DISCLAMERS AND DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS: This story was written for the
pornographic press sometime before or during WWII, by an unknown and
untraceable author.  As such, it is assumed to be in the public domain.

   Barry Clark was disgusted with his way of living.  It seem to him that
every day began and ended in a machine like regularity which annoyed and
bored him.  Perhaps he had been working too hard lately, but whatever the
reason he felt it imperative for him to change his routine a trifle, some
unusual or strange experience that would shake him out of this state of
mind.  After much analysis, Barry decided he had neglected the amorous side
of his life entirely too much.  He hardly looked at a woman for months, so
absorbed had he become in his construction work.  Hunger formed in his mind
and he sought a quick and sure way to cure it.  Just how could he, in one
brilliant and satisfying experience, satisfy his sexual side of life in a
way that would make up for months of neglect.

   As he sat in his apartment pondering this question, Barry's gaze
wandered out the window to the apartment opposite his.  He knew that a most
delicious bit of femininity carrying the name of Miss Gloria Sanders dwelt
in that apartment.  That was the way he knew also that she possessed a
divine body.  A body that he had often desired, but had always dismissed
from his mind under stress of his affairs.  He judged from her that she was
about twenty- eight years old, in the bloom of womanhood and a striking

   He sat upright with interest as he noted in the dim interior of the
apartment opposite his that Gloria was in the midst of undressing,
apparently unconscious of the fact that his position allowed him to see
her. His pulse quickened, as she finished taking off her dress over her
head and stood in a black chemise.  He followed with his eyes the
sculptured curves of her perfectly molded body as far as her thighs, where
the window sill cut his vision.  Then she moved and was lost from his view,
leaving Barry with a thousand thoughts running through his mind.

   That settled it, he must go this very night somewhere to satisfy the
overwhelming desire which he knew, if unsatisfied, would continue to bother
him.  He thought of a place, a secret place of which he had heard where
strange performances of an exotic nature were staged for the benefit of
very wealthy clients.  A client which, under sworn secrecy not to divulge
what he saw was privileged to witness unusual and stimulating displays of
life in the raw.  That was what he needed, a visit to this place would
clear his mind of this sudden overwhelming sexual desire.  He decided to
call Dudley Barrows, the wealthy foreman.  Just on the chance he called him
to see about it and was gratified to hear the voice of a friend.

   "I knew you'd want to go there some night, he laughed.  "I've been
wanting to go there again for a long time, remember Barry what I told you
about the cost, because of the criminal nature of the performance the
stager will not admit, under any circumstances, anyone not brought by a
proven client.  Entry fee to one of these performances cost $500.00, so
only the well off can afford it.  I'll pick you up in a few minutes."

   Barry prepared to descend to the street and as he passed the door of
Miss Sanders, the delectable lady stepped into the corridor.  "Good
evening, Miss Sanders ! .  "And where are you going tonight ?" .

   "Thank you, Mr Clark, I plan to take a walk in the park, perhaps a taxi,
I do things like that you know."

   She was utterly beautiful and Barry promised himself that he would do
something about her tomorrow night.  Just then Dudley Barrow's car drove
before the entrance and in another minute the two gentlemen were whisked
away toward their strange destination.

   Gloria Sanders walked slowly toward the park in the gathering twilight.
Her thoughts ran in the same direction as those of Barry Clark, her urgent
need for the satisfaction of her sexual desires.  Since her husband had
passed away some months before, she had been wholly without the satisfying
presence of flesh in her.  She told herself that she would give in without
much persuasion on his part if Barry ever made advances at her as other men

   A cab glided down the street and Gloria suddenly decided to go riding
instead of walking.  By now it was quite dark and the cab answered her call
and pulled up to the curb.  The driver leaned out and peered at her before
opening the door.  The sidewalks and streets were clear of everyone except
Gloria.  As she stepped in and sat down, and at the same time tried to
scream for two men sitting in the far corner threw themselves on her. 
Petrified with fear and unable to vent the scream she wished, Gloria felt a
rag shoved into her mouth and realized she had been gagged.  Dimly she
realized not a soul had seen her abducted.  WHITE SLAVERY, the thought sent
tremors through her tense body.

   Although she had expected the men to attack her, she was surprised when
one of them told her that no harm would come to her if she remained quiet
and that she would be set free in the morning.  This calmed her somewhat
but her nerves were still tense, when after a ride of a few blocks, the cab
entered an arched street to one of the old residence of the city.  The type
which was usually inhabited by the wealthy people.  In the darkness of the
interior of a garage, the motor was shut off and Gloria was hustled out of
the car, and through the door into the house.  Still in darkness she was
guided or rather pushed up a stairway by her captors.  She had no idea what
part of the city she was in or where this house was located.

   Opening another door, her captors pulled her through and the glare of
the lights dazed her eyes.  To her surprise a motherly looking woman about
sixty approached her.  Dressed in black almost like the robe of a nun, a
quick thought made her think she was in a convent, but a moment
recollection told her this was not so.  The woman told her captors to leave
the room, then she mentioned Gloria to sit down on a divan, and drew up a
chair facing the young woman.  Gloria was in hopes that the gag would be
removed but was disappointed when the woman began to talk.

   "My dear, I presume you are very frightened and feel violence will be
done to you, perhaps you feel you are the victim of WHITE SLAVERY, but do
not have any fear on that part, no violence will be done to you.  However
violence of the most pleasurable nature, violence that will make you
remember this night.  If you are what I think you are, I envy what will be
done to you.  Each night in this place which is a theatre for a very
selected audience.  A show is put on in which you will be the star tonight.
Briefly, you will be made love to in many ways.  That will be as much as a
surprise to you as it will to the men and women in the audience, who will
watch your every motion.  I will tell you that the audience will be
composed of some of the richest men and women of this and other cities who
are spending their money to obtain the thrill that comes from this and
other women that are being ravished.  Each spectator pays a fee of $500.00,
so for your good don't fight too hard.  I'm afraid that the desire I read
in your face, that the gag be removed cannot be granted, but it will be
replaced by a rubber sheath into which your tongue will be inserted.  This
will prevent your talking or screaming in a way that the best night of
loving might not be spoiled." Dazed by the woman's words, Gloria let
herself be led out of the room.

   The limousine carrying Barry and Dudley drew up before a portion of the
city unfamiliar to Barry.  To his surprise Dudley told him to get out, the
car was driven away by the chauffeur, Dudley mentioned him to enter a
narrow alley and they proceeded down its dark lengths for some time until
Barry suddenly realized there were two men beside them.  "Don't be afraid
of Scott, Barry, said Dudley, "They are the fellows who will guide us to
the performance, the stagers aren't taking any chances, you see due to the
criminal nature of this performance all customers are led blind-folded to
the stage so nobody will be able to say later where it is." One of the men
told them, "I must warn you gentlemen that no demonstration of any kind
must occur during the show, any such attempt will bring dire consequences,
and I'll require both of you to take an oath that will retain you under the
rule of passive spectators at all times."

   Having taken the oath, black masks were given both men with the
instructions they wear them at all times during the show, as it is the
desire of the management that no group of guest be aware of the identity of
any other group of guests.  With beating pulses Barry and Dudley were
guided into a dark room at the end of which there was a small stage, the
nature of which escaped Barry.  He noted in the semi-darkness that most of
the audience were women and their presence made the scene only more
exciting, as he would be able to observe their reaction too.

   "Ladies and gentlemen you are about to witness the ravishment of a woman
who has been abducted by our agents from the street, a woman who until this
moment doesn't know what she is in for, as has been explained to each of
you, each night a woman is abducted from the street and ravished and set
free in the morning.  Unaware of the victim you may first think she is
under torture.  Quite the reverse is true for these women who have not been
ravished, will be ravished beyond all human sense so she will not be hurt.
We never know until the last moment whether the victim is a virgin or not.
Sometimes they are and their thrill of womanhood is known.  Needless to say
our victims are chosen only from districts in which the most wealthy dwell,
for such women make the best kind of medium for this kind of show.  Perhaps
one of these shows you will see one of your lady friends in the role of the
victim, but remember you are sworn to absolute silence and any action
breaking this rule will result in severe punishment for the offender.  As
you sit there, there are persons among you in the audience who will not
hesitate to stop any kind of demonstration in the audience, do with the
knowledge that you can't do anything about the performance, just relax and
enjoy yourself to the fullest, and now for tonight's victim."

   From the rear of the stage Barry was amazed to see several women dressed
in black from head to toe come in, in single file.  They stood just inside
the door and Barry noticed that they were of all ages.  Then through the
door came the victim, and Barry's pulse leaped in horror and amazement for
the victim was none other than the beautiful neighbor, the widow, Miss
Gloria Sanders, quickly he realized that when she went for a walk she must
have called a cab and happened to choose the very cab containing the agents
for this performance.  Sooner than he realized he was to see her body in
all it's glory.  A wild thought ran through his brain that he should try to
rescue her from the fate.  And then he glanced up at the burly guards with
heavy clubs, then he thought better of it, now he could do nothing but sit
and wait.  He waited to tell Dudley about it but remembered the rule that
words should not be spoken by the audience.  His blood-pressure racing, his
senses whirling, Barry sat and watched the spectacle unfolding before him.

   Gloria found herself in the glare of the spotlight which made her eyes
contract, but she took full confidence in the black-gowned women near her.
She resolved to take this ordeal in the bravest way.  She knew resistance
would be useless and would only bring her harm.  Wild thoughts raced
through her mind, what terrible acts of sadism might they have in store for
her.  To have her own strong need of the earlier evening be satisfied in a
strange manner which she could never have dreamed possible, was about to
happen.  The women in black, six in all, led Gloria to the front of the
stage, the spotlight following them.  Gloria was still wearing her coat and
other clothing, just as she had before all of this happened.  Even her
expensive hat was still attached to her curly head.  Now one of the women
took off her hat and removed a few pins so that Gloria's hair fell
ravishingly down to her shoulders, another gripped her right hand while
another began to unbutton her coat.  Her coat was removed which revealed a
blouse of red striped silk and a skirt of a negative shade.  Her full
rounded breasts bulged under the tightness of the blouse and Barry watched
with vivid eyes, realized that her body was even more magnificent than he
imagined.  The actors in the performance were so close that he could reach
out and touch them, they were no more than eight feet from Barry.  The
glare from the spotlight prevented Gloria from seeing her audience, which
strained in their seats to see every single moment.

   Now the black robed women began to unbutton her blouse and Gloria
realized she was to be stripped.  He body trembled and indignation rose in
her, but six women held her firm.  It took but a moment to remove the
blouse and her lacy brassiere came into view.  A gasp of admiration was
heard from the audience.  Barry thought that his blood was on fire, why did
Gloria not cry out!  Then he remembered, Dudley had told him that they had
her tongue in a rubber cleat and was thus immobilized.

   Next one of the women stepped behind her and reached around her with
both hands grasping the bottom of the skirt, then slowly she began to lift
it up.  Gloria started to jump aside, but two women grabbed her firmly by
the ankles and two others continued to hold her arms leaving her powerless.
Little by little the skirt rose and Barry's eyes gazed each square inch of
her lovely revealed limbs.  His organ of love had long before became rigid
and now it had swelled up until he was afraid it would burst.  Gloria's
sheer stockings stopped just above the knees where they were rolled and her
snow white flesh appeared gleaming like ivory in the reflection of the
spotlight.  Gloria closed her eyes and tried not to think of the
humiliation she was suffering.  As the skirt continued to rise the sheer
beauty of her curves began to materialize as a perfect curve began from her
dimpled knees and continued to taper upward towards her thighs.  Still
hidden by the folds of her skirt, the rising fabric reached just below her
waist.  A pink corner of the last guardian of a woman's priceless passion,
her pink lacy panties appeared.  This temporary barrier to the eager eyes
of the audience, her skirt was pulled over her head and Gloria stood there
as a magnificent specimen of feminine beauty.  A slight repress of emotion
arose from the audience and Barry noticed that the women of the gathering
participated in the slight confirming suspicion that the women had rather
seduced an experienced woman rather than a virgin.

   Barry now expected that the under clothing would be removed but to his
surprise the black robed attendants slipped a strap of Gloria's brassiere
down exposing two luscious round red tipped breasts, which was undoubtedly
the most beautiful Barry had ever seen.  Then a woman attendant who
appeared to be about twenty-five years of age and quite good looking in her
own right, bent over and cupped Gloria's beautiful breast in her hands.  A
tremor ran through Gloria when she opened her eyes to find out what this
women was doing to her.  Her answer was quick forth coming for the woman
began to massage the glorious bundle of beautiful rounded flesh with both
hands.  Pulling and tugging and every so often she took the bright red
nipple between her fingers and gave it a vigorous pull.  In spite of
herself, Gloria felt a thrill shoot through her.  Under cunning caresses of
this apparently young female, Gloria's body began to fill with eagerness. A
fit of trembling caught her body which increased when the young woman took
the nipple in her mouth and began to suck it.  Gloria threw her head back
and the audience knew that she was enjoying it with the keenest delight. 
Another woman attendant loosened the other strap of her lacy brassiere to
reveal the other breast from it's lacy prison and began to suck it in
similar fashion.  Her body strained and Gloria felt as though she was on
fire.  The sensation caused by the tongues of these women was one of the
utter ecstasy and she found herself wishing it would never stop.

   Barry glanced at the audience and noticed that some of the females had
their own breasts out and had the desire to feel the darting tongues of a
woman in the same manner that Gloria was receiving.  Just when Gloria felt
that the sensation was at it's height, the women took her breasts out of
their mouths and stepped back.  They then began to loosen her pink lacy
panties and she knew in a moment she would be entirely nude.  Quickly the
lacy underthing was removed and she stood in the revealing light,
gloriously and beautifully naked.  A groan came from the audience as the
full beauty of her revealed form became apparent.  Gloria appeared carved
from a block of alabaster from her slim ankles to her jet black hair.  She
was a master creation of beautiful femininity.  Her dimpled knees were
still encased in her sheer stockings, her full legs rose to maddening
thighs, full and molded that one look at them was enough to set a man's
organ of love on a tour of rigidness.  Nested under her gently curved
abdomen was her love garden which stood forth in ravishing perfection, a
brilliant black bush of hair against the ivory whiteness of her body. 
Barry, as his senses whirled dimly recalled that such an abundant growth of
hair was a sign of extremely strong sexual emotions and desires.  He could
no longer stand it, he opened his trouser front and inserted his
handkerchief in his pants to absorb his potent love nectar which had
spurted forth into his pants.  No one in the audience paid any attention to
any one else, all eyes were riveted on the vision of the ravishing beauty
of nudity on the stage.

   Now the women attendants pushed Gloria down in a sitting position on a
luxuriously black mattress that had been spread on the floor, against a
background of white satin.  Her love organ stood out like a lamp against
the gleaming baby spotlight that shown on that part of her body.  Two of
the women caught her ankles and pulled her legs over her head and exposing
the magnificent opening into the most coveted possession that Gloria owned.
It was revealed in full between her maddening thighs.  The hole itself was
rather small, but large enough to show that it had been entered before. 
One of the young women who had previously caressed her breast, now dropped
to her knees and with eager fingers spread the lips of her vaginal opening
and with the other hand parted the thickly growing hair, and seizing the
erect clitoris which was quivering with emotional passion, began to work it
with her fingers.  The full beauty of her vaginal opening was revealed to
the mad desire of the audience.  Some of the women onlookers were filled
with the desire for intercourse that they were panting with desire for a
man's love muscle.  Gloria flushed gaze was visible to the audience which
read every motion in her beautiful countenance.  The emotions pictured were
ones of extreme ecstasy and a strong desire for which every woman lives. 
Gloria's eyes were closed and her mouth was open as the women was fondly
fingering the dripping clitoris.  Suddenly the young woman bent over and
inserted her tongue into Gloria's quivering vagina.  A flush of anguished
joy and pleasure came into Gloria's face and her eager eyes closed and she
enjoyed the full pleasure of this strange passionate woman.  Her body was
tense and quivering as the young woman ran her tongue around the opening to
Gloria's vagina, and while doing this she seized thick bunches of the soft,
but firm lips to the vagina in her mouth and gently worked on it with a
gentle chewing motion.  She then took the erect clitoris between her lips
and sucked until the maddening joy and passion almost drove Gloria mad with

   Unsuspecting reservoirs of love nectar within her were on the verge of
spouting forth in a gush of pent up passion.  She knew that if the young
woman kept it up, the torture would be too great and she would gush forth
with the lovely white nectar.  But apparently this was what the young woman
was waiting for, and her efforts were redoubled.  She kissed and sucked
every tiny portion of Gloria's trembling love garden.  Then with a jerk of
her head and a low moan, Gloria's quivering pussy shot forth streams of
white foam that cascaded into the mouth of her female lover and ran down
Gloria's shapely legs.  Barry's mind was aflame for he had shot forth with
his load several times and he knew that the rest of the audience must have
felt the same way.  This was worth something more than the $500.00
admission price.  In all his life his senses had never been so stirred and
to think it was his next door neighbor on the stage to whom all this was
happening to.  It made Barry's appetite larger and more demanding.

   Now the spotlight swung to another door at the rear of the stage.  The
startled eyes of the audience followed the light which focused on a young
man about twenty-three years old, entirely nude.  A magnificent and
handsomely built specimen with large biceps and broad shoulders.  But the
sight was the huge penis which was dangling between his legs.  This huge
organ was at least eight inches long and two inches in diameter.  Two huge
testicles swung beneath this magnificent organ.  A sigh of emotion came
from the female audience as they had never seen such a huge organ which was
that large when limber.  Very few had ever seen one that large even when
excited and rigid.  With a grin that revealed starry white teeth, the lad
stepped forward and as he walked his muscles rippled.  Dimly Barry realized
that Gloria was to be ravished by this huge penis carrying man.  But
Barry's sexual appetite was so great that he could not be horrified by the
thought, but only looking forward to see the actual deed himself.  Now the
spotlight swung back to the group of black robed women, in the light of
which Gloria was revealed from the dais, with the young woman still
passionately stroking Gloria's love garden.  When Gloria saw the young man
her face blushed, and the audience could see her quiver with sexual hunger,
they could see why, for the size of his penis when unexcited was enormous.
What would it be like when rigid?  How could a women with as small a
vaginal opening like Gloria's take such a huge tool into her quiff without
passing out, and being permanently injured for life.  Barry was at first
indigent and then he remembered that a women's womb would stretch.

   When this young giant stood before his victim, the picture was so
passionate, that his sexual emotions immediately began to flow.  His organ
began to throb and attained a huge proportion.  He dropped down beside
Gloria and passionately kissed her.  Gloria who already was sexually
excited began breathing hard and her love garden to drip with pent up
passion.  She held the young boy close and clung to him like she wanted to
have his gigantic tool rip it's way into her quivering pussy.  The young
boy began to love Gloria up in a way, that Gloria fairly melted, she
pressed her body close to the boy, he pressed her close to him and fondly
caressed her sexual organs.  By now Gloria was laying back offering no
resistance, spread her legs as he got in between them.  He fingered her
throbbing vagina and slowly he crept into position, which would enable him
to fill Gloria with a frothy foam of love juice.  He put his hand on
Gloria's quiff and gently massage and caressed it, until Gloria's vagina
was slippery and slimy with dripping love nectar.  Gloria was almost
fainting, the pleasure was almost unconvincible, she shuddered every time
his fingers touched her clitoris.  Then finally the young giant assumed a
position preparatory to attempting to insert his monstrous penis into the
one and only spot God had intended such an organ to be put.  Pulling here
and pushing there he finally stretched her small opening into receiving the
head of his large penis.  Amazingly the head of his penis slid into the
tight but slimy vaginal opening.  Gloria felt like a red hot iron had been
pushed into her pussy.  A flame of feeling seized her and her senses reeled
as she trembled under the strain of his huge penis.  Slowly the gigantic
tool was pushed into the stretching pussy, all elasticity was lost, her
quiff had stretched to it's maximum, yet he pressed slowly on.  Gloria
threw back her head and in a half smile she closed her eyes as she pushed
her hips forward to meet the attack.  Two inches, three inches, Gloria
grimaced as her opening ripped at the corner to take the huge tool. 
Finally five inches had gone in and already the head of his tool had hit
bottom.  Gloria felt it touch her womb, and was sure she would be hurt. 
Yet the feeling was so good she kept forcing her hips forward to sink it in
deeper.  Never before in her life had a male organ been in so far.  The
desire was so maddening that Gloria couldn't think of getting hurt.  Now
the young man slid his hands under Gloria's well developed buttocks and in
a rotation motion began to push in the remaining three inches.  With a
start Gloria realized that the head of his penis was actually entering her
vagina.  His manipulations had opened up the entrance.  Finally the whole
ten inches was all the way in, Gloria felt like she was in heaven even
though her vaginal opening was bleeding from the ripping effect of the huge
tool.  The audience hung on the edges of their seats in utter astonishment.
Gloria had the delicious sensation of turning inside out.  Her pleasure
exceeded the limits of human endurance and she tried to scream with the joy
of it.  Faster and faster he pumped the penis in and out and through out
the audience, would be heard the mushy sound of his huge penis forcing in
and out of the lubricated hole, yet Gloria had not reached her climax and
neither had he.  The lips to her vaginal opening was still tight, but was
gradually allowing and easing friction to the force of the huge tool.  The
sloshing sound continued to drift to the audience ears.  Gloria's womb was
clinching and unclinching around the head of his penis each time it entered
and was pulled out of her womb.  Finally Gloria had to give vent to the
pleasure, she had reached her climax.  With a groan she threw her head back
and pushed forward to get the oncoming attack with full force.  To say she
exploded with love juice would be proper as she shot forth a stream of love
nectar stored for many months, never before had she been so excited by
another.  She shot forth with a torrent of white nectar spurt after spurt.
At the same time the young boy shot a frothy stream of love juice into her
womb.  He pushed his huge penis as far as it would go and spurt after spurt
unloaded the pent up love stored in his huge penis.  So great was the
thrill of this FUCK, that Gloria fell into a reeling spell and fainted from
the sheer joy.  Then the curtain was pulled bringing an end to the first

   As the curtain came up one minute later, Gloria was laying on the dais
while the black robed attendants sprayed her with sweet smelling water and
powder.  One of the young women was between her maddening thighs and was
washing out her vagina, while the others rested her and caressed her
steaming body.

   On one side of the stage was an odd looking platform, and on the other
side stood seven young men, each with huge penises and beautiful testicles.
Approaching the platform two of the young men mounted and sat down on a
projecting shelf three feet above the floor.  Two more mounted themselves
on another shelf about six feet above the floor.  While a fifth perched
himself on a shelf about five feet high, a murmur arose from the audience.
WHAT WAS UP?  Every female eye caressed the swelling penises of the
handsomely built men, while their feminine desire called for the mating of
these wonderful organs.  But they were under oath to stay put and not
disturb the show.  They would have to satisfy themselves elsewhere after
the show.  None of the pricks possessed by these young men were equal to
that of the young giant who preceded them, but each was of large enough
size to make any women scream with joy.

   Now the black robed attendants drew Gloria to her feet, and advanced
with her towards the young men.  Three of them stood waiting and at the
sight of her glorious body their penises stood straight and erect, it
seemed as though their eyes could not leave this gift of delight which was
to be theirs.  Gloria wondered, as did the audience, what was going to
happen to her next.  One man they could understand, but seven that was a

   Then the loudspeaker spoke again, "Ladies and gentlemen, you are about
to see the final act of this performance in which this woman will be loved
as completely and as much as it is possible for a woman to be loved at one
time.  She will not be hurt but on the contrary should reach the height of

   As he said this, the three naked men seized Gloria gently.  One began to
caress her breasts, the second her love garden and the third ran his
fingers over her firmly molded curved thighs.  A few minutes of this and
Gloria was again feeling the thrills within her.  She was ready for
anything.  Suddenly the young man facing her took his straining penis in
his hand and began to insert the head of it into her juicy trembling love
garden.  Unnoticed by Gloria, the young man behind her took the large penis
he possessed in his hands and began to rub on it some cream substance.  As
the first young man inserted the throbbing rod of flesh into Gloria, this
young man inserted the head of his penis in between the lovely cheeks of
her beautiful bulging pink ass and began to push.  Gloria felt a new thrill
shoot through her.  She who had always thought this particular act would be
painful, now found it delightful.  Now she had two organs ravishing her
insides and they both felt so good she didn't know which to enjoy the most.
The young man behind her increased his pleasure and his penis slowly
deepened into her ass until the entire length of his tool was inside her.

   The three bodies were pressed close together now.  Gloria in the middle,
a penis in her cunt, and another one up her ass.  A new wave of feeling
creeped through her as both men began to pump her.  Now the men on the
three foot high shelf leaned forward and took hold of a pink bulging firm
breast and cupped it in their mouths as far as it would go.  Sucking
furiously at the rosy nipples and chewing tenderly, they made Gloria's
ecstasy soar to new heights.  Her entire body was being loved at one time,
it felt so good that she felt sure she would expire from the exquisite pain
and pleasure of it.  But that was not yet all.  The men on the six foot
shelf leaned forward and caught her hands.  They pulled the trembling hands
up and placed them on their throbbing penises, which they had caused to
increase to an enormous size by her touching them.  Gloria's fingers
wrapped around a new source of pleasure and her senses felt the rich satin
smoothness of their huge heads and her fingers began to explore their huge
balls, feeling and pinching them brought another anguished delight. 
Meanwhile her cunt and ass were being made to feel divine by the in and out
motion of the young Goliaths who were pushing in and out like an express
train, then suddenly Gloria felt a hot torrent shoot up her rectum and
flood her insides with a frothy foam of love juice.  Gloria reeled from the
novel feeling of it.  She threw her head back with a groan and gripped the
two penises, which she had in her hands all the tighter.  As she opened her
eyes again she noticed for the first time the young man situated on the
fifth shelf.  His penis was larger than the others, and he had his legs
apart so that his testicles were fully exposed to her view.  It was as
though she was hypnotized by the sight of this huge morsel of manpower
right before her eyes.  He was sitting no more than six inches from her
face when he reached forward and put both hands behind her head.  Gently he
pulled her head forward, as though in a trance she opened her mouth and put
the head of his penis in her mouth.  The initial feeling of the silken head
of the throbbing penis and the face of the young man became wreathed in a
half smile of contentment as she closed her eyes.  Now her mouth was full
of this throbbing penis.  She ran her tongue around and around the edge of
this delicious throbbing penis exploring and caressing the head.  With a
gentle chewing motion she sank her teeth gently into the satiny skin and
increased the pleasure of what she felt.  Her grip on the penises of the
two men on the adjacent shelves tightened and her hands stroking them in a
manner which would cause anyone to be passionately struck by her spasmodic

   Barry's heart was pounding so hard that he was sure that it could be
heard a mile away.  He was so overcome by the sexual urge of this orgy on
the stage that his mouth hung open and saliva drooled out of the corner of
his mouth, unnoticed by himself.  Pandemonium caught the audience, the
women reached over in the semi-darkness and seized an organ which they
wanted more than anything else in the world at the moment.  A young girl
sitting next to Barry was sitting with her legs spread wide apart, she took
off her panties so she could have free access to her warm love garden, she
was caressing it with her fingers while her eyes remained glued to the
stage.  Barry threw all pretenses aside and openly grabbed his terrifically
rigid penis in order to satisfy in some measure the terrible desire that
had settled in him.

   Meanwhile Gloria floated through the sea of love, her body immersed in a
spasm of fiery rapture, her blood ran and danced and she felt as though a
million needles of delight were FUCKING every square inch of herself. 
Never would she believe it possible to be loved in seven different ways at
one time.  Gloria began to wriggle under the urge of the tremendous
sensation caused by her intimacy and torrid contacts with seven huge and
alluring male penises at one time.  Gloria was trying to drive the three
penises already in her, deeper and deeper into her body so she could retain
forever the unbearable delicious feeling that was hers.  The man facing her
and the one pressing his penis into her rectum began to cooperate together.
Their terrific lunges in and out with their enormous penises were
coordinated and Gloria felt a new thrill was on it's way.  The young men
were scarlet red from the tremendous love blood built up in their organs.
They suddenly nodded their heads to each other and increased the speed of
their in and out motions.  The audience next saw Gloria half-collapsed and
her breathing became terrifically labored and at the same time the two men
in front and back of her threw their arms around her and each shouted aloud
in agonized pleasure.

   At the same time the young man with the largest penis who was in seventh
heaven from the work of Gloria's delicate mouth that was around his penis,
threw back his head and laughed hysterically.  Gloria's eyes rolled
spasmodically and reason enough, for all three of these overflowing juicy
penises had suddenly poured forth with a white foam of love juice at the
same moment, one in her cunt, one in her quivering rectum and the third
into her scarlet mouth.  A roaring torrent of frothy liquid spouted into
her month and almost choked her.  In self defense she began to swallow it's
squirting flow.  Her quiff was palpitating from a burning jet of male love
juice being sprayed into her love garden by the man facing her.  And her
beautiful ass felt a red hot torrent of juices shoot up and inside her
rectum as the young man pressed against her ass, giving her all he could
throw.  Gloria had the impression in a daze that she was an actual growing
tree with the sap of life flowing through her in waves.

   The overflow of white love juices being sprayed forth from her already
filled up quiff and ass ran down her lovely legs to her knees, while the
two men assigned to the three foot shelf were working at it in a frenzied
enchantment.  Indeed so excited did they become that they could no longer
hold back, nor could the men whose penises Gloria's hands were caressing.
With groans and cries of sheer delight they grabbed hold of their penises
and pushed them against Gloria's convulsing body.  They put the heads of
their jerking pricks against her firm breasts while each one of the others
inserted the heads of their penises into her navel, and the others wrapped
both of her hands around their throbbing and gushing organs.  Seven huge
pricks now squirted forth on Gloria's inside and outside of her body, more
and more hot torrents of love juices shoot forth from their huge penises.
The seventh man, whose huge penis was inserted in Gloria's red ruby lips,
continued to shoot hot torrents of white foamy love juices into her
overflowing mouth.  The dazed audience saw Gloria's beautiful breasts
suddenly being covered in a cloud of white juices spewing down to her
curved abdomen, where in the seas of still another mans emotions was being
squirted.  From between the drenched fingers of Gloria's hands appeared
another burst of white love juices.  God in heaven had never seen such a
thing before, this beautiful young woman literally being filled and covered
with the dazzling white love juices that every woman loves so much. 
Streams and streams of it ran down her body and torrents of it gushed from
her cunt, ass and mouth.  For several minutes this unprecedented spectacle
continued.  Gloria threw herself around and around, back and forth her head
jerked, her eyes were dilated and every nerve cell and sensory surface of
her body was being violated.  Every squirt of each of these young men's
agonized penises landed with the terrific impact on the nerves of her love
garden, her rectum, her breasts, her mouth, and her whole body.  She didn't
see how she could stand another second of this heavenly torture.  Her brain
felt like it would crack from the emotions within her.

   As each man reached his climax he stepped away from Gloria and made for
the door at the rear of the stage.  Gloria fainted again as the last man
pulled his still huge penis out of ravishing the worn out pussy.  Her love
garden was still a little raw from the effects of the ten inch penis which
had stretched it to it's limits.  The young man caught her in his arms and
the audience knew that she had fainted from the pleasure of this night and
that nothing was seriously wrong.  The young man carried Gloria over to the
waiting black robed women and laid her on a luxurious black satin mattress,
where they threw themselves upon her and began to lick the hot foamy male
love juices which were still on her quivering body.  It was though these
women had gone mad with desire from watching this spectacle.  They fought
with each other for the privilege of sucking and licking the white nectar
from Gloria's matted bushy black love garden, her pink breasts and her
abdomen.  One of the black robed women inserted her tongue into the mouth
of Gloria's cunt and ran it all the way in to clean out the remaining love
juices.  Half consciously Gloria thought of this new event.  It felt as
though the women were eating her and swallowing her piece by piece.  Up and
down her spread legs traveled these several eager lips and soaring tongues,
as the long tongue in her cunt drove deeper and deeper which sent scores of
new thrills into Gloria.  So great was the thrill of this new wonder that
Gloria's ravishing loveliness suddenly gushed forth with more of her love
juice, the women sucked harder and harder and all the milky white juices
disappeared down her hungry throat.  Then this new orgy had spent itself
and the attendants who didn't indulge in this maddening sexual encounter
came forward and massaged Gloria's weary limbs, and the cooling lotion soon
had her back to normal.

   In the meanwhile, the audience was staging it's own private orgy. 
Nerves snapped under the impact of emotion, caused by the unbelievable
scenes on the stage.  Several women lay senseless on the floor and the men
simply laid on top of them and fucked each other shamelessly in a frenzy of
desire.  The room was filled with the sounds of huge male organs sloshing
in and out of the female love gardens.  The women ripped the clothing from
their bodies with the aid of eager men.  The management tried to stop this
demonstration but was futile as it became a terrific orgy.  The rule of
silence was broken as the women called furiously for some male to put his
penis up and into their throbbing pussy, as they had seen on the stage. 
The men were literally raped by these sex-crazed women.  Barry and Dudley,
being handsome men, were swept to the floor and several women threw
themselves on them.  In an instant, Barry's trousers were pulled down by
these overly emotional women and they fought for the penis which he carried
between his legs.  A young girl about twenty years of age grabbed his, by
this time, huge penis and started to suck it furiously until a more mature
beauty shoved her aside and straddling him, forced his huge organ deep into
the inside of her throbbing and quivering love garden.  Madly she jumped up
and down on it and screaming for other women to push her down harder so it
would kill her with joy.  Barry fought to get up, but there was no stopping
the women, who greatly outnumbered the men in the audience.  Barry could
see other bunches of women around the room and he knew other men were being
similarly assaulted.  He felt a stream of hot female love juices being
squirted on his large penis and testicles, the women dismounted Barry and
formed her feminine red hot lips around his male organ, the desire of every
women in the audience, sucking and chewing it as though it was the only
thing she desired at that moment, he felt other tongues working their way
up and down his legs and body.  Barry's mind ablaze with fire couldn't
fight any longer, his oils flowed swiftly into her mouth which overflowed
from the corners.  A beautiful and entirely nude young woman sat on his
chest and begged with tears in her eyes for him to lick her throbbing love
pussy.  Exasperated, he plunged his tongue into her mushy hole which was
dripping with emotion.  His penis suddenly shot forth another load and he
felt the woman faint from sheer ecstacy and was pulled off of Barry. 
Others struggled with slim hands to take hold of the head of his penis
which was dripping with slimy male love juice.  At this moment he felt the
tightness of another vagina being wrapped around his penis, with the help
from others they succeeded in removing the rapidly swelling organ from the
overstretching but still too tight love garden.  Now the slim hands which
held his rigid penis were beginning to guide it into a hole which was much
tighter than the first, too tight.  He realized with a start that this
young girl was a virgin.  Dimly he heard her cry out, "Ethel, push me from
behind as hard as you can, I don't care if it hurts, I've got to have it."
Through blazed eyes he could just see over the shoulders of the laughing
young girl sitting on his chest, the outline of Ethel pushing the naked
bottom of the virgin who was making his love muscle slowly force it's way
into her.  At first it hurt the head of his penis as the stubborn cherry
pussy stretched, but all at once there was a tremendous push from Ethel,
and a shriek from the girl as his penis wedged it's way into her untouched
vagina.  The fit was so much tighter than the first, his organ felt like it
was a trap, but the maddening girl began to revolve her ass in a huge
circle and it began to feel good, so he wiggled his ass in unison.  The
girl sobbed for joy and passion in this, her intimate love garden being
entered by a male organ for the first time.  Her first.  The excited
maddening joy of it caused the girl whose love garden Barry was kissing to
gush forth with a stream of pent-up potent love nectar that almost choked
him as he turned his head sideways to make it easier to swallow.  His gaze
fell upon the struggling men and women in all sorts of embraces and
intercourse positions.  Women were screaming with delight as men pumped
their male love muscles into every imaginable hole of their bodies.  Women
were trying to push their breasts in other women's quiff to simulate a huge
penis.  Others lay on the floor in opposite positions sucking and licking
each other's nectar faucets, as they all shot forth their loads of pent up
love juices.  Men all had pussies wrapped around their penises and were
being caressed by women in every conceivable way.

   Barry and Dudley came again and again and swallowed loads and loads of
slimy frothy love nectar from the tormented pussies, one even concentrated
in sticking her fingers up her ass-hole.

   Finally Barry struggled to his feet and stepped over the maddening
women, for he knew that if they possessed his body any longer they could
drain every ounce of energy from within his penis, that erection would be
quite impossible for an extended period.  Grabbing his clothing as he
dashed for the door, from which he had been led earlier in the evening,
before this maddening night started.  He was relieved to see Dudley in
close pursuit.  Both of the men's clothing were in tatters.  In a backward
glance, Barry saw Gloria disappearing through a door in the rear of the
stage, gently assisted by the black robed attendants.  Reaching the
entrance door to the audience chamber, Barry and Dudley dashed out and
slammed the door on the faces of several women pursuers who wanted a lot
more of the desirable organs possessed by man.

   At last they found their way to the street and hailing a cab both men
returned home.  Barry fell exhausted into bed and slept for twenty-four
hours without opening his eyes once.  He awoke with a start and felt his
stomach roar from tremendous hunger.  He phoned and ordered a full meal
from a restaurant nearby.  Satisfied with the meal he sat down in a chair
and chanced a glance through the window at Gloria's apartment.  His eyes
stirred from his head for there in the semi-darkness of the interior of her
room, he could make out the naked form of Gloria stretched out on the bed.
She was laying with her legs spread wide apart and was pushing something
into her pussy.  After much observation Barry realized that she was pushing
a large banana into her cunt.  Gloria was trying to recapture some of the
thrill she had experienced in that unbelievable night of love.  After she
had been released and rested, she ordered a meal from the same restaurant
from which Barry had ordered, but strangely her senses called upon her for
a renewal of the heavy passion which she had been through.  She caressed
her weakened love garden and wondered how she could withstand this strong
desire, when she didn't know one man who could satisfy her.  So strong was
the urge that she became desperate.  That was when she hit upon the idea of
using a banana, which had been sent up as part of her lunch.  Barry did not
lose this heaven-sent opportunity, throwing a silken robe around himself,
he went out in the corridor and firmly knocked on Gloria's apartment door.
A moment elapsed and the glorious and beautiful Gloria opened the door,
only to jump into the arms of Barry.  After closing and locking the door,
he began to rain kisses on her red hot parted lips.  Without taking his
mouth from her, he loosened the robe which he was wearing and it fell to
the floor.  Her arms tightened around him, and her own gown opened and
revealed her ravishing passionate body.  Barry carried her over to her bed
and spread her smooth legs with one hand while his rigid penis was
introduced into her still tight yearning nest of love.  She gripped him in
agonized desire and for fully an hour they shot showers of hot love juices
flowing into one and the other while their lips remained glued together and
their tongues were twined around each others.

   At last they were forced to rest and before Gloria could ask questions,
Barry launched into the fact of being a spectator at the show and how he
had saw her through the window using the banana on herself.  Her face was
crimson with shame, but under insistent caresses of Barry, she soon forgot
and spread her maddening thighs out fully to receive better the load of
nectar from his throbbing penis.  For the first time in a long while she
fucked and fucked and fucked and still felt happy and fully satisfied. 
Barry also realized what he had been unconsciously looking for, a hot
satisfying and juicy cunt.  He would no longer be lonely or impatient.  His
sexual appetite and hunger would more than be taken of by this beautiful
and gorgeous woman whom he intended to make his wife.  Tenderly now he
though of the little green door which he had gone through last night.  He
also realized that behind that green door he had finally found everything
he had wanted for a long time.

   Gloria gave him now more time for thought.  Her silken lips had closed
over Barry's rigid penis and her dainty cheeks filled and glowed with the
hot load of jism Barry had shot forth.  As she sucked and sucked she looked
up at her handsome lover and sucked the harder each time she looked at him.
She rolled her tongue over and around the penis of Barry's and with
sparkling eyes looked up at Barry with loving tenderness as he fell back
joyously on the bed.  Barry pulled her up onto the bed and caressed her
until she shook with passion, then spreading her beautiful legs apart,
Barry sucked and chewed her hot throbbing cunt for all he was worth. 
Gloria had shudders running up and down her spine each time Barry's tongue
would dart in and out.  She gushed forth with a large load of her love
juice that almost choked Barry, but he swallowed every bit of it.  Then
they both lay there with Barry's throbbing penis in her cunt, as her womb
clinched and unclinched around the head of his red hot huge penis.  Barry
never had enjoyed a fucking as much as he had this one.  Thus ended Barry's
pursuit for sexual satisfaction and from then on, he had her at his will.
Soon after they were married and Barry had her all to himself as he sucked
and fucked for the rest of his days.  Gloria never gave up, for she was a
woman with a red hot cunt.  She fucked and sucked until her cunt was
drained of all nectar, but as soon as it replenished she was ready to go
again.  So ends the story, and they lived happily ever after as do all
FUCKING crazy people do.  

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