Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\b\f0\fs28 Our Second Pre-Marital Menage-A-Trois \fs24\par \b0\par The three of us had one night of sexual fun the previous week. I thought it'd be exciting to watch my sexy girl friend out with us, and dancing with another man. \par \par John was game for it, and took us in his big Oldsmobile to a country and western bar he liked. It was kind of a slow night at the place, but we danced with Julie plenty of times. I'm sure she enjoyed it, having both us men wanting her to dance with us.\par \par We left early, and Julie rode between us in the front seat. It was too dark in the car, so I couldn't see well, but I'm sure there was some fiddling about between Julie and John on the way back to the house we stayed in. Must've been. \par \par I opened the door to my room. Julie and he came in behind me, and immediately they faced each other to started kissing and groping. Wow, I hadn't expected things to go so fast. But evidently they were hot for each other, as it had been a few days since our first and only threesome together.\par \par They kissed and groped and hugged each other just a minute, and then fell to the floor right on the spot. In a flash, Julie had her pants down, her panties too, and pulled one leg out of them so she could open her slim sexy legs for John. He wasn't far behind. He had his pants down in no time, and they started to fuck right then! Damn! \par \par I was stunned and didn't even sit down to watch. I just stood there until John finished a few strokes into Julie, her wonderfully warm and tight little pussy bringing him to the edge in seconds. I remember watching him raise himself up on one arm so he could pull his cock out of her and stroke it to send a shower of cum up on Julie's breasts and firm tummy, small drops of glistening pearly semen all over my girl's body. It was a real turn-on!\par \par After she wiped the cum off, I could see Julie was still very excited. I could see her smiling and looking at John with a lot of intensity. What the hell I thought, I'm tired and have to get up early for work, it was Friday night and they both had Saturday off, so I suggested that Julie go upstairs and spend the night with John in his room. No problem, they were both into it, so I watched them climb the stairs arm-in-arm, and I went to bed soon after.\par \par The next day about mid-morning I got a rush, a thrill, a boner, thinking Julie was probably giving John some good morning head at about that time. \par \par Sure enough, Julie later recapped her morning, and it included a wake-up knobber for John. Fun! John was a lucky guy. I was a lucky guy. And Julie, who loved to have cum shoot into her mouth, considered herself the luckiest amoung us.\par \par It was fun to be generous, to share my girlfriend like that. And I knew she really liked briefly being with another guy. I mean, the first time they were together, the sparks really flew. He came in her mouth four times, and in her pussy once that night! And on their second night, Julie got him off several more times within her pussy and mouth.\par \par I loved fucking her afterward, knowing those lips of hers had been gripping and stroking another man's cock not too long before. And knowing she would be all fired up, wild to have sex me. And she was! \par \par It sure was great having another man being part of our sex life. I just wish Julie was still into it. Marriage and kids have a way of changing attitudes. But there are plenty of rewards with that, and we have great memories of those two times with John. We still keep the threesome fantasy alive, just for fun. Maybe again in the future.\par }