by Mafisto


Chapter 12
[Fantasy Casting: Brad Pitt as Brad Perkins, Mario Lopez as Mario
Lama, Noah Wyle as Dr. Carter, Paul Gross as Fraser, Chris
Demetral as Chris D., Jonathan Brandis as Jon, Mark-Paul Gosselaar
(young) as Mark G., Scott Wolf as Scott, Michael J. Fox as Michael, 
Matthew Broderick as Matthew, Joey Lawrence as Joey, Chris O'Donnell
as Chris O., Marky Mark   as Mark M., Costas Mandylor as Kenny, 
Antonio Sabato Jr. as Tony, Matt Blanc as Matt, Dean Cain as
Clark, Michael Landes   as Jimmy, Sean Patrick Flannery as

Mrs. Winters pushed naked Michael and Matthew inside a bedroom and 
left, closing the door behind her. On the bed were clean suits and 
shirts, as well as socks and underwear. Michael chose the purple 
briefs, Matthew, the black boxers. They dressed quickly, eager to 
dispel their uneasiness. Once they were dressed, they sat on the bed 
and waited. It took more than an hour for Mrs. Winters to come back
in the room. "Follow me," she said simply, "your host awaits." 

"Finally we get to meet him... or her..." said Michael. The two of
them followed Mrs. Winters to another large room, completely empty
except for several men asleep on the floor. "Wait here!" she said. 
As soon as they were inside, she turned around and left. Michael and 
Matthew moved towards the men. Three of them were policemen, while 
the other four were teenagers. Michael and Matthew pushed them a bit
to awake them, and they did, looking around confused. "Who are you?"
asked one of the policemen, Kenny. His hand went to his gun, only to
find that his weapon was gone. "My gun! It's gone."

[The policemen will eventually find themselves outside with amnesia, 
as told in Chapter 8, but the following events take place way before 

 "Are those the teenagers who were kidnapped?" asked another 
policeman, Tony, as he got up and helped Matt to do the same.  He
pointed towards the four teens on floor, the ones who had danced for
the distinguished lady. Someone had put their clothes back on. Chris
D. answered them: "I was kidnapped, as well as Mark here, and I
suppose Mario was too. There were two others with us. Joey, I don't

 "Well, I was hired as a mechanic," explained Joey, "but 
they won't let me out of here, so I suppose I was kidnapped too." 

"Were any of you sexually harassed?" asked Matt. The teens looked at
one another; Michael and Matthew did the same. 

Brad, Scott and Fraser unfroze suddenly, and their clothes 
reappeared with a green flash of light. "Wait till I get my hands on
the little smartass!" said Brad. 

 "Let's get out of here before something else happens," said Scott. 
The three men found the door, although it was not on the same side as
they remembered it. However, it was the only door. Fraser opened it,
and the door gave into a large room instead of a corridor. No
furniture, but many men were inside, apparently waiting for
something. When the three men entered the room, the door closed 
behind them, then disappeared, leaving the wall free of openings. 

"Were any of you sexually harassed?" they heard. "We were," said a
young man in the room. He was dressed in a suit, and stood next to
one similarly dressed. He was addressing three policemen. 

"We were too," said a teenager, part of a group of four also in the 

"We were also, I'm afraid," said Fraser. The nine other men in 
the room turned towards the new group. 

"A mountie?" asked Kenny. "What are you doing here?" 

"It's a long story, but I was kidnapped, well as these two others,
and used in devious sexual experiments." 

Chris O. and Dr. Carter came out of Chris's room. Inside the dining 
room, Mark M. was eating, his hair still wet. 

 "Hi Mark !" 

"Hi Chris! I really enjoyed that shower. How about you?" 

 "So did I, I think..." said Chris. "In fact, I don't remember much 
about it." 

Carter looked away. 

 "Are you ready to leave? And who is your friend?" asked Mark. 

"Yeah, we are. My friend here got lost in the building." 

"Those things happen. Let's go then. I'm finished." They escaped
their quarters, and circulated around the corridors. Along the way,
they met Jon, who looked annoyed. 

 "Do any of you guys know the way out?" he asked. "I want to get out 
of here." 

"I have no idea anymore," said Mark. "I swear they added 
and moved walls during our shower. I don't remember any of these

 "I think this is the door, though," said Chris, pressing a panel. It
 opened a door on a large room, empty of furniture but full of at 
least a dozen persons. "Hi!" said Carter uneasily, as the four of
them walked into the room. Jon recognized Fraser, Brad and Scott
inside, and tried to stay behind Mark to hide. 

After they had dressed, Indiana, Jimmy and Clark sat back at their 
respective chairs around the conference table. The low humming sound 
stopped abruptly, and the three men remembered the intimate events of
the last half-hour with a clear head. They avoided each other's gaze.

"I cannot believe I just did what I did!" exclaimed Clark. "Is 
this some kind of sick joke? Are you their accomplice" he asked Indy.

"I am as much a victim as you are," said Indiana. "I hope 
whoever is behind this had their fun and will let us go now." 
He stood up. "I'm getting out of here." 

As he walked towards the door, Jimmy and Clark stood up and followed 
him. The three of them walked the length of the corridor, and after 
many twists and turns, came to a door. 

"This is not the way we came in," said Jimmy. 

"It's the only way." Indy opened the door. A large room was beyond,
filled with people they did not know. They came in and before they
could say anything to the others, the door close behind them, and a
booming voice from speakers in the ceiling greeted them: "Welcome. I
am your host for tonight. It is now midnight, time for the Game."

 "What game?" asked Brad. "Didn't you play with us enough yet?" 

"What you are doing is against the law," said Kenny. "You are 
keeping us here against our wills. Let us go."  

"We are above the law, you fool," boomed the voice. "You have no idea
of the power at our disposal. If you ever get out of here, none of
you will remember anything about tonight." 

"Who are you?" asked Jon. "Some kind of gay pervert? Is Mr. Finley 
with you?" 

"Our identity and motivation are beyond your feeble brains," 
answered the voice. "Do not ask for that information again." 

"Don't tell me what to say!" yelled Jon towards the ceiling. Jon
began to shake violently, accompanied by a loud buzz. He screamed in
pain and collapsed on the floor, crying like a baby. 

"I'm sorry... Please don't hurt me . . . " 

"Now that we've taken care of demonstrating what rebellion against 
our orders will lead to, we will proceed with the Game." 

No one dared comment, afraid to suffer the same fate as Jon. 

"The object of the Game is to gain sexual power over the other 
men," the voice continued, "by manipulating them into performing
sexual acts for you or between each other for your voyeuristic
pleasure. For that purpose, the entire complex is filled with rooms,
objects and traps which will enable any of you to take sexual
advantage of any other. Several interesting weapons can be found
along the way: paralysers, sexual uninhibitors, libido stimulators,
clothes disintegrators, hypnotisers, etc . . . They are all properly
labelled, although you might find a surprise weapon or two. All these
weapons have temporary effects only, or limited charges.  Although
all of you are heterosexuals, you've all been injected with a special
drug which allows you to experience intense sexual pleasure when you
have sexual control over another man, and shame and embarassment when
another man has sexual control over you. Some of you have already
experienced its effects. The Game is about sex for power, not for love
or mutual satisfaction. In all the sexual acts that will be performed
tonight because of the Game, there will always be a clear winner: the
one in control, the only one who will feel permanent satisfaction
from the act. The urge to play the Game is another effect of the
drug: you will not be able to fight it, so you might as well enjoy
it. Some of you already experienced this urge at a limited degree,
but the drug has a delayed reaction which will make it reach its peak
in a few minutes. The walls of this room will disappear in thirty
seconds. In their place, you will find a score of corridors. I advise
each of you to take a different one, and try to find weapons before
you go and seek the others. You will also find men roaming the
corridors who are not inside this room presently. They are not player
of the Game, but they are potential targets. Feel free to use them." 

The walls of the room slid up, as the voice had foretold. "Let the
Game begin!" yelled the voice, as the men scurried away to the
corridors surrounding the room, motivated by the drug starting to kick