
Island Fever 6: Sanctuary
Written by: JeremyDCP@hotmail.com

M/F, F/F and a whole lot more

Chapter 12: "AmyDCP"

   Hello to all!
   With the ongoing lull in the story as Jeremy continues to
rehab his back, I become the fifth and final guest author of
an "Island Fever" chapter.  Yes, that is right... it's Amy!
Pamela, Trish, Kristanna and Lindsay received the opportunity
before me, but now it is my turn.  As always, Jeremy tells me
to write anything I want.  This is my forum to speak my mind.
   In the previous chapter, Lindsay spoke a little bit about
the criticism that Jeremy has received as the primary author
of this story.  People do not realize just how much time and
effort he has put into writing this, and how difficult it has
been.  It takes a lot of his time, but the man loves to write.
If you add the entire series up, this is actually chapter 111.
Wow!  One reader pointed out a few years ago that chapter one
of the original "Island Fever" was nearly half the length of a 
normal paperback book all by itself!  Just the first chapter!
   For those of you, the readers, who have stuck with him (and
in all honesty, us) from the beginning, I thank you.  We thank
you.  The view counts have dwindled quite significantly since
the beginning, but you long-time and loyal readers are awesome.
And any new readers?  Double wow.  I can only imagine looking
at a long novel such as this and debating if I really want to
read 111 chapters from the very start.  The idea itself has to
be daunting, and I know it has turned several potentials away.
   Lindsay touched on this briefly last chapter, but things
were not quite as rosy and picture-perfect as the way Jeremy
portrayed them to be during the original "Island Fever".
Whether Jeremy was unaware or simply wanted to keep an upbeat
vibe going to lure in as many readers as he could, I do not
know, but several of us (the girls) were at odds with each
other during our first couple of weeks together on the island.
   I mean, how could we not be?  All of us had different
personalities, some more combustible than others, and Jeremy was
the lone man amongst us all.  Several of us were attracted to
him immediately, and there seemed to be a power struggle going
on over who should be the one to ultimately claim his heart.  I
was the first to seduce him, but I suppose Pamela was the one
who really made Jeremy notice her romantically.  But then Devon
swooped in (like a vulture, according to Pamela circa June 2013)
and tried to steal Jeremy from her.  Lindsay was next, and even
Trish, although both of them kept their attraction for Jeremy
bottled up inside a lot longer than most of us did.
   Jeremy did not lie or tell falsehoods during his early 
writings as all of the events he spoke of actually happened, but 
the fact of the matter is that there was a tremendous amount of 
jealousy and resentment going on in the background amongst us
girls.  Again, did Jeremy know about it?  Or did he choose to 
ignore it and sugarcoat the initial story?  I do not know.
   Pamela and Devon wanted to rip each others' throats out.
Trish often stared daggers through me because of the way I was
acting toward Lindsay.  And Kristanna?  Oh my, once Kristanna
arrived and got settled in, a nuclear war erupted between her
and Pamela.  Jeremy did touch on that, but much later on during
the first story, once everything was established.  But he did not
give their feud the amount of attention and depth it deserved.
   My point here is that, as someone who has actually lived
through all of these events (these chapters) from beginning to
end, and experienced them first-hand, I had an early criticism
of Jeremy the author as well.  But different than readers.  He
did not do a particularly good job of painting the real picture,
providing the real mood and theme, for our first three weeks on
the island back in June 2013.  Things were not perfect, or
anywhere close to it.  Oh, I know Jeremy spoke of a few certain,
select conflicts.  Pamela raging when she found out about the
voyeur room.  The feud she had with Kristanna.  About how angry
I was when nearly everyone walked out on my birthday party.  But
he did not give any of those situations the detail they deserved.
   There was the sequel, "Island Fever 2: Eternity", where all
of us (except Camille, who was long gone) had settled down and 
were in love together.  Pamela finally did the right thing and 
joined the family, and that story ended with Kristanna giving 
birth to Kaden.  It took us awhile, but we put our egos and 
jealousies aside, and realized that we had something truly special 
(our family) if we just learned to work together and share.
   "Island Fever 2" was going to be the end of the series, but
Jeremy felt compelled to write the very small side sequel,
"Island Fever 3: Matrimony".  It was only a mere six chapters
in length, but this was where the series picked up in my eyes,
and started to really shine.
   Do you remember it?
   Pamela was battling a serious case of Postpartum Depression
following the birth of her daughter, Piper, while Trish and
Lindsay were preparing for their mega wedding to take place in
Cincinnati (Jeremy did a beautiful job describing their wedding
in chapter six, by the way).  Yet from beginning to end, the
entire third story mostly focused on Pamela and her difficult,
very real struggle with a very dangerous illness.
   What Jeremy presented to the reader was not quite as peachy
and squeaky clean as what he had shared in the past.  It was
much more REAL this time, focusing on the negative instead of
the positive.  Some of his most loyal readers let him know it,
too.  Here is an actual comment that he received:

Jeremy, you know I'm one of your biggest
fans.  But this chapter was boring, way
too much talking about depression, I
found myself starting to skip paragraphs
cause you were just going on and on about
it. And then multi paragraphs about Amy's
parents, I felt like you were beating a
dead horse on the subject.

   Do not get me wrong.  I hated having to re-live a very dark
and torturous time for Pamela as I read through those chapters,
but I was incredibly happy that Jeremy decided to go that route.
He was sharing our reality with you.  That's right, our REALITY.
Nothing was sugarcoated or made to seem better than what it was.
Our family may be unique, may even be special, but we face many 
of the same struggles that others do on a daily basis.  Sickness.  
Arguments.  Screaming kids.  Infighting.  Bickering.
   "Island Fever 4: Paradise" was not planned, either, but it
just sort of happened.  In it, Trish's father suddenly died in a
horrific automobile accident, and we all went to Canada to
attend the funeral.  We ventured to the island afterward, but
Trish was not herself for the final 18 chapters of that story.
Aside from the surprising news that she was pregnant in chapter
12, Trish was mostly ruined for that story.  Her father was
suddenly gone, and it was devastated her.  It still does.
   I was pregnant with Dani Grace throughout all of the fourth
story.  I had to go to the hospital at one point during it too,
where it was feared that we would lose Dani Grace before she was
even born.  How awful of a time was that for me?  For us?  Jeremy
wrote about that, too.  Very in-depth as well, I might add.
   Near the end, Jeremy took Lindsay on a mini vacation to Ohio
where Lindsay went to visit her own father's grave site, and
actually "spoke" with him.  Lindsay losing her father at age 17
in 2012 was originally mentioned in chapter one of the first
story, and has been an ongoing arc ever since.  75 long chapters
later, Jeremy takes you, the reader, to her father's final resting
place and showcases Lindsay in her most vulnerable, rawest form.
Lindsay had news for her Daddy... she was pregnant herself, and
wanted him to finally meet Jeremy, her husband.
   Call me emotional, but I cry every time I read that part.
   And do not get me started on the masterful job Jeremy did in
"Island Fever 5: Family" as far as being totally upfront and
honest with the problems we were facing.  Trish's son, Jackson,
was born with a minor birth defect and needed ongoing medical
treatment.  Pamela's grandmother passed away, unfortunately, and
Jeremy accompanied her and Piper to Maryland for the funeral.
So sad.  There was Alison's transition into the family, and the
wedding for Jeremy and Scarlett, but things came to a screeching
halt once Kristanna gave birth to Ariel a full month premature.
   Always so incredibly headstrong and steadfast, the true pillar
and foundation of our family, Kristanna was in absolute shambles
as Ariel struggled to survive during her first few days of life
in the NICU.  Ariel made it home, but eventually went right back
to the hospital with a lung infection that kept her there even
longer.  Is it humanly possible not to become overly emotional
when reading chapter 14 of "Island Fever 5: Family"?  
   Jeremy detailed Ariel's trip and stay in the hospital, and 
how much of an emotional wreck Kristanna was.  He spoke of a 
toddler dying just a few doors down in the PICU and how it 
affected him.  Jeremy detailed going to a support group and a 
fellow father sharing his story about how he had lost his 
newborn, premature son in the NICU just days before he and his 
wife were going to be allowed to take him home.
   And my favorite chapter of all, 17.  The BEST chapter of the
entire series, bar none.  Jeremy recalling the past, all the way
back in 2009, when he first met Kristanna.  About how she saved
him, for all intents and purposes, during the lowest point of
his life.  He flip-flopped back and forth between 2009 and 2016
in the chapter, actually, and it ended with him finally returning
the favor and saving Kristanna when she needed him most.  A
truly wonderful read which, again, always makes me cry.
   Now, we have this story.  This sequel, "Island Fever 6:
Sanctuary".  The island is and always will be our sanctuary, but
no one ever envisioned Alison scheming and trying to backstab us
in trying to recreate her own family with an incestuous model.
We are still quite shaken up over her betrayal and, as Lindsay
stated in the previous chapter, Alison will NOT be coming back.
Not even over my dead body will she ever possibly return.
   How about Devon and that stunner at the beginning?  The reason
Devon refused to visit her family all these years, or let us have
any contact with them whatsoever, was because she felt shame and
horror because her father (who is now dead as well) sexually
abused her when she was growing up.  Who saw that coming?
   What story offers what this one does?  Where else can you read
about girls with overexaggerated, fake accents, gang-bangs (with
six, seven or eight women on one man), countless blowjobs, at
risk childbirths, cute chatter from one- and two-year-old babies,
fighting and backstabbing, lush tropical locations, sister
kissing, and even death?  Yet on top of it all is Jeremy, your
narrator, the most unassuming and kind-hearted man anyone could
ever possibly meet.  Jeremy is not the big stud who has done
nothing but brag about his lifestyle and what he has in life since
the first chapter.  I think you would get that in a story like
this.  Quite the contrary, Jeremy still, to this day, wonders why
all of us love him so much.  It is not his style to brag or speak
highly of himself.  Jeremy is about as low-key as anyone can be.
   And he is confined to bed right now in this part of the story
because of a bad back.  Jeremy's back, keep in mind, has been an
issue since the opening story.  He complained about it back then,
too, and it sometimes put him totally out of commission for awhile
(yet nowhere near like it has now).
   In my mind, at least, this "Island Fever" saga really picked up
and became a wonderful tale with the release of the third book.
Once Jeremy began to share our problems, notably the intimate and
more challenging ones, everything became so much more real to me.
It was real already because I have actually lived it, of course,
but the added drama really kicked things up a notch.  Jeremy has
held nothing back in recent chapters, and for that, I applaud him.
   The story, the entire series, will be ending very soon.  But
you can rest assured that our family will continue to love each
other and prosper, and that all of our children will grow up right
(there will be many more children to come, I'm sure, too).
   Most of all, I promise you that all of us will continue to
love and take care of Jeremy just as he does every day for us.
Some readers claim that Kristanna is the star of the story, the
entire series.  Some say Pamela, and a select few will even make
a strong case for Lindsay.  Hey, I have my supporters too!  Who
cannot appreciate the saga of a bad girl turning good? (Hi Ghost!)
   But the real star of the story is Jeremy.  Think about it.

   So... I will flashback to our first week on the island in June
2013 and give you, much like Lindsay did in the previous chapter,
an accurate depiction of what things were like.  I will also give
you a little glimpse of my viewpoint and personality at a time in
my life when I desperately needed saving as well.
   Thank you for eventually coming to my rescue, Jeremy.  I love
you for it. :)  I love you more than you'll ever know.

                            * * *

              -*-  Friday, June 7, 2013  -*-
                   -*-  The Island  -*-

/// Written by: AmyDCP ///

   "Come on, Pamela.  All I want is one little lap dance, just
like the one you gave me last evening.  Is it really too much to
ask that you do it in front of everyone?  Honestly?"
   Pamela recoiled back from me and my teasing, playful words, 
then looked around the large and spacious family room for someone
to come to her rescue.  Camille took a drink, but it was obvious
from the way that she was smirking as the glass traveled up to 
her lips that she had my back on this one.
   Pamela turned to Devon for a save, but she looked back and 
shook her head with indifference.  Devon was not on the best of
terms right now with Pamela after Pamela accused her of trying 
to steal Jeremy away from her following their first ever sexual 
encounter on Wednesday evening.  Devon had actually fallen asleep 
in Jeremy's arms and spent the night with him.  She and Pamela 
seemed to at least be somewhat cordial and talkative with each 
other at this point, which I suppose was a good thing, but there
was definite friction going on between them.
   "Look Amy," Pamela said.  "We had some fun together, but I'm
not quite sure I want to start offering lap dances in front of
everyone.  This is supposed to be a vacation for me, you know?
Not a reminder of my real, pathetic life back in Maryland."
   Devon's face softened and she reached out to touch Pamela's 
cheek.  Pamela blinked.  Not the type of reaction she expected.
   "Amy is just teasing you," Devon assured her.  "It is what she
does.  I think we all should know that by now."
   "Sure, that's right," I agreed.
   To be honest, I actually did want Pamela to give me a hot,
no-holds-barred lap dance in front of the other girls.  Very
similar to the one I received last night in our guest bedroom.  
Perhaps it would lead to an all-girl orgy?  Since Lindsay lost 
her virginity to Jeremy and Trish yesterday, perhaps Lindsay 
could join us too.  Pamela and Devon... they could kiss, and make 
up?  Maybe I could jam my pussy in Lindsay's whiny mouth and shut 
her up for once?  Seemed like a good idea to me, at least.
   This island and its atmosphere would be so much more fun right 
now if everyone took a step back and finally let their guard down.  
It seemed as if there was enough of Jeremy to go around for all 
of us.   Why did Pamela and Devon feel the need to be in 
competition over him?  Perhaps they feared he would fizzle out...
   But damn it, Pamela looked good in that pair of tight shorts.
   "I'm sure you've done your fair share of lap dancing in the
past, Amy," Camille chided.  "Come on, admit it.  I know there has
been at least one or two amateur nights in your recent past..."
   Actually no, I thought inwardly.  But I was reminded of the
day when Eddie, my ex-husband of three years, threw me out of
our house for the final time wearing nothing but a towel during
the dead of winter.  Not a pleasant memory whatsoever.  Eddie did
not take kindly to my ongoing affair with my boss, and his wife.
Things got worse when my boss soon broke up with me, too, and I
had to take a job waiting tables and tending bar at _Hooters_.
   I looked down and stared at my drink.  Spun it around a few
times and watched the alcohol swirl for a moment.  I sure did
miss the days of submitting to Master Jack and Mistress Kim.  I
was his secretary in the financial office for our workplace, but
he preferred to think of me as his "Personal Executive Trainee"
(you know, PET for short).  Eddie divorcing me was one thing,
but losing Master Jack and Mistress Kim, and then even getting
fired from my job for promiscuous behavior, it was all too much.
   Normally when a massive catastrophe like that happened in my
life, I would have crawled into a bottle for a week to try and
forget the world around me while attempting to drink myself into
suicidal oblivion, but I decided to do something else with that
recent tragedy.  Something constructive, and very different.
   I was reluctant to announce it to the majority of my friends
in Ohio, though.  Surely my new group of boyfriends would not
approve.  I saw this flyer back in December at the local health
club offering a six week, all-expenses paid vacation trip to a
tropical island in the middle of the South Pacific.  No strings,
no gimmicks, no hidden agendas, just a guarantee of at least
$100,000 in earnings for my time, and a shot at $500,000, all the
while being able to stay in a "multi-million dollar mansion" while
enjoying the "most deluxe accommodations and finest food available."
   How could I pass that up?  With $500,000, I could move to
someplace like Florida and get a brand new, fresh start in life.
Hell, I could even do it with $100,000.  I could move away from 
my uncaring parents and leave all of the troubles that Cincinnati 
had given me for my entire life behind.  I wanted out of that 
sleepy, little, boring town in the worst way possible!
   I was assured, as I received more and more information on the
island and what was expected of me as a guest in the coming weeks
and months, that I was headed to some sort of hedonistic sex
resort.  Those puzzle pieces seemed to fit together too easily as
I continued to gather information.  But now that I was actually 
here, I was not entirely certain that was the case.  Sure, the 
sex seemed to be plentiful, but Jeremy was way too passive and 
gracious of a host to demand anything like that from us.  He was,
for all intents and purposes, a kitty cat!
   It had been an ongoing mystery since our arrival to the island
some four days ago.  All of the girls had the same questions that
I did.  Why did Jeremy bring us here?  What did he ultimately
want?  And why was Jeremy paying us so much money if all he really
wanted was for us to live and coexist together for six weeks?  He
had forced nothing on us at all during this first week.
   "What's going on over here this afternoon?"
   I tensed at that voice.  What the HELL was she doing here now?
Why the hell did Trish have to come barging into a discussion that
I was having with Pamela, Devon and Camille?  Trish was the same
woman who threatened me earlier, after breakfast, by pulling me
aside into a corner and saying in a low, calculated voice, "If
you know what's good for you, Amy, you'll stay away from Lindsay
and stop harassing her.  Else, you will have to answer to ME."
   "Trish!" Pamela greeted her.
   Inside the family room, Pamela and Devon smiled at Trish, but
I frowned.  I had been with a lot of girls in my lifetime, but no
one quite like Trish.  She was way too overprotective of Lindsay,
but that was neither here nor there.  In a situation like the one
we found ourselves in, on this island, we all had to let loose
and just enjoy the ride.  At least, that is the mindset that I
have adopted.  Stop trying to shelter Lindsay, damnit!
   "So nice to see you, Trish," I said as I turned to face her.
We had not spoken since her little threat earlier.
   I did not know who Trish thought I was as I sat there on the
loveseat with the others mixed in around me.  I did not know why
she looked surprised when I turned and locked eyes with her, and
offered her a friendly greeting.  More than anything I did not
know why the stuffy bitch was actually on the island to begin
with if she was so intent on protecting Lindsay's innocence and
virtue.  18 years old and a virgin or not, Lindsay knew what she
was getting herself into by agreeing to come here.  Lindsay could
thump her Bible and its teachings all she wanted, but there was
going to come a time when I would eventually sink my mitts into
her (and several, various sex toys that I had brought along too.)
   "Amy," Trish said.  "I didn't expect to see you here.  I
figured you'd be off trying to seduce Jeremy again, doing what
you can to earn that $500,000 from him.  Fuck it from him."
   "Whoa now, settle down!" Pamela insisted, turning around and
motioning toward Trish.  "No more fighting between the two of
you today, okay?  There's been enough of that already."
   "Oh wonderful, SHE'S decided to join us," Camille said as
Lindsay strolled into the family room directly behind Trish.
"Did the two of you really have to ruin things by coming here
this afternoon?  Momma bear and little baby bear?"
   "You're just jealous that you're not with Lindsay."
   Camille looked away from Devon, not wanting her to see that
she was cringing.  Trish seemed to pick right up on it though.
   "Are you still angry, Camille, that Lindsay chose not to
dirty herself by having sex with you and Amy at the waterfall
on Wednesday?"  Trish wrapped a protective arm around Lindsay,
who seemed timid and pale with such words concerning her being
tossed about.  "That is no way for a girl's first time to happen.
Losing her virginity to a couple of barracudas like you and Amy."
   "Barracudas!" Devon snickered.  The nerve...
   "You should watch yourself, Trish," Camille warned her.  "You
may be gloating now, but it won't be long before you find yourself
on the outside looking in.  You cannot protect Lindsay forever."
   Trish glared at her.  "Yes, I can."  Perhaps that protective
arm Trish had around Lindsay was actually more possessive than
anything else as I watched the way she pulled her closer.  I
actually had no problems with Trish other than the fact that she
threatened me earlier.  I understood that she was looking after
Lindsay's best interests, though I would not admit that to anyone.
Still, I found her attitude to be way too stuffy.
   "Are you going to sit down with us, Trish?" Pamela asked.
   Trish stared daggers at Camille.  Not that it did any good
whatsoever.  Camille hit me with a wide smile which insinuated
that she was happy with the reaction she had gotten from Trish.
   "Speaking of jealousy and gamesmanship," Camille said to
Devon, "who is winning the battle for Jeremy between you and
Pamela currently?  You may have went to bed with Jeremy the other
night, Devon, but I'm sure Pamela and her mouth, those pretty, 
little lips of hers, will be sucking Jeremy's cock again really 
soon.  He seems to really like that."
   "Wow," Trish gushed.
   "Maybe it will just come down to which one of you blows Jeremy
the best," Camille sniped at Devon.
   "You really need to shut up and mind your own business,"
Pamela growled at Camille.  "You're looking to start trouble.
That's all you're doing.  And you love it."
   Damn.  I was starting to feel as if I wasn't with a group of
friends after all.  This was a den of angry vipers, and the
undisputed Queen of them all slithered in next to me on the
loveseat and scooted in close.  That earned Trish a sharp look
from me, but I chose not to say anything in response.
   "It's so nice being here with such great friends," she said.
"Don't you think, Amy?  No other place I'd rather be for the
next six weeks than spending my time with the likes of you and
Camille in isolation.  So what were we talking about?"
   "We were talking about our situation."
   "What situation?" Trish asked.  She looked around the room
and saw everyone staring at her.  "Come on, everyone.  What?"
   "Jeremy and what he wants from us, you dumb bitch."
   Trish smiled and took that insult in stride.  "I'm so sorry,
Camille, but I do not see how a nice guy like Jeremy could want
ANYTHING from a girl like you.  Has Jeremy even approached you
yet?  Spoken to you at all?  You're the only one of us who has
yet to have sex with him, let alone kiss him."  Trish made a face
and ended, "He probably doesn't want to catch anything from you."
   "You nasty, arrogant BITCH!" Camille spat back.
   Anger flared inside me.  Trish really deserved that after what
she had just said to Camille.  Or did she?  Camille started it,
actually, as usual.  I was trembling and about to explode and go 
off on one of my deranged tangents, but forced myself to take a
couple of deep breaths and let the ambiance of the island wash
over me and calm me down.  A fight was going to break out soon if
we did not watch it, and Jeremy would be none too pleased.  Would
he make good on his promise to send one or more of us home with
zero pay as a disciplinary action?  I did not want that at all.
   "Just settle down," I told Camille, my forearm curled around
Trish's stomach as she sat next to me.  Did I actually think that
I could hold this athletic chick in place?  With just one more
word from Camille, Trish was poised to pounce, and attack.

   "Good afternoon, girls."

   At the mere sound of Jeremy's voice, the mood and the overall
atmosphere in the family room changed.  All of the negativity and
bitterness was gone, replaced by fake smiles and tenderness.  Some
of us were hot and heavy after Jeremy, trying to win his affection.
Others were more concerned about the money at this point, and the
chance to walk away with the big prize ($500,000) at the end.
Whatever our motivations were, we could not allow Jeremy to see
us bickering and carrying on like a bunch of immature schoolgirls.
   Turning around in the loveseat, I found myself staring at a
woman's short skirt.  Ummmmm... who was this mystery lady that
Jeremy was with?  Glancing down, I took in the wondrous view of a 
pair of long, sleek legs.  Very impressive, despite my real mood 
at the moment.  Strong, feminine legs.  A runner's legs?  I saw 
her weight shift from foot to foot, toned muscles creating a
subtle symphony of curves that danced beneath her tanned skin.
   Who do we have here?  My mind was racing as I pulled my gaze
upward.  I found a tiny, slender waist, and that the short skirt
was actually part of a black, slinky minidress.  When my eyes
finally rose to her face, I found what appeared to be the most
Swedish of blondes, her red lips unusually full, her long, golden
hair brushed and styled to hang nearly to the middle of her back.
Her eyes were a deep, transparent blue, and they sparkled with the
clarity of the pristine ocean just a few hundred feet away.
   I sighed, suddenly realizing this was the woman that Jeremy had 
been telling us about since our first day on the island.  She was 
not from Sweden, actually, but rather Norway.  Yes, indeed... the
friend.  His so-called friend.  Encountered passport problems in
trying to get here early in the week, thus she was late.  She was
very blonde, wickedly fit and seemed quite fashionable.
   "You must be Christina?"
   The woman's left eyebrow rose as she looked back at me.  "No,
my name be Kristanna."  Whoa.  Was that an accent?  If it was, it
did not sound very authentic.  "Kris-stawn-na," she enunciated out.
I had a friend in Ohio who was born in Norway and lived there for 
nearly 30 years.  He spoke nothing like that.
   Nonetheless, I felt embarrassed that I had mixed her name up.
Kristanna?  I never knew of anyone with that name before.  It had
to be foreign, yes?  At the same time, I was quickly realizing
that this Kristanna was perhaps the most beautiful woman I had
ever met.  More than simply beautiful, she looked exotic in some
mythical yet indefinable way.  THIS was the computer wizard who
put together that long and tiresome questionnaire I had to answer
in order to even be considered to be accepted onto the island?
This was the woman, according to Jeremy, who made all of this
possible?  Without Kristanna's help, there would be no vacation
right now for any of us?  She was the brains of it all?
   I appraised those translucent eyes and that taut, perfect body.
This woman, maybe even six feet tall, belonged on a fashion runway
right now.  What was she doing on the island?
   "Ladies, I would like for all of you to meet Kristanna," Jeremy
announced to us.  "You've all heard me speak about her.  Her flight
finally touched down in Lima a few hours ago, and she was brought
here to the island via helicopter by a pilot friend of mine.
Kristanna will be staying with us for the remainder of your visit.
Treat her as you would any of your fellow guests... with respect."
   "Hi everyone," Kristanna said with a softly musical, friendly
voice, yet that accent was definitely there.  Oh, was it ever.  "I
be so happy to finally meet and greet all of yew, ya.  It vas such
a long trip to get here from Norvay, but I be glad dat I be here!
Da vedder vas so cold in Oslo last night, but it be perfect here.
But den again, vat do yew expect from da island, ya?"
   Elsewhere in the room, Devon was staring dumbly into Kristanna's
eyes, her body seemingly paralyzed, entranced by her beauty and
maybe even that accent (which I thought was fake).  Oh, it seemed
like poor Devon was experiencing love at first sight right now.
I had not seen one person stare at another like that since high 
school!  Devon wanted to wrap her arms around Kristanna and never 
let go!  Talk about a sudden infatuation...
   On the opposite end of the spectrum was Pamela, who stared at
Kristanna with narrow eyes, a look of total disdain.  Pamela was
clearly jealous of the fact that Kristanna was holding hands with 
Jeremy.  The two of them certainly seemed to be a lot more than
friends.  Kristanna and Jeremy, in fact, seemed like the perfect
couple together right now.  Pamela had her sights set on Jeremy,
no doubt, and seeing him with Kristanna clearly irked her.
   "Dank yew for letting me yoin yew all for yewr vacation in 
paradise," Kristanna added.  "I be sorry dat I could not be here
earlier.  Ran into some visa problems back home, ya."
   "It's so nice to meet you," Trish said, her voice softer than I 
had ever heard it, as she sprung up from the loveseat beside me and 
shook hands with Kristanna.  "Nice to put a face with the name."
   Kristanna flashed Trish the most beautiful, genuine smile I had
ever witnessed.  "I know yew."  She pointed a finger at her.  "Yes
I remember... yew be Trish!  I remember from yewr profile on da 
computer."  Did Kristanna go by photographs alone?  Strictly going 
off of their appearances, it was difficult to tell Trish apart 
from Pamela and/or Devon at initial glance.  All three of them were 
gorgeous blondes with petite bodies and centerfold-like curves.
   "Yes, I am Trish," she confirmed.
   "And dare be Lindsay, da little teen, Amy, fiery red, Camille
the hot Latina, Devon da sveetheart and Pamela da... entertainer."
Wow.  Kristanna nailed all of us and our identities in just one 
try.  She must have had a terrific memory.
   Wait a minute.  Did she just call Pamela an "entertainer"?  It
seemed to be a slip up on Kristanna's part, and Pamela did not
appear to be one bit pleased at the insinuation.  You would figure
that someone who had been a stripper since 2002 would not take 
such offense to things, but Pamela was different.  She was my 
room-mate and I was learning just how different she was first-hand.
Pamela did not like being associated with being a stripper at all.
   Or was Pamela still just miffed because Kristanna seemed to be
so chummy and cozy alongside Jeremy?  Pamela spoke to me about her
long-term intentions with Jeremy just last evening.  Most of it
revolved around a white picket fence in her home state of Maryland
and five screaming children throughout 40 years of marriage.
   I watched as Kristanna turned toward Devon and offered a bright,
glittering smile.  She could clearly tell that Devon was quite
smitten with her.  "So, Devon my friend," Kristanna said softly,
stepping away from Jeremy and moving over to Devon, only to slip
an arm through hers.  "How about da two of us go for a valk, ya?
Ve could... get to know each udder better."
   Still lovestruck, Devon simply nodded her head as she allowed
Kristanna to guide her way out of the family room.
   "I am gonna call yew Devvy from now on, ya."
   All eyes were on Kristanna, her body a blur of blonde hair and
long legs, until she disappeared around the corner with Devon.
   "She seems... nice."  Timid, little Lindsay finally chimed in,
like a Barbie doll.  Did Trish pull her string so she talked?
Amy's notes from current day, November 2016:

   Conversations were not always quite that contentious for us in
the early days, but the preceding at least gives you a little bit
of an insight to the way things truly were at times.  Obviously,
all of us (with the exception of Camille) learned to love each 
other and coexist as a family unit over time.  That domino effect
began with Devon, who set aside her visions and dreams of a
typical, one-on-one relationship with Jeremy in favor of a
three-way union which also involved Kristanna.  Trish was
eventually added to the family mix and once whatever differences 
she and I had were patched up, I was soon to follow.  All of this
happened very quickly.  Trish reconciled with Lindsay after their 
brief split, and then Lindsay was welcomed into the family with 
open arms as well.  And several months later, of course, Pamela 
returned to us and made it a seven-way, group marriage.
   Toss in Scarlett in the middle of the next year, and we are at
where we are today.  Yes, I have one husband and six wives.  As
Lindsay said in the prior chapter, let's stricken Alison from the
proverbial record and pretend that she was never even part of our
relationship.  Believe it or not, but Camille would be brought 
back to join the family long before Alison would even be considered.
   And Jeremy hates Camille.  And she will never be back, either.
That should tell you what our opinion is of Alison right now.
   I will take whatever blame that comes my way for my actions and
how I acted during the first couple of weeks on the island, but 
Camille was feeding me, so to speak, and constantly pushing my 
buttons in order to get me to say disparaging and hurtful comments
to the other girls.  I was mentally sick, and oftentimes confused. 
I would say something hurtful, for example to Trish and/or Lindsay,
then lay in bed later that same evening and ask myself how I could
have been so cold and heartless.  I would feel remorse, regret, 
and promise myself that I would never act that way again.  Yet 
when the next day came, the cycle would simply repeat itself.
   As I look back on things, Camille was just plain hateful toward
everyone.  She was not sick or unstable.  It was just who she was.   
By the time that Camille left the island, no one liked her.  At 
all.  Not surprisingly, the mood and the atmosphere on the island 
seemed to brighten and become much better the very moment that 
Camille was gone.  I was actually getting along with Lindsay at 
this point, and slowly began to make amends with Trish.  Not long 
after, Jeremy saw to it that I got the help that I needed.

   My own personal story began on June 24, 1982, when I was born
in rural Kentucky.  I was an only child, and my parents were never
there for me (or so I thought) as I grew up on the other side of
the Ohio River in a suburb of Cincinnati.   My grandparents from
my father's side were a positive influence, but they both passed
away when I was still really young.  My other grandparents?  My
grandmother died from syphilis in a mental institution, infected
by my grandfather, who caught it in Germany during World War II.
He committed suicide a week after his wife passed away.
   I battled ignorance and an inability to communicate as I grew
up and eventually became an adult.  Jeremy has made mention of
this before in the story, but the first boyfriend that I
actually lived with (at age 19) thought that a good way for us to
make money and actually be able to pay the rent for a change was
to sell me out to his friends, and eventually strangers.  Yes, my
boyfriend became my pimp, and whatever money that we had left over
went to his video game fund and any other gadgets he desired.
   I went through a long string of failed relationships that began
to chip away at my psyche and self-esteem.  I was physically beaten
on more than one occasion and found myself in the hospital as a 
result, but unwilling to point fingers at the offending boyfriend. 
I tried to act perfect and make everything seem perfect, but in 
reality, I was spiraling out of control.  I sought refuge in the 
cocaine dens in the seedy parts of Cincinnati.  I thought I could
find peace there.  Oh, how wrong I was.  I began to trade sex for 
drugs.  I became trapped for awhile.  I battled alcohol addiction.  
I continued to spiral downward on a path of self-destruction that 
cost me my career and very nearly my life.  It was not until I 
married a wonderful husband and gave birth to a truly spectacular
daughter that the light began to shine on me.
   But it was a slow, gradual process.  A tedious process.  First,
I had to acknowledge and then seek professional help for a
life-long struggle with depression and bipolar disorder.  Every 
psychiatrist Jeremy has sent me to over the years agrees that I 
am to never have another sip of alcohol again.  Like, ever.  Thus, 
I have been sober since July 2013 (likewise, I have been drug-free 
(thank God) since 2006.)  Never been close to a slip-up since.
   Then I had to come to terms with myself.  Once I stopped being
angry and arguementive, and tried pretending that I knew it all, I
was able to move on.  As trivial as it sounds, that is the honest
truth.  I gave Jeremy my heart and soul, and put my faith in him 
that he would help lead me out of the abyss.  I threw myself at 
the mercy my six eventual brides and pleaded for their help.  Even
Trish, once mortal enemies with me, hugged and caressed me, saying
that everything would eventually be alright.
   And finally I needed to come to terms with my parents.  The 
fact is, Mom and Dad are not uncaring parents.  They wanted to be 
there for me when I was growing up, and when I needed help as an 
adult.  It took me forever to finally admit this, but the problems 
I had with Mom and Dad were all my own doing.  I was too angry 
blaming them for all of the many mistakes I had made in life 
(depression, addiction, a failed marriage, et cetera) and, for
lack of a better term, I completely shut them out.
   Anger and lashing out at others was the only way that I knew
how to express and cope with my own continued failures in life.
   One day after swimming laps in the pool at our family home in
Norway, I accidentally kicked an underwater light, broke it, and
sliced my foot open.  Blood was all over the pool and the deck.
Lindsay happened upon me and feared that I had went into some sort
of relapse, that I tried to harm myself.  Not a happy memory.
   I vividly recall the day that Jeremy first took me to see a
psychiatrist in Peru's capital city, Lima.  For the first time
ever in my life, I felt that someone actually cared about me
that day.  Believe it or not, but I was under the impression
that Eddie, my ex-husband, never truly cared about me.  I was
simply a trophy wife for him and someone whom he had learned to
barely tolerate until my infidelity became too much, and I was
kicked out for good.  But Jeremy?  Jeremy actually cared.  He
wanted me to get the help that I so desperately needed.  The
idea seemed foreign to me, and I was flabbergasted.
   As a result, on the helicopter trip back to the island, I
found myself opening up to Jeremy.  I revealed things about my
family and myself that I had never mentioned to anyone.  In
fact, I marveled at the things I heard myself say that day.  I
even opened up about my drug problems years earlier in life.
   As soon as I mentioned cocaine, though, I regretted it.  I
thought it was going to be a deal breaker for any chance of a
future that I had with Jeremy, as well as Kristanna and Devon
(Trish and Lindsay, and obviously Pamela, were not committed to
the family yet.)  Why would someone as squeaky-clean and
straitlaced as Jeremy want to pursue a relationship, and who
knows, perhaps one day even marry, a former drug addict?
   I wanted to punch myself for telling him that.  Hurt myself.
   But as Kristanna likes to point out from time to time, Jeremy
is Jeremy.  He is the most understanding and caring man, able to
look beyond a narrow set of accepted behaviors.  Jeremy took my
admission in stride, asking when was the last time I "inhaled an
illegal substance" (seven years prior) and stating, in no
uncertain terms, that I was never to even think of doing it again.
   And oh yeah... Jeremy left that part about my prior issues out
with addiction when detailing that trip to the mainland in chapter
25 of the original "Island Fever" story.  Go figure, right?  That 
time, he did it on purpose.  Jeremy did not know how some of his 
readers would react knowing that I used to be a cocaine addict.
I was not the most popular girl in the story at the time, either.
   But I'm telling you now.  This is MY story.
   Some women fall in love with a guy because of his sense of
humor.  Others do it because he is gentle and kind, or perhaps he
is really nice to their mother... whatever.  With Jeremy, it was
the sense that I could trust him.  As I got to know Jeremy more
and more, I found myself wanting to tell him so much and find out
even more about him.  With Jeremy, it got to the point where I
felt as if I had nothing to lose by telling him the truth, yet
everything to lose by hiding it.
   All the while, Jeremy was amazing.  He would hold me in his
arms, cuddle me close, and let me draw from his strength.
   I soon realized that I could never lose this man whom I loved
more than anything else in the world.  Jeremy gave me peace and a
sense that things were always going to be okay.  If I were to fail
and somehow lose Jeremy, I would also lose something else he gave
me, that being the opportunity for me to love and care about
myself enough so that I did not have to self-destruct ever again.
Surely, I would go right back to the bottle or, even worse, 
inhale that illegal substance that Jeremy spoke of.

   Several months later in December 2013, Jeremy asked me to marry
him.  Never mind the fact that he was already married to Kristanna
and had just brought Pamela back into our lives.  It was during a
vacation trip to Cincinnati after we had left the island, and
Jeremy and I were in the driveway of my parents' home.  I was
horribly upset because I had just failed at reconnecting with Mom
and Dad yet again, but Jeremy calmed me down immediately when he
presented me with a gorgeous diamond engagement ring.  Jeremy also
gave me a silver heart locket that once belonged to his great
grandmother.  Inside was a letter that was the most beautiful
thing anyone had ever written to me.
   On Valentine's Day 2014, he and I were married in a small,
private ceremony on the farm in Norway.  I had never seen a more
handsome and dashing man than the way Jeremy looked that day.  My
bridesmaids (Kristanna, Pamela, Devon and Lindsay) were all
gorgeous in off-white gowns, as was the Maid of Honor, Trish.  As
for me, I felt like a princess wearing a one-of-a-kind bridal gown
inspired by old Victorian corsetry which featured machine-made
lace appliques that were hand-sewn on.  It also had a touch of a
vintage, classic 1950s ball gown.  When Jeremy and I shared our
vows and finally kissed, everyone in attendance cheered.
   In December 2014, I found out that I was pregnant.  Jeremy and
I had been trying to have a baby for quite some time, and
needless to say, I was bursting with excitement at the happy news.
I wanted to be a mother in the worst way possible, yet thought I
would never get the opportunity after having my "tubes tied" while
still living with that pimp of a boyfriend I once had in 2001.
If he was going to rent me out as a sex object so we could make
financial ends meet, I did not need to become pregnant.
   Yet Jeremy saw to it that I had a surgical procedure in the
summer of 2014 that reversed the original one some 13 years
earlier.  Still, becoming pregnant was going to be quite a long
shot for me.  The success rate of my latest surgery was no better
than 50 percent, and it was even less for me personally because 
of my advanced age at the time (32).  The doctor and attendants
at the hospital told me that I should not hold my breath.
   Needless to say, both of us were overjoyed when we found out 
that I was actually pregnant.  The entire family was, in fact.
   I was well beyond the grueling morning sickness that hit me
during the first three months of pregnancy, and though I felt
wonderful physically throughout most of the second trimester, I
worried whether or not our baby daughter would be born healthy.
With all of the drugs and alcohol I had done prior in my life, 
and the way I mistreated my body, I convinced myself that the 
chances were abnormally high that Dani Grace would be born with 
some sort of deformity.  She would come out... wrong.  I had 
various tests and sonograms done as often as possible.
   Each time, they came back fine.  The doctor told me to relax
and stop worrying about the self-imposed curse that I seemed to
have put on myself.  It was nonsense, the doctor insisted.
   I was six months pregnant when news came that Trish's father
had been killed in an automobile accident in Canada.  Seeing 
Trish, whom I had grown very close to, upset and distraught over
the sudden and unexpected loss of her father really had a negative 
effect on me.  I fell down in a listless heap, unable to control
my emotions, and was subsequentally rushed to the hospital.  I
thought for sure that this would be the moment where I would
ultimately have to answer for my prior sins and wrongdoings.  I
was going to lose my baby, I was certain.
   Fortunately, the wonderful doctors and nurses at the hospital
in Sandvika were able to save Dani Grace and, in turn, save me.
It was a miracle, I felt.
   But my fears really intensified once I got into the third and
final trimester.  Would my baby be healthy?  Would I be a good
enough mother for her?  I tried to keep the demons in check.  And
for the first time in my life, I felt fat.
   And big.
   And I was getting bigger.
   I stared at that due date on the calendar.  I wanted so much
to get that baby out of me, but was scared to pieces about what I
was going to do (and see) when that happened.
   For the first time in my life, I prayed.  I prayed, with the
help of Lindsay, for a good delivery.  But then my due date came
and went, and soon I was praying for the whole ordeal to simply
be over.  I went a full week beyond my due date.  Then ten days.
It was excruciating as I wondered if I would ever have the baby.
   Finally, on the afternoon of August 2, 2015, I went into labor
and eventually gave birth to Dani Grace at our hometown hospital
in Sandvika, Norway.  I remember hearing Dani Grace's first cry
and my doctor congratulating me as I cradled the tiny newborn
infant atop my chest and shoulder.
   Suddenly, my entire world changed.  I was actually a mommy!
As I held my daughter, the sun was bathing the room in a golden
light, and she was resting comfortably atop me.  I remember the
sensation as Dani Grace locked gazes with me for the first time,
her fluffy cheeks and nose radiating warmth, and then she opened
her mouth and took in a huge breath of air as she began to yawn.
When Dani Grace exhaled seconds later, I involuntarily inhaled.
The pure sweetness of the air that came out of her tiny lungs as
it entered my nostrils and filled my soul is undoubtedly the
most magnificent memory that I will ever have.
   I felt the greatest sense of relief when the doctor informed
us that Dani Grace was stable, perfect and healthy.  Still, I
counted her fingers and toes.  Then I kissed and caressed her,
and did all those little things that mothers do when they first
meet the child that has spent the previous nine months inside
them.  I was so incredibly pleased when she nursed without issue.
   In the 15 (and near 16) months since, I have been amazed as I 
have watched Dani Grace grow and mature.  I shower her with kisses
several times a day and thank God that He decided that I would be
a good enough and capable mother for this sweet, little lady.

   Late in my pregnancy and after Dani Grace was born, I was able
to finally find peace with my parents (with Jeremy's help, of
course.)  In June 2015, while he was on his mini vacation in
Cincinnati with Lindsay, Jeremy told Mom and Dad that I was
pregnant and I was having a rough go of it, and it would do me a
world of good if they could somehow make it to Norway and be there
to witness the birth of their granddaughter, Dani Grace.
   In Jeremy's version of the story, Mom and Dad finally became
the kind and loving parents that I had been lacking my entire life 
when they agreed to travel to Norway and be there for me.  But in 
reality, that was not the case.  It was me.  I finally broke down, 
and agreed to be the attentive and respectful daughter that Mom 
and Dad had always deserved, yet never knew existed.  For years, 
I blamed nearly all of my problems on them when the person who 
was actually at fault was me.  They were always an easy target.
   All of a sudden I was talking with Mom and Dad, I mean really
talking, as human beings, as two parents and a daughter.  We
were reaching out for one another, and it was a beautiful thing.
Mom held my hand as I gave birth to Dani Grace.  Dad was there
too, sharing in the happy moment.  Jeremy held my other hand,
coaching me the whole way.  My family was finally complete.
   Once Mom and Dad returned home to Ohio after the birth, I found
myself on the telephone with them for hours at a time at least
five or six days every week.  I really got to know my mother.
She understood my fears as a new parent and not only did Mom
listen to me, but she opened up about her own life in ways that I
had never heard.  We shared our vulnerabilities and, as a result,
we grew closer than we had ever been before.  It was amazing.
   On Christmas Day 2015, I received a telephone call from both
Mom and Dad.  They told me that there was nothing left for them in
Ohio, nothing keeping them and holding them in place there, and
that they had decided to move to Norway.  I was totally ecstatic,
overcome with emotion, as Mom and Dad promised to soon be a daily
fixture in not only my life, but Dani Grace's as well.  They were
moving to Norway, and bringing lots of love with them.  It was
the best Christmas present that I had ever received.
   A few months later, Mom and Dad moved into a house no less
than two kilometers from our family farm.
   My parents and I, along with Dani Grace, go out every Saturday
and Sunday morning (at least when we are home in Norway, and not
vacationing elsewhere.)  Mom and I have this certain affinity for
yard sales, and Dad is more than happy to go along for the ride.
Mom and I are always on the lookout for treasures or, as we both
joke, things we do not need but cannot live without.
   We invariably hit every antiques store and yard sale within a
100 kilometer radius of Sandvika each weekend.  In no way am I
exaggerating here.  All the while, I talk nonstop with Mom and
Dad.  It amazes me all of the things that we have to say to one
another after so many years of bitterness and separation.  It was
on those drives that I finally learned what I had been missing
out on for all these years.  My parents are really awesome.
   Mom and I would look at and purchase the cutest chairs and
tables, rugs, and various knickknacks at these antique stores
and yard sales.  Jeremy actually has a storage room in the
mansion for all of the surplus.  In all seriousness, I could
open my very own furniture store.  That's how much I stuff I have
from going out and having fun with my parents.
   Yet Mom and I continued to hunt for the perfect chair.  Then,
we started getting into clocks.  Oh my God, we love clocks!
After that, it was quilts.
   One day not too long ago, Mom gave me a quilt that she had in
storage.  It had been made by my great-great-great grandmother in
the mid 1800's.  She used to go to quilting parties, Mom explained
to me, and this particular quilt had been passed down throughout
the family in subsequent generations.  Mom then put her hand on
Dani Grace's face and that said one day, maybe 30 or 40 years from
now, I would give the quilt to her.

   I suppose I would like to end this chapter by saying that being
able to survive your mistakes, accepting and admitting past
transgressions, acquiring some wisdom along the way and learning to
like yourself really does make life better.  I am living proof of
it.  Hey, there will always be problems and issues that pop up out
of nowhere.  But if you truly like yourself, everything that
matters, all of your priorities in life, will improve.
   As I have felt better about myself in recent years, thanks in
large part to Jeremy and my amazing group of wives, I have become
stronger, wiser, smarter, healthier and ultimately happier about
who I am and why I was born into this world to begin with.  Dani
Grace will be my first and only child, and I am going to be the 
absolute best mother for her that I can be.  Trust me on that.
   Do you know what Jeremy constantly tells me?
   Jeremy says I am perfect... perfect in my own imperfections!
   From what I have been able to figure out, all of us are here
together and we invariably need one another.  We must look past
our differences as people and cultures, and even learn to accept
and embrace them.  Learning to ask for help when you need it most
is just as important as the value of helping others.  All of the 
people in my life, even the ones who have mistreated me, have been 
there for a reason.  I truly believe that.  I hope that I have 
been in their lives for a reason, a purpose, as well.
   It has taken me quite a long time, but I feel truly blessed
now.  At the end of the day, every day, I love life.  I love 
people.  And most of all, I love being me.  Finally.
   Thank you, Jeremy.  Thank you Kristanna, Pamela, Devon, Trish,
Lindsay and Scarlett.  And thank you, Dani Grace, my sweet angel.
All of you have shown me how precious and wonderful life can be.
Likewise, thank you, Mom and Dad.  I love you both.
   This has been my story.  I hope you have enjoyed reading it.

                <<<- End of Chapter 12 ->>>

==---- -- -- -- - --- -- --  -  - --- -- -- --- - -- - - - - --- -- ----==
"Island Fever 6: Sanctuary"

(c) 2016  JeremyDCP

- JeremyDCP@hotmail.com

Feedback is always appreciated!