Title: Judas Unchained - Dream Cycle: Psychonautics
Author: Judas Unchained
Keywords: MF, MF+, BD
Summary: In the otherworldly realm of the Sea of Dream, two dreamers engage
in a game of hunter and hunted - to the winner, the spoils.

Copyright  2015  Judas Unchained.

Email comments to judasunchained@googlemail.com

This is fantasy porn. In fact, it is double fantasy porn - it both has 
magic and is not real. Don't read if it is illegal for you do to do so.

This is a txt version of 'Judas Unchained - Dream Cycle: Psychonautics' and
lacks some of the formatting available in the HTML version. If possible, 
please read the web version here: 


   We met at the Gate of Horn and Ivory, where the confused waters of truth
and illusion enter the Sea of Dream in an unending tide.

   Blue sat atop the woven arch of gnarled horn and luminous ivory. Her 
legs hung over the side, small feet bare to the elements. A foot partly 
concealed an immense crudely carved rune, one of the many which ran along 
the arc of the gate. They were old markings which formed older names, names
to fear even for such as me.

   She smiled as I ascended out of the fog of the myst sea, her sapphire 
like eyes sparkling with the game to come.

   "You're finally here, Red." She spoke loudly so her words carried over 
the crash of the waterfall.

   "The currents are strong, tonight, Blue," I replied. "Passions are 
stoked and the Atavi stir in their slumbers."

   Red, Blue - in the waking world we had other names but here, in this 
place, in this Sea of Dream, those names were enough. Not all of the orders
dreamwalker adopted such customs but, we were psychonauts and that said it 

   She looked over the Sea of Dream, her eyes following the path of the 
River of the Gate as it wound to infinity in a great trunk and innumerable 
branches. It flowed over and threw the boiling grey myst ocean. "Will you 
catch me tonight?" she wondered aloud as she crossed one leg over the 
other. Her indigo skirt flared up at the movement and I caught a glimpse of
creamy upper thigh. "And what will you do if you do succeed, I wonder?"

   The primal hunter roared in my chest, as eager for the chase as he was 
for the kill. I smiled at her, showing my teeth.

   Blue pushed herself upright on long powerful legs, bare toes curved to 
grip the mist dampened ivory and horn. A curtain of cerulean hair fell down
one side of her face, covering one eye.

   "The standard rules, binds and bonds?" she said.

   I nodded.

   Then she moved.

   Like a leaping fish, she dived from the top of the Gate of Horn and 
Ivory. At the last moment she pulled up and fled, flying only a few feet 
above the River of the Gate. Great knife edges of water slashed up in her 
wake as she cut down its path. A wave of force whipped my hair and t-shirt.
This was the power of a psychonaut.

   I cursed and followed. A kick threw me off the gate and I exploded after
Blue. The myst sea tore apart into fleeting psychic echoes of dreamers 
forced suddenly awake. A balding man jerked upright, sweating and gasping 
for breath. A beautiful redhead rolled over in her bed before returning to 
slumber. More. I blocked them out. They were only a distraction and grew 
dimmer as I reached the river and its relatively clear channel.

   Blue was only just ahead. I focused and the myst erupted before her, a 
solid plume of roiling grey, summoned and hardened by my will. She swerved 
around it, body scraping by.

   I attacked again. Walls of myst rose on both side of her and crashed 
inwards. They picked up great waves of water as they moved, and both 
crashed into Blue.

   Only she was gone.

   I snapped my head from side to side, the hanging remnants of my attack 
stinging my face. I found her high in the sky, hanging like a small blue 
moon. She'd flown straight up at the last moment.

   Even at such a distance I saw her amethyst eyes flash. She moved her 
hands in circles before her, as if stirring a witch's cauldron, and the 
myst moved with them.

   All around me, the myst stirred. Sluggish at first, but accelerating 
quickly, it became a whipping whirlpool of fog and water. I tried to fly 
towards her, but the psychic weight of so much dream stuff bore down on me.
I collapsed to my knees and then crashed further, as the power keeping me 
aloft gave out. I caught myself and held on with gritted teeth.

   With each passing moment the whirlpool grew stronger. With each passing 
moment, its ravenous hunger quested deeper into the Sea of Dream, where 
more potent and primal layers lay. It threatened to crush me, smash my body
and destroy my will. I cast about for escape but only the sky was clear. 
Blue hung like the moon in the middle of that opening, cerulean hair 
boiling like sea foam as it was driven wild by the forces she was calling 

   Using all my strength, I raised my hand and pulled together a ragged 
ball of myst and water. Teeth clenched, limbs shaking, I sent it shooting 
straight up.

   Blue saw it coming, of course. How could she not? I saw her eyes open 
wide, saw the calculations of necessity run over her face. She couldn't 
move without losing control of the whirlpool. Could she tank the hit? Could
she deflect it in some way? Was their time? No, there wasn't.

   At the last second, she spun out of the way, dress flashing. That was 
all I needed.

   With Blue's control gone, I ripped apart the vortex in a titanic mental 
shove. The myst vaporised and the water of the River of the Gate sublimed 
to steam. I stood in the air, panting for breath. The Sea of Dream hung 
bare and empty in all directions as the myst slowly rolled back in and the 
river recovered.

   A blur tore passed me, converting a death-defying dive into pure speed. 
Blue! I threw myself after her.

   The Sea of Dream doesn't run on anything as mundane as Cartesian 
geography. It is more primal than that, older, the kind of place where 
thrice round the mountain doesn't take you back to where you began.

   I tracked Blue's eldritch vector through the Sea of Dream, forcing the 
sluggish myst to part before me as I followed and matched it. Ahead, the 
silver ribbon of the River of the Maw appeared, the second of the two great
rivers of Dream. Where as the River of the Gate branched, the River of the 
Maw was straight and narrow, cutting a highway from the Maw of Guf to the 
Crucible of Birth.

   Blue reached it and shot forward, heading for the Crucible. She sped up,
gaining speed as the water let her escape the claws of the myst. I joined 
her a second later and felt the pressure of the myst lessen too. No longer 
were sleepers jolted awake at my very passage.

   We both shot forward - Blue no more able to pull away than I was to gain
ground. Ahead the Millar's Wheel grew. Its immense dark form appeared on 
the horizon, a wheel of black ice, driven in eternal motion by the power of
river. Blue reached it and climbed up and over. Thick heavy water mist hung
in the air. It glittered like diamonds. I followed and felt the grinding 
power of the wheel grate against my soul. The River of the Maw carries the 
souls of mankind towards rebirth, and on the Millar's Wheel their lived 
experiences are scraped away. On the Millar's Wheel they are made ready to 
be born anew. It would eat me as easily as the souls of the newly departed.

   I shot down the far side of the wheel, gaining speed, but had to pull a 
hard left. Blue had left the river and was headed back into the depths of 

   Her course cut an arching path towards the immense psychic well of the 
Beast Below. Even from half a world away, I could feel the Atavi's call. 
Blue's will combined with the Beast's hunger to shorten the distance. The 
Beast Below appeared. Myst fell towards an unseen depth in an endless 
whirlpool, far larger, deeper and stronger than what Blue had used to trap 
me. The centre was a black void, disappearing into the deepest abyssal 
reaches of Dream.

   Blue rode the edge, using the pull to gain speed like a gravity 
slingshot. A manic smile crept onto her face and her hair whipped in the 
perverse current.

   I followed. The closer I grew, the louder the Beast Below's call became.
It screamed at me, a cry full of anger and rage and sexual sadism. The 
Beast Below's mark filled my mind, the sigil that linked to its very 
nature. Three lines formed the mark, crossing each other so as to make an 
internal triangle surrounded by six open areas. I sealed the sigil away in 
the dark depths of my mind, walled off from conscious thought. To dwell 
upon it was to invite the Beast Below's attention and that was a dark thing

   We both shot out the other side, going so fast landmarks disappeared 
almost before they appeared. The Lighthouse of Ego flashed by, its blazing 
beam a momentary flicker. The Black Tower seemed to stab from the ground on
its way to the sky. The Lull of Enki barely had time to register before we 
were again in thickest myst.

   Gradually, though, the myst stole our speed. By the time the Falls of 
Despair drew into view, we were both struggling forward again and I started
to gain. I clawed at the myst, yanking myself towards Blue with all my 
psychonaut tempered will. She shot a look over her shoulder. Realising her 
situation, she did perhaps the only thing she could: she stopped in place, 
took a breath and dropped straight down. The last thing I saw was her blue 
hair disappearing into the myst sea. Only a few seconds later I followed, 
diving in head first.

   The fog of the myst sea deadens, hides, conceals and obscures. Heavy 
myst battered my face and my senses. It was puissant with energy of the 
collective unconscious of mankind, and that's a power potent enough to 
block all but the keenest of senses. Of all the orders dreamwalker, only 
the terminal order, the order psychonaut, could have done it. I was of that

   Senses straining, I caught the wisping trail of her presence and 
followed her deep into Dream. Down I went, passed the strata of idle 
thoughts and fleeting fantasies. I struggled through the waves of memory, 
passed the normal dreams of sleeping men and then deeper still, into 
heart's desires and deep primal fantasy. The trail led to a single bubble -
the dream of a single focused mind.

   I entered the bubble in a flash of crimson light.

   Thousands of elegant men and women in evening dress spun in a complex 
dance. Individual couplings waltzed around their central points of gravity.
These couplings then moved in larger patterns, which formed larger patterns
still, epicycles within epicycles within epicycles, like a Ptolemaic solar 
system written in flesh.

   A full orchestra played from everywhere at once, the rhythm of the music
controlling the dance. I heard Blue laugh somewhere in the depths of the 
dream. She was here, hidden. I just needed to find her.

   I transformed my clothes into something appropriate for the setting. It 
was an easy thing, a parlour trick even an oneironaut could have performed.
My t-shirt and jeans became a tux and tails, black and white as was proper 
but off set with a vivid red rose at the collar.

   Slightly harder was banishing the nearest gentlemen dancer but I did so 
and slipped into his place. He dissolved into a wisp of grey myst. Before 
his partner even had a chance to notice, I took the lady in a waltz grip 
and joined the dance.

   We spun with the dancers, a tiny cog in a perfectly harmonised whole. As
we did, I searched the dream. The mind behind it was clear, bright, 
focused. Perhaps even that of a clarum or near such a breakthrough. The 
subject was strange, though. This deep in the myst sea, desires were old 
and primal - sex, food, violence and similar. This was too formal, too 

   The pattern of the dance took us in a giant circle around the hall and 
despite how hard I searched, I could find no sign of Blue. She clearly 
wasn't on my orbit or anywhere that intersected with it.

   "Oh Lord Byron," said my partner in a breathy voice. "You dance so 

   "Of course my dear," I said and spun her, just as every man in the room 
did at that very moment. A thousand dresses rustled in the air. As she 
swirled, I searched again for Blue but she could be any of the ladies in 
the room and I couldn't get a good view of most of them.

   This dream was a good place to hide. The orderly dance limited my 
actions and movement. To go against it I would need to rip apart the dream 
or seize control. In the confusion of the first, Blue would surely escape 
and she could block any attempt to do the second. The order did have one 
advantage, though. I knew where the clarum must be - at the very centre.

   In a single smooth movement, I slipped one orbit closer to the centre 
and caught the nearest spinning dancer. A small mental prod propelled the 
displaced gentleman towards my erstwhile partner and the shape of the dream
did the rest.

   And so I went. Each time we approached an opportune position in the 
epicycle, I moved an orbit closer to the centre of the dance. As I did, the
character of the dancers changed. Their clothing grew racier, risqué even. 
The cuts of the dresses grew tighter. Open slashes ran almost to hips. 
Cleavage opened up, revealing shapely breasts. The colours shifted from 
black to red, and red, as they say, is my colour.

   My current partner breathed deeply, which caused her mocha coloured 
bosom to swell up and down. Her skin was flushed, her lips full, her pupils
wide and black. I danced with her until I made my final orbit change.

   On the inner most orbit, I found five mercuries of whip and leather. 
They were leather clad dominatrixes, with stiff black corsets, high black 
heels and sheer stockings. This explained the dream. Fetishes always sunk 
deep. At the centre stood a sandy haired man, his eyes shut. This would be 
the clarum - a lucid dreamer, the lowest of the dreamwalkers, able to do 
little more than control their own actions within a dream. Still, that was 
enough to place them above most of humanity.

   I stepped into the grip of one of the dominatrixes, a Japanese beauty 
with lustrous straight black hair and skin so pale I feared arsenic 
poisoning. We spun in a fast waltz as I waited for my moment. When it came,
I let go my partner and stepped into the very centre.

   "Let's talk," I said and placed a hand on the clarum's shoulder. With 
control of him, I could take control of the dream and Blue wouldn't be able
to stop me. His body dissolved to myst. A trap!

   At once four of the innermost dancers struck. Their whips uncoiled with 
a single staccato crack and stinging leather coiled around my limbs. They 
yanked back, muscles straining, as they locked me in place. I attacked at 
once, but my will met a wall able to match it. Blue's power infused the 
dominatrixes, protecting them from me.

   "So predictable," whispered Blue in my ear. She stalked around and I saw
her disguise. She was the fifth dominatrixes - the Japanese beauty I'd 
danced with. I'd been so close, touching her even, but the rules for 
capture were more involved than that. Her disguise dissolved into wisps of 
blue light and she stood revealed. She must have already found the dreamer,
woken him or her and sustained the dream herself. That explained the focus 
and power of it. Her amethyst eyes caught and held me, all the power of a 
psychonaut showing in their depths. I noticed one part of her disguise 
hadn't disappeared: she still held her whip.

   She struck. The whip's tip hit my chest and two dozen invisible 
identical clones hit the rest of my body, like red hot sparks. My tux 
exploded into a cloud of destroyed cloth. It left me naked, my lean, 
hardened body bare for the world to see. The four women holding me in place
giggled like hyenas.

   Blue placed her palm flat on my chest, nails short but sharp as they 
pressed against my skin. She drew the nails down, scratching white marks 
into my skin.

   Her hand reached my crotch and tightened around my cock. "And this," she
said, "is very predictable too." Hot pulsing blood filled the organ and it 
jumped at the touch of her soft fingers. Slowly she began to masturbate me,
hand sliding back and forth, back and forth.

   I groaned and closed my eyes. The ball of her thumb played with the 
head, rolling around and over it. I bucked my hips, trying to fuck the cunt
which wasn't there.

   "To think," she whispered as she leaned close. I could feel the heat of 
her body against mine, part physical, part the psychic manifestation of her
passion. "If you had caught me, it could be me tied up here, all ready for 
you to ravage and defile."

   Her hand kept up its ministrations, but not for long. She let go and 
placed both hands flat against my chest. With a shove she pushed me back. I
fell and the dominatrixes kept pace, ensuring my bonds stayed tight even as
I landed on my back. My cock pointed at the sky, as hard as ever.

   Blue stood over me like a giant. She placed one foot on my chest, heel 
held aloft so only the ball and toes touched. My eyes followed the arch of 
that foot, a subtle curve. I followed the arch to her leg, and then up her 
toned thigh, to her slightly flaring hips. Her sex was bare.

   At some point she'd banished her clothes, not that I really understood 
that fact right then. My eyes and mind focused completely on the sex. It 
was my world. The lips were flushed with arousal and slightly open. It 
begged in every way it could to be roughly fucked.

   She shifted her stance and sunk down. The tip of my cock pressed against
her sex, not quite penetrating but I could feel her heat and the beat of 
her heart. Our eyes met, hers like cut gemstones. They sat on her china 
face, framed by falling cerulean hair.

   She dropped.

   God! My cock bottomed out within her, almost on fire as her velvet walls
squeezed down upon me.

   "Mm," she moaned, eyes half closed. "This is very good." She started to 
bounce, legs moving her up and down, up and down.

   Her breasts swayed with the motion. They weren't overly large - just 
small swells on her chest - but they were topped by the cutest and hardest 
nipples. I just wanted to roll them between my lips, teeth and fingers, but
trapped as I was, that was impossible. About the only thing I could do was 
move my hips and I met each dive of Blue's with a thrust of my own.

   It felt amazing for me and I could read Blue's body well enough to know 
the reverse was true too. She bounded and bounded and I thrust and thrust.

   Blue started to mutter under her lips. "Fuck, cunt, whore. Fuck. Fuck. 

   She came, cunt spasming on my cock as she ground down against me. At the
same time, I felt her will waver. I leaped at the opportunity.

   In a surge of will, I seized control of the dominatrixes. In a single, 
synapses fast moment, they transformed from intimidating agents to mute, 
limp and dumb statues. Their whips fell from their hands and the ends 
uncoiled from around my limbs. I surged upright, wrapped my arms around 
Blue and pulled her still quivering body close.

   "Caught you," I growled into her ear as the primal hunter in my chest 
screamed in victory. Blue just came all the harder.

   Once her orgasm had abated, I pushed Blue onto her back and crawled over
her. A small effort of will warped the dream and a soft silk covered bed 
grew under us. It would make what was to come all the more fun.

   "You're mine now?" I said, meeting her eyes.

   She bit her lip and nodded. "Yes."

   "Yes what?"

   "Yes, Master."

   "That's better." I summoned the dominatrixes and they joined us on the 
bed. Their complex, black and shining fetish gear made any actual 
intercourse something of a challenge, but they would only be the garnish on
today's event.

   I set a curvy brunette to work on Blue's left breast and pointed a 
waifish blond with a spine of steel at the right. They leapt to their 
tasks, lips, teeth and hands all going to work. Blue moaned and squirmed 
under their ministrations.

   I set my cock at the entrance to her cunt. Both organs glistened with 

   "I'm going to fuck you senseless," I said and slammed home. She felt 
beyond belief – hot and tight and like living lightning. I fucked up a 

   "Fuck my cunt. Fuck my slave cunt," she gasped, almost like a mantra.

   "You like this, don't you?" I said and ground my hips hard against her. 
"You like being my fuck toy."

   "Fuck your fuck toy," she screamed. "Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her."

   Yeah, Blue has a dirty mouth when she gets going. It only served to get 
me hotter. Even as she muttered more obscenities, I kissed her hard. Our 
lips bruised together, not that that stopped her diatribe.

   After almost a minute, I broke the kiss and motioned for one of the 
dominatrixes to take my place. There were four of them on the bed with us, 
and only two were busy. This one looked like BDSM dungeon Barbie, with a 
waspish waste and flaring hips. They kissed with heat and passion, toys 
battling for dominance.

   I continued to fuck Blue hard and deep as I watched the show. Slam. 
Slam. Slam. It felt impossibly great, as only sex with another psychonaut 
could. She was realer than the dolls conjured up by dreamers, realer than 
sleepers, realer than even the lesser orders of dreamwalkers such as those 
available in the Brothel on the Sea of Dream.

   The pressure in me built, built until I had no choice but to explode.

   Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I thrust one final time and exploded deep within her. 
I pumped out my seed, hot and potent. Blue came at the same time, as our 
passions fed upon each other.

   When I was done, I waved the dominatrixes away and gazed down at her 
dishevelled, sweaty and cocksure face.

   "That all you got?" she said, all the brat.

   My cock stirred within her. As it turned out, that wasn't 'all I got' 
and she certainly got a lot more from me. We fucked long into the night, 
until day returned to the waking world and the consequences of her capture 
were ended. Hot, sweaty, naughty fun was had by all.

   "Perhaps we'll do this again," she whispered to me before vanishing back
to reality. "Soon." The word hung like a ghost in the myst.