Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs24 3- 618-FMF \par \par \b\fs28 Fantasy Sharing Leads to Special FMF Encounter.\b0\fs24 \par A brief, true story about the FMF fun this guy enjoyed with his girlfriend and her roommate.\par \par Received on 2-7-05\par \par Joan,\par \par I was purusing the craigslist pages when I saw your 3some posting... I've only had that pleasure once, but it was great, so I'll share the story.\par \par The one time I've had the pleasure of two women was with my college girlfriend, who I dated for several years. She and I had a very close relationship. We travelled together and shared everything. Our sex life was great, but we both expressed an interest in physical involvement with other people. We talked quite openly.\par \par One day, I brought up a recurring dream I'd been having. It started with me in her room late at night with us fooling around on her bed. As was befitting the college setting, she lived in a small room with one roommate and a bunk bed. In the dream, I was standing up eating her pussy while she lay on her bunk. The lights were off, her roommate was asleep and I was licking and sucking away. At one point, the roommate wakes up and figures out what's going on. Without asking, she pulls my cock out of my pants, and starts sucking on it. The dream ends after a few minutes in that position.\par \par I was reluctant to tell her about my fantasy, but her response was not what I expected. "Damn, that's hot!" We talked about how beautiful her roommate is, and a bit about having a threesome, but made no plans.\par \par A few months later she and I were having dinner with her roommate at my house in NY. From the start, there was an electric energy in the air. We ate with a purpose. A few bottles of red into the evening, we decide to relocate to the living room. I sat on the couch, and the ladies sat on either side of me. It started with a kiss from my girlfriend.\par \par The next thing I knew, both of them were on their knees in front of me, taking turns sucking on my dick. I came in her roommate's mouth, and continued to jerk off while the two of them ate each other out. While my girlfriend was eating her roommate out, I grabbed her by the waist and started fucking her from behind. She was moaning and screaming like I'd never heard before.\par \par Before the night was up, we had done just about everything that could be done with two girls and a guy. I'd been to the garden of paradise and it was GOOD.\par \par The threesome never led to any further romantic involvement between me and my girlfriend's roommate. There were no hard feelings or bruised emotions. We'd had fun, enjoyed each other to the fullest, and moved on.\par \par I'd recommend bringing another person into an open-minded relationship to anyone who's ever considered it. For those who haven't, it's probably not the right thing. I think the key to it's sucess (in my experience) was open communication and honesty. Communication of interest, from dream to reality, made it possible.\par \par Hope this helps someone somewhere... if not, at least I had fun writing it!\par \par }