
Island Fever 6: Sanctuary
Written by: JeremyDCP@hotmail.com

M/F, F/F and a whole lot more

Chapter 05: "Quintessential"

              -*-  Friday, October 7, 2016  -*-
                    -*-  The Island  -*-

   Morning sunshine serenaded down a lushly green hillside and
sparkled across the glimmering waters of the mighty Pacific.  
Atop the hill, a light, ruffling breeze, ripe with its tropical 
flavor, sent colorful leaves meandering along the stone walls 
of the pavilion.  I took a break from installing light fixtures
to rest my arms on the top rung of the stepladder.  I never had
mixed well with heights, and doing electrical work 20 feet above
the edge of a cliff had me temporarily questioning my sanity.
But functional lights were necessary for Lindsay and Alison's
wedding next weekend, and the view, I must say, was spectacular.
   A resort boat motored across the bay.  Aboard it, Kristanna,
Devon and Scarlett, along with Kaden, Ariel and Dylan, were
enjoying the day and what it had to offer.  Kristanna and Devon
would soon go scuba diving - that was their plan, I was told
earlier - while Scarlett stayed up top and watched the kids.
I chuckled inwardly, thinking of the name Kristanna gave that
boat a few years back - _Unsinkable II_.  So very like her.
   I tightened a bolt, unsure why the mansion had been in need
of so many oddball repairs since we returned to it two weeks ago.
Sure, our family had been away for over a year, but I rarely
had issues with routine upkeep during all of the time I lived
here in the past.  It was perplexing, but I chalked it up to 
the age of the mansion - it was built back in 1994 - and had 
taken a serious beating from inclimate weather over the years.  
And I had dealt with one minor issue after another since
returning, like this sudden need to re-wire the outdoor pavilion.
   I finished installing the light and rubbed circulation
back into my fingers.  Sitting aside our 22-month-old daughter
at the picnic table below, Pamela glanced up at me and offered
a polite, simple applause.  More like a golf clap, actually, 
which was degrading coming from her, but in an amusing way.
   "Yay!  You're getting better!" she teased.  "200 more hours
of that and we'll sign you up as an apprentice technician."
   "I wouldn't know what to do with the extra pay."
   Pamela giggled as Piper sat across from her at the table,
our daughter curiously poking at the laptop computer in front
of her.  It had childproof lock software installed on it, so
Piper could tap away at the keys all she wanted, and there
was no need for us to worry about potential data loss.
   Pamela turned her attention to Piper and smiled brightly
at her.  "What'cha doin', babe?"
   "TV," she mumbled in response.
   "What do you want to watch?"
   "_Super Why!_," Piper said, referring to an educational,
animated cartoon geared toward infants and toddlers.
   "_Super Why!_..." Pamela sang.
   "Watch _Super Why!_," Piper said, motioning for her mother
to take control of the laptop and bring the show to fruition.
   "Okay," Pamela nodded.  "If you're gonna watch anything, I
like it that it's _Super Why!_."  She began typing away on the
keyboard and loaded up an on-demand episode of the show, then
put the lock back in place and turned the laptop toward Piper.
   Pamela gasped.  "Michelle?"
   Piper nodded.  "Mee-shell.  Edorg."
   "Michelle is little?  What show is that on?"
   Pamela tilted her head and looked at Piper intently.  
"_Full House_?  Can you say... _Full House_?"
   "Foo hoss," Piper managed.
   "Good job!  You love watching _Full House_ too, right
honey?  That makes me so happy... I used to love that show
when I was a little girl too!"
   When an episode of _Super Why!_ began playing on the laptop,
it had Piper's undivided attention.  For a few seconds.
   "YEAH!" she screamed out.  "Go dare!"
   "You wanna go there?" Pamela asked, pointing at the images
on the monitor, and Piper nodded.  "It's not a place you can
go.  It's a cartoon.  You can't go there, honey."
   When one of the characters on the program asked another to
say her name, Piper gave a big smile and chirped, "Elena!"
   Pamela laughed.  "Silly girl!  Your name is not Elena!"
   "ELENA!" Piper screeched.
   "That's your middle name!  What's your first name?"
   She was silent for several seconds, focusing on the screen,
the wheels spinning in her little brain.  "Pie-pah."
   "Say... Piper Elena!"
   "Pie-pah Elena."
   I climbed down the ladder and repositioned it, but noticed
Piper was now looking at me, and pointing toward one of her
stuffed toys, a figurine of Elmo from _Sesame Street_.  I
handed the furry red guy to her and she promptly hugged it.
   "ELMO!  ELMO!  Hey Elmo!"
   "Hey Elmo!" I greeted the toy in kind, running a hand
through the blonde mop atop Piper's head.
   "You want Elmo to watch _Super Why!_ with you?"
   Piper nodded at Pamela.  "ELMO."  She then made a funny
face and forewarned, "Get you, Mama, my pity!"
   Pamela broke out into a rage of laughter.  "I'll get you,
my pretty?  Ha, ha, ha!"  She then looked at me and explained,
"Krissy taught Piper and Kaden that this morning.  That's what
the scary witch says... I'll get you, my pretty!  Ha, ha, ha!"
   "Are you a scary witch?"
   "NO!" Piper huffed at me.
   I smiled at our daughter.  "What's your name?"
   "Piper?" I retorted.  "Is it Piper Elena?"
   "ELENA!  ELENA!"  She got out of her chair and stood tall,
then belted out at the very top of her lungs, "ELENAAAAAA!"
   "That's... a little too much," Pamela said, pointing a
motherly finger at her.  "Settle down, honey."
   I lumbered back up the ladder and began work on installing
another light.  I tilted my head and let the trade winds cool
my face.  From the ladder, I watched as in the far distance,
Kristanna back-rolled into the ocean from the boat with her
scuba gear on, joining Devon in the depths.  Man, it sure
would be nice to go diving with them here off the coast of
the island just like old times.  Soon, I told myself.  First,
I had other things to take care of.
   "Are you going to clean your room today, Piper?" Pamela
asked her.  "You and Dani Grace?  Your room is a mess."
   "Can't, Mama," she responded, shaking her head, a serious
pout on her face.  "Both muh legs... broke."
   Pamela giggled at Piper.  "Both your legs are broke?  Oh,
I'm so sorry, honey, that is so unfortunate.  But once we go
back inside in a bit, you're going to clean your room."  Piper
vehemently shook her head as Pamela added, "You know how I
incredibly upset I get when you have a messy room."
   "A zip line?" I heard an approaching voice say, and quickly
pinpointed it as belonging to Alison.
   "Yeah, a zip line," Trish nodded, walking alongside Alison
as the two ladies stepped onto the pavilion, hand-in-hand.
"Do you think you would like to try going on one with me?"
   Alison shook her head.  "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't."  She
flashed Pamela a friendly smile, then knelt down in front of
Piper and hugged the toddler to her.
   "Hi Piper!  Wow, you look so pretty today!"
   "We already know that you're not afraid of heights," Trish
said to Alison.  "So, what's the problem?"
   "Uhhhhh... just the idea of jumping off the side of a
mountain."  Alison's eyelids went narrow as Trish laughed in
response at her.  "What?"
   "It's not like that at all.  You're strapped into a harness
and it is perfectly safe.  Plus, I would be there with you."
Trish put her hands on her hips and offered Alison quite the
steely glare.  "I thought you told me that you're the
adventurous type."  The statement sounded like a challenge.
   I grinned at Trish.  She was confident, extremely gorgeous,
physically fit was an understatement, and had a wonderful aura
of positive energy that constantly surrounded her.  And for the
second time, she had thrown down the gauntlet with Alison.  The
first time Alison picked it up two weeks ago, Trish taught her
to surf and she fell in love with the sport.  It was thrilling
to Alison.  This second time would undoubtedly be even more so.
Not many things were more exhilarating than zip lining.
   Or potentially more dangerous.
   "You want me to jump off a mountain with you?"
   Trish shrugged her shoulders.  "I'll catch you."
   "Oh, wow..." Pamela bubbled, eyeing them both, reaching out
and offering Alison's right hand a tender, reassuring squeeze.
"Trish would never let anything bad happen to you, baby."
   "I'm heavier than I look."  Alison's words were nonsense.
   "I know exactly how heavy you are," Trish chuckled, her grin
lush and erotic.  "You've spent a lot of time... beneath me,
in recent months.  On top of me too, for that matter."  Alison
blushed a crimson red at the visual those words created.  "So
what do you say?  We could go up to Amy Valley and try the
zip lines there."  Trish glanced up at me as I was still
perched atop the ladder.  "Don't worry, Jeremy.  I inspected
all of the lines and gear, the equipment, up there while you
were in Pennsylvania with Krissy and Devon."
   I nodded at Trish, trusting her on this.
   "All right," Alison relented.  "I'll try it."
   "Great!  You won't be disappointed."  Trish was looking
directly at Alison's lips, her eyes dark with desire and
innuendo.  She wanted so much to kiss her right now, I could
easily tell, but held back because Piper was present.  We
tried to limit random displays of affection around the kids.
   Alison smiled.  "Don't promise me something that you
cannot deliver, adventure girl."
   Sensing the shift in mood, as well as the fact Piper did
not need to be here to catch onto anything she should not,
Pamela stood up from the table and took our daughter by the
hand.  "Hey, chick.  Let's go and see about cleaning your
room.  We can find Aunt Amy and Dani Grace, and Dani Grace
can help you do the cleaning since it's her room too.  You
have so many toys and dolls on the floor.  Afterward, you 
can finish watching that episode of _Super Why!_."
   "Mama!" Piper whined, clearly detesting this particular
idea.  "Can.  Not.  Keen!  Legs... BROKE!"
   Trish bursted out into laughter.  "What?"
   "Your legs are not broke," Pamela chided Piper, leading
her past the sliding glass door and into the mansion.  I
waved goodbye at them as Pamela added, "Come on, honey.  Stop
saying that... it's not good to be a fibber, you know."
   "NO!" Piper responded, full of defiance.  "MA-MAHHHHH!"
   With Piper in the house and now safely out of the way,
Alison backed Trish into a chair on the pavilion and then
straddled her lap.  She swung both arms around Trish's
shoulders and smiled down at her before covering her lips.
   "Oh my," I murmured from atop the ladder, observing, as
Alison feasted on Trish's lips before exploring her mouth
with equal fervor and attention.  These two ladies had been
all over each other ever since Alison fully committed to the
family and our way of life back in April of this very year.
   For Trish, at least in the beginning, Alison was a carbon
copy of the most treasured person in her life, Lindsay.  The
two were nearly identical sisters and less than two years
apart in age.  The intense physical attraction for Trish made
perfect sense.  It played a huge role in the early days of
their budding relationship, but Alison had distanced herself
from Lindsay's shadow in the eyes of Trish - and everyone
else in the family, for that matter - in the time since.
   Trish really enjoyed it that Alison, with some prodding,
was willing to try new and exciting things.  Whereas Alison
now wanted to go surfing nearly every day with Trish, Lindsay
was scared to put one foot into the ocean.  She was positive
that a massive, hungry shark (_Jaws_, as she called them) was
lurking out there, waiting for her to go into the ocean.  And
zip lining?  There was no point in Trish even asking Lindsay
if she wanted to go zip lining, because the answer would be an
emphatic no.  But Alison?  The lookalike, the little sister, of
the woman she loved most?  Alison was willing to try zip lining.
At Trish's behest, she tried diving - and fell in love with it.
She was willing to try anything that Trish wanted her to.
   The most amazing thing to me about Trish was that, very
simply, she was fearless.  Nothing intimidated her.  If Trish
wanted something, she went out and took it.  She was supremely
confident, but not arrogant, and certainly not egotistical.
Nothing seemed to faze her.  Sharks swarming in the water?  Ha!
Zip lining over a 2,000 foot valley?  No sweat.
   The best story I have about Trish and her fearless nature
can be traced back to August 2014, when I married Pamela in
The Bahamas.  In the days leading up to the wedding, Trish
got the idea that she wanted to go bungee jumping at a local
place that offered it.  Trish had never been bungee jumping in
her life, yet showed no hesitation in taking a swan dive off
of a 270 foot platform with nothing but cement below.
   Her next jump?  Trish was strapped to a bicycle, and went
pedaling off the edge.  And the final one?  A moped.  I still
remember thinking _this chick is nuts_ as the cord stretched,
and Trish bounded up and down in mid-air, strapped to a moped
(and revving its engine high, of course).  It was, without a
doubt, the craziest thing that I had ever seen anyone do.
   But that was Trish.  She lived for the moment and thrived
on exhilaration.  Her soul mate, Lindsay, was much more
reserved when it came to anything remotely dangerous, and
typically shied away from it.  Thus, enter Alison.  Trish and
Alison were becoming quite the hot item, in part, because
Trish could get her to take a few risks that Lindsay would not.
Still, Lindsay was Trish's favorite.  That would never change.
   As the two ladies continued to kiss, Trish's hands were
busy.  With one she cupped a breast, making lazy swipes across
an erect nipple with a tank-top and bra concealing it.  With
the other, she alternately pinched and massaged Alison's sweet,
little ass.  Trish thrusted her hips upward and Alison slid
about easily, coming to rest over her toned, rippled abdomen.
   When Alison broke the kiss, only to move down Trish's neck,
paying particular attention to the spot just beneath her right
ear, Trish turned her head and noticed that I had descended
from the ladder and was now standing directly beside her.  The
33-year-old enchantress smiled dreamily at me, her brown eyes
flickering, as she reached out and ran the length of her long,
supple fingers along the hard, aching bulge in my shorts.
   "Where is Jackson?" I quietly asked her, referring to our
eight month old son.
   "He's napping now, but Lindsay and Amy promised to watch
him for a few hours because Alison and I wanted to go out and
enjoy the sunshine," Trish responded, now gently gripping and
squeezing my erection.  Alison gave me a sideways, furtive
glance, but went back to kissing Trish's neck and shoulder.
She was literally purring like a kitten while doing so.
   My heart stuttered as I gazed down at the lovely Trish.
My wife was wearing black tennis shoes, white shorts, and
a white polo shirt with horizontal orange stripes across her
sides.  A pair of sunglasses on top of Trish's head kept her
wind-blown, chestnut brown hair away from her eyes.
   "You know there is no way that I will allow you and Alison
to go on the zip lines unless I am there, too."
   "Then come with us," Trish simply told me.  "I know,
Jeremy, of your eternal need to protect and watch over us."
   "Guardian of his harem!" Alison sneered in a deep tone.
   "We're not in a harem," Trish snapped back, grinning.

                           * * *

   No more than 15 minutes later, I sat in the passenger seat
of my old and battered, yet trusty 1987 _Jeep Wrangler_, with
Trish driving beside me, and Alison nestled in the back.  The
higher the _Jeep_ climbed the mountain, the rougher the road
and the thicker the brush became.  The overall beauty of the
island, however, was astonishing to Alison.
   Powerful earthquakes and enduring rainstorms over millions
of years had formed the island into arduous valleys, craggy
cliffs, and sprawling flatlands.  The end result was a natural
sculpture, an island paradise of fauna and flora, ringed by
massive rocks, coral reefs and swirling riptides.
   We were driving toward a breathtakingly beautiful valley
(aptly named Amy Valley in 2013 by Lindsay) on the southern
end of the island.  From the golden sand beach at its
surging shoreline, Amy Valley swept six miles amongst sheer,
cathedral-style walls reaching as high as 2,000 feet.  The
island's largest and most awe-inspiring, majestic waterfall
(Lindsay Falls) tumbled down 1,200 feet from its rear cliffs.
The panoramic view there was simply mind-blowing.
   Once we reached our destination, Trish and Alison took a
seat on the park bench overlooking the valley as I gathered
an assortment of helmets, harnesses, water bottles and first
aid equipment from the _Jeep_.  Alison, though, seemed to be
much more apprehensive than before at the thought of soaring
across the adjacent ravine by way of a pulley and cable line.
   "Don't worry.  Jeremy and I will not let anything happen to
you," Trish implored, as if she was reading Alison's mind.
"The lines are rock-solid secure; I checked on them myself.
Jeremy has volunteered to go across the drop first."
   "Okay," Alison frowned, clenching her fists in her lap.
   Trish shifted about and grasped Alison's hands.  "Oooooh,
you're so cold.  There is no need to be nervous, honey."
   "I've never done this, but I'm being brave."  Alison did
not sound convincing at all.  She was pale and her hands
appeared to be clammy, in addition to cold.
   I considered suggesting that we cancel the zip line ride,
at least as far as Alison was concerned.  If she was _this_
afraid, what was the point?  What good would it be for her?
I know that Trish wanted Alison to have fun with her; share
another discovery, another experience.  But at what cost?
   "Really, I'm fine," Alison insisted.  "Just jitters."
   "Back out at any time you want," Trish nodded.  "No one is
forcing you to do this, Ali."
   Reluctantly, I went over the safety instructions of zip
lining for Alison.  I also did it as a reminder for Trish, 
though she had done this many more times in the past than I 
had.  Soon we were wearing tacky white helmets and leather
harnesses, and I was the first to step up onto the platform.
The metal cable was secured to a massive steel pole.  I
trusted Trish and her word that she had done a thorough safety
inspection while I was previously away in Pennsylvania.  I
hooked my pulley to the line, took a deep breath, and jumped.
   I sailed effortlessly across the 50 yard canyon, some 800
feet high in the air, and landed safely on the other side.
   I had a radio piece in my ear, and could hear every word
that was said between Trish and Alison.  I could also, if I
wanted, communicate back with them as well.
   "Alison?  You sure you want to do this?" Trish asked.
   I heard Alison gulp her throat.  "I do."  I watched as in
the distance, Alison stepped up to the ledge and glanced down.
She seemed utterly petrified, but wanted to go through with
this.  Perhaps it was the trust that she had in Trish and I
that was giving her the strength and courage to do so.  Yet,
she was doing her best not to cry from all the fear.
   "Okay, jump off any time that you are ready.  Jeremy will
catch you on the other side.  Trust me, it's fun."
   Alison stepped off of the platform and into the unknown.
The harness around her hips fully supported her weight,
allowing her legs to dangle free.  The air rushed onto
Alison's face, blowing back her hair, but she was certainly
too scared and uptight to enjoy it.  The whine of the pulley
across the metal cable was the only sound that I heard in my
earpiece, save for Alison's accelerated, rapid breathing.
   All it took was a matter of seconds, and Alison was quickly
approaching the landing platform.  I was shouting words of
encouragement and she landed directly in my arms; I caught her
and held on tight, making sure she was on solid ground.  I
then unhooked her pulley from the cable and hugged her to me.
Her body shivering, she promptly buried her face in my chest.
Alison and her emotions seemed to be spiking to unbelievable
heights.  I could tell that she was still scared, yet amazed
that she had actually went through with this, and the ensuing
experience - those few seconds - was out of this world to her.
It was undoubtedly a rush that she had never felt before.
   I looked upward just in time to notice that Trish was
practically flying toward us across the ravine.  She was
clearly enjoying herself.  Trish was smiling and glancing in
every direction, and not just at her hands gripping the pulley
straps as Alison had done.  She nailed the landing with ease,
scoring a _perfect 10_, like an eagle soaring in from flight.
   "What did you think?" Trish asked Alison before I even had
the opportunity to unhook her.
   "It was great!" Alison hyperventilated, yet trying to relax
at the same time.  "Now that I've done it once, I know what to
expect and will hopefully enjoy the remaining five lines even
more.  Wow, that was awesome!"  She shook her head and ended,
"How come you're always right about everything, Trish?"
   The Maple Leaf princess from Toronto smiled at her.  "I
knew that you would love it, honey.  But wait until the last
one!  It's the longest one, and will take your breath away.
You get to soar over Lindsay Falls!"
   Alison was more hyper and animated than I had ever seen her.
Her cheeks were flushed and a divine smile filled her entire
face.  Actually, that smile was what took _my_ breath away.
   I kept a close eye on Alison as we zipped along the other
five lines that traversed various canyons throughout the
valley.  The harness around Alison's waist emphasized her
taut, little ass, and subsequentially made her booty shorts
creep up even higher on her firm, tanned thighs.  It was
quite a sight to behold, and put devious ideas in my mind.
Was the open jungle a bad place to give Alison a spanking?

   After returning to the mansion and enjoying a light snack,
I changed into my swimming trunks and grabbed a towel and
some extra sunscreen, and then followed Trish and Alison to
the beach.  After all, why not?  I still had a few repair
jobs to take care of around the house and its grounds, but
would this day of fun and adventure truly be complete unless
these two ladies had the opportunity to go surfing together?
   Settling into a lounge chair and making certain that every
exposed inch of flesh was covered with sufficient sunscreen,
I watched Alison either ride the waves or fall off of her
surfboard almost as quick as she got back up each time.  The
20-year-old was gorgeous in her two-piece string bikini, its
tribal colors contrasting well with her golden blonde hair.
   Yet Alison was still a novice surfer at best, a true
beginner.  But as much as I tried, I could not stop watching
Trish, admiring her athletic body, and the aura of supreme
confidence and positivity that filled the air around her.
   I was fascinated as Trish turned her surfboard a complete
180 degrees and dropped into a prone position.  An instant
later, she paddled out into the churning waves.  Trish, very
unlike Alison, was a seasoned surfer with a skill-set, a vast
knowledge of this sport, practiced over and over.  She had a
true mastery of the waves, as if being able to anticipate what
would each new one was about to do.  The sun shone down bright,
illuminating Trish, as she expertly rode a huge, majestic wave
to shore.  It seemed to take no effort on her part at all.
   Trish emerged from the depths and shook her head several
times, flinging salt water from her thick and luxurious brown
hair.  She then glanced my way and offered a warm and sincere
smile, the wet-suit she wore like a second skin, leaving very
little to the imagination.  I had seen Trish in much less many
times in the past, of course, but damn it if the form-fitting
blue neoprene covering her flawless figure from neck to ankle
was perhaps the sexiest thing I had ever witnessed.
   I offered a smile of my own in return, to which Trish
nodded, but then she turned and focused her attention onto
Alison.  The sun was still high in the sky behind Alison,
reflecting off the crystal-clear blue ocean and the crashing
white waves.  Alison was sensuous, charming, engaging, and
oh so alluring.  I appreciated the beauty of all women, no
matter their shape or size, backgrounds, educational levels
and/or professions, but the stunningly hot ones like Alison
(and Trish, for that matter) definitely caught my attention.
   Alison's wedding with Lindsay was a mere eight days away,
and I must admit it had been a personal, private goal of mine
to see to it that she was pregnant (and showing) during the
ceremony.  I mean, what could be better than Alison marrying
Lindsay with my baby growing and nurturing inside of her?
Alison was gorgeous, yes, but the added weight gain, those
new curves, and a full belly - much like Pamela had now, with
being over six months pregnant - was a real turn-on for me.
It was the apex, the pinnacle, the zenith, of womanhood to me.
   Just the thought alone of sweet and innocent, little Alison
being pregnant with my baby was enough to get my cock hard,
and make me shift about in the lounge chair on the beach.  Oh,
what a beguiling sight that would be!  It was still a goal of
mine, but I felt disappointed that we were not able to make
it happen before her wedding night with Lindsay.
   And what of Lindsay?  What if I had gotten her pregnant
(again) too, and she married her pregnant sister this coming
Saturday?  Hmmmmm... that had been a goal for me as well -
_both_ of them pregnant - a selfish one, but it was not coming
to fruition.  What if they were as far progressed as Pamela, 
and invited me to their suite on the wedding night?  A torrid
three-some with two pregnant women?  Why not invite Pamela as
well, if that was the case?  Oh my...
   Alas, it was still okay to dream.  Wasn't it?

                           * * *

   Dinner, as usual, was outstanding.  Amazing.  Delicious.  I
devoured my plate of slow roasted apple glazed pork loin, rice
pilaf, hot German potato salad, and a hearty appetizer of
lobster cheddar bay biscuits.  Amy certainly knew her way
around the kitchen, and how to fix the perfect meal.
   I took my time and enjoyed dinner, listening to and carrying
on with of all the various ladies in their endless chatter, and
paying much-needed attention to each of my children.  Yet my
focal point this day, and on into the evening hours, seemed to
be none other than Trish.  The zip lining adventure in the
valley and the subsequent surfing display at the beach had me
sort of hooked on Trish for the time being, and not wanting to
let go.  Alison broke off from us earlier, and then Trish and I
played two rounds of putt-putt golf at the athletic complex.  I
eventually asked her to spend the night with me, alone.
   After dinner was complete, I helped Trish and Lindsay put
Jackson and Kaylee to bed in their cribs, respectively, and
then made the rounds for the rest of the children until they
were all down and snoozing as well.  Then I made my way to
the living room, where I had agreed to meet up with Trish.
   There was not even a word said as when I stepped into the
living room, Trish kissed me.  We had been flirting with each
other at dinner, playing _footsie_ underneath the table, yet
did our best to keep it appropriate in front of the little
ones.  Now we were alone, and had free reign to do whatever
our hearts desired.  And that entailed quite a bit.
   With our lips entwined in a passionate kiss, Trish reached
up and began to undo the buttons on my dress shirt.  With just
the top part open, she slipped her right hand inside and rubbed
it upon my bare chest, then grinned with content pleasure.
   I placed my own hands upon Trish's shoulders and backed her
against the side wall of the living room.  I then broke our
kiss and glanced down at her body, appraising it.  Trish, as 
could be expected, was looking mighty fine.  She wore a pair 
of tight, form-fitting denim jeans and an even tighter blue top,
a portion of its fabric tied in a knot right at her midriff to 
showcase her physically fit and toned, ripped abdomen.
   "You look outstanding, as usual."
   Trish smiled in a flirtatious manner and jutted her chest
outward, accentuating the shape and form of her full, D-cup
breasts.  She was very proud of her body (especially after
giving birth a mere eight months ago) and was not afraid to
show it off.  Trish enjoyed being the center of attention.
   "Can we go outside and watch the sunset?" Trish asked,
motioning toward one of the big picture windows overlooking
the ocean in the distance beyond.  The sun was in the process
of setting and the sky was starting to turn orange.  It was a
breathtaking visual, and one I could not deny Trish.
   "Of course," I responded, escorting her out to the veranda.
   The Pacific sprawled out in front of us, all the way to the
horizon, where the sun sat brilliantly on the glistening water.
The sky seemed to be on fire, making the view from the island
even more stunning and picturesque.  A cool breeze blew in
from the sea and I luxuriated in its scent of saltwater and
sand for a brief moment, letting it overtake my senses.
   But Trish had different ideas, naturally, leaning up and
surprising me with yet another kiss.  And just like that, the
passion was re-ignited between us.  Our lips parted and my
tongue moved in for a taste.  My hands drifted from the small
of Trish's back all the way up to the nape of her neck.  I
could feel the definition of her smooth skin and body tone, 
even over her top, and it turned me on even more.  I wanted 
to feel Trish's naked skin, her wondrous curves; all of her,
and all at once.  It was _all_ I wanted right now.
   Trish slowly broke our kiss and then brought her lips down
to the side of my neck.  My jaw fell open and I let out an
audible gasp as she trailed her lips and tongue across the 
sensitive area.  My body was suddenly burning with desire and a 
hard, yet highly familiar ache began to take form down below.
   Trish pulled away and glared at me.  Her eyes were glazed
over and there was an expression of wanton lust across her
face.  "I'm glad you asked me to spend the night alone with
you, Jeremy," she told me, her tone strained, yet controlled.
"You and I don't get this opportunity near enough."
   "Kiss me," I told her.
   Trish did as I asked and smashed her lips to mine yet
again.  Blistering and hot, our tongues tangled together in a
maddening frenzy.  Whatever inhibitions we may have had about
being in such an open area quickly faded away and were
replaced by relentless need and aggression.  I allowed myself
to surrender to my most carnal desires concerning Trish.
   My hands drifted down her back.  I loved the way her taut,
shapely ass flexed with even the tiniest touch of my fingers,
let alone a full-on grope from my hands.  I could not get
enough of Trish's incredibly sleek legs either, one of which
wrapped itself around my upper thighs as I pulled her closer.
   After a moment, I again broke our shared kiss and led
Trish, by the hand, across the veranda to a circle of padded
patio furniture in the corner.  In front of us, there were
hints of purple mixed in with the brilliant orange as the sun
continued its slow descent into the horizon.  Soon the stars
would begin to show and the air would become even cooler as
darkness would invariably take over.
   "You about wore poor Alison out today with all that zip
lining and surfing, Trish," I said.  "She should rest well
tonight."  I chuckled softly and added, "You're in love with
Alison.  But you've never met an 18-, 19-, 20-year-old sweet
and innocent, little blonde girl that you weren't attracted
to.  I remember how you acted when you first met Lindsay."
I chuckled again.  "I'm right, aren't I?  Don't deny it."
   Trish smiled coyly and sat down upon one of the elegant
lounge chairs, then patted the one next to her.  The bulge
in my trousers had grown to monumental proportions, pushing
out against the fabric.  Yet seeing my arousal triggered
something within Trish and clearly turned her on even more.
She wanted my cock badly.  Soon, I would give it to her.
   I crawled onto Trish's own padded lounger, pushing her
shoulder with one hand and cradling her head with the other
as I gently lay her down.  I nipped at her exposed neck,
dragging my teeth along the tender, delicate flesh.  Trish
shifted about and wrapped both legs around me this time.
I splayed more kisses along my wife's neck and then her
face, and then pressed the bulge in my slacks against the
joining of her of her denim-clad thighs.  The friction sent
a wave of pleasure cascading amongst us as we dry humped for
a few fleeting seconds, and Trish moaned in response.
   "Jeremy," Trish whispered, full of need.
   I moved my face downward, toward her chest, and began to
worship the shape and contour of her full, luscious breasts
even through the tight and stretchy cotton top she had on.
The 33-year-old sighed again, her lips parted, arching her
back and jutting her breasts upon my appreciative face.  Yet
the top was in my way, and I wanted to have it all.  I wanted
to kiss and ravage every square inch of her naked body.
   "Let me take this off," Trish said, as if she was reading
my mind, propping herself up on her elbows.  I moved back for
an instant and watched as Trish quickly undid the knot at her
midriff and pulled the top over her head.  She tossed it to
the ground, then unhooked her bra and did the same.  Those 
breasts, full and scrumptious, were divine perfection.  Trish,
eyeing me intently, then relaxed back into the deep cushion,
sprawled out in front of me.  "Your turn," she said.
   I chuckled at her tone of voice, which sounded more like a
demand than an actual request.  I complied, unbuttoning the
rest of my dress shirt and shrugging it from my shoulders.
Trish bit her lip and purred when I reached down to take off
my belt.  I stood up and stripped all the way down to my
boxers.  After a brief pause, I got rid of them as well.  My
cock stood out proud, hard and erect, ready to plunder.
   Taking in the view, Trish crooked a finger and motioned
for me to return to her in a sultry, wicked manner.  I did
just that, but not before undoing the front snap on her denim
jeans.  I slid the garment down her hips and thighs, and took
off her shoes for good measure.  Trish kicked away what little
remained of her jeans and slid a hand underneath the waistband
of her panties, those chocolate brown eyes still fixated on me.
I whisked her panties off in a flash, revealing that Trish had
two fingers in her pussy, with two more stroking her clitoris.
   Before I could focus too much on her masturbation display,
I stepped forward and slid my cock into Trish's sweet mouth,
claiming her, nourishing her, as I stroked her hair with my
hands and held her head at the same time.  I began to buck
about and thrust gently, the flared tip of my shaft gliding
back and forth over her hungry, extended tongue.
   Those beautiful eyes, wide and looming, were staring up at
me as Trish continued to pleasure her wet pussy with four
fingers.  I could have easily flipped her over or even pressed
her face to the floor and popped my cock into her pussy from
behind.  Right now, I think Trish would have given anything
for me to do just that.  But I had another agenda.  I wanted
to luxuriate in her lips, to fill her mouth with my thick,
hard shaft until she was throbbing with uncontrollable desire.
   Yet Trish managed to turn the tables on me, so to speak, and
soon I was the one nearly out of my mind with maddening lust.
   With her well-honed cocksucking skills, Trish's exquisite
mouth and squeezing hand quickly pushed me toward the razor's
edge.  Wanting to seize back control, I steadied my grip
around Trish's head and began to pump and thrust even faster
than before.  Suddenly her delicate hand was gone and my cock
was going deeper, and Trish began to audibly gag and choke, 
but I wasn't about to let her go.
   My shaft went in and out continuously, seeking the back of
her throat.  I breathed heavily but stayed silent otherwise,
not uttering a word for the time being.  I did not even grunt
with pleasure.  I simply thumped Trish's warm, velvety mouth,
her beautiful face, as I held her head steady with my hands.
The sound of my cock plundering her wet mouth filled the
outdoor veranda along with Trish's own moans of ecstasy as 
she began to get swept away by the moment.
   Now it was my turn to read Trish's mind and give her what
she wanted most.  I took a step back and then thrusted my
hard cock deep inside her wondrous pussy in the missionary
position, making her tight, inner walls stretch and strain
to accommodate.  I began stroking away in a firm, controlled
rhythm, wanting to preserve what little energy I had left.
   Trish's brown eyes were about to burst as I impaled her
with every thrust.  She had her arms linked around my torso
and was hanging on for dear life.  I picked up the tempo and
pounded Trish hard and fast now, slamming my cock into her
with reckless abandon until she was at the brink of madness.
An orgasm was definitely brewing; my job was to trigger it.
   Trish came while I continued to thump away at her, not
slowing for even a second, as her pussy combusted around my
cock as if it was a sexual supernova.  Every muscle within
Trish's body tightened as she arched her spine and rode back
against me, her hungry pussy trying to clench and drain the
seed from my cock.  But I held steadfast; I was not done yet.
I was not done with Trish by a long shot.
   For all her wailing and writhing, I kept thrusting away at
Trish.  And as one orgasm subsided away, just like the waves
on the shoreline, another took its place.  Trish actually
looked physically weak and spent, her naked body covered in a
thick sheen of perspiration, as a second orgasm overtook her.
Her arms were trembling around me and she repeatedly called
out my name.  Her pussy clasped itself around my cock in a
velvet grip that held me so tight that I lost total control.
   My body jerked and then I spasmed, my seed pouring inside
her, truly satisfied, the juices coating the ripe, fertile
walls of her pussy in thick, spurting gusts.  Was this Heaven?
I felt as if I had died and was knocking on Heaven's door.
   "Oh God, Trish."  I grunted and gasped for breath, my body
collapsing and falling on top of the gorgeous brunette.  I
found Trish's mouth and kissed her deeply as I hugged her to
me, my cock still embedded within her pussy.  And Trish clung
to me frantically in return, kissing me with whatever energy
she had left, all of her unbridled love swirling as the final, 
few aftershocks of orgasm ripped through both of us.
   In the moments that followed, I held Trish gently, wrapped
snug in my arms, and really had no plans of ever letting her
go.  I allowed myself to sink down into the ocean, the pure
essence, of Trish.  She enveloped me completely and I could
not find an escape.  Nor did I want to.  This was sheer bliss,
and actually had little to do with the sex.  It was just Trish.
   "I love you," I murmured into her thick, long mane of hair.
"Would you like to go back inside and to our bedroom?"
   "No."  Trish snuggled even deeper into me, her nose against
my neck.  "Let's here and enjoy the rest of the sunset."  She 
kissed my neck and added, "I love you too, Jeremy."
   I grinned and gently caressed her stomach with my right
hand, a little voice from within screaming at me that I had
just gotten Trish pregnant for a second time.  Never mind the
fact that I literally heard that voice saying those same,
exact words after every round of intercourse with the various
women in my life.  Still, Trish wanted to have another baby.
What if, indeed, we had just created one together?
   "Stay out here for awhile and enjoy the rest of the sunset?"
I chuckled in return.  "That sounds like an idea I can get
behind.  Or on top of, in front of, beneath, against the wall,
even in the shower if you want to take one later.  Whatever."
   Trish purred.  "We will try all of that tonight, trust me."

                <<<- End of Chapter 05 ->>>

==---- -- -- -- - --- -- --  -  - --- -- -- --- - -- - - - - --- -- ----==
"Island Fever 6: Sanctuary"

(c) 2016  JeremyDCP

- JeremyDCP@hotmail.com

Feedback is always appreciated!