Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title : Beach Baby Author : MeatBot Keywords : Pedo, Mg, MFg Date : 20150608 Mail : meatbot777 at gmail dot com This story : HTML - text - /files/Authors/MeatBot/BeachBaby%20-%20Pedo%20Mg%20MFg. txt My other stories : HTML -;u=26255 text - /files/Authors/MeatBot/ Synopsis : A man is befriended by and later seduces a young girl he meets at the beach. Disclaimer : Copyright by the author. Permission is granted to archive, repost, or publish in no-cost or low-cost archives, periodicals, anthologies of this type of material if unaltered and attributed to the author. This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 16 in real life. These are just words, people. Just words. If you have a problem with words see a competent shrink or an English teacher. This story is all made up, but everything, even goofy stories you read on the internet, has seeds of truth to it. I've never even been to Hawaii, so give me a break on the details. If you don't like it, read something else. Don't bitch at me. You have been warned. --==+==- Being retired at age thirty five is cool. Sometimes it's boring, but it's mostly cool. Living on the big island makes it cooler, there's beaches everywhere, and plenty of ripe young flesh to pick from. Chicks seem to think a little differently when they're far away from home, on a vacation, and it's makes my job as a womanizer easier. A lot of time it's simply a matter of choosing. I guess my looks help, I look younger than I am, and I probably don't look half bad, either. I know it's not fair, but that's the way it is. The market was good to me, and I live comfortably. I have a nice place, not too big, not too small, just right for one. One and the occasional guest. I live on the 20th floor, and the view of the ocean is spectacular, from my living room. Just the view alone has gotten me more pussy than I ever got back in the states. I owe a lot to that view. When I get bored I just sit down on the beach, and people watch. You see all kinds, on the beach, and you usually see a lot of them. Sometimes it's good, and sometimes it's bad. Luckily, for every fat ugly one, there's two or three foxy ones. I know that makes me sound like a jerk. I accept that. It's just what I do. My sexual preferences have always been fairly simple. I like girls. That's pretty much it. Young ones, old ones... if they're foxy, I like them. If they have that something that appeals to me... I'm still not sure what it is, but I seem to know when they have it. Most of them do. Most girls period do, I mean. I've turned away from a few, but in all honesty I'm probably not that picky. And... I never thought of myself as a child molester... not until what happened... happened. I'm human, and I'll admit it to myself, when I see a foxy teen ass on the beach, I stare. I always liked teens, and even young teens. Old enough to bleed, I used to think. There didn't seem like much to like, younger than that. There didn't seem like anywhere to go. I had no idea, I admit, and I sure didn't know that, about myself. You learn something new about yourself every day. You get a feel, after a while, for the people on the beach. I got to where I could tell, instinctively, if somebody was a local, or if they were just visiting. On holiday. When I first saw the girl, I knew right away she was a local. I didn't have to be told. She just had that feel about her. And I knew, somehow, within moments of talking to her, that she was... neglected. Maybe neglected is too strong of a word. That she was on her own, most of the time. Master of her destiny, so to speak. That no adult kept a very close eye on her. It was the start of summer, and the kids were out of school. The beaches were packed with them, the holiday season had already been underway for a while. And now the people with kids were showing up. It was a Monday, and I had taken a towel, a little folding chair, and myself down to the Makalawena Beach, for a little sun, and maybe a little pussy. I was reading a book on my phone, when a shadow fell over me. The girl was cute. Damn cute. She had on a two-piece, and I could tell from the way the sides were cut it was probably a thong, in back. She had long smooth brown legs, and a flat svelte stomach. Her chest was flat, she wasn't at the age of boobs yet. Her face was beautiful, a European mix of racial characteristics, just beautiful. She had deep brown eyes, a cute little pug nose, and the fullest, fattest lips I've ever seen, on a kid. Her golden-brown hair was long, maybe down to her waist, and was loose, blowing in the slight breeze. She was below my target age, well below, but from the instant I saw her I lusted after her. I looked at those strong young legs, and wanted to feel them wrapped around my head. Later, when I got to see her ass, I just wanted to bury my face in it. I was bemused, almost puzzled at how I felt about this girl. And right away, I didn't warm up to her. Almost instantly, I wanted her. "Howdy," she said, and I knew she was a local, just from her accent. Looking at her now, close up, I could see that her suit was worn and even had a few holes in it. "Hi," I said, wondering what she could possible want with me. I just ask her. "What can I do for you?" She paused for a second, and looked around. I got a glimpse of her beautiful ass from the side for a moment. Yep, a thong. And, goddam... what a fabulous ass. High and firm and smooth... someday, I thought, someday some lucky motherfucker is gonna go there. Damn but I wished it was me. "Nothin'," she finally said. "Just wanted to say hi." She gave a little wave, and within moments she was gone again. I stared after her, watching her fantastic little ass bounce from side to side as she walked away. Damn. I was consumed, just absolutely consumed with lust for her. What a sexy little bitch she was, for some reason. I'm still not sure what set me off so, that first day. But god, I wanted her. Nothing happened that day, I just read and tanned and finally went back home. I called Marilyn that night, but she had a meeting to go to, and couldn't come over. That was okay, I could stand a night alone. Sometimes I enjoyed a night alone. I did this one, though, my thoughts returned time and time again to the little girl on the beach. What the fuck, I thought... what is wrong with you? When did you turn into a child molester? I just laughed about it. It was crazy. What about her had attracted me so? I couldn't tell. I couldn't even begin to guess. The next afternoon I went back down to the beach. This time I just took a towel, and a promise to not stay out so long, I'd burned slightly yesterday. I had just gotten settled in, when I heard a now-familiar voice. "Howdy," she said, in what seemed to be her usual greeting. I smiled, pleased to see her. "Hi, darlin'," I said, and she grinned. "You live 'round here?" she asked, and I nodded. I pointed to my building, right behind us. She nodded. "Where you live?" I said, curious. "Back... there," she said, pointing. "Drexel. Poor part of town." I laughed. I'm sure she'd heard some adult say that. Yeah, Drexel was poor, if you could call six hundred grand bungalows poor. She was close to right, though, in this town. "Darlin'," I said, hatching an idea to keep her around a little longer. I pulled a ten out of my pocket, and held it out to her. "Darlin', go get us something to drink, if you would." She cautiously took the money, her eyes almost making question marks. I pointed up the beach to a concession shack. "Get whatever you want," I said, "and get me a Sprite, maybe." She finally nodded, and turned and walked away. I trusted her with my money, I knew she'd be back. And, it was just a ten, if she didn't. Sure enough, she came back, with a Sprite and a Dr. Pepper. She settled, cross-legged, on the sand beside me, and we drank, and talked. "What's your name, sweetheart?" I said. "Chastity," she said, almost shyly. I smiled at her. "Pleased to meet you, Chastity. I'm Chuck," she smiled again, and nodded to me. "You come here with your parents? Brother, sister?" I asked, and she shook her head, after a moment's pause. "Naw..." she said, "my mom's at work. I don't have no dad or no brothers and sisters." I nodded. Good, I said silently to myself. Good. Then I stopped. Why was that good? What did that mean to me, that this beautiful tender young morsel was at the beach by herself, alone all day, probably? What did I plan on doing with that knowledge? What the fuck was wrong with me? I confronted the fact that I was a twisted, perverted dirty old man. I should be ashamed. Was I really going to try to play this little girl? To what end? I couldn't have sex with her... well, sex as defined as vaginal intercourse. In spite of how badly I seemed to want her, at the moment, I just couldn't see doing that to her. Aside from the obvious years in prison it'd get me, if caught, I couldn't see my cock invading her sweet little cunt. I mean, it had to be little... she was little, I'm guessing she was four and a half feet tall, she was a little girl. I'd love a chance to play with her, to taste her sweetness, but I knew I wouldn't fuck her. I still had, at least, that much of a sense of right and wrong. But my mind was thinking like mad of ways to get her into my arms. We talked a while, small talk. I found out a little more about her... she'd just finished fourth grade, and she didn't particularly like school. Her mom worked all day and apparently drank all night. She stayed with an aunt, at times, when her mom was "sick", although the aunt didn't always want her around, her aunt drank, too. In spite of what I was planning to attempt with her, my heart went out to her. I could do so much better than that, I thought. What a poor little girl. I idly toyed with the idea of just out and out offering her mother a few hundred grand to forget she ever existed, and take her away with me. I knew that was impossible, though. Hell, her mom sounded like such a loser, she'd probably scam me with the girl for the rest of my life, if I approached her with a scheme like that. I knew what people like what her mom sounded like were like. I felt for the girl, I really did. I almost succeeded in feeling equally bad about what I planned, but I'm an amoral bastard. Nobody feels worse about that than me. I didn't really feel bad about what I planned, though... I felt like as crappy as her life was, what I planned wouldn't be that bad. It might even be enjoyable for her. Good things might come of it, maybe I could stay in touch with her, behind her mom's back... maybe I could help her out. Maybe I could lick her cute little clit, without going to prison. I just stared at her while we talked, drinking in her beauty. And she was so un-selfconcious about it... that also makes me kind of sad... that she didn't seem to know. Somebody should be there to tell her that, ever day. "Darlin'," I said, during a break in the conversation. "You are the most beautiful girl on the beach. I love you, I really really love you." She snorted disparagingly at my compliments, but she smiled. I took that as encouragement, and sweet-talked her for a while. Sometimes she took it, and sometimes she rolled her eyes at me. I was charmed. What a sweet thing she was, truly sweet. I loved her desperately already. This time it's different, I thought. This time it's for real. She stayed maybe an hour. I learned a lot about her in an hour, she had no reservations about telling me everything. Kids are like that, I knew. I ask her more and more private things, things about her mom, and she answered freely, with no inhibitions. She finally got restless, and told me she'd see me tomorrow. I smiled. I'll be right here, I said. When? she asked. I'll get here in the morning, and I'll wait all day for you, I said, and she smiled. She already told me her mom went to work eightish. If I could have all day with her, I'd be the happiest guy in the world. My plans for her became even more extravagant. --==+==- That night when I got home I picked up, puttering about the place and humming, and I realized how much I was anticipating bringing her here. Did I really want to do that? I asked myself. To my place? Did I want her knowing where I lived? And what did I plan, after I got her home? I thought about that a little longer. I wanted bad to taste her, to lick her, over every square inch of her body. And I might even show her... myself. I wanted to let her play. Maybe I should give her a few days, before that... maybe I should see how good she is at keeping a secret, first. Maybe I should just have her over a few times, and do nothing, to see that. To see if she told anyone. That sounded like a good idea, as eager as I was. I kind of decided then to let her set the pace. I mean, I might encourage her, at times, but I'd let her set the pace. I had a feeling, though, I just had a feeling, that she'd eventually want to play around a little. I could almost sense that from her, already. Well, I finally thought. Just take it slow, and see what happens. Above all, be fair with her. If she wants to, we will. If she seems hesitant, we won't. I wanted to give her some honest pleasure, I wanted to make her happy, above all. If all it took for that was laying around and watching TV, that's what we'd do. I'd leave it up to her. I wasn't that anxious to go to prison, although just spending time alone with her probably increased my chances of that. Still, she seemed so friendly towards me, so open... I hoped I was reading her right. --==+==- That next morning, true to my word, I was on the beach by eight. I'd gotten up early, for me, showered, and hurried down. I barely had to wait thirty minutes, and I saw her, way down the beach, coming my way. We passed an hour, sitting and talking. She seemed quieter today, gentler... not as aggressive. Maybe it was still early, to her. "When does your momma get home?" I asked. "About five thirty," she said, and I nodded. We had pretty much all day. Good. She continued, though. "But I don't have to be home until ten." Ten? Shit. This kid was allowed to roam the beaches and the streets until ten at night? Was there any control on her? Damn, I thought. Damn. "Chaz," I said. "Have you told your mom about me? That you met me? That I bought you a Dr. Pepper?" She snorted. "Heck no," she said. "She'd give me a lecture, an' shit. I might even get in trouble." I see, I said to myself. Good again. Smart child. I felt a little better about what I was intending to do. "Baby," I said. "You wanna go to my place? We can watch TV, and I'll fix you lunch. How does hamburgers sound?" She gave me a sunny, beautiful smile. My heart lurched. "Sure!" she said. "I'd love that!" --==+==- She ooh'd and aah'd over the view, as much as the big girls did. I was pleased, and took her into my bedroom even, and showed her the East view. Living in a corner unit is cool, and worth the extra rent. It impressed me that she was so impressed, it raised my estimations of her a bit. I fixed us both a Dr. Pepper, and we sat on the couch, and flicked through the channels. There wasn't a lot on, but she didn't seem to care that much. I finally went up a few clicks, to the soft-core channel. It wouldn't show penetration, or more than a split-second of a cock or cunt, but I figured it would still show me a little about her... interest, and possibly her level of experience. She seemed captivated by it. She just stared, her drink forgotten. "You ever seen anything like that?" I finally asked her, chuckling. "Yeah... at my friend Cherise's house, on her computer..." she finally said, not looking away. I left the channel on, and we sat for maybe ten minutes, and she just ate it up. On the screen a couple was fucking, the man pounding the woman, and the woman just going mad. "Think you'd ever like to do that?" I asked her, and she giggled. "Maybe someday," she said, and we both laughed. Close to an hour later I got up, and fixed us dinner. She ate like she was starved, and I was glad to feed her. I wondered if she was used to eating during the day, or if she just went without. I actually wondered if she'd even had breakfast, she ate so ravenously. We gravitated back to the living room, and she seated herself on the couch, still watching porn. I sat beside her, my leg touching hers. "Honey," I said, "you are the sweetest thing ever. Please let me kiss you, at least once..." She just looked at me and smiled. "Why'd you wanna kiss a little girl like me?" she finally asked. She pointed at the screen. "Don't you want a girl you can do that with?" I laughed. "Not necessarily. You are way sweeter than a big girl. I love little girls." She laughed, but now, at least, she was staring at me instead of the screen. "I guess," she finally said. She didn't move, though, she just sat there. I leaned into her, smelling her delicate scent, slightly sweaty, but all girl. My lips brushed hers for a second, and then I pulled back. She giggled, and smiled again at me. "You wanna do that some more?" I asked. I nodded at the screen. "You wanna kiss, like they are?" She squirmed a little. She looked at the screen a moment, and then back to me, kind of shyly, this time. "I guess," she said again, and I laughed softly. She knew what she wanted. She was in the mood. I took her in my arms, and moved her around. She went willingly, and soon she was in my lap, laying against me. I leaned down, and our lips touched, this time for much longer. We parted, and she took a gasping breath. We touched again, and this time I felt her breathe through her nostrils. I held the kiss for quite a while, and mouthed her lips with mine. I finally broke the kiss, and let her lay in my lap. "Chaz, darlin'. Did you like that?" I asked, and she nodded slowly. "Yeah," she said, and giggled. I leaned down into her, again. We kissed for probably a solid hour. I slowly opened my mouth, and touched her lips with my tongue. That didn't seem to bother her, and soon my tongue was in her mouth. She was a fast learner, and a bit later her tongue was in my mouth, and I almost shot my wad, it was so sexy. She had a delicate little tongue, and I felt it on my lips, and I wrestled with it, with my tongue. She tasted good, clean and fresh, and I just consumed her. I loved it. And I think she enjoyed it greatly, too. I stopped and made myself think, more than once, that I was kissing a sweet young girl, for her first time. And of course my first time, for a girl this young. When I'd been her age, I'd never done anything like this. Not until I was in my teens. I gotta admit, I think I was as enchanted with her as she was with what we were doing. As we kissed I slowly rubbed her body, keeping to safe areas, her long strong legs, what of them I could reach, and her stomach and back and arms. She felt firm and strong and young, and it was delightful, just feeling her flesh on mine. It didn't seem to bother her a bit, and I loved her for that, too. "Baby," I finally said, my face in hers, just inches away. "Can I take your top off?" She did squirm, then, but she slowly nodded. Once again she didn't move, though, and I reached behind her and pulled the string on her top. I helped her pulled it over her head, and surveyed her. Her fat little nipples were incredible. I was in love even more. They were beautiful, puffy, standing out on her flat little chest, the flatness of which made them even more pronounced. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful nipple, on a big girl. My mouth watered, just seeing them. "Oh baby," I said, "you are so beautiful!" and I meant it. I loved her deeply, now, more than I'd ever dreamed, way past the safe point. I just wanted to hold her forever. I wanted her bad, I wanted to own her, I wanted her to live with me forever, and be a little girl forever. It broke my heart to think of her growing up and losing this perfection. For the next step, I didn't ask. I just lowered my face down to her little chest, and took a nipple in my mouth. It was way beyond my expectation. I'm ruined, I had time to think, I'll never love a big girl again, after this. I sucked and nibbled, and after a minute I heard her groan above me. I smiled. I knew she was liking this. I sucked, changing nipples. She tasted so sweet, almost a hint of soap or some body wash, and a touch of honest sweat. God, she tasted good. And the feel of that puffy blob of flesh in my mouth... unreal. I could do this forever. I loved it. At last I wandered down her chest, to her belly button. Her belly button was sexier than fuck to me, deep, with a little bud of flesh at the bottom. The sweaty taste was more pronounced, and I loved it. On impulse I lifted her arm over her head, and buried my face in her damp underarm. The sweaty taste was strong, but not stinky, just fucking sexy. I licked and lapped her underarm, and she giggled like crazy. I know I was tickling her, but I couldn't stop. I did her left underarm, too, when I'd licked all the flavor out of her right. My cock was so hard by then I just thought it might break off. She was unconsciously grinding her back into it, and it felt sexy, off the chart. I had plans for it, later. I kept up the sweet talk, and she seemed to eat it up. She never talked back, but she loved it, I could tell. I finally put my mouth to her ear. "Little darlin'," I said, "I want to take your bottoms off, but I don't want to upset you. Can I? Will you let me?" She was silent for a long time. I kissed her ear, and then her cheek, and at last her mouth. I ran my tongue over her lips, and touched my tongue to hers. "Don't answer yet," I whispered in her face, "think about it." She nodded, and we went back to kissing. My fingers were on her nipples, kneading and squeezing. Nothing in all my life felt sexier, I realized, than this young girl beneath my hands and lips. I had never felt it like this before. I had never, in all my years, been so deeply in love. "Oh Chastity," I almost cried, "I love you. I love you, I love you." I plastered my mouth to hers, again. I was running my finger in a circle around her hard little nipple. Soon, I thought, I'm going to do that with my dick. I finally pulled back, and I felt her breath in my face. She squirmed around, and I realized she was doing something with her hands. She was pulling her bikini bottoms down, to my great pleasure, and then she kicked them off in the floor. I was holding a naked young girl, a sweet naked young girl in my arms. I almost felt like I was going to faint, I was so turned on. Again, I didn't ask. I sat her up, beside me, on the couch, and slid into the floor. I nestled between her sweet, strong little legs, and spread them apart. I bent my face to her crotch, and sucked in her sweet scent. Once again, a hint of sweat, but overlaying it, a strong smell of pussy that was just unmistakeable. God, I could smell it from inches away. I wondered when the last time she had taken a bath. Not in a day or two, I'm sure. Visually, it was incredible. She had the most beautiful little cunt in the world. Two plump pussy lips, and inbetween them... heaven. I could see her little clit peeking out, beneath her fat little mons, and the opening of her cunt, gapping open slightly. She was sitting far enough forward that I could actually see her asshole, even. I was so in love... I'd examined my share of pretty pussies, over the years... but this one took the prize. I'd never seen one more... stimulating. I could just imagine rubbing my dick on her lips and clit, and finally shooting a spray of sperm all over her. I was going to go nuts, if I didn't get to do that, at least. But... what I really wanted, what I'd wanted since the first instant I met the girl... was to taste her. I knew it would be fantastic. My lips touched her. My tongue went out. Fantastic? fuck. There are not enough superlatives in the English language to describe what I tasted. The taste just blew me away. I could have died happy, then and there. My jaws ached, it was so good. I just smashed her little clit against her body, and felt her jerk and twitch beneath me. "Does that feel good, baby?" I asked, pulling away a second. "Yes..." she said, her breathing labored, her voice almost cracking. I knew it felt good, I just wanted to hear her say it. I bent down, and sucked hard on her clit, then tongued it again. Every time I did that, her body jerked. It was too cool. And the taste, that whole time... off the scale. After maybe two or three minutes of this, she groaned loudly, and I felt her legs tremble beside my ears. I literally felt chill bumps run down the inside of her thighs, and her hands and feet curled up, and she gasped for breath. I realized she was cumming, and it turned me on that much more. Damn... this little girl could cum... I was proud of myself, and happy for her. I knew she'd have something to remember, now. She went for a long time, and I was impressed. When she finally calmed back down, I put my face in hers, and laughed gently at her. She gave me a tired smile, and looked happy. "You ever done that before, baby?" I said, and she slowly shook her head. Good, I thought, that'll be forever cemented to the memory of me. I hoped it would. "Did you like it?" I asked, and she nodded. Hell yes, I knew she had. Who doesn't. I hoped for many more for her. I have no idea how long I licked her. Maybe an hour, maybe more. She seemed content to sit there, her legs spread wide, and let me lick. I could tell she came at least twice more, and maybe a few little ones. I figured she was watching the porn channel, but when I looked up at her once, her head was tilted up, and her eyes were rolled back in her head. I hoped I was giving her something at least half as good as what I was planning on taking away. I could tell she was enjoying herself. As I knelt there and licked, I reached down, unzipped, and pulled my rock-hard cock and balls out of the slit. I knew better than to stroke, I knew I was so turned on I could shoot off in a second. Just the simple smell of her cunt did it for me, much less getting to lick her. That shit I said about not fucking her... I was beyond that, now. I knew I'd never be happy unless I tried. Maybe not stick it all the way in... maybe just the cap... but I knew it was probably going to happen. I knew it wouldn't take but a few strokes, and I'd blast a gusher into her. "Chaz," I said, pulling back from her. "Let me show you something." I sat up on the couch beside her, my hard cock poking straight up. She surveyed it in surprise, and then began giggling. "Ever seen one before?" I said, and she nodded. "Once my Momma's boyfriend showed me his," she said. "He wanted me to put it in my mouth, but I got scared and ran away." Interesting. I felt bad that he'd scared her, though... he'd probably gone to fast... I wondered if that was going to hurt my chances with her. "Are you scared now?" I asked. "Heck no," she said. "I know you love me. I know you wouldn't hurt me." "Oh darlin'," I said, my voice catching in the throat. I stopped everything and hugged her to me. "I wouldn't hurt you for all the money in the world. I love you more than anything." I kissed her solemnly on the cheek. I felt her breath in my face. Just that alone was sexier than shit. I wanted to sit there and hold her forever. I wanted to protect her from all the pain in the world, and make her happy. That was it, for a while. We just sat there, and I held her. She finally wiggled a little, and I pulled her up in my lap. "Sit up here, darlin'," I said, "and let me show you something we can do." I placed her upright, sitting on my upper legs, facing me. Her little cunt was just an inch from my hard cock, when I pulled her towards me, and I finally felt it touch her. I reached down, and rubbed it right into her pussy crease. I held it there with one hand, and put my other hand behind her, on her little butt. I raised her, and lowered her, and felt her cunt slide up and down on my cock. My cock pushed into her little pussy, not actually in it, but up and down the front of it, rubbing her clit as it went by. I hoped it felt good. "Oh," she said, "that's... good..." I laughed. It was good for me, too. We spent a few minutes doing it, and I finally had to stop. Just looking down and seeing my hard cock plough open her little lips was getting me off. I knew I was close to shooting a load. "Baby," I said, "do you know what happens... when guys cum? When they shoot stuff out their weenies?" "Yeah," she said, "I seen that on the computer. That white stuff." "Yeah, that," I said. "I'm very close to doing that. Would you mind if I did it on you?" She didn't have to think long. "Naw, I guess not," she said. I was pleased. I took her by the upper arms, and laid her down on the couch beside me. I crouched over her after spreading her legs, and began rubbing her little clit with my cock. Damn... it felt good... her clit was a tight little nubbin of flesh... I could feel it, at times, catching in my pee-hole, even. It was sexier than shit. "Baby, don't be surprised," I said, wanting to warn her. About that time I felt the tightness in the backs of my legs and I knew I was going to cum. And cum I did, splashing a huge load of sperm right into her little cunt and all over her stomach. I hadn't cum in several days, and it was intense. I hosed her down good. I was panting and grimacing, and I'm sure I looked funny, because she giggled at me. I just smiled down, loving her. I finally crawled off her, and went and got a towel and wiped her down. The whole room smelled like sperm, and I realized I couldn't send her home, smelling like that. I looked at the clock. It was barely four. "When you gotta be home today, darlin'? I asked, and she just snorted. "Whenever," she said. "At least by ten o'clock." "Really," I said. "You're mom lets you stay out all day, until after dark? She don't get worried about you, ever?" "Well..." she said, "I go by there, ever now and then, to let her know I'm alright..." "I see," I said. "Do you need to do that this evening, at some point?" "I prolly should," she said, seeming to think about it. "Just let me know, darlin'," I said. "You're free to go whenever you wish. I'll wait for you, down on the beach, if you wish to come back." "Yeah," she said, "That'd be cool. I'll go and say hi to her, here in a little bit." I felt a little better at that, having kept her for so long. I just hoped and trusted that she'd keep her mouth shut. I planned on having a little talk with her about that. In a funny way I did trust her, what she'd said earlier gave me confidence in her. And, she seemed pretty street-smart, in a funny backwards way. She already seemed like a kid who kept her secrets close. Damn... I almost didn't realize how time-consuming this was going to be, having a pre-teen girlfriend. Well, I loved her company, and we didn't have to do sex stuff the whole time... I realized I looked forward to just being in her company, to just laying around with her. Still... there was other fun things we could do. The first thing, though, was to get that sperm smell off her. I had a good idea how to do that, and it sounded like fun. We crowded in the little shower in my bedroom, and I turned the hot water on. I finally got down on my knees, and hugged her to me, just loving the slippery, wet feel of her in my arms. I washed her good, spraying the nozzle between her legs until she sighed and giggled. I washed her sweet little ass also, and that was sexier than hell, running my fingers up and down her crack. We played and splashed, and my dick got harder and harder, and finally she shyly grabbed it, instinctively running her hands back and forth on it. Damn... I've actually had a few store-bought hand jobs before... but this one was the best. My cock looked huge in her little hands, and it was sexy-off-the-scale, once again. Goddam, I thought, everything this girl does and is is sexy. She is the epitome of sexy, the fucking goddess of sexy. I felt honored and privileged that I'd found her, that she'd chosen to speak to me that day. She smiled up at me, at last. She slowly, carefully got down on her knees, and I thought, oh shit. She didn't say a word, she just carefully looked at my cock, and then leaned forward, holding it with one hand, and sucked it into her mouth. My prostate spasmed, and I almost came, but I held it. I've had better blow jobs, hundreds of them, but this one was special. Feeling her little tongue on the cap of my dick was powerful magic. Feeling the suction of her mouth was incredible. She didn't go for very long, and I didn't dare cum in her mouth, but it was too much. I loved her all the more for doing it. Finally she dropped me, and stood up. She reached for my cock again, and pumped it like a pro. I finally came again, as she pumped me, and she giggled like mad as I squirted four or five times. I was careful this time, at least not to get it on her. She played with my dick long after it got soft, even, she seemed to enjoy the feel of it in her hands. I know I was. I'll stop right here and say, I know the things I did with her were not right. I know she was too young to give me "informed consent" or whatever. I'm an amoral bastard, but I know that shit. If I have to pay, someday, to man or god, I'll pay. What I took from her, just that first day, was worth the risk. You can hate me all you want, you can put me down and criticize me... I am what I am. But I loved her more that day than you'll ever understand. Way more that what these words tell. I can't put into words how much I loved her. I loved her then, and I love her now. --==+==- After the shower we just laid on the couch, and watched, of all crazy things, Curious George, which was a difficult switch for me to make, after the porn channel. She was still naked, although I had put my cock away, and I just held her on my lap and we watch that stupid-ass fucking monkey for a while. She seemed content, and comfortable being naked. She finally squirmed around, and told me that she needed to run home, and I helped her back into her swimsuit. "Chaz, what you gonna tell your mom you did today?" I asked, casually, and she immediately collapsed into giggles. "Just that I went to the beach," she said, smiling at me. Good girl, I thought. "We need to go down and get some sand in your hair," I said, and she laughed. "I'll tell her I took a shower if she asks," she said. That would work, and it was the honest truth. They had outdoor showers on the boardwalk. Let her mom think that. Just from the things she'd said about her mom, it didn't seem like the woman probably cared, or kept up with her that closely. I walked her down to the front of my building, and told her I'd be down on the beach in an hour. She nodded, and disappeared to the East. I went to the little convenience store in the lobby and bought some soft drinks and cereal, and after returning all that to my apartment, I changed and then went back down to the beach to wait for her. I hoped she was just going to stick her head in and say "hi". I already missed her, and wanted to hold her again. I sat there in a chair, and confronted the obvious. I was deeply in love with the child. I knew it wouldn't end well, either she'd grow up and away from me, or I'd spend the next twenty years in solitary to keep the other prisoners from killing me. Now would be a good time to end this, I thought. It might be the only time to end it... I knew that if I drank any more from her sweetness, I'd never get free of her. The chains of love are harder than iron, and thick and strong. Prisoner, shit. I was already a prisoner... a willing one, at this stage. I loved her with all my heart and soul. I loved her more than I'd ever been willing to love anyone in my life, so far. Forty five minutes later I heard my name and looked up. She took my breath away. She was wearing a little white blouse, a tiny short blue mini-skirt, and ankle-high white boots. I've never seen anything in my life so beautiful or so sexy. She got to me, and I just grabbed her and squeezed her in my arms, hoping her mother hadn't followed her. I trusted that she would have either gone away from me, or somehow let me know if that happened. Unless, of course, her mother followed from a distance, spying on her. Call me paranoid, but theoretically, that shit could happen. I took the chance, though, and squeezed her to my body. She was soft and warm and smelled good. I wanted to kiss her, but didn't, out here in the open. "Darling, you look stunning," I said, "simply beautiful. You dress up fabulously." She laughed disparagingly, and smiled at me. "You hungry?" I said. "Let's go get something to eat. I want to show you off." She nodded, and I took her hand, we ran upstairs so I could change yet again. Then I led her up the beach to restaurant row. On the way I questioned her a bit, about cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents that we might run into, and who might wonder what she was doing in the company of a middle-aged stranger. She said she only had one aunt here on the island, all the rest of her extended family lived in the states. Her aunt never came to the beach, she was too busy working. Working or drinking, that came up again. I hoped, for the child's sake, I hoped that she avoided that particular trap, it sounded like to me that she came from a family of drunkards. Maybe it wasn't as bad as it sounded. I hoped not, for her sake, although... it did help me, as I pursued her tender charms. I took her to my favorite steakhouse, where, to my horror, she ordered chicken. We had a good time, though, she was pleasant company, funny, and witty, with a razor's-edged smart-assness, at times, that just made me love her more. I could almost imagine in another five years what she'd be like. We walked along the beach on the way back, and she talked some more about her home life, doing nothing but convincing me that I was in no danger of being caught out with her. I can do better than that, I kept thinking. I can give this child a better life... in spite of the things I'd done with her, and planned on doing. I know that's a little twisted, but that's the way I saw it. I already knew I loved her more than they did. We got back home, and I looked at the clock. Two hours. What could we do to kill two hours? I didn't want to overdo it with her, I didn't want to burn her out, or make her think that sex was all I thought of her as... and I wanted some normal time with her. I finally took her down in to the lobby, and we bought a board game at the gift shop, and went back and simply played it until time for her to head home. I held her and kissed her, and told her I loved her. She laughed, and kissed me back. "Tomorrow?" I said, and she nodded. "Tomorrow." she said. --==+==- I lay in bed that night, and searched my feelings. I knew what was right, I just didn't really intend on doing it. I loved her so strongly, I lusted for her so deeply, I just couldn't stand the thought of not continuing to at least play around with her. She turned me on to an extreme that I can't describe. Love is not a strong enough word. Lust isn't. What simple words, love and lust, to describe things so deeply rooted in us and so powerful. Those words should be a thousand syllables long. Just four lousy letters? Who thought that shit up? I figured I'd get to see her maybe every day until the end of summer. When school started? Don't know about that. I hoped we could continue to see each other. I hoped she still liked me... I dared to think she loved me... I hope I wasn't simply bribing her, with attention and dinner and games... and of course, pleasure... I hoped she felt something for me. She seemed to. Then again, I realized... she was still a child. I sighed, and tried to get some sleep. --==+==- Of all the bad timing, Marilyn called me the next morning, and invited me out to lunch. I accepted, of course, and tried to be gracious. I was jealous of my time with Chastity and didn't really want to give up a moment... I stopped and thought. Marilyn knew me better than anyone on the planet. And she was the most liberal, open-minded woman I knew. I wouldn't tell her I was playing around sexually with Chastity. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have to. I knew Marilyn had boyfriends in the past that were very young, probably below the age of consent. She'd told me many of her stories, as I had told her mine. I felt fairly confident that even if she suspected, she wouldn't turn me in, at least. Her mind didn't work that way. Marilyn and I had a peculiar relationship, sexually. Sometimes I'd go for a month without hearing from her. Then she'd show up, and tear me a new one. She fucked like a mountain lion. She was middle aged, like me, but she'd never married or had kids, and she was tight and firm and had the most incredible round tits I'd ever seen. And her cunt tasted like honey. She was incredible. I'd actually asked her to marry me, a few years back, and she just smiled, shook her head, and dropped down to my crotch, unzipping me on the way down. She was just like that. I went down to the beach, actually that's where I was, when I took the call from Marilyn. A little before eight thirty I saw Chastity in the distance. It was all I could do not to just run to her and grab her. I'm in love, I'm in love, I sang to myself. Chastity was just fine. She was wearing a tight t-shirt and a pair of shorts today, and she looked sexy as ever. I could see her hard little nipples beneath the cloth of her shirt, and I wanted bad to touch them. Later, I told myself. We sat and talked. I asked her if her mom had asked anything about her day, and she just shook her head. Sad, I thought. How easy parents make it, for people like me. Truly sad. We finally got up, and went inside. We sat chastely on the couch. She seemed subdued, and I wondered if she felt bad about the things we'd done yesterday. "Chuck," she said, and I gave her my full attention. "Turn it on... to that channel... with the people, doin't it..." Hmmm, didn't sound like she felt bad about it, if she wanted to watch porn. I looked at my watch. Three hours to lunch. I slowly undressed her, not even asking. She simply allowed it, not struggling, and helping me when I needed it. I talked to her as I did it. "Chaz, darlin'... we're gonna do something for lunch today, we're going out to eat with an old friend of mine named Marilyn. She's very special to me, and understands me better than anyone except maybe you. Is that okay?" She looked serious for a moment, and nodded. My only worry was that she'd think Marilyn was my girlfriend and be jealous. "We used to date, but we don't anymore," I said, telling a fairly truthful white lie. We didn't date, we just fucked every now and then. "I want to show you off to her." She did look serious then. "Will... will it bother her?" she said. "Will she... tell on you?" That shook me up a bit, that she knew the things we did were "tellable" offenses. Well, she's no dummy, I told myself. Of course she knows. "No, she's very cool. She'll be happy for me, that I've found somebody so wonderful." I said, and she smiled. That was it, we talked about other things as I took my t-shirt off, and drew my shorts down my legs. My cock was already hard, just thinking about what was fixing to happen. She looked at it, and giggled, and I smiled at her. God, she looked so beautiful, sitting there, her little flat chest and nipples high-lighted by her tan lines. The little crease of her pussy made me start pre-cumming like mad. I was ready to taste her. "Darlin'..." I said, "did you take a bath last night?" "Heck no," she said. "I never do in the summer. My mom says the ocean is good enough." Lord, I thought. I knew then she's be sexy and aromatic. I hungered even more to taste her. In a minute, I told myself. Be patient. I pulled her over to me, and draped her nakedness across my body as I leaned back on the couch. I plastered my mouth to hers, and filled my hands with her sweet little ass. God, she had the sexiest little bubble butt... it was just too much. She had a big girl's ass, really, not a flat little girl butt. She had a nice ass. We killed thirty minutes kissing, as I ran my hands over her body. Her body is incredible, I can never go on enough about it... she's firm and skinny and almost hard... her body fat percentage is in the single digits, if not simply zero... she looks tough, you can see the muscles and tendons beneath her skin. She looks like what we all should look like. She made me promise myself to lose that last ten pounds. Just the feel of her beneath my hands was too much. She was squirming and wiggling around on top of my cock, basically, and it felt fine. I almost came, just from the motions of her on top of me. And her little body was almost hot, she was literally dumping heat like a little oven. I couldn't stand it any longer. I raised her up, putting her feet on either side of my hips, and pulled her crotch into my face. She laughed, and scrubbed her little cunt right into my mouth, almost pinching my tongue against my teeth. She tasted incredible, sweat, salt, sand... and this overpowering pussy smell that was so strong it almost made my teeth hurt. Good strong, not bad strong. She stood there, her hands on top of my head as I ate her pussy out as well as I could. Finally I took one of her legs, and placed it up on my shoulder, spreading her open widely. That was better, and I really went to town on her then. She jerked and twitched and giggled as I lapped her, and I knew she was loving it. "Baby," I said, almost breathless. This was the moment. "Baby, turn around. Turn around and bend over." She turned carefully, her feet beside my thighs. I grabbed her legs and steadied her as she bent slightly, sticking her little butt out. Right in my face, fuck. She had the cutest little asshole ever, a little puckered bud of sweetness, it just killed to simply look at it. I moved my face towards her, savoring the moment. I moved my hands to her ass cheeks, and slowly, carefully spread her ass apart. Two inches from ground zero I stopped, and just sucked air in through my nose, savoring her scent. She smelled like ass, oh she smelled like ass... sexy ass, lickable suckable ass... I was in love just with the smell. Heavier than her pussy, but still all girl... ass has it's distinctive smell and flavor... more pronounced than pussy, and just ever-so-slightly shitty. Her smell turned me on more than anything so far had, and I felt a jerk from my dick. I was almost there. Jeezus, she turned me on. At last. My tongue, at long last, after a lifetime of waiting, my tongue touched her asshole. It just blew me away. The taste was spicy and tart and just incredible. I cannot describe it; I won't try. You just had to be there. Sorry. I licked and slurped and lapped, feeling her butt cheeks on my eyelids and my nose buried in her crack. It was too much, it was complete massive sensory overload. I drew trembling breaths in through my nose, breathing in her wonderful scent, and tasted her wonderful taste at the same time. It was almost a mind-altering experience, and I knew that I was hooked on her, for life. I licked her ass until most of the flavor was gone, I just inhaled her, sucked her clean, almost... her ass wasn't dirty, sure she hadn't had a bath or shower since our shower yesterday, and she'd probably pooped at some point inbetween... but her taste was the most incredibly sexy thing in my life, bar none. It was stupendous. I loved her all the more for giving it to me. I wanted to taste that sweet little asshole every day for the rest of my life. I have no idea how much time passed, but I could tell fairly quickly she was uncomfortable standing on the edge of the couch, bent over. I felt for her, and finally pulled my face out of her ass, and let her sit on my lap. I turned her to face me, and we spent a few more enjoyable minutes rubbing my cock inside her pussy lips, like we had yesterday. "Chuck..." she said, her voice catching as a shiver ran through her body. "What, darling," I said. She turned, looking over her shoulder at the TV screen. A couple was fucking energetically, the man pounding into the woman, the woman almost screaming. "Can we... can we try that?" she asked, and my heart just melted. I hadn't even known this little girl a week, and she was practically begging me to fuck her. To fuck her tiny little virgin cunt. Damn, I wanted too, bad... I wanted to do just that... I wanted it for myself, but most of all I wanted to make her happy, if that's what she wanted. I know that sounds twisted, but I just wanted to make her happy. "Darlin'," I said, sighing. All I could do was tell her. And there was no way I could see myself being that rough with her. "Darlin', I'd love to do that... and I want to give you everything you ask for... but we can't, we just can't, not like that... I would hurt you, to do it like that... maybe we can try a little bit, but you have to tell me if I'm hurting you... tell me, and I'll stop. You're still a virgin, sweetheart... it takes some time before you can do it, like they were..." She nodded. I hoped she understood. I looked at the clock. Another hour. I put her on the couch, got up and went into my bathroom and returned with my favorite masturbation aid, a bottle of mineral oil. First I got down on my knees and examined her little cunt as closely as I could, looking for any appreciable hymen. There was a slight ring of flesh at the mouth of her cunt, but it definitely wasn't tight. I licked my finger, and fairly easily pressed the tip of inside her body. "Does that hurt, baby?" I asked, looking at her, and she raised her head to stare down at me. "Not... really," she said, "it just feels kinda... funny..." Okay. Funny I'd take, for now. I really really didn't want to hurt her, though, even if I was getting one of the things I wanted most in the world. Even if she was getting what she thought she wanted. I smeared a generous glob of oil on the head of my cock, and turned to her. I re-arranged her until she was side-ways on the couch, spreading her legs wide, one in the floor, and one up on the back of the couch. I dribbled a little oil into her cunt, smearing it around, loving the slick feel of her cunt lips on my fingers. "I'm just gonna stick the end of it in... tell me if it hurts any, darlin'... I don't wanna hurt you. We'll do this to get you used to it." She nodded, and I crawled up on top of her. I slowly lowered myself, guiding my cock to her little cunt, and finally the head of my dick was pressing against her pussy lips. I kept hand on my cock, the oil was so slick I almost slid off her. I pressed, slowly and insistently, and I felt the tightness mount. I heard her draw a shuddering breath, and stopped instantly. "You okay, baby?" I asked, and she slowly nodded. "Yeah... keep goin'," she said. I slowly, carefully pushed in a little further. Finally the whole head of my dick was inside her, and fuck, when I looked down... I almost did shoot my wad, then. I mean, the sensations from my dick were intense, massive pressure on the head of it... but the visuals were out of this world. The whole shape of her pussy was changed by the circular diameter of my cock, and it looked sexier than shit. I slowly pulled out a half inch, and then went back in, and I heard her draw a sharp breath. I did it again, and she sucked in a breath, again. "Baby... does that feel good?" I asked, and she nodded. Her eyes were closed when I looked at her. "That feels..." she said slowly, "that feels... wonderful..." I laughed softly, pleased that she was enjoying it. My dream had come true. I was getting to fuck her, sure I hadn't gotten to plunge to the bottom of her, but I was honestly truly fucking her. It was just too much. I pondered for a moment the wisdom of filling her little cunt with my seed, and I was starting to open my mouth to ask her if I could do just that, when my dick gave a lurch, and I felt it start. "Oh, fuck, baby!" I said, "I'm cumming! I'm sorry!" I powered a load of sperm right into her body, filling her, and by the third squirt, just the short motion of my stroke sent sperm bubbling out, to run down her crack to her perineum. It was the most intense sexual moment of my life, to feel this young girl beneath my body, and my cock in her cunt, squirting my life into her. It was incredible. I know I over-use that word, when talking about Chastity and the things I've done with her, but I'm out of words. It's all I have left. I wanted to lay on top of her, but I didn't want to squish her, so I got up and sat beside her, still between her feet. I looked down at her little sperm-soaked cunt, and felt a stab of guilt, rare for me. Still, she looked so sweet, her mouth open, as she panted slightly, her eyes still closed, and her chest rising and falling as she breathed. I felt bad that she hadn't had time to cum, it was over so quickly, and promised myself to give her a good one, next time. I knew she could cum from having her clit licked, and I hoped she could from having a cock in her cunt. I'd frig her clit, just in case, just for a little added insurance. I wanted her to cum, bad, while I fucked her. I wanted her to know how good it could feel. I wanted to make a good impression on her. I looked at the clock. Shit, less than half an hour. I pulled her up, laughing at the woozy expression on her face, and we went back into the shower for a quick rinse. I blasted her little cunt with the nozzle, hoping to wash my cum out of her, and think she enjoyed the process. "Chuck..." she said, and I nodded. "I gotta pee... can I just pee in the drain? That's what I do at home..." "No, you can't," I said, and the surprise on her face was evident. She was already used to me saying yes to everything she asked. "You have to pee on me, darlin'," I explained, and the look on her face then was worth a million bucks. "Isn't that kinda nasty?" she said, I laughed as I sat down, my back against the wall. "A little, maybe. But it's fun, it's nasty fun. And I love you so much I love your pee." I said, and she actually nodded, like that made sense. I placed her feet on either side of my hips, and stood her over me. The water beat on her back. She looked like she wasn't sure what to do. I reached up and spread her little cunt open. "Pee, darlin'," I said. "Please... pee on me." It took her a while to let go. At last there was a dribble, then a squirt, then a powerful stream shot from her urethra, straight into my face. I opened my mouth and let the stream splash into it, tasting the bitter yellow flavor of the magical liquid from her body. She made this for me, I thought. Her body made this, for me. My cock was rock hard by now, the smell and the taste were turning me on, big time. I let it splash on my neck, and run down my chest, and I felt it on my cock, even. She peed and peed, I was surprised how much was in her. Her stream was strong and powerful. At last it tapered down to nothing, and I was sad when it ended. I leaned up and smashed my lips into her cunt, tasting the salty pee on her body, mixed in with her fabulous cunt taste. The girl was too much. Too sexy for words. We rinsed again, and climbed out. I dried her, and she dried me, and we got dressed. We were only a few minutes late, but I didn't worry since I knew Marilyn would be stylishly late, also. We high-tailed it down to the Mariner, and got a table. I was giggling with Chastity over the noon-day crowd of whackos when Marilyn finally strode in, looking cool and sexy in a dark blue business suit. She saw us, and headed our way. Chastity sat back, and I could tell she was already a bit intimidated by the woman before she ever sat. I reached beneath the table and patted her leg. "Well, well!" said Marilyn, looking down at us. I rose, and seated her, and she looked back and forth between us. "Marilyn," I said, "this is Chastity. Chastity, Marilyn." Chastity cautiously raised her hand over the table, and Marilyn extended hers, and they shook. They nodded at each other. First hurdle, I thought. "Chastity is a very good friend of mine, and I'm kind of keeping an eye on her this summer," I said, trying to mostly tell the truth. Marilyn has a nose for untruths, and is on you like a doberman when she sniffs one out. The girls made a little small talk, as well as two complete strangers can, and we perused the menu, and at last ordered when a waitress finally showed up. The food arrived and we ate, and I ordered an ice cream for Chastity. At last she was done, and I gave her a handful of quarters for the video games in the game room. No sooner than she was gone, Marilyn was on me like a tiger in heat. "Chuck..." she said, an almost evil grin on her pretty face. "Who is that girl, and where did you get her?" "She's a local," I admitted. "I met her on the beach a few days ago. She's grown... kinda attached to me." "I bet," snorted Marilyn. She stared at me a moment, trying to burn holes in me. "Chuck." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Are you fucking her?" I surveyed my options. I hadn't thought she'd get to the point that quickly. I didn't want to lie to her, but I didn't want to tell her the whole truth before I found out how she really felt about this. I white-lied, again. "Not... not really," I said, meeting her eyes without blinking or looking away in the slightest. I hoped no nervous tics betrayed me, and none seemed to. I'm actually a pretty good liar, since I don't over-use the talent. "You bastard," she half-laughed, shaking her head. "I never thought of you... as a child molester..." I appreciated that she'd whispered that last sentence. She was considerate of me, even when she was pounding on me. "Marilyn..." I said. "What little we have done... has been extremely consensual, on both sides," she snorted again at that, "I love her very much, and I hope to do a lot for her. She does not have a good... home life, I think." "You think?" she said. The evil grin was still pretty pronounced. "I know," I said. "Her mom is a drunk. She has no dad." "So you're gonna be the daddy?" she said, mockingly. "Marilyn..." I said. "I have shook hands, on occasion, with the skeletons in your closet. We all have our... dark secrets..." She did laugh at that. "Yeah, I admit, I'm not that pure," she said. "It's just that... I never dreamed... you of all people..." "Hey," I said. "I like girls. And she's a girl." "Yeah, she's a girl. A little girl." "Mentally, she's well over eighteen," I said, and she laughed again. "Poor baby..." she said. I sighed. This was actually going fairly well, I thought, now that the shock was over. I felt confident she'd understand my position. "Honestly, Chuck... what have you done with her?" her voice was very low. I met her gaze, again. "We've just made out a little," I said, my voice low also. "And licked. Mostly I've licked." "Damn," she said softly. I almost thought she sounded envious. "You gonna turn me in?" I said, smiling. "Depends on the reward," she said, but she smiled even wider. "Chuck. How much do you really know about her family?" "Not a lot... she says her mom drinks every night, and her aunt... her only other family on the island... drinks also. Her mom places no limitations on her whatsoever... she's free to do as she wishes all day... she just has to be home by ten o'clock at night." "Shit," said Marilyn. "I wish I'd had that kind of freedom, when I was her age." "What would you have done with it?" I asked. "Probably what she's doing... fuck around with dirty old men," she said, laughing. Yeah, I could see that, knowing Marilyn. I'd heard her stories. She'd had a pretty checkered childhood, in spite of more limits placed on her that Chastity. "Marilyn," I said. "It's hard to explain... but I love her, almost insanely. I loved her from the instant I saw her. Believe it or not, I'm thinking about getting in touch with my lawyer, and trying to work out a deal with her mom. I know I can do better than her mom. I want her to be safe." "Safe, with you?" Marilyn said, seriously, this time. "In spite of the... things I do, yes. I want her to be safe. I want her to be with somebody that loves her." "You really think you can pull that off? What you gonna do, just offer her mom a bundle of cash for her?" "Yeah... like two hundred grand or so..." "Two hundred grand ain't shit on this island." "Yeah... well, I'll let my lawyer work that shit out. I'll just give him a limit, and see if we can stay below it. My pockets aren't bottomless." "Well, I gotta say, if you really love her that much, I hope it works out." "I do love her that much." "She is charming, and pretty sexy, for a kid." "Girl, you ain't seen nothin'... she's incredible... she's as foxy as they get. She could make a jellyfish hard." "If..." Marilyn spoke slowly and seemed far away. "If... I came over... do you think... would it bother you... or her... to share her?" "Oh, fuck no. It wouldn't bother me, it'd turn me on, big time. I think she'd go for it too... she's such a sexual little creature, I think she'd do it... I think she'd enjoy you." "I might... I might do that..." said Marilyn. "She is very attractive." "Yeah," I said, "she's a little sex magnet. You'll see what I mean." --==+==- Marilyn called her boss, and told him she'd had an emergency come up, and that she needed the rest of the day off. The three of us walked back to my place along the beach, and by the time we got there Chastity was in the middle, holding both our hands. We went up, and got comfortable on the couch. When Marilyn finally got up to go to the rest room, I had a hurried, whispered conversation with Chastity. "Marilyn loves you very much," I said, "she wants to make love to you, like I do. And I'll be here, with you. Is that alright with you?" Her eyes got big, and she looked out into the hall, where the bathroom door was. "I guess," she said, and I nodded. "Darlin', you don't have to do anything you don't want to. But I think it'll be fun. Marilyn is very nice and she's very considerate. And, she's sexy. I think you'll enjoy her." "Chuck," she said, her eyes burning into me, "will you do that thing again? With your weenie?" Shit, I thought. She wants me to fuck her, again. She's hooked on it. "Yes, darling, I'd love to. Let's just see what else comes up, okay?" She smiled, and I kissed her. What a sweet, sweet child. This was gonna be fun. --==+==- We started off slow. As we sat and talked I started to lift her shirt over her head, but Marilyn stopped me. "Allow me," she said, and I did, Chastity went over in front of her, and she lifted the girl's shirt off. "Oh my god," said Marilyn, and I laughed. Those nipples. She slowly leaned down, and fastened her hungry mouth to one. Chastity laughed and looked at me and shook her head. I laughed at Marilyn. What a perv. She could give me a run for my money. She licked and sucked and nibbled, and finally stopped and drew Chastity's shorts down her long legs. Her little pink panties followed. Marilyn helped her up on the couch, laying longways, with her upper body in my lap. "May I taste you, darling?" Marilyn said, and Chastity giggled and nodded her head. Marilyn bent her face into the girl's crotch, and began to lick. I just sat there, holding Chastity, while Marilyn licked her pussy. Marilyn was good at what she did, I happen to know she's about fifty percent lez, and I know she's had a lot of experience. Chastity came hard, within minutes, and then came again and again. I just smiled down at her, and kissed her every now and then. Sometimes I played with her fat little nipples. It was very sexy to see Marilyn eat her pussy, and to see her enjoy it so much. The girl knew how to let go, and just enjoy. It didn't seem to bother her in the slightest that a girl was eating her out. She just laid back, and came. Marilyn pulled back at last, and helped Chastity sit up. "Miss Marilyn," said Chastity, "can I touch your boobies?" Marilyn laughed and nodded, and Chastity reached up and carefully cupped Marilyn's tits in her little hands. That looked sexier than fuck to me, Marilyn has about the nicest tits I've ever seen, full and firm and almost round... and two fat almost-always hard nipples. I hoped that Chastity's were as fine, when she finally got them. One of the first thing I fell in love with, years ago, when I first fell in love with Marilyn, was her tits. Chastity played and played with them, growing braver, pinching her nipples, and finally leaning down to put her mouth on one. Marilyn just smiled, and sat there, holding her, like she was a little baby nursing on her tit. It was sexy shit. Marilyn finally sat her down, placing Chastity on her hands and knees, so she could bury her face in Chastity's ass. I knew she tasted great. I heard Marilyn almost growl, and I knew that she was turned on. I was turned on, just watching them. I finally stood and dropped my pants, and freed my hard cock. I carefully undressed Marilyn, as she continued to lick Chastity's ass, not even having to stop as I unbuttoned her blouse and took it off. Soon the two of us were as naked as Chastity. Chastity was on her hands and knees, her butt in the air, and Marilyn was on her hands and knees behind her, slurping away still on her ass. I got behind Marilyn and caressed her asshole with my tongue, she had a heavier taste than Chastity, but still deadly sexy. We just licked and sucked for the longest time. "Miss Marilyn," said Chastity, finally, as our group broke up. Marilyn and I sat heavily on the couch, worn out from the exertion. "Watch what Chuck and I can do," said Chastity, picking up the bottle of mineral oil from the end table. Oh, shit, I thought. Well, I had promised her. This will be a good test of Marilyn's resolve, I thought. Watching me fuck the girl. Chastity approached me, and poured some oil in her hand, and then smeared it on my erect cock. I almost came, then and there. The little girl laid back down on the couch, and spread her legs. She waited expectantly, a smile on her face. "I thought you said..." said Marilyn, a smile on her face. She knew she'd caught me. "We just did it once, and barely. I don't go deep," I said. I crawled on top of Chastity, and lowered myself over her body. Marilyn got down on her knees beside the couch, and I felt her hand on my cock as she guided it into Chastity's cunt. "Are you ready, honey?" I asked, and Chastity nodded, smiling. I slowly pushed into her body, feeling the incredible tightness again on the head of my cock. I looked down, so I could gauge how deep I was in her, and stopped once again when the head of my cock disappeared. That was deep enough, for now. She sighed, and jerked beneath me. I slowly pulled out, and pushed in again, and she gasped. Marilyn' head occluded my view as she leaned in to suck on Chastity's nipple. That was okay. I slowly pumped in and out of the girl, taking it slow and easy this time. I reached down beneath Marilyn, and cupped her firm round tit in my hand, feeling her hard nipple. This was too cool, fucking around with my two girlfriends. I could get used to this shit. I felt some motion at Chastity's crotch, in front of my dick, and I realized Marilyn was frigging the girl's clit as I fucked her. Good, I thought, she should cum for sure, now. I knew I could go for a while, and I promised myself not to cum until she did at least once. And a few minutes later she did, jerking and twitching beneath me, screwing up her pretty little face, and gasping for breath. I heard Marilyn laugh, and I slowly relaxed, and allowed myself to cum. It was intense and almost overwhelming, like last time, and I pumped her little cunt full of sperm again. No sooner than I pulled out of her and collapsed beside her on the couch than Marilyn nestled inbetween her legs, licked and sucked my seed out of her cunt. The whole afternoon was like that, just sexier than fuck. Marilyn can spice up any party. I finally lay, exhausted, and watched the two girls cuddle on the other end of the couch. Chastity seemed to love Marilyn, which pleased me greatly. The rest of the afternoon passed slowly. One notable time to remember was when Chastity got her nerve up, and leaned her face down into Marilyn's cunt. To see the little girl eating the big girl's pussy was just too much, and I almost lost it. Marilyn actually came, I think the novelty of it turned her on. It was fun to watch, seeing Chastity's little butt up in the air as she leaned over Marilyn's snatch. Even later than that Chastity crawled across me, and looked at my hardening cock from just inches away. It was getting hard just from her proximity, mostly, and I was pretty charged up again. "Miss Marilyn," she said, "you ever swallow... that stuff? That stuff that comes out?" "Sperm?" said Marilyn. "Yes, dear. It's very sexy, although it's probably an acquired taste. Do you want to do that to Chuck?" "Yeah," said Chastity, "but I'm afraid I'll choke or barf." Marilyn laughed. "Just swallow right after he squirts. Squirt swallow, squirt swallow. That's all you have to remember." Chastity leaned down and took my hard cock in her mouth. She didn't tongue the cap much, mostly she just sucked, and damn, that was enough. I stroked her head and played with her hair. When I looked at Marilyn, she just smiled and shook her head at me. I think that Marilyn had a good time that day. I know I did. I hoped most of all that Chastity did. Anyway, a sweet young girl was giving me a blow job. And she wanted to learn how to swallow my cum. I gave her plenty of warning, and finally it happened. And she did good, she lost a little, and she coughed a time or two, but she got most of it down. I was proud of her. She just lay there and giggled helplessly afterwards, and rubbed the dribbles into her flat little chest. Everything the girl did was off-the-chart sexy to me, even that. Finally five o'clock rolled around, and Marilyn started getting dressed. Chastity hugged her and they kissed, a long sexy open-mouth kiss, and Marilyn left, with a promise to come back and play soon. I ran Chastity through the shower, and got her dressed so she could run home and check in with her mom. She was back in just minutes, puzzled, her mom wasn't there, but it wasn't that big a deal to her. We didn't fuck around any more that evening, we just watched TV and went down to the taco stand for dinner. --==+==- The next day was Saturday, and I wasn't sure how Chastity's schedule would work, on Saturday. Apparently no different, she showed up a little after nine, and we laid on the couch and made long slow love, for what seemed like hours. She seemed to love the feeling of me inside her, and I was slowly going deeper and deeper, as she got used to it. She came, that morning, from just simple vaginal intercourse, and I felt like we'd passed a milestone. She came again later as I licked her clit, and yet again when I sprayed the shower nozzle on her clit. The girl was a sex machine, almost, she could cum better than many big girls I'd fucked around with. She was too much. We played in the ocean for a while, and went home and played board games. Sunday passed, I had her Sunday morning, but she had "family stuff" that afternoon, and just saw her a few hours in the late evening. Once again, we didn't fuck around, we just laid around, that was enough for me, her company was sweet enough that I didn't need sex, sex, sex. Just laying on the couch, holding her in my arms was enough, most of the time. I loved the feeling of holding her soft warm body. Sometimes we kissed, but most of the time we just laid there. The rest of the summer passed reasonably slowly, and better than any time in my life. I have had no pleasure in life greater than that girl. I realized how empty and hollow my life had been, until I met her, and would be again, if I lost her. She gave me a reason to keep on going. She gave me something to look forward to. We meshed like old friends by now, I know it sounds goofy... but I felt deep inside that we had been made for each other. I'd finally found my soulmate... sure, she was twenty-odd years younger than me... but I'd finally found the one to spend the rest of my life with. At this time, I had no doubt that it was for forever. One Monday morning I went at talked to Bill Brady, my lawyer. He was a good friend of mine, and had done some... touchy and unusual things for me in the past, when I was a broker. He'd literally kept my ass out of jail, more than once. Only Chastity and Marilyn know more about me that he does. I told him the whole story, except for the sex stuff. I knew he'd understand; he didn't need all the details. I told him to contact her mother, and offer her two hundred and fifty grand, no strings attached, tax free. And, of course, I told him to never mention my name, not that he would. I was to be just "a client." He rolled his eyes at me more than once, and had a problem with my cut-off number, but he understood, and he didn't ask any more questions than he needed to. I knew I could trust him, and I knew if it could be done, he could do it and do it right. Sure enough, Tuesday, Chastity didn't come. I'd warned her Monday... well, I'd done way more than warn her. Sunday night, I'd sat her down first, before I ever talked to my lawyer. I'd asked her if she wanted to come live with me. Without a pause or hesitation she'd said, "yes!" and stuck to it, even when I'd told her she'd never see her mother or aunt again. She hugged me and sniffled and finally cried, and said "yes!" and "please!" over and over. I felt reasonable sure she wanted to be with me. I warned her that night and Monday night both that her mom might stop letting her run around so much, or maybe not at all, if she suspected Chastity was seeing somebody. And I warned her that her mom would probably ask a million questions, hard questions. I'd told Bill to just tell the woman that his client had "seen" her, and wanted her to join his extended family of other adopted children. I know that wasn't even a white lie, but I wanted to reassure the woman. I wanted to make her think she'd be doing the girl a favor, giving her up. If she thought ahead even that far, if she saw more to it than just the money. Since she didn't show up, I figured Bill had talked to her mother Monday night. I hungered for the girl, I felt empty without her, and sad, I actually wondered if I'd ever see her again. Maybe her mom would find a sitter for her, or, god forbid, move away with her. My mind came up with all kinds of scarey scenarios. Wednesday, I heard a slight tap on my door as I fixed breakfast, and I flew to the door. It was her, and I seized her and swung her around, laughing. I felt born again, I was so glad to see her. "What's going on with your mom?" I asked, and she snorted. "She just held me a while yesterday and cried. Then she asked me if I'd like to go live with a bunch of other kids, and I said I would. Then she cried some more." I nodded. That sounded reassuring. "Did she ask you if you were seeing anyone?" I asked her. She shook her head. I was still half-way waiting for a knock on the door, if someone had followed her. Luckily, it never came. The day passed uneventfully. We fucked around a little, I licked her mostly, and she went home early. She was with me Wednesday when Brady called. I took the call on my cell, and he said, "You're in. It's a go." when he told me the amount I flinched, it was almost to my cut-off point. So be it. The girl was worth it to me. "How long?" I asked. He said two weeks. I told him to get a passport for her started, as soon as he could, as soon as the name change went through. I knew that would take a while. --==+==- The trade took place at a large mall, and I watched from a distance as Chastity, clutching a small bag, walked up to Bill Brady at the side of a gaunt, bony blonde woman. Bill Brady passed the woman an envelope, and she knelt, hugging Chastity. After a minute she stood, spoke to the girl, and walked away, never looking back. A minute later Chastity was in my arms, sobbing with relief. I shook hands with Bill, and led her back home. An overwhelming fear possessed me now that her mom would change her mind, and somehow find out where I lived. We stayed inside, mostly, I didn't want her to be spotted or remembered by anyone. A month later when we received her passport everything was ready and we left the country for Rio. A month after that we went to Bali, where I thought about settling. One day I received a call from Marilyn, who told me she'd just taken a job in Melbourne, and I thought, hell, let's take a little trip to the land of Oz. We were already there when she arrived, and we had a hell of a party that night, one that still stands out in my mind for sheer eroticism. So, that's my story. I love the girl as much as I ever did, probably more. She sleeps in my bed, and we make gentle sweet love, except for those times that she wants me to pound her. She is blossoming, at the moment, and she has the sweetest little mounds of breast you ever saw. I hate to see her grow up, but it's incredible fun watching her bloom before my eyes. I have no idea what will happen as she grows up. I've already got my million bucks worth out of her, everything from here on is just icing on the cake. Every night I thank her for coming to live with me, and for loving me, and for letting me love her. To me, she's still the wonderful little wide-eyed girl she was when I first met her. I hope she always loves me, I hope she never resent me or feels like I took advantage of her. We'll see. I'll understand, and deal with it, either way. Marilyn is a comfort to her, and good for her, she needs a positive female influence, and I think, in spite of her quirks, that Marilyn is just that. Marilyn lives with us now, and sleeps in my bed too, the three of us live in a little split-level out of town, in a sleeper community. Chastity goes to school, like a normal kid, and I've even taken a part-time job at an agency just to kill the time when she's away at school. The last time I talked to Bill Brady, he said that Chastity's mom had approached him for more money, but he had to tell her he doesn't even know what country I live in now, which is true. Notice I didn't say she wanted her little girl back, she just wanted more money. That doesn't raise my estimation of her very much. Will I tell Chastity all this, someday? If she ever wants to know, I will. The future is a bitch. Who knows what it holds? I just have my hopes. And so far, so good. --==+==- IF YOU LIKED THIS STORY, LEAVE ME A COMMENT. HELL, LEAVE ME A COMMENT EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT. THANKS FOR READING.;u=26255