AdditionalEducation.txt A new law in Denmark demands education before anyone
                        can work as a prostitute. A young girls get convicted
                        and has to undertake the course.
Banished.txt            As many others a girls is sent to a terapeudic
                        boarding school.
cartoonist.txt          Two Danish cartoonist are brought to trial in Iran
DomPeace.txt            A dominant wife is convicted for speeding and has to
                        do her punishment.
FightAIDS_asc.txt       Solving problems with AIDS in Rhodesia. Part 1-10
fightAIDS_asc2.txt      Solving problems with AIDS in Rhodesia. Part 11-12
fightAIDS_asc3.txt      Solving problems with AIDS in Rhodesia. Part 13-14
fightAIDS_asc4.txt      Solving problems with AIDS in Rhodesia. Final parts
Endoftheroad.txt        Should people have the right to end their own life?
GoodManners.txt         Behaviour modification of naughty youngster.
monday.txt              A bad day for an executioner
mothersconcern.txt      A mother feels the need to intervene, when her child
                        has done some wrong choices.
nightvisit.txt          A girl and her father is being kinapped. Not
                        everything is what it seems to be.
p.txt                   About injustice
Speeding.txt            More severe punishment in Denmark for speeding ?
supermodel.txt          A Danish supermodel accused for battery in a far
                        east country.