Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. I suppose the only logical place to start is at the very beginning, the time when my Angel was innocent and I wasn't the guilty sinner that I am now. My Angel was with me for the weekend and I had told her that the boat was already in the water and good to go. It's just a small fishing boat that I can put on a trailer and move around. It's big enough for a couple of people and fishing gear, but not so big that it takes more than me to handle loading and unloading on a trailer by myself. She always liked fishing, and she loved the boat and being on the water. I told her mother that we would be fishing that weekend and to make sure she packed her swim suit. The weather was supposed to be warm with some clouds, but nothing major and it wasn't anything that should have been cause for concern. Saturday arrived and we were on the road by 6:00am heading to a lake that we like to go to. By the time we made it to the lake and were actually on the water in a nice quiet location it was about 9:00am. We just had the hooks in the water and were talking about nothing in particular. She had her sneakers, loose fitting shorts, and a tank top with her 2 piece swim suit underneath and her hair was pulled back into one ponytail. She looked so cute and so happy to be there. We drifted around the lake not really paying attention to anyone when we noticed another boat with two guys coming towards us. We did the hearty hello and how's the fish routine and they said they were heading to shore for a bit since the storm was coming in and it looked like lightning. Looking back, there were some pretty dark clouds rolling in so I decided to err on the side of caution and head in too to see what the storm was going to do. There was a Scouts Camp on the lake as well and I could see the beach from where we were. It wasn't being used and I knew they had a dock and so on so all of us headed to shore. We tied up on the dock, grabbed our gear and headed to this roofed area that was probably for picnic tables. It was just a concrete slab with 6 posts holding up a shingled roof. It was out of the rain and we sat down and made introductions. My Angel kept her self busy drawing on the concrete using a smaller rock and we just drank a few beers while the rain started to come down. After some time, I noticed that one of the guys wasn't really looking at me, but rather past me as we were talking. Eventually, the other guy sort of stood up to stretch, look around, then took a seat off to the side of me near his buddy. He too seemed fixated on something beyond me as we talked. Hazarding a glance over my shoulder to see what was so interesting, I saw my Angel sitting with the soles of her feet touching and her knees flopped wide open like a butterfly, not quite like an Indian. That in itself wasn't so bad, but when I noticed that they just kept talking and glancing over more and more, I felt I had to figure out what was going on. This time, when I looked over to my Angel, I noticed that from where I was sitting, the leg openings of her shorts were wide open. It didn't faze me since I knew she had her swim suit on underneath. Hell, if it were hot and sunny out, she would have been in just her swim suit, so what was the big deal? As the conversation went on, it dawned on me that these two guys were perving on my daughter. They were looking up her shorts to see her swimsuit. It could have been a swim suit, or panties, or whatever, but these two guys were making an effort to actually look up her shorts. I remember the intense heat in my face when I blushed and my stomach lurched! These fucking assholes were staring at my daughter! But I tried to keep things in perspective. What were they really seeing? They were seeing LESS than they normally would see if she was in her swimsuit on the beach. She still had her shorts and tank top on so what was the big deal? Slowly my ire subsided and I thought it was kind of cute and maybe a little silly that these grown men were happy to stare at my little girl. The rain passed, luckily it was nothing bad. There were flashes of lightning, but they were off in the distance and it seemed safe. We had gone through our entire supply of lunch and drinks just sitting there so we decided to call it a day. We shook hands, they said good bye to my Angel and we loaded up. The trip back to the boat ramp was uneventful and a little chilly, but we made it safely. The whole ride back, my Angel was curled in a ball on the middle seat to try to add ballast to the boat and to help it plane out, but she weighed maybe 50 pounds soaking wet and holding rocks, but it was the thought that counted. When we made it to the ramp, she put her feet back down and leaned behind her towards the bow seat to get her gear, when she did, her legs opened wide as they were back at the camp, only this time, I was in the position that the other guys were and I saw what they really saw! Her swim suit bottoms had shifted and were a little loose. I could see all of her girl-hood with perfect ease! For almost an hour, those two guys were staring at my little Angel's bare, naked treasure! I was stunned. The events of the morning flashed back through my head at a blinding speed. You know the saying "My life flashed before my eyes?" It was like that, except the little gestures, the glances, the comments, they all made more sense. The veil was lifted and I suddenly knew the inside joke they were keeping from me! I was pissed, I was so mad, I looked frantically for them, but they had decided to stay out to fish longer. I would have no idea how to find them and even if I did, what would I say? What was I going to do from a boat? Yell at them? I continued to stare open mouthed at my Angel's most private of parts and words finally escaped my mouth. "Honey. Fix your legs. Sit like a lady." She rolled her eyes and closed her knees and I fumbled around to get out of the boat. That was when I felt a sharp pain in my cock as I tried to stand. I was half hard at the thought of two strangers staring at my little Angel's bare parts.