JC: Ed Biggers
Part 4: Adjournment
Chapter 11
Lazlo Zalezac
Copyright (C) Lazlo Zalezac, 2004

Fascinated, Ed sat in the kitchen watching Shauna dancing as she 
cooked. It was amazing how much she was like Marguerite in the 
kitchen. Not for the first time, he asked, "Tell me again, how much 
time have you and Marguerite spent in the kitchen together?"

"Just the past ten days."

"And she taught you to dance like that while you are cooking?"

With a smile at the comment, Shauna replied, "A woman has to 
watch her figure."

Shauna had weighed in well over two hundred pounds when Ed 
met her the first time in New York. Now she was down to a 
hundred and forty pounds. She looked good, but she was still a 
little large for her height. George and Walt had already been by the 
kitchen several times. They had dropped hints that they wouldn't 
mind a midnight visit from her. Their suggestions had clearly 
surprised the black woman and she was seriously considering 
taking them up on their offers. Ed smiled and said, "No, that's our 
job. We'll watch your figure for you."

Shauna couldn't believe that Ed made that comment even though 
she knew he wasn't a racist or a sexist. When she had arrived at the 
house, a black man had met her at the door. Convinced that he was 
a servant, she wondered if there wasn't a subtle overtone of racism 
in the house. Later when she learned that he was actually one of 
Ed's husbands, she was shocked that Ed had never mentioned that 
one of his husbands was black. She asked, "Are all the men in this 
house horny?"

She had just finished asking the question when Leroy entered the 
room. With an easy laughter, Leroy replied, "I've just been ravaged 
by Ling and Kelly. Horny is the last thing on my mind."

Laughing at the comment, Shauna corrected herself, "Is everyone 
in this house oversexed?"

Cathy had come into the kitchen in time to hear that remark. With 
a great big smile, she said, "Hey, I resemble that remark."

Shaking her head, Shauna returned to dancing while she cooked. It 
was an hour to lunch and already everyone was gathering in the 
kitchen. She couldn't believe how welcome they had made her feel. 
It was her opinion that a kitchen was supposed to be the center of a 
house except when it was time to cook. 

Ed turned to Cathy and said, "Hey, how are things going with 

Shaking her head, Cathy answered, "She nearly fainted when she 
ran into John Carter and realized who we were."

"Are we that intimidating?"

"Not really, you guys are just too well known. It's like finding out 
you work for a movie star," answered Cathy. 

"Oh," replied Ed still unused to the idea that people looked at him 
like he was some sort of celebrity. He had that problem when he 
and Linda had gone to the cabin. The locals had been afraid to talk 
around him until, with lots of effort, he had finally broken the ice. 
With a sigh, he said, "John has it even worse."

Shauna turned and looked at the crowd of people in her kitchen. 
By now, it was Ed, Leroy, Cathy, Kelly, and Ling. Exasperated, 
she said, "How do you expect me to cook with this crowd in here?"

From the door, Marguerite said, "You tell them girl."

Realizing that the chef wanted everyone out of the room, Ed 
suggested, "How about a swim?"

In mass, the family members showed up in the poolroom. As 
everyone stripped there was significant teasing and joking. Within 
seconds, they had all entered the water. Beth and Little John came 
into the poolroom with Linda watching over them. There was a 
small wading pool for the children set up in the corner. As they 
played in the pool, the adults took turns watching over them. 

In the larger pool, the three wives were dunking Ed and John while 
Leroy watched from next to the wading pool keeping an eye on 
Beth and John while the children were busy splashing each other. 
With a twinkle in their eyes, the two children turned and started 
splashing Leroy with abandon. Leroy laughed and moved to the 
edge of wading pool and splashed back. The kids loved it and 
giggled with the abandon of children having fun.

The rest of the staff arrived, with the exception of Shauna and 
Lynn, and started stripping. It wasn't long before they had joined 
the family in the pool. At that point, a major water war broke out 
between family and staff. There was laughing, shouting, and gasps 
of surprise as splashes were exchanged. 

From the wading pool, the kids were laughing at the antics of their 
parents. This kind of activity was nothing new to them. As far as 
they were concerned, adults were kids that were large since they 
played all the same games as the kids and took the same degree of 
pleasure in those games. The great thing was that their parents 
knew all kinds of new games and were continually teaching them 
to the kids. Daddy John had just introduced them to Hunt the Bug 
Eyed Monsters where they would fly space ships looking for aliens 
to shoot.

Amidst this fun, Lynn entered the room to call everyone to diner. 
She had been warned that the family tended to be naked in the 
poolroom, but she had not realized the full implications of that 
warning. On entering the room, she froze in shock as a dozen 
naked people played in the pool and covered her mouth with her 
hand to hide her embarrassment. The mission that had sent her to 
the room forgotten. 

Leroy, noticing Lynn standing at the door, went over to the young 
woman and asked, "What do you need?"

Staring at the largest cock that she had ever seen, Lynn was unable 
to answer. This was the most unusual situation that she had ever 
encountered. As much as she wanted to view this as some sort of 
sexual frenzy, she could see that this was the same kind of 
activities that people in bathing suits would be doing in a pool. 
There wasn't the least sign of an erection. 

Recognizing that the young woman was not going to answer his 
question anytime soon, Leroy called out, "Ed, your assistant needs 

Climbing out of the pool, Ed walked over to Lynn. Her eyes slowly 
moved from Leroy to Ed and focused on his cock. The hand that 
had been covering her mouth moved lower to cover her breasts and 
her other hand moved down to cover her pubic area despite the fact 
that she was fully clothed. 

A tugging on the hand covering her pubic area caught her 
attention. She looked down to find Beth looking up at her. Beth, 
with the innocence of a properly raised child, said, "You're funny."


"You're just standing there staring at my Daddies."

Recognizing the source of the young woman's discomfort, Ed kept 
his distance and asked, "Was there something that you needed?"

It was Beth's comment that brought Lynn back to the real world 
and she answered, "Lunch is ready."

Ed turned and called out, "Lunch is ready."

Everyone scrambled out of the pool and rushed over to the towels. 
Lynn stared at the variety of bodies present in the room. She 
couldn't believe that Marguerite, a large woman, was as 
comfortable being naked in front of so many men as the gorgeous 
Linda. There were cocks of all sizes and shapes. She slowly 
backed out of the poolroom and ran to the kitchen.

Once he was dressed, Ed helped Little John get his clothes on. 
Despite the fact that he was almost two and a half, he still had 
problems getting his tee shirt on and getting his shoes tied. He 
often got his arms lost inside the tee shirt when putting it on. Little 
John asked, "Why don't I get shirts like yours?"

Surprised by the request, Ed answered, "I'm not sure. If you want 
these kinds of shirts, ask your moms to get them."

"I can do that?" asked Little John surprised that he could have a 
choice over what he wore. 

"Of course you can. You are a person and have a right to control 
what you wear," replied Ed.

It was a very thoughtful Little John that followed Ed to the dining 
room. He wondered if he were to ask that he be allowed to wear 
dresses if they would allow him to do that. It would make an 
interesting experiment.

The family and staff gathered around the table for lunch. Shauna 
brought out a large tureen of soup and set it on the buffet counter. 
She made several trips as she loaded the buffet with sandwiches 
and warm meats. The kids climbed up on their tall chairs at the 
table to wait for their meal to arrive. Shauna brought out hot dogs 
for them and set the plates on the table in front of the two kids, 
watching as their eyes lit up in pleasure. 

Going through the line, everyone gathered around the table. The 
typical over dinner meal conversation started. Lynn sat at the end 
of the table watching these people enjoying their food, teasing each 
other, and talking about important events with equal enthusiasm. 
The conversation came to a sudden halt when Little John 
announced, "Mommy Kelly, Daddy Ed said that I could wear 
whatever kind of clothes that I want."

Surprised by the volume of the announcement, Kelly turned to 
Little John and said, "That's right."

"I want to wear dresses like Beth," announced Little John as he 
watched his mother carefully to assess her reaction.

Lynn burst out in giggles that were immediately halted when she 
saw the looks that others around the table gave her. She couldn't 
believe that they would take the request seriously. Shauna, a little 
older and more experienced, waited to see how the family reacted. 
Her mouth fell open when Kelly answered, "Okay."

The request to wear dresses had the tone of a lie, but Ed recognized 
what Little John was attempting to establish. He wanted to know if 
they would impose boundaries on him. Ed cautioned, "However, 
you might consider that people will start treating you strangely 
because of that."

The reaction of Lynn had not been lost on Little John. He was not 
harmed by her reaction since it wasn't really important to him, but 
she could not have known that. Frowning, he asked, "You would 
let me wear dresses even if other people would not treat me 

Smiling at the suggestion that they would allow harm to come to 
him, John answered, "We would let you do that only if you really 
realized what kind of treatment you would get. Knowing that, you 
wouldn't be able to get angry when you were treated badly."

Shauna leaned forward realizing that they weren't exactly talking 
him out of his choice, but were explaining about cause and effect. 
When you did something of which others wouldn't approve, then 
you had to expect the consequences and to deal with them. It was 
far wiser advice than what she would have given a child. She, like 
most parents, would have just answered that he couldn't and that 
would have led to a tantrum on the part of the child.

When Little John looked over at Ed, he noticed the smile on his 
face. He knew that Ed understood that he had lied when he said 
that he wanted to wear a dress. Ed confirmed this when he said, 
"You don't really want to wear a dress. You wanted to find out 
how we would react when you asked to do that."

"Yeah," replied Little John embarrassed at having been caught in a 

"You could have introduced the topic in a less confrontational 

"What's confronshunal?"

"Confrontational means that you ask in a way that requires a direct 
yes or no answer without room for explanation."

"I still don't understand."

"For now, let me say that you might have found out the answer to 
your question in a better way."

Beth frowned and asked, "How?"

The master of confrontation, Ling, answered, "He might have said 
that Ed said that he could wear any kind of clothes that he wanted. 
That could have been followed up with the question of what would 
we say if he wanted to wear a dress."

Linda answered, "We could have explained that after he knows the 
facts of his request that we would say that it was okay."

Shocked by the sophistication of the discussion, Shauna asked, 
"Do you kids understand what your parents are saying?"

"Of course," answered Beth. 

"Pretty much so," answered Little John. Returning back to the 
discussion, he said, "Daddy Ed told me that I could wear the 
clothes that I want. What would you say if I were to ask for shirts 
like Daddy Ed and Daddy Leroy wear?"

"I would have to answer that I'd be happy if you would wear shirts 
like that. People would see how grown up you are," replied Ling.

"So may I?"

"Of course," replied Ling with a smile. Already her son was 
learning how to ask for things in a positive manner.

The conversation around the table returned to normal as though 
nothing had happened. Little John sat in his chair and turned to 
Kelly. He asked, "Mommy Kelly, everyone says that if it harms no 
one, then do it. When I asked to wear dresses, Lynn laughed at me. 
I didn't care, but it could have hurt."

Sitting back in his chair as quiet settled over the room and all eyes 
turned to Ed, he answered, "You have met the first years at the 
Druid College."


"You know that sometimes they don't behave well."


"Consider Lynn as being a first year. She is still learning the rules 
of proper behavior."

As he giggled, Little John replied, "She's wearing clothes. It is hard 
to see her as a first year."

As Lynn blushed, Ed shook his head with a smile on his face. 
There wasn't a proper reaction to that statement. All eyes glanced 
at Lynn wondering what her reaction would be. Beth saved them 
from the embarrassing silence that had settle over the table when 
she asked, "How come so many people don't know how to 

The question was a good one and John leaned forward resting his 
elbows on the table. In a very serious tone of voice, he said, "Most 
people never learn how to behave in a proper manner. Their 
parents don't know how to behave and they can't teach their 
children how to behave. As a result, they stomp around their life 
crushing the feelings of other people, treating them as objects, and 
destroying themselves in the process."

The children were quiet for a long time as they considered the 
answer. Lynn had taken offense at the statement and said, "Are you 
saying that I don't know how to behave?"

Looking over at her with eyes that missed little, Ed asked, "Do you 
want the truth?"


"Are you sure? The truth often hurts."

"Yes," demanded Lynn getting angry with Ed for his delay.

"Then I would have to say that you don't know how to behave. 
You don't think about the consequences of your words or actions 
on others. To laugh at the innocence of a child is not acceptable 
behavior for a well-adjusted adult. One of the rules in our house is 
very simple. If it harms none, then do it. The other rule is to protect 
the weak from the strong. Children are at a significant 
disadvantage to adults. Adults should do everything in their power 
to protect their children from harm."

Flushed from the criticism, Lynn slowly found her anger heating 
up in a rolling boil. Any minute, she was going to loose her 
temper. She started to say something, but Ed held up a hand to stop 
her. "You have been raised within a society that views evil as 
entertainment and love as obscene. Within the norms of that 
society you are a good person, it is just that we live to a much 
stricter moral code."

The comment stunned Lynn particularly considering the harsh 
rules under which she had been raised. Did she view evil as 
entertainment? Did she view love as obscene? How could he say 
that? She asked, "Do you really believe that I view evil as 

"Do you watch films in which people hurt each other? Murder, 
rape, blackmail, and deceit are common topics in films today. 
That's evil."

Leroy, having seen her reaction to their nudity, added, "You turn 
away from people playing with each other because of their lack of 

The reminder of the activities that she had observed in the 
poolroom caused a blush to spread over her face. In fact, she was 
the only one in there that had seen anything sexual in their actions 
and she knew it. Grasping for some way to justify her actions, she 
stuttered, "That's the way the world is."

"That is why we say that the majority of people do not know how 
to behave."

Sitting back in her chair, she asked, "If I'm so evil, why do you 
waste your time with me?"

After glancing over at Ed, Cathy answered, "Because there is hope 
for you."

Nodding his agreement, George said, "You might want to 
apologize to Little John for your laughter."

The idea of apologizing to a two-year-old child was totally unheard 
of in her family. That everyone around this table expected that of 
her undermined her anger. They were treating these kids like 
adults. Seeing the expectant looks on the faces around the table, 
Lynn finally said, "I'm sorry for laughing at you."

Having been around Ed too long, Little John gave a caricature of a 
wink and said, "That's okay. Next time you have to stand in the 
corner until you know what you did wrong."

The entire family laughed at the joke as Little John had lots of 
practice standing in the corner. Shauna couldn't believe the 
sophistication of the children in managing a conversation. There 
was no way with the exaggerated wink that Lynn could get angry 
about his comment. 

Having finished eating, Ed and John winked at each other. John 
asked, "Who wants to Hunt Bug Eyed Monsters?"

Ed, Leroy, Little John, and Beth all raised their hands. Laughing, 
John asked, "Who wants a horsy ride to the play room?"

Little John and Beth raised their hands. Ed picked up Beth and put 
her on his shoulders. As he galloped out of the room, Beth shouted, 

John lifted Little John on his shoulders and took him out of the 
room, bouncing as he went. Leroy went out and headed directly to 
the playroom to make sure that anything that might not be 
appropriate for the children was out of sight and behind locked 
doors. The wives watched the men leave the room knowing that 
they would take the long way to the playroom. Kelly said, "Now 
that the kids are out of the room, we can talk."

Ling laughed as she added, "Yes, it is so hard to get all three men 
out of the way. Thank goodness for the children."

Lynn was still puzzled by what she had learned over the dinner 
table. Unable to restrain herself any longer, she said, "You treat the 
children like little adults."

Kelly was about to make a comment that they didn't treat the men 
like adults, but held back the quip. It was clear to her that Kim was 
very confused by the discussion over the table. With discrete looks 
around the table, the staff eased out of the room until only the three 
wives, Lynn, and Shauna remained. Kelly said, "We treat them like 
people and not like adults. They are never out of reach of a 
responsible adult. They don't get into trouble because we never 
give them the opportunity."

Linda added, "We don't treat them like property that we can force 
into little roles that aren't for them."

Shauna said, "You don't seem to tell them no very often."

The combat trained Ling answered, "In fighting, you can use the 
enemies actions against them. You don't have to overpower them. 
We don't overpower the kids. We let them know the facts and 
allow them to come up with their own 'no.' When they test the 
facts, then they learn the truth for themselves. That's the easy way 
to teach kids right from wrong."

Kelly nodded and asserted, "If you tell kids lots of rules without 
explanation, the kids don't learn why doing something is wrong. 
The rules will seem arbitrary and they will spend all of their time 
trying to find the exceptions. Our rules have no exceptions. The 
kids can understand them and apply the rules in the manner they 
understand them. When they violate them, we explain the violation 
so that they understand the rules better."

There was a long moment of silence before Lynn said, "My parents 
would have yelled at me for demanding an apology from an adult."

In terms of childhood, Kelly had been raised in the most 
permissive family while Ling had been raised in the strictest. It 
was Linda that answered, "There are millions of adults that harm 
children and don't apologize. Most of the abuse is simple and 
doesn't leave long term scars while some is horrendous. We are 
against abuse in all forms."

"Okay, I'll buy all that. But you've got to admit that being naked 
around your kids is wrong," said Lynn. 


"Because it is!"

Kelly sat back and looked at Lynn realizing that her upbringing 
had probably been very strict but misdirected. Raised amidst rules 
that were rigid and enforced over the least little infraction. Nudity 
was obscene. Licking her lips, Kelly said, "John once told me that 
clothes are the first lie that people tell each other."

"Clothes are a lie? I never heard such nonsense."

"You've seen Ed in his robes and you've seen him in jeans. What 
would you have thought if the first time you saw him, he was in 
blue jeans?" asked Kelly as she smiled at the young woman. She 
had actually thought about asking her how she would have 
considered him if he had been naked.

"I wouldn't have been so overwhelmed by him."

"Yet it is the same person," remarked Linda.

Nodding her agreement, Shauna said, "I worked for him for almost 
a week before I saw the robe and the effect that it had on people. I 
had gotten to know him as a person first. I'm glad that it was that 

Kelly said, "Each time you dress, you are selecting which lie you 
want to tell the world."

The statement was only half-accurate as far as Ling could tell. She 
commented, "It isn't so much an outright lie, but it is a half truth. 
You wear a suit and people think you are a businessman, and they 
don't see that you are actually a family man, a sportsman, or a 
pilot. Naked, you are not hiding anything nor are you presenting a 
slanted view of yourself."

Linda said, "You see the nudity as obscene, but is the little dingle 
between the men's legs any more obscene than the nose on their 

"Those men don't have little dingles," remarked Lynn only 
realizing what she had said once the words were out of her mouth.

The comment provoked a good degree of laughter around the table. 
Each woman said something to the effect that her powers of 
observation were quite good. Blushing furiously, Lynn looked 
down at the table. Kelly laid a hand on her arm and said, "Don't be 
embarrassed by your reaction to the men. Even I had that reaction 
to John the first time I saw his cock. When Ed visited the Two-
Sided One, his cock grew in size. Boy was I surprised by that."

"Don't you think that it ruins the magic of sex to see people 

"Not at all. You see mouths every day. Does that destroy the magic 
of a kiss?"

Lynn was quiet as she thought about what made it wrong for a 
child to see their parents naked. She was so inhibited that even her 
boyfriend had not seen her naked except in the dark. There had to 
be something that went beyond her upbringing that made it wrong, 
but she couldn't identify it. All she remembered were her parents 
telling her that she should be ashamed when she was undressed.

Ed returned to the dining room and said, "The kids are still hunting 
bug eyed monsters. I have been sent on a mission to bring back 
some refreshments."

Realizing that meant she was supposed to help him, Shauna stood 
up and went into the kitchen. Ed, looking at the women in the 
room, asked, "What?"

Kelly giggled and then said, "Oh, we were just considering your 
dingle that dangles."

Ed looked down to see if he had left his zipper down again. There 
was no such problem and he was confused by the reference. 
Shaking his head, he remarked, "What about my dingle?"


Shrugging as he realized that this was girl talk, Ed replied, "Okay."

Lynn stared at the tabletop the entire time, unable to look at Ed. He 
was about to say something when Shauna came out with a tray 
containing little jars of fruit juice. Accepting the tray from Shauna, 
Ed said, "I'll leave now and you can get back to your girl talk. I'll 
be back to listen outside the door."

Laughing, Kelly retorted, "No men allowed."

After Ed left, Lynn asked, "I don't understand you."

"What don't you understand?"

"I just find everything here confusing. You treat little kids like 
adults. The adults act like kids. You walk around naked without 
shame. Even Marguerite, who is large, was naked and wasn't 
embarrassed by her body," answered Lynn as she slumped down in 
her chair frustrated by the total absence of inhibition.

"Why would Marguerite be embarrassed by her body? She's 
beautiful," asked Kelly totally perplexed by what Lynn had said. 

"She doesn't look thin and beautiful like you three."

"Thin and beautiful are two different things. I know that the men in 
this house love having sex with her. Her body is soft and yielding 
in bed. She is an enthusiastic lover and knows how to have a good 
time," replied Kelly.

"She's slept with your husbands?"

Ling smiled as she remembered how the staff had fought to get that 
job benefit, particularly since she had been one of them that fought 
for that right. She said, "It's a job benefit. The men fought against 
it, but they were out voted."

Lynn shook her head and said, "This is too much for me. When are 
they going to expect me to sleep with them?"

"Never," replied Kelly as Ling and Linda nodded their agreement.

That was not the answer that she expected and she repeated it, 


"What? Am I not good enough for them?"

"You aren't interested. As a result, they'll never say or do anything 
that would make you uncomfortable."

At that, Lynn stood up and announced, "I'm going back to work. I 
think I've heard everything that I need to hear."

After Lynn left, Ed returned with the tray and empty bottles. 
Setting them on the table, he asked, "Did she get overloaded?"

"Yes," replied Kelly with a sigh. She looked at the door through 
which the young woman had just passed. "I don't think she'll ever 
accept the lifestyle that we have here."

"She's a secretary in my consulting company. There's no need for 
her to accept our lifestyle. It would be nice if she would learn to 
expand her horizons, but that isn't for us to force upon her."

Kelly frowned and said, "It's a shame that she was damaged so 
severely by her parents. Inhibited, adrift, and insulated to the point 
where she can't even imagine what it is like to live."

Linda shrugged and said, "She's normal as far as a lot of people are 

Smiling as a sudden idea crossed his mind, Ed asked, "Does she 
know that you are a Druid?"


"It will be interesting to see how she reacts to that."