This story is a work of fiction and care was taken - no letters
were hurt when they were placed on the page.

Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of my
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely

Every story I write contains sexual situations between adult
females and young girls between 5 and 16 years old. These stories
should not be read by anyone who is either not old enough to do
so or who would be offended if they did.  Most if not all of the
stories I write contains explicit pornographic material; it is
not for minors under the age of 18 or close-minded people.

Any characters, places, businesses and/or circumstances etc.
described herein are entirely fictional and are a product of my
imagination.  None of the following is based on real organisms or
organizations, and any semblance to anyone or anything real,
living, deceased or imaginary, is purely coincidental. There is
no place called Cherish Valley in the United States that I am
aware of.

I write stories for my own enjoyment.  I write stories in which
adult women are degraded, humiliated, and fucked by young girls.

If this story seems to be better edited that is because I have a
wonderful male editor who at times adds just the right amount of
detail into the story line.  If there are any remaining mistakes
in the story as far as grammar or punctuation, then it is my
error and not his.  Thanks "A", you're wonderful.

I also want to thank several readers with whom I have become
"email friends" and my one "cutie".  Your ideas keep me going and
energizes me.

Author's advisory: All these stories that I write about are for
adults only. If you're under-aged or of a closed mind and you
read my stories, your teeth will rot and all your hair will fall
out! This stuff is too mature and sophisticated for you.

Anyone who is an adult or age of majority, of course, is welcome
to continue.

This story, Little Angels, was written in collaboration with Eva,
another most excellent erotic fiction writer who I bow down too.
The idea for the story came from her.  Last December we were
emailing each and in one email she mentioned and idea that came
to be Little Angels.  I was supposed to be writing PG 5 but I had
writers block.  So I set aside PG 5 and started thinking about
Eva's idea so I wrote the first chapter and sent it to her.  She
added some erotic scenes and dialogue.  She then went on to write
chapters 2 and 3 and sent those to me.  I added some dialogue and
scenes to those.

I sent the first chapter to my editor, A, who added some
background and dialogue to the story.  He did an excellent job of
filling in Amy's background.

I post this story under my stories on ASSTR and Loiliwood but the
idea for the story is really Eva's.  I plan on posting chapters 2
and 3 over the next couple of months to keep you the readers in
sexual anticipation.

Now that PG5 is finished I want to write chapter 4 of Little

Email me with your comments at: msteven1005@yahoo.com

I reply to readers who take time to email me.


Little Angels 1

Written by Eva and Mary.

Fantasy fiction for adults only:

Amy Lucas sat in front of the computer screen unsure if she
should register on the website, Little Angels. It was a website
for single adult women and young girls to post personal ads for
dating and for mothers and daughters to meet like minded mothers
and daughters in their area for extra-curricular activities. It
was billed as a great way for young girls to learn about adult
female companionship whether that was with other mothers or
single adult women.

Her daughter Bella who turned ten last month was bugging her to
join this website - all her friends were members, or so she said.
 Amy wasn't too sure if that was true or not.  She was the Chief
Financial Officer of a well respected global company and didn't
feel she should jeopardize her standing with the company by
participating in a website like Little Angels.  She was worried
that somebody would find out and she would be fired. The trouble
was Bella was too young to register on the site: it took a credit
card and parental consent, preferably, the mother's consent.

"Please mom? After you register we can take some candid photos
and post them to the site.  Then I can pick and choose the woman
I want to have a date with.  And maybe we can meet other mother
and daughters like us. Please mom!"

Amy looked at the site again.  Little Angels didn't actually come
out and say it, but sex was the expected part of the date.  It
was unwritten but understood that sex would occur between the
adult woman and the girl.

The official part of Little Angels was that it was a dating site
where young girls could learn how to date in a safe and loving
environment with adult women.  That didn't sound too bad.  It was
all the rage across the world for adult women and young girls to
date.  I mean, there was a time that fathers took their daughters
on dates just to show them how they should be respectfully
treated when they started dating boys;  there were mothers who
took their sons on dates to show them how a boy should treat a
girl;  there were father daughter dances and mother son dances. 
So it was a natural progression that adult women should date
younger girls to show the youngsters how to be a proper adult

"Please, mom?"

"Oh, okay," Amy smiled as she opened her purse and took out her
wallet.  What could it hurt? I certainly don't have the time to
take Bella out for pizza or a movie.  She might even meet a nice
woman who could help her with her homework.  Who knows, maybe
even a double date with another mother-daughter in the local area
would be fun.

After fifteen minutes, answering a bunch of questions and paying
the required yearly fee, the web account was opened.

Bella ran off to get the digital camera.  Amy took several
profile shots of her ten year-old in poses as suggested by the
website.  She found it an arousing process, but dismissed her
feelings as silliness: after all, Bella was her daughter.

When Bella took the camera to pointed it at her mother, Amy

"Whoa, there Bella.  This isn't for me.  I set this up for you,"
Amy said waving her hand at her daughter.

"Mom, take a look at the website.  There are pictures of mothers
and their daughters on the site.  I can't have my just my picture
on the site without you.  It wouldn't look right.  What if we got
a request for a double date or something?"

Amy shrugged her shoulders and sat down in front of the computer
again and started browsing the site.  Bella looked anxiously over
her mother's shoulder.

Her daughter was right.  There were women with profile shots of
themselves next to their daughters profile pictures.  There were
dollar amounts under the picture of each woman, amounts like ten
dollars, fifteen dollars and twenty dollars all the way to forty
dollars in five dollar increments.  She and Bella didn't know
what that meant.

Amy thought she would have to inquire about that after Bella went
to bed, but seeing the pictures of women on the site made Amy
feel better so she agreed.  Bella happily took several above the
shoulder shots of her mother.  Amy wasn't quite sure of how
upload the pictures so her ten year-old took over and in several
minutes the pictures were posted. Bella was happy.

With the pictures posted Amy sent her daughter off to bed.  She
went back to the computer and signed in again.  On the main page
there were categories of women with titles like, attorneys,
judges, teachers, mothers, stay-at-home moms, and corporate moms.
 The site was divided into married mothers with daughters,
divorced mothers with daughters and single adult women.

Amy clicked on the icon, "Single Women", then the icon
"Attorneys".  After a minute a page loaded that indicated page 1
of 3.  Displayed were thumbnail pictures of very beautiful women
who claimed they were attorneys.  Amy clicked on picture of a
woman named Betty.  Her bio claimed that she was 42 and single,
liked long walks with a leash at night - Amy didn't know what
that meant, liked water sports - probably something about boating
or surfing, she thought, and her dollar amount was 30 dollars. 
She was available any day of the week in the evenings during the
week and anytime on weekends.

That didn't seem so bad thought Amy.  I mean having your daughter
go out with an attorney for dinner and a movie might be good for
Bella.  But how would she feel about the sex thing? Of course, as
a mother, she knew that she should be protecting Bella from such
adult things - she was only ten, for God's sake! But then so much
had changed since she was a child, the world had moved on and
left her far behind. I mean, Amy thought, Bella didn't know
anything about sex, did she? That was the trouble; she didn't
know, had always shied away from asking her.

Amy noticed the "About" link at the bottom of the page.  She
clicked the link and information came up in a new window. It told
her that Seattle-based Little Angels was started in the United
States several years ago and is now the most trusted female
relationship services provider in the world.  Little Angels
Dating Matching System allows young girls to be matched with
compatible adult women with whom they are likely to enjoy a
relationship in a safe and healthy environment.  Millions of
young girls of all ages have used Little Angels Dating Matching
System to match their particular tastes to find compatible
relationships with adult women.  Little Angels was founded by the
eminent female psychologist, Dr Helene Anderson.

Dr Helene Anderson! Could that be the same Dr Anderson who,
fifteen years ago, had first put forward those theories about the
sexualisation of children? Amy tried to think back. Her idea was
that children, girls in particular, adjusted better to adult life
if they were introduced to sex from an early age. Of course that
idea had been around for ages; she remembered giggling during sex
ed. lessons herself when she was in the third grade. But Dr
Anderson's theories had gone further than that. What was it
again? Something to do with the idea that kids should experience
sex, physical sex, from an early age so that when they became
adults, it wasn't some frightening mystery. She had called it
"Sexual Liberation for the Young". Amy could remember the storm
it had caused at the time, the outrage, but then other eminent
psychiatrists and sociologist had come out in support and the
idea seemed to spread like wildfire. And she had to admit, when
she compared herself to Bella, she was still very repressed,
still hideously naive about what really goes on out there.
Perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea after all, she thought.

Just then red flashing letters came across the screen informing
Amy that her account profile needed to be finished so her account
could be properly activated.  Without a properly activated
account, Little Angels could not send date requests to her and
her daughter.

Amy clicked on the page link and went to the profile page, which
was blank.  The web page said that no profile was needed on the
child but a profile was needed on the mother.  The more
information about her likes and dislikes, the better. For a
moment she was slightly anxious about putting information on the
internet, but reminded herself she was doing this for Bella; it
was really Bella they were interested in, not her.

She typed her name and city she lived in.  She put down her age
as 41, 5 feet 9 inches and 130 pounds.  Was she married? Yes,
then she typed in her married name, Mrs Amy Lucas.

The next question asked, "If you were to go out on a date with a
young girl, what would you consider to be a perfect date?"  Amy
jokingly put, a candle light dinner.

The follow-on question that came up asked if she had a problem
with candle wax? That's odd, Amy thought. Was it something to do
with allergies? She clicked `NO'

"What would be the perfect age of a young girl if one were to ask
you out on a date?" Not that I would go out on a date with a
young girl, but this is for my daughter. Amy put down age 9 to
11.  Her Bella was ten so the age spread on either side would be
just right. For a second she wondered what it would be like to go
on a date with her.

"Did she like water sports?" Of course, I love playing in the
pool and ocean, thought Amy.

"Did she have an aversion to being restrained?" I wonder what
that means, thought Amy. I've been restrained all my life, but
I've learned to put up with it, so, no, I don't really mind.

Would she have a problem if the young girl was an expert at rope
tricks, could she play along with her? `Yes' clicked Amy.  I've
always been fascinated by magic.

If the requirement of the date required you wearing clothes that
were considered "sluttish", could you wear them? `Yes' Not that I
would ever wear sluttish clothes for a date, but I would not have
a problem with it.

If the young girl asked you to wear little girl clothes like her,
could you do it, just so the girl would not feel out of place? 
How cute would that be, thought Amy.  If it made the little girl
feel better about herself I would wear little girl clothes.

At the bottom of the page was a statement about the dollar
"New adult female members to Little Angels start out at the ten
dollar amount level.  As each date is completed, the girl submits
a short evaluation on your performance.  A rating of EXCELLENT
adds fifty cents to your ten dollar starting amount.  A rating of
GOOD adds twenty-five cents and a rating of AVERAGE adds zero
cents to your starting amount.  Your goal is move up in fifty
cent increments.  The goal of fifty dollars allows the adult
female special dating privileges.  You can only refuse 3 dates
within a year's billing cycle.  If you refuse a fourth date
request within the yearly billing cycle you and your daughter
will be permanently banned from Little Angels.  If you are on a
date and you decide that you don't want to participate in the
dating experience, you and your daughter will be permanently
banned from Little Angels.

Throughout the year, Little Angels will sponsor events like
double dating, two for one specials and group get-togethers. 
This is a perfect opportunity for single women and mothers with
low starting dollar amounts to bolster their dollar amounts.

By clicking on SUBMIT you agree to these terms.  You will be
emailed a four digit code that the girls you date will use to
rate you on Little Angels.  It is understood by you that you will
not be able to see your rating.  Each girl on Little Angels will
have their own separate login in which to chat with and share
information with each other."

Amy hesitated and looked at the screen.  She didn't really
understand why acquiring dollars should be so important when all
of this was really for her daughter's benefit. However, she
thought, I have always got on well with young girls, so there
shouldn't really be a problem. After a couple of minutes of
self-doubt she clicked SUBMIT.

The site came back with `Thank you Mrs Lucas, you will be
contacted by Little Angels when a date request comes'.

"I don't know if I should be happy or not as long as Bella is
happy," Amy said as she signed off.

The next morning Bella was getting ready for school when she
asked if she could surf the website for any possible dates for
"Of course, dear, but after you finish your homework tonight,"
Amy smiled as she handed her daughter her sack lunch and sent her
out the door to the school bus.

At work Amy couldn't resist the temptation to sign into Little
Angels just to see if a date request had been received.  Not that
she really cared, of course, just idle curiosity. There was no
date request.  For some strange reason she felt a little
disappointed.  She perused the site looking to see if there were
any fifty dollar women.  There were not.  There weren't any
forty-five dollar women either.  There were a handful of forty
dollar women.

That evening after dinner and homework, Bella signed into the
website with her special login.  She was very nervous as she
surfed the various categories of single women and moms with

Bella asked her mom if she should date a single teacher or a
mother.  Amy said whatever you want honey because the choice was

About an hour later Bella yelled out "I found one mom!"  Amy was
in the kitchen finishing the dishes.  Her husband Eric was in LA
for meetings and would be gone for the next couple of weeks.

"Found one what?"

"A date, silly!"

Amy walked into the small office off the kitchen smiling at her
daughter.  "You know that choosing a date this quick for the
first time might be a disaster.  You should take your time and
look at all your options."

"Not with her mom," Bella smiled pointing at the screen.  The
woman was a 40 year-old judge in the local area, married, with a
boy and a girl.  Her name was Mrs Allison Miller.  Why did that
name sound familiar?

"And she's only 40 dollars, mom!"

"40 dollars? That's what we have to pay her?" Amy asked with a
concerned look. Suddenly she started to take the dollar business
more seriously.

"Of course, silly mommy, we pay her to have a date with me."

"I don't know, Bell, maybe you should pick somebody cheaper?"

"Please mom? Oh please? This is my first time and I want it to be
special!" pouted her ten year-old.

"Oh, okay," Amy smiled as she walked back to the kitchen.  Hmm,
Mrs Allison Miller.  Miller, hmm that is familiar. But, she
thought, she's a judge. Surely someone in that position would be
an excellent example for her daughter.

About ten minutes later Bella yelled out that she had sent the
request to Mrs Miller.  When the woman responded she and Bella
would work out a date and time for the date.

After Bella went to bed Amy sat down at the computer and signed
in to the website.  No request yet.  She couldn't resist clicking
on the judges' icon and then the married judges.  She looked at
Allison Miller's profile.

She liked to be poked and tickled in her magic place.  Amy
blushed when she read that. Surely it couldn't mean what it
sounded like! Once more, Amy felt herself lost in this strange
new world.  She tried to figure out how many dates Mrs Miller had
if she started out at the ten dollar level.  It was a lot she
thought.  Then she realized where she knew Allison Miller from,
well not really knew her, but Mrs Miller was on the state supreme
court.  She worked cases involving child custody issues.  It was
rumored that the judge always sided with the mother in placing
the child with her.

A couple of days later Mrs Miller responded to Bella's request. 
She would be happy to come over to Bella's house on Friday
evening if Bella was available.  She would also leave it to Bella
to come up with any and all ideas of what she wanted to do on the
date. Amy immediately had mixed feelings. She didn't like the
idea of the date taking place in her own home; it would probably
mean that she would have spend a lot of the evening entertaining
her. But at least Bella got to decide what they did on the date,
and she would be safe in her own home.

Amy was nervous Friday evening when the door bell rang.  Her
palms were sweaty and the money was crumpled in her fist.  Bella
came tearing down the stairs and opened the door.  She wasn't
nervous at all.

The woman, or the judge rather, leaned over and smiled at Bella.
"Hi, you must be Bella," smiled Mrs Miller.

Bella laughed.  "You must be Mrs Miller, the judge!"

Bella and Mrs Miller shook hands.

Mrs Miller straightened up and looked at Amy.  She was wearing a
white blouse that was button halfway down with a custom fit tight
blue blazer.  Her blue skirt came to mid-thigh and she was
wearing at least five inch heels.  Her blond hair was down in
pony tail.  Amy was slightly taken aback: not a professional
looking woman at all, more like an office secretary than a
supreme court judge.

"Hi, you must be Mrs Lucas? I'm Judge Miller, Allison Miller."
She extended her hand to Amy.

"Hi, please to meet you Judge, um..." stumbled Amy.

"Just call me Mrs Miller, Mrs Lucas," smiled the judge.

Amy just nodded her head as Bella pulled the woman into the

"Pay her mommy!" Bella said tugging on the judge. Amy gasped. How
could her daughter be so rude! Mrs Miller might be embarrassed!

As Mrs Miller stepped into the house she was carrying a large bag
around her shoulder.

"Sure honey," Amy said awkwardly as she handed the damp wad of
cash to the judge.  "Um, you're not what I expected, Mrs Miller."

"Oh? What did you expect, Mrs Lucas?" She didn't seem at all
embarrassed, Amy thought. In fact, she seemed rather

"I'm not sure Mrs Miller.  Anyway, this is our first time with
Little Angels, so how does this date thing work?"

"Generally, if the date takes place at the child's home and in
the child's bedroom the parents stay away.  Whatever noises or
thumping you may hear are just Bella and I having a good time,
nothing to worry about."

"Come on Mrs Miller, I want to show you my room!" squealed Bella
as she pulled the woman up the stairs.

The judge turned towards Amy when she was halfway up the stairs.
"You just go on do what you were doing and don't worry about us.
I'll show little Bella here a good time."

The two disappeared, leaving Amy standing at the foot of the
stairs, like a spare part. She wanted to march upstairs and
remind them that this was her house, but she felt somehow
intimidated by the judge, and Bella seemed to be so keen.

She sat down on the couch and turned the TV on low volume. She
felt lost. For all Amy's naivety, for all her efforts to pretend
that all of this was perfectly innocent, there was no mistaking
the implications of Mrs Miller's words - "I'll show little Bella
here a good time". For the next hour Amy heard laughing and
giggling from Bella and the judge.  Then she heard a mechanical
engine sound, like something battery operated sound.  There was
more giggling and laughing.  A couple of thumps on the floor
above and more laughing.  Then the door opened and the judge came
down the stairs.  Amy looked up at the woman as she came down.

The blue blazer was gone, she could tell the judge wasn't wearing
a bra now and part of the white blouse was hanging out.  Amy
could swear the mini-skirt was on backwards but Mrs Miller was
still wearing the high heels.

"Do you have milk and cookies, Mrs Lucas?" smiled the judge.  She
looked winded.

Amy got up from the couch. What a nerve! she thought , but smiled
politely. "Sure follow me."

"Bella is such a demanding little girl, Mrs Lucas, and she has
such a wild imagination."

"I know," smiled Amy as she opened the cupboard.  "She gets it
from me."  Amy handed a package of cookies to the judge then went
to the refrigerator.  Amy put the milk on a tray and got two
glasses.  The judge put the cookies on the tray and headed out of
the kitchen.

"I have about an hour left with Bella.  You might hear some more
noises coming from the room, not to worry, it's Bella using her

"Sounds like Bella is having fun," Amy said as she followed the
judge out of the kitchen. She tried to express the statement as a
question, inviting explanation, but none was forthcoming.

"Oh yes! And I know fun little girls when I see `em."

"Um, can I ask you a question Mrs Miller?"

"On your profile you mention a `magic place'.  What is your magic

Mrs Miller laughed.  "Only the girls I date know what that is,
Mrs Lucas."

Once more, Amy sat in the living room listening to laughter,
thumping noises and battery operated noises.  It was hard not to
get up and go to Bella's room to see what was going on.

An hour later, the bedroom door opened and Mrs Miller and Bella
came down the stairs.  The judge had her blue blazer on but it
looked like her white blouse was torn as the buttons weren't
buttoned.  Just for a moment Amy got a glimpse of the judge's
crotch and it looked like she didn't have any panties on.  It
might have been the trick of the light though.

"Thank you Bella for a wonderful evening and thank you Mrs Lucas
for raising such a wonderful little girl."

"Thanks Mrs Miller, you were a great brown noser!" gushed Bella
as she squeezed the woman's hand.

Mrs Miller blushed.  "Mrs Lucas, could you please make sure that
Bella goes onto the website and fills out the date card? Here is
my four digit code that needs to be entered so that Bella can
rate me.  This allows other girls can get an idea of the type
woman they want to date."

"Um, sure," Amy said as she took the paper from Mrs Miller. She
looked hard at her nose, trying to make out what on earth her
daughter meant, but it just seemed the normal pink color.

"Oh, as you know my code can only be accessed by the girls, not
by anybody else.  I assume that Bella has her own login?  Little
Angels gives a special log in to that part of the site for the
girls.  It is kind of a chat room for the girls to talk about the
women they've been with."

"Oh," was all Amy could say.

After Mrs Miller left Bella ran back upstairs to her bedroom and
Amy followed her.  Bella's bed was all messed up.  Bella was
sitting on the edge of the bed holding something pink to her

"What is that?" Amy asked her daughter.

`Oh, sorry, this is Mrs Miller's thong underwear, she left it
here," Bella replied as she took a deep sniff of the thong.

Amy gasped, her shock causing her to fall back on the only
response she understood.  "Give that to me right now, young lady.
 This so not right. A grown woman giving a child her panties."

"No, mommy, Mrs Miller gave this to me, not you!" Bella said as
she put the thong behind her back.  "It is a momentum," Bella
said incorrectly.

"Memento, young lady!" Amy replied with her hand out.

"Whatever, it's mine and not yours!"

Amy recognised her daughter's obstinate determination and
wondered if it was worth it to fight her daughter over the thong.
 She tried a different tack. "So, um, honey, what did you two do
up here? I heard a lot of noise coming from the room." Amy tried
to sound nonchalant about it.

Bella blushed.  "I can't tell you mom, it's only between Mrs
Miller and me."

"What? Sure you can tell me. I'm your mom," Amy replied as she
sat down on the bed next to her daughter.

"Mom, it's the website rules.  We can't talk with our parents
about what we do on our dates, only in the chat room with other
girls on Little Angels."

 Amy looked at her daughter, shrugged her shoulders and nodded
her head.  She felt confused and defeated. Bella had just had
some kind of sexual encounter with a middle-aged woman, in her
own house, in her own bedroom, and not only had she clearly
enjoyed it, but obviously felt she had done nothing wrong! She
felt her old values crumbling. "Well, then don't forget to fill
out the date information on the website," she said quietly.

Several times over the weekend Amy checked the website for date
requests when Bella wasn't around.  She was amazed to find
herself curious, even aroused but she was disappointed each time.
 She was looking at the teacher's category when she noticed some
an article off to the side of the pictures.  The headline said,
"Not getting the dates you want? Read our testimonials of women
who changed their requirements."  One lady, who said she was a
fifth grade math teacher, took the one month special option of
zero dollar amount.  Every now and then Little Angels offered to
drop the fee of women who weren't getting dates.  This had the
result of women getting a lot of date requests which resulted in
the women getting their name circulated around the chat room.  In
the case of the teacher she did the one month special and since
then she was up to fifteen dollars.  Another woman, a VP of a
marketing company abroad, changed her favorite position to D/s. 
Amy didn't know what D/s meant.

Amy looked around to see if Bella was nearby.  She clicked on her
bio and then clicked on her dollar amount.  Amy hesitated
thinking that if she changed her dollar amount she might end up
with dates that she didn't want.  She had to admit to herself
that she had grown intensely curious as to just what happened on
these so called dates. She kept remembering those noises coming
from Bella's room; whatever they were, they sounded quite fun,
and both Mrs Miller and her daughter had clearly enjoyed
themselves. However, she decided to be cautious and wait.

On Sunday, Bella came bursting into the kitchen announcing she
sent two date requests, one for an attorney and one for a first
grade teacher.  Bella had been surfing the website for the last
two hours.  Whichever one responded first she would go with.

"Well, how much is the attorney?" smiled Amy.  She was at least
happy that Bella was excited about the attorney.

"40 dollars, mom."

"40 dollars again?!"

"I picked her because she got really good reviews from the other
girls," Bella added.  "I just hope she responds."

"How much is the teacher?"

"35 dollars, but I really want the attorney!"

"Why did you pick the teacher then?"

"Because she looked cute, silly!" Bella smiled.

"Why do you always pick high priced women?"

"Because they are smart and educated," replied her ten year-old
daughter.  Amy almost blurted out that she was smart and educated
but she was only a ten dollar woman.

Later that afternoon Bella came running into the living room
where Amy was watching TV.

"Mom, mom, the attorney responded!" She was out of breath.

Amy smiled. "So when is the attorney available?"

"She can come over in an hour!" Bella squealed.

"My, she must live close by," Amy replied as she watched her
daughter's excitement. Seeing the ten year-old's excitement, she
tried to sound positive.

About an hour later there was a ring at the front door.  Bella
came running down the stairs.  She was wearing her pink t-shirt
that said `Girls Rule' and her bikini bottoms.

"You go back upstairs and change right now," Amy said
automatically as she looked at her daughter.

"No time, mom," Bella replied as she opened the door.

The attorney was wearing a business suit with a mini-skirt and
six inch black heels.  Her blond hair was all curly.

"Hi, I'm Miss Jackson, you must be Mrs Lucas?" smiled the

"Um, yes, hi," Amy said as she stared at the woman.

"And you must be little Bella. Don't you look cute and good
enough to eat!" laughed Miss Jackson as Bella took her hand.

Bella giggled and pulled the woman into the house.  "Pay her
mommy," Bella said not taking her eyes off the attorney.

"So you're an attorney?" Amy asked, trying to sound casual, as
she handed the forty dollars to the attorney.

"Yes, I work for Spencer and Marks, LLC over in Waterton," smiled
Miss Jackson as Bella closed the door behind her.

"I see," was all Amy could say as Bella pulled the attorney up
the stairs.

"Hurry up Miss Jackson," laughed Bella.

Bella and Miss Jackson ran up the stairs.  Amy heard Bella's door
slam shut.  There was laughing and jumping up and down then there
was quiet.  Suddenly the bedroom door opened and Amy heard Miss
Jackson and Bella running down the hallway to the bathroom and
door slam shut.

Why on earth would they need to go into the bathroom? Amy went up
the stairs and stood outside the bathroom door.  "Bella are you

"Yes, mom, now go away!" Bella yelled back.

Amy put her head to the door and tried to listen for any sound,
but heard nothing.  She went downstairs.  The bathroom door
opened after ten minutes, then she heard running down the hallway
to the bedroom where the door slammed shut again.  Strange, she
thought, she didn't hear the toilet flush.

After an hour the bedroom opened again and Amy heard them walking
down the stairs.  Bella was leading the way.  She was wearing the
blouse that Miss Jackson had worn when she arrived.  The blouse
was over sized on the ten year old.  Miss Jackson was wearing the
t-shirt that Bella had worn.  The t-shirt was seriously too tight
for the woman, her stiff nipples threatened to poke through the

Before Amy could say anything, Bella said, "We're just playing
dress-up, mom!"

Bella and Miss Jackson walked past Amy into the kitchen.  Bella
opened the refrigerator and pulled out the milk and Miss Jackson
opened the cupboard where the cups were.  She pulled out two
cartoon character cups.  Bella filled the cups with milk and both
drank from them, giggling and making eyes at each as they drank.

They put the cups down and headed out of the kitchen.  Feeling
completely ignored, Amy watched them as they went up the stairs.
She watched as Bella reached out and swatted Miss Jackson's ass
as she walked up the stairs.  The woman laughed.

Suddenly, Amy realised that she was jealous.  Her daughter was
having all the fun.  Why couldn't she?  If the new way of
thinking meant having fun, then why couldn't she have some fun
too! Amy checked the website again but still no date request.

An hour later the bedroom door opened and they came down the
stairs.  "Thank you Mrs Lucas, you have a wonderful daughter.  I
wouldn't mind seeing her again."

Amy just nodded her head in agreement.

"Bye, Miss Jackson!" Bella waved from the stairs.

Miss Jackson blew the ten year-old a kiss.  "Email me anytime,

Bella went to her room and Amy followed her.  Bella was tacking a
pair of white thong panties on her wall next to the pink thong of
Mrs Miller.

Bella pushed past her mother and went downstairs.  "I have to get
on the website, mom," she exclaimed.

Amy stood in her daughter's room looking at the thong panties,
hardly daring to believe what that meant.

The next day at work Amy checked the website again and there was
a date request.

"Hot damn!" she thought and then blushed and slid down in her
chair.  Why am I so excited to get my first date request?

She looked at the request.  She would have to click on it to open
it.  Well it wouldn't hurt to take a peek at it in the office,
would it?

Amy looked around the office; she didn't want anybody to see what
she was about to do.  She had a corner office with glass walls so
she could see her employees.  She moved her shaking hand with the
mouse to the request and clicked on it.

A cute girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and the cutest smile
appeared before her.  Her heart started racing and her stomach
turned with a big shot of adrenaline.

Tiffany Bowman was her name and she was nine years-old.  Her
request was simple.  Do you want to go out on a date with me?

Amy agonized over her decision.  She could only refuse three
times in year.  Amy got up from her desk and walked around her
office then she walked out into the office area.  She thought
there was only one way to find out what this site is all about. 
She went back to her office and with a shaking hand and clicked

Amy left the website up throughout the day as she did her work,
waiting for the youngster to reply back to her.

Near the end of the work day little Tiffany Bowman had written
back to her.

"Hi, Mrs Lucas, I am so happy that you accepted my date request.
I am available on Tuesday from 7pm to 9pm.  I can't be available
sooner because my mom says I have to finish my homework first. 
Please wear your best high heels.  I like the six inch kind,
white thigh high stockings, a pink mini-skirt and a white blouse.
 Oh and wear your hair in a pony tail.  All my dates dress this
way in case you are wondering." Amy had to click YES to respond
to the request.

I guess, Amy thought, this was the request to dress up like a
little girl. She thought it was silly, but she couldn't argue
because she had already clicked YES to that question.  As she
looked at the request she realized she didn't have white thigh
stockings or a pink mini-skirt.  Where could she find those?  Amy
stopped by the mall on her way home and looked in a couple of
stores for the stockings and skirt when she realized that she
would have to go to a pre-teen clothing store for the items. 
Eventually she came across one called 'Angel Wings' and entered
nervously, wondering if she could pretend she was buying for a
teenage relative. As soon as she stepped through the door she
understood it wasn't what she thought. First Amy saw a young girl
of about Bella's age standing with her own mother. The small girl
was pointing out a leopard-skin design skirt and the mom was
holding it up and nodding. But the skirt was little more than a
strip of fabric that would barely cover a mature woman's ass. To
Amy's shock the woman held it against her waist to check the fit,
looking at her daughter as if this would be okay.

Across the aisle another girl was selecting a dress and
indicating her mom, or some older relative perhaps who was with
her, should go and try it on. To Amy's astonishment she saw that
the dress was little more than a thin net and whoever wore it
would be showing all their underwear through it. Or their
nakedness if they wore nothing beneath it. The woman with the
child was saying something about hoping it would fit her and the
child said that the woman would have would have to go on a strict
diet to make sure it did. The mother was agreeing. For a moment
Amy thought this was all too much and turned on her heel to leave
the store, only to be confronted by a sales-clerk barely old
enough to work in a place like this. Her name badge said she was
Kandy and she couldn't have been more than 13 or 14.

"You shopping for something special?" Kandy smiled, looking Amy
up and down. "Hey, good legs, lady. So, you're looking to make
your ass and tits look good?"

Amy felt her face burn and opened her mouth to object. No one had
even spoken to her in that way before and she thought about
stalking past the clerk and out of the store, but then she
remembered this was something she had agreed to do. She had no
choice. Also, she had to admit she did have good legs and there
was no point in hiding them, was there? She told the teenage girl
what she was looking for and Kandy grinned as if here was another
mom ready to look good for a girl.

With great embarrassment she tried on a pink mini-skirt and white
thigh high stockings that Kandy had found her and bought them.
Kandy even insisted in coming in to the changing room with Amy
and watched as the woman took off her regular clothes and slipped
on the skirt. "Hmmm, needs to be a size smaller," said Kandy and
went to fetch one.

When Kandy returned she said, "I've only been here for a couple
of weeks but I have noticed that mature women such as yourself
don't seem to take care of their bodies the way younger women and
girls do." Kandy handed the pink mini-skirt to Amy.

She blushed.  "Well, I'm a professional woman and I don't have
time for things like that."

"Hmm, if you did take care of yourself better you wouldn't
struggle so much putting on a mini-skirt!" the sales girl said a

Amy was about to tell the sales girl off but blushed when she
struggled into the mini-skirt; maybe the girl was right.  She
also wondered if she had to go on a diet too. For some reason she
couldn't explain, Amy thought of being prevented from eating,
like having one's jaw wired up to minimise the food flow. She
even felt a mixture of a panic and excitement at the idea. But,
she got into the pink skirt and tried on the stockings, to smiles
of approval from Kandy.

Bella was very happy that her mom had a date for Tuesday.  Amy
was embarrassed but that didn't seem to bother her daughter. "You
look cool mom. The best you've ever looked," chuckled Bella when
her mom showed what she had bought. "I guess I'm jealous of
Tiffany if that's what's coming for her."

Amy told Bella that she would gone for a couple of hours and to
do her homework and stay off the website.  Bella agreed as she
waved goodbye to her mother. "Have fun, mom!" Bella called as Amy
got into her car.

Amy got to the house just before seven and rang the doorbell. 
Fuck, I am so fucking nervous I could scream!  She'd had a hard
time gripping the steering wheel because she was all nerves.
Perhaps, Amy had thought, this is a bad idea. She felt as if she
was cheap, dressing like this, but then she remembered this
wasn't just to make Bella happy; it might be a chance to have
some fun herself, for a change.

A woman answered the door.  She was wearing a t-shirt and blue
jeans.  "Tiffany, your date is here!" the woman called over her
shoulder.  "Come in Mrs Lucas," the woman smiled at Amy.

"Okay, mom, send her on up!" the girl yelled back.

"Here's your ten dollars, have fun! Top of the stairs, left and
first door on the right," the woman smirked.

"Thanks," smiled Amy. This mother was all business. She didn't
look happy at all.

Amy was way too nervous as she walked up the stairs.  She could
feel the woman's eyes boring into her.  At the door Amy knocked.
"Just a minute!" came the reply.  Amy stood there in the hallway
feeling like an idiot.  After what seemed like several minutes,
she knocked again.

The door opened and the cutest little girl Amy had seen was
standing before her.  The girl was wearing a business suit.  She
had on black slacks, a black business blazer with a white shirt
and a tie.  On her feet were black Mary Jane's.  It looked like
the suit was custom made for the nine year-old.  The youngster
looked to be all business while Amy looked like a little girl. 
She was completely embarrassed and humiliated standing in front
of the girl.

"I like my dates to follow instructions, which means, you only
knock once.  I heard you the first time!"

 Amy went red in the face.  She was about to say something when
the youngster smiled, "Come in, Mrs Lucas!"

 Amy stepped across the threshold into the bedroom.  "Sit on my
bed," the youngster instructed.

Amy sat on the bed looking around the room.  Tiffany stood in
front of her and raised her hand to stroke Amy's face.  "You're
very beautiful, Mrs Lucas."

"Um, thank you," replied Amy.  She was really uncomfortable with
the girl standing so close and touching her cheek.  "Um, so what
do we do on this date?" Amy asked the girl nervously.

"Whatever I want," smiled the nine year-old, still caressing
Amy's cheek.

"What do you mean `whatever you want'?" Amy asked clearly

"I paid ten dollars for two hours with your body which makes you
my whore which means I can do anything I want with you. You
agreed, remember?"

Amy quickly stood up and pushed Tiffany away.  She grabbed her
purse and headed for the bedroom door.  "Well, I never thought it
would be this!"

"I wouldn't leave, Mrs Lucas."

Amy turned around looking at the girl.  "And why is that?"

"If I write a bad review because you refused after you got here,
you'll be kicked off the website." The nine year-old said as she
put her hands on her hips. She was smirking but there was a cold
certainty in the child's eyes.

Amy thought about Bella and how happy she was on her two dates. 
It would break her daughter's heart to pushed out of the website.
Then Amy told herself, who needed this stupid website anyway?
Bella did and when she thought about it, so did she.  Amy

"I'm waiting Mrs Lucas," Tiffany said, still with hands on hips.

Amy hung her head. "Sorry," she mumbled, unsure what she was
sorry about.

"Yesss! All my whores put up a fight at first.  Sit on the bed
Mrs Lucas."

Two hours later Amy sat in her car out front of her house.  How
she managed to drive home was a mystery to her.  She was crying
hard.  Rape! is what screamed in Amy's mind.  The nine year-old
had raped her in her bedroom with her mother downstairs! I'm a
chief financial officer of a huge company, I have a masters
degree in finance and yet I was raped by a nine year-old!

After Amy had sat back down on the bed the youngster sat on her
lap and grabbed her breasts. Amy moved her hands so as to block
the girl from mauling her breasts but the youngster slapped her
several times across her face.  Amy had been forced to remove her
bra but leave her blouse on.  All the while she was crying as the
nine year-old called her the most vile names she had ever heard.
No one ever said things like that to Amy Lucas!

The youngster made her take her panties off then lay over lap. 
Amy was spanked like a little girl for several minutes, and just
as her face cheeks burned with embarrassment so too her ass
cheeks burned with the swats. After Tiffany pushed her to the
floor the girl stood over Amy and pulled down the zipper of her
pants. The girl reached into her pants and pulled out a flexible
strap-on that was at least ten inches long and two inches round.

She looked down at Amy.  "Meet your new best friend, Mrs Lucas!"
Tiffany was stroking the strap-on.  Amy cried, shook her head and
crawled towards the bedroom door.  "Just remember what will
happen Mrs Lucas," the girl smiled as she stood there stroking
her strap-on.

Amy stopped short of the door and shrugged her shoulders. She
knew she had to do this for Bella so she turned around.

"That's my whore! Now come here and suck my cock just like you'd
suck your husband's cock," the nine year-old smiled.

Amy slowly crawled to the girl and reached up with her hand. 
Tiffany took a step back.  "No, whores don't use their hands and
they kneel before the cock to suck it!" she hissed.

Amy got up on her knees and leaned over with her mouth open. 
Tiffany had hold of her strap-on as she started to beat the side
of Amy's face with it.  She laughed as she swatted Amy's face
with the strap-on. It had been the most humiliating moment of
Amy's life, and she had wept.

Sitting in the car Amy tried to block out the image of the black
plastic cock sliding in and out of her mouth.  The youngster had
hold of her ears and was directing her head movements as she
laughed at Amy's pathetic struggles as the woman tried to cope
with what little dignity she had left.

After a couple of minutes the girl pushed Amy down again then had
her get on her hands and knees.  The girl flipped up Amy's pink
mini-skirt.  Amy felt the finger of the girl poke her anus.  She
tried to move out of the way.

"Hold still, whore!" the girl hissed.  "Your husband may fuck
your cunt, but your asshole belongs to your new friend here!" Amy
felt a cool liquid drop on her ass crack.  She looked over her
shoulder.  She recognized the bottle as the "Fuck Me" clear gel
for women.  It retailed for .99 cents at the dollar store.

"No please don't," pleaded Amy as the youngster smiled at her.

"Shut up! Whores don't talk.  Besides, you were paid for your
services," Tiffany replied as she spread Amy's ass cheeks and put
the tip of the strap-on up to Amy's little brown hole.

Sitting in the car, Amy's anus hurt, it felt like she was bruised
on the inside of it.  But that wasn't the worst part.  After
pumping her ass for what seemed like an hour, Tiffany pulled out
and walked around to her mouth and put the plastic cock inside
her mouth.  Amy gagged as she tasted her own ass on the plastic.
But that wasn't the worst part either.  The nine year-old pulled
down her pants and made Amy lick and suck her little brownie. 
The youngster must have had a very sensitive anus because she
ended up coming just by Amy licking her.  The girl whimpered when
she came as she rubbed her little cunt with Amy licking her anus.
 God did that taste awful!

At the end, Amy stumbled down the stairs with her purse after
giving Tiffany her Little Angels website code so she could write
a review on Amy's performance.

Tiffany's mother smiled at Amy as she walked out the door.

Walking into her own house with a tear stained face, Bella came
running down the stairs with a big smile.  She stopped when she
saw her mother's face.

"What happened mommy?"

"My date didn't go like I thought it would," sobbed Amy as she
sat down on the couch.

"Some girls are mean, mom, but not all of them," Bella said
trying to comfort her mom.

"I know honey, I was just hoping for a girl like, well, like
you!" Amy smiled weakly.

"So tell me what happened?"

"Don't I write this on the website like you did? I mean, I can
write a review on this girl right?"

"No mom, it doesn't work like that.  Only girls write the
reviews.  The website doesn't care about what the women think. 
This is all about the us, the young girl, not the woman. Sorry,

"So I whored myself out for ten dollars and got raped for it?"
Amy asked on the verge of crying.

"'Fraid so mom," Bella stood up.

"So how do I know what the next girl is like? I mean, I don't
want to go through this again.  Maybe I should just delete my
account." Amy sniff wiping her hand across her runny nose.

"You can't delete it mom, because you would delete me from the
site also," the ten year-old replied.

"So how do I know what the next girl is like?"

"You don't, mom. Sorry, but that's the way it is."


Amy cried the next day when she saw that she earned an AVERAGE
rating from little Tiffany.  That meant she was still at the ten
dollar mark.  She wished she could see what the girl wrote about
her though. Perhaps there were kind words in her review, maybe
saying Amy had at least tried. She had tried too, but it was so
hard knowing what to do.

It hurt though to think of failure. Amy was a professional and
she expected herself to do well in her job. She had been praised
by senior executives from other businesses so she was used to
achieving and being praised. Amy had even won awards for her
talents and being seen as 'average' was not something she was
used to hearing. She was exceptional in everything she did, yet
here she was crying because a girl didn't think the woman was any
good. All she could do for now was resolve not to be considered
average ever.

End of Chapter 1