Copyright 2000 by Madeline Bell.

No part of this work may be distributed as an original work 
by another person or group. Permission is given to 
redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the 
entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to 
the original author, me. Any resemblance between the 
writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, 
living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used 
for satirical purposes.

All rights reserved.


This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult 
concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed 
to read materials containing such things, then you will be 
breaking the law by reading this. I am not responsible.

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	Part One

The trip out had been pretty uneventful. The Eurostar left 
Waterloo bang on time, 10:27am and was soon winging its way 
through the Kent countryside before its subterranean jaunt 
below the Channel before heading for Brussels. The 
connection with the Thalys to Koln was just as punctual and 
I got off the train to a Koln basking in bright sunshine. 
The local train to my hotel in Remagen was not quite as 
sharp or comfortable but it bumbled down the Rhine well 
enough, I was registered by four p.m. local.

The first couple of days of my vacation were what a holiday 
should be, sightseeing, relaxing, a few beers - just 
chilling out really. The weather broke on Tuesday so I 
decided to use it for a shopping trip to Koln, just a short 
train ride away. Having a full day in the city, I took my 
time exploring the shopping area, exploring a bit more than 
most tourists have time for.

Lunchtime found me in the Karstadt restaurant - this place 
is what department stores should be like! I continued 
exploring, record shops, shoes, and sports, well I had the 
time so I checked everything out, I even checked out some 
women's wear shops and bought my girlfriend a dress, well a 
full outfit as I then used it as a focus for more shopping. 
Between a couple of CDs, a book and a vase, I purchased 
shoes, underwear, then got carried away with some jewellery 
and make up. Anyone would think it was for me, but I can 
assure you that since I played Juliet, in a traditional 
rendition of the Shakespeare play at school, the nearest to 
makeup I've been is sun block.

It was late afternoon by this time; my train back to 
Remagen wasn't for an hour so I crashed into a café bar for 
a drink, a collection of boutique bags not easing my 
passage. I did a bit of repackaging while I sat, then spent 
a few minutes scanning at the other patrons. A middle aged 
couple over by the door, three slightly dubious looking men 
played dominoes in a corner and a matron with I assume her 
daughter, a pretty twenty something, who, I'm embarrassed 
to say was giving me the once over none too discretely.

I was perhaps a bit more than weary because when she came 
over to my table and sat down, I didn't at first notice. 
For ease I've translated all the conversations into English 
but you'll get the gist okay.

'Hello, I'm not really this forward, but Mama said to ask 
if you would like dinner with us?'

Well I was a bit taken aback; you don't normally get 
invites like that in steamy café's in Koln, do you?

'Er, sorry I have a train to catch back to Remagen in a few 
minutes, so I must decline.'

'Oh silly me, we saw you earlier on the way here, we are 
from Remagen too, you stay at the Hotel Station?'


'You have a busy shopping trip.' she gestured to my bags of 
obviously female attire. With some further embarrassment I 

'Presents for my girlfriend back in England.'

She didn't look convinced but didn't pursue it

'You are very thorough, even the schuh and hosen! But you 
are in Germany now, please join us tonight.' she lowered 
her voice to a whisper, 'Please, I could do with the 
company, mother does go on so.'

What could I say, I had nothing planned but a few beers in 
the town and dinner at the hotel so what the heck.

'Okay, I'm Mike, pleased to meet you.'

'Ingrid, my mother is Helga.'

'Thanks for the invite Ingrid but if we are eating in 
Remagen tonight we need to get on the train.'

'Oh that time already, come, come. Mother the train is 

'He comes?'

'Yes mother, he comes.'

I had to admit the older woman's face lit up apparently at 
the prospect of company. With my new found companions we 
made the train and out of courtesy I sat with them for the 
journey south best part of an hour on this journey. The 
conversation was wide ranging; my German often not up to 
the translations but it was really quite enjoyable. Ingrid 
wrote the address on one of my bags and set a time of eight 
o'clock for the meal, we separated at the station and I 
headed for my room at the hotel.

There was time for a shower before leaving, and also time 
for a ritual inspection of my purchases. Ingrid was right, 
I had been thorough. The outfit was complete from silk 
drawers to nail varnish, no wonder both she and some of the 
shop assistants looked at me a bit oddly. I have to admit, 
doing the shopping for this stuff had been a bit of a turn 

The murky day had turned into a pleasant evening, so it was 
a pleasant walk across the town to Ingrid and Helga's home. 
A late shop supplied a bottle of wine and flowers, you 
can't turn up empty handed, and I looked more like a suitor 
than a casual acquaintance when I knocked at the door. 
Ingrid answered the door and ushered me in, paying me a bit 
more attention than I felt comfortable with. However Helga 
was just as effusive, especially when I presented her with 
the flowers, in fact she was quite made up!

Dinner was almost ready, so I volunteered to open the wine 
I had brought. By nine thirty we had gotten through another 
two bottles and Helga ushered Ingrid and myself into the 
living room. The apartment was pretty small so I found 
myself seated next to Ingrid on the small sofa leaving the 
other chair for Helga.

'You know we saw you quite often today.'

'It's a wonder I didn't see you then?'

'Ach, you were obviously engrossed in your shopping.'

'I guess I was getting a bit carried away.'

'Do you always buy your girlfriend such a complete outfit?'

'No, I just felt inspired to do so today.'

'What is she like?'

'Well, Sarah is my size, the same colour hair, come to 
think of it some friends call us the terrible twins, so I 
suppose she looks a bit like me too.'

'How strange Mike, to have a girlfriend who looks like a 

'I never thought of it that way before.'

'No wonder you can shop for her if you are so similar. She 
is very lucky.'

Ingrid looked thoughtful for a moment before her mother 
joined us.

The conversation changed to jobs, vacations and hobbies. 
Before I realised it was nearly midnight and I made my 

'Thank you Mike, mother and I have enjoyed your company so 

'And I yours. Can I return the favour tomorrow with dinner 
at the Italian restaurant?'

'It is mothers dancing night, but I would love to join you, 
thank you.'

'Okay I will call for you at seven thirty.'

For my insolence I received a firm buss, which I have to 
admit, was enjoyable and left me wanting more.

I actually found myself looking forward to my 'date' next 
day, which I spent hiking in the forested hills east of the 
river. When it came around to 'collection' time I was 
actually feeling quite nervous, not helped by Ingrid, as 
she looked absolutely stunning. I'm afraid that did it, I 
was a jabbering wreck, which set Ingrid off into laughter. 
I had just about regained some composure by the time we 
reached the restaurant much to Ingrid's further amusement. 
Perhaps I had better share a visual image that my 
description can only mock. The girl could give anyone a 
horn and I mean anyone, she wore a short black cocktail 
dress that clung to every curve, accentuating her tiny 
waist and pert breasts. I am pretty sure that she wore 
nothing else at all, the dress managed to maintain her 
modesty - just. Hair and makeup were magazine cover chic; I 
felt if anything a bit shabby even in what I considered my 
smart casual gear.

We feasted on a fine tagliatelle carbonara, ravioli, 
fusili, salad and finished off with a fine serving of 
Italian ice cream. Afterward we retired to a riverside bar 
to partake of a little falling down water.

Ingrid was great company and by the looks she kept getting, 
I was placed firmly in the lucky bugger category by the 
other patrons. We talked, laughed, joked till chucking out 
time, then I walked her home.

'Ingrid, you have certainly added some spark to my trip.'

'I think I ignite something earlier eh.'

'There's no denying that. I think though we should leave it 
like that.'

She pouted a little. 'But Mikey we could have a little fun 
while you are here.'

'I would love to, but it wouldn't be fair on you or Sarah. 
If I was staying I would willingly be your slave, but I'm 
not so it wouldn't be wise.'

'You know Mike, you are really thoughtful, for a man I 
mean.' she giggled. An idea obviously snapped to attention. 
'I've got an idea. What if you were to have some fun with 
me for a couple of days, no sex, perhaps a kiss or two' she 
demonstrated for me 'we could still be friends when you go 
and there will be nothing to upset Sarah with?'

'I don't know that I could manage that, my self control is 
not that good.'

'If I guarantee that for you? Please say yes, pleeeze?'

I was quickly weakening

'I'm only here till Sunday is it worth it?'

'Of course it is, please?'

'Well okay then, how do we manage this magical 

'Come to the apartment about ten, mother will be out for 
the day and we can plot undisturbed.'

I still wasn't 100% convinced but I agreed and after a 
quite enthusiastic session of lip and mouth gymnastics, I 
returned to my hotel.

I hadn't a clue what was in store for me, they say truth is 
often stranger than fiction and that was to prove more than 
true in this case.

I arrived at the allotted hour and a much more soberly 
dressed Ingrid let me in.

'I have sorted everything, you still want to do this?'

I went all melodramatic on her.

'Your wish is my command, I am your slave till Sunday.'

She giggled at that

'Well I don't want a slave, but how about being my 

Now my German although fair does get a bit stretched with 
Ingrid but I'm sure I heard correctly.

'Your girlfriend?'

'Yes, we can have lots of fun, Sarah can't be jealous 
because it won't be her Mike with me and I've even sorted 
the sex bit out.'

I was having second thoughts now; a pouting Ingrid is just 
not something you want so I collapsed.

'Well alright, on one condition.'


'If I look like a bloke in drag we call it off.'

'If you look like that I wouldn't want to be seen with you, 
it's a deal.'

'I'm all yours then.'

'Okay, first a bath.'

'I've only just showered.'

'But you don't smell right, a good soak in my bath oil will 
sort that and then we lose those hairy arms and legs.'

I knew that was coming so didn't comment. The bath was 
already waiting for me and I must admit it was pretty 
relaxing, so much so I dropped off for a few minutes. 
Wearing nothing but a towel I then suffered three quarters 
of an hour of painful leg and arm waxing, the results 
however were spectacular.

'Okay now we sort out the sex bit, meet chastity.'

Chastity was a close fitting steel girdle affair. Ingrid 
showed me where to put everything then left me to put it 
on. It was designed so that my equipment was undetectable 
and unusable whilst still functioning for toilet needs. I 
actually felt a bit girlie once the thing was snugged shut.



Well, before I could say anything, Ingrid had slipped a 
lock into place and closed it, I was now locked in and 
Ingrid had the key!

'Now no chance of monkey business eh?'

'No chance.' I sighed

'We have to dress you and make you look like a girl now, 
come through to my room.'

I followed my temptress into her bedroom where she sat me 
down to start work. My hair is a bit longer than collar 
length; Ingrid was soon teasing it, tidying a few ends and 
was quite quickly satisfied. My ears itched but I was under 
instructions not to move while she worked so I bore the 
discomfort. I was a bit alarmed when she got the tweezers 
out, she insisted she was only tidying a few stray 
eyebrows, then she set too with the make up. When she had 
done with my face to her satisfaction she turned to my 
nails and all too quickly I had delicate pink finger and 
toenails, my fingernails enhanced to a ladylike length, 
which felt quite odd.

'Now you need some boobies, more waxing first though.'

'Where now?'

'Under your arms and your chest.'

'Fair enough.' I sighed 'Get on with it.'

The armpits were obvious but it was only when I was 
introduced to my bosoms that I discovered why the chest 
hair had to go. A pair of silicon bosoms were glued in 
place, how Ingrid had come by them I didn't dare ask, but I 
soon had all the gear and Ingrid let me see my 'new' self 
in the mirror. Well my flabber was ghasted. Looking back at 
me was Sarah or a girl looking very much like her, even a 
pair of gemstone ear studs,

'Hey how did they get there?'

'You fell asleep in the bath, it was just too tempting. But 
what shall we call you?'

'Well obviously Mike is now out.' I was still taking in the 
girl in the mirror

'How about Michelle then?'

'Never liked it, my eyebrows!' they were now reduced to a 
very ladylike thin curving line.

'Mikaela then, it sounds a bit like Mike so you should know 
when I'm addressing you.'

'Mikaela it is then. I suppose Mikaela needs to dress if we 
are to leave the apartment at all.'

I was of a size with Ingrid apart from the waist; she 
produced a corset that she fitted about my body. Even with 
just the busk closed I could see in the mirror my shape had 
changed, by the time she had finished it felt odd but 
comfortable and I sported a very feminine shape.

Ingrid checked me with a tape and seemed satisfied that I 
could get into her clothes now. Bra, pants, stockings hung 
from the corset suspenders, they feel good on a woman, they 
feel even better when you are wearing them, spoilt a little 
by chastity. After some debate I ended up wearing a just 
above the knee summer frock and with a bit of accessorizing 
I was pretty convincing. Only my feet wouldn't fit into 
Ingrid's stuff, so the first stop was going to be the shoe 
shop. I put my trainers on and I was as ready as I ever 
would be to make my debut as Mikaela.

We had a bite to eat before we went out, when we did leave 
it was arm in arm as you might see any two girlfriends, I 
quite enjoyed the feeling. The warm sun on my back, the 
breeze within my dress, even the looks from people we 
passed. It was two thirty by the time I had some more 
ladylike footwear, the same style I had purchased for Sarah 
in Koln!

'Okay Mikaela, you are mine till Sunday,' she dangled the 
key on her finger before dropping it inside her bra. 'We 
are going shopping!'

An hour later we were in Koblenz ready to hit the shops. 
Shopping with girls can be a downer, for girls' hard work 
and embarrassment, as a girl; well it's a hoot. I somehow 
lost my inhibitions and found myself just as keen as Ingrid 
to try stuff on, sexy dresses, flirty skirts, well you get 
my drift. By the time Mikaela and Ingrid got back on the 
train north, my credit card was somewhat warm with use and 
we both had several bags of stuff.

When we got back I had to sort out the hotel, well I told 
them I was staying in Frankfurt for a couple of days. I was 
reintroduced to Helga who I'm sure actually knew the truth 
but was happy to go along with the charade, I would 
actually be sleeping with Ingrid but not in the biblical 

Of course we had to have a fashion parade, we took snaps of 
each other in 'our' new wardrobe, I now 'owned' some quite 
sexy gear. There was a party frock in there too with some 
high heels, the local club was beckoning Ingrid and as her 
new best friend that meant Mikaela was going too.

I'm no dancer, but even I had a great night, 'dancing' with 
the boys, a bit of girlie misbehaviour, my feet were quite 
sore from the heels, but I was actually quite enjoying 
being Ingrid's 'girlfriend'. I really did sleep with my 
'girlfriend', both of us naked except for my girdle, we 
cuddled and kissed and slept entwined but us two girls 
spent the night quite chaste!

Friday and my first full day as a girl. Ingrid put my hair 
in little girl bunches, put the corset back on, which I 
didn't mind at all, I wore a different summer frock today 
without stockings. I was however quite alarmed when she 
said we were going swimming! To be more precise to watch 
swimming - man watching actually. I struggled with the 
conversation, indeed was most uncomfortable with it, I 
think Ingrid had forgotten that I was a bloke inside all 
this. Later we did a bit of window shopping around Bad 
Neunahr where the pool was, we two girls; I was starting to 
think like that, attracted plenty of admiring glances. We 
stopped any potential come on's with a quick snog, I don't 
mind pretending to be a lesbian if it means kissing the 
kiss machine that is Ingrid!

Well Friday night was bound to be party night; Ingrid had 
tickets for a do at the university in Bonn, so it was time 
for more dressing up. Girls certainly have fun. It was a 
big affair with a fair cross section of the regions youth 
and musical taste. We met with some of Ingrid's 'other' 
girlfriends and had a real girlie time, all too soon the 
bus back to Remagen was leaving, I was tired and fell 
asleep in her arms after a fun packed night. My bum was 
sore from male attention, I had kissed more girls in one 
night than in the previous five years and I was gloriously 

Next morning Ingrid was playful. I couldn't work out why 
till I got up and discovered the ring in my navel - aaargh!

'You insisted Mikaela, Anna had hers done at the club and 
so did you. I had to unlace you in the toilets, you were so 

'Oh boy, I don't remember that at all. What are we doing 

'Walkies and a boat ride?'


So it was that I spent my last full day of the vacation in 
a flowery frock, my hair braided a la Heidi floating down 
the Rhine. We had lunch on the boat and dinner at 
Konigswinter before returning to 'home'. I was a bit sore 
from the chastity belt but I was otherwise a happy girl. 
Too soon it was Sunday morning and time to revert to Mike, 
I would have time to excuse my eyebrows and hairless limbs, 
my newly pierced navel wasn't a problem, my ears were but 
cest la vie. True to her word Ingrid 'undid' Mikaela until 
I was back to mike in a chastity girdle.

'Before I undo you, do you promise to come for another 

I was in no situation to say no

'Of course.'


'I'm not sure but before Christmas.'

'Goody, will Mikaela come too?'

Although I had enjoyed being a girl for a couple of days I 
wasn't sure I wanted to repeat it.

'I guess if you want to see her again she could come.'

'Oh yes please, she was so much fun.'

'That seems settled then. I will ring or write when I have 
got it organised.'

'I will keep the photographs to remind me until then, 
goodbye Mike.'

With that I received a thorough kissing.

I left Mikaela's wardrobe with Ingrid and after booking out 
of my hotel I left for London and home.

	Part Two

My next trip to Germany was quite highly planned. I had 
taken a day off work the week before to increase Mikaela's 
wardrobe, I only actually had one change of men's underwear 
plus what I stood in, the rest of the case was full of 
women's stuff. In the three months since my last visit, my 
belly piercing had healed quite nicely as had my ears, I 
had let my hair grow longer than usual and in addition I 
was now a bit thinner. I de-haired myself the day before 
travelling so no time would be wasted once there - I was 
looking forward to being a girl again, this time for two 

We booked in, or rather Ingrid did, to a motel for a couple 
of hours to 'freshen up'. When I came out, it was Mikaela 
who did so, dressed quite demurely in a long frock and flat 
shoes. Ingrid had realised an alternative to the chastity 
belt, it took some doing but my gear was hidden and I could 
wear normal underwear - most of the time!

I was quite concerned when I was led first to a ladies 
hairdresser, well I left with perfect nails and a new 
hairstyle - no way would a guy wear this style! I looked 
like a complete bimbo in fact, well I think that was the 
idea, I had hair extensions and I was somewhat blonder than 
when I went in.

I was to stay with Ingrid and Helga again and that was 
where we now headed. Ingrid told me of her plans for the 
trip, Mikaela just went with the flow, and she was quite 
excited! On the way Ingrid laid down some ground rules;

	* I was to remain Mikaela unless there was an 

	* No man / woman type sex between us.

	* If Ingrid felt that I couldn't control myself she
	could impose Chastity for an undefined period.

and lastly

	* We were going to have fun!

I could sign up to that.

Ingrid had done some shopping for Mikaela too. Stuff I 
wouldn't have bought, the outfit I'm wearing in this 
picture for one, yes that's me - I really liked that, the 
shoes took some getting used to but hell lots of women wear 
heels this high. There was other stuff too, a bikini! My 
breasts looked pretty good but were they up to that, 
apparently we were both to wear matching sets to a party on 
Monday night, well we would see.

We spent that first night at 'home' and Sunday we went 
across the river for a walk and lunch. I needed more 
practice at walking in heels and such but the joy of 
unfettered, well almost, dress wearing felt really natural. 
Ingrid declared that I acted as though I always wore heels 
and skirts, praise I appreciated from someone I respected.

Monday we actually did very little apart from prepare for 
the party up in Bonn. As you can see from the pictures, my 
boobs were quite good enough for the bikini, we did 
actually wear diaphanous dresses over this ensemble - there 
is just no way I would go out like this. (The shoes are 
Ingrid's; I wore my black ones for the party).

Tuesday we took a longish trip down the Moselle to Trier on 
the train so I could do the tourist bit. It being October 
it was fairly cool so I squeezed into a pair of Ingrid's 
trousers, that was quite something too. I've included a map 
so you can see some of where we got to.

Wednesday was different again, Ingrid had to work so I was 
left to my own devices so I set about a bit of exploring by 
train and bus, I was confident enough that I didn't think 
twice when the bus driver called me fraulein, I even smiled 
back. I did have time to contemplate whether my deception 
was fair on Sarah and even if it was right for me. I 
thought long and hard and decided that as long as Sarah was 
unaware and if we kept chaste there was no real harm in it, 
the biggest danger was that I might like it too much. There 
was actually a fair chance of that the way things were 
going, I found myself comparing myself to other women, 
admiring their clothes and not just the wearers! I had a 
ride on a steam railway in the morning just a bit down the 
road, in the afternoon I visited Maria Laach a short way 
further on, a gorgeous crater lake and a monastery, it was 
well weird visiting such a place as a girl.

We spent the evening in a local bar just 'chilling'.

'Mikaela, I've got a surprise for tomorrow night, we are 
going to a fetish fair.'

'What's that then?'

'I have been to one before, there are all sorts of people 
there, tattoos, piercers, but also the rubber and leather. 
If it is not 'normal' we will see it.'

'Sounds fun, where is it?'

'Down at Andernach not far from Koblenz, we can go by 

'And I suppose we have to dress for this excursion?'

'Of course!'

I was getting the hang of this girlie thing.

So after Ingrid finished work next day we went up to Koln 
for a bit of stuff. We changed on the train as we went 
direct to Andernach. Ever tried to put stockings on in a 
train toilet cubicle with someone else sharing the space? I 
don't advise it.

Well it certainly was an eye opener; we were wearing almost 
street wear compared to some of these people. We browsed 
stalls of jewellery, debated how to wear some items, 
watched a bondage 'scene' and had a great time. Ingrid was 
quite obviously drawn to the piercer, so we went for a 
look. The piercer was a girl, Frida, who was deftly 
servicing the needle needs of a continuous stream of 
customers. We watched as tongues, noses, lips, eyebrows, 
nipples, navels, ears and sexual parts were all pierced 
with consummate skill.

'Come on Mika, let's get something done.'

'I've got enough holes.'

'You only have your ears and navel, come on, we can get the 
same one done, like twins.'

Well I was starting to feel a bit of a prude so I sighed

'Okay, but what? I can't get certain bits done.'

'I know, we get this bit of ear done.' she indicated that 
inner bit nearest the head, that didn't seem too bad.

'Fair enough.'

Frida was quite chatty and I didn't feel either ear being 
done, just a click as the ball was clipped into the rings. 
Ingrid had hers done, I wasn't really paying much attention 
then I heard:

'...if you don't mind an audience, I will do it for free.'

'What do you think Mikaela?'

'About what?'

'We get them free if I model.'

'If you're happy go for it.' I still wasn't sure what was 
going on.

'Okay Frida, let's do it.'

'Great, come back in fifteen minutes, both of you. Mikaela 
I think it best if you are here for Ingrid.'

That sounded ominous but Ingrid was fine about it so I let 
it ride.

I bought some stilettos and Ingrid insisted on buying the 
least practical dress she could find for me. When we 
returned, I waited while Frida took Ingrid off for a few 
minutes, when they returned, Ingrid was wearing a bath 
wrap. When she dropped it to reveal all of her, I saw that 
her pussy was now shaved clean, it wasn't on the train so I 
guess Frida did that just now. I sat by the piercing couch 
as Ingrid settled herself. The audience was now several 
deep and standing on chairs to get a view, it seemed a bit 
much for a navel but the shaved pubes gave some little clue 
to what was coming.

I have to admit, I winced as Frida pushed a needle through 
each of Ingrid's nipples, Ingrid felt it and grabbed me for 
comfort. The rings slid into place with only a little 
hesitation and then a special fitted piece was fitted 
making each a full ring, but only after Frida had threaded 
a ball onto each. These were no small rings, but quite 
thick and over an inch in diameter. This was then greeted 
by applause and cheering by the crowd and soon Ingrid was 
smiling again as Frida did her sales pitch.

The audience then fell to a hush as Frida set up a small 
video cam that would show the next bit on a large screen 
back of her. I couldn't look; well I did out of 
fascination, as not one but eight holes were made in 
Ingrid's labia. Then Frida threaded and fitted some smaller 
seamless balls in place. Two more, piercings, top and 
bottom were made and larger rings fitted. The final bit was 
a piece of silk ribbon that was used to 'lace' Ingrid up. 
Well suffice to say the crowd went ecstatic, although 
feeling a bit feint Ingrid was smiley and Frida was 
inundated with offers of work not just tonight but in the 

'I think you deserve a drink girlfriend, I need one 

'I do feel a bit queer, come on help me dress then we'll 
get that drink.'

Well that drink turned into several, and when Frida joined 
us that was it for the night. To cut a long drinking tale 
short we ended up going back with Frida to her apartment in 
Neiuweid across the river for the night. Frida's day job 
was photographer; next day we spent largely dressing up and 
having a few snaps done. I had to model the 'dress' Ingrid 
bought me.

See what I mean? It's a wonder Frida didn't tumble but by 
acting a bit coy we brought it off. I mean, where do you 
wear a frock like that? Before we left for home Frida 
insisted we both have another piercing on her - we both 
ended up with sore tongues with what felt like a huge 
barbell through them. Back in Remagen we discovered how 
much extra fun it brought to French kissing!

Where could this trip go from here? My girlfriend had more 
piercings in interesting places than enough; I had a few 
too. I was prepared to go out in public alone as a girl, 
heck I was even starting to act and talk like one! With 
Ingrid I really felt that I had found a true friend, I 
wasn't sure which way this was headed but I was now 
convinced I would go with the flow!

I was also getting into a similar beauty routine to Ingrid 
- now do not think for one minute that I can put make up on 
beyond the basics of lipstick. But I still needed to 
cleanse etc and although my facial hair is slow enough 
growing to not be a real problem, it does still need some 
attention. My hair needed more attention than I was used to 
as well and the intricacies of hairgrip operation and 
learning to plait it occupied a fair amount of time. 
Probably out of reflex, Ingrid distributed assorted 
supplements and vitamins morning and night. I don't usually 
bother but it couldn't do any harm could it?

We were due to take a mini cruise up the Rhine for the 
weekend so we didn't go partying Friday night instead 
Ingrid let me play with her nipple rings. I hadn't and 
Ingrid hadn't either, given any thought to possibly 
removing them. We had no way of undoing any of her major 
ring piercings, the ear ones just clipped in easily by hand 
but these larger ones needed some kind of forceps. She had 
to unlace to have a wee but those ten holes were great fun 
to play with and rub up against.

I dropped off quite early, we had an early start next day, 
the boat picked up just after nine. Ingrid however woke me 
with another of her little surprises, I awoke about four am 
to find her just fitting the last ring in a matching set of 
rings to hers, except I don't have a labia and my imitation 
job is a bit tougher. It hurt like hell but what could I do 
- it was done now so I let her lace me up - turns out she 
had borrowed forceps and such from Frida with this in mind. 
Hell I couldn't get my gear out now if I wanted to as she 
added another little touch, eight very small padlocks, she 
kept the key. To be fair, she had the same arrangement 
herself now, I had that key!

We decided to dress quite demurely but with naughty 
underwear, as usual the camera wasn't far away so I can 
show you what I wore.

The weather wasn't too good on Saturday but we enjoyed the 
stops and the trip past the Lorelei was exciting. We rode 
the cable car at Rudesheim and held a castle spotting 
competition. Ingrid never ceases to amaze me, she insisted 
on the way south that I should try dark hair; one wash in 
colorant later and I looked completely different. Sunday 
was a better day so we spent time on deck, although tight 
pants, heels and a swaying boat aren't a good combination. 
We made different stops on the return, Boppard, St Goar and 
the boat really picks up speed as it passes the Lorelei in 
this direction!

On Monday we went swimming, actually to swim, but first I 
had to get a suit, I tried quite a few before I found one I 
liked, we took this picture later in the week back at 

I think I look quite sassy but Ingrid was sure it didn't 
suit me, oh well, I'll give anything a go, well I suppose 
this whole thing tells you that. By now our collectively 
swollen tongues were back to normal and kissing brought on 
a new dimension - especially when the barbells caught 
together. Pretending to be a lesbian with Ingrid was fun.

Party time again on Wednesday, up in Bonn with Ingrid's 
mates again. I have to say I felt really comfortable with 
them, they never talked about women's stuff, which was fine 
by me, and they were a great laugh, even if my German 
failed me once or twice. My trip was three-quarters over, I 
hadn't got laid, I had got pierced. I think at that point I 
could easily have gone on like that, but I had another life 
and I was starting to think about returning to it. In fact 
it was that which led to our second visit to Frida as I 
mentioned earlier. Thursday was a girl's shopping trip all 
the way to Frankfurt. I thought I had better take Sarah 
something back, so we shopped with that in mind and 
returned to Remagen with some handcrafted pottery - one of 
her passions. And yes she did like the outfit I got last 
time, even if she was a bit bemused to find literally every 
garment included!

Friday was the return to Neiuweid, before my return I 
needed undoing down below, and that meant letting Frida in 
on our quite big secret. That wasn't as bad as I thought, 
we took some more photos first then removed the rings from 
the now healed piercings. I have to admit it now felt 
strange without them after a week - I had her put them back 
but with balls so I could take them out myself. She also 
changed our tongue jewellery to shorter pieces now that 
there was no swelling; it did hurt a bit still though.

We did party again tonight, this time in Koln. I was one of 
the girls now and enjoying it.

The last day of Mikaela's visit with Ingrid, Mike was off 
back to England tomorrow. We enjoyed a relaxed day 
together, culminating in a major cuddle and fumble session 
at bedtime; the nearest we had come to sex in two weeks of 
sharing the same bed.

All too soon it was Sunday morning and time to become male 
again, I removed the earrings and other piercing jewellery, 
Ingrid carefully removed my breast forms, I felt naked 
without them, and then released my man bits. I left Remagen 
still as a convincing girl and changed into my guy stuff on 
the train to Brussels. Would I get the chance to repeat the 
trip? I didn't know, I had made no promises other than to 
take the multi vitamins Ingrid forced on me, we would just 
have to wait and see.

	Part Three

I couldn't really see that another trip was possible for 
four or five months, I wasn't even sure I wanted another 
visit. Sarah was less than impressed with my piercings but 
put up with them, my longer hair she quite liked so that 
was okay. My friend in Germany kept me supplied with her 
special supplements, I had got into a routine of taking 
them now so I didn't mind that. We wrote every couple of 
weeks - mostly about mundane things like the weather but 
other subjects would creep in too! Christmas came and went, 
I was busy at work and with Sarah, it was mid February 
before one of Ingrid's letters got me thinking seriously 
about a return to Germany.

A date for a visit was organised, perhaps a little 
unenthusiastically on my part, but two weeks in May were 
booked at work. I could duck out if I wanted - couldn't I? 
It was probably early March that I realised that something 
was amiss. My usually fine beard was just not growing these 
days and my chest, well lets be specific my breasts were 
always a'tingle. My chest and bum were actually changing 
shape somewhat, with imagination I actually had a pair of 
small breasts and my hips were more rounded. I could ignore 
it if no one else noticed i.e. Sarah, and ignore it I did. 
There were other things happening too, my skin was less 
coarse to touch and my voice had risen an octave.

I was perhaps a bit naive to not realise that something was 
seriously amiss but by mid April I had decided to go see 
Ingrid. I embarked on a mini diet and engaged in some 
surreptitious buying of feminine attire. My mane of blonde 
hair got a fair bit of attention and when occasion allowed 
I wore jewellery in my piercings. I wrote Ingrid telling 
her of my sore chest, which by this stage, although it 
could be disguised as a bit of flab still, actually filled 
pretty well one of sarah's'36B bra's! She wrote back not to 
worry, it would all work out. Well it was time to go and I 
again prepared with a waxing session, I was more thorough 
this time - I was pretty much hair free below the neck 
afterward if a little sore.

I travelled as usual by train, I changed into girlie gear 
at Brussels this time - I must have made an acceptable job, 
I got no strange looks only a few admiring glances despite 
my pretty restrained skirt and top with flat shoes. Ingrid 
met me off the train and was delighted to find me looking 
so good without any help. We hit the beauty salon again, I 
opted for chrome nails this time and had some highlights 
added to my mop of hair before it was styled and cut a bit 
more artistically. When we came out I looked and felt great 
although my guy gear was still only crudely contained.

We got to Ingrid's place; Helga was away with relatives so 
we had the place to ourselves. Ingrid did the vanishing 
trick with my bits and with stuff borrowed from our 
piercing friend Frida, I was firmly locked up and to all 
intents and some purposes now a girl - heck I even had my 
own breasts, they appreciated a bit of help from a bra but 
they were natural. Ingrid liked that a lot. I suppose I now 
had no excuse for not matching my piercings to Ingrid's so 
I soon sported nipple rings, in return I got to fit Ingrid 
with a navel ring. That first night Ingrid insisted that we 
were locked together, she padlocked our sex areas together 
as well as navel and nipples, it was an interesting night 
if not entirely comfortable!

Mikaela was home.

To be honest I wasn't sure about the fringe but Ingrid 
reckons it makes me look sweet!

This trip was a bit boring compared to last time, well for 
you, not me. We took a trip to Hamburg for a couple of days 
and spent a lot of time doing girlie stuff and partying! My 
German by this time was pretty good, casual acquaintances 
thought from my accent that I came from the south of 
Germany, we even encouraged that, I spent time preparing 
Mikaela's background and Mikaela Grunwald was born. To be 
honest it was a lot of fun.

Ingrid spent a lot of time teaching me the rudiments of 
makeup and coiffure and at the end of the trip I could do 
my own hair and makeup with some aplomb. There was still 
time for some fun though.

The whole trip went by in a flash and all too soon it was 
time to return to England and life as a normal heterosexual 
male. I wasn't sure that I wanted that now, but did I want 
to be a girl? I didn't know. As I only returned with a 
slightly odd haircut this time, Sarah was less inquisitive 
and our relationship continued apace.

	Part Four

Things were not however to continue so rosy for long.

You don't really need the details but my life with Sarah 
was cut short by a police car on call. The only good thing 
was that she was killed outright and didn't suffer, unlike 
me. I went on a guilt trip of immense proportions and 
suffered a breakdown. In the end it was Ingrid who pulled 
me through with lots of letters and phone calls. It was 
several months later that I discovered that my Sarah had me 
named as beneficiary on her insurance etc. I found myself 
with an unwanted fairly big six-figure bank balance with 
more due from the Police force.

I needed to get away so I quit my job and moved to an 
apartment in Bonn. I spent two months trying to put my life 
back together; again it was eventually Ingrid who did the 
job on me. I hadn't dressed up since my last visit although 
I continued taking Ingrid's 'vitamins' and my breasts were 
getting more difficult to cover up, not only that I had 
noticed that down below was shrinking. When Ingrid 
suggested I spend some time as Mikaela I was not really 
sure I wanted to but she soon convinced me to try, and so I 

It felt odd at first but I soon slipped back into my 
Mikaela persona. I put my rings in, Ingrid sorted me down 
below, and with some makeup and a pretty dress I was once 
again the south German fraulein Mikaela Grunwald. I found 
that it was quite difficult for Mikaela to be depressed, I 
became one of Ingrid's inner circle of friends and after 
only a couple of weeks I decided to stay as Mikaela for an 
undetermined period.

Ingrid was well into that idea so we decided that we would 
go as far as we could in inventing this non-existent girl. 
Using a fire as cover, I was soon the owner of id card, I 
got a drivers licence and bank accounts 'legitimately' and 
with not too much trouble I had a German passport in the 
name of Mikaela Anja Grunwald, born April 01 1978 in 
Freiburg am Breisgau. The way was set for me to be a girlie 
for as long as I wanted. At the minute that was forever.

So I set about becoming Mikaela on a daily basis, I got a 
job in a bakery part time and soon, well a couple of months 
anyway, I had virtually stopped blaming myself for Sarah's 
demise and thought only of myself as this young woman. 
Ingrid and I were known as a couple, we openly kissed and 
cuddled and did everything except man/woman sex even though 
I still had working gear. I saw a new side to Ingrid, she 
introduced me to bondage - nothing serious but we took 
turns as slave and mistress.

Well it wasn't all tying each other up now was it, 
sometimes we just had fun like girls do - a bit of dressing 
up and just doing ordinary things. That was over a year ago 
now and we are still a couple, only things to change are my 
boobs, they are bigger, my voice, it's a girlie pitch now, 
and my hair colour which changes quite often. So that's it 
for now - the tale of Mikaela.

Maddy Bell 13-06-2000