Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title : The Devil Made Me Do It Author : MeatBot Keywords : Teen, Magic, Supernatural, Whacky-Shit, Devil-Sex, Df Date : 20141230 Mail : meatbot777 at gmail dot com This story : HTML - text - /files/Authors/MeatBot/DevilMadeMeDoItThe%20-%20Magic%2 0Devil-sex%20Df.txt My other stories : HTML -;u=26255 text - /files/Authors/MeatBot/ Synopsis : A minor devil from the second circle of Hell causes a fuss when he takes a mortal soul home. Disclaimer : Copyright by the author. Permission is granted to archive, repost, or publish in no-cost or low-cost archives, periodicals, anthologies of this type of material if unaltered and attributed to the author. This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 16 in real life. These are just words, people. Just words. If you have a problem with words see a competent shrink or an English teacher. None of this shit really happened. It's all made up. And just because I wrote a story about it does not necessarily mean that I believe in Hell. --==+==- ByslSfynx worked hard at being what he was. He wanted to be the best he could be. He really had no choice at that, since he lacked free will. He was what he was. If that's all there had been to it, there would have been no story at all. But, he had a slight flaw in his makeup, his personality. Probably an accident, although some folks said it was "enemy action", since it caused such a fuss, and, just for a few moments, upset the whole order of things. ByslSfynx was a demon, a devil, a minor deity in the second circle of hell. He was good, or bad, depending on your point of view, like I said. His personnel record was full of green marks and pluses, not that he'd ever be allowed to see it. He was rated trustworthy, loyal and he'd even gotten a gold star once, for pointing out some needless duplications in a paperwork mess the circle was bogged down in a few thousand years ago. ByslSfynx lived in Hottentadia, a sleeper village, and commuted to work on the Hell train. He worked all the overtime he could get, just because he found his home life boring and tedious. He enjoyed his job most of the time, other than the damn wind. The wind drove him crazy sometimes, but hey, that's what the second circle was all about. --==+==- One day he was talking to YtterYing, a co-worker and fairly good friend. YtterYing had been to the Freudian Scrotum, a new club that had opened in the upper West end. He'd danced all night and then gotten in a fight and got the proverbial hell beaten out of him, but he was all better by morning, as usual. He raved about the girls in the club, and made ByslSfynx promise to follow him there next weekend. A huge knot of souls blew by, and got hung up on Mount Squat. Not again, thought ByslSfynx. That happened a dozen times a day. A crew of souls had worked on the outcropping for a few thousand years once, but all they'd had were fingernail files. Somehow the project had gotten back-burnered, and never started up again. "Shit." said YtterYing, and blasted them good with his air gun. They did not budge. Some of them were even burrowing down in the cracks in the stone, by now. Double shit. ByslSfynx gave them a shot with his gun. Still nothing. "Shit again," mumbled YtterYing, and got on his two-way, to request an extraction crew. Suddenly, one man lost his handhold, and the whole group just peeled away with the wind and blew downrange. "Cancel that shit," said YtterYing into the radio, and they talked some more. ByslSfynx looked at the Hell clock, hanging low in the Southern sky. Harry Balls, barely a minute had gone by since he'd looked at it last. He felt a pang of kinship with the souls. He knew how time crawled for them. "Bys. Keep in touch, man," said YtterYing, and wandered off. ByslSfynx sat on a stone, thinking. Not a lot got accomplished when he thought, outside or inside. Most devils approached thinking like mortals approached strenuous exercise; they avoided it whenever possible. But ByslSfynx, although he didn't have a lot of mental horsepower, had begun more and more lately to think. He thought about Hell, a lot. He thought about the old days, which sometimes gave him a warm happy feeling. He thought about the girl that lived above him, which also gave him a warm happy feeling. These thoughts went on for a while, sometimes repeating themself. Every now and then he blasted a soul or two, just to keep his numbers up. He found where he'd stashed his lunchbox, and took a sip from his water bottle. Ugh, Lethe, again. Nasty shit. He started to get pissed, but then he forgot all about it. "Help me..." from over his shoulder, he heard a plaintive cry. Plaintive and slightly irritating. Help you? he thought. In Hell? He turned back to Mount Squat. There, making her way down the steep ragged side of the mountain, was a girl. A soul. A mortal. Well, a former mortal. Her path would bring her right to where he was, so he waited, his finger on the button of his two-way. He thought about just blasting her back into the sky, but it was a slow afternoon, and he was bored. Maybe her story would amuse him. Plus, mortal or not, she was a pretty girl. Even if he didn't really have free will, ByslSfynx had a sex drive. The girl stumbled down the last of the mountain, and slowly made her way up to him. He looked at her critically. She was cute, that was for sure. Maybe even beautiful. And young. Didn't always see a lot of young folk here in the second circle. She must have impressed somebody. "I'm... I'm lost," the girl finally said. "I'm not supposed to be here..." She looked small, and alone. And lost. She really looked lost. "Oh, none of us are, darlin'," said ByslSfynx, smiling warmly. He got ready to crush her spirit with a witty quip, but he stopped, and looked at her again. A weird emotion, something he'd never felt before, something his personality wasn't equipped to handle, swept over his body. He actually... felt sorry for her. He just didn't know that's what it was yet. "Can... can you help me?" she said, her big brown eyes melting his shriveled up little heart. "Can you get me out of here?" "I... I don't think so..." he told the truth. How the hell could he get her out of Hell? He was just a minor, a very minor devil. A blue-collar devil. He didn't even have any administrative rights. He couldn't tell anybody shit. All he could do was follow orders. He didn't follow orders on this one, though. As quick as he could think, he formulated a plan. "Come over here," he told her, and she followed him, seeming to be just a little suspicious. But, she followed him. He led her back to where he'd placed his lunch box, where a large crack was in Hell, almost a cave. He gave her a deviled egg from his lunchbox, and told her to wait. Just a few more hours, and then he'd help her. He spent the rest of the afternoon in a tizzy. He knew he was breaking the rules. He knew he could get his ass busted hard for doing this. But he wanted to help the girl. Didn't he? Did he just really want a few hours of her time? What did he really have planned? he wondered about himself. Finally, thankfully, finally the shift ended. He hurried down to the bunker, and clocked out. He got his harsh weather gear from his locker, and on his way back to where he'd left the girl he wondered if she would still be there. To his surprise, she was. He shushed her, and wrapped her up in his raincoat, pulling the hood down until all you could see was her eyes. He guided her out of the cave, grabbed his lunchbox, and they made their way down out of the hills. The train ride home was nerve-wracking, he imagined that everyone was staring at him, and her. In actuality nobody noticed. Nobody cared. They got off at his stop, and made their way to his apartment. He guided her up the stairs. Oh shit. At the first landing who should they meet, but Ianthelecrux, the devil girl that lived right above him. She suddenly decided she liked him, or something, and hugged him warmly. They made small talk, and she pointed to the girl, still wrapped in the raincoat. "And this is?" she said. Oh shit, though ByslSfynx. "This is my cousin, Reaux," he said. "He's staying with me while his, uhm, skin treatment gets over with." He hoped that explained why the girl was all bundled up. "I see. Well, keep in touch!" said Ianthe, and disappeared down the stairs. They went down the hall, and ByslSfynx unlocked the door to his place. He led the girl in and locked the door behind them. She wrestled herself free of the raincoat, and dropped it to the floor. "God, that smells awful," she said. "Language, please," said ByslSfynx, and put the raincoat in the closet. "Sorry," said the girl. She stood in the center of the room, and looked at him. It was her turn, now, to look critically at him. "What are you going to do with me? Rape me?" she said, and he snorted. "Hardly. I barely know you," he said. That was a thought, though. He looked at her, hard. She was pretty damn cute. She was wearing some kind of halter top thing, and a pair of cut-off jeans. Her legs were all scratched up and bleeding from her trip down the mountains, but they looked strong and muscular. She had bruises pretty much all over her body, due to being blown around the circle by the wind, but he knew they'd heal up pretty quick. Suffering in Hell would be kind of pointless unless you healed up quickly. "That wind sucked," the girl said. "I'm glad just to be out of it." "Yeah, it really gets old after a while," he commiserated. "How long you been in the circle?" She surprised him with her answer. "Just since this morning," she said. Damn, she was really a newbie, he thought. A total virgin. "Well, let me introduce myself," he said. "I am ByslSfynx. No last name," he always thought that was funny to say, but she regarded him seriously. "I am Tina. Tina Yearsley," she said. "Tina," he said. He was actually curious. "Why do you think there was a mistake?" She immediately burst into tears. He felt that funny feeling again, that... sorry feeling. He got her a tissue from the bathroom, and waited for her to finish. "I..." she said, after a few false starts. "I don't think... I am guilty of lust. I mean, I never even kissed a boy. I never let one touch me. My parents watched me too close. I don't understand how I ended up in Hell in the first place, much less the second... second circle..." He was silent for a while. Gears turned in his head. He was actually getting better at this thinking stuff. "Well, darlin'," he finally said. "You don't actually have to do these things... you just gotta feel that way, in your heart... know what I mean?" "Not really," she sniffled. "Well, don't worry about it for now. You can stay here tonight, and we'll figure out what to do with you tomorrow." He stretched out on the couch, and fumbled for the remote. The girl wondered around the room a bit, looking at his pictures, and finally out the window. Shit. He had a thought, another original thought. "Stay back from the window, darlin', if you would. Somebody might notice you." She looked frightened at that, and came over to the couch and gingerly seated herself at the far end. They watched TV for a while in silence. She could finally stand it no longer. "What is this shit?" she asked, puzzled. "This looks like something from fifty years ago." He laughed. He liked laughing, and she made him laugh. "Darlin'," he said. "We're in Hell, remember? Do you think that we get special privileges just because we work here? Sorry. Think again. All our TV is old shit." "Shit," she said again. She sighed. "Tina. What did you expect?" "What did I expect? After I died you mean? Not this shit." He laughed at that. He really liked her. All he'd done since they got home was laugh. She just did that to him. "I mean, that car turned in front of me and bam, I was on a boat, and then there I was in front of some judge or something, and next thing I know I'm being blown around the mountain. It's not fair at all." He laughed again. "You aren't the first to think that, dear." "Shit. I just wanna go back home." "Tina, darlin', there's no going back. You should know that much, at least." "Look, I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be anywhere. I didn't believe in anything. I thought Hell was just... ancient history or something. Something the Greeks believed in." "Well, actually, the concept of Hell, or our version of hell, came a little later than the Greeks," he warmed up to the subject. He'd done well in history, in school. "The high point, of course, came with the publication of Dante Alighieri's 'Inferno', the first printed edition in 1472, though some controversy exists about that date. The first..." She had heard enough, and waved him to silence. "Tell me again, slowly, how to say your name," she said. They worked on that one for a while, and finally she seemed to get it. "Are you hungry?" he said, leaping up, and going to the kitchen. She followed him, and they rummaged around for a bit. His kitchen wasn't very imaginative, and there wasn't much in the fridge. Just some deviled eggs, and a plate of deviled ham. On the counter was a devil's food cake, and, weirdly, some divinity. ByslSfynx did like his desserts. She ate some ham, making a face, but gobbling it down. ByslSfynx knew that the souls in the second circle didn't eat well, being blown about all the time. Just whatever they could grab. Well, eating really wasn't a necessity, in the afterworld. You couldn't die if you were already dead. But you did get pretty hungry if you didn't eat. Whole punishments were built around that. They wandered back into the living room, and plopped down in front of the TV. The evening just flew by for ByslSfynx, where it usually dragged, having the girl for company was fun and new and exciting for him. Just having somebody for company was fun. "Tina," ByslSfynx said. "How old were you, you know, when..." "When I died?" she said. "I had just turned sixteen. I'd just gotten my stupid license, no less. Just days before." "Cars are dangerous, from what I hear," said ByslSfynx. "A lot of people end up here because of cars." "Yeah," said Tina. "Bys... is there stuff to do here, at night? Do you just sit around all night, by yourself?" "Well..." he said, thinking. "There are clubs, yes. And stores. And parks, although the pigeons have kind of taken over. Yeah, there's stuff to do." "This is boring. Your TV sucks," she said, pouting. He laughed at her. "Girl. This is Hell, remember?" he said, and she nodded, a petulant look on her face. "I shouldn't even have you here. I'll get in major trouble if we get caught." "Trouble? By who?" "Well, my supervisor, for one. And my counselor. And my guardian. That's just a start. Even the neighborhood watch committee would probably get involved." "Shit. What would happen to me?" "You'd get sent right back to the second circle, for starters. And you'd have some black marks put on your record, probably. "My record? What record?" "Your personnel file. Everybody in Hell has a personnel file, whether you're a soul or you work here. All your shit goes in it." "Shit," the girl sighed, leaning down on her legs. He noticed that her breasts flattened out nicely when she did that. "So, this is Deviltown, or what, then?" she said, making a wide sweeping motion. "Here, where I live?" he said. "Well, Hottentadia is it's actual name. I guess it's primarily devils that live here, yes. Devils, and a few of the bound." "The bound? What is that?" "Souls who have done something so special that they are being considered for devilhood. Usually something very bad." "You mean like Hitler? Or Saddam?" "Well, they've already crossed over, but they were among the bound for a while, a short while. Some do things in their mortal life, and some do them here." "You mean, if I do something wicked enough in Hell, I can become a devil?" He laughed at the look of surprise on her face. "Darlin'," he said, "Hell is an equal opportunity employer. TYou can be anything you want down here. Anything but good." "Shit." she said. The rest of the evening dragged a little. She appeared to be deep in thought. "Bys," she finally said. He looked at her. "What are you going to do with me tomorrow?" --==+==- The next morning he trudged off to work, a little unsettled. He hadn't really thought the whole thing through very well, he decided to himself. He had no idea what to do with her now that he'd gotten her. They'd discussed options last night, and finally just decided to let her stay in the apartment while he went to work. He wondered how she'd stand the boredom, she'd gotten pretty bored last night while he was there. Well, it would still be better than being blown around the mountain. Maybe she could do it. He tried to stress to her how quickly she'd be identified, if she went outside. He hoped he'd gotten the idea across. She'd slept on the couch that night. He thought about inviting her to his bed, but he didn't want her to think he was being pushy, for some reason. He just got her a blanket and a pillow, and went into his room. She was still asleep that morning when he went off to work. Work that day was long and tedious, and boring. He wondered how he'd stood it for so long. Now that he had something in his life other than work, work sucked. He finally finished the day out, and raced home. When he let himself in, there she was, asleep on the sofa. He got something to eat, and when he came back into the living room she was stirring around. "How was your day, then?" he asked, and she groaned. "Boring as shit. I don't know if I can stand another. I might go back to the mountain." Awww, he thought. He didn't want her to go. He liked her company. And he was wondering, more and more... "I got an idea," he said. "Let me get some makeup, and we'll dress you up like one of the bound. Hardly anybody ever notices or questions them, and you can move around outside with a fair amount of freedom." "Really," she said, intrigued. "What are the disadvantages?" "Well, we'll have to create a persona for you... devils are sure to ask what you've done... and it'll kinda have to fit into the second circle... the whole lust thing..." "I see. Yes, let's do it," she said. "If it gets me out of this apartment, let's do it." ByslSfynx left the apartment, and made his way down to the local Hell-Mart. Sure enough, in the ladies section, he found all kinds of makeup. One of the bound was even in there, buying stuff. The bound were funny, they were almost invisible, usually, devils just didn't notice them. They just weren't bad enough yet, he guessed. He sure hadn't, not up until now. Now he seemed to see them everywhere. He bought a large tube of green skin creme, since that seemed to be the favorite color of the bound. One his way home, he stopped at a gene-splicing shop, and bought some live horns. He thought about claws, but he'd ask, first, since her present fingernails would have to be ripped out first. He didn't know if it'd be worth it to her. He thought about it for a long time, and finally bought a tail, not a bifurcated one, but a simple human looking semi-prehensile tail, like what most of the bound wore. He'd have to cut a chunk out of her butt, to anchor it, but tails were almost a given for the bound. He also bought a couple of needles full of morphine, just in case. When he finally got back she greeted him with enthusiasm. She seemed excited by this whole bound thing. He showed her what he'd bought, and her enthusiasm waned a bit. The horns, he tried to convince her, were easy. Just stick them on. After a few days they'd take root, and eventually grow right into her skull. The tail, now... that would hurt a bit. She finally let him place the horns, and examined herself with satisfaction in the mirror. She did look cute, with them. When she was green, it'd be even better. They went over the tail business, several times, and finally she steeled herself. She pulled her cut-offs down halfway, exposing most of her cute little bottom. He just stared until she cleared her throat, and he indicated for her to lay on the kitchen table. He laid the template right in the start of her crack, and drew around it with a sharpie. He fetched a box knife, and gave her a shot of morphine, right in her butt. She winced at the needle, and he thought, oh shit, she's probably got a low pain tolerance. When he began to cut on her she really yelled at first, and he gave her another needle-full. She seized his tail, and squeezed tighter and tighter as he cut around the lines. He finally cut under the chunk of flesh, and removed it. A trip to the bathroom to get a towel because of bloodflow, and he finally plugged the tail right into the hole in her ass, and smeared flesh glue all over it. She just lay there on the table, shivering and trembling, and he felt another burst of sympathy for her. It'd be over, soon enough, though. The glue finally dried and the cut stopped bleeding. The tail looked good. In a few weeks the nerves would grow into her spine, and she could switch and whip it around. She was looking pretty good, he thought. After the tail episode, she didn't feel like going out that evening, so they didn't try the makeup. She just laid on the couch, on her stomach, and watched TV. He finally joined her, and sat at the end, her feet in his lap. He began to rub her feet, and she sighed in pleasure. "Oh," she said. "That feels good. Keep doing that." He did, and he finally moved up her legs to her calves. She seemed content to let him, and he slowly moved further and further. Nothing seemed off limits, and finally he was massaging her thighs, right up to the root of her legs. He wished she'd take her cut-offs off, she'd pulled them partially back up, as far as she could with the tail now in the way. "Tina," he said. "Take your pants off and I'll cut a hole for your tail in them." "I... I can't..." she said, coyly. "I don't have any underwear on." "It's okay," he said. "I won't peek." But peek he did, and was rewarded with a glimpse of her furry little pussy. She sat shyly on the couch, with a hand over her crotch, and handed him the shorts. He made her stand, and held the shorts up to her and measured where the hole would need to be, all the while admiring her cute ass. She had a fine ass, he thought. Maybe a teeny bit large for her size, but there was nothing wrong with that. Fine, just fine. He really wanted to massage that ass. He got some scissors and cut a nice circular hole in her shorts, where the tail would be. He handed them back to her, but she just set them in her lap, still hiding herself. He was excited that she didn't put them right back on. He felt some stirrings, down there, from his little devil. Oh, he thought, this might be interesting. He moved back down to the end of the couch, and she finally turned and placed her feet in his lap again. As the evening progressed he rose higher and higher, until he was just inches from her crotch. She seemed to notice, then, and giggled, and pulled away from him. "Come on," he said, "let me rub you. It feels good, yes?" "It feel good yes," she said. She let her attention go back to the TV. He was hopeful. His hands were finally at the root of her legs. He felt the crease of her leg, and knew that he was just an inch from her pussy. From her beautiful pussy. He knew without seeing it it would be beautiful. The rest of her was beautiful. Her cunt would be too. He rubbed around and around her legs, squeezing and massaging them. She seemed content. ByslSfynx didn't have a great deal of sexual experience. No devil did, except maybe for rape. Rape was fairly common, in Hell. Once again, some punishments were built around it. He'd never been on a rape crew, though. And the girl devils around this area... they seemed to be a closed-legged group. He'd often heard of a few other towns where the ladies put out like crazy, but he could never seem to get the names of those places. ByslSfynx let his knuckles rub her pussy, as he spread her legs apart slightly. She jumped, and said, "Hey, watch it down there." He was watching it, and he was in love. He was right, it was beautiful. He could see the indention in her butt where her cute little asshole was, and he could see the whole lower half of her cunt. Like I said, he was in love. Her tail was laying over her right buttock. Her tail already looked natural on her, he thought. He didn't think she'd have any trouble passing for one of the bound, not after she got a little makeup on. He finally placed his hands directly on her butt, and squeezed and rotated. She yelped, and looked back at him. He tried to look innocent, but kept doing it. He was sure it felt good. It must have, she let him keep doing it. He rubbed and squeezed to his hearts content, feeling her soft warm bottom in his hands. She had a sexy ass, he thought. He wanted to stop and sniff it, but he didn't want to piss her off. He pulled her ass apart, and looked down at her anus. It was a cute little rosebud, he thought. He wanted to taste it, bad. He wanted to stick his little devil into it. Sex in Hell, for obvious reasons, seems to revolve around the anus, instead of the vagina. ByslSfynx was no different. She finally turned, and rearranged herself. She was almost on his lap, by now. She had turned until her front was facing upwards. Her pussy was in plain view, and she didn't seem interested in hiding it any longer. "Bys," she said. "Why don't you want to rape me? Isn't that mostly what Hell is about?" "Hell no," he said. "I mean, rape happens, but the spirit of Hell is much more involved than simple forced sex acts. For instance..." "Okay, okay!" she said. She found his lectures tiresome. "I been here two days," she said, almost wistfully. "I just thought I'd have been raped by now." Wheels were turning in his head. It almost seemed like, to him, that she wanted it. It was the second time she'd brought it up. Did he dare? For some weird reason, he didn't want to make her mad. But it seemed like... "I am a powerful devil rapist," he said loudly. "Bend to my will." He stood, dropping her painfully on her tail. She winced. "Sorry," he said. He unsnapped his pants, and let them drop. She gasped, staring at him. He was pleased at her reaction. ByslSfynx had a nice dick. He knew it. All devils did, so he didn't feel special. He just knew that not all mortals were so blessed. Or cursed. Whatever. She stared at his organ, gulping. It was hardening rapidly, and soon stood out to it's full length. She wasn't so sure, now, it seemed. She had her hands clasped tightly over her womanhood. Ha ha, he thought, that's not where I'm headed, not at all. He stood before her, and reached down for her hand. She slowly gave it to him, and he raised her to a standing position. He put a hand on her shoulder, and turned her around. "I'll be careful of your tail," he told her. She nodded and said, "Please." He bent her over the couch, and she let him. She still doesn't know, he thought. He let a long drool of spit drop from his mouth, and it landed right on the head of his dick. He rubbed it in, feeling his hardness. His dick looked redder than the rest of him, at the moment. She almost bolted when his dick touched her, right inbetween her butt cheeks. She finally realized what he was going to do. But she stayed, and he began to slowly press into her body. Her ass was tight, and it felt good on his cock. The head finally popped into her body, and the felt the warmth inside of her. She felt good, damn, she felt good. His other devilish girlfriends had usually been kind of loose in the ass, but this girl was tight. Tight, and fresh. His dick was long, and he had to pump in and out, in and out for a long time, wetting himself with her juices until at last his thighs touched her buttocks. He was in all the way. He began to pump, slowly, he began to fuck her. He knew it hurt a little. Asshole sex always hurts, somewhat. But, she stood it well. He finally reached around her waist, and fumbled around for her clit. He wanted her to get off, too. For some reason it mattered to him. He finally rubbed her, feeling her pussy juices on his finger, and it turned him on. He brought that finger to his nose for a sniff, and almost ejaculated. She smelled... divine... or positively satanic, he wasn't sure. She smelled good. He licked his finger, and reached for her clit again. He thought about letting his dick expand, devils can do that, like dogs, but he didn't, since the main point of that is to cause pain. He just fucked her ass, slowly and easily, until she began to moan and squirm around. Then he sped it up a little, and really pounded her clit at the same time. She came, mightily, and he let himself cum, spraying his devilish sperm into her ass. She had a good cum, he thought, and he was proud of himself for giving it to her. He finally pulled his dick out of her ass, and gave her a love slap. She jumped, and came out of her fog enough to give him a little glare. He laughed at her, and said, "Come on. You need to get that shit out of you, or it'll burn you. It's devil spunk." She acted puzzled, but he pulled her up from the couch, and led her to the bathroom. He seated her on the toilet, careful of her tail, and she still looked puzzled. "Poop it out, darlin'," he said. "Devil sperm is highly acidic. It'll burn you if you don't poop it out. That's one reason why I didn't pussy-rape you, you'd have to douche right afterwards and I don't have a douche thingy here." She finally seemed to understand, and squeezed her bowels, and squirted his sperm into the toilet beneath him. She sat there, with an embarrassed look on her face, and had a nice little shit, with turds plopping into the water below. He laughed and breathed deeply though his nose, enjoying the smell of her shit. Devils do like their crazy smells. He washed his dick in the sink, and turned to her. He was ready to go again. He was a devil, for cryin' out loud. No recovery time needed. He moved over right in front of her, as she sat on the toilet, and put his hardening dick right in her face. "Your turn," he said, laughing at her. She just glared up at him. "What, you think I'm gonna blow you, after that thing's been in my ass?" she said. He nodded. "I washed it. Go for it. You ever give a blow job before?" "Just a couple..." she said absently. "What? I thought you had never even touched a boy, you said!" He was amused to catch her in a lie. The truth always eventually comes out, he thought. "Well, not really," she said, embarrassed again. "Nobody ever came in my mouth. And you're not gonna, either." She regarded his big dick from just inches away. Finally she reached out and took it in both her hands, and pulled him towards her mouth. Her mouth felt soft and warm, and he felt his dick harden even more. She ran the cap along the roof of her mouth, and scraped the bottom of his shaft with her lower teeth. She was good, he thought. This most certainly wasn't her first. He wondered if she really was a virgin. She finally cut out the monkey business, and began to suck. And suck she did, powerfully. She was a good cock-sucker, he thought. Among the best. Certainly the best he'd ever had. He was almost ready to cum again. She squeezed and kneaded his balls, and sucked for all she was worth. Every now and then she ran her teeth along the back of his cap, and he loved the shit out of that, when she did it. She stuck her tongue in the slit in the end of his dick, until it hurt, but felt as good as it hurt. She was good. He finally grabbed her ears, and filled her mouth with devil's sperm. He squirted again and again as he came, feeling his butthole pucker up, he came so hard. She was good. Good, and sexy. He finally backed up, and let her rise and spit the mouthful of sperm into the toilet. She made a face at the taste, and then sat back down to wipe her ass. He let her wipe away the big shit, and then he motioned her to stand, and her turned her, bent her at the waist, pulled her tail out of the way, and licked her asshole clean. She tasted great, shitty, but great. He licked and licked her, loving the hell out it. She didn't seem too embarrassed by what they'd done, and he realize that she was probably a little more sexually advanced than she'd pretended to be. She dropped back down on the couch, careful of her tail, and they watched TV for the rest of the evening. She didn't even put her shorts back on. Finally, just a few minutes before Hell-Mart closed, she said, "Bys. Go buy a doucher." He looked at the clock. Oh, shit. He raced to Hell-Mart, but they'd closed early, probably just to piss devils off. He found a drugstore open, finally, and paid a ridiculous amount for a rubber douche bottle. He trudged back home, and she met him at the door. "Good," she said. "Just so we have one, in case your hormones take over and you rape me again." "Oh," he said. He was rapidly getting used to this. "I feel them rising. It might happen tonight." "Well, just remember," she said. "I'm a lady. Ladies like to be asked occasionally, although it's not a necessity." He nodded. He would remember that. --==+==- She came to bed with him that night, instead of sleeping on his couch. Just as natural as could be, she came and crawled in with him. "Tina," he said. "You ever sleep with a guy? Sleep sleep, not sex sleep?" "I haven't done either, really." she said. "You are really still a virgin? For real?" he said. She nodded. "Yeah. A dick's been close, but never in." she said. His turn to nod. This might be fun. He'd never deflowered a virgin. He knew he'd receive some extra karma from it, even if no one ever knew the circumstances. Defilement of a virgin was a special thing in hell, since so few virgins ever made it in. This might be sweet. They wrestled and rolled around a bit, getting comfortable. "Shit, Bys," she finally said. "This is the hardest, lumpiest mattress I've ever been on." He laughed some more. "This is Hell, remember?" he said. He never tired of reminding her of that. "Shit." she said again. He waited for the sex stuff to begin. He finally wondered if she knew how to begin. She didn't act like she did. "Tina," he finally said. "Wanna kiss me? I brushed my teeth." She giggled, and gave him a quick peck. He grabbed her and pulled her to him. That's the way she seemed to like it, he was realizing. They kissed, and quick enough, he felt her tongue in his mouth. He ran his hands down her body, and squeezed her ass. Her wonderful ass. "Tina," he said, pulling away, and rolling her over until she was on her back. "I'm gonna eat your pussy, darlin'. And lick your asshole 'til it bleeds." He crawled down her body, and put his nose right into the middle of her sweet pussy. Satan, he thought, she smells good. Shit. He began to lick. Her little clit was almost hard, and he switched it with his tongue, feeling her squirm and tremble beneath him. He knew she was enjoying it. He sure as hell was. She tasted absolutely wonderful, kind of sweaty, but it was hot down here, everybody sweated. Not everyone tasted as good, though. He lifted her ass off the bed, and sought out her fabulous asshole. There it was! He licked it, ramming his tongue into it, tasting her shit again. She had tasty shit. He felt her sphincter push against his tongue, and he pushed back. She giggled. His dick was hard, hard. So hard it almost hurt. He finally could stand it no longer, and he rose back up along her body. He reached down and guided his dick to her softness, and pushed into her body. She gasped, and gulped. He felt pressure against his dick, and he pushed right on through. She cried out, and he realized, without even thinking about it, that he'd popped her cherry. He'd taken her virginity, just like that. He looked down at her, and saw two tears slide out of the corners of her eye. He felt bad, for a moment, but he also felt a rush of power. How few devils got this pleasure, he thought. Virgins were, like I already said, pretty rare in Hell. He felt honored. He felt powerful. He plunged on into her body, and felt his thighs contact hers. He was in all the way. He did expand his dick slightly, then, in the hopes of giving her more pleasure. She was still a little sore, but pretty quick she perked up, and he felt like she was enjoying herself. He plunged in and out of her, pounding her, her whole body jerking with each plunge. She was moaning and she even squealed a few times. He was gasping himself, feeling her body beneath him. She felt so good. He pounded away, and she wailed even louder. Somebody pounded on the other side of the wall, and they heard a voice say something incomprehensible. She giggled and he laughed, and they didn't let it bother them at all. This was Hell, dammit. This was just part of the package. She finally quieted down. He knew she had came, good. He'd had a pretty good cum himself, for a devil. He finally got her up and into the bathroom, and filled the douche with water. It satisfied something inside him to watch her squat over the toilet and wash her cunt out. Everything she did was sexy to him, at this stage. All too quickly, it was morning. Shit. Off to work he went, bitching and moaning. The day dragged and dragged. He felt an almost overwhelming urge to tell YtterYing about his new roommate, but he kept his mouth shut. As good a friend as YtterYing was, betrayals were just part of life in Hell. Maybe when she was successfully passing for one of the bound he'd tell him. Some of the truth, not all of it. Finally, after an excruciating day, work was over. He hurried home, to her. He realized by now how firmly he was in her grasp, that he'd probably do just about anything to have continued access to her sweetness. She was the best thing that'd ever happened to him. He was genuinely happy, now, with her, with her living with him. He wondered how long they could keep it up. She was there, and a nice shade of green. "Oh, darling, you look fabulous," he said, at a loss for words. She did. Green really brought out her beauty, he thought. Her little horns looked so cute. And that tail. She had her cut-offs on, and damn, did that tail ever look sexy. "Come on," she said. "Let's go somewhere." "Darlin'," he said, "We have to get your story straight first. Devils are bound to ask." "Like what?" "Okay, let's say this. You are bound over because you have fucked people non-stop since you arrived in the second circle, in spite of the wind. And you have yanked off a few dicks. That'll make you look more evil. Yes, you like to yank off dicks after you get through fucking." "Can't that shit be checked up on?" "No, it's not logged. Yanked off dicks grow back, they just hurt like hell. Nobody pays attention to some poor soul who's whining because he got his dick yanked off." ByslSfynx actually had never seen of anybody's dick being yanked off, though he'd heard rumors. And he just knew how Hell worked. "Okay. I got that. I'm a dick yanking mother fucker." "Yes, that, excellent. Let's say that when you got to Hell you met your mother and fucked her, too." "Can they not check and see that she's not dead?" "Well, administrative types could, but we won't meet any of those down here. Just stick close to me, and let me do the talking. I'll kinda be looked down on, for just having one of the bound as a girlfriend, but it happens. I don't mind. I'm proud of you, you are very cute now." "Shit. I was cute before." "True. But you're really cute now," he said, eying her speculatively. "Here's an idea. Go topless. That'll keep most devil's attention in a safe place." "Do people go topless in Hell?" "Hell, all the time. This is Hell, remember?" "Shit. Yeah." She idly stripped her shirt and bra off. He stared at her flesh-colored tits. She did have some nice tits. He remembered squeezing them and sucking her nipples last night. He hoped that some of that would go on tonight, too. Tina got the skin creme, and smeared green on her tits. He tried to help her, but she spanked his hands. He was content just to stare at her fabulous tits. "Hello?" she said, waving her hand in front of his face. "Okay, let's go. Where do you want to go?" he said, leading her to the door. "I don't care. Can we go to one of those clubs?" "Later tonight, when they're open, yes. Let's go to Hell-Mart now, and buy some groceries and shit." "Okay." --==+==- Hell-Mart was an ordeal for her, she kept picking up things and griping about the expiration dates, or the prices, or any number of other things. Everything seemed to be fucked up for her. He reminded her several times they were in Hell, and then gave up. They tried to make a few purchases, but his card got declined, so they had to put some shit back, and finally they stumbled out of the store. A quick trip back to the apartment to put things up, and he took her to the park. The pigeons were a problem, but the park seemed fairly deserted at the moment. He saw some pigeons off in the distance, wheeling and diving, and he figured that somebody's picnic was probably being ruined. Tina seemed bored, but there wasn't much else to do until sundown. They finally sat on a bench, and devil watched. --==+==- "Hey, Bys, man!" Oh shit, ByslSfynx thought. It was YtterYing, of all devils. And he had some cute devilish female on his arm. "And who is this?" YtterYing said, taking Tina's hand and kissing it. His date snorted and kicked him in the shins, but he just laughed. ByslSfynx knew he was just joking around. "This is Tina. Tina, YtterYing, YtterYing, Tina. Tina is crossing over shortly, but we were just hanging out for a while." "Well, good to see you out enjoying life, Bys," YtterYing said. "We wonder about you sometimes. All work and no play, you know..." "Yeah, well," said ByslSfynx. "I play a little bit, when nobody's looking." YtterYing winked and nodded. Some more small talk, and finally, thankfully, they moved on. ByslSfynx was slightly reassured, though, that they had accepted her as one of the bound without any reservations. That was a good sign. "Bys. Let's go over in the trees, and I'll give you BJ. That's kill a little time," Tina said, and stood. Shit, he thought. I'm there. He was ramming his hard cock deep in her throat, back in the bushes, when he heard a noise in front of him. He opened his eyes to see a little devil girl standing there, watching them. Shit. Well, kids had to learn, at some point. He smiled and waved at her. "Mister," she said. "Why is that lady blowing you up?" "Little darling," he replied, "Go ask your mommy. It's a grown-up thing." "Can I try it?" the girl asked, and he laughed softly. Oh, he'd go for that, he would, he thought. Tina spit his dick out, turned around to look at the girl, and then turned back to him. "If you say yes," she said, "I'll yank your dick off." Shit. "No, run along now," he told the girl, and she scampered off. The mood was kind of broken, but Tina brought it back, and sucked him off to a great orgasm. His knees almost buckled as he filled her mouth. She laughed at him and spit his sperm at his feet. "Bys," she said. "How fast can you cum, after you cum once?" "Just a minute or two, I guess," he said. "I dunno. I'm a devil like that. Maybe seconds. Maybe we should try and experiment, when we get home." "Yeah, we'll do that," she said. "Come on, let's get something to eat, I still got a few drachmas left," he said, pulling a wad of bills out of his pocket. --==+==- The went to McDevil's, and Tina got a fishburger while he had a Big Muck. They just sat around for a while after they finished, and joked and giggled. He saw devils stare at them occasionally, and he knew they what they were thinking. Poor devil. But, he didn't feel like a poor devil. He was having fun. She was fun. He realized how attached to her he was getting. That probably wasn't a good idea. He knew at some point it would have to end, or he'd self-destruct and get caught. Then he would be in trouble. They finally left the restaurant, and made their way uptown, to his favorite place, a little low-key dance club named Mona Lisa's Nipple. The crowd was starting to show up, and the DJ was already spinning some scratchy old records. Tina immediately began to bitch about the choice of music, but ByslSfynx just laughed at her. He dragged her out onto the dance floor, and they rocked and hip-hopped and slow-danced, they did it all. She was good, he realized, and he saw devils watching them. Others recognized her talents too, he thought. ByslSfynx got his fill of dancing pretty quickly. A devil approached, and respectfully ask him if he could dance with his girlfriend. ByslSfynx just laughed and said, "Sure!". Soon a whole long line of folks were lined up to dance with her. She was good, and attractive. Something about her... he wasn't sure what it was... but there was just something about her. Nobody even ask for the story that he had so painstakingly thought up. They just all wanted to spend a little time with her. That night they made their way back through the deserted streets to his place. She laughed and giggled, and he laughed too. They'd had fun, they'd had a good time. Later they rolled around in the bed, still giggled and playing. She seemed so sexy to him tonight, so desirable. Like he'd thought earlier, there was just something about her. They finally began making out, and fucked deep into the night, causing the neighbors on both sides to pound on the walls. ByslSfynx was more pleased with himself than he'd even been. He didn't even want to think about the future, if he'd have to get rid of her. His mind was working overtime on ways to keep her, forever. He trundled off to work the next morning, leaving her asleep. Work was almost unbearable. It just seemed to go from bad to worse, now that he had a purpose, a reason for not being at work. It seemed like it took forever. He knew how the lost souls felt, now more than ever. Did he ever. He raced home, and swept her up into his arms. She giggled, and they fixed some insanely hot Mexican food, and left for the clubs when it was barely dark. That night, devils actually showed up from last night, looking for her. She had that big of a hold on some of these guys, already. He was surprised, but gratified. And everybody knew she was his. Satan's balls, what was next, he thought. They stayed out pretty late, and as they walked home she talked to him. "Bys," she said, and he nodded. "Do we need any money?" "Not really need, but money is always nice. Why?" "Some of those guys were offering me money... to... to fuck me..." "What?" he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and pulled her around to face him. "Don't get mad. I didn't say yes." "Those bastards. How dare they!" it actually didn't make him that mad, it excited him somewhat. Guys like her so much they want to fuck her, he thought, and I'm getting to do just that. We're going home, to do just that. "Well, we don't need money that bad, right now," he finally said, and they walked on. "I guess, though, remember that, in you ever need some cash fast." "Shit. I guess," she said. Soon they were home. --==+==- The next night they went to The Madonna's Orgasm, a little more upscale club. He danced with her some, and then a whole new crowd of guys wanted to dance with her. He was bemused. What attraction did she have, here in Hell? Was it because she was a relative newcomer? She was easily passing for one of the bound, but none of the other bound women seemed as popular as she was. What was it with these guys? He didn't even have to buy any drinks that evening, he just took one of hers every now and then. There was no shortage of guys willing to buy her drinks. This is working out nicely, he thought. --==+==- Work was an unbelievable drag, now that he had something waiting for him at home. He was a little tougher on the lost, now, because it was their fault he had to come to work. If they just hadn't screwed up and got sent to Hell in the first place he wouldn't have to spend eight long hours a day here, helping to torture them. The stupid bastards. All he wanted was to stay at home and play around with Tina. She owned him body and soul, now. Well, heart, devils don't actually have a soul. That night, as they walked home from the club, she casually handed him a huge wad of cash. "What the fuck is this?" he said, puzzled. "Aw, guys kept giving it to me. For stupid shit, like being so cute and all that. Don't ask me why." He just stood there on the sidewalk, counting. Shit. There was more here than he made in two weeks. What the fuck was this all about? What was the attraction these guys had to her? Was it because she was just a simple sinner, pretending to be one of the bound? But most of these guys saw the lost every day at work. What was different about her? As they walked home, he tried to analyze his own feelings for her. He loved her desperately, madly. He would do anything for her. Her hold over him was incredible, he realized. He didn't even want to think about life without her. It wouldn't be worth living, he realized. He wondered how he'd made it all these thousands of years without her. He puzzled deep into the night, as he pounded her ass, and listened to his neighbors cuss. She was wild that night, she took it time and time again, in every hole. He even fucked her under the arm once. She was mad. He was mad, in love. This will not end well, he told himself. As intense as it's getting? This will not end well. --==+==- By the end of the week, he was exhausted. Just trying to keep up with her was wearing him out. They'd tried to shake off the crowd by going back to their old club, but somebody found them there, and the crowd showed up. Tina was having to fend off offers of everything from simple pay-to-fuck-you's to offers of marriage, Hell-style. Shit. These guys were nuts for her. But ByslSfynx knew what they were feeling. He felt it too. He was mad for her, too. Finally, one night, they just stayed home. It got to be too much. To their surprise, and disgust, they found out that within the last night or two, someone had sneakily followed them home, just to find out where they lived. A group of devils knocked and the door and asked it Tina was okay, and could she come out and play. "Fuck! What is it with these guys!" said ByslSfynx, slamming the door. A few hesitant knocks were heard from outside. "Go away!" he shouted. The idiots. Tina stood in the center of the room and looked sorry. "Bys... I'm not doing this on purpose... I just wanted to get out and have a little fun..." "I know, Tina," he said, hugging her. She squeezed back, surprising him. "Can we even leave now?" she asked. "Well, sure... but those fools might follow us..." --==+==- The next morning when he left for work, two of the devils from the club were sleeping at the end of the hallway. He went back in and woke Tina, warning her not to open the door for any reason. Her eyes were wide, and she looked a little scared. He began to contemplate moving, if they could just do it without anyone finding out where they went. Life was getting complicated, he realized. All because of her. But, so far, she was still worth it to him. Work was excruciating, as usual. At lunch, he ran down to the commissary, and placed and expensive phone call home. The phone service in Hell sucked, but amazingly, the call went through, and she finally answered. He made sure she was alright, and told her he'd probably be home early, he was so worried about her. She sounded lonely and forlorn to him, like a little girl. ByslSfynx sought out his supervisor, and made a fake excuse that he was sick and needed to go home. His supervisor pissed and moaned, but finally let him go, since he had never left sick before. He raced home, as fast as the train would get him there. And, shit. There was a crowd at his door. "Lemme through... lemme through," he said, pushing through the bodies. One guy blocked the door. "Dude, you gotta let Tina come play tonight. We all want to see her," the guy said. ByslSfynx would have slugged him, but the guy was bigger and tougher looking than he was. Shit. He thought for a moment, and nodded. "Look, if all you motherfuckers will just leave, I promise we'll be at the club tonight. Just give her some space, man. You guys are scaring her, you're so intense." he said. The devils all looked thoughtful, and finally the spokesman nodded. "Okay, promise?" the devil said, and ByslSfynx nodded. "Promise." The crowd finally left, and he let himself in, relieved. Tina was sitting on the couch, her eyes wide. She'd heard most of it through the door, and he explained it all to her. "Girl... you gotta give your public something, I guess... do you wanna go out tonight?" She nodded. "No matter what, it beats the fuck out of hanging around here all night." He could only agree with that. Shit. He helped her touch up her makeup. Her tail was perfect, now. She could switch it, and hold it out, even. It looked cuter than hell on her. Her horns were through the skin of her scalp now, and growing into her skull. Damn. She was coming along nicely. --==+==- Finally, about dark, they set out for the club. They had a reasonably fun evening, with a few minor glitches. Some of the guys got in a fight over who was next to dance with Tina, and things like that. Fuck, thought ByslSfynx, these guys are just consumed with her. They act like they own her. Fuck them, I own her. Well, she owns me. Whatever. He began to wonder where this whole thing was headed. Where it was going to go from here. That night, a crowd followed them home. ByslSfynx tried to run them off, but nothing doing. They camped out in the hallway, causing his apartment manager to call him and complain. He denied fault, and for that got a threat of eviction. That seemed unfair to him, he wasn't doing anything on purpose. He tried to explain that the guys were obsessed with his girlfriend, but the manager just hmmm'phed. And, by the way, these are single occupancy dwellings, the manager said. We might have to take this to court. Oh, fuck, thought ByslSfynx. The last thing he wanted to do was get caught up in court proceedings. In Hell, that took frustration to a whole new level. That shit could drag on for years. And he didn't have the money to get a lawyer to even look at him. Shit. The only thing he didn't seriously consider was getting rid of her. He was too obsessed with her. He was crazy mad for her. Every night, every single fucking night she just blew his mind, all over again. He had caught himself napping at work, just because he missed so much sleep fucking her. That's all they did, all night, fuck like rabbits. He was exhausted from fucking so much. But he loved it. And he loved the shit out of her. --==+==- They were home the night the cops came. Suddenly they could hear shouting and pounding out in the hall. Tina jumped up and pulled her clothes on, and ByslSfynx grabbed his pants. There were some sounds like clubs pounding on bodies, and a few yells, and finally, there was silence. Then, a massive fist pounded on their door. ByslSfynx looked at Tina, and slowly went and opened the door. A Hell policeman stood there. He filled the whole doorway. His arms were as big as ByslSfynx's legs. Shit. He held a paper out, and ByslSfynx cautiously took it. "This is a summons to appear before a magistrate. It is not an accusation of wrongdoing, or an admission of guilt. You just got some 'splainin' to do, boy. On why that crowd stays camped outside your front door. Got it?" ByslSfynx nodded, and the cop left. Shit. A janitor showed up to mop up the blood on the floor. Well, he thought, maybe that solved that problem. Maybe Tina's fan club will find another place to hang out. He closed the door and glanced at the paper. Shit. Next Thorsday. And, he'd have to take off work, even. He decided just to take the whole day off. I might, he mused, I might even take off tomorrow. Just to spend the day with her, just in case. --==+==- One or two die-hards did come back, and camped out in the hall, hoping for a glimpse of Tina. ByslSfynx peeked through the spy-hole at them, and just shook his head. What the bloody hell was her attraction to these guys? They went out that night, but they went back to the little club, the first one they'd started going to. Within minutes a crowd of admirers was surrounding their table. ByslSfynx threw up his hands, and just let Tina run with the crowd. It's not like he could do anything, anyway. She danced until she was worn out and woozy, and then sat, in large circle of devils who hung onto her every word. Some of them, ByslSfynx noticed, were getting pretty possessive of her. She's mine, you bastards, he mentally told them. Keep away. The trip home that night was in the center of a crowd, until they reached their street. ByslSfynx stopped there, and talked to the group, well, he begged, really, he begged for them to give Tina a little peace and privacy. After making a promise to be at the club the next night, finally most of them wandered off. Her two most ardent admirers refused to leave, though, and spent the night in the hall. ByslSfynx was totally flummoxed, by now. The next morning he called in sick. His supervisor was grouchy, and told him he was in danger of fucking his job up. Just this once, ByslSfynx promised. Finally the devil relented. He spent the morning laying on the couch, holding Tina. She was feeling bad about causing all this fuss, and he had to try and convince her that it didn't bother him. It actually didn't bother him that much, as long as he got her each night. They were still fucking like newlyweds, she just seemed insatiable to him. She was consuming him, eating him alive, almost. He loved it. --==+==- Another sign that things were badly out of whack came Saturnday morning. Somebody pounded on the door, and ByslSfynx opened it, with a little trepidation. An angry looking devil stood there. "May I help you?" he said. "Maybe," the devil said. "Where you get off makin' all my guys call in sick? Who is this Tina?" "Sick? Your guys?" ByslSfynx said, confused. "Yes, half my work force was off last week, pining for somebody named "Tina". Does she live here?" The guy tried to look past ByslSfynx, in the door. "Yes. No. I'm sorry. I can't help you." ByslSfynx tried to shut the door, but the guy's foot was in it. "Send my guys home when you see them," the devil said, and finally left. "Tina," ByslSfynx regarded her with puzzlement. "Tina, what is going on. Do you have any idea?" "I dunno," she said, looking equally puzzled. "I'm just bein' me. I dunno why peope are crazy about me." "Not people. Devils only. Only devils are crazy about you." he said. His mind was working overtime. What was the real problem here? Why did almost every devil that met her fall in love with her? About that time another knock sounded. He opened the door, exasperated. It was YtterYing, of all devils. He pulled him in, and hurriedly shut the door, before more trouble came along. "Hey, Bys..." YtterYing seemed kind of subdued, and possibly even apologetic. "Just in the neighborhood, thought I'd stop in." Tina emerged from the bathroom. Immediately YtterYing perked up. "Hi, Tina!" he said. ByslSfynx realized where the focus had gone. He suddenly felt invisible. He realized that even YtterYing had an attraction to her. Shit, he thought. Shit. "YtterYing, we got a major problem. Sit down," said ByslSfynx. --==+==- Thirty minutes later, they were still puzzling over it. ByslSfynx had told YtterYing the whole story, with details provided by Tina. He hoped for another point of view, or some ideas... something. ByslSfynx had told him everything, except that she wasn't actually bound. He'd skipped over that part, the part about how he got her. Although, for a good enough reason, he thought, I'll tell him. "YtterYing..." he finally said. "Do you feel it too? For her? It's okay, I understand, you can admit it, it don't make me mad." YtterYing thought for a moment. "Yeah, I gotta admit it. I feel a hell of an attraction for her." "What kind of attraction? Physical, mental, what?" "Mostly physical. I'd even say sexual. Very strong sexual, in fact. This is a first for me, I've never felt this way about one of the bound before. I'm sorry to say it... but usually I kinda look down on them... at least until they cross over..." "YtterYing..." ByslSfynx decided to take the plunge. "We got an admission to make. Tina is not actually one of the bound." YtterYing was pretty nonplussed at that. He just stared at her. ByslSfynx knew he was seeing the horns, tail and green paint. "Yt," he finally said. "I just bought that shit at Hell-Mart. She's just a soul, a newbie, in fact. She'd only been here a day when I brought her home." "You... brought her home? How'd you get her home? How'd you get her out of the circle?" "I put a raincoat on her, and just walked her out. YtterYing, there's no control. Anybody could do it. You could do it." "Why'd she... why'd she come, then?" "Why do you think? Wouldn't you rather stay here, in an apartment, than be blown around and all that shit?" "Well, true... shit, man. Shit." There was silence for a few. "Do you think, then," said YtterYing. "Do you think that has something to do with it? That she's just a soul, and not actually one of the bound?" "I kinda did... but most everybody sees souls every day at work, and this don't happen. They don't go nuts over them, like folk have over Tina. Devils are missing work and shit, for crying out loud." "I dunno, man, I just don't know," said YtterYing. He seemed as puzzled as ByslSfynx. "Shit." --==+==- YtterYing finally tore himself away from Tina's company, and left. They passed the rest of the evening playing Devilopoly, and went to bed. ByslSfynx's neighbors had seemed to accept the pounding of his headboard and squeaking of his mattress. The two of them had a nice, energetic fuck, complete with squeals, grunts and even a little spanking. ByslSfynx was happy. --==+==- The next week just got crazier and crazier. A huge crowd assembled in front of the apartment, at one point, complete with large groups of devils chanting "Tina, Tina!" Fights broke out, and devils started selling square feet in the hallway. ByslSfynx had to call in for vacation time Moonday, he literally didn't dare leave the place. Tina got mopier and mopier, she felt responsible for all this. He considered having her wave out the window, thinking maybe it would satisfy some of the crowd, but decided against it. It might start a riot. He didn't feel like a riot was far away, in any case. ByslSfynx didn't know how he'd ever make it to Thorsday, to his court date. It had weighed heavy on his mind, but now, compared to the madness that was going on, it didn't seem like that big a deal. They slept, but barely. There was a constant muttering from the crowd outside their window. It just got madder and madder. When the riot police showed up, it was a relief to both of them. --==+==- ByslSfynx watched out of the corner of a window, as the riot cops mopped up the crowd. Finally, a long black truck pulled up, and a dozen devils dressed in military garb got out. They spent a minute or two checking their equipment, then they disappeared into the building, beneath ByslSfynx's line of sight. Oh shit, he thought. He waited for the knock on the door. Instead, with a crash, the door was knocked inwards by a devil with a large battering ram. ByslSfynx and Tina were spot-lighted with a dozen laser sights. Tina gasped and clung to him. His heart was beating like mad. "You. Devil. Turn around and walk backwards towards the sound of my voice," somebody barked, and he pried Tina loose, turned, and stumbled backwards. He caught one last glimpse of her face, and mouthed "Goodbye" to her. He almost felt like it was goodbye, forever. He felt someone putting handcuffs on his hands. What did I do? he thought. Other than taking a soul out of the circle... he didn't think it was worth all this fuss, though... "Girl. Turn around, and put your arms out." As a devil led him from the room, he saw another devil approaching Tina with what looked like a straightjacket. Shit, he thought. They act like they're scared of her. He was taken downstairs, and put in the back of a truck. He waited, but Tina was taken to another truck, if she was taken at all. --==+==- The cell was small, dirty and smelly. Hell in a handbasket, he thought. Shit. He'd been waiting for hours. At long last, a devil opened the door and motioned him out. They walked down a long hall, the devil's hand gripping his upper arm. He behaved. They entered a small room, and the devil sat him at a table, and then sat across from him. "Okay," said the devil. "You are being recorded, both audio and video. It is imperative, from here on, that you tell the absolute truth. Your future depends on it. Got it?" ByslSfynx nodded. He decided to do just that. He had a firm belief that things could always get worse. He wondered if he'd ever see Tina again. He wondered if he'd ever see the outside world again. The devil started with simple questions. Within minutes, though, he found himself telling all about meeting Tina and taking her home. The devil nodded at each admission, and wrote furiously on a tablet. At last, after an exhausting three or four hours, they seemed to be done. There was a knock on the door at last, and another devil escorted him from the room. The building got progressively more and more upscale and decorated, as they went along. At last they entered a courtroom, and then went to the back, behind the judge's chair. He realized they were entering a judge's chambers. Oh crap, he thought. The judge was a nice old elderly devil. He seemed to be jovial, and tried to put ByslSfynx at ease. ByslSfynx was prepared for tricks like this, and hoped he wouldn't be fooled. "Well, my boy," the judge said, after the other devil had left. "You have had an interesting time of it, haven't you." "Yes, sir," said ByslSfynx. "Got you a little fucktoy, there. Had a little fun," the devil seemed to be laughing at him. "Yes, sir," said ByslSfynx. "And, most amazing of all, you don't have any idea what she was. It's almost funny." "Yes, sir," said ByslSfynx. "Well, it's not all your fault. It's almost none of it your fault. That's why we're gonna go easy on you." "Yes, sir," said ByslSfynx. He was sure that his puzzlement showed in his voice, by now. "The therapy you'll require will be punishment enough, I have decided. You'll need years of the crap, to get her washed out of your system." "Uhm," said ByslSfynx. He was ready for some answers. "What was she? Why am I not in that much trouble?" The devil laughed and laughed. He seemed to be enjoying all this. "She was a mistake, is what she was. Somebody up there," the devil poked his finger straight up. "Somebody up there fucked up big time, though they'll never admit it. She was right, what she told you. She didn't belong here, at all." "What do you mean?" "She shoulda gone upstairs. Somebody put her on the wrong bus or boat or something, and she ended up in the second circle. The mistake was made long before she got to us." "What do you mean, upstairs?" asked ByslSfynx. He thought he knew, though. That... place. That other place. He shuddered. "That place. You got it. Yes, she was a fucking saint. A saint, in Hell." "But..." ByslSfynx was confused. She was no saint. No saint would suck his dick like she did. No saint would scream with lust when he poked into her asshole. She was a proper, hellish bad girl. "But nothing. I know it doesn't make sense." "Why was everyone so crazy about her, then?" "Because of her innate goodness. We devils crave goodness, because it's bad for us. We love things that are bad for us. Goodness is the worst. Don't let that get out, by the way." "Shit," ByslSfynx said. He was pretty confused. And sad, he was sad, he knew now that he'd never get to see her again. "What's gonna happen to her?" he finally asked. The devil laughed some more. "Oh, they already put her on a rocket, straight up. She's probably playing a harp, right about now. Maybe dancin' nekkid with the angels, who knows." "How could she go... there? As naughty... as nasty as she was?" "She already earned it, is why. Maybe she got in as an innocent, I dunno. It doesn't always make sense. We don't get to make the rules. Don't let that one get out, either." "But... she's got horns and a tail, now. And she's green..." "They'll scrub that green crap off her, at the pearly gates. The horns and tail, now... she might be the only angel up there, with horns and a tail. She's a good girl, now, though. I'm sure she's already got her wings and halo, even. And she'll keep her mouth shut about what she did down here, if she knows what's good for her." --==+==- ByslSfynx walked down the boulevard, headed home. They'd offered him a ride, but he wanted to walk. He had a lot of thinking to do. But he didn't even want to think about how empty his apartment was going to seem, now that she was gone. He was sad, sad to see her go. He hoped for the best for her. He wondered if she'd get to have sex... up there. If they had sex at all up there. He hoped for her sake that they did. He stumbled up the stairs, fumbling for his keys. "Well, stranger," a friendly voice said. It was Ianthelecrux, standing in the stairway. She was looking very sexy this evening, he thought. Almost as sexy as Tina had looked. She continued, "You missed all the excitement. The cops been here, and everything." "Yes, I heard about that," he said, laughing to himself. He'd heard all about it he ever wanted to. "I got a red velvet cake, if you want a piece," she said, and he thought, shit. I do. I do want a piece. I want some cake, too. He climbed the stairs and followed her into her place, and she shut the door. --==+==- IF YOU LIKED THIS STORY, LEAVE ME A COMMENT. HELL, LEAVE ME A COMMENT EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT. THANKS FOR READING.;u=26255