Search Help

Performing a Search is pretty self explanitory. Simply enter the criteria you wish and press the search button. The system will return all web pages that match ALL the requirements you specified. The results are sorted with the highest rated document at the top.

You can specify any of the following when searching:

  • Specify the site to search. By default all of ASSTR including JoeMomas stories are searched. You can also specify just JoeMomas stories or the entire internet. Note that only web pages that were explicitly added to the index will be reported. If you have a favorite story or web page, feel free to add it. See adding stories below for more information.
  • You can search by content type. Presumably most people are interested in stories however this system will allow for other content on the internet to be added as well.
  • The most common filter you will likely use is to specify a category. These include general topics, sexual orientation, age and race criteria. As noted above, the search will only return those items that match ALL the specifications you indicate.
  • You can filter the list by rating. Specifying n/a will disable rating filtering while picking an option will limit the results to stories that are rated at that level or higher.
  • You can also specify a starting date, ending date or date range for the search. The date is the date the story was added to this index, not when it was originally uploaded to ASSTR. If you remember the last date you searched previously and enter that in the start date, you can use this feature to keep up with newly added files.

In addition to the normal searching options, you can also browse submissions by the users that submitted pages or people who bookmarked pages. Searching by person may help you find someone with similar interests and locate stories that are more appealing to you.

After you press the search button, a list of web pages are displayed. You can click on any one of the following three links for any story:

  • Direct link - the story is opened in a new tab/window for viewing.
  • Cast vote - allows you to rate the story from best to worst. Some authors may have embedded a voting bar in their story directly. Presumably the majority haven't. Once you view the story you can press this link to submit a rating. You can also use this link to report a story that is miscategorized, has a dead link or is to prohibited materials. Please don't report something just because you find it offensive. Only flag those items that have crossed the legal line. Once you report an item, our moderators will review them as time permits and update, block or remove the story.
  • The title of the story will either take you directly to the story or to a page that has the story embedded within a frame along with the rating buttons. Some websites block display of their content from within a frame. Where we know about this, we have tagged the site for direct display. If you view a document this way and it doesn't display, please check the direct link before reporting the link to be dead. It maybe that the site operator has just blocked framed display.

Pages can be added to the index by anyone. Simply go to the add page and enter the information and press submit. Note you may submit stories annoymously or you may login and submit the stories under your name. One of the advantages of submitting under your own user account is that you will be able to go back and update the categorization, description and other elements. You can also quickly see a list of all the stories you have submitted and their ratings.

On the add page, you will be required to enter the URL of the page you want to add to the index. Open that page in a separate window and cut/paste the URL from the address bar of your web browser into the corresonding question. You are also asked to fill in a title and description. These are optional but highly requested. Finally you are asked to categorize the story. Be sure to verify your answers to all questions before hitting submit. Once submitted, you will not be able to go back and change anything if you are submitting anonymously.

Submittal guidelines:

  • Readers - Please only submit files you come across that you really like. The goal is to build a resource for finding peoples favorite items.
  • Authors - feel free to submit all your stories. If you divide your work into multiple chapters, it would be best if you created a master page for the specific work and submit just that master page rather then every single chapter. Feel free to rate your own stories too. Just be honest. Again, the goal here is to help people find the good stuff, not necessarily just to self promote. You may want to create an account and login before submitting your stories rather than submitting them anonymously. You will then be able to quickly see how your stories are rated by choosing the appropriate link once you login.
  • Porn site operators - I know you make money by driving traffic to your site. Please don't come here and submit a million links. I'd prefer people who are doing this for a living not submit anything here. As noted above, we are looking for stuff consumers feel are the best. If you fill this index with nothing but junk, no one will use it and visit your site anyway. Where we can, moderators will take action against you including perminently blocking your entire site.
  • General guidelines - Please don't include content that you do not have the rights to or is illegal to view. Space is limited so if we start to run out of storage, low rated materials may be purged to make room for new submissions.

  • Special thanks to the folks at for hosting the index.

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