Copyright 2000 by Madeline Bell.

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Mother had never forgiven me; she had five girls and me, her middle child a boy. 
Now don't get me wrong, Mother loved us all equally but she hated boys. Of 
course at this time most young boys could expect to be dressed like his sisters 
until the age of 9 or 10, so Mother almost forgot I was a boy, I looked just 
like my sisters and suffered the ribbons and bows without thought. Mother had 
produced six very beautiful children and she was determined that we should be 
enhanced to perfection, for young ladies that meant narrow waists, lots of hair 
and long necks and mother was determined to give her offspring the best she 

My oldest sister, Fran, started her training on her tenth birthday, we all, I 
was always included of course, watched as she was fitted with a neck corset and 
her first proper corset. A year later Janet joined the corseted ranks and in 
turn Amanda. By rights I could expect to be liberated from my petticoats come my 
own next birthday, but Mother had other ideas. So it was that on his tenth 
birthday John William Wilberforce was ceremoniously fitted with his corsets. 
I have to admit that I was completely unprepared for the grip of the fearsome 
garments although mother only really snugged it on that first day. After the 
first week the corseting really started, ten year olds typically have about 24" 
at the waist, my family were no exception, Fran now 14 years old had an 18" 
waist, Amanda just a year older than myself was already reduced to 22". I could 
expect no less. 

Mother had obviously decided that she didn't really have a son, at the age of 12 
each girl had her ears pierced, I did too. But as the years passed one thing was 
clear - I didn't have a chest, well why should I? I know Mother was concerned by 
that, the solution seemed to be a daily dose of some revolting mixture - 
whatever it was by my thirteenth birthday I had budding breasts just like my 
sisters, I was quite proud of them actually. 

We had a party for Fran when she reached 18; she was laced into her best corset 
all the way to 14" and finally was free of the neck corset. Mother had new 
dresses for all of us; we looked like a set of those Russian dolls! Only the 
bigger sizes had smaller waists and longer necks. Of course mother was always 
looking for potential husbands for her flock and having been brought up as a 
girl for all of my fourteen years I was included in any speculation, the only 
problem as far as Mother was concerned was my extra tackle. 

Of course mother came up with a solution, there was after all no surgery at this 
time so I was inline for some rather more immediate treatment. Now Mother was 
not cruel, she had me heavily sedated and did the deed herself having borrowed 
the equipment. In one foul swoop I was castrated and mother set about sewing me 
up which she did most excellently, I was as near to a sex change as the 19th 
Century could get. Shortly after this Mother brought her offspring together and 
announced that I was to be called Abigail henceforth. John William was no 
As each of us reached 18 we had a party, Janet laced to 141/2", in turn Amanda 
reached 14", when my turn came I made just 13", mother was overjoyed. Within 
three years all six of her perfect daughters were married, of course that 
included me. 

Well of course we all continued to tight lace, I don't think anyone got any 
smaller than I did on my eighteenth. Obviously I couldn't have children but for 
some reason, not one of my sisters became pregnant either, none of our husbands 
seemed concerned, together they enjoyed parading the Wilberforce girls. We 
always had frocks that accentuated our shape. 

Through their connections all six husbands went into business together, to 
honour us it was called Wilberforce Trading Company. They started by employing 
agents in the Orient but after a year they decided that they needed to be a bit 
more hands on. They drew straws to see who would go, my husband Michael Spencer 
drew the straw, and we were off to Cathay and points east. 

The only problem as far as Michael was concerned was me, he was certain that the 
sailors would find me a great distraction, he was likely correct, so he decided 
they would not see me at all. For weeks he planned things, soon it was time to 
pack for the trip and he still did not divulge his plan. You will have to 
forgive me if some of this next part is a bit vague; I got it mostly second-hand 
from my maid. 

I do know that Michael insisted I bathe thoroughly and removed my pubic hair, a 
strange request but I agreed. Later that day the doctor came and gave each of us 
injections, which he claimed, would help protect us from the strange eastern 
diseases. Afterward every thing went wishy-washy; I had been drugged, so here I 
get quite vague. My maid plaited my hair tightly to my scalp and fitted a close 
fitting kid leather cap that was laced on; it made me look bald! 

My usual corset was removed and replaced with a heavy canvas affair that was 
laced to my usual 13". My husband took over then, I was fitted with a strange 
set of tubes of the new rubber material, then a solid leather chastity pant was 
fitted on me and laced tightly closed. Apparently my maid had been test pilot 
for this device and had suffered it for three weeks beforehand. 

Next I was fitted with heavy silk stockings which were laced in place with silk 
thread to the pant. Over these were placed stiff leather boots that reached mid 
thigh. They were heel less and held the foot like a ballerina en point. These 
were laced tightly in place so that my legs could not bend at all and movement 
was only from the hip, not that it would concern me for some time! 
Attention moved to my torso which now had a stiff leather bodice strapped and 
laced over the corset. My arms then had heavy silk gloves placed on them before 
being laced into yet more stiff leather. The outer glove had no fingers, ending 
instead in a mitten. By now another of the drugs had come into effect, robbing 
me of my voice, just as well, I would have screamed mightily if I had known what 
was happening to me. Michael then fitted me with what he calls a breath mask 
with a built in feed tube; I apparently looked like some kind of monster by now. 

There was more to come, my arms were laced to my sides and my legs to each other 
before Michael produced the full body corset. This fully encased me from tip of 
head to my toes locking me rigid; this in turn was locked shut with twenty 
specially made locks. There were only three keys, Michael had one, Sarah the 
maid had one that lived on a chain that Michael had fitted between her nipples, 
which he pierced to facilitate this. The last key was kept in the companies safe 
in London. This leather manikin was then carefully packed in a crate with hidden 
access to feed me and tend to my other needs. 

Four months later, after a long fitful dream I roused. The removal of my packing 
was a bit quicker, the lacing was cut carefully by Sarah, as soon as my face was 
clear I was given a reviving brew, my voice was still inoperative but I was at 
least mostly aware now. The rest of the leather was removed, Michael removed the 
plumbing and soon I was laid on the bed naked. Sarah tried to hide her dismay, 
but Michael could not, apparently I looked little more than a skeleton. 
Over the next days I was carefully looked after, my voice returned but I 
couldn't stand up, as I couldn't bend my ankles. This was solved with some 
specially made boots, so now with some difficulty I could see my image in the 
mirror. I was shocked. Thin doesn't come into it, when I put my corset on it was 
loose, imagine a 13" corset loose. Sarah measured me, just 12"! What had Michael 
done to me? 

Well now I looked quite bizarre, new corsets were made and a second pair of the 
boots. I got used to walking on my toes and my body regained much of the lost 
flesh, I think my bust actually gained a small amount over my original size. 
Michael was quite repentant and vowed not to repeat the exercise on our return, 
he was sure I wouldn't survive a second trip in that manner. (I didn't think so 

Maddy Bell 18.07.00