Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Nifty The following story is a work of complete and utter fiction, meant for adults. "Fiction" means that it isn't a true story. If you are under 18 or under the age of consent where you live stop reading now and do not download this story. Even better, stop reading porn. Go out and play. Do something healthy! If you have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality, please stop reading now, do not download this story, and consider getting psychiatric help. If you have already consulted a psychiatrist, please take your medications. This work of fiction involves a twelve-year-old boy reading and masturbating to internet porn. No sexual contact occurs. Though the story was inspired by a reader, THIS PARTICULAR BOY IS A FIGMENT OF THE AUTHOR'S IMAGINATION AND IS NOT REAL. Nobody was harmed here. Nobody could be harmed, BECAUSE THE CHARACTER ISN'T NOW AND NEVER WAS REAL. If such stories offend you, stop reading now and do not download this story. If such stories are illegal where you live, stop reading now, do not download this story, and consider moving to a less repressive country. If you enjoy reading stories like this one, please consider making a donation so that we can continue to enjoy sharing and reading these stories. I really like SPECIFIC feedback on my writing (i.e., what did you like, what did you not like?). Good or bad, it helps me improve. I also like story ideas, though I can't guarantee that I will use every suggestion. I am aware that this story is quite tame by my usual standards. I have my reasons. Email me at ============================================================= Title: Nifty (c)Copyright 2016 Jordan Bradders. The author reserves all rights. Permission is granted to download this story for personal use only. It may not be published in any other forum, web site, blog, magazine, granite blocks, golden tablets, parchment, papyrus scrolls, or book without the author's express prior written permission. Jimmy rushed into the house, anxious to get online. During the long bus ride home the seventh grader had overheard two high school boys talking about a website. 'That,' he thought, sounds mad kul.' He was anxious to check it out. The boy walked into the house and called out in a loud voice as he made his way to the kitchen. "I'm home, mom." He could hear her moving around upstairs as he grabbed a granola bar and ran up to his bedroom. Jimmy was what his older brother called an "Oops baby." His mother admitted that he'd been unplanned, but had quickly added that both she and his father loved him very much. He had no doubt that was true, but sometimes felt like he was an inconvenience. Dropping his backpack by the door, he turned on his laptop for appearances sake. He knew better than to try to use it to access this particular website. When his 'rents had bought it for him they'd activated the parental controls. He knew there were ways around the software, but it was too risky. His dad periodically checked the computer; he'd notice if the software was removed or disabled. That was okay, though. His nineteen-year-old brother, his putative roommate, was off at college with his own laptop. His side of the room was like a museum, left untouched except during his increasingly rare visits. There, forlorn and forgotten on his desk, was the computer he'd used in high school. Knowing how overprotective their parents could be, and wanting his little brother to have the advantages he, himself, had enjoyed, Cory had given him the password to that antique computer, with strict instructions not to let his parents know he was using it. Jimmy understood why when he found his brother's extensive porn collection. 'I guess that's what he wanted to share with me,' he thought sadly. 'It's too bad I can't tell him I like boys.' Closing and locking the bedroom door, Jimmy turned on his brother's computer then changed out of his school clothes while it booted up. His mom insisted that he wear long pants and shirts with collars to school. Something about making a "good impression." 'As if,' he thought, 'anybody cares.' Even most of the teachers wore tee-shirts; some even wore shorts. The lanky preteen skipped past the Firefox and Chrome browsers, opting to use the much more private Tor "darknet" browser. He typed and was instantly underwhelmed. 'No pictures,' he thought as he examined the text interface. He saw a long list of announcements, none of which was of particular interest to him. He noticed, though, that it said there were 235,000 stories by over 10,000 authors. 'Wow! That's a lot!' In the center of the screen he saw buttons labelled [Gay Male], [Bisexual], [Lesbian], [Transgender], [Authors] and [Search]. Expectantly, he clicked the first button... and was faced with another list! 'What the fuck? They said this was a hot website!' He clicked the link for the first category, "Adult Friends," and found himself staring at yet another list! Frustrated, he was on the verge of closing the browser when he noticed some of the titles. 'Nothing subtle here,' he thought, laughing out loud. Intrigued, he clicked on one at random and finally found himself reading a story. No time wasted with plot or character development, the story got right to the point. He felt his hairless little dick stiffening, but no way would he risk jacking off with his mother moving about the house. 'The shock,' he laughed to himself. 'She still calls me her 'little chatterbox.' The shock might kill her.' Only after he was in bed did he feel safe taking his pleasure into his own hands. 'More like fingers,' he thought ruefully. 'I hope that growth spurt comes along soon." He giggled. "Spurt... rhymes with squirt; at least I can do that now!' He read on, but was quickly dissatisfied. He tried to picture himself as either of the characters, but couldn't like he did in some of his favorite adventure and sports books. He exited back to the list of files. 'Maybe,' he thought, 'I can find something better.' He clicked on one file, then another and another, but was unable to find anything with which he felt he could connect. He backed out to the next level and selected the very last category, "Young Friends." This time he wasn't surprised when he found himself looking at another long list of filenames. He picked one at random. This one worked for him. Though the story was set in another country and the main character was three years older, he found that he could identify with him. He'd known for years that he liked boys, so he could definitely identify with the fifteen-year-old's "boy watching" on the beach. He laughed at the author's reference to a "wank bank" of mental images of cute boys, thinking 'I like that word.' The descriptions were excellent and Jimmy found himself imagining himself in the place of the teen hero of the piece. He stopped when he realized that the boys to which the teen was attracted were too young for him. Thinking 'This is a good story, but not for me,' he clicked back to the file list. He clicked on a story set in a middle school. The very first line pulled him in. 'Oh yeah,' he thought. 'I can remember the first day in junior high school gym class.' He was only twelve, so that wasn't long ago. He grimaced at the frequent grammar errors. 'Mr. Peters would hate this,' he thought, picturing his English Composition teacher handing it back with a big red "D." But he sure could identify with this boy as he maneuvered through junior high. He laughed when he got to the description of a the main character deep-throating another boy's "seven inch rod of steel." His hand on his own tiny dick, he muttered "Yeah, right." He laughed even louder when he read that the main character also sported a seven-inch cock, then decided to move on. He hoped to be that big "down there" someday, but couldn't identify with either of these boys right then. He clicked out of the story and moved to another. Eventually, Jimmy found some plot-driven, character-based stories he could inhabit. That had been what he enjoyed about some of his favorite "Young Adult" books, and he'd hoped to find it here, as well. Several authors indicated that they enjoyed hearing from readers, so when he liked a story he emailed to say so. He was disappointed that none of them wrote back. 'I guess,' he thought, 'they're busy. One of his emails read "hey!! i just found and read your three chapters and wanted to tell you i think they are maxi mad awesome and hope you write more k? like i like the sex stuff lots and all but i like how it is between the two boys too you know? like that there are feelings and all i mean. k... bye thnx for writing your story!" He was shocked when he got a thoughful reply from the author, giving him an update on the story and thanking him for his feedback. He wrote back, and the author wrote back yet again! Feeling like he and the author had a connection, he revealed more about himself, though he remembered what his brother had told him about staying safe online. After all, he didn't know anything about this man, except that he wrote stories about sex with and between kids. For all he knew, the guy could be a dangerous predator, like on the TV shows his mother liked to watch. Jimmy and the writer continued their correspondence, the author gladly accepting Jimmy's feedback on his stories, as well as story ideas. The man never asked him for anything inappropriate like pictures, but offered only friendship. That was all he ever asked in return. --------------------------------------------------- Did you like this story? Want to hear more? What, if anything, do you think SHOULD happen next? Email me at