Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Vienna Dance and Model Studio: by (c) Hamilton Joyce. Ff Mf Fm Mm "Your Melissa looks more and more the young lady each time I see her! Is she still eleven, like mine? " The two mothers standing at the School Gate watched as the children walked out in pairs or small groups, the occasional loner. "Yes, twelve next month but her modelling and dance have really done wonders for her poise and self-confidence. Also she's getting better reports from school since she started the classes three evenings a week." "Expensive?" "No, quite the opposite. They actually pay me a fee of £20 a week, and will arrange work for her if she's good at her dancing and modelling: it's early days yet but she's had a couple of assignments so far. They take an agency fee Of course, so if she becomes a super-model or something they would be quids in, but so would we. The cash now certainly helps!" "I can imagine: it would me as well. I'm a single parent too now!" "I didn't know. I'm sorry. What happened?" "Oh! It's old history and we're well rid of him. Do you think Sophie could join? I could use the cash and it is obviously good for the girls, judging by your Melissa...." "Sophie's pretty enough and fit enough so I should think they might take her on. I'm not allowed under the contract we signed to tell you who or where they are, but I'll certainly tell them you're interested and that Sophie is really lovely. I'll give them your telephone number if you like." The Vienna Dance Studio was a late Victorian House, imposing in a leafy suburb of similar houses built for the merchants and lawyers of a more relaxed age, but in this case still intact, unlike most others that had been divided into flats. It still had the original large, leafy garden with trees now old and in the case of the beech and chestnut, immense. Mostly lawn there were some statues around the edges, no longer white, but grey and green and obviously perching places for many a bird. Mrs Huggins and her daughter Sophie had arrived ten minutes early and, slightly intimidated by the stone staircase, columns holding the porch, and the wide door with its brass knocker they had retreated to the car again and waited till they could arrive exactly on time. "Nervous, Sophie?" "A bit, Mummy..." "Just be yourself and they'll love you. I'm sure you're exactly what they are looking for, beautiful, fit, and just the age they want. And you really look your best in that summer dress...." Madame Markovitch introduced herself with a friendly smile and encouraging manner. Somehow her slight Middle-European accent made her seem serious and accomplished as a dance teacher, and the tea-cups made the interview more like a social occasion. As she described the school, its curriculum, its methods and its rules.... for there were some.... she studied the girl. This was a real treasure, star quality at least in her looks. Long blonde hair was always a good start: himmel, how the men loved their little blonde angels! But her face too was delightful, with its fine complexion, blue eyes, high cheek-bones and those lips already full and looking sensuous beyond her tender years..... still only eleven. Soon to be twelve. Good, that was just the age when girls were most amenable, when the sexual urges had been generated but had not yet been fixated in any one direction: they were malleable and could be shaped and conditioned! Her arms and legs were bare in her pastel blue summer frock, and were long-limbed and slender: not skinny though. And she already probably had nice breasts... well, that would all become clearer soon. But certainly worth spending time on reassuring her mother. Mrs Huggins was content mostly to listen to what she recognised as a sales pitch, but very tempting at that, and Madame Markovitch seemed a kind and considerate lady, and a good business-woman too. "I look after the dance classes, but my colleague Mademoiselle Sylvestro runs the modelling and gymnastics training. We teach the girls gymnastics as athleticism is so necessary for modern dance and some of the exhibitions the girls are hired for. Mademoiselle Sylvestro is a trained physiotherapist and will need to examine Sophie before we take her on. She checks each girl's physical condition: dance training can be somewhat arduous and a good level of fitness is required from the very start. If you are agreeable, Mrs Huggins, then I will take Sophie through to meet my colleague: there are magazines here for you to read, and we should not be more than half-an-hour." Unlike the very feminine Madame Markovitch, Mademoiselle Sylvestro had an almost masculine appearance with her short cropped dark hair, tall frame and male-seeming shirt, tie and slacks. She had, however, a warm smile as she greeted Sophie with a very mid-European embrace and kiss on her cheeks. She held the girl, at arms length, hands on her shoulders. "Yes, Sophie, you are certainly very beautiful. How old are you?" "I'm eleven, Mademoiselle, twelve in November." "Ideal! Now, you have had your first period?" "Ages ago." "And are they regular monthly yet?" "They have been the last two. the last was a two weeks ago, and that was four weeks after the one before." "Excellent. Now we need to see you naked, Sophie. Is that all right?" "Yes." Madame Markovitch left the room, but a tall man with grey hair entered instead. Sophie had reached behind her to unclasp and unzip her frock, but she froze as the man entered. Was she expected to undress in front of him? Surely not. "This is one of your sponsors, Sophie. Each girl has sponsors, sometimes several, and these kind gentlemen, a few ladies too, contribute the money that pays for your lessons, and to start with they buy you all the costumes you will need for the training and also for your performances. He needs to be here now as he will measure you to get you the right size for your first wardrobe. I'm afraid you will never know his name, or that of the other sponsors as they agree to support the Vienna Dance Studio on condition they remain anonymous." Sophie thought this all reasonable enough, and in any case any doubts were buried in the excitement of realising she probably was "in", and in the impression of warmth she got from the two ladies. Her "sponsor" too had a nice smile and looked a well-dressed gentleman, perhaps a banker or something in his charcoal-grey suit. She smiled and nodded, and continued to unzip her dress. She was glad she was wearing nice, clean white panties but wished she had put on her trainer bra. She heard the gentleman's muttered "lovely!" and she turned to smile at him, showing him her breasts in profile as she did so. Another gasp of "beautiful". But Mademoiselle Sylvestro was still speaking. "And for the same reason you must never tell anyone that you are a student here, and also never tell anyone at all, not even your mother, about what happens here. Our training is very unique to us and a lot of other Studios would like to know what we do to make our girls so successful. So it has to remain a complete, total secret. You must not even tell your mother what happens here, or at your modelling and dance assignments when they come. Is that clear? Do you agree?" "I'm never to talk about it. Yes," "Good girl Now take off your shoes and sock and panties, and lay on the treatment couch." She took her panties off first and as she bent over to unlace her shoes gave the two adults a view of her cute butt, not broad like a grown woman's, but rounded, pert and jutting almost provocatively. Her stride to the low table was confident and athletic: she knew she was lovely without being told, and was proud of her young body. Nonetheless it was alarming when he stood over her so close, looking down. He had a scent that was very masculine, and she then realised that he liked smoking cigars! He must indeed be wealthy, she thought. He smiled, reached down and placed his hand on her breast, stroking it and then squeezing it very gently.... "What are you doing?" She realised that was a daft question. "Why?....." She had been warned at school about men who felt girls' private places, 'as a prelude to worse', though the police-woman who had addressed the girls in the class had not specified what that 'worse' actually was. It was Mademoiselle who answered, and apart from those two brief, whispered words, Sophie still had not even heard the gentleman's voice. "This kind gentleman has generously offered to buy your leotard and your gymnastics kit, and later he will provide all the other much more expensive wear you will need for actual performances. We have the stock of leotards and gym kit here, but he will need to know your sizes, and your breast size is best measured by feeling them. And young lady, please remember that it is better here not to ask questions but just to go with the flow." "I'm sorry Mademoiselle, and I'll try to remember." The answer, however, made sense, Sophie thought, and relaxed as he felt her other breast. She could feel that strange tingling in her 'front bottom' which was the nursery word she still used for her cunt. This happened sometimes, and it seemed that it was because he had made her nipples stand (her 'nips' she called them.....) "A-cups!" he said, "Not AA. That's good for a girl still not twelve. And wonderfully firm and pert too." Sophie glowed with pleasure at the compliment as Mademoiselle handed him a yellow tape-measure. Now he handled her body as he took various measurements, and Madame recorded them on a pad. His hands caressed her back, her hips, her tummy and the tingling in Sophie's 'front bottom' increased, and was really very pleasant as his fingers held the tape against her labia to measure her inside leg. His thumb was pressing against her little nub, her 'girlie-place' which seemed to be the centre of that tingling. Mademoiselle took the pad over to the cupboard in the corner, and came back with a flesh-coloured leotard, handing it to the girl. It seemed very light and thin to Sophie, so light in fact that she could almost see her fingers through it as she squirmed herself into it: it was very close-fitting, she thought, almost like a second skin. Not uncomfortable though. She lay back again on the trolley. Those hands on her breasts again, this time guarded by the thin nylon: she could see the shape of her nipples pointing through the fabric, but the shape of the cups on the leotard seemed exactly to match her breasts, so obviously the feeling earlier by the gentleman had been necessary if it led to this perfect fit. "Nice and snug there. An exact fit. Not too tight here?" His fingers were up inside the crotch of her leotard and she thought he had somehow slipped a finger between the lips down there. She was suddenly worried because she thought she might be wet.....that tingle usually meant she would be wet too. He looked at his finger, which was indeed wet and glistening, but he seemed not to mind that: in fact he smiled and licked it clean, to her amazement. But she just said that it was not too tight, and felt good. "Excellent. Now your sponsor will take you to the studio where there are already four of five girls practising with Madame Markovitch, and I will tell your mother that you have been accepted. Are you happy with that?" "Oh! Thank you, Mademoiselle. I'm so happy!" "Excellent. Just remember what we said about being private, and keeping everything a real secret between these four walls!" "Oh! I will. I promise. Not even mummy....." For a moment Mrs Huggins thought it was a young man, but when Mademoiselle Sylvestro introduced herself she realised it was just a very butch woman, and one with the same mid-European accent as the other, very feminine lady had. For a moment Mrs Huggins wondered if the two were lesbian lovers, but then dismissed the thought as none of her business. "I'm Madame Markovitch's business partner, and I look after the contractual and business side, as well as the model and gymnastics training." It figured that the more masculine one would handle the money side Mrs Huggins thought, but 'Gymnastics'? "Ah, gymnastics. Yes, I understand that seems unusual in a dance and modelling studio, but it is one of the secrets of our girls' success in both professions. Dance, especially modern dance, can be very demanding physically, and a fair degree of acrobatic ability and strength is needed for some roles. As for modelling, gymnastics gives our girls at an early age the sort of poise and confidence that otherwise would not come easily to teenage models. We are, of course, careful to cultivate muscle-tone without making the girls muscular and so spoiling their feminine appeal. And that brings me to one of the main considerations in the contract I have here. One of the first clauses and most important to this organisation is a secrecy agreement. The use of gymnastics is just one of the methods that gives our girls that crucial edge and so ensures their success in their chosen career. These and other unique methods are ours, developed by Madame Markovitch and myself with the help of a few other experts, and our competitors would dearly like to know how we do it. They must not learn! Your daughter will be instructed not to tell anyone of what goes on in the classes and other assignments, not even her mother, and I must ask you whether you can agree to that, and especially not to ask Sophie about it. You, and the other parents can attend our monthly open-day when you can see for yourself our facilities, and your own children training and performing, but the detailed work has to remain a proprietary secret." Mrs Huggins had to think a moment, but the request was not so unreasonable once she knew the reason for it. "I can see that. As long as Sophie is happy I will be and I certainly won't ask her about it if she's not allowed to answer!" "Excellent. Now the financial details. You will get a fee of £20 a week, and I would expect you to incur no expenses. Sophie will have all her kit and other clothes provided by her sponsors, and will be delivered home by cab after the three afternoon classes a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It is only a five minute walk here from her school as you know. Eventually, if she is good enough and our girls always are, she will gain modelling assignments and even private dance exhibitions either here or sometimes at the homes of her sponsors and other men and women interested in dance and the development of young girls. She will be paid for these and the contract stipulates you will get two thirds of anything she earns. In return for the lessons and as her booking agent the Vienna Dance Studios take one third: of the balance we invest one third for Sophie and give you one third. You and Sophie will receive a quarterly statement of those investments which will be held in trust and administered by a Legal Firm until she is eighteen. How will you want to be paid, by cheque or in cash?" "Cash would be best I think." "Modelling assignments generally pay about £400 for a morning or afternoon session, dancing shows a bit more. Large fashion shows can be even more rewarding...." "That sounds marvellous. Who are these sponsors?" "A clause in the contract also says that you and your daughter should not ask questions, but should rely only on the information offered un-prompted...." "I'm sorry. I did not know." "Of course not. How could you? But it is a valid question, at least before the contract is signed! The sponsors are a group of philanthropic men and some women who delight in helping youngsters with talent to realise their potential. The Dance Studio might exist without them, but certainly not as a free, non-fee-paying organisation. Like so many people well known in the community they jealously guard their anonymity, which is yet another reason for the secrecy clause." "I understand that." "Excellent. Sometimes the girls will have assignments that involve travel, not far really and never abroad, but that will sometimes involve overnight, even weekend stays away. They are of course chaperoned and in the care of people we have known for many years with no unpleasant episodes. The fee we charge for these is higher, much higher than those I quoted you for events at The Studio or afternoon or evening assignments. Will that be agreeable to you?" This sounded like real money! So welcome. Almost a life-saver. Was she agreeable? Fuck it, yes! "Again if it helps Sophie become a success, and she is happy with it, then yes I am agreeable!" "The girls just love these away assignments, take it from me. Much more than the events we hold some evenings here: by the way, if girls have to stay on here after classes in the evening or come in especially at the request of a sponsor or some other group interested in dance, there is a room where they can do their homework. We are very keen that their academic school career should not suffer, and are always pleased, as are the girls when they get their results at fifteen or sixteen. It is usually after their GCSE results that girls leave the Vienna Dance Studio: by then they know everything we can really teach them and already have established modelling and dance careers. The contract ends at that point, and The Studio takes no more Agency Fees. Their earnings are entirely theirs. There are no continuing agency fees. "Now, I suggest you read the contract.... it's only a couple of pages, and I will be here for any clarification. If you are still happy we can both sign the two copies. Sophie is starting her first lesson as soon as it is signed, and we will, of course, return her by taxi at eight." Sophie stood between her sponsor and Madame Markovitch watching four girls in the large, tall-ceilinged room. There were mirrors in front of the bar where two were practising ballet, and the other two were dancing to very modern-sounding music from a loudspeaker. The man had his arm around her, and as they watched his hand moved up to cup her breast, holding it lightly and squeezing it just a little bit from time to time. She thought that was nice, and wondered if some daddies cuddled their daughters like this: hers never had and was gone now. All the girls had the same sort of leotard as Sophie: must be a sort of uniform, she thought, but sensible and light for dancing practise. You could not actually see through the nylon, but it was so tight that the shape of nipples, and even of their 'front-bottoms' was rather obvious. She looked down at hers, and, yes, you could see her mound and the crease beneath. The girls at the ballet-bar were wearing ballet shoes but the ones dancing to music were bare-footed. Sophie was interested to see that three girls were blonde like her, but the fourth was Asian. None were Afro like her friend at school, Melissa. Sophie thought the Asian was the most beautiful of the girls with her tiny waist and bottom, but nice breasts and long, silky hair, tied in a sort of pony-tail that allowed it to swing over her bosoms sometimes. She noticed that one of the girls at the bar had a dark patch at the crotch of her leotard: she was wet, and Sophie knew that the girl was 'tingly' in her girlie-place. She felt herself between her legs and was pleased to find she was dry again. Her sponsor must have noticed because he smiled and she felt his hand grip her breast quite tightly for a moment. The music stopped, and you could see the girls had finished their dance with a great flourish, the blonde one swinging the Asian girl around and almost flinging her to the floor. Sophie was alarmed for a moment but then the two girls laughed and, amazingly, kissed each other. Not a peck on the cheek, but a long and passionate embrace, and Sophie was sure they were doing what the big girls call 'French kissing': she thought only boys and girls did that, not girls and girls, but it looked fun, and actually made her tingle just a bit thinking how nice that would be with Melissa, or even with the pretty Asian dancer.... The spell was broken when Madame clapped her hands and called out, "Gymnastics now. Go and get changed, girls. Madamemoiselle Sylvestro is waiting for you in the gym. And that dance was near perfect: well done Trisha and Alys. I think you are almost ready to show it to your sponsors. We'll arrange a performance for you." The 'thank you, Madame" was obviously joyful and Sophie was happy that the girls themselves seemed so happy. One of them, the girl with ash-blonde hair like Tina's, rushed over to Madame Markovitch and hugged her. You could see how the girls loved their teacher by the way they hugged each other, and then, amazingly, they kissed..... the same sort of passionate kiss she had just seen. Madame Markovitch's hand was on the girl's bottom, and Tina saw a finger slide up and feel the wet patch under..... not inside the leotard though. Then with a laugh Madame slapped the girl's bottom, said "Away with you now." "May we go to the Recovery Room first before gymnastics, please, Madame?" "Will quarter of an hour be enough?" The giggling girl answered "I reckon a couple of minutes the way I feel and the rest to really recover...." "Run along then. Have fun, but don't keep Madaemoiselle Sylvestro waiting too long." They scampered off, skipping lightly like dancers and chatting excitedly. "And now, Sophie, first some strengthening and loosening exercises at the bar, and then we'll start teaching you your first dance routine." Over the next two weeks Sophie spent her three afternoons half in the dance-studio perfecting her five minute dance, strengthening her legs at the bar, and half in the gymanasium. She was glad she had long ago learned how to do hand-stands and cart-wheels, which made her ahead of a few of the girls who had been enrolled longer than her. She was able to stay poised on the parallel bars but not do some of the really clever stuff one or two others managed. She could somersault off them, and was beginning to get the hang of back-flips. She enjoyed gym! They did not wear leotards for this but tight knickers, cut like shorts but very thin nylon. You had a different pair each session, and did not keep your own with a name tag as with the leotards. Tina reckoned she looked best in black, but liked all the dark colours, especially scarlet. You could almost see girls' 'front-bottoms' though them and certainly the shape down there, and often it made her 'tingle'.... She often saw the other girls completely naked as they changed, and sometimes the dances they practised were choreographed for naked girls, and Tina wondered why most of them had 'front-bottoms' completely bare of any hair. One of the girls, Tracey, was almost flat-chested and probably only about eleven with just tiny little breasts and she might not have grown any hair yet. But the rest were at least twelve, like Sophie, some of them a year or two older even, and they were as bare as any ten-year-old. Tina had a nice golden fluff..... Why had they taken it off, and how? Sophie knew better than to ask! Those pert bottoms in their see-through panties affected her but what really made her 'tingle' was the "Classical Wrestling": they had been told by Madamoiselle Sylvestro that this had been invented long ago by the Ancient Greeks and Romans and back then was for men only. But it was a splendid exercise for girls too.... Her "girlie-place" always tingled and made her wet, and she was not the only one to find wrestling exciting: they all did. And certainly it was fun to struggle with another girl and feel her naked breasts against her own, to clutch at her naked body, to writhe together. And it was even nice when she lost and the other girl held her immobile in triumph. Better still when she won! Wrestling with Alys, who had a strong but slender body, and lovely firm breasts and bottom.... that was the best! Alys, the Asian girl, was almost exactly the same age as Sophie, and they had been shown a dance to practise together as well. She had joined the Dance Studio just a week before Sophie, so they were both "new girls" and had become quite close as they learned so many new things together. They were being taught this because it was good exercise but also because many of the sponsors enjoyed an exhibition of wrestling and would even bet on which girl would win. The monthly "Parents' Evening" was in Sophie's third week, and her dance was just good enough to be included in the show. The parents sat on hard chairs in the Dance Studio watching their daughters perform the acts they had been learning. For this the girls wore leotards, but these were thick, black cotton, and worn over bras and panties so there was none of the suggestive glimpses at the practise sessions. All very respectable. They all then went to the gym to watch the exercises there. Same proper leotards, no nylon panties, and no "Classical Wrestling" either. Mrs Huggins was suitably impressed at Sophie's dance and her gymnastics, and amazed that so much could be achieved in just two weeks! The two ladies must be very good teachers, and you could see the girls loved what they were doing.... After the show had ended there was tea and cakes, and a chance to talk to other parents and Madame and Mademoiselle. In fact it was Madame Markovitch who picked out Sophie and her mother and came over to them. "I must say I am impressed: her dance was lovely!" "Yes, Sophie certainly has a natural talent, and we will bring that out in her." "I can see she loves what she's doing". Sophie stood beside them listening, glowing at the praise. "There is one thing, though. She has not yet managed the splits, and that really is essential." "Oh dear!" Mrs Huggins had a sudden vision of a return to a future of grinding poverty, losing not only the welcome £20 a week, but also the promise of much, much larger sums. "Oh it's not serious. We know how to correct that. I say we know, in fact our Specialist Dr Balthazar knows and he will soon put it right. It would involve Sophie visiting his clinic instead of the Dance Studio one of her evenings. It is not far from here, a short cab-ride, and we would return her as usual at about the same time. Would that be all right?" "He is a medical doctor?" She immediately remembered this was in breach of the contract.....she had asked a question "Retired. He practised in Vienna." Madame smiled to herself. In fact it had been Istanbul and he had not been Balthazar back then, And not exactly "retired" either, more of a moonlight-flit after some unpleasantness following his 'treatment' of a pretty teenager who it turned out was the daughter of an expatriate banker and not the ideal target. But blue-eyed blonde girls were no so easy to find in Turkey. He had his fun but then had to run for it! Still, he was very good at 'conditioning' young girls.... "Oh please, mummy." "That will be all right then. And I'm sorry I asked. I forgot the contract for a moment." "Yes! And it is very important that Dr Balthazar's methods remain a secret. You must not ask Sophie." "I understand..." "Good. You've heard all that, Sophie?" "Yes, Madame Markovitch." "Good! A secret then." From the outside it had looked more like a big, posh house to Tina, but inside there was certainly a large clinic-type room with desk covered with paper files and books, a lap-top, and a very old man sitting behind it who got up as she entered holding Madame Markovitch's hand very tight. "Ah! The delightful and talented Sophie." He stood quite close to her and with his bushy white hair all fluffed up on his head and his big belly he looked old and eccentric, but somehow like a doctor and not only because of his white coat. He looked and sounded jolly too, with that huge smile. Madame felt the girl's grip on her hand relax a bit. "What have they told you, Sophie?" "Only that you're Doctor Balthazar and that you know how to stretch and relax me, which is what I need for my dancing and modelling." "That's about it, my sweet! Did they also tell you that I want to keep my methods secret, and that it is important you never tell anyone, not even your mother or your best friend." "I know, sir. And I know also not to ask questions." "Excellent. Now swallow this little pill and drink some water. the pill will help you relax. You may even feel sleepy, and if you do it is quite all right to close your eyes and doze if you want. It will take about five minutes before it works, just time for you to undress ready for the treatment. Sophie was no longer surprised at being asked to undress.... it happened all the time, and nor was she worried by the camera on a tripod that seemed to be filming them. Balthazar licked his lips as she took off her school blazer and handed it to Madame Markovitch, who hung it on a coat-hanger. The girl was truly exceptional: the Studio favoured blondes, but this one was really lovely with her long, ash-blonde hair, blue eyes and full lips, unusually sensuous-looking for a twelve-year-old. It was usually an indicator of a passionate nature: he could already feel success so close! She un-buttoned the white cotton shirt and the promise of those breasts as they pushed at the fabric was fulfilled when the cloth fell open to reveal perfect little bosoms, upright and pert, with delicate little pink aureoles and nipples. The skirt now, and regulation white cotton panties tight into her crotch, dazzling against the summer-tan of her thighs and belly. She bent to slip off her shoes and socks, and her bottom looked so appetising in thise school-knickers he felt a (rare) twinge of life in his near-moribund cock. And now the piece de resistance as she pulled her knickers down: lovely mound with a fleece of very fine hair, slightly more golden than ash-blonde, cunt-lips full like her other lips and equally promising. What a delight she would be to her admirers, and how, in his time, he would have enjoyed sliding his cock into that tight young vagina. He smiled, and shook his head. Days and nights long gone for him now, but he was fortunate in being able to see and fondle these pretty young things, though he paid handsomely for these opportunities! "I can feel the pill, sir...." "Go with Madame and lay on that trolley, Sophie." She felt a bit woozy, but very calm and even happy. This was going to be all right, she thought, and she closed her eyes. She dreamed. She dreamed that her arms were stretched out and her wrists fastened with some things that clicked into place: then soft hands opened her legs, spread them, and again two clicks as her ankles were fastened. Strange dream! And so vivid that in her dream she could not move at all, except her hips a bit. Still it felt ok. In fact better than ok as she was comfortable, felt safe, nice and warm, and there was a lovely feeling in her breasts, both of them, as if they were being stroked, caressed, gently squeezed. Her "girlie-place" began to tingle as it always did when she caressed her breasts in the warmth of her bed, under the duvet. Somewhere deep in her mind was the half-formed thought that this was different: she never felt both breasts together, never laying on her back, and in any case she could not move her hands in this dream. She dismissed the thought. The dream was lovely and she would just enjoy it and hope she did not wake from it. Ignore too the voices that were disembodied, her eyes closed. "She's well developed for twelve. Nice round, firm breasts. See how the nipples pop back up when I push them in. She's aroused all right. You've found a real stunner here, Juliana." There were more hands on her body now, lots of them stroking, feeling. There were at least two on each thigh, others on her belly and on her chest under her breasts. A palm stroked all the way up from her ankle to her "front-bottom" and cupped her there an instant before sliding the full length of her leg again and playing with her toes. The tingling was even more now, more than she had ever felt for real, not dreaming, and she was scared she might wake up and spoil the pleasant feeling. More voices, now. Another man and a woman too. "Wonderful muscle tone: they certainly know how to make a young girl hyper-fit without spoiling her by causing muscles. Lovely belly, so delicately rounded and smooth." "Muscles are ok on boys.... I like 'em. But I like the girls soft and compliant too...." "Quite developed here too." A hand seemed to cup her "front bottom" again, large enough to cover the whole of her down there. The light pressure made her tingle with pleasure even more. "Lovely cunt, and well-ndeveloped for a twelve year old as well." "Is her clit hard?" Sophie realised that "clit" was their word for her 'girlie'place' and thought it was a nice word, and also the feel of something.... a finger she decided it must be, pressing, pulling, rubbing on it. "Stiff and aroused and she's juicy as well.... just the way you like them, Leo." The hands were still roaming all over her body but it was the ones on her "cunt", their word for her 'front-bottom' she guessed, yes, it was those hands stroking her cunt, pulling at the lips, rubbing her "clit" that filled her mind now. "Lots of first-hair, too. When will you be removing it, Juliana?" Sophie had heard that voice before: it was her gentleman sponsor. It was Madame Markovitch who replied to him. "We know your tastes, Leo. You just love them naked and bare like pre-teens." "But with nice breasts. Hairless cunts and nice firm, round tits. This girl with a shaven cunt would be about my ideal...." So her sponsor's name was Leo, and she assumed it was him who was caressing her breasts as he grasped them a bit more firmly as he talked about pert tits.... "Well, Leo, as you know well when the time is right we depillate her if the sponsors want it. It is too early yet in any case as I like it to accompany her birth-control fitting. Just so much new at any one time for the girl. Other things being equal we will of course depillate, if only because it preserves her young appearance for so much longer. She's responding to your fingers, Maria?" "She is indeed... wet now. And, Juliana, you can add me to her sponsors, and another vote for hairless pussies..." "And me as sponsor and another yes vote!" This voice was deeper and sounded as if it was a big-built man. There was something about his voice that suggested that, though a Londoner like the rest of them except Madame and the doctor, he might have been black. She lay luxuriating, somewhere between sleep and waking, for a long time while people (how many?) enjoyed the sight of this naked angel, the feel of her smooth young flesh, the knowledge she was helpless, yes, but also willing and compliant. Finally she heard Dr Balthazar's voice. "She is virgin?" "Said to be." That was Madame again. "Care to verify, Balthazar?" "Nothing would give me greater pleasure, dear lady." Sophie's pussy was hot enough, wet enough to welcome an invading finger forcing into her tight vagina and feeling around. "Intact hymen! You wish me to break it?" "Would be best, Balthazar, but at the moment just before her greatest pleasure, as it should be in nature. One of you on each breast, please. Yes you Leo, and Merton too. Maria, can you suck her clitty. I will close her mouth. The kiss on her mouth was like the ones she had witnessed in the studio often between two girls and sometimes between a girl and Mademoiselle Sylvestro or Madame Markovitch but never experienced herself, passionate, hard, long-lasting. The mouths on her nipples nibbled, sucked and licked, Leo's and Merton's hands still feeling the firmness of her breasts. This was so much more exciting than just fingering. But it was that tongue on her "clit" that was making her tingle more and more. She wanted to grip the head between her thighs but was still strapped down. The pleasure built and built until she thought she could bear it no more, and at that moment, as her body tensed, her hips rose, the strangest, most powerful, intense pleasure started to build inside her deep in her "cunt", and then there was a moment of sharp pain, and then even mote intense pleasure completely overwhelming her. It was like nothing she had ever felt before Balthazar had wiped the dildo in the girl's juices.... no need for oil here. At the crucial moment he had slid it into her vagina so it broke the hymen and then immediately switched on the vibrator. Both nipples, her clit sucked too, and now her vagina filled by the rubber dildo and vibrated through its length she let out a scream, not of pain but of indescribable pleasure her lips escaping the prison of Madame's mouth. And still the the hands and mouths stimulated her, still that dildo, silent and not vibrating now moved in and out, filling, stretching. The pleasure mounted, and there it was again, this time accompanied by slaps on her tits and her pussy. They were not hard, but they were proper slaps with open hands and they should have been painful, but were not. Quite the opposite. Sophie was amazed that spanking on the tenderest parts of her body could accompany, even cause such indescribable pleasure. She was learning about her body things she would never have guessed. Pain could enhance pleasure..... The second orgasm was as powerful as the first and was enough to wake her up. Eyes open, she knew now this was no dream. There were four, no five plus the Doctor standing round her and these were the ones who had given her this pleasure. She wanted more, she decided, and her happy feeling was not just the drug she had been given, Any way, she was not dozy or sleepy now, but felt vibrant with life. More! More, please," she heard herself say. She heard Leo laugh, and mutter "Excellent". "Over now!" commanded Balthazar. None too gently she was turned over on her belly, spread-eagled again, and shackled to the trolley, bum upwards. She knew she was being bound, secured helpless, but also deep inside understood that this was one of the roots of the ecstacy she had felt. Hands stroked and kneaded her buttocks. "Beautiful bottom, so perky and pretty." The voice was Leo's. So he did not only like her for her boobs! She guessed it was his hands that pulled her buttocks apart, and his mouth that kissed her most secret place, his tongue that licked her there, his tongue that penetrated. How could he want to do that? Her bottom-hole! But she was glad he did! Someone else was fingering her clit, and she knew she could feel that wonderful, body-shaking pleasure again. The tongue stopped, the kissing stopped.... "No!" she heard herself say. Now a finger pressed on her anus. "Lovely arse-hole! That hairless enough for you, Leo?" It was the voice of Doctor Balthazar again, but it was not his finger that replaced the tongue and slipped into her, its passage eased by a few drops of oil. "She's very tight. Of course she would be." It was her own special sponsor's voice, the man she now knew was called Leo. After the pleasure she had just felt, which she associated with him, he could do anything he wanted with her as far as she was concerned. If he wanted to put his finger up her poop-shoot he could, and in fact it did not feel too bad, though nothing like as nice as it had been when her "cunt" had been filled and stretched.... She still felt warm, safe, and so happy she wondered if it was the drug. She decided that as she was no longer at all drowsy it must be she was happy because of what was being done for her. That policewoman had warned all the girls against 'inapropriate touching' especially by men, and she supposed the woman thought it was too good for such as twelve-year-old girls. If this was 'inapropriate' Sophie loved it, and especially the finger that was 'touching' her 'clit'.... rubbing, pressing and squeezing it more like. She lay there luxuriating. Leo's voice again. "The smallest size I think, to start with". The finger was removed, but replaced with something that really stretched her bottom-hole, not painfully, but she felt very full, and it was holding her anus open, she knew. But before that fact could do more than register, her 'cunt' was filled again by the same thing as before, and again it started to buzz. Her bottom was slapped, hard this time, harder than her tits and pudenda had been before. Another slap. She was being spanked like a naughty girl, but that did not stop the pleasure the vibrator was giving her as it was pushed in and puled out, buzzing all the time. In and out, in and out. She wanted to wriggle, but was too securely strapped down. The spanking went on in the same rhythm as the insertion of the dildo, and she knew lots of other hands were caressing her. The slapping was painful, really, but somehow it was adding to the stimulation of her cunt and clit. She had already learned that a little pain could add greatly to pleasure, and this was the proof as the sound of open palm against naked flesh echoed round the room. "She's close now!" The voice was Merton's and she guessed the black man was the one playing with her clit. His voice sounded warm and friendly, deep and brown like his skin. He was to be one of her sponsors she knew from what she had heard, and she was glad. He was very strong and masculine. But the slapping was quicker now, harder, and the buzzing sounded as if it was louder. Her clit was being tweaked almost painfully too. But that wonderful feeling at the base of her belly was coming again: the weight of her body on her tits, fingers on her clit, hands all over her, fullness in her bottom and cunt, and always the rhythmic spanking. It was almost too much to bear and the great, shuddering orgasm came almost as a relief to the girl..... The voice was Dr Balthazar's. "A successful treatment! Her second orgasm was even more powerful than the first, and that is enough for a girl of her age, for her first experience. You may be secure in the knowledge that bondage and pain will never be a barrier to pleasure for her now, and that block has been removed to the benefit of the girl and her I imagine many partners. I have removed the dildo, and will now remove the butt-plug. I suggest we leave the girl to recover quietly with Juliana: a familiar face and presence is desirable after the strangeness of her experience." A moment or two later Madame Markovitch was undoing the hand-cuffs and ankle restraints and leading the girl, her arm around her shoulder, to the wide armchair under the window curtains. "Well, Sophie, was that allright? We should sit quietly a bit to make sure the pill has completely worn off." "It was lovely, Madame, Better than lovely. I never knew anything could be so good. Is that what grown-ups do?" "You have never felt that before, Sophie?" Her hand had slipped down to cover the girl's left breast. "Never. My clit.... that's what it's called isn't it? My clit tingles sometimes, but never that huge feeling all through me. It's wonderful." "It's called 'cumming', Sophie, and yes clit is the right word, short for clitoris. So you never felt it before?" "Never!" "Well I'm going to show you how you can feel it whenever you want, and especially when you are in bed alone. Now, just rub your clit, and when it really starts to tingle, put your finger in your pussy. Yes, like that. Now, keep on rubbing your clit, tweak it a bit if it feels good too, but at the same time move your finger in and out." The woman turned the girls head towards her and kissed her full on the lips, her tongue entering the girl's mouth. She was pleased when she felt Sophie's tongue playing over her own teeth, forcing past her own tongue. This was a passionate young lady, and her sponsors and others would just want more and more of her willing young body. Her hand slipped from the girl's shoulder down to cup her breast, pressing it gently, feeling the fine skin-tone and the firmness there. The little nipple was hard against the centre of her palm, and she took it, rolling it betweeen her finger and thumb, pulling it, pressing it in and feeling it pop up again. The girl's soft hair smelled of lavender..... Sophie was using both hands now, her left rubbing and teasing her clitoris, the index finger of her right slipping in and out of her vagina. She had her eyes closed but was biting her lower lip as if in intense concentration. And then there were little whimpering moans, her slender body tensed, and she had her orgasm. Eyes open, she turned her head to Madame Markovitch, lips pursed, asking to be kissed again. "That was lovely! I never knew. Oh, thank you, Madame. That was wonderful. I'm going to do it a lot!" She got her kiss! And over the next two nights she made sure her cunt was really awake, aroused by the memory of many hands on her body, of lips on her breasts and pussy, of being strapped helpless while her two secret places were penetrated. She played these scenarios over in her mind as she masturbated, and added new ones.... involving Leo, Merton and especially her new Asian dance and wrestling partner Alys. There was plenty of wrestling, but also spanking in the fantasies that naturally accompanied her orgasms. It was the very next session after her vist to Dr Balthazar that it happened. She had been practising her dance routine with Alys, watched and coached by Mademoiselle Sylvestro. Madmoisellee had noticed, of course, the wet patch that had appeared in the crotch of Sophie's leotard and called the girls over to her. She hugged Alys and as she did so felt under the girl's crotch. Damp, but not wet. A visit to Dr Balthazar for the awakening conditioning was called for! An arm around Sophie now, she kissed the girl, not her first passionate kiss, but her first from her teacher, and as their lips met she slipped her finger inside the leotards. wet, juicy, clitoris erect, plump lips! "Do your own dance while Alys and I watch: I think you are ready to start doing some private assignments, Sophie." She cuddled Alys while Sophie danced. The wet patch grew! "Yes! You are ready, Sophie". "Oh, thank you, Mademoiselle". "And Now off to the gym with both of you. I want to see you wrestling, and no panties this time. Wrestling should really be done naked, and that's what your sponsors will want to see." Laying awake the night before, building her excitement up for her second orgasm as she fingered her breasts and clitoris Sophie had remembered the feeling of being on her back, shackled helpless, her pussy and breasts being slapped: and then on her belly being properly spanked while she came. She thought how good it would be to feel Alys' weight on her, pinning her to the floor of the gymnasium. She would let Alys win their next wrestling practise so she could get that wonderful sensation. In the event, Sophie did not have to cheat, 'throw the match' as Alys easily won the first bout and sat on Sophie's head, holding her arms hard against the floor too, demanding submission. The feel of Alys' naked cunt against her face was sexy, made her clit tingle, and Sophie longed to have her own cunt fingered, penetrated, teased, by anyone..... even herself. But her hands were held tight, her arms spread and she was helpless. She did not answer Alys' repeated demands she submit, and after a while found she could move her head a bit, and yes! that was it! Alys' cunt was now right over the girl's face, and she could feel the wetness there, scent the incredibly sexy odour of a pussy in heat. Sophie realised Alys was aroused by the wrestling too! No question of surrender, of submission. This was too good! She remembered those lips on her "clit" when she had learned that new word, and also learned how to cum. She wondered if Alys had discovered the earth-moving pleasure..... Sophie stuck her tongue out and found she could taste those juices: her tongue found out the girl's clitoris, a hard little nub in the midst of all that juicy softness. She poked it with her pointed tongue, and heard a little gasp from her wrestling partner. Perhaps Alys took just a little weight of her cunt pressing down, perhaps not. But whatever, it was a bit easier for Sophie to breath now, and there was room for her to lick up and down the wetness, pressing hard on the clitoris each time, and finally managing to penetrate Alys' vagina with the tip of her tongue. The juices were really flowing now, and Sophie was lost in the delight of giving her little friend such pleasure, because she could feel the excitement rising in her partner as Alys began to move, rubbing her open cunt against tongue, lips and Sophie's nose too. As the girl rocked forward and back Sophie's tongue reached as far as the girl's anus, causing another gasp of surprise and pleasure and ever more violent rubbing Sophie's face, made slick by the wetness, the slippery juices. Finally after a shuddering and panting climax that even Sophie could feel coursin through the Asian girl's body, Alys collapsed onto Sophie, releasing her arms as she did so. Sophie immediately rolled the two of them over so she was on top now, and straddled the girls face with her open legs, facing the girl's toes and stroking her long, slender legs. This was no longer wrestling, and no pretence of it either. It was sex, pure, simple, and joyously lesbian. Sophie felt the first tentative lick at her crotch, and gave a half-involuntary, half-calculated sigh of pleasure. "Oh yes!": to let the girl know she wanted more.... Now Alys' tongue and fingers were working at Sophie's pussy, pressing and tweaking her clit, fingering her vagina. Sophie wanted to be spanked like she had been last time her cunt was sucked and probed so she grabbed Alys' free hand and used it like a paddle to slap her bum, and again, and again. "I love that Alys! Spank me while you kiss my pussy, and you'll make me cum!" "You really like it?" "Mmmm! Just do it!" Mademoiselle Sylvestro smiled to herself, and left the girls to finish their play. It would be best if they finished alone, perhaps, and in any case Mademoiselle Sylvestro had found this first-love very exciting to watch, and needed to relieve the tension in her own cunt. Juliana would be in the salon upstairs, and could be relied on to help in that respect! She closed the door quietly behind her. Juliana would enjoy having the scene described to her as she sucked her old friend's clitoris, and be really glad that as usual the Balthazar treatment had removed any remaining inhibitions young Sophie might have. Also Alys was ready to visit the good doctor, which was good news. She was certainly awakened, and needed her inhibitions, if any, removed along with her hymen, if any! Sophie came. An orgasm at least as good as the one at Dr Balthazar's surgery, and with the promise of more fun to come.... "I know now why the girls sometimes go to the Recovery Room together!" "Yes! That's better than doing it yourself. Much better!" The very next afternoon Sophie was told she was to give a lady sponsor a private showing of her dance. Her first chance to earn some money for herself, her mummy, and for the Studio. "Is that the lady called Maria?" "Questions, young missy!" "I'm sorry, Madame. I just forgot." "Be more careful, Sophie.... but it is Maria, yes." So they went upstairs to a part of the old house Sophie had never seen, though she knew from the facade there were several more floors, up the wide staircase with paintings and photographs of pretty girls on the walls, along a wide corridor with heavy mahogany doors each side, more pictures, and finally into a large room. This was decorated in an old-fashioned style, with plenty of velvet cusions on settees and chairs, shining ormolu and brass, a thick bright red and black carpet, and lots of mirrors on the walls. There was a life-sized marble statue of a girl, her pert breasts and narrow hips suggesting pre-teen or perhaps eleven. It was beautiful, but not more so than the other girls orSophie herself, Sophie thought. The lady Sophie had briefly seen at Dr Balthazar's got up from one of the armchairs, a tall woman with dark hair, and dressed in a black silk negligee which showed off her narrow waist, broad hips and pointy breasts as the silk clung to her body. As she walked towards the girl, her legs peeped out, long, smooth, slender, bare. She had black, strappy sandals, shiny and with very high stiletto heels. If it had not been for her lovely smile and the hug she gave Sophie she might have been a bit scary, a bit "Gothic". But the hug was warm and her kiss one of those open-mouthed, all-tongues kisses Sophie dreamed about at night. The sight of the woman brought back memories of the Doctor's surgery, and she felt her clit beginning to "tingle". The woman held the girl at arm's length, enjoying her beauty and the fetish dream of a pretty teenage blonde in smart school uniform, looking so innocent and vulnerable. Embarassed, Sophie's eyes were downcast, but then she looked up to meet the lady's gaze, and the beauty of that face.... the only make-up a bright red lipstick and some mascara around deep, dark, mediterranean eyes. The smile made Sophie smile too. This was the lady who had sucked her clitoris the very first time, and probably the one who had spanked her bottom while Merton brought her the ultimate pleasure. Sophie's clitoris tingled, awake now, and hoping for at least a repeat.... Sophie was quite used to undressing for the pleasure of adult admirers, and she now knew enough not to hurry the process as she removed her school uniform, making sure the lady had every opportunity to admire her breasts in profile, and her perky little bottom. she could not help looking at herself in the mirrors all around her, reproducing her graceful little body over and over to infinity in the reflections. She was sexy, and she knew it, and in knowing it became even more excited, and the more excited she was the sexier she was. "There's a costume on the table for you to wear in your dance." With that Madame Markovitch left the two alone, closing the heavy door behind her with an encouraging smile to Sophie as she went. The dress was wispy green nylon, almost a hundred percent transparent. Sophie might as well have been naked, but there is no doubt the filmy gauze gave a style and lightness to her dance as she went through the graceful routine, music-less this time. Maria sat in a huge easy-chair, her legs apart enough to show their full, glorious length, but the negligee not quite open enough for Sophie to know whether she was naked beneath. Sophie hoped the lady was not wearing panties, or if she was they were transparent like those the girls mostly used for gymnastics. Naked would be best, She promised herself that if the lady felt her naked pussy, as she guessed the lady would, then Sophie would be brave enough to feel the lady's pussy..... and also perhaps her lovely, shapely bum! As for Maria, she had every intention of feeling that teenage pussy, yes and sucking it too. She blessed the day her then-partner had introduced her to the Dance Studio's harem of available teen and pre-teen beauties. Sophie would be a more than acceptable replacement for the girl she had first sponsored, but had moved on at the age of nearly sixteen..... The dance was lovely, but she could not wait to get her hands on that perky little bum, those cheeky tits, that silky blonde hair, falling free to her shoulders today, unlike that fetish-dream pony-tail she had when at the Doctor's, when Maria had decided she just had to sponsor this beauty. And Madame was waiting in the next room for her call! Sophie finished her dance and laughed as she bowed to lady. She crossed the room invited by Maria's outspread arms welcoming her. The arm-chair was wide enough for both of them and she was hugged and kissed, a long, passionate lover's kiss. Her clitoris had awoken the moment she had seen the satin-clothed woman, and had tingled as usual nowadays when she showed off in her dance. She knew she was beautiful and sexy, that men and some women lusted after her, and was happy they did. As they kissed Maria's hand cupped her breast, palm sliding across the slippery nylon. Her other hand, as Sophie knew it would, slipped up under the hem of the dress and cupped the mound of her pubes. Sophie dared, felt free to do exactly what she had wanted to do for long minutes, and pulled the black satin negligee apart to reveal the woman's pubes. Smooth, hairless! her pussy was lovely, Sophie thought, and she did excactly the same, cupping the mound and lips in her tiny hand. "Oh! You little angel! Here, let's....." She did not have to complete the phrase as she pulled at the ribbon tying the negligee, slipped it over her shoulders and was naked, pulling, too, Sophie's dress up over her head till the girl was naked too. Maria's index finger slipped between Sophie's cunt-lips, and a second later Sophie's finger felt the warmth and wetness of Maria's crease. "Oh! You angel. I'm going to......" And what followed surprised Sophie as this grown woman knelt on the carpet in front of her, a grown woman submitting to a child. "I'm going to make us both happy..." Sophie felt strong hands grasp her thighs, lift them, and then they were over the lady's shoulders. She was pulled forward so her bum was right on the edge of the chair, and her back and head were laying on its seat. Her pussy was scarcely an inch from the lady's face, and Sophie could feel her breath on her now-sensitive cunt-lips. She knew Maria was smelling her pussy-perfume, just as she herself had enjoyed Alys's..... she knew how good it was. Good too the feel of Maria's tongue on her clit: soft fingers had pulled ner cunt-lips apart and her nub was being teased so, so gently by the pointed tip of a tongue. Maria heard Sophie's little gasp of pleasure and treated the girl to a sweep of the tongue right down to her anus, back up the wet crease, over her clit, and up to the clitoral hood, then back again. The girl gave a little moan of pleasure and her hands were now stroking Maria's silky black hair. Maria applied her whole mouth to the open cunt, and then nibbled the hard little clitoris betweeen her pursed lips. She leaned back so she could look a moment at Sophie's pudenda, the fine, golden pubic fleece, soon to be removed permanently to show the smooth rounded mons in all its pre-teen beauty, hairless lips to be forever young. The plump lips, promising a sensual nature, the pink wetness of her open cunt, contrasting with the whiteness of her inner thighs, the little pink pearl of her clitoris shining there. "Please, please...." The girl did not want her to stop! She reached up and grasped one breast in each hand and lowered her head to the girl's pussy, this time letting her nose as well as her lips rub in the crease. She felt the girl's thighs clamp hard around her ears, her face buried in the juicey wetness of her cunt, her hands squeezing firm young breasts. The girl was cumming! Even through the lovely ear-muffs of the girl's smooth thighs she could hear the pants, squeaks, moans, oohs! aahs! and even some words she was surprised a twelve-year-old knew. The girl was cumming and had lost herself in pleasure. The girl's bum lifted from the cushions and was rubbing her clit against the woman's face as her whole body tensed and spasms of pleasure racked her. Finally the stranglehold of teenage thighs relaxed and Maria pulled the girl down off the chair, beside her on the carpet. As they kissed Sophie could taste her own cunt on the woman's lips. "What can I do for you?" She was hoping of course to have her share of cunt-sucking.... "Later, my angel. First, Madame Markovitch is waiting for us...." She must have been strong because she lifted Sophie easily from the carpet, helped by the girl's arms around her neck. Both enjoyed it as she walked across the room, Maria the feel of her strong little bottom cradled in her arms, one pert breast against hers.Sophie the feel of the woman's body naked agaonst hers, and her breasts, amazingly firm for a mature woman, more conical than the teenage girls who were really Sophie's only comparison. They were so firm, in fact, Sophie wondered whether the lady had bought cosmetic surgery. Whatever, they were certainly sexy, and Sophie promised herself she would kiss them if she had an opportunity. She should, as that one word "later" had a sort of promise in it. And what was Madame Markovitch waiting for? Sex? But Madame had so many opportunities before and really all she seemed to want was to kiss, and just once or twice to feel Sophie's cunt. Along the corridor again, and knocking at one of the other doors, Sophie hanging on tight while Maria pushed the door open. It was a bedroom, sort of. Certainly there was a bed, a huge one but also mirrors around the walls and even in the ceiling over the bed. there were benches, stool chairs, couches, and everything in red leather or red velvet. Only the bed sheets were different..... black satin. Sophie realised it had been designed for sensual sex.... even the benches had the sort of shackles she had seen at Dr Balthazar's. Where there were no mirrors on the wall there were erotic paintings, always young girls of course, but a variety of men and women..... all races, but all handsome or beautiful, and mostly naked. Over the bed was a display, a rack of various whips, handcuffs, some of them padded with fur or velvet, and what Sophie now knew to be dildos.... Madame Markovitch was not naked! "On the bed, Sophie...." As she lay on her back, enjoying the slippery, cool feel of the satin against her body, warmed by the sex a few minutes before, she heard Madame Markovitch run a tap in what must be an en-suite bathromm, and saw her emerge holding a tray with a small jug on it, a folded towel, a razor...... ! "Now we're going to shave your pussy, Sophie, so you're like the other girls, and how all your admirers prefer you. Most girls enjoy it when I remove their little tufts, and I expect you will too". She was right! She could watch in the overhead mirror as Madame used a buzzing beard-trimmer first to cut the little golden curls very short, and then used a face cloth to moisten the stubble. The flannel was very hot, and it felt good: her clit started to tingle yet again and she knew she would be very wet down there soon. Madame sprayed foam from an aerosol over the stubble and it was particularly nice when Maria stretched the skin of her mound and lips so Madame's safety razor glided easily over it. The girl watched as the white foam was replaced by a line of bare, white flesh, and then another after Madame had dipped the razor again in hot water. The whole process was over in a couple of minutes, and when Madame again wiped her with the hot cloth, and then dried her with the folded towel, she could see herself in the mirror, hairless as she had been two years ago before puberty. She reckoned her lips were plumper now than she had been when she was ten and a bit more open, her mound more prominent and rounded than back then, but as she felt herself it was as smooth as the inside of her thighs, or her bottom, and she knew at once why the men.... and Maria.... liked girls hairless! She remembered Leo saying he liked his girls hairless, but also with nice tits. Well, she qualified on both counts now. She could see Maria liked her: Her nipples were stiff, and made her conical breasts look almost sharp, so pointed. And Maria's cunt lips were really swollen, more open even than Sophie's own: she could see the woman's clit peeping out, and the white lips looked glistening with what must be her wetness. Sophie was glad Maria was smooth down there, glad she was herself now, and wanting so badly to rub her own clit..... or better still for Maria to suck her there again. Then Madame sprayed an aerosol over the shaved area: it was like water, no colour, no smell, just a wet mist. "There, Sophie. We're done for today. The hair will grow back, of course, but in this tube is a cream you should use to remove it as soon as you can feel any stubble..... the instructions are on the box. Also every night before you go to bed spray this on it, and the same every morning before you dress. That is so when Dr Balthazar starts the programme to stop the hair growing completely, the treatment works. He will treat you for the first time two weeks from today, in here not his surgery." "Is it expensive, the treatment?". "Not at all! He does it for free because he likes helping young girls be beautiful, happy and successful. Often the treatment takes five or six sessions, a month apart each one before the hair stops completely. And later he will have to do under your arms, and perhaps round the back too, but he doesn't mind." And pays handsomely for the opportunity to handle young girls' tits and cunts too, she thought with a smile, but did not say aloud! "Will he spank me like last time?" "Questions, young lady!" "I'm sorry, Madame. I forgot." "It's not serious this time, but try to remember, no questions. Anyway it was not Dr Balthazar who spanked you: it was Maria and I expect she'll do it again if you ask her nicely. Now I have to get back to my classes. The Meladine spray has dried now so have fun together!" That night in the complete privacy of her bedroom Sophie lay naked on her bed. The room was warm, and her clit was alive as she thought about Merton, Leo and Maria, and how pleased the two men would be to see her newly shaven pussy. She stroked it and imagined their kisses on it. Perhaps they would suck her off. Who would she like first? She decided it would be Leo if she had the choice. She would like him to suck her off, and then to fuck her. She remembered the feel of the vibrator up inside her and knew that if that was good, a warm, virile cock would be even better. Time to bring herself off now, but this time she wanted to watch. She had put the hand mirror by the bedside, the glass she used when she was combing and brushing her hair to make it shiney. There too was the banana she had chosen tonight to replace the cock she would so much have preferred. She watched in the mirror the close-up of her cunt, lips still closed and white like a very little girl's, and then her own fingers opening the outer lips. She was already nice and wet in there. The banana slipped easily up her and she moved it in and out a few times, feeling her vagina gripping it. She was glad she had no hair there now as her mound looked so silky and rounded, as smooth as her breasts or bottom, and she knew that was what the adult men and women wanted, and she wanted them to want her. Her clitty was aching for release, and still holding the mirror so she could see, she pushed the banana right in so it would stay put, and then rubbed her clitty. She thought about Leo, wondering what his body would be like naked, and whether he would want to fuck her laying on top or kneeling behind. She had not yet imagined riding astride him.... Perhaps he would spank her! She came, removed the banana, putting it and the mirror on the bedside table again, slipped under the duvet, and was asleep in seconds.... to dream of caresses, kisses, firm breasts and hard male bodies Maria lay on the bed beside Sophie, and the girl looked at the ceiling mirror, thinking how lovely the two of them were, both slender and athletic, both firm-bodied, both obviously aroused. One blonde, one brunette, one young girl, one adult woman, both wanting to play the oldest and best game together. Sophie looked Maria direct in the eye and then towards the array of sex-objects on the wall above the bed. Maria understood immediately. "You really liked that, my sweet, didn't you!" "It was fantastic. I've not done it since like that." "Well, let's do it again, my sweetie. You enjoy being tied down helpless?" "It was exciting...." "Stretch out your arms, and open your legs wide." Sophie watched as Maria chose four handcuffs from a selection in the display: at the Doctor's they had been plain steel, but these had scarlet velvet over them. They still clicked and locked when they were closed on her wrists and ankles. There were brass rings each side of the bed-frame, and her wrists and ankles were now shackled to these. She could not move.... or at least only her hips and her head. "A whip for tits and pussy". The whip seemed to be made of scarlet silk, with about half a dozen braided silk thongs set in a black, ebony handle. Sophie closed her eyes as Maria, kneeling on the bed raised the whip, a gleam in her eyes, her athletic body tensed as she prepared to strike the girl's breast. Sophie readied herself to feel pain, her clit still alive and demanding pleasure. The thongs fell across her breast, but it was only a slight stinging, not real pain. She opened her eyes and saw Maria rubbing her open cunt: Sophie wished she could reach her own, which was raging now. The woman's tits looked so magnificent as she raised the whip over her head and brought it down again, this time on Sophie's pussy. Again it stung but the girl realised it was as much the idea of being a helpless sex-object that was exciting, and that the whipping was really just a sort of role-play. Most of the strokes now fell on her breasts, and there was a pinkish tinge coming there, her nipples too becoming very engorged and a bit sore. But Maria had some needs too, and was suddenly astride Sophie and lowering her cunt onto the girl's face. Sophie opened her mouth in eager anticipation, remembering the delight Alys's pussy had been, and her eagerness only increased when Maria spread her white, plump cunt-lips with the fingers of both hands revealing the deep pink streak of her inner lips, the paler pink nub of her clitoris, the darker scarlet around her actual vagina entrance. With that entrancing cunt poised about an inch from her face Sophie was teased into trying to reach it with her tongue. The scent of woman was almost overwhelming, and the girl longed to lick and suck, and lap at the glistening wetness. Maria sank the last inch and Sophie's face was enveloped in open cunt, her pointed tongue pressing on Maria's clitoris. Sophie could scarcely move, but Maria certainly could and she started to rock up and down her hands supporting her each side of Sophie's head. She came almost immediately, with almost stifling pressure on Sophie's face. The girl was relieved and took a gasping breath of air as Maria got off her seat, but only to turn round so she was facing Sophie's tits, belly and legs, her bottom and cunt still ravishing the girl's face. Now she gave Sophie what the girl wanted, what she had been dreaming of as she masturbated in the secrecy of her own bedroom. The whip struck at breasts and exposed pussy, one lash with each rub of Maria's cunt the length of Sophie's face.... chin, lips, tongue, nose, and back down again. Sophie was close to coming and her pussy almost hurt it was crying out so much for penetration, or at least a mouth and fingers.... It was so good to be helpless, and to be loved like this by a beautiful, and so athletic woman.... But she would have to wait, as Maria built her second orgasm. This was bigger, noisier than the first. "Spank me, please. Spank me properly on my bottom. I've so wanted that again.... It was good for both of them, and especially for Maria who was basicly kind-hearted, and would much rather have a willing spankee than a sobbing and frightened waif! She arranged Sophie with two pillows under her belly so her bottom was lifted and looked so sexy, rounded and soft that after she had fixed the wrist and ankle shackles she just had to part those lovely cheeks. She rested her cheeks an the warm smoothness, and then planted a kiss full on the girl's puckered secret rose. Sophie giggled. "Tickles". Maria smiled to herself. There was a dildo on the display above the bed. She tested it: the battery was good! The girl's cunt was still plump and swollen from their play and glistened from her orgasms so the dildo slid easily up her. Now the spanking. Not with the whip but with her bare right hand. The girl flinched with the first smack but did not complain. Maria stroked the raised bottom, and kissed it again before smacking twice in quick succession. More caresses and licks and then more slaps. Sophie was trying to wriggle her hips now, her bum straining upwards with each smack. Maria twisted the end of the dildo and it started to buzz. "Oh my God! Yes! Like that. Spank me like that. I'm cumming......" Leo had been away for two weeks . The street girls where his business trip had taken him were certainly tempting, so golden, lithe and some younger even than Sophie and the other Studio girls. But he hated condoms and unprotected sex with these little beauties was a sure road to the hospital! So he was feeling really horny and went straight from Heathrow Airport to the familiar building in the leafy suburbs. He was waiting for Sophie to get there from school when she arrived, so sexy in her trim school uniform and with her hair today in two golden plaited pigtails.... Sophie's heart leaped when she saw him so tall, well-built, and smart in his lightweight grey suit (he had been in the tropics the past few days). She realised that he must have been waiting for her especially, as otherwise he would be in the gymnasium or studio, watching..... It would be wrong to say Leo's heart leaped, but something else did, making that tell-tale bulge in the tight-fitting suit. The dusky steet girls were alluring all right but not so much as this little angel, so seeming-innocent in her black blazer and calf-length black, pleated skirt. Black too her shoes, but her school shirt dazzling white, and looking as if there were two plump pigeons within it, straining to be released. Her legs were bare, long and slender, and golden-tanned. She seemed genuinely glad to see him, with that open-smile, her clear blue eyes, her full lips. Sponsoring her was not cheap, but she was going to be worth it! He held his arms out wide-spread and she ran up to him, her arms around his neck as he hugged her. This was no little-girl's kiss, he thought, or more accurately it was a little-girl's kiss, but a girl who had learned the pleasures of open-mouth and tongue contact. He felt her bum through the skirt and then slipped his hand up under the loose pleats. Cotton panties, regulation school-girl knickers. He felt her bottom, firm and rounded and wondered if they were white, or the green ones he had seen once or twice. His hand on her bottom made her clit tingle and she pressed closer against him, especially her breasts against his broad chest, and she wriggled as she felt his cock press against her. She wondered if he had been cut, or whether he had the full foreskin: she had seen both sorts in photographs some of the girls at school had found in magazines, and thought both were very handsome when stiff. She thought she would like black or brown ones too, but had never even seen a photo. "I've got to get ready for my gymnasium or I'll be late: you can watch if you like." She hoped he would stay and watch her undress. She enjoyed undressing for men (and Maria too), but this would be special as she was looking forward to his face when he saw her hairless pussy. She remembered his comment at the Doctor's when she had been tied to that bench: he liked his girls young, with nice tits, and bald pussies he had said.... Well, she could give him what he wanted now! "I'd certainly like that!" She took her blazer off, turned round, and hung it in her locker. As she turned back he nearly drooled as he saw how her breasts filled that dazzling white, newly-ironed cotton shirt, and it really did look as if she was not wearing a bra: nipple shapes suggested also she was aroused. But he would have to wait a moment or two before he saw her breasts again as she started the strip-tease by removing her skirt, turning again to take a hanger from her locker. He may have been watching her, but she had become a confirmed and practised man-watcher, and her eyes focussed on the bulge in his smart, tailored trousers. Well, she knew how to keep that nice and hard! She stood for a moment or two facing him, fiddling with the tags on her skirt and pretending to adjust the hanger to the right width. He smiled. What a good description the jokey 'camel-toe' was! Her cotton knickers (white today) were pulled up tight so the shape of her mound, and the crease of her labia was clearly outlined in the soft material. He remembered all those desperate excursions he made to 'family beaches' when a teen and young man, hoping to catch a sight of just such a camel-toe. Even when he had been lucky it would belong to a girl too young for his fantasy ideal, too young to have nice firm, rounded tits. Still sometimes when the girls had been into the water wearing just the knickers they arrived in and not expensive bathing costumes he would be able to guess at the pretty lips beneath as the wet cotton clung to their slender bodies. That would give him material to masturbate over later! He smiled again as he wondered at the innocence of parents and school authorities who insisted on these sexy 'uniform' knickers not realising that the slightest wear, tightness or.... dare one say it?.... dampness in the crotch transformed them from discrete cache-sexes to a paedophile's delight of suggestive revelation! Thank goodness he had become wealthy enough to subscribe to the secret world of the Vienna Dance Studio, and no longer had to risk the legal and medical perils of third-world early-teen or pre-teen beauties he had enjoyed in his annual two-week tropical hoildays back then. This beauty was a world away from that squalid scene.... She turned and hung the skirt up in front of her blazer before bending over to unlace first one shoe and then the other giving him a tempting taster of the delights of her boyish-slim hips and bottom, slender still, but nicely rounded and jutting. And silky smooth under those panties he guessed. How often he had admired such a girlish bottom, discretely shielded by the damned cotton despite the careless exposure caused when the girl tucked the hem of her dress into the knickers so it should not get wet. But never what now followed! Slowly, so slowly Sophie eased her panties down, a thumb in each side of the waistband, and there with a wriggle of her hips was her bottom in all its naked glory as the cloth fell to her ankles. Knowing exactly what she was doing Sophie bent down as if touching her toes, and took one shoe off and then the other. Her cunt lips were bare of hair from behind, Leo saw, but he knew that from Dr Balthazar's session when he had inserted the butt plug. If the labia from the front were beautiful, from the rear they were downright provocative, inviting caress, kiss, even penetration. He smiled to himself remembering when he was a boy, probably only six or seven and very innocent how his uncle had given his father a present for Christmas, part of which was a purse for small change that closed looked just like this, and when squeezed opened just as a pre-teen girl's pudenda would. He remembered the uproarious laughter that had caused, and his mother's worried reminder "not in front of the boy, Harold". But now Sophie turned round and heard the sharp intake of breath as he realised for the first time she was now shaved. His cock was really tenting his flies now. Good! Time to show him her tits, and really make his day. Button by slow button she undid the front, letting her shirt hang open a second or two, teasing him, before she shrugged it over her shoulders and stood naked, posing shamelessly. She knew she looked good, and just wanted him to see how good her body was. He was silent but spread his arms wide and smiled. She was in his arms, her arms around his neck, her tits pressed up against the softness of his suit's cloth, her pubic mound pressed onto his body. She could feel the hardness of his cock as they kissed, open-mouthed of course. His hands were caressing her all over her back and bottom, and then around her shoulders. He gave a sudden start. He had felt something he recognised. "You've seen Dr Balthazar again...." "Yes, Couple of weeks ago. He's treating my fluff so it will be bare permanently. He's done it once, but the hair has come back a bit, so I used the cream on it just this morning so it's nice and smooth for you. I remember you said you liked your girls bare-pussied and with nice tits....." "Certainly the sort of thing I might well say, angel. But he did this too. Do you know what it is? " He ran his finger along the slight raised line discretely along the inside of her left arm. "It's for contraception. Birth control.... It'll also make my periods easier." "Two weeks ago? Well forget gymnasium today! We're going to have a bit of bed wrestling, my little angel." The room was not the same one as she had visited with Maria, but with the same mirrored walls, naughty pictures, satin-covered bed: scarlet silk this time. He placed Sophie on the shiney red satin and she could look at her golden body in the overhead mirror, white tits and pubes though. Watch, too, Leo as he hung his jacket and tie over the back of a chair, and sat on it while unlacing his shoes, removing them and his socks. She wondered if he was going to undress completely, and hoped he would. She was disappointed, as still wearing shirt and trousers he lay on the bed beside her. Not disappointed as, when she rolled over on her side to face him, he kissed her: not her lips, but her breasts. How they loved her tits, she thought proudly. And it was certainly sexy having your breasts fondled, squeezed gently, aureoles kissed, nipples sucked and nibbled. She just knew without touching herself she would be getting wet in her crotch as it was more than just tingling. She snuggled up close to him, her naked pubes pressed against him, feeling the lumpiness of his cock against her body. Was he hairy? It looked as if he would be by the hairs on his wrists and the back of his hands. She managed to slip one little hand inside his shirt between buttons, and sure enough his chest had a matt of curls on it. Golden..... or dark? His hair was sort of sandy, so his body hair could be either. Even ginger, she thought. As he hugged her and pressed his cheek to the smoothness of her breast she managed to undo one shirt button: dark brown the hairs, and lots of them. Now there was space for her to feel the muscles of his chest, and to comb the hair between her fingers. He sat up and started to undo buttons. "Let me....." Undressing him had been one of her night-time fantasies and here it was for real. She popped the buttons and yanked the shirt out of his belted waist, pulled it up and over his head, and then arms around his neck pulled him over on top of herself so his hairy body crushed her, giving her that feeling of helpless submission she had so-young learned to associate withh sexual pleasure. Her legs were open and that lumpiness was pressing against her pussy, and she was suddenly worried that her juices would spoil his smart, and obviously terrribly expensive suit. She managed to force a hand bewteen their two writhing bodies, finding his crotch, grasping his cock. "Can I look? I've seen pics and vids but....." "Of course!" He rolled off her, laying on his back while she licked and nibbled his nipples now. They were smaller than hers, she found, but like hers stiffened, in his case like little grains of wheat between her lips. His groan told her he felt the same things as she did when his breast was tweaked! But what she wanted was down further, and she tracked the pathway of hairs down from his chest, resting her cheek on his flesh while she struggled with his belt. He made as if to do it for her. "No! Let me please. It's so sexy and I've often thought about this." The belt-buckle was negotiated, then a clasp, then a button, and then the zip. He had thin cotton boxers underneath, striped blue and white cotton, and loose at the legs. His cock was a bit bent over inside, but when she reached down the waistband and grasped it she pulled it free and it stood magnificent for her. He seemed to have trimmed the hair back around his cock and over his balls so it was neater and less bushy than his chest and belly. He was very manly! The cock felt hot to her touch! It felt silky on the outside but hard as steel inside. He was not 'cut' and just the tip of his knob, the eye peeped out from his foreskin, pink while the foreskin was white. She found she could rub it so the whole of the knob was free, and he must have liked this, as there was that groan again. There was a drop of clear liquid that spilled out and ran down the shaft and onto her fingers. She let go his cock and licked her hand. No taste! But it would be nice to kiss him there she thought, and leaned over to lick his pink knob, and as he groaned slip her lips around it so it was in her mouth and touching her tongue. Another groan, and his hands caressing her back and bum. Leo knew he could have her mouth or her pussy..... Which? He stretched his arm and managed to reach her pussy, feeling that it really was very smooth, and inside the crease really was very wet. "Angel? has anyone ever fucked you?" "No! I always hoped you would be the first. I've practised with a banana so I know I really want the real thing." "My sweetie...." He would have her pussy, and he owed it to her to make her first so memorable she would never forget it, orgasms so powerful that she would seek every opportunity from then on to repeat them. He knelt on the bed, then awkwardly stood up on the springy mattress while she pulled his trousers and underpants down together and he stepped out of them, kicking them off the bed. She knelt in front of him and licked his cock the full length from his balls to his knob before taking his cock in her mouth again. His hands ran through her fine, silky hair. "Later, sweetie. first we fuck!" Sophie was just a bit nervous, but mostly felt a mixture of excitement and pride. She had so many compliments about her beauty she knew she was made for loving, and now she was shaven and smooth she knew she was everything Leo wanted. She was genuinely glad he was going to be her first man, though she had already decided he would not be the only one. After all, Merton had sponsored her, and then there was Maria..... Alys too! She could feel the pressure of his knob against her..... he had propped himself on his elbows so she could not yet feel his weight. But she wanted that! He pushed. The cock was not quite right. But the pressure of his cock there in her slit was a good feeling. "Needs to be just a bit lower,,,," "You're an angel!" "That's right now. Go on....." He was certain her juiciness and his precum would be enough lubrication and all he had to do was lower his hips a tad. "Sweetie!" He felt his knob penetrate, and then the tightness of her vagina. She was certainly tight, but she was only twelve and that was how it should be, and to be honest that was why he only fucked teenage girls nowadays, loving the muscular vigour of their cunts, their gripping strength, his knob touching the very end of the sheath..... She gasped as he pushed and won another couple of inches. "OK?" "It's making me feel full, but push some more..." "Angel!" Another push and he was completely in, his pubes resting on her shaven mound, the length of his cock gripped tight. And she had felt the knob penetrate and then his shaft slide up into her, so filling, so stretching. But not painful as she half-expected. She put this down to her experiments with the banana. (In fact as the reader knows, that first session with Dr Balthazar had broken her hymen, though the girl had felt such powerful new pleasures that afternoon, and had been just slightly drugged, so she had no memory of any pain even then). It was good. His body pressed against hers, his hairy pubes solid cushioned against her mound. She wriggled, trying to rub her clit against him, but he took her movement as an invitation to start a long, slow fuck, his cock hitting the neck of her womb, the very end of her vagina with each thrust. Each time his knob hit there he heard her gasp. Sophie was thinking, making sure she would remember this first fuck, and it was about to get even better. He lifted his body and propped himself on his elbows so he could see her face and her tits as he shagged her. In this position his cock raked across her clitoris with each down-stroke, and the gasp was now accompanied by a low moan of pleasure with each push. God! Her tits were lovely. He managed to prop himself on one elbow so he could fondle her with his free hand, squeezing and stroking muscle-toned young flesh and nipples as hard as her little clitty must be too. Sophie was clinging to him, and as she closed her ankles around his back he could feel her hips moving under him, rising to meet each thrust: her nails dug into his back as she panted, squeaked, and swore under her breath. Not long now! He speeded up and her up-thrusts meeting his downward shoves smashed their bodies together over and over again. She came with a great shuddering orgasm, her face contorted as if in pain, each contraction of her vagina gripping his cock accompanied by a low growling grunt. He would probably have been unable to control his own orgasm had it not been for the pain of her finger-nails digging into his back, raking the flesh. But he did not come, and did not intend to yet. This would be a first-time she would never forget... his duty to all the many men who would enjoy a girl and later a woman who understood the real power of sexual union! It was difficult if the girl had never done it before, but experience told him it was possible even with recent-virgins, so he managed to turn her on her belly without removing his cock from her throbbing cunt. Now, laying on top of her he parted her legs so his were between hers, slid his arms under her belly, and as he knelt pulled her up until she was kneeling, him kneeling behind her, his cock still deep inside. He slapped her bum with his open right hand. "Ooooh! Yes! I love that!" That session with Dr Bathazar and a few sponsors and clients had awakened her to the pleasures of submission! Good: another bequest to the legions of happy men who would follow him! Now he fucked her hard, almost brutally. Slapping her lovely bottom left hand, right hand, left hand, right hand with each crashing slap of his belly and balls against her as he fucked. Her pants and squeals ran together into a symphony of girlish moans and groans of pleasure, exhortations for "more.... faster.... harder.... oh! spank me.... yes like that... Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum again, Oh! I love you. Yeeees!" Again the gripping of his cock by her vigorous cunt, the lioness grunts, the spasm racking her body..... This time, his cock still deep in her he collapsed them both sideways so they were in the "spoons" position.... ideal as he was beginning to feel just a tiny bit fatigued! Without any pause he continued to fuck her just as hard, fast and deep and this time as she came he allowed himself to cum too. There was a long silence as both recovered their breath. Her cunt convulsed and expelled his half-hard cock. "I'm sure I could feel you cum...." But there was no reply from him, and when she looked at his face she could see he was sound asleep, a smile on his face. She lay a few minutes and studied his body, which she found beautiful (as indeed it was!) His cock was no longer the rampant, arrogant maleness, but a shy and timid little thing now. So vulnerable. She smiled. After a bit she was bored, but did not dare to wake him up, so naked as she was she returned down the staircase and tidied up ready to catch the end of the gym session. That night as she stroked her clit and moved the banana in and out she found herself wondering what a cock looked like when it came. She was soon to find out! The very next visit, Friday, she was in the gym doing her wall-bar exercises when Merton and another muscular black guy came and watched, standing off the mat but on the polished boards of the handball court. She was glad she was wearing stylish black panties today, hipsters with an almost transparent panel at the front, showing off her shaven pubes to great effect. She was glad, too, that the two other girls had gone to the Recovery Room, and Madamemoiselle Sylvestro had left her by herself for the last half-hour of the session. She decided she would give the two guys a good eyeful and used the possibilities of the bars to show off her athletic body, stretched sometimes, front and back. She knew her bum, tits and her newly-smooth pubes would have their effect on the males: Merton was her sponsor, wanted her, and especially wanted her shaved! She excelled herself, turning on the bars so her head was down, her long blonde hair touching the polished floor, her legs upright. She opened them, knowing the voyeurs would get a maximum view of her little-girl cunt like that as the black nylon stretched, near-transparent. "Sophie! Come and meet Randolph!" She lowered herself from the bars and scampered across to the two men. Merton was very smart in a dignified, business-man sort of way in a dark grey suit, black highly polished shoes, and a sombre tie. She kissed him chastely and shook hands with Randolph, who was more flashily dressed in a light-brown, almost yellow suit and two-tone brown and white shoes. Smart, though, and just as well-built and handsome as Merton: he was more black while Merton was quite brown really. She had already noticed, of course, that her exhibition had excited both men to the extent that they bulged at the crotch, spoiling the line of their elegant clothes but promising fun! Merton took her small hand in his great paw and pressed it to that bulge: she could feel his cock hard inside the fabric. "May I.....?" "Unzip me and take it out, Sophie...." Nimble fingers found the zip and carefully pulled the tab down: her hand slipped inside now grasped that ram-rod stiff through what seemed to be loose cotton boxer shorts. She found a button, popped it open and slipped her hand right inside so she could hold his cock. It felt soft on the outside but hard as steel inside, and was hot, throbbing with a strong pulse. She tried to bend it to get it down through the hole at the front of his shorts, and after a pleasant struggle handling it it popped out, standing clear of his trousers. It was no bigger than Leo's, but certainly not smaller. She had been expecting that such a big, muscular man would have a huge cock but this obviously was not necessarily so. But it was certainly beautiful and very manly, long and very straight, the shaft too wide to close her fist around, darker brown than his face and hands, and with a strong vein running up it. He had not been 'cut' and his knob was nearly covered by foreskin with just the tip and its eye sticking out.... a deep purple colour. Out of the side of her eye she could see Randolph had his out too and it looked bigger! He was looking at her and stroking it. With a gentle pressure on her shoulders Merton forced her to her knees in front of the two of them, his cock now touching her face. There was a drop of clear liquid in its eye and she lifted it with her tongue. "Oh yes, baby! Suck it for me...." She hoped she was doing it properly as she let him push the knob between her lips and felt the shaft slide between them. His hands held her, sliding a bit in her hair as he moved it in and out. She found she could get her tongue between foreskin and knob sometimes, and that he groaned with pleasure if she flickered her tongue up and down the front of his cock as he fucked her mouth. Then he pulled it out! Had she done anything wrong? "Skin me, baby. slip the skin off my knob." The foreskin slid back down the shaft to reveal his knob, helmet shaped and a bit pointy, that lovely glistening purple. She looked sideways at Randolph, who was still slowly wanking his cock and looking down at her. He met her eyes and smiled, she smiling back. His cock had been 'cut' and the knob was darker and did not glisten, but it was much broader and less pointy, flaring like some tropical mushroom, she thought. She mused that it would be difficult to get in your mouth, but would feel great stretching your pussy. But back to sucking the man who, after all, was her sponsor! Or rather on making sure she kept her teeth away from his cock, opening wide so he could move in and out, and using her tongue to give added pleasure whenever she could. She did not have to move her head as he held it firmly. She thought she felt his cock get just a bit bigger still and his fucking was faster just before he groaned and her mouth was filled with the silkinesss of his semen. She looked up at his face, which had a look almost of pain on it, eyes closed, flushed, mouth in a sort of grimace. No, men were not handsome when they were coming, she thought to herself, but with a smile as his eyes opened and his cock rested twitching in her mouth. The first spurt had caught her almost unprepared and the fountain had splashed against her palate, some even onto her throat making her almost gag as she desperately swallowed. Then a second almost filling her mouth again, but this time one to savour and think about. It was not hot, not cold..... she assumed because it was exactly body-heat. It hardly had any taste, salty a bit perhaps, but not much. But the slippery, soft and silky feel was really very nice, she decided. Her eyes went to Randolph, who was still stroking his fist up and down his cock, watching his friend taking his pleasure in the mouth of one of the prettiest little girls he had ever had the pleasure of seeing naked. He reached down and felt her breast, as firm and as smooth as it had looked, the nipple hard against his hand. Fuck! He was going to cum! Merton had pulled his cock out now and was tucking it back in his trousers. Sophie thought it would be nice to taste Randolph too and she slipped her hand inside his flies, into his shorts and held his balls for a moment, pulling him closer to her face. She opened her lips ready to accept it when with a sudden spurt a stream of cum splattered over her face from chin, over her lips, nose, between her eyes and, she was sure, into her hair, just a bit of the spurt actually into her mouth. Not enough, she thought.... She pulled back a bit to watch and a second spurt, incredibly fast arking through the air splattered over her tits, white globules dripping down over them. A third gusher flashed past her head altogether to fly through the air and fall to the polished floor. She was sorry to have missed the proper mouthful, but he smiled at her as she licked some from where it had splashed her lips, and then ran the edge of her hand over one breast, collecting some cum and transfering it to her mouth. Completely tasteless, but still that rich texture.'Lovely!' she thought. She held his cock and licked where cum had oozed down the shaft, cleaning it and then managing to get the knob in her mouth. She promised herself that one day she would have that knob in her mouth, spitting its semen....... and in her pussy too! "You're a great cock-sucker, babe!" She was proud. When they left she realised she would have to wash her hair as well in the shower...... The girl's model training was really just an add-on to the serious matter of dance-classes and gymnastics. It always took place in the gym on a cake-walk marked out on the floor, and covered so their stiletto heels would not spoil the floor, because most of the training was to accustom the girls to walking in high heels with that particular gait, one foot in front of the other so that their bottoms wriggled provacatively. That and the stance with the hips pushed forwards, and the lips with that sullen, proud, pouting but sensual look that clients admired, and which was traditional Mademoiselle said. Mostly they just wore the panties they used for gym, but occasionally they were lent dresses and skirts to practise the sorts of flourishes that gave glimpses of legs, bottoms and little-girl pudenda for any passing sponsors or simple clients! It was a couple of months after her sexual initiation, eight weeks in which she had been in great demand for private sessions either in the bedrooms on the first floor, or sometimes vists to private houses or hotel rooms for a great variety of dancing and sex-acts. She had loved it all. Improbably large sums of money seemed to be accumulating in her account, which was shown to her each month, and her mother was so happy with the bulging brown envlopes her talented young daughter brought home! This was to be a big occasion, and eight of the girls, four from her classes and four from the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday classes she had never met, were to go to a private fashion show, with an overnight stay. There was a suppressed excitement in the mini-bus that took the eight girl, Madame Markovitch and Mademoiselle Sylvestro along the West Way, out onto the motorway and later along a series of winding, roads where the trees formed an arch over the narrow strip of pot-holed tarmac. The tall, stone pillars, ornate metal of the gates and the sophisticated, automated security system showed that this was one of the great houses. It was just getting dark as they arrived, but there was enough light, and enough lit windows for the girls to see this was indeed a palace: the group were greeted on the steps by a middle-aged but beautiful lady in an elegant, simple black gown, the silk of which clung to her body in the dry static-charged air and showed she had a figure almost as svelt and desirable as the girls she welcomed. "Dear ladies, and girls, welcome! Our guests are all here, dining, and the boys arrived a few minutes before you." In an aside to the two adults, "The staff have all been sent away for the night, so complete discretion is guaranteed. Oscar and myself are so looking forward to the evening, as we always do. The meal for the guests is necessarily a simple buffet but they are not here for the food, of course." She laughed. "They will be seeking to satisfy other appetites. And, dear ladies, the boys are accompanied by two charming young men you may well find interesting!" Her accent was not quite English. Dutch, perhaps, or German? Anyway she had introduced herself as Irma, which might be anything.... Madame had dressed in a slinky, figure-hugging but ankle-length green dress: Mademoiselle in a completely masculine black-tie dinner jacket. The two men who had brought the boys introduced themselves as Ivan (he dressed in a dinner jacket) and Carlos "but for this evening I'm Samantha." Samantha was the first transvestite Sophie had seen and she was fascinated at how feminine a young man could seem when his face was made up and he was dressed so sexily. Tarty would be a better description, as he had a black blouse with a platform bra beneath it that gave him a credible cleavage. He had slim hips, but his bottom was rounded and jutted out under a skimpy black mini-skirt which showed off slender, almost completely feminine-shaped legs.... helped by fantastical high, high heels and black, shiny, seamed stockings. It did not look like a wig, but his hair was shoulder length and blonde..... Mademoiselle seemed to be paying more attention to Samantha, while Madame was openly flirting with Ivan. The girls and boys were to wear their school unforms for the first cat-walk appearance, and were paired off. Sophie was paired with a boy called Peter, a very good-looking boy she thought, slender and blonde like herself. He was just ten months older than her she found chatting to him, and had been going to model and dance classes in a studio like the Vienna, but for boys only. He had been doing these shows, dances, and private appearances for a year now, and told Sophie she would love tonight. "The best event of the year, and we're so lucky to have been selected..." He was a couple of inches taller than Sophie and she found he was in year eight (she was still in year seven). She thought he would look very sexy naked...... she had had men but never a boy, and had avoided any approaches from boys at school. Didn't need them! Melissa was one of the girls selected for the evening, but apart from a wave and a smile (Melissa was already in the minibus when it picked Sophie up) they had not been able to chat. Peter and Sophie had a peep through the curtain: it was a tall-ceilinged room with pictures on the walls and lots of plaster work. The catwalk ran down the middle and was polished wood except for the last few feet which were carpeted, and had wide steps leading down the metre or so to the floor. There were three couches along each side of the cat-walk and two more at the end. Some of these were already occupied by couples but some of the guests were standing about talking, including "Oscar & Irma" who seemed to own the mansion. The ladies all had lovely ball-gowns or formal dresses, and lots of jewelry. The men were in "black tie" like Mademoiselle and Ivan. Now Mademoiselle and Samantha stood on the cat-walk and asked the guests to take their places; Sophie noticed the couches were numbered, and each couple seemed to know which was theirs. Mademoiselle said some words of greeting and explained the programme for the evning, including a sort of "blind auction". But Madame had clapped her hands and the boys and girls listened to their instructions from her and Ivan. Peter and Sophie were the last of the eight couples to show off their school uniforms and she was no longer feeling nervous. Peter was handsome, she knew she was beautiful and both of them were incredibly smart in their pressed knife-seamed blazers, skirt and short grey trousers. There was a gasp from the guests as holding hands they walked to the end of the cat-walk, turned, she with a flourish that made her pleated skirt swing so her white school knickers and golden-tanned thighs could be seen for an instant. She smiled at the boy: he too knew they were a "hit". Both knew that these guests were self-selected from the many adults who lusted after school-kids! The difference was these could afford to buy their favours and not merely watch from afar ..... or take the increasing risk of grooming. When they got back the models were already changing into the next show. This was introduced by Samantha as "your typical provocative teenager fashions, as seen in every Mall in the land, every Saturday...". Sophie quicly put her hair into a pony-tail and slipped into a tight cotton t-shirt that left her lovely mid-riff bare and hugged her tits.... no bra. Across the front in bright scarlet letters "TAKE ME NOW". She was told to keep her school-girl knickers but pull them up very tight, so that when she turned there would be a glimpse of "camel-toe". She giggled but complied: she knew satin panties were sexy, but a lot of guys were turned on by little-girl cotton ones as well and especially if they were tight enough to show the shape beneath. The skirt was the pedo's dream.... a micro-mini, pleated and tartan. With her bare legs, no socks and gaudy pink and silver trainers she looked every inch the naughty, probably sexually active girl. And Peter with his apparently careless clothing..... baggy chino shorts and Chelsea football shirt, his blonde hair in a careless mop, was himself a pedo's fantasy too. The music was "My Boy Lollipop", and there was even applause this time. The only real applause so far. Sophie glowed with pride, and felt a tingling in her girlie-clit as Peter swung her round as if in rock n roll. She reckoned he had a bit of a bulge down there as well. Next up was beach. Sophie had a tiny, pastel blue bikini, cups really just covering her aureoles and nipples, and the bottom just a string between her buttocks with a little cup over her mound. Peter's matching pastel blue speedos may have been a size too small, or perhaps it was just the erection of his cock when Sophie asked him to make sure her bikini cups covered enough of her breasts, and he handled them to ensure a snug fit. Ha! Ha! Over it all both had matching very colourful tropical shirts, down to mid thigh. Bare footed they walked hand-in-hand chatting to each other and laughing. At the end of the catwalk they removed the shirts and embraced. As they kissed Peter stroked her bottom and caressed her breasts. She felt his balls and cock with a hand slipped between them, and made no attempt to disguise these explorations, so all the guests could see and envy. It was quite a show, without being wholly obscene.... delicate and innocent, rather. They turned to walk back, she holding the shirts in one hand trailing them on the floor, her arm around the boy. His hand was slipped down inside that single blue string so the guests could see his fingers actually between her buttocks, His hard cock made an outline bent diagonally just about managing to stay inside his speedos. They walked slowly, stopping twice to kiss, so the guests could admire their lithe, tanned bodies, her lovely breasts, his hairless chest and flawless back. As the strains of "We're All Going On A Summer Holiday" died away, the applause broke out. Possibly it was for all sixteen of the models, but more probably the enthusiasm with which the guests clapped was for the beauty, the utter sexiness of the last two. It was intermission. Madamemoiselle and Samantha collected cards from each couple, and the girls and boys were prepared for part two. The boys were given the task of varnishing their partner's finger and toenails. Sophie sat beside Melissa while Peter painted hers scarlet to match the lipstick she had put on herself. Melissa's were being painted pink like her lipstick, which really stood out against her brown skin. This was the first chance Sophie and Melissa had to chat..... and they never talked about the Studio when they met at School, because of the contract. "It's a pity we're different days. It would be nice to go to the Recovery Room together." "You're into that too? I love it!" "Me too. I've a special friend called Alys and we're often there." "You could sleep over my place. It would have to be a Sunday night. Hey! I can see you like her tits, Peter. You're supposed to be varnishing her nails not groping her." "It's ok, Peter, I love the feel of your hands on me. I'll tell my Mum I'm sleeping over and we can have some fun together, I can't wait, Melissa." The boys were also tasked with helping to dress the girls..... in Sophie's case lacing her into an old-fashioned satin and lace basque, black with red trim, a fetishist's delight. Peper helped too with the suspenders on her glossy black fully fashioned stockings and the straps on her black high heels. She stood up, and he gave a little kiss on her shaven cunt-lips before he pulled up the tiny black satin thong that just about covered them. "Cheeky!" Samantha sashayed over to them. "Not quite finished yet. We want you two to put on a bit of a show since you are the last couple." And so Sophie helped Peter put on a black leather chest harness with lots of stainless steel studs and rings, He pulled up a black leather jock-strap with a bulky steel zipper at the front. "Cor! You look real macho now, Peter. You'll make me all squishy!" But that was not all. Peter fixed a red leather collar, again studded with Steel around her neck, chains hanging off it to cuffs that were strapped around her wrists. Matching red leather cuffs around each ankle, a chain between them, and a sort of dog-lead chain from a ring at the back of the collar. "I wonder why they picked us?" Sophie giggled. "I expect they know I like this stuff. Heck! I'm nearly cumming just wearing it, and I'm sure I will cum when you use that on me!' She pointed at the black leather cat-o-nine-tails, and Peter picked it up. "I reckon that'll put our price right up. You know they bid for the right to chose who spend the night with: highest bid gets first choice and so on. If there's any who like some s&m they'll make sure they get us." "What's S&m?" "Short for sado-masochism. Mostly tying boys and girls up and spanking them." "I like being spanked." "Good job, because I bet we get some, both of us. Doesn't do much for me, but I don't mind if the sex is good too. Fuck! You've got a lovely body!" "You, too, Peter!" Samantha came over and put the dog-lead into Peter's hand. "When it's your turn, you walk ahead, Sophie, and you keep pulling her back with the lead and giving her one across her bum with the lash. Couple of steps and then again. Don't look as if you're enjoying it, Sophie, though I expect you will from what Mademoiselle Sylvestro has just told me. You're a lucky girl.... I know: I like a bit of that too!" The room had been completely quiet as they made their slow way along the platform, nothing except the sound of heavy breathing. Sophie did not cum.... but her tiny thong was soaked and no doubt the connoisseurs of girlie pussies in the audience will have spotted that! The next was simply lingerie. Still in her high heels and stockings but with a black satin suspender belt this time, Sophie wore knickers that had a sort of filmy almost transparent skirt attatched to them. This, slung low on her hips was designed to draw attention to her cute bum and only half hidden by the two layers of nylon her little-girl hairless lips. The bra was mere decoration: her tits needed no support. Peter had only very tight fitting, stretch-nylon trunks, so tight his cock, hard now for the last hour, was clearly outlined, the muscles of his trim bottom moving visibly under the nylon as he walked. They walked down the cat-walk, Sophie wriggling her arse all the way, smiling, pouting, sultry, little-girl playing at being grown-up. At the end of the platform they stopped, and kissed as they had been told too, but as both passionately wanted to. Again as told, while they were kissing Peter unclasped her bra. The audience watched, too as she slipped her hand down the front of his pants. There was a rustling as the women and the men leaned forward to see, and then a gasp of pleasure as proud and bare-breasted she walked back. Almost before the cat-walk was clear updated cards were being collected from the guests. "This is your last chance to up your bids!" And finally the last of the evening, and Peter and Sophie the last of the last. Sophie had been given an off-the-shoulder, ankle length black nightie: the packet it came in included pretty knickers, but she was told not to wear them or stockings, but she should wear high heels. The effect was stunning with the black nylon against the golden tan of her bare shoulders, the nightdress seemingly only held up by the firmness of her young breasts. More to the point the nylon, though billowing was almost transparent, and showed off her slender body, hinting at its capacity to give a sexual partner the experience of a life-time. Looking closely.... and the guests craned forward to see.... you could guess her pussy was both shaved and already plumped and near-open. Peter had a knee length kimono, the sort a boy might use for judo, but in this case shiny black Thai silk and mid-calf length. It had probably been designed with girls in mind, but in this uni-sex, bi-sex age who cared: he was devastatingly sexy. So in their night-wear the two paraded along the catwalk, where the couches now had not only the original couple but also a boy and a girl on each one too, either squashed in cozily beside the couple or sitting in their laps. Sophie smiled at Melissa, who was sitting in the lap of a young-looking guy: he had his hands up under her shorty-nightie, and you could see them through it, cupping her breasts. At the end of the boards they stopped and embraced, as instructed, but added their own flourish. Sophie had her hands on Peter's bottom, and she cheekily lifted the hem of the robe and gave some of the guests a fleeting gimpse of his arse. The round of applause was the last of the evening, and Samantha came onto the catwalk, kissed both children with a social-type peck and indicated they were to join the only couple who were alone on their couch. Minutes later in a bedroom, Peter and Sophie lay on a four-poster bed watching their hosts for the night prepare for bed. He was first to join them on it, a tall, well-built man of about forty, still with no grey hairs either on his close-cropped head or on his body, which was very hairy. You could see he went to the gym regularly with those pecs and that six-pack stomach. He said he was Pedro, but he had no foreign accent. The woman took longer to undress, but she too came to the bed naked. She must have been twenty years younger than her man, and Sophie wondered if they were man and wife, man and mistress, or man and whore chosen just for this special occasion. As the night went on she realised that they were indeed in some sort of relationship as they knew each other's sexual tastes so well without asking. She was a blonde, a "trophy wife" with a lovely figure, breasts larger than Sophie's of course, but just as firm and shapely, and she too had a "Hollywood" down below. Sophie was looking forward to that if the woman was into lesbian frolics! Pedro hugged the boy, laying beside him but with a leg over the boy's body, hands stroking the black satin. Sophie watched as he kissed the boy and held Peter's cock through the satin. She realised that this man loved the feel of silk on his partner's body: she had already learned from her sponsors and clients that this lingerie-fetish was very common. She was undecided about what to watch, Peter's seduction, or Deborah's beauty as she prepared for sex. But she just had to watch as the man slowly pulled at the sash on Peter's kimono and let it fall open to reveal a very pretty cock. Sophie could see that Peter had been circumcised, and that his cock was not very large.... he was still only twelve after all. But it was straight, white, about five inches she guessed, and had a lovely pink knob. Compared with the men she had played with over the weeks his balls looked small and white, like those on Greek statues she thought. Looked nice and smooth to kiss and lick though! The cock would be good to suck and easier to keep in your mouth without straining the jaw, she decided: she also knew that size was not altogether vital for good sex when it came to fucking. Being able to go on a long time, and knowing how to make it rub nicely was just as important. The man must have thought it was good to suck too as he lay beside the boy, and was licking his balls and the front of his cock. But Deborah .... for that was the woman's name, or so she claimed.... had joined them on the bed, and was demanding Sophie's full attention. The woman (her name was Deborah or so she claimed) went straight for Sophie, crushing the two of them together and kissing her open-mouthed, active tongue. Sophie could feel the woman's breasts pressing against her, firmer than Maria's, firmer than Alys, firmer than the three other women who had taken her to bed over the weeks, and realised that these were not natural. They might be shapely and pert but they had been cosmetically enhanced. She felt a sudden pride that hers were just as sexy, but completely her own, and surely much nicer to feel. Deborah seemed to think so too as she was sqeezing and stroking them through the slippery nylon. "God! I;ve just got too....." As Sophie lay on her back watching the woman, and out of the corner of her eye Pedro now slurping at the boy's cock, head bobbing up and down over him, the girl felt her legs being parted. And now the woman had her arms and head up under Sophie's billowing nightie, She could see through the transparent nylon the woman's hands reaching up to feel breasts, and then her face betwen Sophie's legs. Then the feel of lips kissing her cunt. The nylon did not muffle the woman's voice at all. "God! You're lovely, lovely hairless pussy..." And that was all the words for minutes as the woman slipped her tongue between Sophie's labia and tasted her. She must have liked that as now she pulled the cunt lips open and with with her open mouth covering the whole of Sophie's cunt she licked and nibbled. Sophie closed her eyes in ecstasy, and felt those hands again on her tits, teasing her nipples. The woman knew how to give pleasure, her tongue raking up and down Sophie's crease sometimes penetrating her vagina, sometimes licking around the inner lips, always returning to lick, suck and nibble her hard clitty. She heard herself crying that she was coming, and the orgasm made her legs close on Deborah's face near stifling her, and bathing her face in spurting little-girl wetness. But Deborah did not stop and carried on as fiercely as before, hands now tweaking and squeezing almost painfully, lips pulling and biting at labia and clitoris. She did it well, Sophie thought, better in fact even than Maria, because this lovely lady not only had a finger in Sophie's vagina as she sucked and nibbled her clitoris, she now had a finger, perhaps two up the girl's bottom. It would have been nice to have her breasts caressed and sucked too, but at least Sophie had one hand free to titillate her own nipples. Her other had was stroking and enjoying the silkiness of long, blonde hair. One orgasm merged into a second. And another. And another. "Please no more. I can't! Ooooh. Oh my God!" And that was the last for now as Deborah emerged from her girl-scented black nylon tent to kiss Sophie's other lips again. Beside then they heard Peter's "Aaaaah" as he came in Pedro's mouth. Not a drop escaped as he swallowed and swallowed. "You want to watch this: it's real horny" Deborah whispered in Sophie's ear, before sticking her tongue in there too, tasting the bitterness. Peter could taste his own cum in Pedro's mouth as the man embraced him again, kissing him, holding the boy's head between strong hands as he forced their lips together and his tongue into the boy's mouth. "I want your sweet arse, boy!" "Oh yes!..." "Kneeling...." Sophie watched enthralled as that huge man leaned over the slender kneeling figure, stroking his back and kissing his shoulders, back, bottom cheeks. She watched as Pedro parted the boy's buttocks and uttered the one word "beautiful" as he caressed Peter's bottom and gazed at his puckered, pink anus. She knew what he would do next as she knew what men so often had done to her. Yes, he kissed the boy in his most secret place and now was licking as he stroked and kneaded the boy's bum. Pedro was bisexual: when he had a pretty girl in his arms that was all he ever wanted he felt, but show him a pretty young boy and he wondered why he ever wanted anything else! What he really wanted was firm, young bodies, willing cunts and arses, like this one which was wiggling and wriggling in anticipation...... Pedro spat on his hand and moistened his cock, but then paused. The boy was experienced, but at his age he would be tight.... delightfully so. Best use some lube! There was a tub of analsilk on a side table and he leaned across, dipping two fingers in to grab a dollop. Sophie and Deborah watched as he greased his cock. Sophie thought it looked good and hoped she would enjoy it later that night, but it was no bigger than the average of the guys who had already had her mouth or pussy. Anyway, Peter was clearly looking forward to this as he allowed his buttocks to be spread again, this time the tip of Pedro's cock pressing where his lips and tongue had already moistened and relaxed the boy. Peter looked back over his shoulder, a cheeky grin on his face. "Straight in! I love the feel as it pushes and stretches...." "Fuck! Yes!" The cock slid up into the boy and Sophie could see the momentary pain register on the boy's face, to be replaced immediately by a sensual smile. Deborah licked inside Sophie's ear again and whispered, "Have you ever taken it in the arse, sweetie?" "No, not yet, I've had butt plugs though...." "I expect Pedro will want your bottom, my dear, especially when you tell him you're an anal virgin." Her hands were caressing the girl's breast, sliding over the nylon of her nightie. "You can see Peter is loving it..." She watched as that cock slid in and out the boy's bum, incredible a hole so small and tight could accept such a penis! It was long, slow thrusts at first but Peter had cried "Harder! Please!" and now hairy thighs were crashing into that slender bottom, held firmly in place by strong hands holding the boy's hips. She saw a drop of sweat fall onto the boy's back, and strangely that was the sexieat thing, and what she would always remember of this night. "They enjoy it more than we do. There's a sensitive place they have and we girls don't. I've seen boys cum while Pedro is fucking them. I'd never cum that way unless my clitty and cunt were stimulated too." Sophie filed this useful info away: she guessed men enjoyed fucking arses because they were especially tight, and perhaps it was a macho power thing as well.... Interesting to know they could feel something up there other than the fullness and tightmness she felt with the butt-plug. There had been no lovely sensation like she got when her vagina was filled, either with a dildo or a cock. Anyway, she was content to be fucked in the arse when it happened, especially if a guy she fancied wanted it.... And she quite fancied Pedro who, judging by the look nearly of pain on his face was about to cum. No sign of the boy cumming, but Sophie could see his cock was hard so she knew he was enjoying being shagged. Pedro's eyes bulged, face red, as he crashed his thighs against the boy's bum in a crescendo of thrusts and then the release as with three huge pushes he came deep in the boy's bottom. Almost immediatell he pulled out, his cock still twitching and oozing: some cum almost squirted from the boy's arse that still gaped wide-open for a second or two before it closed again. Pedro's cock was not shitty: Peter must have douched thoroughly she thought. (She had too, as this was the rule cbefore any lesson or private showing, whether anal fun was anticipated or not, just part of the general preparation of body and pussy!) "I always find that horny, watching him fuck. Boy or girl, it always gets me going." "It was sexy. I'm all wet, too!" "My turn then, girlie. Take off those shoes and that lovely nightie and caress me...." It was Sophie's turn to savour the heady perfume of the woman's heat, to feel the juices bathe her face as she slid her lips, even her nose up and down the woman's open cunt, making sure her tongue slid a half-inch or so into the vagina with each pass, the lips stopping to pull and nibble at the woman's stiff little nub. She had one hand under the woman, fingering anus, penetrating and using the woman's cunt juice to let the finger slide in and out Knuckle-deep. She reached her free hand up and felt those strangely solid breasts, and the nipples that felt right by contrast. They must have implants in them, sophie thought, to feel like that, and stored up the knowledge that cosmetically enhanced breasts look absolutely super, perfect, but did not feel as sexy as Alys' smaller but still firm and natural tits. But the nipples felt nice and Deborah certainly enjoyed having them twisted and tweaked as she was beginning to moan and pant. Sophie sucked harder, moving her head faster, sliding two fingers into the woman's bum, and now Deborah was coming, her fingers almost strangling the girl as she held her head in place and clamped it tight between slender but muscled thighs. Grunts and movements of the hips announced that Deborah had cum, and immediately Sophie's head was pushed fro its wet warm nest. "That was good sweetie, but I'm always sensitive after a big cum: I wish I could go on and on like you, but mostly I can't...." Sophie was just digesting this to her strange fact when the two males returned and she was immediately grabbed by Pedro, none to gently as he turned her half over on her side. Like this he could enter her partly from behind, but still finger her pussy and see the full beauty of her tits, belly, cunt and legs. Her face too as he kissed her while pushing his cock into her now-awakened and wet vagina. He could feel her tits too, and he was glad he had already cum once in the boy's arse or else he would not have lasted long with this vision of beauty at his mercy, these lovely tits, this so-pretty pussy with his big cock ramming in and out, stretching at the flesh of the inner lips every time he pulled back, pushing the skin of that pink hole in again with each thrust. He knew what these girlies really like and he was quite rough with his fingers and thumbs as he rubbed hard at her clitoris. She would be sore tomorrow, but today she would have some great cums! Beside them the boy had thrown himself on top of Deborah and was shagging her as if he had not fucked a woman in months: it suddenly occurred to Sophie that perhaps he had not, perhaps the sponsors and clients of the boy's Dance Studio were mostly gay. A thought! But she knew better than to ask.... no questions! Certainly the boy was enjoying feeling Deborah's tits, and it might be that he had never known the delight of natural, firm, perky tits under his palms..... she hoped he would find out on her later because just now he was bouncing up and down on the woman, fucking fast and very hard. She closed her legs around his back, arms hugging him, and her right breast in his mouth, hanging on for dear life as he ploughed her. Good job he had cum once in Pedro's mouth, he thought, or else he would never have been able to keep this up. But all thoughts were driven from Sophie's mind as Pedro slapped her buttock, the one he could reach, with his open palm. "oh!" she cried. And then "Yes! again!" You like that do you angel?" as he gave her another stinging slap, and the rubbing of his fingers, the thrusting of his penis, knob stretching her, knob striking her womb each time, brought her to yet another orgasm. "Well let's do it properly, then." And, roughly but without removing his cock, he turned her on her belly and then pulled her up till she was kneeling. Beside them Deborah had seen him slap the girl, heard her orgasm and cum herself. But this time she just wanted more and was so pleased the boy did not falter, did not even slow down, but continued fucking even harder than before. Only boys could do this for her, not girls and certainly not men, but a vigorous boy, yes she could sometimes cum and cum. And this boy had that something else..... A miracle! She was cummimg again, and the room echoed with her grunts, Pedro's slaps as he martyrised the willing bottom in front of him, and Sophie's squeals and screams as she came and came again with everything she found most sexy happening to her at once. Deborah came, and this time so did young Peter, collapsing like a marathon runner at the end of his race. Pedro could hold out no longer. He loved spanking girls, and it was not often he found one who genuinely wanted, needed it. This girl's orgasms were not fake as he could feel them pulse through her body. Her vagina like that legendary 'barrel of eels', making him come almost before she had finished her moments of ecstasy. They lay in a tangle of limbs on the bed for minutes recovering. "Did you and the boys take a pill?" "Sure, Debbie! Though we might not need it with such lovely partners..." "Video and some wine?" "You get the vid, Debbie. I can never remember how, or the passwords...." "OK. Honeymoon one?" "I hope that's secure, sweetie. It's got our faces and all on it." "As the Bank of England, Pedro. Hidden in the depths of cyber-space and super-encrypted." "Glad to hear it...." The boy and girl watched as Debbie tapped away at a hand-held device and seconds later the wide-screen across the room lit up with Debbie and Pedro laying naked on what looked like an airbed covered in towels in the shade of a tree. Across the shining white sand they could see lazy waves breaking at the edge of a blue sea. That was the only sound as well. Both children noticed that Deborah had a little, well-trimmed triangle of golden hair on her honeymoon, but apart from that it could not have been long ago as they seemed unchanged.You could see why both had all-over tans! Then into the picture walked a young boy and girl, hand in hand, he wearing some sort of cloth tied as a loincloth, she in a simple dress hanging from her shoulders, and clearly well-worn at the edges. Pedro sat up.... "Brother and sister, Debbie, but both the same age: their daddy says they are twelve, and that seems about right. I thought we should have a little variety on our honeymoon. I paid a lot for them and their daddy says we can use them for anything we want as long as we don't actually damage them..... they're both very experienced it seems! The girl for you, and the boy for me first?" Peter and Sophie sat propped up against the pillows between the couple, the woman with her arm around Peter, her other hand resting on his thigh, Pedro arm around Sophie and cupping her breast, his free hand again resting on her thigh. He was not hard, she saw. but not soft either, sort of half way: not surprising she thought, after what she had just watched. "Fast forward it twenty minutes, Debbie: that bit always gets me going...." "Me too!" The video zipped in a blur and she stopped it to show a large bed with the two children laying on it.... the boy on his back, the girl on her belly. Both were spread-eagled, their wrists and ankles fastened with coarse ropes that seemed to be anchored somewhere under the bed. Deborah came into view, standing by the bed over the boy and handling his tiny, soft cock and little-boy hairless balls. Then Pedro, stroking the girl's cute little bottom, parting the cheeks a hand on each, and admiring her hairless pussy and little brown anus as the camera zoomed in on it. He forced a butt plug into her, and then another into her cunt, The boy got a plug too. Then it started: she wielding a whip that seemed to be made of soft, braided leather, he using his hand to spank the girl. "It's all right, children. We're not going to really hurt them. just a bit of a game...." Turning her head to watch Sophie was reminded of the Doctor's surgery, of the sessions with Maria, her pussy reminded too, because her clit was standing hard, she just knew she would be squirting wetness. "That looks fun...." The words slipped out. Pedro put his mouth close to her ear. "You like that do you, sweetie? You want some?" "Mmmmm." "And what about you, Peter?" "Not so much...." "You brought your girlie-stuff?" "In my ruck-sack...." "Put it on for us. We both like teenage trannies." Was it inbuilt and instinctive in her, or was it because of the successful conditioning session with the skillful Dr Balthazar? Whatever, Sophie felt the familiar excitement in her chest, heart beating, tightness, and in her pussy as she was laid on her belly, ankles and wrists secured by velcro shackles to silken ropes stretched own over the side of the bed. Her head was turned so she could watch Peter's amazingly transformation into a pretty teenage girl... It was not so much the satin basque, although the black silk and lace cups were padded already with false tits, but rather the glossy black seamed stockings and black shiny high heels that feminisd him. His legs and ankles were no longer those of a boy.... The blonde wig completed the illusion, and his complexion was so clear that he needed nothing more than a dab of scarlet lip-stick. As he, too, was strapped beside her but on his back, she could see his cock was standing, poking out of the sensible and sexy open-crotch knickers. He must find being tied up as sexy as she did, Sophie thought. Pedro was feeling her bum.... she knew it was Pedro as she could see the naked womman standing over her tranny captive, whip in hand and smile on face. Oooh! That was a butt-plug being pushed up her arse, the familiar feeling of fullness. And more! Because she could feel it expanding, and heard the noise of a hand-pump. It was inflating, stretching her.... "Please! That's enough...." "Just a bit more. want you nice and open for when I fuck you...." The pumping went on, and she could feel her anus stretched as no cock or butt plug ever had, and now the first stinging slap on her bare bottom rang around the room. She saw the woman raise her whip and bring the braided silk thongs down across the boy's belly, shielded by satin, and across his cock and balls, naked to the blow. He did not even flinch, so Sophie guessed the silk lash must be symbolic, rather than real and not hurting as much as Pedro's open palm onto her other buttock this time. Sophie heard Deborah whispering, but could not make out what she was saying. Pedro laughed and just said "OK". Her ankles and wrists were freed.... there must have been some quick-release gear she guessed. "Now on top of him, sweetie. Fuck him!" "That's more like it", Sophie thought as she clambered astride the boy and held his cock upright between her legs. She wiped it twice up and down her cunt, adding her aroused wetness to his pre-cum, and then lowered herself onto it, her cunt so grateful to feel a solid cock in it again, promising relief fron the teasing stimulation of anus and buttock-play. She rested her hands on the satin of his basque.... his false tits felt just like real ones she thought as she raised herself up again, and sank down, starting a slow-fuck. Then the familiar excitement in her clitty and vagina, stimulated as always by spanking and the periods of massage, flesh fondled, stroked, kneaded between the slaps. Two more, and two more lashes for Peter. She was getting really hot, and knew she would be gushing down below as Pedro spanked, caressed, spanked again. She almost forgot the plug in her bottom.... But then there was a hiss of air and she realised the butt-plug was being let down, and then removed.... "And now, you little sweetie, for your cute little bum." She felt Pedro spread lubricant into her arse-crease and guessed his fingers were up her bottom, though her anus had been so distended she could not be sure. She turned her head sideways and sure enough she was just in time to see him remove his fingers and rub them up and down his cock. In profile it looked huge! She watched him spread her arse cheeks, two handed, and then push his cock into her. No pain. But jeez! she felt full, and could no longer bounce up and down on Peter as that cock slid in and out of her anus, Pedro's thighs smacking into her bum. She found she could move an inch or two, not enough to slide Peter's cock in and out, but enough to rub her clit against it. Peter too turned his head to watch in the wall mirror in time to see Deborah come into view, a strap-on dildo, a big black one, fixed to her crotch, black straps around her waist and thighs contrasting with the gold of her tan. She knelt behind her lover, and then, what a scene! Her dildo in Pedro's bum, his cock up Sophie's arse, and Sophie astride his own cock. Pedro looked as if he was about to cum, face red, eyes bulging, smacking hard and noisily into the girl's bottom, and sure enough with a shout of triumph he came. "Me too," Sophie shouted and Deborah was rubbing desperately at her clit, hand beneath the dildo. She was cumming too. The sight was enough for Peter, Sophie's cunt gripping him, her lips now seeking his as she collapsed on him. He came and all four gradually calmed to a silent heap of flesh.... That night Sophie awoke to find Peter's cock up her pussy again, from behind, his arms around her, one grasping a breast, the other on her belly pulling her back onto him. "You awake?" "Shh, Peter, don't wake them..." They were laying betweeen the two adults on the wide bed, pitch darkness. "Wish we could meet again after tonight...." "Rules, Peter. Not allowed to meet for sex with outside people but aint clients of the Studio." "Same for us. Pity. Say do you like being arse-fucked? I love it, but they say girls don't get anything from it..." "They're right. I don't mind doing it, but it's no good really." "I never fucked a girl in the arse yet....." Sophie thought, so she was right. The other Dance Studio, boys only, had mostly male clients. "Stick it in my bum, Peter. I'll be your first. But no going back to my cunt after... I shouldn't have let Pedro, but there wasn't much choice at the time." She giggled as she was penetrated .... And so it goes on, all part of the rich tapestry of life!