Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs20 SPRING FEVER (Ch 04)\par HOT WINTER NIGHTS\par \par By: LustForBunny\par M/g5: fantasy\par \par It is now September, and all is well. Bill has adopted Lanie, she is a dream come true, horny, playful, and mischievous. The greatest asset is that even with all her play, she does not ever want full out sex with anyone but Bill, but still has these so-called fun urges. Bill even has it worked out so that Lanie is home schooled, and he gets to spend more time at home for that too. Everything on the web sites, and TV gives her ideas, and Bill uses these to his advantage as well as fulfilling Lanie\rquote s fun times. They also go out quite a bit, and she loves Dairy Queen desserts. This leads to another beginning of fun times. It\rquote s late afternoon, and Lanie decides she wants ice cream. Bill knows he will get his dessert later as well. Ha! Lanie goes to her room and puts on a skirt and halter top. They take off to the local Dairy Queen, and there sits this man at the back near the rest room, on the right-hand side. Lanie looks at Bill, and tells him she wants a banana split, giggles a mischievous giggle, and goes to get a booster chair. Bill wonders what she\rquote s up to, smiles, and goes after the treats. When he gets to the middle of the aisle, on the left-hand side, Lanie has intentionally sat her chair near the end so she can see the man. Bill sits with his back to him, but has on his mirror sun glasses; so, he can actually see what\rquote s going on behind him too.\par Lanie looks at the man, and he looks up, and she smiles her heart-warming smile. He smiles back. Bill picks up a news paper, and pretends to read it. He watches her work. She gives a little wave that is supposed to be behind the paper where Bill can\rquote t see. The man notices and waves a tiny wave. Lanie then digs in to her banana split. She toys with the ice cream first and gets it all over her mouth, then starts trying to put half of the banana in her mouth. She slides it in and out a couple of times, sucking on it, and the man is starting to twitch a little. Lanie notices, and Bill also sees a lump starting to form in the man\rquote s pants. \ldblquote She is such a minx\rdblquote , he thinks. Next, Lanie decides to put her feet up in the booth. This shows off her little bikini panties with the little pink hearts. One, right in the center of her special spot, has a bigger heart there. The man stares deeply at his latest treat, unknowing he is being drawn in. \par Lanie then speaks to Bill, and asks if she can go to the rest room. He says \ldblquote OK\rdblquote . She says: \ldblquote Will you come with me?\rdblquote He says: \ldblquote You are a big girl, and can by yourself\rdblquote . She acts mad, and goes down the aisle. As she gets near the man, she puts her finger in front of her tummy, and gives him a \lquote come with\rquote signal. Then, she puts on her little charm face. He looks over at Bill, not moving, and gets up. Lanie goes into the girls room, and he follows. She goes into the toilet, he comes in, and they close the door. She whispers \ldblquote Hi\rdblquote . He says: \ldblquote Hello\rdblquote . \ldblquote I am Lanie, and I like men, and I am a big girl\rdblquote . He says: \ldblquote OK\rdblquote . She says; \ldblquote You wanna help me with these?\rdblquote , while pulling up her skirt, and touching her little bikini panties. He reaches slowly for the waist band. His bulge is getting bigger, she notices. Twitching. He pulls down her little hearts, and lets out a small sigh as she reveals her little charms. She reaches her arms around his neck, and lifts herself up onto the toilet, rubbing her little body on his belly as she lifts. He puts his hands on he tiny butt, and helps her climb. Then, he gets on his knees to give her support. She puts her feet on his thighs, which gives her a prop, and him a view. She then, reaches in, and spreads her little crack apart, and her tiny cit and vagina appear. He can see her little pee hole, and is so struck, he doesn\rquote t even notice there is no hymen. The clits starts to grow, and gets a little red, then a tinkle stars, then a flow, then a tinkle, and then it stops. He is just sitting there staring; obviously his first ever close-up of that. Lanie runs her foot softly against his crotch, and feels the large lump there. She smiles her little innocent smile, then asks if he will help her : \ldblquote wipey, please?\rdblquote . He tears off several tissues, and folds them. He then wipes her little crack, and obviously lets a finger rub up in the crack a little for good measures. She lets out a deep breath. \ldblquote Nice\rdblquote . She steps down, almost bumping her tiny crack into his face, then he scoots back some, and helps her with her little panties. She holds up her skirt until he\rquote s done, and gives her one last little rub. She says: \ldblquote Thanks!\rdblquote , and gives him a quick kiss for good measures. He tastes her ice cream and banana. She peeks out the door, and goes out. He follows, and goes back to his seat. \par Lanie goes back to her booster, and climbs back up. Bill acts like he\rquote s in the paper. Lanie lifts her little feet up in the booth again, and this time, takes her fingers, and opens up her panties a little so the nice man can see her little crack. \par Bill, smiles, puts down the paper, and Lanie says she has had enough. Bill says:, \ldblquote We\rquote ll come back tomorrow night again, same time same station\rdblquote , loud enough to be a sort of joke, but heard. Now, the stage is set. They get up, go to the car, and head home. When they get there, Bill asks: \ldblquote What were you up to back there?\rdblquote Lanie giggles, and says: \ldblquote Did you see his lump? He wanted to do sex stuff with me\rdblquote . Bill reminds her how sexy she is, and that she should not get too brave with strangers just to be sure. She reminds him that he is the only man she wants inside her, but it would also be fun to see other men instead of just in videos and pictures. With that, she puts her little hand in Bill\rquote s crotch. He, of course, concedes defeat. \par (Part 2)\par The next morning, Brian, a neighbor, comes over, a teen that they both know. They all decide to go to the beach. The day goes OK, and as they finally get out of the ocean, they head to the locker room. Of course, Lanie has to go with the guys. There are a couple of men in there about to leave as Bill, Lanie and Brian enter. \ldblquote Darn\rdblquote , Lanie says because she missed the show of naked men. But, she is then rewarded with Bill and Brian anyways. They both strip down, and head for the showers. Lanie strips too, and follows. They all rinse off good, and head for the towels. She notices Brian gets a twitch, and is a little red faced when he glances at her. After all, she is a girl, and sexy. She wiggles her cute butt a little ext