By Uncle Reamum

(mb, Mb, Mmb, oral, anal, exhib)

12 yo Kenny's mom is undergoing cancer treatment, so for the summer he is sent to the country to stay with his older, more experienced, cousin...

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2020 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

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In the summer of 1985, I was twelve years old.   My mom began undergoing chemotherapy for cancer just weeks before school had let out.  Mom was not doing very well.  And Dad needed some help, what with work and taking care of Mom, his hands were full. His solution was to send me to stay for the summer with his sister and her family at their place out in the sticks.

This was okay with me, as I liked Aunt Lilly and Uncle Jim, but best of all, I now got to time to spend lots of time with my older cousin, Hank, who was two years older than I was.  I thought Hank was the coolest guy around.  To me, he seemed to know just about everything.  He was excited to see me too and immediately took me under his wing, not because he thought I was cool, but for once, he had someone near his own age to pal around with all summer.

With school out, Hank had as much free time on his hands as I did.  That's not to say we were idle.  In the morning we did chores around the little "farm", like feed the chickens, gather eggs, keep the grass cut, weed the garden, that sort of thing. 

Hank also had a job doing chores for their neighbor, Mr. Bob, whose property adjoined my aunt and uncle's property and who lived about a half mile down the road.  In the late mornings, it was Hank's job to come to Mr. Bob's and feed his pigs and feed his chickens, as well as keeping the grass cut.  Naturally, I helped Hank with this job too.  I was to get a cut of his pay, which was more than enough for us, but more on that later.  Both Mr. Bob and Hank's dad had riding mowers to cut the grass, so it wasn't so much a hard job, but one that took up a good number of hours.

Mr. Bob, a widower, had a much larger farm than my uncle.  To me, coming from the suburbs of a large city, Uncle Jim's ten acres seemed large.  Compared to that, Mr. Bob's place was vast. Whereas Uncle Jim wasn't farming commercially, Mr. Bob was.  He mostly raised cattle and cattle feed, and sold the occasional hog or two, but he was also an electrician.  As an electrician, he worked alone part time for the extra income, serving the needs of the surrounding area.  As such, sometimes he was there when Hank and I were there in the mornings, and sometimes not.

As any serious farmer will tell you, things had to get done every single day, rain or shine, come hell or high water.  So on my very first day, I went with Hank to Mr. Bob's and helped him with feeding the hogs and feeding the chickens.  Mr. Bob was there, so I got to meet him.  He was very friendly and seemed genuinely happy to meet me.

As became her usual habit, Aunt Lilly packed us a lunch, as Mr. Bob's chores took longer some days than other days. With the two of us, it took hardly any time to complete the needed chores. Finishing early, Hank asked Mr. Bob if he needed for him to do anything else.

"No, but I have something I need to discuss with you.  In private," Mr. Bob replied. 

So as I waited outside under the shade of a pecan tree, Hank went inside with Mr. Bob. Ten minutes or so later, Hank back came out.

"Kenny!  You remember me telling you about the swimming hole on Mr. Bob's property last night?"

"Yeah," I replied hopefully.  Hank had told me that Mr. Bob wouldn't let him go swimming there alone, as it was too dangerous if anything happened.

"Mr. Bob said that as long as we stick together, we're free to use it anytime we want!  You wanna go swimming?"

It was already getting a bit hot, so I was all for that.  We had our lunch with us and we were free to roam around as much as we wanted until supper time. It was great being out in the country and free to do whatever, just so long as the chores got done first and all the chores for the day were done. 

As we were eating our lunch, Mr. Bob headed out in his electrician's truck to do an electrical job.  Saving our cookies for later, we followed a track across the pasture towards the tree line, went through a gate and into the woods at the back of the property.  Following the "road", it didn't take long before we got to the river.  It wasn't a big river, but more like a big creek, narrow enough that the trees overhung it like a green canopy.  We were on the outside bend of the creek on the cut bank with an eight foot drop off into the creek.  Across the creek, within a stone's throw, was a small sandbar. 

"That's the rope swing I was telling you about," Hank explained as if I couldn't figure out what that rope tied to an overhanging tree branch was.  "You just grab it, swing out and drop into the water.  Always go in feet first," he cautioned, "or else you might break your neck." 

The only problem I saw was the fact that the rope was hanging out over the water, just out of reach.  For that, Hank produced a long pole fashioned from river cane that you used to hook the rope and pull it to you.

With the basic layout established, we undressed and bare butt, we took our first swing out into the "deep" water.  Two guys skinny dipping in the woods. What a blast!  Up until that day, it was the most fun I'd ever had!  It could have only been better if we had a couple of girls skinny dipping with us.  We spent the entire afternoon out there swimming, not that you could actually swim in the creek, but we stayed wet, and when it's hot, that's the best way to stay cool.

Somewhere around 4 PM, we dressed and headed back to Hank's house, where we helped Aunt Lilly put the finishing touches on supper.  We were ready to eat as soon as Uncle Jim came home from work. 

After supper it was chore time for us two boys again.  They didn't have dishwasher in their old farm house, so it was our job to wash, dry and put away all the pots, and dishes while Aunt Lilly and Uncle Jim went out to sit on the porch swing to discuss their day. 

There really wasn't much to do after supper.  I had a Nintendo game back home, but Hank didn't.  As for TV, they had a tall TV antenna that could be directed towards a television signal, but the reception wasn't all that good on the best of days.  Besides, you could only pick up three stations, and two of them were with the same network, so the available programming was very limited.  For the most part, Hank and I spent the last hour or so of daylight tossing a baseball around, shooting paper targets with his pellet gun, or trying to best each other with archery. We always found something to do, if not, Aunt Lilly or Uncle Jim would find something for us.

Once the sun set, it was either TV, board games or reading.  Uncle Jim had quite a collection of books in a wide variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction.  I read quite a few books that summer, my favorites being the sweeping historical novels of James Michener. I could always find something interesting to read or just browse.

Bedtime came quite early, a lot earlier than I was used to, but Uncle Jim had to get up very early, around 5 AM to make it into work.  Besides, there really wasn't much to do other than read, so we all went to bed around nine.  I slept in Hank's room, on one of the two twin beds, and we always slept in just our briefs.  With the twin beds, there wasn't much opportunity for any hanky panky.

Our days were pretty much like that.  Early to rise around six AM for us boys.  Breakfast, then the dishes, then the other chores.  That done, we'd walk over to Mr. Bob's, rain or shine and do what needed to be done there.  Then if the weather was nice, which it usually was, we'd head for the swimming hole, and skinny dip for a few hours before returning home for the evening.  That was pretty much our routine, day after day.  Rarely did we go with Aunt Lilly into town to do shopping, as she usually did that while we were off in the woods.  But of course we did other things while away from the house, mainly while we were at the swimming hole, and that all started within days of my arrival.

Mr. Bob was good friends with Hank's parents and would often stop by after Uncle Jim was home from work and after we'd eaten supper.  Then he'd have coffee with my aunt and uncle and they'd chat for a half hour or so.  I'd been there less than a week when Mr. Bob told Uncle Jim that Hank and I had asked him if we could campout at the swimming hole.  Hank and I had discussed it, but I wasn't aware that Hank had asked Mr. Bob about it. 

"That's fine by me if it's fine by you, Bob," Uncle Jim told him.  "I've got some sleeping bags, but I don't have a serviceable tent."

"I've got a tent the boys can use," offered Mr. Bob.  "I haven't used it in years, but it should be more or less rain proof.  If not, I'm sure they'll survive," he chuckled. "I'll dig it out of the shed tonight and when the boys are ready, I'll take it down to the creek and help them set it up."

And so it was set.  Next morning after we got Mr. Bob's grass cut and all, he took us down to the creek in his truck and set up the tent for us.  It was a large cabin tent made of heavy canvass.  It was a bit musty at first, but that soon aired out.  Mr. Bob also provided us with a couple of folding chairs and a gas lantern.  That night, after supper and after the dishes were done, we hauled the sleeping bags down to the swimming hole. 

The sleeping bags could be opened up completely and that's what we did, using them as a pallet lining the floor of the tent.  It was just too warm to crawl into a sleeping bag, so that worked out fine. There were still forty five minutes or so of daylight, so we did what we always did at the swimming hole, stripped off and went swimming.

With the darkness setting in, we soon discovered that the gas lantern didn't work, and the batteries of our only flashlight were on their last legs, so we crawled into the tent.  It wasn't until we were inside that we realized that we'd left all of our clothes outside.

"We've got all the clothes we need, right here," Hank declared.

"We don't have any clothes," I pointed out.

"So what?  We'll just sleep naked," my cousin suggested. 

"Are you sure that alright?" I asked.

"We spend all afternoon out here naked and swimming and that's alright," he replied.  That was true, both Mr. Bob and Hank's folks knew that we swam in the buff and that was fine with them.  It's what boys in the country do if they're alone and have a place to do that, and we had a great place.  "Just don't say anything," he added.  Made sense to me.  After all, if we didn't say anything, who would know? 

We lay side by side talking for a long time, with no concern that we might be too loud and disturb anyone.  Soon the moon was up and it wasn't quite so dark inside the tent.  It was still dark, but not pitch black like it was earlier. 

"You ever mess around, Kenny?" Hank asked me after a while.

"Mess around?  Mess around how?"

"You know, with other guys."

"Other guys?" I really didn't get what he was getting at.

"You know..." repeated.  This time I got what he was getting at.

"Uh, no, not really."

"Well, do you beat off?" he asked.

Yeah, I beat off, a lot.  But out of  fear of being discovered I hadn't stroked it since I'd arrived.  "Do you beat off?" I asked in return.

"Yeah, sure.  Like all the time.  How about you?"

"Me too."

"You wanna beat off now?  We'll do it together," he suggested.

And so we did.  There was just enough light that I could make out his silhouette as he whipped his wang.  I had always thought of masturbating as being dirty and sinful, but doing it together like this was way dirty and sinful.  Dirty, sinful and great deal of fun. 

At twelve, I had a little hair, not as much as Hank, and my nuts had matured enough for me to ejaculate. With what we were doing being wickedly sinful, when I came it was best ever.  It was only after it was over and I was covered in my own spunk, did I realize that I didn't have anything to wipe up with. 

"Just eat it," my dirty minded cousin suggested.  "That's what I do.  Or you can just smear it all over you and let it dry."

"You eat your cum?" I asked.

"Yeah, don't you?"

"Uh..." I wasn't about to admit that I didn't do that and afraid of how I would look to my older cousin whom I held in high esteem.  So, I did what he suggested, scooped it up and sucked it off my finger. It's not like I hadn't taken a taste before, I just never slurped it up before.  That night, I slurped it up and then spread the residue around to dry. It didn't exactly taste good, but it wasn't all that bad either.

"That was great," my cousin said after a bit. "How about you, Kenny?"

"Yeah, that was great.  Really great."

"You never answered my question, Kenny."

"What question."

"Do you want to mess around with me?"

He hadn't asked that, but now that he did... I asked his question with the same question, "Do you want to mess around?"

"Yeah, but only if you're okay with it," he replied.

I wasn't so sure I was okay with it.  I thought it was kind of queer, but how could it be queer if Hank thought it was okay?  He was at the time, my idol, my hero, and someone I thought was the coolest guy ever and he was my older, wiser cousin.  Besides, like before, I didn't want him to think I was a baby or anything. 

"Yeah, I'm okay with it," I boldly stated. "What is that you want to do?"

"What guys do when they're naked together and no one is around to stop them."

I was inexperienced, but not totally naive.  I had a good idea of what he was getting at. "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"What do you think I'm suggesting?"

"That you want to, uh, blow me?"

"Close... I want you to blow me!" I had to think about that. "Well?"

"You first..."

"Tell you what.  Let's do it together."

I had no idea how that was supposed to work until he swung around and stuck his dick in my face while at the same time taking my soft prick into his mouth.  Well, fair's fair, so I took my first ever cock into my mouth. He was soft, but not for long, but he was also wet from whacking off earlier.  What he was doing to me felt really good, and what I was doing to him... I wasn't so sure about.  Still, I sucked him and sucked him for as long as he sucked me.  I'm sure he wasn't getting as good of a blow job as he was giving me, but I didn't think about that at the time.  All I could think about was how dirty, nasty, and wicked we were being; dirty nasty fun.

It's funny how that all came down.  He hadn't touch me until he took me into his mouth and I hadn't touched him until I took him into my mouth.  There was plenty of time before the summer was out for mutual fondling and we did that a lot, but not that first time.  Well, at least not before we had oral sex. After that initial mutual blowjob, we played with each other's dick and  sucked each other several times before we fell asleep. And as we had both jacked off just before going down on each other, it was awhile before either of us ejaculated again. 

I tried to warn him, but he just continued rolling his tongue around my cock and I was aghast that I blew my nuts into his mouth.  Hank, however, didn't seem to mind. By my third blowjob that night, I had paid attention to what he was doing to me and did my best to do the same. He came without warning.  Not only that, he held my head so I couldn't pull away when he unloaded his thick cloying nut juice into my mouth.  All I could was to hold it in my mouth until after he softened.            

Once I could, I bolted out of the tent to spit it out.  Even so, the taste hung heavily in my mouth, and we had nothing to rinse it out with. 

Returning to the tent he mocked me, "What are you doing?  Spitting it out?  You don't spit it out.  You swallow it."

"You should've warned me," I complained.

"Warn you?  Then what?  Get it all over the place and make a mess?  Next time, just swallow it.  It won't hurt you."

I didn't say anything after that and just tried to get to sleep, which came surprisingly easily. 

Next morning we rose with the dawning light, found our clothes, dressed and headed to his house for breakfast and chores.  Just because we camped out didn't relieve us of our morning chores.  That afternoon, we brought fresh batteries and a jug of water to our camp. 

Hank told Mr. Bob about the problem we had with his gas lantern.  While we were swimming, he came out and showed us how to pump up and light one of those old Coleman gasoline lanterns.  I felt rather awkward and embarrassed standing around nude while Mr. Bob explained the nuances of getting the lantern to light.  Hank on the other hand, didn't seem fazed by it.  Still, for me it was uncomfortable.

Finishing his demo and after making us each successfully light the lantern he asked, "You boys mind if I join you for a swim?"

Hank immediately said yes.  Me, what could I say? It was Mr. Bob's property and he could do whatever he wanted. 

Mr. Bob stripped off and joined us. Before then, I'd only had brief glimpses of nude men changing in the locker room of the city pool.  Before the afternoon was over, I was very familiar with Mr. Bob's body.  He was forty, forty five or so, with a rounded head, close cropped salt and pepper hair and a fairly unruly beard.  He was a big man in every way, and like most men of his age, carrying a little too much weight, especially around the middle. He didn't have an excess of body hair and he had big prominent nipples and a good sized uncut cock, the head of which was only half covered with his foreskin when flaccid.  Erect, well, he was impressive compared to Hank and Hank was more developed than I was. 

Looking back, it wasn't hard to figure out why he was hard, he liked looking at me and looking at Hank, just as I liked looking at him and looking at Hank. I didn't say anything to Hank and nothing happened, so I just accepted it.  Besides, I had erections all the time and for whatever reason or for no reason, so I assumed Mr. Bob was the same.

After supper that night, we returned to our camp for the night, better prepared than the night before. We took our evening swim and out on the sandbar opposite our camp, Hank came up behind me and began fondling me right out in the open.  Of course there wasn't anyone around to see it, but if they were...   

After getting me good and hard, he came around and went to his knees. Out in the open and while the sun set, we gave each other our first blowjob of the evening, each blowing the other to completion.  This time I swallowed. 

As the last rays faded, we crossed the creek, and scrambled up the bank.  While I lit the Coleman lantern, Hank lit the campfire we had prepared earlier.  Then we proceed to burn up marshmallows and make S 'mores. 

We had a visitor that night, Mr. Bob.  He brought out another lawn chair for himself and a bottle of whiskey to sip.  He didn't undress, but rather sat about the fire with us, sipping whiskey and telling us tall tales about the Indians who once inhabited the area.  By then I was comfortable being nude around him.

After an hour or so, he excused himself, saying he had to get to bed, as he had to go and finish an electrical job in the morning.  He left his lawn chair there, a sure sign that he'd be back. Hank and I doused the fire and turned off the Coleman. 

We weren't in the tent five minutes before the hanky panky began.  I also didn't give it a second thought as I took Hank's cock into my mouth and sucked him for another cum snack.  Whatever reticence I may have harbored the night before, was gone.  Yes, it was dirty, nasty and wicked what we were doing, but it was fun, lots of fun.  I liked being sucked and I liked doing the sucking. But one thing was worrying me.  What if Mr. Bob told Hank's dad about skinny dipping with us?  Would he be upset about it?  What if he told him that we sat around the campfire nude with him? I mentioned it to Hank and Hank assured me that Mr. Bob wouldn't say anything about any of it. I didn't know why Hank was so confident about that, but he was and I just had to accept it.

We didn't see Mr. Bob for a couple of days.  We also didn't campout for a few days either. There wasn't any attempt on the part of Hank's mom and dad to explain why we couldn't go, and I suspected that Mr. Bob had indeed said something.  Then just as we were told we couldn't campout, we were told that we could.  I didn't even try to figure it out, as adults could be so arbitrary at times.  It was like that all summer, and as far as I could tell, it was arbitrary; sometimes we could campout and sometimes we couldn't, with no explanation offered either way. 

When we did see Mr. Bob the next time, he was home while we did our chores about his place.  When we had finished our chores and eaten our lunch, he asked to see Hank in private again before we went to our camp. 

Fifteen minutes later, Hank came out and we were off.  On the way I asked him what Mr. Bob wanted.

"A blowjob," he quipped.  That stopped me in my tracks. 

"Just kidding!" he laughed.  "He just wanted to know how much chicken feed and hog feed he needed to get this week." I believed him even though fifteen minutes in private was a bit excessive to tell him that.

We camped out that night.  I expected Mr. Bob to make an appearance at some point that day, but he didn't. Next day we saw him and he made a point of telling us that he was going into town to take care of some business at the bank and get all the supplies he needed for the next few weeks.  He drove off just as we were heading to the swimming hole.

Confident that we were alone, I let Hank coax me into a sixty nine out on the sandbar.  We were sucking away when I heard in a booming voice, "What are you boys doing?"

Freaked me out!  I turned towards the opposite bank and saw Mr. Bob standing there with his hands on his hips.  Busted!  Busted big time!  I felt sick to my stomach.  My life and Hank's life were surely over.

Pointing at us, Mr. Bob called out, "You boys, you stay right where you are!"

All I could think of was, 'Oh, shit!  Oh, shit! Oh, shit!'

He disappeared for a few minutes, then reappeared on the pathway leading down the cut bank. He was naked and crossed over to the sandbar. I suppose I should have realized then and there that we weren't in any trouble, otherwise he'd told us to get our asses over to him, rather than him coming to us.  But in my panicked state, I could think of only the ruin that surely lay ahead.

He strode up to his, his boner ramrod straight and bobbing as he approached.

Looking right at me and more or less ignoring Hank, he said, "What will your aunt and uncle say? What will your parents say when they hear of this?"

"Oh, please, Mr. Bob.  Don't tell them.  Don't tell them," I desperately begged.

The burly man laughed and replied, "Hell, boy, I ain't gonna say a word 'bout what you two boys were doing.  Not a word. No need to get folks all riled up over you boys having a little fun, is there?  Hell, no.  I figured you boys were out here sucking on each other's cock and I was right. 

"But don't worry, son, your secret is safe with me... Provided that you keep my secret safe in return. Wanna know what my secret is?"

My stomach was still tied in knot, but I nodded, hoping he would keep what he'd seen to himself.

"My secret is... I like boys.  I like boys like you, Kenny.  Boys like Hank.  Boys who like sucking cock.  Understand?"

"I, I guess..."

"You guess?  What is there to guess? You suck cock.  I like boys who suck cock."  I stood frozen trying to process what had just happened and what I was hearing. 

"Well, cock sucker, do I have to spell it out for you?  You want me to keep your dirty little secret, or don't you?"

Hank leaned over and told me, "Dummy, he wants you to suck his dick."

I was totally shocked by all this; shocked, I tell you, shocked!

"Go on," urged my cousin. "Suck his dick.  He won't tell anyone."

"Oh, okay..."

I sank to my knees and took his big fat cock into my hand.  Compared to Hank, he was huge. I paused, holding his hot hard organ, I looked up at him across his hairy belly and saw him looking down at me. He was grinning. I looked back down at his dick and saw a drop of clear liquid ooze from the tip. The drop grew bigger and bigger, then in slow motion, it began to fall, and when it did, it stayed connected to his cock by a long sticky strand until the strand broke and the drop fell to ground. Almost immediately, a new drop began to form.  I knew what that stuff was.  It was the same slippery salty stuff that oozed from my own cock when I was playing with myself.

"It's up to you, Kenny.  I can keep a secret. Can you keep a secret, boy?"  the looming naked man said.  I licked the drop of pre-cum from the slit in his cock.  It tasted just like mine did.  I looked up and he smiled down at me. 

"Trust me, I'll never tell a soul," he said in a low voice.

Leaning forward, I licked across the broad smooth head of the big dick.  He put his strong work roughened hand on the back of my head and gently pulled, urging me to do the act. My lips parted and surrounded the glans, my tongue flickering over the velvety expanse.  The gentle pressure to the back of my head eased as I mouthed his spongy knob.  Soon I was holding the base of his thick shaft in one hand and his heavy balls in the other, as my lips descended down his fleshy stalk.

"That's it Kenny-boy, suck my fuckin' cock...  That feels so fuckin' great...  Yeah, boy, suck me off...  That's it, tickle me with your tongue... Damn, I'm really gonna enjoy having you around, you know... You're just the kind of boy I like best."

Soon I was sliding my mouth over that big mature cock back and forth.  In the few days since I first sucked Hank's cock, I had grown to really like the feel and texture of Hank's cock in my mouth.  Mr. Bob's cock wasn't exactly better, but it was more substantial and I enjoyed the feel of it too.  His cock continuously drooled precum, the favor of which I rather enjoyed, making sucking him all the better.

The only problem was that as the blowjob progressed and the minutes ticked by, it was hard to keep my mouth that wide open for very long and soon my jaws began to tire. Mr. Bob, sensing that my arbor was flagging, placed both hands on the back of my head, holding me in place as he began thrusting his hips.  The blowjob had turned into a face fucking.  No longer did I have any control over what was taking place.  I wanted to stop for a moment and rest my jaws, but he was having nothing to do with that. He wasn't exactly being rough with me, just insistent that he was going to blow his wad in my mouth.  And he did.  He blew a huge wad during six or seven strong pulses, and I swallowed and swallowed as he came. 

He pulled his softening prick from my mouth and slapped my face with it a few times saying, "You're a pretty good cock sucker, Kenny.  Better than I expected.  But you'll get better with practice, and trust me, you're going to get a lot of practice before the summer's over." 

He stepped back and continued, "Hank tells me you that before you boys camped out the first time, that you'd never sucked dick before. Could've fooled me!

"Now, why don't you lie back in the sand and I'll return the favor."

With the taste of his thick, slightly bitter cum in my mouth, I did what I was told. 

"Spread out your feet."  I spread my legs and he knelt between my feet. 

As he rocked forward he ran his hands up my legs until he came near to my pecker.  "You got hard sucking me.  Didn't you?" he said taking my boyish dick between his fingers and giving it a wag.  "You really liked sucking my cock. 

"You know what I like? I like this," he said giving me another wag. "And I'm sure you'll like this almost as much as I will," he concluded lowering his head and slurping my prick into his mouth.  He was right.  I did  like it.  I liked it a lot the way he swirled my cock around in his hotly wet cavern with his thick tongue.  The things he could do with that tongue!

It was kind of odd, lying there in the sand, under the shade of the overhanging trees, watching this grown man, an adult, sucking on my prong.  I'd watched Hank go down on me I don't know how many times over the past week or so, but this was different.  Way different.  Hank was older than me, but he was still another kid.  Mr. Bob, he wasn't another kid, he was an adult.  Before Hank and I sucked each other the first time, I'd heard rumors and stories about boys blowing other boys though I really didn't believe it. But here was an adult, (an adult!) sucking my dick.  It just didn't seem possible, but here I was and there he was, his balding head bobbing up and down in my crotch doing things to me, that just a few short weeks before, I hardly even imagined.

Before Mr. Bob had made his surprise appearance, Hank had had me close to cumming before I heard Mr. Bob shouting at us from across the creek.  That ended that.  But here I was, mere minutes later, quickly being brought to head.  The sweet intense feeling, that I now so craved, began welling up from my groin.  I wanted to slow it down, so I could savor what he was doing to me, but alas, I couldn't hold it back.

My prostate spasmed and the intense sensation of orgasm swept through me, the pleasure surging from my cock to the hair on my head and down to my toes. It was a now familiar feeling, a feeling I knew I'd never tire of and I basked in it lying in the sand out in the woods.  He continued sucking until the head of my dick became so sensitive that I had to cry out, "Stop!  Stop!!  Stop!" Letting my now very limp noodle slip from his full lips, Mr. Bob rocked back. 

Smacking his lips he declared, "You boys just taste so damned good."

He rose and helped me to my feet.  "Well, that was fun, don't you think, Kenny?"

With an embarrassed sheepish grin I replied, "Yeah, that was fun."

"Then go and wash the sand off your back and we'll have some more fun."

It was while I was washing the sand off, that I noticed Hank coming back from across the creek.  I wasn't aware that he'd gone, but noticed that he was carrying something.  He tried to hand it to Mr. Bob, but he told Hank to hang onto it for a while. 

Mr. Bob waved to me to come to him, so I waded ashore.

"Turn around." I turned to face away from him. 

He was big burly man, muscular from the farm work he did.  I felt his body press into my back.  His hand came around me and began playing with my dick and balls.  "Spread your legs out."  I did.  His other hand came into play feeling up my wet ass cheeks. Soon that second hand was between my cheeks and rubbing my asshole. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Hank was standing beside him.

"I'm going to play with your asshole," the older man said into my ear. "So just relax and enjoy it."

The hand left my asshole for a moment, but quickly returned. I jumped at the cold wetness of his now slippery big finger sliding deep into my cleft and onto my anus.  He rubbed it a moment, then began pushing his fat fingertip up into me. I tensed up at this violation.

"Relax, Kenny.  Relax.  I going to stick my finger way up inside you, boy, so just relax." 

I felt a little sick to my stomach as he pushed past my sphincter.  Deeper and deeper he pushed.  I wasn't so sure I liked this.  Finally I could feel the palm of his hand up against my hole... he was in as far as he could go.  Gently shaking his hand, he held it there for a moment or so.  This really oddly pleasurable sensation swept over me, and then he slowly pulled his finger from my ass.

"Give me some more," I heard him tell Hank.  The finger returned. This time I didn't feel sick to my stomach as he pressed past his first knuckle. Like before he slowly penetrated into me fully where he again held it while gently shaking his hand, vibrating my guts. Twisting his hooked finger back and forth, he slowly pulled all the way out, and asked Hank for more.   

Again he stuck his long middle finger up my butt and then repeated the process several more times.  By then it was actually feeling kind of good.  He began pulling out, but stopped with his finger tip still inside and pushed into me again.  There was no pause this time as he began sliding his finger back and forth, fucking my ass with it, slowly at first, but then gradually increasing the tempo. He'd pause every so often with just the tip of his finger inside me, hook it and twist it around and around stretching my anal muscle, then resume finger fucking me for a minute before working over my anal ring again. 

Every so often he'd pull out completely and tell Hank, "More," then his slippery finger went back inside me with increasing ease. 

All during this time, he held me with his free hand, gently rolling my hard dick around. Then he had Hank put some of the KY Jelly onto his fingers playing with my dick, and oh, my...  I came with his finger up my butt.

Suddenly it wasn't just the one finger he was pushing into me, but two.  I grunted at this and tried to squirm away from him, but he held me tight and fucked me with the two fingers. 

Once the two fingers were going in and out of me with ease, and using his whole body while still finger fucking me, he pressed me down and onto my knees.  Releasing my dick, he pushed my face down into the soft sand, straddling my back and keeping my ass hiked up with his fingers up my butt.

"Okay, Hank," I heard him say. "Now fuck him!" 

Before I knew what was happening I felt something bigger than just a couple of fingers between my ass cheeks and pressing into me.  "Relax, Kenny.  Relax," Mr. Bob counseled. "You're gonna get fucked and it will be easier if you just relax and let him in."  

I don't know if I relaxed or not, but Hank pushed his cock up inside me.  A momentary wave of nausea swept over me, then it was gone.  I can't say that first ass fucking felt great, it didn't, but it wasn't painful, a bit uncomfortable at first, but even that soon passed. But before it really began to feel good, Hank shot off in my rectum.  

Hank pulled out and Mr. Bob got up off my back.  For a long time I just lay there with my ass hiked up, loudly farting nonstop, stunned at what had just happened. I wasn't particularly upset at being raped, I was just bewildered and my asshole throbbed.

When I finally stirred, Mr. Bob was right there, sitting in the sand watching me.  "Well, Kenny," he said with a smile, "how was that?  Fun, eh?  You're not hurting are you?"

"No, I'm okay, I guess."

"Butt's sore, huh?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Don't worry, that will pass.  It's going to be easier the next time."

"Next time?"

"Yes, next time and just to be upfront with you, I'm going to fuck you next.  But before I fuck your ass, there's something we need to do."

I didn't say, "No, you're not fucking my ass," nor did I say anything else that might have dissuaded him.  What I said was, "What do we need to do?"

"Get up and I'll show you," he said rising.  He helped me up, as I was rather slow to just hop up. 

"Come with me"  That's when I noticed the knapsack in his hand that had suddenly appeared.  He walked to the back of the sandbar and followed a path.  I had explored that area with Hank and there wasn't much back there other than woods, until you came to the fence and Mr. Bob's property line.  On the other side of the fence was a pasture.  We didn't go anywhere near that far before we cut off the path, by then I had Hank's cum dripping out of my ass and down my legs. 

You have to be careful walking off the beaten path through the woods when you're totally naked.  We didn't even have any shoes and it could hurt when you stepped on a stick or had a briar hook you or scrape across your skin. But the way was easy with lots of soft leaf litter to walk on.

We came to a random spot and Mr. Bob stopped. "I couldn't help but notice that you made a mess on Hank's dick," he said. "But I was prepared for that and we're going to fix that before I do you.  Now lie down... on your stomach."

So there I was deep in the woods lying in leaf litter naked with a big naked man who had made it clear that he was going to shove his big cock up my poor asshole. I was about to be fucked I knew, but I couldn't figure out why he took me all the way back here to do it when he could have more easily done it out on the sandbar. 

He told me to spread my legs.  I spread them and waited, waited, waited for him to rip my asshole apart.  'Maybe that's why he took me out here,' I thought. 'If I bleed to death, he could just bury me here and no one would ever find me!'  Such is the imagination of a twelve year old boy.  I didn't even consider getting up and running away, I just did what I was told.  I had been taught to always just do what an adult told me to do.  Don't question it, just do it, my dad always said.  Besides, he really wouldn't actually hurt me... would he?

For a few minutes I could hear him rustling around behind me.  Then I felt him between my outstretched legs and felt him pry my butt cheeks apart with the fingers of one hand.

"You know what I like about boys like you?" he said holding me open.  "You're just so easy. You're going to be a great fuck boy.

"Now this won't hurt, but it might feel a bit cold."

I felt him push something into my ass, something smooth and not very big, and then I felt the cool liquid rushing up inside me. I'd never had the occasion to have an enema before, so I had no idea what was going on, but it felt like a river running up inside me.    At first whatever he was doing wasn't too bad, but I soon began to feel uncomfortable, the discomfort quickly turned in more than just discomfort.

"That's enough!  That's enough," I panted. The flow stopped. 

"Okay, now hold your butthole closed," he said just before he pulled the nozzle from my ass. 

Having just been sodomized, my loose asshole wasn't about to hold anything back no matter what.  As soon as I was uncorked, I erupted like a volcano, the stuff literally shooting out my asshole all the way down to my feet.  God, I was so embarrassed.  I had shit and shit water all down my legs.  I was on a gentle slope with my head facing downhill, and before I finished evacuating my bowels, shit water was running under me. 

Mixing his metaphors Mr. Bob laughed, "Thar she blows! Mount Ste. Helens!" but I wasn't laughing.  I was a disgusting mess.  I managed to stand only to have more shit water flow from my asshole and down my legs.

I watched as Mr. Bob took the enema bag down from the tree where it was hanging and stuffed it back into the knapsack, along with an empty gallon plastic jug.

"God, you're a mess," he declared with a chuckle.  "You were supposed to hold it until you got over to this hole here," he said pointing to the hole in the ground. 

"I couldn't hold it," I replied cringing at the vile sight and stink.

"Okay, next time we won't use quite as much water.  Now come on.  Let's get you washed up."

I followed him back to the path and back to the sandbar and creek.  I had stuff, leaves, twigs, who knows what, sticking to my stomach and legs.  It was so gross! 

Back at the sandbar Hank saw me and began howling in laughter. I was still grossed out, but I couldn't help but start laughing with him, otherwise I might have cried.  Into the river I went and everything was washed away. 

Back up on the sandbar I was told to bend over and grip my ankles. I bent over and felt the cool air on my now very vulnerable anus. 

Running his finger across my asshole, Mr. Bob said, "You've been a very good sport about all this, Kenny.  Not a single complaint and not a single protest.  Yes, it's gonna be fun having you around. Now be still."

I expected him to just ram his thick dick up my ass standing, but he put the tip of something into my asshole and squeezed off a good portion of whatever it was in the tube he was holding.  It was KY Jelly, but at the time I knew nothing about the stuff or its uses.  Next he rubbed some onto the outside of my hole.  A moment later and I was just standing alone, bent over and gripping my ankles.

He walked out from behind me.  "You can let go now," he said, and I rose upright. Standing before me he sort of jiggled his dick.  He wasn't exactly soft, but he wasn't hard either.

"How about if you suck me and get me hard," he said with a grin. 

Realizing that it wasn't a question, and having sucked him before, I sank to my knees and took him in hand. Knowing what would likely happen once I had him hard, I guess I could have refused.  Refused, got my ass dressed and returned to Aunt Lilly's and Uncle Jim's, but I didn't do that. Instead, I took his dick into my mouth for the second time that afternoon to get him hard enough to shove it up my ass.  And it wasn't long after I had that cock in my mouth that he was ready to take me.  'Maybe if I get him to blow his nuts, maybe he wouldn't...' I thought.

"That's good," he said pushing me back.  "Your ass is mine, boy.  Now do you want to do it easy or do you want it hard?"


"Easy it is."

Expecting him to tell me to get down on my hands and knees like I was when Hank fucked me, I  was surprised when instead, he sat and then lay back in the sand with his erect cock pointed towards the sky. 

"Come here.  I want you to stand over me... yes, like that... move up a little.  Now squat down... that's it.

"Now take my cock in your hand and lower your ass onto it.  Good.  Now just seat it in your asshole... good.  Now take it slow and sit on it...  Hmmmppphhhh!  Fuck, you're tight, Kenny, but you're doing good, boy, real good.  A little more... A little more...."

It didn't hurt like I expected it, and the discomfort was manageable as I slowly took his cock, slowly stretching my innards to accept it. It helped that I was panting; why, I didn't know, but it helped.  Meanwhile my older cousin stood nearby, jacking his dick as he watched me debase myself.

As I took more and more fat cock up my rectum I heard him hiss, "That's it, boy, take it all.  Take every fucking inch of my cock." 

I heard him, but I didn't see his look of glee for my eyes were closed tightly as I managed the discomfort.  He really wasn't any bigger than some of the huge turds I passed now and then, but rather than coming out, it was going in. Presently I was seated firmly on his groin, his cock way up into my guts.

"Now just sit for a spell and let your ass get used to my cock.  When you're ready, you can start moving, but when you do, take it slow at first...

"Ready already?  Okay, just go up a little and then down a little.  Up a little and down a little.  That's it, boy, fuck yourself on my dick.  Damn, I do think you're rather enjoying this." 

I wouldn't exactly say I was enjoying it, not at first, but as the minutes passed the discomfort faded away and...  This was way nasty, I knew.  Nasty, dirty and vile, and I did like it.  Soon I was bouncing up and down on him, using his dick like it was a pogo stick.

He thought I was getting a little too rambunctious for he grabbed me by the hips, forcing me to stop.  Pausing for just a moment, he rolled us over with me on the bottom and on my back.  That when the real fucking began.  He slammed into me, over and over, pounding me into the sand.  It went on and on and on, until I was in a daze, then it hit me, hit me like a ton of bricks; I came. I came hard and I wasn't even touching my dick.  It was the most incredible orgasm I'd experienced to date, one in which I nearly blacked out.  Still he fucked me and fucked me.   

Let me tell you, after he blew his cum up my ass and rolled off of me, I could hardly move, much less walk. I was covered in sweat and sand stuck to me everywhere.  Mr. Bob wasn't any better off.  He was lying sprawled out, covered in sweat and sand, his chest heaving while he fought to catch his breath.  

Hank helped me up and led me into the shallow water where I collapsed on my back.  For a long time I lay there, my head barely above the water, looking up at the clouds floating by through the gaps in the tree canopy, my ass throbbing and throbbing from the major league ass fucking.  As I lay there, I saw Mr. Bob wade into and cross the creek to the other bank where he clamored up the steep bank. I wouldn't see him again until the next day.

Hank came and lay down beside me.  "How are you doing, cuz?" he asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Kinda sore, huh?"

"Yeah, kinda sore."

"You'll get used to it.  I did."

"He does that to you too?"

"Oh, yeah, all the time.

"Now that everything is out in the open," he continued, "you can do me like that any time."

"You want me to do that to you too?" I asked.

"You bet!  Let me tell you, the more you do it, the better it gets.  Of course you can't over do it, at least not with a big pecker like Mr. Bob's. You'll get stretched out so much that you won't be able to control your bowls."


"Yeah, really, or at least that's what Mr. Bob says.  Not that it stops him from doing me whenever he wants."

"Can't you just tell him no?"

"I guess, but why do that?  It's fun.  But he won't fuck you every day.  He might have you blow him every day, or he might blow you every day, but he paces things when it comes to butt fucking.  Oh, and here's a tip.  He likes it up his ass too and... he likes to lick your butthole."

"Lick buttholes!  Ewwww!"

"Hey, don't knock it if you ain't tried it, little cuz."

"You do that too?"

"Maybe.... maybe not.  But he'll do it to you. 'Course you gotta be clean back there.  Or else someone might get sick."

I could tell that Hank was still in the mood to mess around, but I wasn't.  I was through for the day and just lay in the water until my fingertips and toes got all wrinkly.  I wasn't even in the mood to have him suck me, but he did anyway.

Later that afternoon, the walk back to Hank's house for supper was a bit of an ordeal and it was a long walk.  Aunt Lilly saw me limping and naturally asked if I had gotten hurt.  "No, he just slipped and fell on his butt, right onto a big stick and..."

"Oh, my goodness!" my aunt exclaimed in alarm.  "Now you just take your pants off and let me see if I need to get you to a doctor!"  I nearly freaked when she said that.

"No, no, no, Mama, he's okay.  I looked and he's okay.  Just a bit sore that's all," Hank said convincingly.

"Well, I have some ointment for things like that, so you just come with me, Kenny."  Having no choice, I followed my aunt into the bathroom, dreading that she might actually make me let her look.  She looked in the medicine chest and then handed me a tube of Preparation-H. 

"Just rub some of this on where it hurts," she said. To my relief she left, closing the bathroom door behind her and letting me tend to my sore asshole by myself.  And it did help.  It helped a lot.  By the time Uncle Jim got home from work, I felt better, a lot better.

We didn't camp out that night, which was fine by me.  In the morning, after doing chores for Aunt Lilly, Hank and I went to take care of Mr. Bob's chickens and hogs.  The grass needed cutting, so we did that too. It was fun riding around, cutting the grass on his lawn tractor.

Up until we were about finished, Mr. Bob had been gone all morning. But once we had stowed the mower and gas weed eater away, he drove up in his white step-van emblazoned with "Bob's Electric"  and his phone number. 

"How are you doing, boys?" he jovially asked exiting his truck.  We greeted him back.

"Finished up for the day?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," Hank answered.

"Good!  Very good!" He quickly looked about and added, "You boys did a fine job with the grass.

"Guess, you're going swimming now, but before you go, I want to talk to you boys about something.  How about if we go inside, and have a nice glass of cold lemonade?"

Well, I was thirsty...

Once inside he said, "I'm mighty glad to see you boys.  Very glad. But how about showing me a little skin?"

Hank didn't hesitate to start undressing.  After a moment of hesitation, I followed suit.  When we had stripped off, Mr. Bob did pour three glasses of lemonade. Handing us our glasses, he turned a kitchen chair around and sat on it.  Even after everything that had happened out at the swimming hole, I felt very self-conscious about standing there nude while Mr. Bob's eyes crawled over me.  Even so I couldn't prevent my dick from engorging with blood.

He sat his glass on the table and told us to come to him. So we stood naked, one on each side of him, still drinking our lemonade while he ran his hands over our bare buttocks.  After a long minute of feeling our asses, he dipped his head and took me into his mouth.  He sucked me for thirty seconds or so, then turned and sucked Hank.  Back and forth, he sucked our dicks.  Each individual suck was too short to get either of us to cum and he kept it up for a good twenty minutes.  As he sucked us, his hands stayed on our asses, his fingers digging between the cheeks, rubbing, probing into our assholes.  I was still sore back there, so I winced and pulled away, not far enough to get away from him, but far enough that he got the message.  He stopped toying with my anus, but kept his handful of my butt.

Tiring of his game, Mr. Bob stood and undressed.  Naked, he went into the back and returned carrying a tube of KY Jelly.

"I'm hankering for some butt," he announced while lewdly slathering his cock with KY and getting himself hard. "You need to give it some rest, Kenny. But you, Hank..."

Hank needed no further instructions and bent himself over the kitchen table.  "Open'em up, boy."  Hank reached back and spread open his cheeks.  That was the first time I'd seen what Hank's asshole looked like.  It wasn't a wrinkled star, but rather puffy and swollen.  I'd felt that puffiness during our nocturnal games in the tent, but I hadn't seen it.  I'd felt my asshole before and knew it wasn't puffy like Hank's, but I thought that it was just the way it was.  Little did I know at the time that within a few weeks, my own asshole would be puffy and swollen looking too.

"Here," Mr. Bob said as he handed me the tube of lube, "grease him up good for me."  So I slathered a good bit over my cousin's anus. 

"Get him good inside too," I was told. So I pushed some into him with my finger.  "More," he said.  More went in.

"You know, Kenny, you didn't get your chance to do him yesterday, so you go first."

I was nice and firm from playing with Hank's butthole, so I stepped up.  I wasn't lubed up, but I still slid right in all the way with no problem.  The feeling on my dick was amazing and I rutted with abandon for a minute or three before sperming him. 

Stepping back from my first time as a top, Mr. Bob praised me, "Good job!  Good job!"  Then he stepped up.  I watched his fat pecker slowly disappear up my cousin's butthole while he softly groaned. Like the piston of a steam locomotive pulling out of the station, his dick moved slow at first, then faster and faster, and as it did, the table began inching across the floor until it jammed up against the wall. Hank was taking the full brunt of his thrusts and his ass cheeks shook and quaked with every deep thrust. It went on and on for what seemed like a long time.

"Ahhhhhh!  Ahhhh! Ahhhh!" Mr. Bob grunted as he unloaded his balls.  "Ahhhh!"

The storm of sexual frenzy passed and the room grew quiet.  It was only then that I realized how much hollering had accompanied the ass fucking.  For along minute Mr. Bob remained motionless before he stepped away.  Hank was still holding his cheeks open and for the first time I saw the gaping hole of a freshly sodomized asshole.  It remained open and then the thick whitish cum began to trickle out and drip onto the floor.  The lewd display over, Hank let his cheeks go.  Mr. Bob gave him a hard slap on the butt, a red handprint quickly rose up on his lightly tanned ass.

"That was great, boys," he declared.  "I'd like to keep you two and play for awhile longer, but I need to get back to the job I was doing.  I just came home to grab some lunch, so you boys run along now." 

We spent the rest of the afternoon swinging off the rope swing and just frolicking around in the creek.  It was late in the afternoon before Hank asked me to blow him.  I did and he returned the favor.  We then dressed and went home to help Aunt Lilly with supper. 

Bob came over later that evening for coffee, like he often did.  He chatted with my aunt and uncle, but barely acknowledged Hank and me, not that we needed to have any interaction with him that might cause suspicion. 

We didn't see him the next day, but he showed up at our camp after having his evening coffee.  I sucked him off by our little campfire, then I sucked Hank for his entertainment.  As he was leaving to go home, he told me, "Hope your asshole is ready tomorrow, because I'm gonna fuck your ass, ready or not."  That wouldn't prove to be the next time I was butt fucked, as Hank and I did each other in the tent that night.  In fact, we did each other twice. 

Next day, Mr. Bob was home when Hank and I showed up to his chores.  "Hank, you do the chores alone today," he said as soon as we arrived, "I want to talk to Kenny about something."

"In private?" Hank replied with a grin.

"That's right, boy, in private."  I was beginning to catch on to what his phase "talk in private" meant and my asshole began to tingle with fear.  Not that I said no, or anything. 

"How about showing a little skin," he said once I was inside.  I knew what that meant too.

"Turn around so I can see all of you," he said when I was undressed.  Shoes and a pair of cutoff jeans with no underwear was my standard uniform for doing chores, so that didn't take long.

"You're a good looking boy," he told me before he removed his own clothes. "So, how do you want it today? Easy or hard?"

"Easy, if that's okay with you."

"That's fine with me, son.  So, let's take this into my bedroom where we'll be more comfortable."

I was relieved that he wasn't planning on simply bending me over the kitchen table and ramming his cock into me like he'd done to Hank. 

We stopped off in the bathroom where he asked me if I'd taken a shit this morning.  I had.  Then he asked if that was before or after I had my bath.  I bathed the night before, as Aunt Lilly insisted that we always went to bed clean. 

"Very well," he said. He turned on the shower and once the water was warm, he pulled me into it.  He soaped up my dick and my ass real good and had me do the same to him. I was already somewhat familiar with his large cock and balls, but delving into the hairy recess of his buttocks was completely new.  His large anus felt rubbery and easily yielded to my exploring fingers, accepting two soapy fingers without any resistance.  He encouraged me to play with his asshole, and so I did until the hot water gave out.

Toweled off, it was into his bedroom and into his unmade bed.  Placing a tube of KY on the nightstand, he told me to lie face down on the bed where he placed a pillow under my hips.  Feeling him getting between my outstretched legs, I had butterflies in my stomach in growing anticipation of him ramming his cock up my young ass. 

His hands slid up my bare legs to my ass where he kneaded the cheeks like they were bread dough for a moment while telling me, "You boys have a such sexy asses, especially you, Kenny.  Ever since I first saw you nude down at the swimming hole, I've had a hard-on for you and your yummy ass."

Tracing his fingers along my cleft, I was expecting those fingers to sink between my cheeks and finger my asshole.  The fingers left and I felt something fuzzy.  It took me moment before I realized that it was his beard I was feeling, softy brushing along my ass crack.  Then he began to nuzzle his face into my butt, swiping one way across it with one side of his face, then back the other with the other side of his face.  Then he began kissing me, or rather kissing my butt, kissing it all over and mixing that in with wallowing his entire face into my crack. 

The fingers rejoined his face, or rather his thumbs did, prying me open.  It was quite a the surprise to feel his tongue lick across my anus.  How dirty was that! And it wasn't just a single lick, and with each passing moments the licking became more and more aggressive.  Pressed into my butt, he'd shake his head as he attempted to drive the stiffened tip of his tongue into my anus.  The more he did that, the more he was successful at it until my hole yielded.  Soon he was tonguing into me with ease.  I couldn't believe how vile he was being nor how incredibly good it felt.

The analingus ended and the finger fucking began.  By then I was so relaxed and lethargic that I felt like I had melted into the pillow and mattress.  The one finger soon became two fingers.  No longer was I anxious about the grand event soon to come, indeed I was ready for it, mentally as well as physically.

The fingering stopped.  I was loose and lubed up enough to be fucked.  I imagined feeling my anus opening wide to accept his hard fat cock.  But he moved out from between my legs, and lay down beside me.

"If you want my cock, you'll have to take it," he told me. 

In my present state of mind, that didn't make any sense to me at all.  He coaxed me upright and handing me the tube of KY he told me, "Be sure and grease my pecker up real good."

I looked at his large erect prong and knew what to do, as we had done it that way before.  I squeezed out a handful of fuck grease onto my hand and coated his big cock.  Sliding in my slippery hand, his cock felt incredible.  I could have just jacked him off right there and I'd gotten a kick out of it, but my asshole, hot and aroused from his foreplay,  wanted it more.

I swung over him and positioned his cockhead to my anus and sank down, impaling myself on his steely flesh.  Slowly sliding all the way down to the root, I heard a plaintive moan, not realizing that it was me I was hearing.  Fully seated on his cock, I felt so full.  Only a wicked boy would have debauched himself like I had done.  For a long minute I stayed motionless, savoring the moment. 

Suddenly I became aware of the goo on my hand and looked at it wondering what I should do about it.

"Just rub it on me," my mentor advised.  So I did. I leaned forward and rubbed it on his large nipple, and in doing so, slid his cock partway out.  Rocking back, I took him fully in again.  As I began to rise once more to be fucking myself, he grabbed me, pulling me down to him, he rolled us over and his hips began moving, driving his cock in and out of my ass as he took total control. Somehow my legs wound up over his shoulders and he pile drove his cock deep into me.  And it felt good, really good.  At that moment I became his ever eager ass whore.

Having saved up a full load from the night before, he didn't last nearly as long as he had out on the sandbar before blowing his wad up my rectum.  I can't say I felt him cumming up my ass, because by then I had been fucked into a pleasant stupor. 

Pulling his shriveling cock from my defiled asshole, he rocked back and holding my ankles, examined the gaping chasm of his handwork.  He held me that way until I came more to my senses.  "I can see all the way to your tonsils," he quipped.  

Having delivered his little joke, he let my legs down, flopped down on his belly and stuffed the pillow under his hips.  Looking sideways towards me, he held me for a moment with the penetrating stare of his hazel eyes.  "Your turn," he finally said.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to do what I did to you. I want you to lick me and then fuck me."

"Lick you?  Lick your asshole?  That's... that's..."

"Just do it, or I'll spank your ass until you can't sit for a week," he growled.

"But that's just so dirty!"

"I'm clean.  You cleaned me yourself, so get to it before I get angry."

I guess I could have run out of there, grabbing what clothes I had on the way out.  It's not like there was anyone around to see me run outside naked.  But I didn't, I got between his legs and...

Rubbing his hairy ass wasn't so bad. As big as his butt was, it was surprisingly firm and muscular.  I pried him open and looked into the dark canyon lined with a forest of dark hair and found his big bunghole.  Like Hank's, it was puffy and raised, reminding me of one of those low travertine vents we saw at Yellowstone the year before. I was half expecting something odorous and gruesome to come bubbling out. I poked at it with a finger for a moment, then brought my finger to my nose for a sniff.  It didn't smell foul.  It didn't smell at all.  He was as he said, clean.

Gathering my courage, I stuck my face between his ass cheeks and flicked his anus with my tongue.  It didn't taste bad.  So I took an another tentative taste before committing myself fully. Still okay, so I licked him.  It was a good lick too and I did taste something earthy, but it was far from vile.  So I began licking him much as my cat at home would sometimes lick me, except my tongue wasn't as rough as Kitty's.

"That feels really nice, Kenny," Mr. Bob praised.  "Just keep doing it until I tell you to quit."  

Turns out he was in no hurry for me to quit, so I licked and laved over his anus until my tongue grew tired.  I'd take a break and pull back to study the glistening hole nestled deep in his valley.  Then I'd return to my task and go at him a little more aggressively until at last I could see that his hole had opened up. 

I heard some snickering behind me.  I turned and saw Hank standing at the door.  How long he'd been watching me, I don't know.  I found it rather embarrassing to be caught doing what I was doing, not that Hank would ever reveal what he seen me doing.

Mr. Bob heard him too.  "Hank, you can watch if you want or you can wait outside."

"I want to watch," Hank replied.

"Then you should be appropriately undressed in this house.  You know the rules."

"Oh, yes, sir.  Sorry."

"Kenny, why did you stop?" Mr. Bob said to me.  "Did I tell you to stop?"

"Uh, no, sir."

"Well... Or am I going to have to get up and enforce some discipline in this house?"

I knew what my dad's concept of "discipline" was and I wanted no part of that, so I stuck my face back between his buttocks and drove my tongue deep into his open hole. I only jabbed at him for another minute before he said, "That's enough, Kenny.  Now I want you to fuck my ass."

As I scrambled up from between his legs, he reached back and dropped the tube of KY, then pulled his ass cheeks apart.

I quickly slathered some on and into his hole, then slathered some onto my dick and in the process bringing it up to full erection.  I crawled up to my target and slipped into him with ease.  I flailed away at him with my boyish prick.  Rather than feel him relaxing his anus, he squeezed me to increase fiction as I frenetically pumped into him.  Within a minute I felt my orgasm sweep over me, and it was over.

For me it was over, but not for Mr. Bob.  For as soon as I backed away, Hank took my place and fucked him for good long time.  Come to find out, Hank had a good idea what would happen once I went inside for a "talk" with Mr. Bob.  So, before he tended to the animals, he jacked off so that he would last longer when it was his turn to bugger someone's butt.

It was late in the afternoon before we made it out to the swimming hole that afternoon.  Mr. Bob was in a playful mood and after showering with us, wanted to watch Hank and I blow each other, then we blew him and he blew us. Then it was back to ass licking and another round of blow jobs.  It was certainly a lot of fun doing chores at Mr. Bob's.

Like I said before, Hank and I swam just about every afternoon after finishing our chores.  This would be during the work week.  We rarely went swimming on the weekends and never when it was raining.  On Saturday's Uncle Jim expected us to help him around his place, mending fences, replacing rotted fence posts, mending the barn, that sort of thing.  Usually his tasks kept us busy all day, but occasionally when we finished early, he'd suggest that we go swimming.  Naturally, he went in the buff with us, as that's what you do when you go swimming out in the sticks. 

The first time he went with us, I half expected that some hanky panky might occur, for at that point nothing would've surprised me, but nothing happened.  We just swam and goofed off, the nudity just being incidental to the recreation.  Uncle Jim never even popped a boner. Hank and I did, but we were horny teenagers and Uncle Jim ignored it as being just a fact of life.  Mr. Bob would come out once a week and "swim' with us, but he never came out when we were there with Uncle Jim.

I did have one concern the first Saturday afternoon out there with Uncle Jim, the three lawn chairs at our campsite.  Uncle Jim made use of them, but he never inquired why there were three in the first place.  I guess he knew why, but was unconcerned that Mr. Bob sometimes came out there with us.

On Sundays we went to church.  After services, there was always a pot luck dinner outside unless it was raining.  Then it was in the rec hall.  Everyone for miles around went to that church, as that was when everyone could catch up with the happenings in the community.  It was a Methodist church, even though  half the congregation professed to be Baptists.  Even Mr. Bob went and brought a big pot of something to share.  These events were fun, as I got to meet some of Hank's friends from school.  Then it was home for a quiet afternoon.

Of course just because it was Sunday, the animals still had to be fed, so before church and after taking care of Aunt Lilly's chickens, Hank and I would go feed Mr. Bob's hogs and chickens.  As he was always home putting the finishing touches to his pot luck contribution, he'd call us in for a "talk".  He usually wasn't dressed by then and had us flip a coin to see who sucked him off that morning.  That was the only time the "no clothes in the house" rule was tabled, as there wasn't time to mess around before we needed to head to church. During the church services, I wondered if anyone suspected or knew of the sin we committed just an hour or so before. 

Oh, one other thing.  Mr. Bob was magnanimous in paying Hank and I for doing chores for him.  Even though it was half the work with the two of us, he paid us both fully, saying it wasn't fair to Hank to cut his pay and it wasn't fair to me that I got nothing.  The only time we had an opportunity to spend any of our wages was on the few times we went with Aunt Lilly into town to do her grocery shopping.  I had a small fortune for a twelve year old when I got home.

That's pretty much how things went that long hot summer.  At the end of August I hated it when Uncle Jim took me down to the bus station and sent me home.  I wanted to stay there... forever, and go to Hank's school with him and help him with all his chores.  But I also missed my mom and my dad.  I even missed school for a week or two.  Best of all, coming home I found Mom was much better.  She'd lost all her hair, but she was doing good and the prognosis was good.



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