"Please take her with you, and have her prepped on your machine
for immediate spitting after the happy couple enters the hall for
the reception."

With that he handed me the leash for Dianna.

"Well, we've got about 3 hours.  How do you want to spend your
last hours?"

She looked up at me "I've got a choice?"

"Not really.  At least for you, they bought the whole package. 
Which means your going to be tortured, then raped.  Tell you
what.  I'll decide on how I torture you based on how good the
blow job you give me is."

What I didn't tell her was that it was going to be an inverse
relationship.  The better the blow job, the worse the torture.

Did I mention I love my job?

I took her out to the truck, attached her leash to the slave
post, then started the procedure to unload the Jessica 3000 from
the back.  This particular Jessica 3000 is one of the mobile
units. After getting it down, I unhooked her from the post,
grabbed a whip from the back of the truck and told her to start
pushing the Jessica to the hall.

She looked at me.  "It's not bad enough that I'm going to be
killed today, but I have to do the work as well?"

I looked at her.  Then landed a hard lash across her left tit. 
She yelped, then started pushing the Jessica towards the
building.  I landed another across her back. "Faster slut! 
Faster!"  She all but broke into a run.  Of course, because we do
this all the time at Hill's Fine Meat, as she pushed the Jessica
3000, the wheels started to resist.  We installed a system so
that the brakes automatically started to apply and got stronger
the farther you pushed the machine.  As she slowed down,
struggling to push the increasingly immobile killing machine, I
caught up with her, landing 2 or 3 lashes across her back
"Faster!  Move it!  Push you slut!"

By now the brakes were fully applied.  She was leaning hard into
it, trying to move it, while I lashed her back.  Then, suddenly,
the brakes released.  The Jessica 3000 went flying forward and
she fell on her face.  "You better get your ass up slut!"  She
got up and started to push it towards the building again.  Of
course the brakes started applying again.  More lashes to her
ass. More screaming, more falling on her face.  It took 3 cycles
of the braking system for her to get it into the building.  By
that time she had received well over 60 lashes, and was pretty
close to passing out.

And I hadn't even started the torture part yet.