncle Chuck' when Ja'quoia had asked; she slid it out of her mouth and said, "Maybe a little at first; but, you'll love it once it gets in! OK ... now roll over on your belly." Ja'quoia rolled over and Sarah marveled at the way Ja'quoia's thin waist flared out into two perfectly rounded ass cheeks. Below the kiss-perfect cheeks were two long, firm, strong legs with a perfect thigh gap between them. Sarah caressed Ja'quoia's ass lovingly and, in fact, leaned down to place several kisses on both cheeks. Sarah sat next to Ja'quoia, her right leg hanging off the side of the bed, facing away from Ja'quoia's head. Sarah placed her left arm around Ja'quoia's waist and then slid her hand under her flat stomach. Sarah instructed, "Lift your butt up in the air, arch your back, and spread your legs ... keep your chest and head on the bed ... perfect!" Ja'quoia had her butt in the air, legs spread, and her pussy stretched taut, reaching back. Sarah sucked `Uncle Chuck' one more time, leaned around a bit and placed the head against the lips of Ja'quoia's pussy. Sarah ran the head up and down while gently pressing it deeper through Ja'quoia's labia. Finally, the head got caught in the entrance. Sarah paused and asked, "Sweetie, you ready?" "I've never been more ready in all my life! Push it in!" Sarah swirled the head and pushed it into Ja'quoia's virgin pussy. Sarah marveled at how Ja'quoia dilated to accept the intruder. With a firm push, the head was in. Ja'quoia moaned, "Oh my God, it's in! It's in, isn't it?" Ja'quoia felt a roll of pleasure flow through her body. It was kind of uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt! It actually felt fucking good! "More! You gotta give me more!" Ja'quoia instinctively rolled her hips back and tried to get more of `Uncle Chuck' into her pussy. Sarah was getting seriously aroused seeing Ja'quoia getting so fucking hot. She gave a firm push and `Uncle Chuck' slid in a good two inches more. Ja'quoia arched up and onto her elbows as she grunted out her delight in the sensation of `Uncle Chuck' filling her pussy up even more. Sarah slid the dildo back until only the head was in and thrust it back in again; this time, a good five inches was buried in Ja'quoia. Upon this intrusion, Ja'quoia's legs started to straighten out as she rose from her knees. Sarah still had her by the waist and pressured her back onto the bed. Sarah moved further back so that she could watch the action closer. Sarah began to thrust `Uncle Chuck' into Ja'quoia at a measured tempo. Ja'quoia fell into the rhythm as was rolling her pussy back and up to meet every thrust into her. Sarah picked up the pace and Ja'quoia followed her cue. Sarah leaned up, lifted her right leg and posted it between Ja'quoia's legs. She rested her right arm on her knee and said, "I'm going to push it in and stop, you keep moving and fuck it on your own." Sarah held `Uncle Chuck' in place and watched in wonder as Ja'quoia rolled her hips and pushed herself in a frenzy of dildo fucking. Sarah could tell Ja'quoia was getting close. She shifted so her left hand could curl under Ja'quoia's body and reach her pussy. Sarah had the base of the dildo firmly grasped in her right hand and the fingers of her left hand were perfectly placed on Ja'quoia's clit. Sarah's movement and Ja'quoia's own writhing, conspired to make Ja'quoia lose her base. She more or less fell flat on the bed, except for her ass, which was still arched up and spread back. Sarah didn't flinch, she started pounding Ja'quoia's pussy with `Uncle Chuck', and working her clit with all she had. Ja'quoia's ass and pussy seemed to take on lives of their own. `Uncle Chuck' was covered in a light cream, which was starting to froth a bit around Ja'quoia's pussy as it was being relentlessly churned into the young cunt. Ja'quoia had never felt such a sensation, or ever had such a reaction. She could feel the ridge of the dildo's head as it was being pushed in and out of her. Once the ridge opened her up, she contracted on the shaft, which had bumps and long "veins" that provided more stimulation inside her. Ja'quoia pushed back with every inward thrust made by Sarah in an attempt to get as much of `Uncle Chuck' inside her as possible. When Sarah withdrew the dildo, Ja'quoia clenched down on it in an attempt to keep it inside. The clenching served to make her tighter around the dildo and created greater sensations. The manipulations on her clit, and the sensation of `Uncle Chuck' inside her, all brought Ja'quoia to a climax she never dreamed possible. It built quickly and increased in intensity each time `Uncle Chuck' filled her, and then vacated her. Ja'quoia buried her head in the pillow as she let out a deep yell of lust. Her ass was jerking uncontrollably as massive sensual jolts emanated from her pussy and raced through her body. Sarah slowed down and Ja'quoia slowed down. When Ja'quoia appeared to be done, Sarah slipped `Uncle Chuck' out of the young girl's soaking pussy. The second she was empty, Ja'quoia knocked out three more climatic jerks. Sarah had intentions on the juicy pussy in front of her and on her way down, stopped to give Ja'quoia's ass one more kiss. The kiss produced two climatic jerks. Sarah gently caressed Ja'quoia's pussy as two softer jerks spasmed from her pussy. Sarah finally kissed Ja'quoia's pussy and was treated to the delightful nectar of a fourteen-year-old girl. Sarah quickly finished her treat and shifted to lie next to Ja'quoia. The two girls embraced and passionately kissed. Ja'quoia spoke first, "I love you so much Sarah! That was the greatest thing ever! Can we do that again? I mean ... maybe not right now, but ... my God girl!" Sarah kissed her again and replied, "We can do whatever we want whenever we want to. This has been wonderful. Just as I imagined," "You thought about this?" "Since the day I first saw you." Sarah gently stroked Ja'quoia's hair and said, "We need to get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow and after you make the team, we will go out and celebrate. We'll also start to look for your guy; regardless, we'll be back, right here, afterwards." Ja'quoia was perfect at her tryout and made the squad. All the girls went out and celebrated. There were no lack of males attracted to the group of girls; but, none gained Sarah's approval for her girl, Ja'quoia. Ja'quoia and Sarah then spent the first, of many, fulfilling nights together. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now, back to the regular story-line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brianna hadn't returned to school by the time of her arrest. The school was again in shock; but in no time, the entire school, under Sarah and Ja'quoia's leadership, started to work for Brianna's release. Several websites were created and social media exploded across the region in support of Brianna. The police visited Towsley several times, interviewing Ja'quoia, the school staff, and the student body. The police, once again, found no one who would speak badly of Brianna. More than a few girls stated outright that Keith was creepy and they were very uncomfortable around him. Brianna's lawyers were much better than Public Defender lawyers; but still, they didn't have the resources of the Prosecutor's Office. Although under fire, State Attorney Gorrie held firm to her guns, she even withdrew all plea bargains offered to Brianna. Gorrie commented to her assistants, "We'll hang the little bitch right in the courtroom!" On schedule, Thomas greeted Myra at the Seattle Executive Air Park. They were whisked away by limo to the Rolfe Academy. They sat in silence in the limo after exchanging the usual pleasantries until Thomas asked, "Myra, what have you found out so far?" "I've seen her pictures and read what has been released. Seems like a fifty-fifty proposition to me. Have you got anything new?" "Turns out this Semple fellow was quite an active third-level customer of ours. On his honeymoon, he engaged one of the Indonesian sex tourism businesses and spent the day having fun. We're following up on another lead in Indonesia but nothing has come of it yet. The man was a full-fledged pedophile, which would support the girl's story. She is starting to receive more support and already has a new lawyer; but, of course, he is nowhere as good as ours is. There are other loose ends we need to look into ... but, I'm convinced she's innocent." "Send our lawyers to her lawyer. We will work in conjunction with him until we decide whether to enter the case full force or not. Continue our investigations and include that State Attorney bitch. Find out everything about her! Get me in to meet the girl." The car was pulling up to the residence side of the Academy just as Thomas was saying, "Yes ma'am." Later that afternoon, Brianna's lawyers met with the Rolfe attorneys and a deal was struck. The Rolfe attorneys agreed to give her attorney all the information they had on Keith in return for their guiding the defense case behind the scenes. Arrangements were also made for Myra and Thomas to meet with Brianna, in private, that evening after dinner. At seven that evening, Myra and Thomas met Brianna's lawyer at the Juvenile Detention Center. The three of them entered, through the employee's entrance, and were ushered, by the night lead chief, to a small conference room. As the three adults entered the room, there, sitting on the other side of the table, was Brianna. Myra couldn't take her eyes off the girl and sat directly across from her. Thomas sat to Myra's right, and Brianna's attorney to Myra's left. Brianna politely nodded at the attorney, whom she had met before, exchanged an uncomfortable glance with Thomas, and then set her eyes in a direct gaze at Myra. Myra felt the girl pull her in, turn her inside out and then release her. Strangely, Myra felt deep warmth as she looked into Brianna's eyes. Myra softened some more, as she realized her thoughts were turning to her lost daughter, Tatyana. For some reason, Brianna made her think of Tatyana. Myra shook the thought from her mind but couldn't shake the feeling from her heart. Although she didn't know it at the time, Myra's heart was already made up regarding Brianna's place with her. Brianna looked back at Thomas and realized he was looking into her. She tried to block him and, when that failed, she tried to look away; but, she was trapped. Thomas released her and gave her a warm smile. Brianna felt warmth and amity coming from Thomas. Brianna glanced at her lawyer as he started to speak. "Brianna, this is Mr. Donahue, and this is Myra Yovenko. They both have a great interest in your case and welfare. They are here to help. As a matter of fact, they have already been very helpful so far." Brianna stood and formally introduced herself to Thomas, turned to Myra, extended her hand and introduced herself again. Myra stood and took Brianna's hand and replied, "I am so pleased to meet you." Myra then held Brianna's hand with both her hands, and added, "I wish to express my great sympathy for the loss of your mother. We are going to do everything in our power to get you out of here." Brianna couldn't contain her smile; she was both happy with what Myra had just said, as well as, totally charmed by the beautiful woman holding her hand. Brianna felt a bond with Myra that was very similar to what she had felt with her father. Brianna thanked Myra and sat down. Thomas was already scribbling on his paper what actions their people would have to take to expedite Brianna's case. Myra, still staring into Brianna's eyes said, "Thomas, start making calls and meet me at the car." Placing a hand on the shoulder of Brianna's lawyer, she said, "You will leave us now. Be sure we have complete privacy." The lawyer didn't say a word; he simply stood and followed Thomas out the door. Myra and Brianna looked at each other in silence until the lawyer poked his head back inside and said, "Ma'am, you have total privacy." Once the door was shut, Myra said, "Now, my dear, tell me what happened, tell me everything." Brianna proceeded to tell Myra the entire story; she didn't omit a single detail. Myra sat and listened. Once Brianna was through, Myra asked, "So, he killed your mother ... in order to have you for himself. He then raped you. The next day you played along with him until you had him where you wanted him and, snapped his neck. Correct?" For the first time in the meeting, Brianna took her eyes from Myra and looked down. She nodded her head and said, "Yes ..." Looking back up at Myra, Brianna began to cry as she said, "I should have known! I felt it but I didn't understand what was happening. If I were smarter ... if I had done something earlier ... then mom ..." Myra quickly moved to the chair next to Brianna and wrapped her arms around her. She pulled Brianna from her chair and held her on her lap. Brianna clung to Myra, her face deep in Myra's neck, still sobbing. Myra held the girl and understood exactly what Brianna was feeling. Every bit of mothering that had been denied Myra, came flooding to the surface. Myra quietly said, "I will be taking care of you. You and I will face the world together. You are mine, and I am yours." Lifting Brianna's head up from her shoulder to face her, Myra continued, "Together we will face the world and make a life for ourselves. Do you understand? Do you agree?" Brianna looked into Myra's eyes and knew that this woman was her life now. She nodded her head in agreement and they hugged each other tightly. Before leaving, Myra explained to Brianna, "Now dear, you must behave exactly like you have been ... do not do anything different from what you have been doing. My lawyers will contact this Devyn fellow and collect the items you described. I believe, in a very short time, we will track down the herbs that you so rightly suspect. You need to be strong. You must come through this for your mother's sake. Do you understand? Brianna answered with a firm "Yes." Then she added, "Please try to be quick. This is getting harder every day. Please get me out of here." Myra caressed the side of Brianna's face and replied, "I will be taking you away from all this very soon, my child." Brianna looked up at Myra and asked, "Ms ... Yo ... Yovin ..." Myra interrupted and said, "You shall call me Myra. We will have no formalities between us." "Myra, am ... I going to ... to live with you?" Myra paused, and replied, "I want you to come with me, I want you with me; but, only if that is what you want." "Where would we go?" "First, my dear, I believe you'll spend some time at the Rolfe Academy; most likely for a month or two. I will come to visit whenever I can, maybe we'll take some weekend trips together. Then, if we both agree, you'll come with me. I split my time between San Francisco, Florida, Geneva, and Paris. At first, you will travel with me and learn the world. Then, we will settle down ... maybe in a few places." Brianna's eyes grew wide as Myra listed where they could live. She smiled at Myra and said, "I like your plan. I like you. I think you're the one who is supposed to be with me ... now that I have no one." Brianna paused and softly asked, "You've lost someone, haven't you?" "Yes, I have ... two people actually ... I believe you're supposed to come with me, be with me. Please be patient, follow the plan and this will all be over very soon." Myra left the Juvenile Detention Center knowing that her life had just changed drastically; and, for the better. Brianna left the meeting and returned to her cell knowing the exact same thing. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The announcement from Indonesia concerning two arrests, at first, didn't appear to be of any importance. One arrest involved a man involved in the underage sex-tourism trade; and the other involved a self-proclaimed "Healer" who dealt in exotic herbal mixes. The Indonesian National Police shared their investigative findings with both the Seattle State's Attorney office and certain defense attorneys involved in a high profile murder case. The information was very straight-forward; Keith Semple had been a one day client of the underage sex company while on his honeymoon and had engaged in many illegal acts. The "Healer" had supplied certain herbs to Keith Semple, that when combined with specific drugs, alcohol, and a course of "treatment," would result in what appeared to be a natural death. Brianna's lawyer called a press conference and shared all of the Indonesian National Police information. The State's Attorney office was bombarded with calls, emails, tweets and, requests for comment. Not until the Governor intervened, at the request of the U.S. Justice department, did SA Gorrie release a statement that read, "We are taking the information provided by the Indonesian National Police under advisement." Brianna's attorney called another press conference where he announced that he had testimony from a former employee of Keith Semple, who turned over samples of some of the herbs Keith brought back from Indonesia, as well as some gray pills Keith had been administering to his wife. Again, the State's Attorney commented with a short statement that read, "We believe this to be another trick; a publicity stunt by the defense." Myra was furious. She met with Thomas and asked what else could be done. There had to be something in the SA's past that could be used against her. Thomas replied, "Myra, there is nothing! You'd think the woman was raised inside a church and never left the place. Not one single hint of any impropriety! As a matter of fact, we're pretty sure she's still a virgin!" Myra replied, "Keep digging, there must be something! If not her; then, what about the assholes around her? Somebody is always dirty and we are usually the ones they get dirty with! Start digging deeper!" Without a word, Thomas left Myra. He lit a cigar and walked the Rolfe Academy campus. He was rounding the gym when it hit him. Myra was wrong when she said to find someone dirty. gHe needed to find someone ... clean ... someone honest! There are always officials, cops, and judges on the take; but, there are plenty more who are honest. Thomas knew exactly whom he needed to contact. The next afternoon, timed to make the evening news, confidential police files were leaked to selected reporters and bloggers. Each document told the same story. Almost every investigator involved with the case fully believed Brianna's side of the story. The documents revealed that the investigators supporting the charges against Brianna were pressured by the SA to support her version of the case. That night, SA Gorrie contacted Brianna's lawyer to discuss a plea bargain. The meeting was not a minute old when Brianna's attorney demanded that all charges against Brianna be dropped, she be placed in residence at the Rolfe Academy and, that all assets, legally allowed her, be placed in a trust, managed by a court-appointed guardian. Judge James Sinclair readily approved the agreement and took personal charge of arranging Brianna's affairs. Judge Sinclair met in-camera with SA Gorrie and listed the charges he was filing with the Bar Association concerning her actions in the case. Although Gorrie kept a low profile after the Brianna fiasco, she was overwhelmingly turned out of office in the next election. Within a year, her license to practice law in the State of Washington was revoked. The last anyone had heard of her, she had moved to Georgia and joined an extremist Christian cult. Very quietly, under the cover of darkness, her attorney drove Brianna to the Rolfe Academy where she was met by Thomas and Myra. Brianna was enrolled in the Rolfe Academy and after a short transition, excelled in her classes, joined the Sailing Club, honed her martial arts skills, and practiced with the swim team, although she did not compete. She and Myra made weekend trips to; San Francisco, where she sailed the Bay; Los Angeles, where she "skippered" a charter yacht to Catalina Island and back; Acapulco, where she did everything; and Cincinnati, where she and Myra met with an Dayton-based Accountant named James Dolan, whom Myra hired to handle all of Brianna's finances. Judge Sinclair quietly transferred Brianna's legal guardianship to Myra Yovenko, her finances to James Dolan, and ended all judicial controls over her life. Two months after the charges were dropped; Brianna and Myra were on a plane to Paris. Prior to departure, Brianna had a chance to meet with Charlie. Charlie had already been visited by Myra and understood that he was no longer a direct part of Brianna's life. Brianna and Charlie's farewell was emotional and they promised to keep in touch, which neither of them expected to happen. Upon arrival in Paris, they were met by the handsome François, who drove them to the Le Bristol hotel. Myra had already explained to Brianna that François served as her bodyguard in Europe and would now take over as Brianna's escort whenever she was in Europe. Almost as an afterthought, Myra added that François was also very gay. François was, indeed, very gay; but, as a bodyguard, he was highly trained and mercilessly lethal. They spent a week in Paris. Myra had many meetings, and François took Brianna on a tour of the city that only a native can give. He made her fall in love with Paris. Whenever possible Myra joined Brianna on her adventures and the two grew closer than ever. At the end of the week, Myra and Brianna, accompanied by a three-man security detail, left Paris by train for Vienna, where they stayed for five days. They were greeted by François at the station and, the Paris routine was pretty much repeated in Vienna. At times during this trip, Myra was able to observe Brianna as the world was being opened up for her. Brianna was maturing and growing every day. François made no small contribution to this growth. He made her feel like a woman by treating her like one and guiding her when she had a misstep. François loved this new part of his assignment. Brianna was beautiful and blossoming into a lady, of which the world would revere. He was pleased with the way she worked at her fitness and scholarship. She shocked him on their fourth day in Paris, when strolling through the Jardins de Luxemborg, she asked him about the lethal side of his job. It took her an hour; but, he eventually gave in and agreed to instruct her on the use of weapons ... with Myra's approval, of course. To François' surprise, a gun became a natural extension of Brianna's body. Once she learned the recoil and physics of shooting, she became an accomplished marksman. Brianna was pleased with herself; but, for some reason, not surprised that she took to shooting so well. Much of the rest of Brianna's training took place at Myra's estate along the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland. François became a true companion to Brianna when Myra was away on business. After a week together in Geneva, Myra left for Poland, Turkey, Dubai, India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Japan. Brianna never asked Myra about her work; but always asked if work was good and if Myra had had a good day, when they talked each night. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 Brianna turned fourteen during her sixth month with Myra. Both of their lives had changed in so many ways. Most importantly, though, both now had one person who they could love unconditionally. Whenever possible, Myra took Brianna with her when she travelled. Brianna had now visited and socialized in places other people could only read about. Brianna had become fluent in French, was adept at Italian, had a working knowledge of Castilian and was starting to learn Ukrainian! To celebrate Brianna's birthday, they returned home to Geneva. The day before her birthday, François took Brianna shopping to find an appropriate dress for the next day's celebration. The night of her birthday, Brianna and Myra attended the Opera and had a late dinner at the very exclusive Domaine de Ch teauvieux. Myra's birthday gift to Brianna was an exquisite diamond bracelet and matching anklet. After saying her goodnights, and again profusely thanking Myra, Brianna went to her room. Brianna sat on the edge of her bed and looked out the window of her room, which overlooked scenic Lake Geneva. Brianna kept thinking she must be living some sort of dream; a dream that started like a nightmare and turned into a fairy tale. Somehow, this all was real; she had survived the past year, and was now living a life no one could have ever imagined. Brianna stood and turned to look at the cheval mirror in the corner. Her long hair was styled high with sweeping, waved tresses flowing down her back. Her off-the-shoulder, body-forming, black dress was unbelievably stylish, and very expensive. The dress reached to her knees and had a thigh slit up her right leg. Brianna wore half-heels that accentuated her legs and turned her ass into the Eighth Wonder of the World. She felt the men at the Opera reacting to her presence. The feelings she sensed at the restaurant almost made her unsteady. At one point Myra whispered to her, "My dear, you are a sensation! No one knows who you are; but, they all want to meet you!" They think you are either a Princess or a High Fashion Model!" Brianna looked at herself from every angle possible. She pressed on her dress with her hands and even cupped her breasts to create an even more form-fitting look. She hadn't done anything like this in almost a year. Brianna thought, `It's been long enough. It wasn't the sex that got me in trouble; it was other people's sex that got them in trouble'. Sighing, she glanced back out the window at the beautiful scenery as she lowered the zipper under her left arm, where the dress was off-the-shoulder. With one sleek move of her hand, the dress dropped to her ankles. Brianna stepped out of the dress, picked it up and carefully returned it to its hanger in the closet. While in front of the closet, she removed and put her shoes in their proper cubby. Wearing only her black half-bra and panties along with her bracelet and anklet she returned to the mirror. Brianna was pleased with what she saw. She had grown another inch in the past year and also had gained ten pounds, which took her from being a skinny girl to a shapely young lady. Her face had narrowed slightly, as baby fat disappeared. She reached behind her back and released the bra. It fell away, exposing her maturing breasts. Brianna was very happy with how they were developing. The bottom and sides were rounding out nicely and taking shape. She really didn't need a bra; her breasts were firm and perky. Her aureole were pinkish brown and a little bigger than a nickel. Her nipples, when erect, were the size of a new eraser on a pencil and a lighter color than her aureole. For just a moment, Brianna let her hands roam over her tits, squeezing them, and then pinching her nipples until they were erect and emanating warmth through her body. Brianna then felt a slight jolt run from her stomach down to her crotch. It surprised her and, in reaction, she bent over slightly, grasping her tits in her hands. Brianna felt her pussy getting wetter and hotter. She hooked her thumbs in the band of her black panties and slid them down off her legs, taking care not to snag them on her anklet. She was now completely nude except for her two pieces of jewelry. Brianna turned, crawled onto the bed and looked back around her shoulder to the mirror. She knew what sexy looked like, and she saw it when she looked in the mirror. Her thighs were long and lean. Her ass cheeks were round yet firm as they capped her thighs. In addition, filling her gapped crotch were two pouty pink labia split by a cleft containing two darker inner labia glistening with moisture. Down, at the now lower end of the cleft, was her hooded clit. With a gentle arch, her outer labia opened enough to split her inner lips and expose a small dark hole surrounded by beautiful pink flesh. Also now fully exposed, was her clitoral hood. The birthday girl positioned herself on her left arm and moved her right hand down between her legs. She cupped her pussy with her hand and started to slowly caress herself. She pressed harder and her middle finger slid between her labia and entered the warm, moist, silky embrace of her inner labia. Her finger glided through her folds and down to her clit. Brianna shuddered as the length of her finger moved over her button until the pad rested atop her clit. Brianna flicked her clit and felt the sparks of arousal shoot up through her abdomen. Brianna repeated her hand and finger motion, several times, until the growing arousal caused her to fall to her right side as she lost her balance. As she lay on her side, she started to rub herself with greater pressure and frequency. Brianna brought her left leg up to her chest and reached her left hand down and over to join her right hand in the building masturbatory frenzy she was inflicting on herself. She hooked her right hand under her left knee and pulled her leg further into her chest, making it easier for her left hand to reach her pussy. At first, she ran her fingertips up and down her slit; then, slowly, she slid her index finger inside her tight, little hole. The feeling was wonderful! She worked her finger in and out, each time driving it deeper inside her. In reaction, her leg wanted to straighten out; she had to hold tightly in order to maintain position. The feeling of being filled was wonderful and Brianna realized she wanted more! She needed more inside her pussy. Brianna released her leg, rolled face down on the bed, lifted her ass, and spread her legs. Her left hand snaked under her and up between her legs. This time her index finger was joined by her middle finger as it drove back into her wet pussy. With her first thrust, her ass rose higher and her legs pulled halfway up under her. With a sensual moan, she placed her right arm under her chest, grasping her left breast in her hand. Finally, in a proper position, Brianna started to pump her fingers into her hot hole, squeezing her left breast and rubbing her right breast against her forearm. The waves of pleasure and euphoria sweeping through her were not just the result of her manipulations; but, also the result of almost a year of suffering and adjustment. Brianna finally felt safe enough to let herself go, to let her feelings and sexuality express themselves. She lost herself in the sensations sweeping through her body and, in the midst of astral visions floating through her mind; a face began to take shape. She tried to concentrate on the face, `Who could it be? Charlie? François?! Chase?' No, it was no one she knew. It was a handsome and rugged face; a face that knew both love and loss. Brianna concentrated on the feelings of love and felt love sweep through her body as a precursor to the sensations that were about to take over her body. The sight of the beautiful, lithe, fourteen-year-old girl desperately masturbating on her bed was highly erotic. The diamond bracelet and anklet made the scene even more erotic. Brianna's heavy breathing now became quiet little yelps whenever her fingers were fully implanted in her pussy. As her pace increased, the yelps faded as she made quiet, but intense, guttural sounds. The pace quickened until she let out an elongated "Aaaagh." Brianna's ass rose, quivered, and then froze in place. As the orgasm faded, she started to relax. She released a long breath as her fingers slid out of her still sensitive, silken, sheath. When her slippery little pussy was finally empty, it jerked out one more mini-climax which was like a cherry on top of whipped cream! Brianna rolled to her side and folded into a fetal position with her arms hugging her knees to her chest. She felt wonderful; then, all of a sudden, a wave of emotion flowed through her and she began to softly cry. She tried to recall the face that came to her but it was gone from her mind. All that remained of her fantasy man was the feeling of love she felt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next morning at breakfast, Brianna and Myra had a delightful conversation. Myra couldn't help but notice the change in Brianna. Brianna appeared to be relaxed and herself. Her guard was completely down and she seemed to be seeing the world with a positive outlook. As they chatted after finishing their breakfast, Brianna commented, "Last night in a dream, I saw a man's face." With a raised eyebrow Myra asked, "Did you know who it was?" "No, as far as I can remember, I've never seen him before. What was strange though, was that I felt he loved me ... or I loved him ... I don't know how to explain it. I felt something like love when I saw him. How could that be?" Myra thoughtfully considered Brianna's question and replied, "I can think of two things. One, you've pulled up a long-forgotten memory of someone who made you feel loved and safe. Or, two; you've experienced some sort of premonition. Maybe you caught a glimpse of the future in your dream. It's possible. You've lost his face because you don't know his face yet. Are you sure that the face wasn't of someone you know?" "I'm absolutely sure, Myra. I remember kind of thinking, at the time, that it was someone I didn't know. I like your premonition idea ... I like the idea of seeing the man who will love me and who I will love!" "We need to remember and cherish our past ... but not at the expense of not searching for our paths into the future." The two sat in silence for a moment when Myra remembered, "Oh! We will be leaving on a trip in two days. You'll need to pack for warmer weather. We'll be stopping for a day or two in California and then spending some time in Florida." "Florida? Great! Why Florida?" "I have some business to take care of in the States and it will involve some time. Let's face it; it's starting to get cold here ... and ... quite frankly, you haven't actually adapted very well to the cold weather activities around here. Anyway, we'll stay with some friends of mine on the Florida Coast and you'll get to sail, and boat, andwhatever, while I'm working." The look on Brianna's face made it clear how happy she was with the plan. "Myra, will I meet my love while in Florida?" "Good God girl! Hmmmm? Come with me and we'll take a look!" They walked to Myra's office where she pulled out a binder and set it on her desk. Brianna tried to peek; but, Myra made her sit in the chair opposite the desk. Myra pulled five photos from the binder, handed them to Brianna, and said, "Don't look yet. These are the five men you will likely be meeting on the trip, you tell me ... is your love one of them?" Brianna carefully looked at the pictures. Myra could tell that Brianna reacted to three of them. Brianna went through them again, returned to one picture, and spent more time looking at it. She ran her hand over the picture with her eyes half closed. Brianna looked up at Myra and smiled. Myra couldn't help herself! "Who? What? Which picture? Brianna, what's going on?!" Brianna carefully handed Nick (Micky) Manchik's picture to Myra and said, "I don't know if he was the one in my dream ... but, he's important. The others? ... one's a little creepy, kinda like ... well, and there's one that's evil ... just plain evil. The other two? Meh!" "Don't say another word. Don't dwell on those others. Let's see ... you're right, he is very special. We'll be spending plenty of time with him. You'll have an opportunity to get to know him." Myra paused for a moment looking at Nick's picture and then put it down on the desk. Brianna handed her the other four pictures and Myra put all of them back in the folder. Myra looked at Brianna and said, "Come, my love, we have shopping and preparations to take care of." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They departed Geneva and flew to Singapore, where Myra had a three-hour meeting. They spent the night there and then flew to San Francisco. Once Brianna fell asleep on the plane, Myra decided she would not take Brianna to Aiden's estate when she went there. Instead, Myra arranged for Brianna to stay with an older friend of hers who was the Vice Chancellor at Cal Tech. Myra knew that Brianna had identified Aiden as the "just plain evil one" from the pictures, and didn't want to have to put Brianna in the situation of meeting Aiden. Myra explained to Brianna that she would spend the next two days with one of her friends while she saw to some business. Before Brianna could protest, Myra added that she would be back in the early evening, both nights, so that they would have time together. Brianna understood and sincerely told Myra, "I know... it's just that I worry about you every time you leave. I can't help but believe that you are always playing with fire. Please, please promise me you'll be careful!" Myra pulled the girl in for hug and, then, looking her in the eyes, said, "I promise I will be careful. Nothing in my life is certain, except that I will always love you and do everything in my power to never lose you!" At the airport, they went their separate ways. A car from Cal Tech was waiting for Brianna and Aiden's driver was waiting for Myra. Myra spent the two-hour drive to Aiden's estate deep in thought. To be continued ...