Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell.

No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group.  Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, no charge is made and credit is given to the original author, me.  Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes.

All rights reserved.

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Sam an tha 
Part 2 

The three girls nearly dragged Sam down to Manda's battered and slightly 
scorched old Volvo and assumed their usual seats. They drove the couple of miles 
to the multiplex, the girls careful to keep the conversation on safe ground. Sam 
for his part, was a bit confused still, I mean everything seemed fine, these 
were her clothes and these were her friends but there was something niggling at 
the back of his mind. 
Emma looked at her friend, he really did look cute sat there playing with his 
braids and biting his lip while he watched the view out of the window. 
"Penny for 'em Sammy" Emma addressed her new girlfriend 
"Oh just daydreaming" 
The others had already agreed on a line to follow 
"Boys!" they chorused 
"Am not! It's just that I can't remember past yesterday" 
"Blondes!" Julie stated 
"Seriously! I mean I remember yesterday but what were we doing before that?" Sam 
asked the car 
"You're serious aren't you?" Emma asked 
"Yes" he/she stated 
"Well you remember going to my parents cottage?" Julie was testing to see where 
they could go. 
"Oh boy, Sammy we went to my parents cottage and there was a fire" Julie started 

"You were knocked out," Emma added 
"We didn't think there was anything wrong though, you were ok straight after" 
Manda finished 
"You want to go for a check up at the hospital" Julie was going for the double 
"No, no, I'll be ok I guess, probably a bit shaken up still" Sam replied 
Manda and Em exchanged a glance while Julie tried to give Sam a hug that she 
tried to return through the seat belts. 
They arrived at the cinema and found a parking spot only a few yards from the 
"I have to go" Sam stated 
"Me too" Mand added and went with him. 
He subconsciously was heading for the gents, a possibility the girls had thought 
of hence his escort. Manda steered her charge through the right door and watched 
him into a stall. 
Sam was confused. He sat to relieve himself but that didn't seem right? 'Girls 
always sit' he told himself as his bladder emptied, 'only guys stand up, they 
have a willy after all and I don't' he concluded. It made sense to wipe so he 
didn't stain his panties but he felt sort of numb down there, not much feeling 
at all. 
"You drowned in there?" Mand called 
"Just coming" he replied redressing himself and flushing. 
"I thought you'd fallen asleep again" 
"Just taking my time Mand" 
When they rejoined the others they joined the queue and impatiently waited for 
"Four students for screen five please" Julie requested of the cashier 
"Cards please" 
They all hunted in their bags for their NUS cards 
"I can't find mine" Sam stated 
"You'd lose your head Sam, let me look" Em suggested 
Well of course there was no card or for that matter other ID. 
"You must have left it in your other bag" 
The cashier looked at the girls, the queue and back again. The girl with the 
wrong bag was pretty cute, especially with those braids. He made his decision. 
"Ok girls don't worry, but next time make sure you bring it eh?" 
"Thanks" Sam replied giving him a smile of relief 
She really was cute when she smiled the cashier thought. 
Julie got the tickets and they headed for the refreshments. They stocked up on 
pick and mix, diet Pepsi and nachos and already eating, headed toward screen 
At least with a chick flick there weren't a load of teenage boys tossing popcorn 
about. While the others seemed to empathise with the heroine Sam found himself 
taking the guys part - was that weird or what. In the sex scenes he again 
imagined he was the bloke making love to the girl, 'perhaps I'm a lesbian' he 
chuckled to himself. 

An hour and a half later they re emerged into the sunlight and headed for the 
banged up Volvo. 
"You guys still coming round for dinner tonight?" Julie asked 
"Sure" Manda replied first 
"Sammy?" she queried 
"I guess" 
"Oh come on Sam, I'm going" Emma stated 
"I'll pick you up" Mand offered 
"Okay, I'll come" Sam agreed 
They dropped Julie off at her flat and Sam and Em were soon 'home' too after 
arranging for Mand to collect them at six thirty. 

"What are you going to wear tonight?" Emma asked 
"This?" Sam suggested 
"For a pretty girl you are such a ditz!" Emma stated, "come on lets have a look 
in your wardrobe." 
The wardrobe was, for a girl, empty. Emma kept her overflow in it and that had 
been supplemented with some donations from the others. 
"How about this?" 
"Too short!" 
"Too heavy!" 
"It's beige!" 
"Come on Sam there must be something?" Em was enjoying this 
"You choose" 
"Blondes! Well how about this" She brandished a long dress, sleeveless with a 
breast emphasising cut. 
"Erm" Sam was feeling a bit uncomfortable with this but why? She didn't know. 
"Come on Samantha, it's perfect" Emma stated 
"Okay then" 
"Right you get dressed and I'll come back and help you with your make up" 
Sam stripped to his underwear, checking out his tattoo 'cute, perhaps I'll get 
another one sometime' he mused. 'Hmm I really should put some nicer lingerie on' 
Emma had already seeded the underwear draw with an underwired bra with lacy cups 
and matching pants. Sam was very open to suggestion and immediately decided on 
the set then decided he needed some matching legwear. 
"Emma, have you got some tights I can borrow?" 
'Things are going pretty good' Emma thought to herself before replying 
"Here you are" she tossed some glossy 10 den through the door. 
Sam finished dressing and finished it off with a pair of strappy sandals that 
were under the bed. 

      "You leaving your hair like that?" Emma asked returning to Sam's room 
      "Well I think so" Sam in truth had gotten used to his braids 
      "That style certainly suits you, come on lets sort your makeup out" 

      The pipping of a car horn outside heralded Manda's return. 
      "Come on Sam, Manda's here!" 
      They joined their friend in her car. 
      "Nice dress Sam" Manda offered 
      "Thanks, but Emma had to pick it..." 
      "She couldn't make her mind up" Em stated 

Manda set off towards Julie's place 
"Oh I forgot" Manda exclaimed, "we need to take some booze" 
"There's an offy in Marshall Street" Sam offered 
It only took a couple of minutes to reach the off-licence. 
"Sam can you get it?" Emma asked 
"Sure, what shall I get?" 
"One of those big bottles of fizzy wine" Manda suggested 
"Sam you might need this" Manda passed him a purse, "I found it on the floor 
under my seat" she explained. 
In reflex Sam checked the contents, a few pounds, bankcards, NUS card and a 
student bus pass. 
"Won't be long" Sam headed for the shop 
"Well?" Manda asked 
"Well what? If you mean has he twigged at all I don't think so. Leastways he's 
not said anything - he even asked for some tights and I checked, he's got that 
lacy bra set on too." 
"Cool" Manda giggled 
"I take it you sorted the ID out?" 
"Yeah, I scanned mine and then mocked one up for Sam, the picture sort of looks 
like him, as much as ours do" Manda told her 
"What about the others?" Emma pursued 
"They're all Sam's own, none of them have a picture and just initials so she can 
even use her Visa card!" Manda informed her friend. 
"Shush, she's coming back!" 
Sam rejoined his girlfriends in the car brandishing a two-litre bottle of 
"Ta da! This should liven things up!" he/she stated 
The others just rolled their eyes at each other. It took another ten minutes to 
get to Julie's during which they discussed the film they had seen earlier. Sam 
kept to himself how he felt and just went along with the others comments. 

"Hiya!" Julie greeted them 
"Hi" the others replied in series 
Spying the bottle in Sam's arms Julie continued 
"Let's get that bottle opened, dinner won't be long" 
Julie's flat was little more than a glorified bedsit really. The bedroom was 
en-suit and the kitchen shared the same space as the lounge cum study. It was 
little surprise therefore that the cooking fumes permeated the whole room. 
"Em there's glasses in that cupboard, I'll dish up and bring it in." 
The three girls and Sam were soon eating spag bol and knocking back the 
Lambrusco, only Manda showing restraint, she was driving after all. The girls 
regularly had these 'dinner' parties, being students it helped spread the cost; 
the bottle was saved for special events. 
After clearing the table they started listening to Cd's while dissecting the 
latest 'Elle'. Sam found himself enjoying the banter; it just seemed so natural. 
About eleven Manda broke things up. 
"Come on guys, if you want a lift I'm going" 
"Oh sure Mand" Sam agreed 
"Okay" added Em 
"Are we going shopping tomorrow?" Julie asked 
"Sounds like a good idea" Mand replied 
"Sure" Sam added 
"Meet you at the bus station at ten?" 
"Make it quarter past, our bus is always late!" Em stated 
They all hugged before the travellers departed. Mand dropped Sam and Emma off 
and the 'flatmates' returned home. 
"I'm knackered Em, I'm going to bed" 
"Okay Sam, see you in the morning!" 

Maddy Bell 05.10.2003 

More of this tale soon! Watch this space!