Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Subject:"Angelito" (M/b,incest,oral,anal) This is My second attempt at writing.All the usual disclaimers apply. This is a story involving consensual sex between the principal characters,a grown man and a pre-pubescent boy. If this type of story offends you, or is not to your liking, then leave now. This is not true. It is merely a figment of the My imagination. The author me, does not condone unsafe sex, and does not encourage sex with underage people. The author claims all copyrights to this story, but Feel free to re-distribute this story "Angelito" by Marc Paige William Cassidy stood in front of the large mirror in his gym after his late morning workout looking at himself, he was six foot five with blond hair and blue eyes and well defined body from all the working out. Today was the first day in five years he hadn't been to work, he had recently sold his company which made him richer than most men could dream of. He had started a small software company when he left college with his best friend Tom which turned into a multi-million dollar business making him and his friend multi-millionaires. Tom had died in a car accident a year earlier making William the single largest share holder in the company. William considered Tom the closest person in the world to him and He Just couldn't cope with having to run the company all by himself which led him to his decision to sell it. He had been offered a very lucrative sum by a larger corporation for his company and decided to take it. William was Now one of the world's youngest Billionaires at only twenty five, and yet for some strange reason he was not happy. All the rare samurai swords, paintings and exotic cars he had collected over the years meant absolutely nothing to him. He didn't really have a family, William had an older sister Rebecca who he hadn't seen since he was eighteen. Then there was Amy his girlfriend, William didn't really consider Amy family she was a good fuck but other than that he didn't feel any real love for her. William took up a towel and dried the sweat from his forehead. "Having second thoughts about retiring" said a voice from behind William. "Nope" William said smiling at the owner of the voice as he saw her reflection in the mirror, it was Maria his house keeper. Maria had been the house keeper for the previous owners of the house and decided to keep her on since she already knew the layout of the house and quite frankly he didn't want to be alone in the huge mansion. "So why the long face" Maria asked handing him a bottle of water. "Just contemplating what I'm gonna do with all my free time" William said twisting open the bottle of water. "Do you think I did the Right thing" William asked sitting down on the exercise mat. "Are you Happy" Maria asked looking down at William who was leaning back supporting himself on his elbows. "I guess I am" William replied. "Every time I walk into my office I expect to see Tom come in and make some really bad joke" William said with a very sad look on his face. "He was my only family Maria" William said holding his head down. "I just couldn't stay in that place any longer" William said tossing the towel aside. "Don't worry Will it gets better with time" Maria said patting him on his shoulder. William had become close friends with Maria and he valued her opinion. "Wanna spot me" Will said putting his hand behind his head to do crunches. He had a lot of new exercise machines on which he could have done this but he preferred the old fashion way his dad showed him. "I don't think so some of us have to earn our keep around here" Maria joked as she walked out the gym. William smiled at Maria's remark before continuing his exercising, After two hundred crunches Will got up and took up the towel and dried his face before putting it around his neck, he raised his grey sweat shirt and admired his abs before heading downstairs. As William was coming down the stairs the door bell rang. "Don't bother I'll get it" William shouted to Maria. William opened the door expecting the gardener but was shocked to see who the visitor was. "Hey Willie" said Will's long lost sister with a smile. "Becky where have you been" William said embracing his sister. "Nice house" Rebecca said smiling and brushing back her hair with her hands. "Come in Please" William said inviting his sister in. "I can't stay" Rebecca said sniffling. "I need you to do me a favor" Rebecca said smiling nervously William looked at his sister worried she looked nothing like the Rebecca he remembered, this Rebecca was skin and bones. He had heard rumors a few years ago that she was strung out on drugs but he never believed it until now. she had dark circles under her eyes and her hands were shaking uncontrollably. "Is that your husband" will asked noticing a man with his arms covered in tattoos leaning on an old beaten up black Trans AM parked in the courtyard. "Or is he your drug dealer" William said looking at the needle marks in his sister's arm. "Are you gonna do me a favor or not" Rebecca snapped at her brother pulling down the sleeves of her shirt to hide the track marks. "I need you to look after my son for a while" Rebecca said brushing back her hair with her hands again. "You have a son!" William exclaimed, shocked at this particular bit of news. "Yeah" Rebecca said sniffling and wiping her nose. "Jesse baby come here there is someone I would like you to meet" Rebecca said speaking to a small child that was barely visible in the car. The small boy opened the car door and climbed out of the back seat. "Hurry the fuck up Rebecca I don't have all day" the tattoo covered man yelled making the little boy jump as he walked over from the car. "Come over here Jesse I would like you to meet your uncle William" Rebecca said holding the little boy's hand. The little boy just stood there and held his head down clutching his teddy bear tightly. "Hello Jesse it's nice to meet you" William said bending down and extending his arm to shake the boy's hand but he didn't respond. "He's just a little shy" Rebecca said smiling uneasily. "How old is he" William asked. "He turned seven yesterday" Rebecca replied folding her arms. "so will you look after him" Rebecca asked nervously. "For how long" Will Asked looking at the blond haired seven year old. "I don't know" Rebecca replied flatly. "Is everything okay out here, I heard yelling" Maria asked standing behind William. "Everything's fine" William responded. "This is Jesse my nephew" William said introducing him to Maria. "Nice to meet you Angelito" Maria said smiling at the little boy. "Maria can you take Jesse into the kitchen and fix him something to eat" Will said. "Sure, Come on Angelito" Maria said taking Jesse into the house. "So Will you look after him" Rebecca asked with an air of desperation in her voice. "Sure Where's his stuff" William asked. "I didn't pack any clothes for him" Rebecca replied wiping her nose again and sniffling. "Here It's Jesse's birth certificate" Rebecca said pulling an envelope from her pocket and handing it to William. "What..Becky why are you giving me this" William asked worried that something was wrong. "Just in case" Rebecca replied laughing nervously. "Rebecca are you in some kind of trouble" William asked looking into his sister's blood shot eyes. "I need another favor can you loan me ten thousand dollars" Rebecca asked nervously. "Rebecca what is going on ?" Will Inquired worried about what trouble his sister had gotten herself into. "Look are you gonna give me the money or not" Rebecca said wiping her nose again. "Wait here" Will said as he went into the house, Will walked into his office and against his better judgment wrote out a cheque for ten grand. "Here" Will said handing the cheque to his sister. "Is that Jesse's father" William asked referring to the guy with the tattoos. "No That's my boyfriend Ray" Rebecca Replied. "Rebecca get your ass over here let's go" Ray yelled stomping out a cigarette butt on the ground. "It was nice seeing you Willie" Rebecca said embracing her brother before she headed to the car. "Aren't you even Gonna say good bye to him" William shouted to his sister but she just kept walking, Rebecca jumped in the car and they sped off out the gate. William doubted that he would ever see her again, he sighed deeply and went in the house and closed the door. William looked in on Jesse who was sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter eating a sandwich, he smiled at him and headed up stairs to take a shower. will stepped into the shower and turned on the water, he stood under the water letting it run through his hair wondering what he was going to do with Jesse he didn't know anything about raising kids. William was rinsing the soap from his body when he heard Maria shouting his name, he quickly rinsed off and dried himself a little. He dressed quickly pulling on a t-shirt and sweat pants and ran down stairs to see what all the commotion was about, as will approached the kitchen he could hear Jesse screaming. "Oh My god what happened ?" Will asked as he saw Jesse lying on the floor of the kitchen curled up in a ball holding his stomach and screaming in pain. "He was climbing down off the stool and lost his balance and fell" Maria said frantically. "He won't even let me touch him!" Maria said in distress. "Jesse it's okay calm down" William said trying to calm the screaming child, but it was to no avail. "I think you better take him to the hospital" Maria said looking very concerned. "Yeah, Yeah Okay" Will said a bit panicked. He picked Jesse up in his arm and ran to through the kitchen door, Maria ran ahead of Will to open the front door. "Maria get my keys" will said as he ran through the front door carrying Jesse. Maria came back with the keys and unlocked the door of William's Lincoln Navigator, she opened the back door of the SUV and will placed Jesse who was still screaming in pain on the back seat. William jumped in the driver seat and Maria closed the backdoor, he started the engine and raced out the courtyard. William took up his cell phone and Dialed the number to a private hospital where a friend of his worked. "Yes Dr. Anna Porter please" William said speaking to the receptionist on the other end. "This is Dr. Anna porter" said a voice after a few seconds. "Anna it's will, something's wrong with my nephew he fell off a stool in the kitchen and now he's holding his stomach and he won't stop screaming" William said as he overtook a car. "I'm bring him to the hospital right now" Will said as he made a turn with tires screeching. "How old is he Will" Anna asked. "He's seven" William replied overtaking another car hoping he wouldn't be pulled over for reckless driving. "How far away are you" Anna asked. "I'm about ten minutes away" William replied as he slammed his hand on the horn at a driver who didn't notice a traffic light turn green. "We'll be waiting for you" Anna said before she hung up. "Hang on buddy we're almost there" William said as he glanced at Jesse in the rear view mirror. Ten minutes later William pulled up at the hospital, he jumped out and opened the backdoor of his SUV and gently lifted Jesse into his arms. Will Ran into the hospital with Jesse who was now only groaning in pain. "Will over here" Anna waved to him. He carried Jesse into the examination room and placed him on the bed. "It's okay buddy you'll be fine" William said comforting Jesse. But Jesse couldn't be comforted he began to kick and scream fighting with the doctor who was trying to lift his shirt to examine him. William stepped back to the door and watched as Anna injected Jesse with something to help him relax. she took up a pair of scissors and cut Jesse's T-shirt off, will was worried when he saw the way Anna looked over at him. "Anna What's the matter, what's wrong with him" William asked with a look of dread on his face. "This boy has been severely abused" Anna said disgusted as she examined him. "What" William said moving closer to the bed. He felt sick to his stomach when he saw the purplish black bruises all over Jesse's chest and his stomach. That son of a bitch William thought to himself as he felt a rage he had never felt before building inside him. He knew without a doubt it was his sister's boyfriend Ray who had done this to Jesse, if he had been standing here he would have ripped his lungs out with his bare hands. Anna ordered a full set of x rays and did an ultra sound to check for any internal injuries. "Should I call social services" an Intern who was assisting Anna asked. "No" she replied as she looked over Jesse's test results. A nurse dressed Jesse in a children's gown and then left, William walked over and sat on the bed next to Jesse and stroked his back as he slept from the effects of the drugs. Anna walked over to him holding Jesse's chart. "well the good news is he doesn't have any broken bones or internal injuries" Anna said sitting next to will. "And the bad news" William asked looking at Anna expecting the worst. "He does have a couple of bruised Ribs" Anna said with a sigh. "Don't worry he'll be okay" Anna said rubbing William's shoulder. "Do you know Who did this to him?" Anna asked. "My sister's boyfriend" William said running his fingers through his still damp hair. "They dropped him off about three hours ago and split" William said. "I don't think she's coming back for him" William said looking over at Jesse who was sucking his thumb as he slept. "Well at least he has you" Anna said looking at will with empathy trying to make will feel better. "Me?, I don't know anything about children" Will said with a worried look. "Staying with you can't be any worst than what he has already been through" Anna said looking at will. "I suppose" Will said looking over at Jesse. "You know he hasn't said a word since they left him with me" William said looking at Jesse. "It's common with abused children to withdraw from the world" Anna said identifying with William's situation. "Hang in there" Anna said with a warm smile taking will's hand in hers. "You can take him home when he wakes up" Anna said getting up and looking at her pager which was beeping. "I have to go but I'll be back as soon as I can" Anna said opening the door, William smiled at her as she left. Poor little guy Will thought as he stroked Jesse's long golden blond hair, he couldn't believe that anyone could be so cruel to such a beautiful child. William got off the bed an realized that he had left in such a hurry he forgot his shoes, he walked over to a chair in the corner of the room and watched Jesse sleep. About three hours later Jesse began to stir as the effect of the drugs began to wear off. "You okay buddy" William said walking over to Jesse's bed. Jesse didn't answer he just lay on the bed with a blank look in his eyes. "Sorry I took so long" Anna said as she entered the room. "He's awake but he still hasn't said a word" William said to Anna who walked over to Jesse's bed. She lifted the end of Jesse's gown and examined him again. "Well everything seems okay considering" Anna said with a sigh. "I'll go get his discharge forms ready" Anna said as she turned to leave the room. "Thank you Anna" William said smiling at Anna as she walked out. "You sure gave me a scare buddy" Will said smiling down at Jesse. But Jesse didn't respond he Just lay there staring up at the ceiling. "It's okay little guy I won't let anyone hurt you again" William said taking Jesse's hand in his. Anna returned with the discharge form and William filled them out, Anna walked William out to the Ambulance bay where he left his SUV carrying Jesse in his arms. "Hey Buddy This your car" Said an overweight security guard who approached them. "He was Just leaving Joe" Anna said to the guard who turned around and went back to his post. Anna opened the backdoor of the SUV and William put Jesse in the back and closed the door. "Thanks for everything Anna" William said embracing Anna and stroking her long brown hair. "Just doing my job" Anna said smiling at Will. When he broke their embrace, noticing Jesse looking at them through the window from the back seat. "You need to give him one of these everyday and one of these if he's having any pain" Anna said handing two bottles of pills to William explaining what each one was for. "Rub some of this ointment on his bruises before you put him to bed" Anna continued taking a small box from her pocket and handing it to William. "I'll call you in the morning to check on him" Anna said. William took the medication from Anna and said goodbye he got in his SUV and backed out of the Ambulance bay, Anna waved goodbye to Jesse through the window as the vehicle pulled out. William looked at Jesse in the rear view mirror, he was lying on his side sucking his thumb. "I forgot your teddy bear" William said trying to engage Jesse in a conversation, he hadn't spoken a word since his Mother had dropped him off and William was worried about him. Jesse looked in the direction of whoever spoke to him so Will knew that he could speak and that Jesse could understand him. He looked up at William and continued sucking his thumb, William saw him looking up at him in the mirror he continued to speak to Jesse. "So what did your mom get you for your birthday" William asked making a right turn as he drove home. Jesse Didn't answer he just looked at Will and sucked on his thumb, William finally pulled up in the courtyard of his house. "Well we're home" William said unbuckling his seat belt. William looked up and saw Maria running up to the car. "Is he okay" Maria asked anxiously. "He's fine" William said smiling as he opened the door and got out. "Can you get those meds on the seat for me" William said to Maria as he opened the backdoor to get Jesse. "Hi Angelito" Maria said smiling at Jesse as William lifted him up into his arms from the back seat. Jesse put his head on William's shoulder and put his hand around his neck holding on to his uncle. William took Jesse upstairs and put him in the bedroom across the hall from his and put him in the bed, he covered him up to his waist and brushed away some of his hair from his face. "I'll be back in a few minutes" William said as he left the room. William closed the door and found Maria outside the bedroom. "I need to take care of something very important, can you stay with him till I get back?" William Said to speaking to Maria. "Of course" Maria said smiling. William went to his room and sat on the bed for a while thinking, he got up and took up the phone and dialed a number. "David Callahan" said a voice on the other end. "David it's will" William said speaking into the phone. "Hey Will What's up" David replied. "I need you to do something for me" William said walking over to his walk in closet. "What do you need" David said. "We need to talk in person, I'm coming to your office" William said as he looked through his wardrobe. "Okay" David said. "I'll be there in an hour" William said and hung up the phone. William was dressed in ten minutes and returned to Jesse's Room where Maria was sitting on the bed singing to him. "Hey buddy I'm going out for a while, I'll be back as soon as possible" William said speaking to Jesse. He leaned over and kissed him gently on his forehead before he got up. "Take care of him Maria" Will said standing at the door. "He'll be fine" Maria said to will before he closed the door, she continued singing to Jesse when William left. William went back to his Room and took up the envelope that his sister had given him, he briefly read papers before replacing them in the envelope and putting it in his jacket. William went down the stairs looking at the time on his wristwatch. It was three thirty it would take him an hour and a half to get to David's office which was on the other side of town and another hour and a half back. William got into his SUV and drove out the yard, a lot of the people in his neighborhood had their own drivers but William preferred driving himself. After an hour and a half of driving William arrived at his destination, he packed in the parking garage below the building and took the elevator up to the fiftieth floor to David's office. "Come in" David said when he saw William standing in the doorway. William entered David's office and closed the door behind him. "Hey I'm glad you're here I need you to sign this" David said handing a document to William. William took a seat at David's desk and out his pen from his jacket pocket and signed the paper. "And this" David said handing another paper to William. "So what can I do for you" David said as he leaned back in his chair. "I need to get custody of my nephew" William said signing the bottom of the document David gave him. "Your nephew, I didn't know you have a nephew" David said surprised at this news. "Neither did, I until today that is" Will said folding his arms. William told David the whole story of how he ended up with Jesse and what had transpired over the last few hours. "Oh man "David said running his hand through his hair after hearing the horrific details of what happened to Jesse. "I not a family law attorney but I'll do this for you" David said looking at his friend. "I don't want that animal to get anywhere near Jesse again David" William said angrily. "I don't know if this will help, it's Jesse's birth certificate" William said taking the envelope from his pocket and handing it to David. "Yeah a lot" David said as he took the envelope. "Don't worry I'll handle this immediately" David said as he walked William to the elevator. "Thanks a lot David" William said as he stepped into the elevator. "No problem" David said with a smile. William looked at his watch it was six o' clock he didn't realize that he had spent all that time talking to David. He got to the parking Garage and walked to his SUV and got in and headed home, he got caught up in a little traffic and arrived back home at seven forty five. William came in the house and headed to the kitchen where he found Maria crying. "Maria what's the matter" William asked deeply concerned. "Is Jesse okay?" William asked thinking that something had happened to his nephew. "He's watching cartoons in the living room" Maria said wiping the tears from her eyes. "What's the matter" William asked as he sat on a stool next to Maria. "My sister had a stroke" Maria said sobbing. "I'm sorry to do this to you on such short notice but I have to leave in the morning" Maria said wiping her nose. "No, no It's okay" William said taking Maria's hand in his. "Is Alejandro okay?" William asked referring to Maria's eight year old son. William had met Alejandro last summer and was looking forward to seeing him again this summer, he had grown very fond of the little boy over the weeks he spent at his house. "He's fine, he with his father" Maria said wiping her eyes. "I've got to call the airport and pack and..." Maria said frantically as she started crying again. "Hey, hey relax" William said as he hugged Maria. "You go upstairs and pack and I'll get you a flight to Miami" William said wiping a tear from Maria's eye. "Thanks will" Maria said as she kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs to pack. William went into the living room where Jesse was watching Cartoons, he saw Jesse smiling at the cartoon he was watching. It was the first time he had seen Jesse smile and he felt warm inside, looking at the beautiful little angelic boy sitting on the sofa with his legs drawn up under him. When William walked into the room Jesse stopped smiling and hung his head down. "You have a beautiful smile Jesse" William said smiling as he took a seat next to his nephew. Jesse didn't respond, he pulled away when William tried to touch him. "It's okay Jesse I won't hurt you" William said softly. Jesse moved to the end of the sofa and hugged his knees to his chest and looked at Will, he didn't push him any further. "What do you want for dinner?" William asked looking at Jesse for a response but he didn't. "How about Hot dogs, I bet you like Hot dogs" William said smiling at Jesse. William remembered when he was Jesse's age hot dogs is all he ever wanted to eat, Jesse lifted his head and looked at William with his beautiful sky blue eyes. "I'll take that as a yes" William said with a smile. "Come on" William said extending his hand to Jesse. Jesse reluctantly took Will's hand and they went back to the kitchen to prepare the hot dogs. "No more stools for you" will said with a smirk as he pulled out a chair at the kitchen table for Jesse to sit down. William was preparing the Hot dogs when the phone interrupted him. "Hello" William said picking up the Phone in the Kitchen. "Hey how about we go out for dinner tonight" said the voice on the other end. "Tonight's not a good night" William said to his girlfriend Amy on the other end of the phone. "Oh come on Will this is the third time you cancelled this week" Amy said clearly infuriated. "Are you avoiding me" Amy asked angrily. "I'm not gonna get into this with you Amy" William said losing his patience, he had a really hectic day and didn't have the strength for an argument. "Oh I get it you're fucking someone else" Amy said with venom in her voice. "Goodbye Amy" William said as he hung up the phone. The phone rang again and William answered. "You son of a..." Amy shouted but before she could complete her sentence William hung up on her again. The Phone rang again. "Who the fuck..." William hung up the phone on Amy again before she could finish. Will went to the pantry to get the bread when the phone rang again. "Look Amy I'm getting tired of this" William said angrily and totally fed up with Amy's attitude. "Lovers quarrel" said a familiar voice over the phone. "Oh I'm sorry Anna I thought you were Amy" William said apologizing. "It's okay, how's the patient" Anna asked chuckling at William's outburst. "He's fine he still won't talk to me but he's okay" William said looking at Jesse and smiling. "I've got a friend who specializes in child psychology, I told her about Jesse and she has an opening at ten tomorrow" Anna said over the phone. "I think you should get him into therapy as soon as possible" Anna advised. "Okay" William said deeply concerned for his nephew's well being. Anna gave the name and address of the psychologist to will and hung up the phone, William made a hot dog for Jesse and one for himself. They sat in silence eating their hot dogs looking at each other, Will wondered what Jesse was thinking about and longed to hear his voice. William looked up and saw Maria coming back to the Kitchen. "I finished packing I think I'll go to bed early, is there anything I can get you" Maria asked still very upset. "No you go to bed have a good night's rest" William said smiling at Maria. "Oh wait, did Alejandro leave any clothes by chance, I forgot buy Jesse some clothes to wear" William said to Maria. "Yeah I'll put them in his room upstairs" Maria said then turned and left. Jesse only ate half of the hot dog and sat back in the chair and looked at will. "Not very hungry are you" William said looking at Jesse. "That's okay" William said getting up from the table and picking up Jesse's plate. He placed the plate in the sink along with his and threw away the half eaten hot dog. William picked up the telephone and dialed the number to the airline and booked a flight for Maria. "Okay little guy let me give you a bath and get you to bed" William said stretching his hands to Jesse. Jesse took Will's hand and William lifted him into his arms and carried him upstairs. William carried Jesse to his bedroom and put him to sit down on the toilet while he ran the water in the bath tub. When he got the water to the right temperature he closed the taps and poured some bubble bath in the water. "Okay come on Jess" William said stretching his hand out to Jesse. Jesse got of the toilet and backed away from William. "It's okay Jesse I'm not going to hurt you" Will said softly to Jesse. Jesse walked over to William slowly looking into his eyes for any sign of danger. William undid the laces at the back of the hospital gown Jesse was wearing and slid it off his shoulders. Will felt tears running down his cheeks when he saw the extent of the physical abuse that Jesse had suffered. He had welts all over his shoulders and legs which were unmistakably caused by a belt, his little chest and tummy was covered in blueish black bruises from where Ray had undoubtedly punched him. William tried to hold back his emotions but he couldn't, it wasn't enough that the son of a bitch had savagely beaten Jesse with a belt but he had to punch him too William thought. Will wiped the tears from his eyes and pulled down Jesse worn out white underwear, Jesse didn't even attempt to cover himself as any normal boy would his spirit was totally broken. Will gently lifted Jesse up and put him into the tub. William took up the washcloth and tenderly washed the bruises on Jesse's shoulder and his back. William's sadness turned to Rage when he saw the boot print on Jesse's back where Ray had kicked him, Will would have beaten Ray to death just as he beat Jesse if he ever got his hands on him. He tenderly washed Jesse chest and tummy almost afraid to touch his bruised skin for fear he would hurt him. William left Jesse in the tub and got a clean towel from the cupboard to dry him off. "Come on let's get you out of there" William said his voice breaking. He lifted Jesse out of the tub and sat on the toilet to dry Jesse off, he put the towel over Jesse's head and dried his hair. William dried Jesse's shoulders and his bruised chest and tummy, he dried his little butt and his little penis. Jesse looked into William's tear stained face he couldn't understand why Will was crying. William finished drying Jesse off and lifted him into his arms and took Jesse into his bedroom. He sat Jesse on the bed and went back to the bathroom to get the ointment to rub on Jesse's wounds. Jesse watched as William came back with the tube of ointment, Will sat on the bed next to Jesse. "I need you to stand up for a minute Jesse" William said softly to his nephew. Jesse got off the bed and stood in front of Will, he squeezed some of the medication out of the tube and rubbed it on Jesse's bruised chest. Jesse winced a little as the cold medication touched his skin. "I'm Sorry baby" William said apologizing to Jesse. William squeezed out some more of the cream from the tube and warmed it in his hands before he rubbed it on Jesse. He put some more of the medication on Jesse's shoulders and legs, will turned him around and rubbed some of the cream on the bruises on his back. William went over to his dresser and got one of his t-shirt for Jesse to sleep in. He pulled it over Jesse's head and put his arm through the sleeves, it was a little to big for Jesse but it would have to work until he got him some pajamas. Will lifted Jesse into his arms and carried him to his bedroom next to his, he placed Jesse in the bed and covered him up. He went back into his room and came back with a glass of water and the medication that Anna had given him, Jesse swallowed the pills without any fuss and took a sip of the water. "We'll get you some clothes tomorrow" William said as he leaned over Jesse. "Look who I found" William said smiling handing Jesse his teddy bear. "Get some sleep" William said as he kissed Jesse on his nose and left. Jesse lay in his new bed and his new room wondering why this man was being so nice to him, all the other men his mother knew had hit and abused him. He remembered one guy his mother had met that had slapped him in the face and his ring had cut his nose making him bleed. The man was angry because he was afraid of the dark and wanted to sleep in his mother's bed with her. Then there was Ray who would beat him for wetting the bed punching and kicking him all over, As Jesse thought of all those horrible memories of abuse he started to cry. Jesse wondered why will was so nice to him why he hugged and kissed him and promised to buy him new clothes, Jesse hugged his teddy bear and cried himself to sleep. William stood outside Jesse bedroom door he could hear Jesse crying softly and wanted to comfort him but he knew their was nothing he could say or do to make him any feel better. Will slid down to the floor and started to cry he had never felt compassion for anyone the way he felt for Jesse. After William composed himself he got up and went to his room, he got in the shower and took a bath and then went to bed. William lay in his bed thinking about Jesse he wished that there was something he could do to make him feel better. Will looked at the clock near his bed it was one thirty, he got up and put on his robe over his nude body and went to check on Jesse. William opened Jesse's bedroom door and peeped in, Jesse was sound asleep sucking his thumb and hugging his teddy bear. William smiled and went back to his room, he took off his robe and got back in bed and went to sleep hoping that when he woke up that everything that happened would be just a dream. Will woke up the next morning and saw a little angel standing in front of him with long golden hair holding his teddy bear. "Good Morning Angel" William said smiling as he yawned and stretched his arms. William looked at the clock next to his bed it was seven thirty, he got out off bed and stretched yawning again. Jesse looked at William's naked body before he put his robe on. "Come on Jess lets get some breakfast" William said as he tied his robe. Jesse walked over to William and took his hand in his, will smiled at Jesse this was the first time that he had reached out to him. William came down stairs and found Maria in the kitchen, she gave him a cup of coffee and he sat down at the table. "Did you get a flight for me last night because all the airlines I called said they were booked" Maria said as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Oh Yeah I got you a flight at eleven to Miami, I told them you would collect the ticket in the airport" William said taking a sip of his coffee. "I didn't want to disturb you last night" William added. "What do you want for breakfast Angelito" Maria asked smiling at Jesse but he didn't answer. "Cereal's fine" William said smiling at Jesse. "I put the clothes for Jesse on the chair in his room" Maria said as she put the bowl of cereal in front of Jesse. "Okay" William said as he watched Jesse eating his cereal. After breakfast William went upstairs and brushed his teeth and got dressed, he got a toothbrush for Jesse and watched him brush his teeth. Will got the clothes that Maria left on the chair in Jesse's room and sat on the bed with Jesse standing in front of him. He took off the large t-shirt off of Jesse and looked at his bruised body, the bruises looked a little better that they did yesterday Will thought as he looked over Jesse's nude body. William Dressed Jesse in Alejandro's clothes they were a little big on him but they would have to work for the time being, then he ran into a problem. He had left Jesse's shoes at the hospital and he didn't have anything else that would fit him. William remembered that he bought a pair of sneakers for Alejandro as a gift the last time he was there and they turned out to be too small. He didn't have a chance to return them for a bigger size since Alejandro was going home the same day. "Wait here I'll be right back" William said to Jesse he went to the room where Alejandro had stayed in and found the pair of sneakers in the closet. William returned to Jesse's room with the sneakers and put them on his feet and tied the laces, He brushed Jesse's long blond hair that reached down to his shoulders. "Okay we're good to go" William said as he stood up. Jesse looked down at his feet at the black and white sneakers, William smiled at him and took his hand and led him out the room and went downstairs. William went to his office that he used whenever he worked from home and took out his cheque book and Wrote Maria a Cheque, Jesse stood looking at William holding his teddy bear. William got up from his desk and folded the cheque and put it in his pocket. William found Maria with her suitcases by the door. "Need a ride " William asked with a smile. "No I called a cab" Maria replied. William took the cheque from his pocket and handed it to Maria. "I can't accept this" Maria said in shock when she looked at the cheque. "Think of it as a long overdue bonus" William said with a smile. As they were speaking the taxi showed up to take Maria to the airport, William opened the electronic gate and the taxi drove up to the house. "Well this is goodbye" Maria said. "It was a pleasure working for you Will" Maria said tearfully. "The pleasure was mine" William said wiping a tear from Maria's eye. "If you ever need anything call me" William said hugging Maria. "Bye-bye Angelito" Maria said as she bent down and kissed Jesse on his cheek. William thought that he saw a smile on Jesse's face for a second or perhaps it was just wishful thinking on his part. The driver helped Maria with her bags and Maria got in the car she waved goodbye as the cab drove out the yard. "Well It's just you and me Jess" William said sighing as Maria's taxi drove out off sight. Jesse stood outside the door looking at his uncle as he walked over to a building that was separate from the house. Will headed to the garage where he kept his collection of cars, he entered his security code and the door opened. William went over to a box with an electronic lock on the wall and entered another code into an electronic keypad and the box opened and out a key for his new 2005 BMW M5. William went over to the garage door and pressed a button and the door opened, he hadn't gotten a chance to take the car to have the remote for the garage and the front gate installed yet. He got in the car and drove out the Garage, William got out the car and entered a code into a second keypad at the side of the large sliding garage door to close it. He got back in the car and drove up to the up to the front door of the house where Jesse was standing. He got out the car and went over to Jesse he closed the door to the house and set the security code on the keypad. William picked up Jesse and put him in the front seat and buckled his seat belt. Will got back in and drove out the yard he had to get out and set the code for the front gate as well. It closed and will got back in and drove off, I have to remember to take the car to get the remote installed will thought as he drove out of the street. William drove into the city and headed to an exclusive department store where he got all his clothes to get Jesse some new clothes. Will pulled up at the parking Garage and the valet took his car and he and Jesse headed to the elevator. Will and Jesse took the elevator up to the fifth floor to the store where will bought all his clothes. "Mr. Cassidy if I knew you were coming I would have prepared a collection of our newest arrivals" said the store clerk who William had gotten to know very well over the years. "Do you have children's' clothes to fit him" William asked Referring to Jesse who was holding his teddy bear tightly. "Of course, Right this way" Said the clerk as she led William and Jesse to the Children's section. William picked out a large selection of outfits for his nephew Jesse, he bought him new underwear, dozens of shoes of different brands and colors. The clerk picked up the large heap of clothes and took it to the cashier, it took the clerk two trips to get all the clothes counter. Will picked out a pair of blue and white Nike sneakers, along sleeved shirt and a pair of overalls and new underwear. He took Jesse to the changing room to dress him properly for their appointment, William smiled at Jesse as he looked at him dressed in his new clothes. Will went over to the cashier with Jesse to pay for all his new stuff. "Should I charge this to your regular account?" the cashier asked. "No I'll pay for it" William said smiling as he handed the cashier his platinum card. The clerk ordered two guys that worked in the store to help William with his bags. William and Jesse took the elevator back down to the parking Garage and the valet brought Will's car around, the guys from the store helped will get the bags in the back seat and the trunk. After thanking them and giving them a tip William put Jesse in the front seat and they headed to the shrink's office which wasn't far away from the department store. William and Jesse arrived at the psychiatrist's office at nine fifty five. "Hi My name is William Cassidy I have an appointment with a Dr. Jane Lewis" William said to the desk clerk reading off the doctor's name from the slip of paper he had written it on. "There's a William Cassidy here to see you" said the clerk as she pressed a button on the phone and spoke. "Send him in" a voice responded from the phone. The clerk pointed William in the direction of the doctor's office as he led Jesse along with him. "Nice to meet you William" I'm Jane Lewis the doctor, a woman with short blond hair that appeared to be in her late thirties. "Anna told me all about your situation" said Dr. Lewis as she shook hands with William. "You can have a seat in the waiting room next door" Dr. Lewis said and showed Will to the waiting room. William took a seat in the waiting room and hoped that the psychiatrist would be able to help Jesse. Will took up a parenting magazine and browsed through it to pass the time. Jesse's session lasted about an hour and a half the doctor called Will back in to speak to him. "I think you did the right thing bringing him to see me " the doctor said to William. "Jesse has been severely abused by several of his mother's boyfriends" the doctor continued. "He doesn't feel like he can trust men anymore" doctor Lewis elaborated. "He told you that?" Will asked a bit surprised that Jesse had spoken to the doctor he looked at Jesse who was sitting at a table coloring. "Yes, He was a little shy at first but he came around" doctor Lewis said with a little smile. "Jesse told me about how you took him to the hospital yesterday and the nice doctor he met there" Doctor Lewis said smiling at Jesse who had stopped coloring briefly and looked at them. "I just wish he would say something to me" Will said with a sad look as he sighed deeply . "Back to what I said he doesn't trust you yet" the psychologist explained. "Give him some time to get to know you better" doctor Lewis said patting William's hand. "I'll see you here at the same time tomorrow" doctor Lewis said as she showed William and Jesse out. "How about an early lunch" William said as he drove out off the parking garage, Jesse looked at William but he didn't speak. William took Jesse to his favorite restaurant, he ordered pasta for Jesse and a steak for himself. After the had lunch and got back home William went to Jesse's room and put away all the new clothes and shoes he had bought him. While William was putting away Jesse stuff the phone ran, William went into his room to answer the phone call. "Hey Will it's David I got us a court date for ten thirty tomorrow" William's lawyer said over the phone. "That's great" William said enthusiastically. "Okay then I'll see you tomorrow" David said and ended the conversation. Will returned to Jesse room where Jesse had continued putting away his clothes for himself, he stood at the door and smiled before he went in and helped Jesse finish put his clothes away. The next day Will dropped Jesse at doctor Lewis's office and explained to her that he need to be in court concerning Jesse. Doctor Lewis agreed to let Jesse stay in her office after his session until Will got back from court. William met his attorney at the court house and they went in to the juvenile courtroom. David explained Jesse's situation to the Judge and William was granted full custody of Jesse. William arrived back at doctor Lewis's office where he found Jesse and doctor Lewis's assistant coloring in the waiting room. "How'd it go" doctor Lewis asked as she came into the waiting room. "It went okay, I've got custody of him" William said smiling as he watched Jesse coloring. "Good to hear" doctor Lewis said smiling. After a couple of weeks of therapy William was ready to give up hope of Jesse ever speaking to him when something happened that brought them closer together. Will was lying in bed unable to sleep that night when he thought he heard Jesse crying. William got up and pulled on his robe and went to Jesse's room to check on him, as he came closer he heard the cries get louder. "No, No please don't" Jesse cried out as he tossed and turned on the bed. "I'm sorry don't hit me please" Jesse begged in his sleep. "Jesse baby wake up your having a nightmare" William said as he came over and sat on Jesse's bed and gently shook him. "Nooooo!" Jesse screamed out and jumped up from the bed. "Shhhhh baby, it's okay" William whispered as he hugged Jesse in his arms. "Please uncle will don't let him get me" Jesse cried as he hugged will tightly trembling in fear. "It's okay ,it's okay no one's going to get you" Will said as he hugged Jesse overjoyed that he finally opened up to him. "I'll never let anyone hurt you again" William said as he hugged and kissed Jesse and gently stroked his soft blond hair rocking him in his arms. William held Jesse in his arms cuddling him until he fell asleep. The next morning William got up and went down to the kitchen to make some coffee, it wasn't as good as the way Maria made it but he would have to get by. Jesse came down to the kitchen and sat at the table with his ever faithful teddy bear, Will was not expecting him to say anything but he did. "Can I have cereal for breakfast?" Jesse said still a little shy. "Sure thing" William said smiling at Jesse. William served up a bowl of cereal to Jesse and sat and sipped his coffee while he watched Jesse eat. Over the next few months William and Jesse's relationship improved dramatically. Jesse was out of therapy he was smiling more and he loved having will hug and kiss him, he would even sneak into Will's bed sometimes and cuddled up close to him. will even dared to admit that Jesse was behaving like a normal kid again. William had enrolled Jesse in one of the finest private school's he could find and Jesse loved his school and made a lot of new friends there. He loved looking at Jesse in his school uniform, in his Navy blue Jacket with his school's crest on the pocket. His white shirt complemented his navy blue tie with gold stripes and long cream colored pants and his lovely blond hair the color of honey that made him look even cuter. William had started to see Jesse as his son, he cared deeply for him and enjoyed every minute that he spent with him. He loved taking him to school and was always the first parent there in the afternoon to pick Jesse up from school. Will thought he was doing a great job as a parent, he had never considered having kids but now that he had Jesse he couldn't think of life without him. Jesse cared for will too and had become very attached to him, no one had ever cared or showed interest in him as his uncle Will did, he loved sleeping in will's bed feeling safe in his arms. William had invited Amy over to dinner one night to try and patch things up between them, he introduced Jesse to her and they all had dinner together. After dinner Will gave Jesse his bath and put him to bed, he returned to the living room with Amy. "You're really enjoying this parenting thing aren't you" Amy said smiling as Will poured her a Glass of Merlot. "What can I say, I'm the only person he has" William said as he poured himself a glass of wine. They sat next to each other catching up on what they had been doing since they last spoke. Amy began to get a little bored of William talking about Jesse, she wasn't crazy about kids and didn't plan on having any. "You must really love him" Amy said as she finished the last of her glass of wine. "Okay new topic" William said as he realized Amy really wasn't interested in hearing anything more about Jesse. Will picked up the bottle of wine for a refill but it was empty. "I'll get another" Will said moving to get off the sofa. before he could get off the sofa Amy straddled his legs and began to kiss him passionately. "I have a better idea" Amy said full of lust as she broke their kiss and looked into Will eyes. "Let's go upstairs" William whispered to her. They ran up the stairs and headed to William's bedroom, Amy moved closer to will pressing her nipples against his chest he could tell that she wasn't wearing a bra turning him on even more. They stumbled into the bedroom and Amy pushed William onto the bed and climbed on top of him, she moved her hand over William's crotch feeling the outline of his hard cock through his pants. Amy moved closer to William with her long blond hair hanging down into his face, she kissed him passionately again. William got his hand between their bodies and slowly unbuttoned her thin shirt exposing her voluptuous breasts. Amy climbed back off of Will and unbuttoned her pants and slowly pulled the zipper down looking into William's eyes as he leaned back on his elbows watching her strip. Amy put her hands on her chest and started to massage her breasts moving her head around and moaning softly. "Uncle will can I sleep with you tonight" Said a small voice from the doorway. "Oh shit" Amy exclaimed as she pulled her shirt together to cover her self as she saw Jesse standing in the doorway holding his teddy bear. "I had a bad dream" Jesse whined hugging his teddy bear with one hand and holding the door knob with the other. William looked at Amy apologetically. "You can't be serious" Amy said in disbelief. "He had a bad dream" William said. "so what, send him back to bed" Amy hissed as she started getting angry. "He's just a little kid" Will said defending Jesse. "Un-fucking-believable" Amy said as she buttoned her shirt. "That's it I'm Done" Amy shouted in anger as she put on her shoes and stormed out of the bedroom looking at Jesse with hate. "Amy wait" William said as he jumped off the bed and ran behind her. "Amy" William said as he ran down the stairs trying to catch up with her. She stormed out the door and headed for her car, William grabbed the remote for the gate and closed it so she couldn't get out. "Open the fucking gate Will" Amy hollered. "Amy let's talk about this" William said standing next to Amy car. "There's nothing to talk about so open the fucking gate" Amy said enraged that will wouldn't let her out. "Why are you being such a bitch" William shouted as he lost his temper. "Fuck you Will and your fucking kid" Amy screamed. "Oh yeah well fuck you, you fucking gold-digger" William roared in anger, he pressed the button on the remote that opened the gate and Amy drove out the yard with tires screeching. Fucking bitch William said as he came back in the house and closed the door, he set the security code on the keypad and went upstairs. "I'm sorry uncle will" Jesse said as William walked into the bedroom. "You don't have to apologize for anything Jess" William said as he walked over to his bed where Jesse was sitting and moved his blond hair that almost covered his eyes. William lifted Jesse up in his arms and put him under the covers and kissed him on his forehead. "I'm going to change I'll be right back" William said smiling at Jesse. William went to the bathroom and stripped down to his underwear, he gargled some mouth wash and went back in the bedroom and got under the covers with Jesse. William put his arm around Jesse's small body and hugged him close, after a couple of minutes he heard Jesse's breathing change and knew he was asleep. William lay in bed snuggled up close to Jesse listening to him breathe as he slept, Will nuzzled Jesse hair that smelt of shampoo from his bath earlier that evening. William found himself being aroused by Jesse scent, he felt his cock growing and stretching his underwear and pressing into Jesse's butt crack. William started to run his hands over Jesse's young body, he put his hands under the top of Jesse's pajamas and felt the smooth satin skin of Jesse's tummy. He moved his hands further up caressing Jesse's little nipples with his fingertips, Will inhaled deeply taking in Jesse's sensual smell that affected all his senses. William sat up suddenly as he realized what he was doing, What the hell is wrong with me Will thought as he looked at Jesse's enticing little body. He's so sexy William thought as he looked at his sleeping nephew and massaged his little butt through his pajamas. No! he's not sexy boys aren't sexy William thought stopping himself. What the fuck am I doing William though to himself as he put his hands on his head but he couldn't stop himself. William put his hand between Jesse's legs and rubbed his little dick, the heat between Jesse's legs were incredible will felt like it would burn his hands. No I can't do this William thought to himself as he got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. Will felt his dick hard, hot throbbing in his briefs, he felt along his hot length. It was wet, damp, leaking pre-cum into his underwear he felt like a horny teenager again. William looked at himself in the mirror, I'm drunk Will thought to himself reasoning that it was the wine he drank that had brought out these feelings he was having for Jesse. William got in the shower and turned on the water, he though that a cold shower would break this spell he was under. Will stood under the water and held his head under the shower letting the cold water run over his head and down his back, he looked at his raging hard-on which hadn't shrunk an inch. He grabbed his seven-inch cock and jacked off furiously trying to think of one of the playboy models he had dated, but all he saw in front of him was Jesse. Will's cock exploded coating the frosted glass of the shower door with his cum. William held on to the wall with on hand and stroked his cock with his other hand letting the last drops of cum fall to the ground in the shower before the water washed it down the drain. will got out the shower and dried himself off, he put on a pair of underwear and got back into bed with Jesse. He turned his back to Jesse in the bed trying desperately not to touch him, will felt terrible for what he had done touching Jesse and then Jacking off thinking about him. William fell asleep after he swearing to himself that that would never happen again. The next morning William awoke with Jesse's arms wrapped around him, he looked at the beautiful blond haired boy sleeping peacefully cuddled up close to him. Will could feel his cock growing as he looked at the little sleeping angel in his bed. He got out of the bed and went to the bathroom he saw a pair of Jesse's underwear lying on the bathroom floor where he had left it after he gave him his bath last night. William picked up Jesse's underwear to put it in the hamper then a thought struck him he wondered what they smelled like. He slowly brought Jesse's underwear up to his nose and inhaled deeply, his nostrils were bombarded by Jesse's scent he detected a slight smell of pee in the crotch of Jesse's undies. William closed his eyes and rubbed the soft cotton underwear all over his face enjoying the scent of his nephew's body odor on them. William pulled down his underwear and released his hard throbbing cock and stroked it up and down as he sniffed Jesse's white underwear. It wasn't long before William shot his load all over Jesse underwear moaning softly as he stroked the last drops of cum from his cock. Over the next few weeks William desire for Jesse's only grew stronger, every time he gave Jesse a bath the sight of his nude body only increased William hunger for Jesse. After William put Jesse to bed every night he would return to the bathroom and Jack off while he sniffed Jesse's underwear. All he could think of all day was Jesse; his smile, his laughter, his smell, no woman ever had that effect on him. He tried desperately to limit his contact with Jesse to a minimum, but he couldn't after all it was just the two of them living together in the huge house and everywhere he went Jesse would follow him like an obedient little puppy. William stopped giving Jesse his bath's every night, he told him he was old enough to bathe himself and he just sat on the toilet and supervised Jesse as he washed himself. Jesse sensed a change in his uncle's behavior toward him, he no longer hugged him or kissed him he locked his bedroom door and wouldn't let him sleep in his bed anymore. one night after his bath Jesse lay in his own bed wondering what he had done to make his uncle stop loving him. He missed William hugging him and kissing him making him feel special and it hurt, It hurt more than any of the physical abuse he had suffered at the hands of Ray. No one had ever shown him love like William did and now he had taken it all away. A tear rolled down Jesse's cheek as he cried softly into his teddy bear his only source of comfort now that William didn't love him anymore. William had gone downstairs to set the security code for the door, when he came back upstairs as he passed Jesse's bedroom he could hear him sniffling he knew he was crying. William put his head on the door and listened he knew that he was the source of his nephew's pain the last thing he wanted to do was to hurt Jesse's feelings but he just couldn't trust himself with Jesse. "I'm sorry angel William" whispered before he went to his room and locked the door. William lay in his bed thinking about Jesse, he wanted to be near him but he feared what he would do. The next morning Jesse woke up with a cold wet feeling between his legs, he pulled back the covers to see what it was. "Oh no" Jesse whimpered, his eyes filled up with tears as he saw the big wet spot on his pajamas. Jesse jumped out of the bed and started crying uncontrollably when he saw the huge wet spot on the bed. He knew his uncle didn't love him anymore and was sure he would hate him now that he wet the bed, Maybe he would beat him like Ray did the last time he had wet the bed Jesse thought. Jesse sat on the ground near the bed and held his head in his hands and cried, he didn't know what to do. William woke up and yawned he climbed out of bed and went to wake Jesse because he had forgot to set his alarm clock to wake him up for school. "Jesse time to get up" William said as he opened Jesse's bedroom door. When Jesse saw William he crawled and cowered into a corner, William saw the tears on Jesse face and wondered what happened. "Jesse what wrong, what's the matter?" William asked very concerned for his nephew. Jesse looked at the bed and then at William like a frightened little mouse. "It was an accident" Jesse blurted out as he crouched in the corner terrified. "What was an accident?" William asked still confused. Then he looked over to the bed and saw the large circular wet spot on the bed. "Oh" William said in a low tone of voice. "Please don't beat me" Jesse begged as he put up his hands defensively and started crying as William came closer to him. "I'm not going to beat you" William said as he stopped moving towards Jesse. He pulled the chair from the desk in Jesse's room and sat down. "It's okay baby come here" William whispered as he held out his arms to Jesse. Jesse got up from the floor and cautiously approached William. "It's okay, it's okay" William whispered urging Jesse to come closer. William hugged Jesse as he ran over to him and hugged him tightly and started to cry again. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Jesse sobbed in his uncle's arms. "It was an accident baby, accidents happen" William whispered to Jesse as he stroked his long blond hair. William broke their embrace and looked at Jesse he wiped a tear from his cheeks. "I would never hurt you baby" William said drying Jesse's tears. "You won't" Jesse asked sniffling. "Never" William responded. "I love you, I would never hurt you" William said looking into Jesse blue eyes. It was the first time Will ever told anyone that he loved them and really meant it. "You do" Jesse asked looking back into William's equally blue eyes. Jesse felt warm inside hearing William say that he loved him, his own mother had never told him she loved him. "Now let me get you out of those wet clothes" William said as he held the bottom of Jesse's pajama top and lifted it up. Jesse lifted his arms so William could take off his pajama top, William threw the damp piece of clothing on the floor. He put his hand on Jesse's chest his bruises had healed perfectly without leaving a single mark, he ran his finger across his tiny little nipples. Jesse smiled a little as William touched his bare skin. William grabbed Jesse pajama bottoms and pulled them down along with his underwear, Jesse hands immediately shot up to cover his crotch his face turned red with embarrassment. William held Jesse's hand and slowly pulled them away from his crotch he was shocked to see that Jesse had sprung a boner, his little Two and a half-inch uncut dick stood out proudly from his body. William felt his cock turn hard almost immediately, he tried to fight his feeling for Jesse but he couldn't he had to touch this beautiful little angel. Jesse stepped out of his Pajamas bunched around his ankles and William lifted him up into his lap. William leaned closer to Jesse's face and kissed him softly on his full red lips, Jesse smiled a bit as William pulled away from him. Will took Jesse's little erection between his thumb and forefinger and gently eased back Jesse's foreskin. William got Jesse's foreskin halfway over his little pink cock head when Jesse winced in pain. He didn't try to pull it back an further and he started stroking Jesse's little member up and down. William looked into Jesse's face for the slightest sign of disapproval but Jesse didn't stop him. Jesse had his eyes closed and breathed in short breaths as Will stroked his little dick. William could feel Jesse thrusting his hips up into his hand as he stroked his little dick, he was clearly enjoying what will was doing. Jesse didn't know what was happening to his body he had never felt anything like this before in his seven years of life. Will looked at the little god on his lap as the onset of his very first orgasm tore through him, his arms and legs stretching tight, toes and fingers going spastic. Then the final release that made him moan in a resonating whimper of pleasure that made will blow his load. Jesse lay motionless in William arms, after a few second Jesse opened his and smiled up at will. William looked into Jesse innocent little face and felt horrible for what he had just done, he had forever changed his relationship with his nephew. "What's the matter uncle will" Jesse asked looking at the sad expression on his uncle's face. "I'm sorry I hurt you baby" Will said as he held his head down in shame. "You didn't hurt me uncle Will" Jesse said with a big smile. "What I did Just now was wrong and I'm sorry" William said as he stroked Jesse's cheek. "Why ?" Jesse asked looking very confused. "It felt nice" Jesse said sitting up and looking into his uncle's eyes. "I know Jesse but that does not make it right" William reasoned with Jesse. Jesse looked into William blue eyes the same color as his. "Do you love me?" Jesse asked looking into William's eyes almost peering into his very soul. "Yes I do, With all my heart" William answered truthfully. "Then you couldn't have hurt me" Jesse said smiling. He moved closer to William face and kissed him tenderly on his lips, William broke their kiss and looked into Jesse's eyes. "I love you uncle will" Jesse said as he put his hands around William neck and gently stroked the back of William's neck. Jesse touched something deep within William's soul, lots of women had told him they loved him but he never believed it he knew they were only after his money, but Jesse was different. Jesse genuinely loved him for the person he was not his money, he had found true love with a seven year old boy. William no longer cared what the law said was right or wrong he knew what he felt with Jesse was real he loved him, William kissed Jesse on his forehead and hugged him tightly. Any doubts of William love for him faded from Jesse's mind as his uncle embraced him. William and Jesse broke their embrace and Jesse climbed out of Will lap and stood in front of him and smiled. "Oh shit!" William exclaimed as he glance at the time on the alarm clock next to Jesse's bed. "Hurry up and get Dressed Jesse or you'll be late for school" William said as he stood up quickly. "It's Saturday Uncle Will" Jesse said laughing. "Saturday" William said in disbelief. "So It's Saturday" William said smiling at Jesse. "Let's get some breakfast" William suggested. "Okay" Jesse replied as the both walked out of his room. "Go on ahead I'll meet you downstairs" William said as he headed back to his room to change his cum soaked underwear. Jesse headed downstairs in his birthday suit and went into the kitchen, William took off his underwear and came into the kitchen in his robe where he found Jesse sitting on a stool by the counter. "I don't like the idea of you sitting on that stool Jess" William said concerned for Jesse's safety. "It's okay uncle Will I'll be careful" Jesse said smiling. "So What'll it be?" William asked. "Uh Bacon and eggs" Jesse said smiling broadly. "Bacon and eggs it is" William replied as he went to the refrigerator to get the bacon and eggs. Jesse propped his head on his hand and looked at William firm butt in his boxer brief underwear as he cooked the bacon and eggs and smiled. William turned to serve Jesse and saw him smiling at him. "What are you smiling at?" Will asked with a smirk. "Nothing" Jesse blushed. "uh-huh" Will said sarcastically. Jesse climbed down off the stool and joined William at the kitchen table. "So what do you want to do today" William asked as he and Jesse sat at the table having breakfast. "I just want to be with you" Jesse said smiling. After they had breakfast and washed up William went to Jesse's room to get the wet sheets and his pajamas to do the laundry. Since Maria had left William hadn't hired anyone to take over for her. He didn't like the idea of having anyone wait on him hand and foot and only kept Maria on because he enjoyed her company, maybe I'll hire someone to clean once a week will thought. When William was finished doing the laundry he came into the living room and found Jesse watching cartoons. "Hey Jess how about if we went for a swim" William suggested. "Okay" Jesse said smiling. He got up and ran upstairs to get his bathing suit, William followed Jesse entranced by the little naked angel running up the stairs he felt his cock growing in his underwear. A couple minutes later Jesse came into Will's room dressed in his blue and white bathing trunks and sat on William's bed. "You ready?" William asked as he pulled up his Speedo bathing trunks. Jesse sat on Will's bed and stared at his uncle's well developed body Will didn't have any hair on his chest and his legs, Jesse admired William's well defined chest and abs and hoped that he would look like that when he grew up. William and Jesse went down to the large indoor which was one of the reasons Will had bought the house. "Hey it's really dark in here" Jesse said as they entered the room. "Hang on a second" William said as he pressed a button on the Wall. The ceiling of the pool retracted and soon the inside of the pool started getting as bright as outside as the sunlight came through the open roof. "Cool" Jesse said as he stood looking up watching the roof retract. William walked down the steps into the cool water of the pool. "Come on in" William said smiling to Jesse as he swam through the clear blue water to the side of the pool. Jesse smiled and ran and jumped into the pool making a big splash and then swam over to William. "Where did you learn to swim like that?" Will asked a bit surprised that Jesse could swim so well. "In school" Jesse said smiling. They both swam around for a while and then William dove under the water disappearing from Jesse sight. "Hey where'd you go" Jesse said looking around for Will. William swam up under Jesse and grabbed him around his waist and tossed him up in the air making him squeal with laughter as he splashed back down in the pool. "Again" Jesse said grinning. William grabbed Jesse around his waist again with Jesse's back towards him. "Ready" William asked. "Ready" Jesse replied. "Okay one,two,and three" William said as he tossed him up, propelling him by his arm pits. He flew up in the air a little ways, and splashed down into the pool laughing. "That was cool" Jesse said as he swam back to William with a big smile on his face. "Throw me again" Jesse demanded. "Let me push you off by your feet, you'll fly better" Will said as he got his hands under Jesse's feet. Jesse leaned back against Will for balance, Will could feel his butt on his stomach. This time, he flew much better splashing into the pool giggling. After a couple more times Jesse finally had enough and he swam back over to Will. "You're really strong uncle Will" Jesse commented with a smile. William smiled at Jesse's remark, with all the working out he did Jesse's weight was nothing to him. Will noticed while they were talking Jesse's right hand had gone down to his crotch, he could see what Jesse was doing as he stared at him. "My wiener's hard," Jesse said, grinning and stroking himself. "Is it?" Will asked casually pretending he wasn't interested. "It feels really funny" Jesse said as he had his hand in his swim trunks touching himself. Jesse removed his hand from his swim trunks and swam closer to will and put his hands around William neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. "Will you play with it again" Jesse whispered into William's ear. William still wasn't sure about doing things like this to his nephew but he couldn't resist his charm. William looked into Jesse's eyes, how could he say no to him. "Let's go over to the steps" William said as untangled Jesse from his body. William sat Jesse on the bottom of the stairs, he grabbed Jesse swim trunks and pulled them off and threw them on the floor outside the pool. Will grabbed Jesse little dick between his thumb and forefinger and eased back his foreskin as far back as it would go without hurting Jesse. William slowly slid his fingers up and down the little shaft below the clear water. William stopped stroking Jesse and lifted him up in his arms and carried him out the pool. "Where are we going?" Jesse asked looking up at Will. "we'll be more comfortable here" William said as he lay Jesse down on one of the chairs by the pool and kneeled beside him. William looked over Jesse pale nude body admiring his beauty ,none of the women he had dated held a candle to Jesse. Will moved his hand back to Jesse crotch and continued to stroke him sometimes pausing to feel his little balls in their tight little sac. Jesse started moaning softly and spread his legs to give Will better access to his little cock. William felt Jesse's body go limp as he moaned in unearthly tones and his little cock pulsed between Will's fingers. "Mmmmmm" Jesse moaned with a smile as he recovered from his powerful dry orgasm. Jesse sat up and put his arm around William neck and kissed him on the lips. "Can I play with yours now?" Jesse whispered to Will smiling. William got off his knees and stood up in from of Jesse, William pulled down his swim trunks freeing his huge cock. Jesse sat up on the chair with his mouth open when he saw William's huge dick. "It's huge" Jesse exclaimed as he grabbed William seven-inch dick in his right hand. Jesse pulled back the foreskin on Will's cock and started to stroke it back and forth, Pre-cum leaked from William's piss slit. "Hey your skin goes all the way back" Jesse commented as he stroked Will's cock. William felt his orgasm building as Jesse's little hand stroked his cock. "Oh god don't stop" William hissed as Jesse little hands worked on his boner. "Does that feel good?" Jesse asked looking up at Will with a smile as he stroked his hard dick. "Great" Will gasped as intense pleasure ran through his body. "Oh fuck" William moaned as cum shot out of his dick coating Jesse's chest and his face. "What's this" Jesse asked in wonder as he scooped up some of the white fluid on his finger. "It's the stuff you make babies with" William replied breathing heavy and smiling a little. "How come I didn't have any" Jesse asked looking down at his dick and then up at Will. "You're still to young for that to happen yet" Will said smiling. "Oh" Jesse replied and started to stroke will's cock again getting the last drop of cum from his dick. Jesse licked his lips where some of Will's cum had landed and smiled at his uncle. "It tastes kinda salty" Jesse said smiling. "Come on let me get you cleaned off" Will said with a smile using Jesse's Swim trunks to wipe his cum off of his nephew's chest and tummy. William went over to the wall and pressed the button closing the Roof and he and Jesse went back in the house to have lunch. After lunch they talked for a while, Jesse told will all about his friends and school. William sat and admired Jesse as he went on about all the thing he did at school over the week. William spent a couple of hours playing video games with Jesse until they both got bored. Jesse looked at William with a sly smile, Will knew what Jesse had in mind as he looked between his hairless legs and saw his little cock sticking straight up. "Come here" William said with a grin. Jesse crawled up on Will's lap and sat with William's cock between his legs pressing against his little ball sac. Will took Jesse's little boner between his finger's and stroked it up and down, Jesse squirmed and wiggled as he leaned back against Will's hairless chest. "Oh Ahhhhh" Jesse moaned in delight as William stroked his little dick making him feel all tingly inside. Will's own cock was as hard as a steel pole as he stroked Jesse's little shaft up and down. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jesse exclaimed as his body went rigid and he climaxed. Jesse's boyish moans of pleasure was enough to send William over the edge as well, a huge glob of cum erupted from his cock and landed on Jesse chest covering one of his nipples. William released Jesse's dick and held on to his violently throbbing cock directing the other spurts of cum onto Jesse's tummy, dick and balls. As they lay in the couch recovering from their powerful orgasms, Will took Jesse cock between his finger and rubbed some of his sperm with his thumb all over the tip of Jesse's sensitive cock head that peeked out from the top of his foreskin. Jesse arched his back raising off of Will's chest a little and moaned loudly as William teased his little cock head. "Did you like that" Will asked as he kissed the back of Jesse head. "Mm-Hmm, especially when that stuff came out off your wiener" Jesse replied smiling turning a little to face. Jesse turned around straddling Will's legs and kissed him passionately on the lips. "We're all messy" Jesse commented as he looked between their bodies which was covered in Will's cum. "Let's take a bath then" William said as he gave Jesse a little kiss on the lips. William stood up and Jesse wrapped his arms and legs around Will as he carried him up the stairs. Will took Jesse into his room to the bathroom and put him down so he could run a bath. William got the water to the right temperature and he poured in the bubble bath, he put Jesse in the tub first and then climbed in behind him. Jesse felt Will's cock pressing against his back as he leaned back against his uncle's chest. William rubbed his hand over Jesse's chest own to his tummy inching his way down to the prize between Jesse's legs. Jesse giggled as William's hands found his cock little below the water, will gave Jesse's cock a little squeeze before releasing it. William turned Jesse to face him and washed his back and slipped his fingers along Jesse's butt crack washing his little hole. "What does Angelito mean" Jesse asked as he looked into Will's eyes. "It means little angel in Spanish" William replied smiling as he poured some shampoo into Jesse long wet hair. "Maria called me that" Jesse said with a smile. "She was right to call you that" Will replied smiling. "You're my little angel" William said pulling Jesse closer to him and kissing him on his nose. Jesse's smiled and his face turned red with Will's comment, no one had every said such nice things to him or loved him as Will did. "I'm getting all pruney" Jesse remarked as he looked at his hands. "Time to get out then" William said as he opened the hose with the shower head in the bath tub to rinse Jesse and himself off. After they dried off Will got into the bed and Jesse climbed on top of his chest and started to kiss William with passion, will found it hard to believe that this was the same boy who was afraid to even speak to him a couple of months ago. William kissed Jesse hungrily, sticking his tongue in Jesse's mouth giving him his first French kiss. Jesse returned William kiss sticking his tongue in Will's mouth and sucking on his tongue. Jesse sat up and smiled down at will after he kissed him. "Will you play with it again" Jesse asked sounding very sensual pressing his dick against will's belly slowly moving his little hips back and forth. "why don't you rub it against me until you get the special feeling" William suggested as he rubbed Jesse's firm little butt. "Like this?" Jesse asked as his hips started to hump his cock against Will's abs. "uh-huh" William responded rubbing his hands over Jesse's back. "Mmmm!" he sighed moaned as he rested his head on the Will's chest, his hips moved faster urgently rubbing his penis against Will's body. "Uh, Uh,Uhhhhh" Jesse cried out as his hips moved faster and faster as he humped William's stomach. Jesse's movements were giving William a lot of erotic pleasure, he stroked the youngster's butt so amazingly sexy. So small he could hold both of Jesse's butt cheeks in one hand! So soft, so smooth, so erotic to stroke and when William used his fingertips to caress them. William wondered what it would be like to fuck Jesse, he had not even considered it until now. He could feel the shivers of delight coursing through Jesse's little body as he wriggled and squirmed on William stomach. All this helped greatly in bringing the little angel closer to his much needed orgasm. William could feel his little lover suddenly push himself even more urgently against him as he yelped loudly. Just as before, Jesse's body went stiff and his little dick quivered uncontrollably as he continued to whimper noisily before collapsing on top of will. when Jesse lifted his head up, his distant smile showed his utter contentment at what had Just happened. "Are you gonna play with my wiener?" Jesse asked with a smile. This kid is amazing William thought to himself, he had just orgasmed and was already hot for more. Not denying Jesse's request Will moved his lips to the little sex god and started to kiss him once more. William licked his forefinger and played around Jesse's little hole, then started to gradually try and push it into the young boy. Jesse's ass felt very hot and as Will carefully probed it, he slowly opened up to him. When his finger was in as far as the first joint, Jesse lifted his head and, sounding a little puzzled asked, "What are you doing to my butt?" "Don't you like it" William asked grinning. Jesse's smile was the only response he needed. William removed his finger and sucked on it he expected to be repulsed by the taste but it was not at all unpleasant. "Isn't it dirty in there" Jesse asked as he wrinkled up his nose. "Nothing about you is dirty" William replied kissing Jesse's forehead. "Are you gonna play with my wiener now?" Jesse asked impatiently. "Sure" William replied as he rolled Jesse off his stomach onto the large king sized bed. William pushed Jesse legs apart and sat back on his heels between them he sucked his finger again and returned it to the hot confines of Jesse's sweet little ass. "It doesn't hurt does it?" William asked looking at his little blond angel lying on the bed. "Uh-unh" Jesse replied smiling and shaking his head. Jesse was ready and willing to try anything that made him feel good. William took Jesse little erection between his fingers and gently stroked it up and down, As earlier Jesse didn't take long to climax. He closed his eyes and started to thrust his dick up into William hand, his breathing quickened and his face twisted up and dimpled as if he were about to cry. William's finger up his butt was making his orgasm more powerful than ever before. Jesse had another electrifying sperm less orgasm, he lifted his ass off the bed and tears beaded up in the corner of his eyes as his little erection pulsed in William's hand. Will felt Jesse's ass clamp down tightly around his finger as his body went limp, he never knew that a little boy could experience such a powerful orgasm. William fell deeper in love with Jesse as he looked at him lying so peacefully after his earth shattering climax. Jesse was so innocent, so pure giving himself totally to him, not holding back anything. No woman had ever rewarded his efforts with tears of pure bliss as Jesse had, will lowered his face to Jesse's, he lifted his head and kissed him with satiny smooth lips making will smile. "Can I do you now?" Jesse asked looking at William with his lovely blue eyes. Jesse sat up on the bed as William kneeled in front of him, he took Will's raging hard-on in his little hands and stroked it back and forth. Will closed his eyes and threw back his head as Jesse hands worked on his boner, he knew that he couldn't last long just the thought of this beautiful seven year old boy stroking his cock drove Will crazy. "Ahhhhhhhh" Will moaned as his cock spewed his healthy white cum all over Jesse's chest. Jesse held the spurting organ to his face feeling the hot liquid cover his cheeks. He enjoyed how it felt when will came on him down by the pool and wanted to feel the slippery liquid cover his body again. Jesse gently rubbed Will's cock on his cheek feeling how incredibly hot it was, he gave William's cock a little kiss on the head as if he was thanking it for it's gift. "I love it when you do that" Jesse said with a big grin as he rubbed his fingers in the thick white liquid on his chest. William smiled got off the bed and went to the bathroom and got a box of tissues and cleaned Jesse off. Will put his leg over Jesse and hugged him closely as they cuddled together staying in each others arms until nighttime. After they had dinner and cleaned up they returned to bed and cuddled up closely. "Where's your teddy bear?" will asked gently stroking Jesse back. "I don't need him anymore" Jesse replied as he closed his eyes and cuddled up closer to William. Will kissed Jesse tenderly on his forehead and hugged him closely as they both fell asleep. William woke up in the middle of the night he got really horny feeling his cock pressed up against Jesse's butt, he was going to the bathroom to jerk off when Jesse stopped him. "Where are you going" Jesse asked groggily. "I didn't want to wake you" Will said as he stroked Jesse's hair. "Don't leave me" Jesse whispered as he pulled will's hand around his body. "Okay" William whispered back. Will cuddled up close against Jesse's back, he put his cock between Jesse's legs and took hold of Jesse already hard little cocklet and began to Jerk off, before long he and Jesse moaned in unison panting as they climaxed. William cleaned off his and Jesse's cock with some tissues and they snuggled up close and went back to sleep. William awoke early Sunday morning and looked at his beautiful sleeping angel, he went to the bathroom to relieve himself and then went down to the kitchen. He thought he would serve Jesse breakfast in bed, he made some pancakes enough for them both and a glass of orange juice for Jesse. Will got the maple syrup and put everything on a serving tray and headed back to his bedroom. William came in and set the tray down on the night stand near the bed. He looked at Jesse who was still sleeping with the white sheets covering only one leg draped between his legs barely covering his crotch. "wake up Angelito" Will said as he gently kissed Jesse on the lips waking him from his slumber. Jesse opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Will leaning over him. "Is it morning?" Jesse asked as he sat up rubbing his eyes. "Yep, I brought you breakfast in bed" Will said as he lifted the tray and placed it on the bed. Jesse smiled and thanked Will for his kind gesture. William poured some maple syrup over the pancakes and took up the fork and cut part of one of the pancakes and fed it to Jesse. Jesse smiled as William fed him like a baby, he had never felt such love and affection for anyone as he felt for Will. He took the fork from Will and fed him the same way he did, William was never more in love with anyone the way he was in love with Jesse. When they finished eating Will put the tray back on the night stand and crawled back in bed to be near his little angel. William leaned over and kissed Jesse tenderly on his lips making him smile, Will rubbed Jesse's chest tracing his fingers over his nipples. "Someone wants to be played with" Will said smiling as his hand moved to Jesse's cock which was sticking up under the sheet, William felt his hard two and a half-inch cock and gently stroked it through the sheet. "Mm-Hmm" Jesse said smiling. "Turn over" William said with a smile as he reached over to the night stand and grabbed the bottle of maple syrup off the tray. Jesse rolled over and lay on his stomach, will opened the cap on the bottle of maple syrup and poured some onto Jesse's back. "what are you doing" Jesse inquired with a smirk looking back to see what Will was up to. "Just relax you'll enjoy this" William said grinning. William leaned over Jesse's back and stuck out his tongue and licked the maple syrup off of Jesse's back. "That tickles" Jesse said giggling as William's tongue explored his back. William licked all the way down to the top of Jesse's butt crack and stopped, he poured some more syrup onto Jesse butt letting it run down between the crevice of his ass. William licked and sucked on one of Jesse's firm butt Cheeks savoring the taste of Jesse's skin combined with the sugary sweetness of the maple syrup then did the same to the other. Will gently pried Jesse's butt cheeks apart and looked at his little pink puckered hole covered with the sticky syrup, he stuck out his tongue and licked Jesse's hole from bottom to top. This was the first time William had ever licked anyone's butt hole and quite frankly he was enjoying it. Jesse started to moan and whimper when Will stuck his tongue into his little hole, William had touched something deep inside him and he pushed back his butt to meet William probing tongue. William traced his tongue all over Jesse's anus feeling the intense heat against his tongue before he stuck his tongue back up Jesse's Even hotter little hole. "Mmmmmmm, Oh! Oh!" Jesse exclaimed as he ground his butt back against William sucking mouth. "Ahhhh" Jesse yelped as he experienced his first ever orgasm from tongue fucking. William turned Jesse over and poured more maple syrup on his chest over his little erect nipples and his firm little tummy. Jesse's mouth opened and he went cross eyed as Will sucked on his nipple tracing his tongue all over the little pink dots of his nipples. William moved down to Jesse tummy and licked the sweet liquid out of his little innie Navel. Will poured some more Syrup onto Jesse little dickie and over his tight little ball sac. "Mmmmunh" Jesse moaned as William engulfed his little dick and balls into his mouth. William poured some of the syrup onto his middle finger and found Jesse's hot little hole and slid it into him. Jesse grabbed William's head as he sucked on his dick and finger fucked him giving him double the pleasure. Jesse started to hump his little cock up into William hot sucking mouth, William felt like Jesse was trying to shove his entire body into his mouth. William looked up and watched Jesse as every muscle in his little body tensed, his little abs flexed in and out as he breathed hard lifting his butt off the bed and humping Will's mouth. "Unhhh Ahhhhhhh!" Jesse screamed out at the top of his lung as he had the most powerful dry orgasm ever. William felt the little piece of flesh twitch between his lips as Jesse emitted boyish squeals of bliss then it was over Jesse body went stiff as will lowered him back to the bed. he looked into Jesse's tear filled eyes and smiled. "Did you like That Angelito" William asked as he sat back on his heels and toyed with Jesse's cock. "Mmmmmm" Jesse moaned and smiled. Without even having to say anything Jesse got up and moved down to William cock and started to suck on it. "Wait" William said to Jesse before he continued. William poured some of the maple syrup onto his rock hard erection, Jesse smiled up at him before he started to feast on William cock. "Oh god" William moaned as his eyes rolled back in his head, he had never had a blowjob this good in his life. Jesse sucked on William huge cock head tasting the sweet syrup combined with William own Juices sticking his little tongue into Will's piss slit. He licked up and down the shaft since Will's cock was to big to fit the entire length into his mouth. "Tell me when you're gonna do it" Jesse said stopping briefly. Jesse returned William's huge cock head to his mouth sucking it and tracing over it with his tongue. William knew he wasn't far away as he felt his balls tighten. "Here it comes Jess" William said gasping as his orgasm approached. "AH, Ohh, GOD" William exclaimed as cum rised up from his balls into his dick. Jesse pulled off of Will's dick quickly, he wanted to feel the hot liquid on his face again. Jesse held on tightly to William's cock as it coated his face with man Juice. After a couple of seconds Will pulled Jesse up to him and kissed him tasting his own cum on his beautiful blond Angel's face. They spent most of the day in bed sucking each other to orgasm after orgasm, Jesse really enjoyed this new form of pleasure and as the weeks went by. Monday came the last week of school before summer came, Will had gotten up early and was lying on his side watching Jesse sleep. He wished they could stay in bed forever but he had to get Jesse to School. "Wake up Jess time for school" William whispered as he started kissing Jesse all over his face. "Uh-unh" Jesse moaned as he rolled over and put his arms around Will. "I want to stay with you" Jesse said as he opened his eyes and looked up into Will's face. "I want to stay with you too, but school's important" William reasoned. "Oh alright" Jesse groaned in disappointment. William got up and went to the gym for his morning work out before he made Jesse breakfast. William was doing push ups went Jesse came into the gym still naked and climbed onto Will's back surprising him. He loved feeling Jesse little nude body against his, he could feel his dick on his back as he Jesse leaned over and put his arms around his neck. "Jess you're crushing me" William joked pretending to gasp for air. "No I'm not" Jesse said grinning. He climbed off of William's back and sat in front of him Indian style watching will do push ups. William finished and he crawled over to Jesse on his hand and knees and started kissing him on his neck. "Why don't we go take a shower together" William suggested as he nuzzled Jesse's neck and inhaled the scent of his blond hair that reached his shoulders. "Okay" Jesse replied smiling as he kissed William on the cheek. After they showered and had breakfast they got dressed and William took Jesse to school, when he got back home will felt really lonely he was missing Jesse terribly. He thought about hiring a private tutor for Jesse but he knew that that would never work because they couldn't keep their hand off each other. Jesse wasn't having much of a better day either he thought about will every second, he had trouble concentrating on anything because he couldn't keep his mind off of Will. Jesse sat through class after class counting down the hours until he would see William again. "JESSE CASSIDY PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!" Jesse's teacher snapped. "Sorry Miss Brown" Jesse said apologizing, he just couldn't focus on anything he was madly in love with Will. Finally at two thirty school let out Jesse grabbed his bag pack and rushed out of the School as if the building was on fire. "NO running in the halls" the dean shouted as Jesse ran past him. He ran out the door with his neck tie flying all over the place and ran down the steps. He looked in the spot where Will usually waited for him but there was no sign of William's car. Jesse looked at the line of cars parked in the yard and finally he spotted Will leaning against his Silver Porsche 911 turbo with his sun glasses on smiling looking at him. Jesse ran to Will stumbling and almost knocking over a couple of parents that were waiting on their kids. Jesse ran and jumped up into Will's arm and hugged him tightly. "I missed you" Jesse said as he pulled off will's sun glasses and looked into his eyes. "I missed you too Angelito" William said hugging Jesse. He put Jesse down and they got in the car and drove to the security booth at the gate by the school, William showed the guard his pass and the guard waved him to go ahead. The tight security became necessary when someone kidnapped one of the students a year ago. When they got home Jesse went up to his room or rather his and will's room since he slept in will's bed now and changed out of his uniform. He ran back down stairs and jumped up into Will's lap and started to kiss him passionately on his lips. "Do you have home work" William asked stroking Jesse silky blond hair. "Uh-huh" Jesse replied as his hand went behind him down to William crotch. "I think you should do your home work first" William said looking into Jesse's face. "But I missed you" Jesse said pouting. "I missed you too, but home work first pleasure later" William said kissing Jesse on his forehead. "Awww" Jesse complained. "The quicker you do it the more time we'll have for each other" William said. "Fine" Jesse said sulking as he climbed down off of Will and went upstairs to do his home work. After an hour and a half Jesse came back down stairs and jumped back up on William lap laying back against his chest. "Did you finish your home work" William asked kissing the back of Jesse's head. "Mm-Hmm" Jesse replied Wriggling about lasciviously on William stomach. "So what do you want to do?" William asked as if he didn't know. Jesse took William hand in his and placed it on his crotch, William could feel the hard little cocklet under the fabric Of Jesse's shorts. he slipped his hand under the waist of Jesse shorts into his undies and started stroking his very hard cock. "You like that?" William asked lowering his voice to a whisper as he put his other hand under Jesse's shirt and played with his little nipples. "Mmmmmmm" Jesse moaned as William's hand worked magic on his little cock. "Stand up" William said. Jesse climbed out of William's lap and stood in front of him, Will pulled Jesse's pants and his underwear down around his Silky smooth thighs and admired his firm butt. Will pulled Jesse back up onto his lap and Jesse lay back against his chest. "You've got a stiffie" Jesse commented as he felt William cock pressing into his butt crack. "So do you" William said smiling before he took Jesse's tiny erection between his fingers. Will still couldn't get Jesse's foreskin all the way down but that wouldn't stop him from masturbating him to a mind blowing orgasm. Jesse started to moan and thrust his hip up into William hand as he used his thumb to rub the tip of Jesse's sensitive little cock head. Before long Jesse started mewling in pleasure as he felt his orgasm building. William moved Jesse off of him and put him on the sofa. "Why'd you stop?" Jesse asked confused. William pulled off his t-shirt exposing his hairless chest and unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants, Jesse smiled as he watched his uncle stripping before him. He kicked off his shorts and pulled off his shirt and sat waiting for William to take the rest of his clothes off. William pulled off his pants and his boxers freeing his huge dick, he sat back down next to Jesse and lifted him back onto his lap and pulled him back against his chest. He took Jesse rock hard cock back in his hand and rubbed the tip of the tiny head with his thumb, Jesse started to gasp and moan as he neared his climax. "Hunhhhhhhhhhh!" Jesse Moaned as his dick pulsed in William's hand and he dry cummed. William started kissing Jesse's neck as he recovered from his orgasm, William cock was straining for release. He started to rub his dick against the smooth skin of Jesse's young balls, Will kissed and sucked on Jesse's neck making him moan softly. Oh Jess" William moaned as he sucked on Jesse's neck while he rubbed his cock on Jesse's smooth ball sac. "Oh god baby Yesss" William exclaimed as his balls pumped hot goo all over Jesse's dick and balls Jesse put his hand on his cock and rubbed the hot cum all over his dick and balls and on his hairless tummy, he loved to feel Will's cum on his skin. Jesse sat on William's lap enjoying the feeling of his strong muscular body beneath him While he kissed and cuddled him. They cleaned up and got dressed and Jesse went to help Will make dinner, After they ate and shared a bath together they went to bed. "Lie on your tummy" Will whispered to Jesse as he climbed over him. Jesse rolled over on his stomach in with a smile knowing will's intentions, over the weeks he really enjoyed whenever Will stuck his tongue in him and licked and sucked his little hole. William brushed away Jesse's long blond hair from his neck and started kissing it moving his way down his hot little body. William pulled apart Jesse butt cheeks and kissed his way down the little crevice of his butt until he got to his little pink rosebud. Jesse's body quivered with pleasure as will licked up and down his butt crack before he stuck his tongue up his little hole. William climbed over Jesse and rubbed his cock along his crack, he wanted desperately to consummate their relationship but he knew Jesse was too little to take his massive cock. Will rubbed his cock up and down Jesse butt crack marveling at it's smoothness, his little ass was so hot will could only imagine what it would be like to fuck him. Jesse started to rub his little cock against the bed as will humped his ass, his little cock felt marvelous as he ground his hips into the mattress. William's body tensed as he shot a huge load of cum all over Jesse's back, Jesse started to whimper as his body went limp and he dry cummed clutching hand fulls of the bed sheet. They cuddled up close to each other kissing and touching each other all over before sleep claimed them. After William took Jesse to school the next day he had a few errands to run he headed to an exclusive jewelry store first to order something especially for Jesse. As he was driving he thought of how incredibly sexy he was and smiled to himself when he got a wonderful idea. The day went by quickly and William left early to pick Jesse up from school, he also had to pick up a couple of gifts for Jesse that he had thought of earlier. William got to the store and the store clerk helped him find what he wanted to buy for Jesse, he paid for the items and left. William headed over to the jewelry store to pick up the item that he had ordered earlier that morning. The jeweler handed him a small box William opened it and smiled, he closed the box and put in his pocket and thanked the owner who handed the sale of the item personally and headed for Jesse school to pick him up. After the bell rang signaling the end of the school day Jesse ran to bathroom he need to pee really bad, he went into one of the stalls and closed the door. He pulled down his zipper and pulled out his little penis and let the golden stream of pee flow into the bowl. When he was finished Jesse dried his little wiener with some toilet paper and dropped it into the toilet. He looked at his little dick and wondered if he could pull his foreskin all the way back, Jesse held his penis between his thumb and forefinger and gently pulled his tight foreskin back. He got it about halfway back when it started to hurt a little, Jesse took a deep breath and bit his bottom lip and squinted his eyes through the pain as he pulled his foreskin all the way back. Jesse looked down at his dick and smiled when he saw that he had pulled the skin all the way back, Jesse couldn't wait to show will as he stood admiring his little boyhood. Jesse heard some other boys Come into the bathroom and he quickly tucked his little cock back into his pants and pulled up his zipper. He was waiting until they left to come out when he overheard their conversation. "You're a fag Danny, you let guys stick their dicks up your butt" one of the boys said laughing as he teased the other. "Oh yeah! At least I don't suck anyone's wiener like you do" the other boy shot back. Jesse heard them leave and he walked out of the stall, he washed his hand and left the bathroom. As he walked down the hall he couldn't understand why the boys in the bathroom thought it was wrong to suck someone else's wiener. He loved it when Will did it to him and he liked doing it to him. Then he thought about what the first boy said about having some one put their dick in his butt, he and will hadn't done anything like that yet. He liked it when will stuck his finger up his butt and his tongue was even better but he had never even considered the possibility of will sticking his dick up his butt. After all Will's dick was huge how could it all fit in his little hole Jesse thought as he opened the door leading out side maybe they could try it when he got home. Jesse's face lit up when he saw Will's car in the parking area. Jesse climbed in the front seat with a big smile and closed the door he hugged William and he helped him put on his seatbelt. "What's in the bags" Jesse inquired as he saw two red bags on the back seat of Will's gold 2005 Mercedes CLS 55 AMG. "Something for you" William said as he pulled out of his parking space. "Really!" Jesse asked excited as he turned to grab one of the bags from the back seat. "Oh no you don't" William said as he stopped Jesse. "why not?" Jesse asked cocking his head to one side confused. "Wait till we get home, it's a surprise" William said with a wicked smile. Jesse smiled back at him knowing what he meant, he couldn't wait to get home to see what it was. They pulled up in front their mansion a few minutes later, William pressed a button in the car and the gate opened and he drove in. Jesse unbuckled his seat belt and reached for the bags again but will snatched them up in time. "But you said...." Jesse complained. "I know what I said" William said with a smirk as he took up the bag and got out of the car. "Change and do your home work" William said as he put the bags on the sofa and sat down. "what about the surprise?" Jesse asked. "It'll be here when you're done" William replied as he put on the TV. "Awwww" Jesse said as he frowned and went up the stairs. A little while later Jesse came into the living room with a huge grin on his face and jumped up into will lap. "That was fast" Will said as he stroked Jesse's hair and kissed him on the lips. "We didn't get a lot today" Jesse replied with a smile. "What's in the bag?" Jesse asked eager to know what his surprise was. "Let's go upstairs and you can try it on" William said smiling. Jesse jumped off of Will's lap and ran upstairs, William turned off the TV and grabbed the bags and followed Jesse up the stairs. Jesse Jumped up on the bed and sat Indian style with a big smile on his face. William came into the room and put one of the bags into the closet smiling to himself. He came over to Jesse and dumped the contents of the other bag onto the bed and sat down and smiled when he saw Jesse's expression. Jesse sat with his mouth open as he looked over the dozens of sexy women's' thong underwear that were all small enough to fit him, Jesse looked at Will with a wicked smile. "Are they all mine" Jesse asked in amazement as he held up the sexy lingerie that was about his size, one by one he examined them with a smile. "Why don't you try this one on" William said with a sly smile holding a red lace thong on the end of his finger. "what's in the other bag?" Jesse inquired as took the lace thong and rubbed it over his cheek. "That's a surprise for another time" William said smiling. "Now go try it on" Will said with a sly smile. Jesse sniffed the underwear and smiled, he jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom and closed the door, with his hyper sexed nature he was willing to try anything. William felt his cock growing as he thought of how hot Jesse would look he went over to the dresser and put the box from the jeweler under some clothes. He didn't want Jesse to find it and spoil his surprise. William went back to the bed and lay back with his hands behind his head and smiled as he waited for Jesse to come out of the bathroom. "Are you ready" Jesse asked from behind the bathroom door. "Yeah" William replied as he sat up on the bed and looked at the bathroom door. Jesse opened the door and came out wearing William's robe that was way to big for him, he blushed as he closed the door behind him. "Take the robe off!" William said impatiently smiling at Jesse. Jesse smiled and undid the robe and let it fall to the ground. William felt like all the blood in his body rushed to his cock when he saw how sexy Jesse looked, all his expectations were exceeded. The little red thong hugged Jesse's little hips perfectly, he could see Jesse little cock already hard outlined in the lace underwear. "Well how do I look" Jesse asked, he was a little uncertain when Will didn't say anything. "You look Really sexy" William said with a sly little smile. "Come over here" William said with a smile motioning Jesse with his finger. Jesse smiled and walked over to William and climbed up on his lap and kissed him on the lips sticking his tongue in Will's mouth, he simply loved doing that. William ran his hands over Jesse smooth butt cheeks massaging his two mounds in his hands. He turned his attention to Jesse's crotch and started to rub his hard little dick in the lace material. "Suck me" Jesse said full of passion as he looked into William eyes. Will was happy to oblige he put Jesse to lay on the bed and got between his legs, he removed his sexy new underwear pulling them down his thighs and off his legs. "Look what I can do" Jesse said stopping will and propping himself up on one elbow. He held his little dick between his fingers and pulled his foreskin all the way down. William looked up at him with a big smile, for the first time the full beauty of Jesse boyhood was revealed to him he bent down and kissed the little pink head before he took it into his mouth. Jesse lay back on the bed and moaned loudly as Will's tongue bathed his entire cock with saliva. William felt Jesse little erection twice as hard than it had ever been, he sucked on the little head producing blissful moans from his little blond angel. Jesse started to plunge his cock up into Will's mouth as tears welled up in the corner of his eyes. "Ow Ow Hunhhhhhhh!" Jesse exclaimed as his cock twitched rapidly in will's mouth, then just as his previous orgasms his body went stiff. Will moved up and lay next to Jesse and ran his hand over his smooth little tummy. "Was that good" William asked as he kissed Jesse tenderly on the lips. "The best" Jesse replied as will broke their kiss. Jesse thought about what the boy in the bathroom at school said and wondered if Will would try it with him. "Do you want to try something" Jesse asked looking very serious. "What's that" Will said as he traced his fingers over Jesse's tummy. "Put your dick in my butt" Jesse said outright. William was dumbstruck he couldn't believe what Jesse had just asked. "I heard some boys taking about it in the bathroom at school and I wondered if we could try it" Jesse said looking up at will for his response. "Jess I don't think you're ready for that yet" William replied stroking Jesse's cheek. "Can't we try it?" Jesse asked almost pleading with Will. "I don't want to hurt you Angelito" Will said with a look of concern on his face. "I know you won't hurt me, can't we try it" Jesse said sitting up on the bed. "Please" Jesse pleaded looking into will's eyes. William looked back into Jesse eyes at the beautiful little angel pleading with him to fuck him. He had always heard stories on the news of boys who were molested but this was different Jesse really wanted this and he couldn't say no to him. He never would have thought that a child so young would want to have sex, Maybe all the experts were wrong because he never once forced Jesse to do anything he didn't like or wanted to do. "Okay" William said as he sat up and kissed Jesse on his forehead. Jesse's face brightened and he jumped on Will and hugged him kissing him all over his face. William put Jesse on the bed and went into the bathroom, he came back in naked with a tube of kY jelly in his hand. "What that for?" Jesse asked looking at the tube in will's hand. "It's to make your hole slippery so my cock won't hurt you" William said as he sat on the bed. "Lie on your belly" William instructed. Jesse rolled over on his belly and spread his legs without any instructions. William bent down and licked Jesse hole sticking his tongue inside his hot little ass tasting his slightly sweaty hole. He loved the taste of Jesse body nothing about him was repulsing in fact it was quite the opposite. Will squeezed out some of the kY onto his fingers and smeared it over Jesse hole. He pushed his forefinger into Jesse butt which slid in without resistance, all the finger and tongue fucking over the last few weeks had prepared Jesse well for this moment. William pulled out his finger and lubed up his middle finger, he put his other hand on Jesse's lower back and gently slid his two fingers up his hot little tunnel. Jesse grunted a little as William's fingers advanced to the second joint up his hole. "You okay" William asked rubbing his hand over Jesse's back. "Mm-Hmm" Jesse replied he had his arms folded and his head was resting on them. William pushed his fingers all the way in and stopped to let Jesse get accustomed to them. After a couple of minutes went by William started to slide his fingers in and out of Jesse's hole making him moan in pleasure, will smiled and knew Jesse was ready for his cock. Will got a pillow and put it under Jesse's Waist so he could reach his butt easier. William squeeze a large glob right onto Jesse's exposed hole. "Ooohh, that's cold!" Jesse exclaimed with a giggle. "Sorry baby" William said as he rubbed it around and into Jesse's hole. "Tell me if you want me to stop okay?" William said as he climbed over Jesse body with his cock pointing at his hole. "Kay" Jesse replied. Hovering over Jesse William moved his hips closer and his cock touched Jesse's rosebud. At first nothing happened and Will pushed harder until suddenly he felt Jesse's hole yield opening a little. Will looked between their bodies and bared down sending the head of his cock into Jesse's wonderfully hot tight tunnel. Jesse took a couple of quick shallow breaths but says nothing, Will pushed in further feeling exquisite pleasure on his cock as Jesse's muscles spasm around every inch of his swollen manhood. William looked down between his legs there's still way more of his dick waiting to go in, he pushed in further and feels Jesse tense up beneath him. "Ow" Jesse said almost under his breath. "want me to stop?" William asked out of concern, he didn't want to hurt his little angel. "No" Jesse replied. Will waited a while and gently started pressing again, he only got two-inches of his seven-inch pole into Jesse's ass before he felt him tense up again. "OW!" Jesse says more urgently. William started pulling out when Jesse stopped him. "Don't pull it out" Jesse said desperately. William knew his limits of much of his cock he could get into Jesse's ass and started slipping his dick in and out only an inch or so. William felt his orgasm quickly rising, A feeling of intense pleasure starts in the tip of William penis that seemed to radiate down to his balls. "urgh......urgh......urgh" William moaned as he delivered a gigantic shot of cum inside Jesse's ass. For a couple of minutes will and Jesse stay silently locked together panting and exhausted, will slowly pulled his cock from Jesse butt and collapsed on the bed next to him. Jesse smiled at will who was still breathing hard, Jesse climbed onto Will and put his head on his chest. They cleaned themselves up and had dinner, after they had their bath together William and Jesse snuggled up close and went to sleep. Jesse got up in the middle of the night to pee he gently moved will's hand off of his body trying not to wake him and went into the bathroom. Jesse didn't flush the toilet because he didn't want to wake William, he stood in front of the large bathroom mirror admiring his nudity. He flicked his little cock with his fingers making it bounce, he pulled back his foreskin and smiled at himself in the mirror still happy at his latest achievement. Jesse turned around and looked at his pale white butt in the mirror he rubbed his hands over his ass and smiled to himself. Then a thought popped into his head he wondered what his butt hole looked like. Jesse bent over with his hair almost touching the ground and spread his legs a little pulled his butt cheeks apart and admired his little flower. He touched it with one of his fingers and smiled when he felt how hot it was, he loved it when will put his finger or his tongue inside him it sent shivers through his body. Jesse felt something in his butt like when Will stuck his tongue or his finger in him, it wasn't an itch and it wasn't an ache. It just felt like something that needed his attention he tried to push his finger into his butt hole but it was too tight. Jesse stood up and went to the cupboard near the sink and got a bottle of hand lotion, standing in front the mirror again he squeezed some of the lotion onto his finger. He reached back and rubbed it on his butt hole then slowly began pushing his finger inside. Jesse smiled at himself in the mirror, then his finger touched something deep inside him almost making him jump out of his skin. Jesse tried two fingers and it felt even greater, soon he was breathing raggedly and his little cock twitched as he felt the wonderful feeling radiate to his dick. Jesse squeezed more lotion on three of his fingers and tried to push them into his hole, it hurt a little but the wonderful feelings he was getting quickly numbed any pain he felt. Jesse started to pant and he moaned out in pleasure as he dry cummed, Will woke up when he didn't feel Jesse near him. Will heard soft moans coming from the bathroom and smiled, he knew Jesse was pleasuring himself and didn't want to interrupt him. He heard the door knob turn and he closed his eyes and pretended he was still asleep, Jesse crawled back into the bed and snuggled up close to will. William could smell the hand lotion on Jesse and smiled to himself and went to sleep. Over the next three days William thought it was strange that Jesse didn't ask him to stick his dick in his butt again since he was so eager to do it the last time. They stroked and sucked each other but Jesse never asked to be fucked again, will was a little disappointed but he didn't question him about it. Every night when Jesse thought Will was asleep he would sneak into the bathroom and play with his hole. will wondered what Jesse was doing in the bathroom but he didn't ask or peak at him. He respected his privacy and if Jesse wanted him to know what he was doing he would tell him when he was ready. Friday morning came and Jesse got up early, it was the last day of school before summer he couldn't wait to get this day over with so he could be with will all the time. He sat in class thinking of will all day dreaming of all the things he and Will were going to do to each other. "JESSE CASSIDY AM I BORING YOU" Jesse teacher Miss brown said sternly. "Um no ma'am" Jesse replied, but the truth was she was boring him and everyone else in the room. At long last the moment that everyone in Jesse's class was waiting for arrived two thirty, the bell rang and Jesse and his classmates rushed out the door happy to be rid of Miss Brown. Jesse bolted out the door to the parking area where will was parked waiting for him, William made Jesse really popular in his class by picking him up in a different sports car everyday. Jesse ran over to Will's Blue 612 Ferrari scaglietti. "Nice car your dad's got Jesse" one of Jesse cute little friends shouted to him. "Thanks" Jesse yelled back. "You told your friends that I'm your dad" William asked a little surprised, he though of Jesse as his son but he didn't know that Jesse told everyone he was his father. "Well aren't you?" Jesse asked as he got in and closed the door. "I guess I am" William replied chuckling, he was really touched that Jesse though of him as his dad. Will buckled Jesse's seat belt and drove off he showed the guard his pass and drove out the gate. Jesse looked at Will and smiled. "What are you so happy about" William said a he glanced at Jesse as he made a right turn. Jesse smiled at will and unbuckled his seatbelt he put his hand on will crotch and rubbed his cock through his pants. "Jess What are you doing" will asked as he looked over at Jesse for a second. Jesse smiled again and zipped down Will's fly and took out his cock, he gave it a few strokes and lowered his head to will crotch and engulfed the head of his cock. Will stepped on the gas a little too hard making the engine roar as the car sped up as Jesse's little tongue sent chills up will's spine. "Jess stop!, we're gonna cause an accident" William gasped as Jesse's lips wrapped around his hard-on. Jesse continued to suck William's cock hungrily sticking his tongue into Will's piss slit. "Jess stop,Oh God" William grunted, he knew he couldn't hold off his orgasm much longer as Jesse sucked him off faster. "Oh fuck" William shouted gripping the steering wheel tightly as he blasted Jesse mouth with his cum flooding his throat. Jesse held Will's cock in his mouth until his orgasm was over, he swallowed every drop of Will's sticky cum. William slammed on the brakes in time as he pulled up at a traffic light, he sat back in his seat and breathed out deeply. The light turned green and he drove off, Jesse gave will's cock one final lick and tucked it back in his pants and pulled up his zipper, Jesse smiled at will and licked his lips as he sat up. "Next time warn me before you do that" William said smiling. Jesse put his hands over his mouth and giggled. "When we get home I want you to tear my clothes off and kiss me all over" Jesse said as he raised up out of his seat and whispered into William's ear. "Put your seat belt back on" William said smiling at Jesse. Jesse pulled his seat belt and buckled it and smiled at Will, he couldn't wait to get home and show will what he had been doing for the past four nights in a row. when they arrived at home William opened the electronic gate and drove in he closed the gate and unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. Jesse got out and closed the car door, he and ran up to the door of the house and undid his gold striped navy blue neck tie and pulled it off and stuffed it in his pocket. William walked up to the door and entered the security code, he looked at Jesse who was leaning against the big oak door rubbing his crotch and smiling at will. The keypad beeped and the door unlocked Jesse grabbed the door knob and opened the door and ran inside he dropped his bag pack on the floor and waited for will to come inside. William walked in the house and as soon as he closed the door Jesse attacked him, he jumped up into will arms and kissed him passionately on the lips sticking his tongue into William's mouth. Will returned Jesse's kiss with equal passion, he supported Jesse's body holding his firm butt in his hands and massaged his two mounds gently squeezing them. He sucked on Jesse's hot little tongue tasting his own cum on his breath, he kissed Jesse all over his neck making him moan in pleasure. "Catch me" Jesse whispered into will's ear and jumped out of his arms and ran up the stairs giggling. Jessed ran into the bedroom and kicked off his shoes and took off his Jacket and threw it on the floor, he jumped on the bed and lay back waiting for will. William pursued Jesse to the bedroom, he found him lying on his back in their bed in his socks still dressed in his school uniform. William took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed and hovering over Jesse, he bent down and kissed Jesse on the lips and stuck his tongue into his young mouth. Will broke off their kiss and kneeled over Jesse with a wicked smile, he grabbed Jesse's white shirt and ripped it off of him producing high pitched laughter from his little lover. William bent down and sucked on Jesse's right Nipple making him moan out loud in pleasure, will moved to Jesse's left nipple making him moan louder he grabbed onto will's head as he sucked him. Will moved down Jesse's chest kissing and licking it moving his way down his sexy little body, William stuck his tongue into Jesse navel and licked it as Jesse wriggled beneath him. William sat back and unbuckled Jesse's belt and pulled it out of his pants and threw it behind him making Jesse laugh. He unbuttoned his pants and bent down and pulled the zipper down with his teeth making Jesse giggle again. "You horny little devil" William exclaimed when he saw the sexy black lace underwear Jesse was wearing. Jesse had went to school in one of the sexy thongs will had bought for him. William grabbed Jesse's pants and pulled it off his waist down his thighs and pulled them off his legs and threw them behind him. Will licked his lips and smiled at Jesse who was scantily clad in his socks and wearing the sexy black lace thong with his white shirt torn open, he had never looked more sexy than at this very moment. William bent down and kissed Jesse's hard little cock which was straining against the thin material, he smiled down at will as he kissed his dick through the lace underwear. "Wait I have something to show you" Jesse said as he sat up on the bed. "What?" William asked with a smile. Jesse smiled at him and jumped off the bed, he pealed off his torn shirt and threw it on the floor. "Just a sec" Jesse said as he headed for the bathroom. Will watched his sexy little ass with the lace material of the thong between his butt crack as he walked to the bathroom door. Jesse came back from the bathroom with a bottle of hand lotion and climbed back onto the bed, he got in front of will and kneeled down with his back facing Will. He squeezed some of the lotion into his left hand and lubed up two of his fingers on his right hand and bent over, Jesse pulled the thong aside revealing his little pink hole to Will. He rubbed some of the lotion on his little anus, and stuck two of his fingers in his butt up to his knuckles. He pulled his fingers back out and lubed up a third finger then all stuck three into his hole up to his knuckles. "See, I've been practicing" Jesse said giggling, proud of his latest accomplishment. William sat back on his heels and watched Jesse in awe, he felt like his cock was ready to explode. "So that's what you've been doing every night" William said smiling at Jesse. Jesse pulled out his fingers and turned around and put his arms around will's neck and smiled. "Now you can put all of it in my butt" Jesse whispered into William's ear. Will loved the way Jesse whispered what he wanted in his ear as if some one else would hear him even though it was just the two of them. "Do you want to try it?" Jesse whispered in will ear again. "Sure" will whispered back before he kissed Jesse on the lips. Jesse started Undressing William, he grabbed his shirt and tried to lift it over his head. Will grabbed the end of his shirt and pulled it off while Jesse unbuckled his belt and undid the button on his pants and pulled down the zipper. He pulled down the front of Will boxer briefs freeing his hard cock, Jesse licked the pre-cum from will's dick and pulled back his foreskin and sucked on the head. William pulled away from Jesse and got off the bed, he pulled down his pants and his underwear and smiled at Jesse. He grabbed Jesse and pulled the sexy black thong off of him and smelled it. Will dropped the underwear to the floor and smiled at Jesse and got back on the bed. Jesse pulled off his socks and threw them on the ground, he climbed on top of will and put his head on his chest. "Are you gonna do it now" Jesse asked looking into William's eyes as he reached behind and grabbed will's dick and stroked it. "why don't you sit on it" William suggested stroking Jesse's blond hair. "Okay" Jesse replied with a big smile and sat up on will's stomach. William grabbed the tube of KY jelly from the night stand and unscrewed the cap. He squeezed some out onto his fingers and reached behind Jesse and rubbed the jelly all round his little hole and stuck two fingers in. Jesse took the tube from Will and squeezed some into his hands and reached behind his back and grabbed will's cock again, he rubbed the slippery gel all over Will's cock and smiled down at him. "You ready to try it" William asked smiling up at Jesse as he slid his fingers in and out of him. Jesse nodded his head with a smile as William withdrew his fingers from his tight ass. Jesse moved back stooping over William cock preparing to impale himself on the huge rod, he slowly lowered his butt to William cock and felt the head pressing against his hole. "Try to relax as much as you can" Will instructed as his cock came into contact with Jesse's hole. William's hips were pushing upwards as Jesse lowered himself into position "It hurts a bit but don't stop, I can take it!" Jesse whispered down to Will as he felt will's cock head slip into his ass. Jesse pushed himself onto William's cock whilst allowing Will to push his cock up his tiny little hole. Much to Will's surprise, he seemed to be having no difficulty in sliding his cock into his little love this time, Jesse now opening himself even wider to accommodate him. His ass was incredibly tight but the feelings it gave him were quite unbelievable: no pussy could compare to Jesse tight little ass. Amazingly, Will soon found his cock fully inside Jesse who was now sitting there looking down at him with a huge smile on his beautiful face. "I can feel you inside me" Jesse commented with a smile. "It feels a bit funny but it doesn't hurt really" Jesse giggled, "It's nice?" he added. The last time will tried to fuck Jesse he couldn't get more than two inches in him, but now he had his entire seven inches up Jesse hot little hole and was prepared to give him a proper fucking. Jesse needed no directions as he started to move up and down on William cock almost riding him. Will was utterly astonished by the pure unadulterated lust and passion Jesse had for him, he knew what he wanted and was determined to get it. Will grabbed Jesse's cock and started to stroke it but Jesse pushed his hand away. Will's cock was the only stimulation he needed as he felt the wonderful feeling in his butt radiate through his body. Will put his hands around Jesse's little waist as he pushed down to meet Will's thrusting cock as the momentum of their fuck gradually increased. William sat up and pulled Jesse close to his chest and hugged him under his arms and held on to his little shoulders as he thrust up into his hot little hole. Jesse put his head against Will's chest and wrapped his arms around will's body and his legs around his waist and gave himself completely to will as he slowly fucked him. William was having the greatest fuck of his entire life, Jesse was even better than the girl he lost his virginity to. William could here Jesse breathing hard and Whimpering as he hugged him with all the strength his seven year old body could muster. William held Jesse's head in one of his hands and pulled him even closer to his chest and put his head on Jesse's listening to him Whimpering noisily as he thrusted up into Jesse Making love to him. The light weight of the boy's body as well as the rigid stiffness of his dick as it pressed against him only fueled William desire and lust for Jesse as he massaged his back with his other hand. Jesse's whimpering Grew louder as he felt the onset of his orgasm, will cock was massaging the sensitive little spot in his butt sending endless waves of pleasure through his body. "Uh Uh Ahhhhhhh!Unhhhhhhhhhh" Jesse screamed out as he climaxed harder than he ever had before. At the same time, Will's cock deep inside Jesse's ass was being squeezed convulsively by the contractions of his sphincter and combined with Jesse's angelic moans sent him over the edge. "Oh Jesssssssssssss Oh!" William moaned holding on to Jesse's quivering body as his cock sent jet after jet of sperm deep into his little angel as he moaned and whimpered in sheer joy. Jesse's body went limp and he and William collapsed back on the bed still connected to each other After a few minutes Jesse lifted his head and looked up into William face. "I didn't hurt you did I" William asked concerned as he looked into Jesse's tear streaked face. "Uh-unh" Jesse whispered smiling at will. "I'm just really happy" Jesse said as he put his head back on William's hairless chest. "Don't let me go" Jesse whispered as he hugged will tightly. "Never" Will replied as he kissed the top of Jesse's head. A bond stronger than ever formed between them that could never be broken and they laid back on the bed and stayed in each other arms until the sun went down. when they finished dinner just as before William went outside and put his car back in the garage, he came back to the house locked the door. He went upstairs and he and Jesse had a bath together and returned to their bed. "Will you put it back in" Jesse whispered to William with a smile. Will got the tube of KY and lubed Jesse's hole and his dick. Jesse rolled over on his stomach and will returned his cock to the confines of his little lover's tight hole, after a couple of thrust they both climaxed together. They both lay on their sides joined together, Jesse had a huge smile on his face feeling William's cock in his ass, he was never happier in his life than he was right now. William kissed Jesse on his shoulder and then moved to his neck kissing it. "Get some sleep Angelito, we have a big day tomorrow" William said as he put his arm around Jesse and hugged him tightly. "Where are we going tomorrow" Jesse inquired. "It's a secret" William whispered into Jesse's ear. Jesse smiled to himself in the darkness of the room and closed his eyes and went to sleep. Jesse got up the next morning and saw will in the closet packing clothes in to a bag. "What are you doing?" Jesse asked with a smile as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Packing for our little get away" William said as he put some of Jesse's clothes into the bag. "Where are we going?" Jesse asked yawning. "I told you last night it's a secret" William said as he looked back at Jesse and smiled. Jesse smiled back at him and pulled back the covers and got out of bed, he stood in front the glass door's of the balcony in their room and stretched. The sunlight illuminated Jesse's nude body in an angelic glow as he stood in front of the doors. William zipped up the bag and brought it out of the closet and put it on the bed, he went back to the closet and took out a red bag from the closet and put it next to the bag with their clothes. Jesse smiled when he saw the bag and remembered it from earlier that week, if whatever was in the bag was like his last surprise he couldn't wait. "Let's get some breakfast" William said as he picked up Jesse in his arms and headed down to the kitchen. After they had breakfast they went back up stairs to brush their teeth and get dressed. William came into the bed room and went back to the closet he got a t-shirt and a pair of short's for himself. "Why don't you wear this" William said as he took out a blue tank top and a pair of blue shorts with stripes down the side for Jesse and a pair of sandals. Jesse smiled at will and started getting dressed, he pulled on the tank top over his head and started to put on his shorts. "You're not putting on any underwear?" William asked with a smirk. "Why bother you're just going to take them back off anyway" Jesse replied grinning. "You have a point there" William said chuckling at Jesse's comment. Jesse finished getting dressed and he got on the bed and lying on his tummy with his hands under his chin smiling as he watched William getting dressed. William finished dressing and went in the closet and got a pair of sandals, he came back out and sat next to Jesse and put them on. "Put on your sandals and lets go" William said to Jesse as he went over into the bathroom to brush his hair. Jesse got off the bed and went into the bathroom and admired himself in the mirror. "You look beautiful" William commented as he stood behind Jesse. William brushed Jesse's long blond hair and they walked back into the bedroom. Jesse opened the bedroom door for will and he picked up the bag with their clothes and put it on his shoulder, He went to the dresser and got the jewelry box and slipped it into his pocket. Will picked up the bag with Jesse's gift off the bed and walked out the door. After breakfast Jesse ran behind will and waited for him to input the security code to unlock the door. William punched in the security code in the key pad and the locks clicked open, Jesse opened the door for will and he walked out carrying the bags with Jesse following him. William put in the security code and the door locked, he and Jesse walked over to the garage and Will put in the code to open the door and they went in. "Which one do you think?" William asked as he and Jesse looked over his dozens of sports cars that he collected, which made their home in the large Garage that was almost the size of the mansion he and Jesse lived in. "The red one over there" Jesse said with a smile pointing to the red Ferrari 550 Barchetta. "You have good taste" William said smiling as he and Jesse walked over to the red convertible. William put the bags down and went over to the box with the electronic lock on the wall and entered his code unlocking the box, he took out the keys for the Ferrari and closed the box. Will went back to the car and opened the storage compartment and put their bags in. "Hop in" William said as he opened the door and got in. Jesse opened the other door and climbed in and closed the door, will helped him with the racing-style seat belts that Jesse didn't understand how to buckle. "You'll need this where we're going" will said handing Jesse a pair of sunglasses. William buckled his seat belt and turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. will put on his own sunglasses and pressed a button in the car and the garage door slid up, a special feature he had customized to all his vehicles. William shifted the gear and drove out the garage, he pressed another button and the garage door slid closed. will pushed the button in the car to open the gate and he drove out of the yard, the gate closed behind them and Will drove off. He drove out of their neighborhood and took a road that led out of the city, after a couple hours of driving they arrived at their destination. "Hey I can see the ocean" Jesse said smiling as will pulled into the drive way of his beach house. "Is that your house?" Jesse asked looking at the house they drove up to. "It's our house" William said making Jesse smile, he had made Jesse the sole beneficiary of his billions. Jesse unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, he ran up to the door and waited for will who was getting the bags from the car. William came up to the door and took out a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. He and Jesse walked in the door and will closed it behind him, he went into the bed room and put down their bag of clothes and came back out. Will checked the refrigerator which was fully stocked. He had called and told the house keeper that tended to the beach house that he would be spending the weekend there and she had stocked the refrigerator for his arrival. "Can we go swimming?" Jesse asked ecstatically looking at the clear blue water through the patio door, he had never been to the beach before. "Sure, let's go change" William said as he and Jesse went into their bedroom for the weekend to change into their swim suits. William handed Jesse the red bag and sat back on the bed to see his reaction. "Is this mine" Jesse asked with a wicked smile holding up a pair of sexy blue spandex boxer brief type swim shorts that looked way too small for him. "Try it on" Will suggested as he zipped open the travel back with their clothes and took out his bikini Speedo swim trunks. Jesse took off his tank top and pulled down his pants and took off his sandals, he started to pull up the tight little swim shorts. when he got the swim trunks up to his thighs he had to lie on the bed to pull it the rest of the way up. William undressed and put on his bathing trunks, he felt his cock twitch when he looked at Jesse. "Well how do I look" Jesse asked standing in front of Will dressed in the tight skimpy bathing shorts that revealed the contours of his firm butt. "very sexy" William said as he got up and went over to the bathroom cupboard to get a couple towels for him and Jesse. Will picked up a bottle of sunscreen in the bathroom and came back into the bedroom. "Okay let's go" William said as he and Jesse walked out the bedroom to the living room. William unlocked the patio door and he and Jesse walked out onto the patio, William sat own on one of the deck chairs and pulled Jesse to him. "let me put some of this on you, I don't want you getting sunburned" William said as he opened the bottle of sunscreen and squeezed some into his hands. he rubbed the sunscreen lotion on Jesse chest and back and both his arms, he squeezed some more in his hands and rubbed it between Jesse's legs on his naked thighs. Will rubbed some sunscreen over his body and he and Jesse headed to the water. "Does anyone else live around here?" Jesse asked as he examined the stretch of land for more houses. "Nope this entire stretch of beach belongs to us" William replied as he and Jesse entered the cool blue waters. William and Jesse frolicked in the water for hours splashing each other before they got hungry, they got out of the water and lay on the sand for a while. "Let's go back to the house" William said as he leaned over and kissed Jesse on the lips. Jesse smiled and pushed will back onto the sand and climbed onto his stomach and leaned down and kissed him back on his lips. They were so engrossed in kissing each other they didn't here a wave approaching. "Ahhh!" Jesse squealed with high pitched laughter as a wave splashed all over them. Jesse got up and ran back up to the house giggling as William ran behind him. They dried off on the patio and went inside. "Why don't we have hot dogs for lunch" Jesse suggested, something that both William and Jesse had a passion for besides each other . "Okay but let's have a shower first and wash this sand off" William suggested. William and Jesse went to the bathroom and peeled off their swim suits and got in the shower. Will opened the shower and he let Jesse go first, Jesse got under the water and washed off the sand and saltwater from his skin. William took the soap and kneeled down in the shower to soap Jesse up lathering ever inch of his body he poured some shampoo in his hair and lathered it up. Will rinsed Jesse off and got under the shower and poured some shampoo in his hair, will was lathering the shampoo in his hair when he felt Jesse's little hands soaping up his dick. William smiled at Jesse as he soaped up his cock and his balls, Jesse even stuck his hand between will's butt cheeks and soaped up his butt just as will had done to him. As he was rinsing the shampoo from his hair he felt Jesse put his lips around his cock which had gotten hard from all the stroking Jesse's was giving him while he soaped him up. Jesse pulled off of William and rubbed will's stiff cock on his cheek for a little while before taking it back into his mouth. Jesse pulled away from William and turned away from him and bent over. "Put it in" Jesse begged as he exposed his hole to will. Will bent over and licked Jesse's hole tasting the soap on his wet skin, will probed Jesse's ass with his fingers feeling the incredible heat and tightness of his body. Will smiled and then put his dick at the entrance to Jesse's hot hole, As soon as he felt it he began moving backwards on it. William grabbed Jesse's little hips and pushed forward penetrating his small puckered hole, his ass swallowed the head of Will's dick. William felt an almost an electric feeling in his cock as Jesse's ass continued to swallow more of his dick. "You OK?" Will asked as he finished burying his cock up Jesse's butt. "Uh-huh" Jesse responded, his body moved back into Will more, trying to get every inch of Will's cock inside him. Will began moving slowly in and out of Jesse until he built up a smooth fucking motion, he heard Jesse starting to whimper as he slowly thrust forward into him. William stopped and pulled out of Jesse and sat down on a little seat in the shower. "Hey why'd you stop?" Jesse asked as he turned to face will with his two and a half-inch stiffie sticking out. "I want to see your beautiful face" will said smiling. Jesse went over to Will and climbed onto him, he held on to his shoulders and sat down on will's cock impaling himself. Jesse started moving up and down on will dick desperately wanting to be fucked, William held onto his hips and started to thrust up as Jesse sank down on his cock. Time seemed to stop as they both moaned in unison and came at the same time, Jesse's butt clamped down tightly on will cock milking the cum from his dick. will held on to Jesse as his body went limp, he didn't even seem to notice the water from the shower falling onto them. when they recovered Will dried off himself and Jesse and they went to the kitchen to make the hot dogs for lunch. After they finished eating lunch William and Jesse spent the afternoon cuddled in each others arms naked on one of the deck chairs on the patio enjoying the ocean breeze on their skin. Jesse lay on William's stomach feeling his strong muscular frame beneath his body, will hugged him close and kissed him on his head. They lay on the deck chair in each others arms watching the sunset, Jesse looked into William's eyes and kissed him on the lips. "Let's go to bed" Jesse whispered in will ear. William got up still hugging his little lover, Jesse put his arms around will neck and wrapped his legs around his waist as will held his butt in his hands and carried him inside. William took Jesse into the bedroom and gently laid him on his back on the bed kissing him on his neck moving his way down kissing his smooth skin, will moved back to Jesse's neck kissing and sucking on it. "Put your dick in me" Jesse whispered into will ear pulling him close to him, he loved feeling will's cock in his butt and couldn't get enough of him. William went over to the chair in the bedroom where he had placed the bag with their clothes and got the tube of KY jelly. Jesse got on his hand and knees on the bed when William came back with the lube, he wiggled his little butt at William and giggled. William held Jesse's waist and bent down and kissed his little hole, he licked and sucked it making Jesse moan and gasp in pure ecstatic bliss. Will stuck his tongue in Jesse's little hole and slid it in and out, he tasted some of his cum from their earlier fuck making him want to fuck Jesse even more. William lubed up Jesse's hole with the KY jelly sliding his fingers in and out of him, even though he had fucked Jesse before he was still as tight as a virgin. Will squeezed some more of the KY onto his cock and lubed it up giving it a couple of strokes. William got on the bed and kneeled behind Jesse, as soon as Jesse felt Will's dick touch his hole he pushed back urgently wanting to be filled with will's hot throbbing cock. Will thrusted his hips forward as Jesse pushed back to meet him, William leaned over Jesse's back and rubbed his left hand over his stomach while he supported his weight with the other. Will sat back on his heels pulling Jesse back with him as he gently thrust up into Jesse's ass. Will rubbed his hands all over Jesse chest touching his erect nipples, down his side and over his smooth little tummy. Jesse moaned and whimpered as he moved in unison up and down with will's thrusting, William's cock in his butt made his little dick stick straight out from his body hard as steel. Jesse whimpered in pleasure to every thrust of his lover's cock in his ass as the wonderful sensations in his butt spread through his whole body. "It's happening" Jesse whimpered as tears filled up in his eyes as he felt his orgasm start in his ass and radiate through his dick. "Ow Ow Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jesse cried out almost screaming as his little cock twitched violently giving him the most powerful orgasm ever. "Oh Jessseee! Yessssssss!" Will exclaimed as he hugged Jesse tight and rammed his cock all the way up into him as Jesse's ass spasmed around his cock. William held Jesse little cock between his fingers feeling it pulse in his hand, their orgasm seemed to last longer this time as they both whimpered and moaned. They both fell onto the bed panting and breathing heavily, William supported his weight on his hands as he kissed Jesse on his neck and his back. He pulled his cock from Jesse's hole with a plop and lay beside him on the bed. "That was wonderful" Jesse gasped still breathing hard as he rolled over to face will. "Yes it was" William gasped trying to recover his breath. They both lay silent for awhile on the bed as their breathing returned to normal after they recovered from a mind blowing orgasm "I have to pee" Jesse said as he jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. William got up and went over to where he left his clothes when he and Jesse had changed earlier in the day, he took out the jewelry box from his pocket and went back to the bed. he heard the toilet flush and Jesse came back in the room with his soft little cock bouncing up and down as he walked back to the bed. "I have something very special for you" William said smiling at Jesse. "What is it?" Jesse asked as he hopped back up on the bed and climbed onto Will's stomach. William opened the Jewelry box and took out a shiny gold necklace, William pulled the heart shaped pendant apart splitting the necklace in two. William fastened the delicate 24-karat gold chain around Jesse's neck, he raised his head a little and put the other necklace around his neck. "Anytime I feel lonely I'll have this to remind me of you" Will said holding his half of the pendant around his neck which had Jesse's name engraved in it. "And I'll think of you too" Jesse replied holding the pendant of his chain in his hand which had Will's name engraved on it. He bent down and kissed William on the lips thanking him for the lovely symbol of their love. Jesse moved back down and put will's cock back into his ass and put his head on William's chest. "I love you Daddy" Jesse whispered as he hugged will tightly. "I love you too my little Angel" William replied as he put his hand around Jesse and hugged him tightly. William had finally found what was missing in his life, someone to love and some one who loved him back. They stayed in each other's arm listening to the wave gently lapping on the shore as it lulled them to sleep. The End.